/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id: febase.inc,v 1.4 1998-03-02 15:22:48 Singular Exp $ */ /* * ABSTRACT: handling of 'voices' */ extern int noeof; int blocklineno; // to get the lineno of the block start from scanner Voice *currentVoice = NULL; FILE *feFilePending; /*temp. storage for grammar.y */ static char * BT_name[]={"BT_none","BT_break","BT_proc","BT_example", "BT_file","BT_execute","BT_if","BT_else"}; /*2 * the name of the current 'Voice': the procname (or filename) */ const char * VoiceName() { if ((currentVoice!=NULL) && (currentVoice->filename!=NULL)) return currentVoice->filename; return sNoName; } /*2 * the calling chain of Voices */ void VoiceBackTrack() { Voice *p=currentVoice; while (p->prev!=NULL) { p=p->prev; char *s=p->filename; if (s==NULL) PrintS("-- called from ? --\n"); else Print("-- called from %s --\n",s); } } /*2 * init a new voice similiar to the current */ void Voice::Next() { Voice *p=new Voice; if (currentVoice != NULL) { currentVoice->curr_lineno=yylineno; currentVoice->next=p; } p->prev=currentVoice; currentVoice=p; //Print("Next:"); } feBufferTypes Voice::Typ() { switch(typ) { case BT_proc: case BT_example: case BT_file: return typ; default: if (prev==NULL) return (feBufferTypes)0; return prev->Typ(); } } /*2 * start the file 'fname' (STDIN is stdin) as a new voice (cf.VFile) * return FALSE on success, TRUE if an error occurs (file cannot be opened) */ BOOLEAN newFile(char *fname,FILE* f) { currentVoice->Next(); //Print(":File%d(%s):%s(%x)\n", // currentVoice->typ,BT_name[currentVoice->typ],fname,currentVoice); currentVoice->filename = mstrdup(fname); if (strcmp(fname,"STDIN") == 0) { currentVoice->files = stdin; currentVoice->sw = BI_stdin; currentVoice->start_lineno = 1; } else { currentVoice->sw = BI_file; /* needed by exitVoice below */ if (f!=NULL) currentVoice->files = f; else { currentVoice->files = feFopen(fname,"r",NULL,TRUE); if (currentVoice->files==NULL) { exitVoice(); return TRUE; } } currentVoice->start_lineno = 0; } yylineno=currentVoice->start_lineno; //Voice *p=currentVoice; //Print("-----------------\ncurr:"); //do //{ //Print("voice fn:%s\n",p->filename); //p=p->prev; //} //while (p!=NULL); //Print("----------------\n"); return FALSE; } void newBuffer(char* s, feBufferTypes t, procinfo* pi, int lineno) { currentVoice->Next(); //Print(":Buffer%d(%s):%s(%x)\n", // t,BT_name[t],pname,currentVoice); if (pi!=NULL) { int l=strlen(pi->procname); if (pi->libname!=NULL) l+=strlen(pi->libname); currentVoice->filename = (char *)AllocL(l+3); *currentVoice->filename='\0'; if (pi->libname!=NULL) strcat(currentVoice->filename,pi->libname); strcat(currentVoice->filename,"::"); strcat(currentVoice->filename,pi->procname); currentVoice->pi = pi; } else { currentVoice->filename = mstrdup(currentVoice->prev->filename); currentVoice->pi = currentVoice->prev->pi; } currentVoice->buffer = s; currentVoice->sw = BI_buffer; currentVoice->typ = t; switch (t) { case BT_execute: yylineno-=2; break; case BT_proc: case BT_example: currentVoice->oldb=myynewbuffer(); yylineno = lineno+1; break; case BT_if: case BT_else: yylineno = blocklineno; break; case BT_break: yylineno = blocklineno-1; break; //case BT_file: default: yylineno = 1; break; } //Print("start body (%s) at line %d\n",BT_name[t],yylineno); currentVoice->start_lineno = yylineno; //printf("start buffer typ %d\n",t); //Voice *p=currentVoice; //Print("-----------------\ncurr:"); //do //{ //Print("voice fn:%s\n",p->filename); //p=p->prev; //} //while (p!=NULL); //Print("----------------\n"); } /*2 * exit Buffer of type 'typ': * returns 1 if buffer type could not be found */ BOOLEAN exitBuffer(feBufferTypes typ) { //printf("exitBuffer: %d(%s),(%x)\n", // typ,BT_name[typ], currentVoice); //Voice *p=currentVoice; //Print("-----------------\ncurr:"); //do //{ //Print("voice fn:%s\n",p->filename); //p=p->prev; //} //while (p!=NULL); //Print("----------------\n"); if (typ == BT_break) // valid inside for, while. may skip if, else { /*4 first check for valid buffer type, skip if/else*/ Voice *p=currentVoice; loop { if ((p->typ != BT_if) &&(p->typ != BT_else)) { if (p->typ == BT_break /*typ*/) { while (p != currentVoice) { exitVoice(); } exitVoice(); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } if (p->prev==NULL) break; p=p->prev; } /*4 break not inside a for/while: return an error*/ if (/*typ*/ BT_break != currentVoice->typ) return 1; return exitVoice(); } if ((typ == BT_proc) || (typ == BT_example)) { Voice *p=currentVoice; loop { if ((p->typ == BT_proc) || (p->typ == BT_example)) { while (p != currentVoice) { exitVoice(); } exitVoice(); return FALSE; } if (p->prev==NULL) break; p=p->prev; } } /*4 return not inside a proc: return an error*/ return TRUE; } /*2 * jump to the beginning of a buffer */ BOOLEAN contBuffer(feBufferTypes typ) { //printf("contBuffer: %d(%s),(%x)\n", // typ,BT_name[typ], currentVoice); if (typ == BT_break) // valid inside for, while. may skip if, else { // first check for valid buffer type Voice *p=currentVoice; loop { if ((p->typ != BT_if) &&(p->typ != BT_else)) { if (p->typ == BT_break /*typ*/) { while (p != currentVoice) { exitVoice(); } yylineno = currentVoice->start_lineno; currentVoice->fptr=0; return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } if (p->prev==NULL) break; p=p->prev; } } return TRUE; } /*2 * leave a voice: kill local variables * setup everything from the previous level * return 1 if leaving the top level, 0 otherwise */ BOOLEAN exitVoice() { //printf("exitVoice: %d(%s),(%x)\n", // currentVoice->typ,BT_name[currentVoice->typ], currentVoice); //{ //Voice *p=currentVoice; //Print("-----------------\ncurr:"); //do //{ //Print("voice fn:%s\n",p->filename); //p=p->prev; //} //while (p!=NULL); //Print("----------------\n"); //} if (currentVoice->oldb!=NULL) { myyoldbuffer(currentVoice->oldb); currentVoice->oldb=NULL; } if ((currentVoice->prev==NULL)&&(currentVoice->sw==BI_file)) { currentVoice->prev=feInitStdin(); } if (currentVoice->prev!=NULL) { //printf("exitVoice typ %d(%s)\n", // currentVoice->typ,BT_name[currentVoice->typ]); if (currentVoice->typ==BT_if) { currentVoice->prev->ifsw=2; } else { currentVoice->prev->ifsw=BI_stdin; } if ((currentVoice->sw == BI_file) && (currentVoice->files!=NULL)) { fclose(currentVoice->files); } if (currentVoice->filename!=NULL) { FreeL((ADDRESS)currentVoice->filename); currentVoice->filename=NULL; } if (currentVoice->buffer!=NULL) { FreeL((ADDRESS)currentVoice->buffer); currentVoice->buffer=NULL; } yylineno=currentVoice->prev->curr_lineno; } Voice *p=currentVoice->prev; delete currentVoice; currentVoice=p; return currentVoice==0; } /*2 * set prompt_char * only called with currentVoice->sw == BI_stdin */ static void feShowPrompt(void) { //if (currentVoice->sw == BI_stdin) { #ifdef HAVE_TCL if (tclmode) { PrintTCL('P',(prompt_char=='>')? 0 : 1,NULL); } else #endif if ((BVERBOSE(V_PROMPT))&&(!feBatch)) { fe_promptstr[0]=prompt_char; #ifndef HAVE_READLINE PrintS(fe_promptstr); #endif } mflush(); #ifdef macintosh cols = 0; #endif } } /*2 * print echo (si_echo or TRACE), set my_yylinebuf */ static int fePrintEcho(char *anf) { char *ss=strchr(anf,'\n'); int len_s; if (ss==NULL) { len_s=strlen(anf); } else { len_s=ss-anf+1; } // my_yylinebuf: int mrc=min(len_s,80)-1; strcpy(my_yylinebuf,anf+(len_s-1)-mrc); if (my_yylinebuf[mrc] == '\n') my_yylinebuf[mrc] = '\0'; mrc--; // handle echo: if (((si_echo>myynest) && ((currentVoice->typ==BT_proc) || (currentVoice->typ==BT_example) || (currentVoice->typ==BT_file) || (currentVoice->typ==BT_none) ) && (strncmp(anf,";return();",10)!=0) ) || (traceit&TRACE_SHOW_LINE) || (traceit&TRACE_SHOW_LINE1)) { if (currentVoice->typ!=BT_example) { if (currentVoice->filename==NULL) Print("(none) %3d%c ",yylineno,prompt_char); else Print("%s %3d%c ",currentVoice->filename,yylineno,prompt_char); } fwrite(anf,1,len_s,stdout); mflush(); if (traceit&TRACE_SHOW_LINE) { while(fgetc(stdin)!='\n'); } } else if (traceit&TRACE_SHOW_LINENO) { printf("{%d}",yylineno); mflush(); } prompt_char = '.'; return len_s; } int feReadLine(char* b, int l) { // try to read from the buffer: b[1] = '\0'; if ((currentVoice->buffer!=NULL) && (currentVoice->buffer[currentVoice->fptr]!='\0')) { NewBuff: b[0]=currentVoice->buffer[currentVoice->fptr]; if (currentVoice->sw==BI_buffer) { if (currentVoice->fptr==0) { char *anf=currentVoice->buffer; char *ss=strchr(anf,'\n'); int len; if (ss==NULL) len=strlen(anf); else len=ss-anf; char *s=(char *)AllocL(len+2); strncpy(s,anf,len+2); s[len+1]='\0'; fePrintEcho(s); FreeL((ADDRESS)s); } else if (/*(currentVoice->fptr>0) &&*/ (currentVoice->buffer[currentVoice->fptr-1]=='\n')) { char *anf=currentVoice->buffer+currentVoice->fptr; char *ss=strchr(anf,'\n'); int len; if (ss==NULL) len=strlen(anf); else len=ss-anf; char *s=(char *)AllocL(len+2); strncpy(s,anf,len+2); s[len+1]='\0'; yylineno++; fePrintEcho(s); FreeL((ADDRESS)s); } } currentVoice->fptr++; return 1; } // no buffer there or e-o-buffer or eoln: if (currentVoice->sw!=BI_buffer) { currentVoice->fptr=0; if (currentVoice->buffer==NULL) currentVoice->buffer=(char *)AllocL(4096-sizeof(ADDRESS)); } char *s; int offset=0; NewRead: yylineno++; if (currentVoice->sw==BI_stdin) { feShowPrompt(); s=fe_fgets_stdin(currentVoice->buffer+offset,(4096-sizeof(ADDRESS))-offset); } else if (currentVoice->sw==BI_file) s=fgets(currentVoice->buffer+offset,(4096-sizeof(ADDRESS))-offset, currentVoice->files); else /* BI_buffer */ { return 0; } if (s!=NULL) { // handle prot: if (feProt&PROT_I) { fputs(s,feProtFile); } int rc=fePrintEcho(s)-2; // handel \\ : if ((s[rc]=='\\')&&(currentVoice->sw!=BI_buffer)) { s[rc]='\0'; offset+=rc; if (offset<(int)mmSizeL(currentVoice->buffer)) goto NewRead; } goto NewBuff; } /* else if (s==NULL) */ { switch(noeof) { case 0: return 0; case noeof_brace: case noeof_block: WerrorS("premature end of file while reading {...}"); break; case noeof_asstring: WerrorS("premature end of file while reading till `.`"); break; case noeof_string: WerrorS("premature end of file while reading string"); break; case noeof_bracket: WerrorS("premature end of file while reading (...)"); break; case noeof_procname: WerrorS("premature end of file while reading proc"); break; } return 0; } } /*2 * init all data structures */ #ifndef STDIN_FILENO #define STDIN_FILENO 0 #endif Voice * feInitStdin() { Voice *p = new Voice; p->files = stdin; p->sw = isatty(STDIN_FILENO) ? BI_stdin : BI_file; p->filename = mstrdup("STDIN"); p->start_lineno = 1; return p; }