//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: gitfan.lib"; category="Algebraic Geometry"; info=" LIBRARY: gitfan.lib Compute GIT-fans. AUTHORS: Janko Boehm boehm@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* Simon Keicher keicher@mail.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de @* Yue Ren ren@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: This library computes GIT-fans, torus orbits and GKZ-fans. It uses the package 'gfanlib' by Anders N. Jensen and some algorithms have been outsourced to C++ to improve the performance. Check https://github.com/skeicher/gitfan_singular for updates. KEYWORDS: library; gitfan; GIT; geometric invariant theory; quotients PROCEDURES: afaces(ideal); Returns a list of intvecs that correspond to all a-faces gitCone(ideal,bigintmat,bigintmat); Returns the GIT-cone around the given weight vector w gitFan(ideal,bigintmat); Returns the GIT-fan of the H-action defined by Q on V(a) gkzFan(bigintmat); Returns the GKZ-fan of the matrix Q isAface(ideal,intvec); Checks whether intvec corresponds to an ideal-face orbitCones(ideal,bigintmat); Returns the list of all projected a-faces "; LIB "parallel.lib"; // for parallelWaitAll //////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc int2face(int n, int r) { int k = r-1; intvec v; int n0 = n; while(n0 > 0){ while(2^k > n0){ k--; //v[size(v)+1] = 0; } v = k+1,v; n0 = n0 - 2^k; k--; } v = v[1..size(v)-1]; return(v); } ///////////////////////////////// proc isAface(ideal a, intvec gam0) "USAGE: isAface(a,gam0); a: ideal, gam0:intvec PURPOSE: Checks whether the face of the positive orthant, that is spanned by all i-th unit vectors, where i ranges amongst the entries of gam0, is an a-face. RETURN: int EXAMPLE: example isaface; shows an example " { poly pz; // special case: gam0 is the zero-cone: if (size(gam0) == 1 and gam0[1] == 0){ ideal G; // is an a-face if and only if RL0(0,...,0) = const // set all entries to 0: int i; for (int k = 1; k <= size(a); k++) { pz = subst(a[k], var(1), 0); for (i = 2; i <= nvars(basering); i++) { pz = subst(pz, var(i), 0); } G = G, pz; } G = std(G); // monomial inside?: if(1 == G){ return(0); } return(1); } // ring is too big: Switch to KK[T_i; e_i\in gam0] instead: string initNewRing = "ring Rgam0 = 0,("; for (int i=1; i 1) { return(1); // true } return(0); // false } example { echo = 2; ring R = 0,(T(1..4)),dp; ideal I = T(1)*T(2)-T(4); intvec w = 1,4; intvec v = 1,2,4; isAface(I,w); // should be 0 "-----------"; isAface(I,v); // should be 1 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc afacesPart(ideal a, int d, int start, int end, int r){ intvec gam0; int i; list AF; for(i = start; i <= end; i++){ if(i < 2^r){ gam0 = int2face(i,r); // take gam0 only if it has // at least d rays: if(size(gam0) >= d){ if (isAface(a,gam0)){ AF[size(AF) + 1] = gam0; } } } } return(AF); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc afaces(ideal a, list #) "USAGE: afaces(a, b, c); a: ideal, d: int, c: int PURPOSE: Returns a list of all a-faces (represented by intvecs). Moreover, it is possible to specify a dimensional bound b, upon which only cones of that dimension and above are returned. Lastly, as the computation is parallizable, one can specify c, the number of cores to be used by the computation. RETURN: a list of intvecs EXAMPLE: example afaces; shows an example " { int d = 1; int ncores = 1; if ((size(#) > 0) and (typeof(#[1]) == "int")){ d = #[1]; } if ((size(#) > 1) and (typeof(#[2]) == "int")){ ncores = #[2]; } list AF; intvec gam0; int r = nvars(basering); // check if 0 is an a-face: gam0 = 0; if (isAface(a,gam0)){ AF[size(AF) + 1] = gam0; } // check for other a-faces: // make ncores processes: int step = 2^r div ncores; int i; list args; for(int k = 0; k < ncores; k++){ args[size(args) + 1] = list(a, d, k * step + 1, (k+1) * step, r); } string command = "afacesPart"; list out = parallelWaitAll(command, args); // do remaining ones: for(i = ncores * step +1; i < 2^r; i++){ "another one needed"; gam0 = int2face(i,r); // take gam0 only if it has // at least d rays: if(size(gam0) >= d){ if (isAface(a,gam0)){ AF[size(AF) + 1] = gam0; } } } // read out afaces of out into AF: for(i = 1; i <= size(out); i++){ AF = AF + out[i]; } return(AF); } example { echo = 2; ring R = 0,T(1..3),dp; ideal a = T(1)+T(2)+T(3); list F = afaces(a,3,4); print(F); print(size(F)); // 2nd ex // ring R2 = 0,T(1..3),dp; ideal a2 = T(2)^2*T(3)^2+T(1)*T(3); list F2 = afaces(a2,3,4); print(F2); print(size(F2)); // 3rd ex // ring R3 = 0,T(1..3),dp; ideal a3 = 0; list F3 = afaces(a3,3,4); print(F3); print(size(F3)); // bigger example // ring R = 0,T(1..15),dp; ideal a = T(1)*T(10)-T(2)*T(7)+T(3)*T(6), T(1)*T(11)-T(2)*T(8)+T(4)*T(6), T(1)*T(12)-T(2)*T(9)+T(5)*T(6), T(1)*T(13)-T(3)*T(8)+T(4)*T(7), T(1)*T(14)-T(3)*T(9)+T(5)*T(7), T(1)*T(15)-T(4)*T(9)+T(5)*T(8), T(2)*T(13)-T(3)*T(11)+T(4)*T(10), T(2)*T(14)-T(3)*T(12)+T(5)*T(10), T(2)*T(15)-T(4)*T(12)+T(5)*T(11), T(3)*T(15)-T(4)*T(14)+T(5)*T(13), T(6)*T(13)-T(7)*T(11)+T(8)*T(10), T(6)*T(14)-T(7)*T(12)+T(9)*T(10), T(6)*T(15)-T(8)*T(12)+T(9)*T(11), T(7)*T(15)-T(8)*T(14)+T(9)*T(13), T(10)*T(15)-T(11)*T(14)+T(12)*T(13); int t = timer; list F4 = afaces(a,0,2); print(size(F4)); timer - t; int t = timer; list F4 = afaces(a,0); print(size(F4)); timer - t; } /////////////////////////////////////// proc orbitCones(ideal a, bigintmat Q, list #) "USAGE: orbitCones(a, Q, b, c); a: ideal, Q: bigintmat, b: int, c: int PURPOSE: Returns a list consisting of all cones Q(gam0) where gam0 is an a-face. Moreover, it is possible to specify a dimensional bound b, upon which only cones of that dimension and above are returned. Lastly, as the computation is parallizable, one can specify c, the number of cores to be used by the computation. RETURN: a list of cones EXAMPLE: example orbitCones; shows an example " { list AF; if((size(#) > 1) and (typeof(#[2]) == "int")){ AF = afaces(a, nrows(Q), #[2]); } else { AF = afaces(a, nrows(Q)); } int dimensionBound = 0; if((size(#) > 0) and (typeof(#[1]) == "int")){ dimensionBound = #[1]; } list OC; intvec gam0; int j; for(int i = 1; i <= size(AF); i++){ gam0 = AF[i]; if(gam0 == 0){ bigintmat M[1][nrows(Q)]; } else { bigintmat M[size(gam0)][nrows(Q)]; for (j = 1; j <= size(gam0); j++){ M[j,1..ncols(M)] = Q[1..nrows(Q),gam0[j]]; } } cone c = coneViaPoints(M); if((dimension(c) >= dimensionBound) and (!(listContainsCone(OC, c)))){ OC[size(OC)+1] = c; } kill M, c; } return(OC); } example { echo=2; intmat Q[3][4] = 1,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,0,1,1; ring R = 0,T(1..4),dp; ideal a = 0; orbitCones(a, Q); } /////////////////////////////////////// proc gitCone(ideal a, bigintmat Q, bigintmat w) "USAGE: gitCone(a, Q, w); a: ideal, Q:bigintmat, w:bigintmat PURPOSE: Returns the GIT-cone lambda(w), i.e. the intersection of all orbit cones containing the vector w. NOTE: call this only if you are interested in a single GIT-cone. RETURN: a cone. EXAMPLE: example gitCone; shows an example " { list OC = orbitCones(a, Q); cone lambda = nrows(Q); for(int i = 1; i <= size(OC); i++){ cone c = OC[i]; if(containsInSupport(c, w)){ lambda = convexIntersection(lambda, c); } kill c; } return(lambda); } example { echo=2; intmat Q[3][4] = 1,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,0,1,1; ring R = 0,T(1..4),dp; ideal a = 0; bigintmat w[1][3] = 3,3,1; cone lambda = gitCone(a, Q, w); rays(lambda); bigintmat w2[1][3] = 1,1,1; cone lambda2 = gitCone(a, Q, w2); rays(lambda2); } ///////////////////////////////////// proc gitFan(ideal a, bigintmat Q, list #) "USAGE: gitFan(a, Q); a: ideal, Q:bigintmat PURPOSE: Returns the GIT-fan of the H-action defined by Q on V(a). An optional third parameter of type 'int' is interpreted as the number of CPU-cores you would like to use. Note that 'system("cpu");' returns the number of cpu available in your system. RETURN: a fan. EXAMPLE: example gitFan; shows an example " { list OC = orbitCones(a, Q, #); fan f = refineCones(OC, Q); return(f); } example { echo=2; intmat Q[3][4] = 1,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,0,1,1; ring R = 0,T(1..4),dp; ideal a = 0; gitFan(a, Q); // 2nd example // kill Q; intmat Q[3][6] = 1,1,0,0,-1,-1, 0,1,1,-1,-1,0, 1,1,1,1,1,1; ring R = 0,T(1..6),dp; ideal a = T(1)*T(6) + T(2)*T(5) + T(3)*T(4); int t = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q); t = rtimer - t; int tt = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q, 4); tt = rtimer - tt; t; tt; "--------"; kill R, Q, t, tt; // next example // ring R = 0,T(1..10),dp; ideal a = T(5)*T(10)-T(6)*T(9)+T(7)*T(8), T(1)*T(9)-T(2)*T(7)+T(4)*T(5), T(1)*T(8)-T(2)*T(6)+T(3)*T(5), T(1)*T(10)-T(3)*T(7)+T(4)*T(6), T(2)*T(10)-T(3)*T(9)+T(4)*T(8); bigintmat Q[4][10] = 1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0, 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1, 0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1; int t = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q); t = rtimer - t; int tt = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q, 4); tt = rtimer - tt; t; tt; "--------"; kill R, Q, t, tt; // next example // ring R = 0,T(1..15),dp; ideal a = T(1)*T(10)-T(2)*T(7)+T(3)*T(6), T(1)*T(11)-T(2)*T(8)+T(4)*T(6), T(1)*T(12)-T(2)*T(9)+T(5)*T(6), T(1)*T(13)-T(3)*T(8)+T(4)*T(7), T(1)*T(14)-T(3)*T(9)+T(5)*T(7), T(1)*T(15)-T(4)*T(9)+T(5)*T(8), T(2)*T(13)-T(3)*T(11)+T(4)*T(10), T(2)*T(14)-T(3)*T(12)+T(5)*T(10); bigintmat Q[5][15] = 1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1; int t = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q); t = rtimer - t; int tt = rtimer; fan F = gitFan(a, Q, 4); tt = rtimer - tt; t; tt; } ///////////////////////////////////// // Computes all simplicial orbit cones // w.r.t. the 0-ideal: static proc simplicialToricOrbitCones(bigintmat Q){ intvec gam0; list OC; cone c; int r = ncols(Q); int j; for(int i = 1; i < 2^r; i++ ){ gam0 = int2face(i,r); // each simplicial cone is generated by // exactly nrows(Q) many columns of Q: if(size(gam0) == nrows(Q)){ bigintmat M[size(gam0)][nrows(Q)]; for(j = 1; j <= size(gam0); j++){ M[j,1..ncols(M)] = Q[1..nrows(Q),gam0[j]]; } c = coneViaPoints(M); if((dimension(c) == nrows(Q)) and (!(listContainsCone(OC, c)))){ OC[size(OC)+1] = c; } kill M; } } return(OC); } ///////////////////////////////////// proc gkzFan(bigintmat Q) "USAGE: gkzFan(Q); a: ideal, Q:bigintmat PURPOSE: Returns the GKZ-fan of the matrix Q. RETURN: a fan. EXAMPLE: example gkzFan; shows an example " { // only difference to gitFan: // it suffices to consider all faces // that are simplicial: list OC = simplicialToricOrbitCones(Q); fan f = refineCones(OC, Q); return(f); } example { echo=2; intmat Q[3][4] = 1,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,0,1,1; gkzFan(Q); }