////////////////////-*- mode:C++;-*- version="version lejeune.lib Feb_2019 "; // $Id$ category="??"; info=" LIBRARY: lejeune.lib Arc space computations AUTHOR: Nadine Cremer, nadine.cremer@gmx.de PROCEDURES: fgset(f,H); returns simultaneously the sets F and G corresponding to H as described by M. Lejeune trunc(f,i); returns the set Tr(i) as described by M. Lejeune "; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "general.lib"; LIB "primdec.lib"; LIB "standard.lib"; LIB "sing.lib"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc trunc (poly f, int i) "USAGE: trunc(f,i); (f polynomial, i integer) CREATE: list, contains lists, each one consisting of two ideals: the first one giving equations, the second one giving inequations for a part of Tr(i). All of them together give a complete description of Tr(i) RETURN: ring, corresponds to f and i, i.e. plugging in a polynomial in t of degree i for each variable of f yields a ring whose variables are the original variables of f, t and the according t-coefficients EXAMPLE: example trunc; shows an example" { def r=basering; // we make sure that we obtain Tr(i), which requires // computations up to m*i, where m is minimal s.th. // x(j)^m in J(f) for each variable x(j) involved in f int m=minpower(f); int mi=m*i; int k; int l=order(f); int s0=mi+1; int s=l*(mi+1); int z1=nvars(r)*(i+1)+2; int z2=nvars(r)*k+1; intvec H=l; // initialization of an intvec H of size m*i for(k=1;k<=mi;k++) { H[k+1]=1; } // this is the ring in which result lies def R1=ringchange(i); setring R1; ideal I,J; list intersec=I,J; // will save the results: list fresult,gresult; list result; // consider all possible H's while(sum(H)<=s) { setring r; def tmp=fgset(f,H); setring R1; intersec=imap(tmp,fgresult); kill tmp; // simplifications intersec[1]=simplifymodd(interred(intersec[1])); intersec[2]=simplifymodd(interred(intersec[2])); //option(redSB); //intersec[1]=std(intersec[1]); //intersec[2]=std(intersec[2]); intersec[1]=simplifymodd(intersec[1]); intersec[2]=simplifymodd(intersec[2]); intersec[1]=simplifymodd(intersec[1]); intersec[2]=simplifymodd(intersec[2]); // remove lists which contain // the same ideal twice and // therefore define the empty // set if(equalitytest(intersec[1],intersec[2])==1) { H=Hnew(H); continue; } intersec[1]=radical(intersec[1]); intersec[2]=radical(intersec[2]); // remove lists which contain // the same ideal twice and // therefore define the empty // set if(equalitytest(intersec[1],intersec[2])==1) { H=Hnew(H); continue; } result=insert(result,intersec); H=Hnew(H); } // output: int u=size(result); newline; " We obtain the following sets of equations and inequations for Tr(" +string(i)+"). In order to be contained in Tr(" +string(i)+"), a point has to fulfill the conditions of one of those set, i.e. it has to be in the zero-set of the first ideal without the zero-set of the second ideal."; newline; string ending; for(k=1;k<=u;k++) { if((k mod 10==1) && (k mod 100!=11)) {ending="st";} else { if((k mod 10==2) && (k mod 100!=12)) {ending="nd";} else { if((k mod 10==3) && (k mod 100!=13)) {ending="rd";} else {ending="th";} } } print(string(k)+ending+" set of equations:"+newline); print(result[k]); newline; } export result; // return the ring return(R1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=QQ,(x,y),dp; poly f=y2-x3; def R=trunc(f,3); setring R; print(result); setring r; def R1=trunc(f,6); setring R1; print(result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // COMPUTATION OF F AND G SIMULTANEOUSLY // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc fgset (poly f,intvec H) "USAGE: fgset(f,H); f polynomial, H integer vector CREATE: list, consists two ideals, the first one giving equations, the second one giving inequations to be satisfied by the set corresponding to H RETURN: ring, corresponds to f and size(H)-1, i.e. plugging in a polynomial in t of degree size(H)-1 for each variable of f yields a ring whose variables are the original variables of f, t and the according t-coefficients EXAMPLE: example fgset; shows an example" { def r=basering; int p; int m0=order(f); int b=size(H); if(H[1]!=m0) // input admissible?! { ERROR("H[1]=ord(f) necessary"); } for(p=1;pnrows(coe)) { fkv=0; } else { fkv=coe[c+v,1]; } m=fkv; J=fkv; for(s=1;s<=k-v+1;s++) // "s<=k-v+1" special for G, ONLY DIFF.! { if(s==k-v+1) // equations for F! { fresultdiff=fresultdiff,J; } power=step^s; u=size(power); for(t=1;t<=u;t++) { diffstep=contract(power[t],m); // actual differentiation J=J,diffstep; } } gresultdiff=gresultdiff,J; } resultdiff=fresultdiff,gresultdiff; export(resultdiff); // exports the result return(R); // return the ring } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CONSTRUCTING THE NEW RING // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ringchange (int i) "USAGE: ringchange(i); i integer RETURN: ring, extends basering by variables t and #(variables of basering)*i new variables" { def R=changevar(""+varstr(basering)+",t,"+variables_list(nvars(basering),i)+""); return(R); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc variables_list (int k,int i) "USAGE: variables_list(k,i); k,i integer RETURN: string of the names of the additional variables NOTE: called from ringchange, we use this procedure to obtain a convenient shape of the ring created in ringchange" { list l; int s,u; // loop variables string str; for (u=1;u<=k;u++) { for (s=1;s<=i;s++) { str=""+atoz(u)+"("+string(s)+")"; // creates new variables l[(u-1)*i+s]=str; // saves them in a list } } string str1=string(l); // makes the list into a string, return(str1); // (needed for ring change) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc atoz (int n) "USAGE: atoz(n); n integer RETURN: string, the nth letter of the alphabet" { if(1>n>26) { ERROR("n must range between 1 and 26!"); } string s="ring r=0,("+A_Z("a",n)+"),ds;"; execute(s); return (string(var(n))); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AUXILIARY PROCEDURES // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc diffidealstep (int i, int N) "USAGE: diffidealstep(i,N); i,N integer RETURN: ideal, generated by variables specified by i,N NOTE: called from formaldiff, gives the variables by which is differentiated in a certain step" { ideal I=var(N+1+i); int j; for(j=2;j<=N;j++) { I=I,var(N+1+j*i); } return(I); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc order (poly f) "USAGE: order(f); f polynomial RETURN: int, the multiplicity of V(f) in 0 NOTE: this order partly directs the differentiation in formaldiff and, together with minpower, gives the size of the integer vector in fgset" { poly g=homog(f,var(1)); int k=deg(g); int i; for(i=1;i<=k;i++) { if(jet(f,i)!=0) { return(i); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc simplifyvar (ideal I) "USAGE: simplifyvar(I); I ideal RETURN: ideal defining the same zeroset as I: if any generator of I is a power of one single variable, replace it by the variable NOTE: this procedure is supposed to simplify and clarify the output of the calculations made in fgset, trunc a.o. without using radical" { int i,j; int divisornumber=0; int pos; I=simplify(I,6); for(j=1;j<=ncols(I);j++) { if(size(I[j])==1) { for(i=1;i<=nvars(basering);i++) { if(modd(I[j],var(i))==0) { divisornumber++; pos=i; } } } if(divisornumber==1) { I[j]=var(pos); } divisornumber=0; } return(I); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc modd (poly f, poly g) "USAGE: modd(f,g); f,g polynomials RETURN: poly, f mod g modulo operation in the polynomial ring NOTE: called from idealsimplify1 where it is used to simplify a generating set of an ideal" { poly result=f-(f/g)*g; return(result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc Hnew (intvec H) "USAGE: Hnew(H); H integer vector RETURN: intvec, the vector needed in the following step of trunc" { intvec H1=H; int k; int l=size(H); for(k=0;k<=l-2;k++) { if(H[l-k]=1;j--) // reduce with lower elements { for(i=ncols(I);i>j;i--) { if(I[i]!=0) { I[j]=modd(I[j],I[i]); } } } I=simplify(simplifyvar(I),6); return(I); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc minpower (poly f) "USAGE: minpower(f); f polynomial RETURN: int, the minimal z>=1 s.th. v^z in J(f) for each variable v of the basering NOTE: called from trunc, gives; together with i, the size of the integer vectors to be considered in trunc(f,i)" { ideal J=jacob(f); int s=ncols(J); int control=0; // control if conditions for ny are fulfilled int control1=0; int n=nvars(basering); int ny=1; int i,j; while (control==0) // while var(i)^ny not in J(f)... { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) // consider all variables { control1=0; for(j=1;j<=s;j++) // consider all elements of J { if (modd(var(i)^ny,J[j])==0) // var(i)^ny in J(f)? { control1=1; break; } } if (control1==0) // increment ny if no var(i)^nt in J(f) { ny++; break; } } if (control1==1) // if each step was successful... { control=1; } } return(ny); } static proc equalitytest (ideal I,ideal J) "USAGE: equalitytest(I,J); I,J ideals RETURN: 1, if I=J, 0 else NOTE: we assume I contained in J already" { int s=ncols(J); int i; int p=0; I=std(I); for(i=1;i<=s;i++) { if(reduce(J[i],I)!=0) { p=1; } } if(p==1) { return(0); } else{return(1);} }