LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); //====================== Example 4.9 ============================= ring R = 0, (w,x,y,z), dp; matrix m[2][3] = w,x,y,x,y,z; ideal I = minor(m,2); I; //-> I[1]=-y2+xz //-> I[2]=xy-wz //-> I[3]=x2-wy qring Q = groebner(I); resolution F=mres(maxideal(1),0); //-> // ** full resolution in a qring may be infinite, //-> setting max length to 6 print(betti(F),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 //-> ------------------------------------------------ //-> 0: 1 4 9 18 36 72 144 //-> ------------------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 4 9 18 36 72 144 kill F; //------- Alternatively: resolution F = mres(maxideal(1),7); print(betti(F),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //-> ------------------------------------------------------ //-> 0: 1 4 9 18 36 72 144 288 //-> ------------------------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 4 9 18 36 72 144 288 print(F[1],""); //-> z,y,x,w print(F[2]); //-> y, 0, 0, x, 0, 0, w, 0, 0, //-> -z,y, 0, 0, x, 0, 0, w, 0, //-> 0, -z,y, -z,0, x, 0, 0, w, //-> 0, 0, -z,0, -z,-y,-z,-y,-x if (not(defined(Ext))){ LIB "homolog.lib"; } module M = Ext(7,F[1],F[1]); //-> // dimension of Ext^7: 0 //-> // vdim of Ext^7: 288 kill Q,R; //====================== Example 4.11 (new session) ======================= ring S = 0, x(0..3), dp; resolution kos = mres(maxideal(1),0); print(betti(kos),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> 0: 1 4 6 4 1 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 4 6 4 1 matrix alpha1 = random(1000,4,1); // randomly created intmat matrix tphi = transpose(kos[4]); matrix psi = kos[3]; matrix talpha1tilde = transpose(psi*alpha1); matrix talpha0 = lift(tphi,talpha1tilde); print(talpha0); kill S; //====================== Example 4.13 (new session) ======================= ring S = 32003, x(0..4), dp; module MI=maxideal(1); attrib(MI,"isHomog",intvec(-1)); resolution kos = nres(MI,0); print(betti(kos),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 //-> ------------------------------------------ //-> -1: 1 5 10 10 5 1 //-> ------------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 5 10 10 5 1 matrix alpha0 = random(32002,10,3); module pres = module(alpha0)+kos[3]; attrib(pres,"isHomog",intvec(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)); resolution fcokernel = mres(pres,0); print(betti(fcokernel),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 //-> ------------------------------ //-> 1: 7 10 5 1 //-> ------------------------------ //-> total: 7 10 5 1 module dir = transpose(pres); intvec w = -1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2; attrib(dir,"isHomog",w); resolution fdir = mres(dir,2); print(betti(fdir),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 //-> ------------------------ //-> -2: 10 7 - //-> -1: - - - //-> 0: - - 1 //-> ------------------------ //-> total: 10 7 1 if (not(defined(flatten))){ LIB "matrix.lib"; } ideal I = groebner(flatten(fdir[2])); resolution FI = mres(I,0); print(betti(FI),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> 0: 1 - - - - //-> 1: - - - - - //-> 2: - 7 10 5 1 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 7 10 5 1 int codimI = nvars(S)-dim(I); codimI; //-> 2 degree(I); //-> 4 nvars(S)-dim(groebner(minor(jacob(I),codimI) + I)); //-> 5 kill S,w,codimI; //====================== Example 4.14 (new session) ======================= if (not(defined(dsum))){ LIB "matrix.lib"; } ring S = 32003, x(0..4), dp; resolution kos = nres(maxideal(1),0); betti(kos); //-> 1,5,10,10,5,1 matrix kos5 = kos[5]; matrix tphi = transpose(dsum(kos5,kos5)); matrix kos3 = kos[3]; matrix psi = dsum(kos3,kos3); matrix beta1 = random(32002,20,2); matrix tbeta1tilde = transpose(psi*beta1); matrix tbeta0 = lift(tphi,tbeta1tilde); if (not(defined(Ext_R))){ LIB "homolog.lib"; } def E = Ext_R(1,kos[4]); //-> // dimension of Ext^1: -1 matrix kos4 = kos[4]; matrix tkos4pluskos4 = transpose(dsum(kos4,kos4)); matrix tgammamin1 = random(32002,20,1); matrix tgamma0 = tkos4pluskos4*tgammamin1; matrix talpha0 = concat(tbeta0,tgamma0); matrix zero[20][1]; matrix tpsi = transpose(psi); matrix tpresg = concat(tpsi,zero); matrix pres = module(transpose(talpha0)) + module(transpose(tpresg)); module dir = transpose(pres); dir = prune(dir); homog(dir); //-> 1 intvec deg_dir = attrib(dir,"isHomog"); attrib(dir,"isHomog",deg_dir-2); // set degrees resolution fdir = mres(prune(dir),2); print(betti(fdir),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 //-> ------------------------ //-> -2: 20 10 - //-> -1: - 1 - //-> 0: - - - //-> 1: - - - //-> 2: - - 1 //-> ------------------------ //-> total: 20 11 1 ideal I = groebner(flatten(fdir[2])); resolution FI = mres(I,0); print(betti(FI),"betti"); //-> 0 1 2 3 4 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> 0: 1 - - - - //-> 1: - - - - - //-> 2: - - - - - //-> 3: - 1 - - - //-> 4: - 10 18 10 2 //-> ------------------------------------ //-> total: 1 11 18 10 2 //------- check smoothness ---------- int codimI = nvars(S)-dim(I); codimI; //-> 2 nvars(S)-dim(groebner(minor(jacob(I),codimI) + I)); //-> 5 tst_status(1);$