// File: hnoether_s.tst // Short tests for hnoether lib LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "hnoether.lib"; // ------------ test of develop: ------------------- ring r=0,(x,y),ds; develop(x2+y2); develop(x2+y+y2); develop((x2+y3)*(x2+y3+xy2)); poly p_1 = y2+x3; poly p_2 = p_1^2 + x5y; poly p_3 = p_2^2 + x^10 *p_1; param(develop(p_1)); param(develop(p_3)); develop(p_3,-1); develop(p_3,4); poly heme=xy8+y8+x4y6+4x3y6+2x5y5+6x6y4+4x8y3+x10y2+4x9y2+2x11y+x12; list hne=develop(heme); print(hne[1]); kill r; ring r=2,(x,y,t),ds; poly f=y2+x7y+x9+x8; param(develop(f)); kill r; // ------------ test of hnexpansion: ------------------- ring r=0,(x,y),dp; hnexpansion(x6-y4); hnexpansion((y-x2+x3)*(y-x2-x3)); hnexpansion((x7-2x4y2+xy4-1y5)*(x7-4x4y2+4xy4-1y5)); ring F2=2,(x,y,t),ds; def L=hnexpansion(y2+x7y+x9+x8); param(L); kill L,F2; //--------------- examples with change to ring extension ring R=32003,(x,y),dp; def L=hnexpansion(x6+y4); def HNring = L[1]; setring HNring; displayHNE(hne); kill L,HNring; //--------------- example with more than one ring change ring F3=3,(x,y),dp; poly f=(x3-xy2+y3)*(x2+y2)*(x4-x3y+xy3+y4); list L=hnexpansion(f); def HNring = L[1]; setring HNring; displayHNE(hne); map T; int i; for (i=1; i<=size(hne); i++) { T=basering,param(hne[i]); T(f); } kill hne,HNring,F3,L; // ------------ test of extdevelop: ------------------- setring r; list hne=develop(x2+y3+y4-y5,-1); extdevelop(hne,2); extdevelop(hne,4); extdevelop(hne,10); kill hne; // ------------ test of essdevelop: ------------------ setring R; list L=essdevelop(x6+y4); L[2]; // number of conjugated branches def HNring = L[1]; setring HNring; displayHNE(hne); kill hne,L,HNring; setring r; // ------------ test of param: ------------------------ param(develop(x2+y3)); param(develop(y2+x3+x4)); param(develop(y2+x3+x4),0); // ------------ test of displayHNE: ------------------- example displayHNE; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------- test of invariants, displayInvariants, intersection, stripHNE, --- // ---- puiseux2generators, multiplicities, newtonpoly, is_irred, HNdevelop --- example invariants; example displayInvariants; list L=hnexpansion((x2-y3)*(x2+y3)); intersection(L[1],L[2]); kill L; example stripHNE; puiseux2generators(intvec(3,7,15,31,63,127),intvec(2,2,2,2,2,2)); setring r; multsequence(develop(x5+y7)); example newtonpoly; example is_irred; is_irred((x2+y3)*(x2+y3+xy2)); // ------- test of getnm, T_Transform, T1_Transform, T2_Transform, koeff, ----- // ------------ redleit, squarefree, allsquarefree, referencepoly ---------- example getnm; T_Transform(y2+x3,1,2); T1_Transform(y-x2+x3,1,2); T2_Transform(y2+x3,-1,3,2,y2+x3); example referencepoly; koeff(x2+2xy+3xy2-x2y-2y3,1,2); example redleit; example squarefree; example allsquarefree; // --------------- additions: ----------------------------- example further_hn_proc; example leit; example testreducible; example T_Transform; example T1_Transform; example T2_Transform; example koeff; example multiplicities; example puiseux2generators; example intersection; example multsequence; example displayMultsequence; example separateHNE; example charPoly; example find_in_list; example get_last_divisor; example extdevelop; example factorfirst; example factorlist; example develop; example param; example hnexpansion; example delta; example is_NND; tst_status(1);$