version="$Id: involut.lib,v 1.5 2005-05-10 17:31:26 levandov Exp $"; category="Noncommutative"; info=" LIBRARY: involution.lib Procedures for Computations and Operations with Involutions AUTHORS: Oleksandr Iena,, @* Markus Becker,, @* Viktor Levandovskyy, THEORY: Involution is an antiisomorphism of a noncommutative algebra with the property that applied an involution twice, one gets an identity. Involution is linear with respect to the ground field. In this library we compute linear involutions, distinguishing the case of a diagonal matrix (such involutions are called homothetic) and a general one. SUPPORT: Forschungsschwerpunkt 'Mathematik und Praxis' (Project of Dr. E. Zerz and V. Levandovskyy), Uni Kaiserslautern NOTE: This library provides algebraic tools for computations and operations with algebraic involutions and linear automorphisms of noncommutative algebras PROCEDURES: find_invo(); describes a variety of linear involutions on a basering; find_invo_diag(); describes a variety of homothetic (diagonal) involutions on a basering; find_auto(); describes a variety of linear automorphisms of a basering; ncdetection(); computes an ideal, presenting an involution map on some particular noncommutative algebras; involution(m, map theta); applies the involution to an object. "; LIB "ncalg.lib"; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "primdec.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc ncdetection() "USAGE: ncdetection(); RETURN: ideal, representing an involution map PURPOSE: compute classical involutions (i.e. acting rather on operators than on variables) for some particular noncommutative algebras ASSUME: the procedure is aimed at noncommutative algebras with differential, shift or advance operators arising in Control Theory. It has to be executed in the ring. EXAMPLE: example ncdetection; shows an example "{ // in this procedure an involution map is generated from the NCRelations // that will be used in the function involution // in dieser proc. wird eine matrix erzeugt, die in der i-ten zeile die indices // der differential-, shift- oder advance-operatoren enthaelt mit denen die i-te // variable nicht kommutiert. if ( nameof(basering)=="basering" ) { "No current ring defined."; return(ideal(0)); } def r = basering; setring r; int i,j,k,LExp; int NVars = nvars(r); matrix rel = NCRelations(r)[2]; intmat M[NVars][3]; int NRows = nrows(rel); intvec v,w; poly d,d_lead; ideal I; map theta; for( j=NRows; j>=2; j-- ) { if( rel[j] == w ) //the whole column is zero { j--; continue; } for( i=1; i 1) ) if ( ( (d-d_lead) != 0) || (LExp > 1) || ( (LExp==0) && ((d_lead>1) || (d_lead<-1)) ) ) { return(theta); } if( v[j] == 1) //relation of type var(j)*var(i) = var(i)*var(j) -lambda*var(j) { if (leadcoef(d) < 0) { M[i,2] = j; } else { M[i,3] = j; } } if( v[i]==1 ) //relation of type var(j)*var(i) = var(i)*var(j) -lambda*var(i) { if (leadcoef(d) > 0) { M[j,2] = i; } else { M[j,3] = i; } } } } // from here on, the map is computed for(i=1;i<=NVars;i++) { I=I+var(i); } for(i=1;i<=NVars;i++) { if( M[i,1..3]==(0,0,0) ) { i++; continue; } if( M[i,1]!=0 ) { if( (M[i,2]!=0) && (M[i,3]!=0) ) { I[M[i,1]] = -var(M[i,1]); I[M[i,2]] = var(M[i,3]); I[M[i,3]] = var(M[i,2]); } if( (M[i,2]==0) && (M[i,3]==0) ) { I[M[i,1]] = -var(M[i,1]); } if( ( (M[i,2]!=0) && (M[i,3]==0) )|| ( (M[i,2]!=0) && (M[i,3]==0) ) ) { I[i] = -var(i); } } else { if( (M[i,2]!=0) && (M[i,3]!=0) ) { I[i] = -var(i); I[M[i,2]] = var(M[i,3]); I[M[i,3]] = var(M[i,2]); } else { I[i] = -var(i); } } } return(I); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z,D(1..3)),dp; matrix D[6][6]; D[1,4]=1; D[2,5]=1; D[3,6]=1; ncalgebra(1,D); ncdetection(); kill r; //---------------------------------------- ring r=0,(x,S),dp; ncalgebra(1,-S); ncdetection(); kill r; //---------------------------------------- ring r=0,(x,D(1),S),dp; matrix D[3][3]; D[1,2]=1; D[1,3]=-S; ncalgebra(1,D); ncdetection(); } static proc In_Poly(poly mm, list l, int NVars) // applies the involution to the poly mm // entries of a list l are images of variables under invo // more general than invo_poly; used in many rings setting { int i,j; intvec v; poly pp, zz; poly nn = 0; i = 1; while(mm[i]!=0) { v = leadexp(mm[i]); zz = 1; for( j=NVars; j>=1; j--) { if (v[j]!=0) { pp = l[j]; zz = zz*(pp^v[j]); } } nn = nn + (leadcoef(mm[i])*zz); i++; } return(nn); } static proc Hom_Poly(poly mm, list l, int NVars) // applies the endomorphism to the poly mm // entries of a list l are images of variables under endo // should not be replaced by map-based stuff! used in // many rings setting { int i,j; intvec v; poly pp, zz; poly nn = 0; i = 1; while(mm[i]!=0) { v = leadexp(mm[i]); zz = 1; for( j=NVars; j>=1; j--) { if (v[j]!=0) { pp = l[j]; zz = (pp^v[j])*zz; } } nn = nn + (leadcoef(mm[i])*zz); i++; } return(nn); } static proc invo_poly(poly m, map theta) // applies the involution map theta to m, where m=polynomial { // compatibility: ideal l = ideal(theta); int i; list L; for (i=1; i<=size(l); i++) { L[i] = l[i]; } int nv = nvars(basering); return (In_Poly(m,L,nv)); // if (m==0) { return(m); } // int i,j; // intvec v; // poly p,z; // poly n = 0; // i = 1; // while(m[i]!=0) // { // v = leadexp(m[i]); // z =1; // for(j=nvars(basering); j>=1; j--) // { // if (v[j]!=0) // { // p = var(j); // p = theta(p); // z = z*(p^v[j]); // } // } // n = n + (leadcoef(m[i])*z); // i++; // } // return(n); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc involution(m, map theta) "USAGE: involution(m, theta); m is a poly/vector/ideal/matrix/module, theta is a map RETURN: object of the same type as m PURPOSE: applies the involution, presented by theta to the object m THEORY: for an involution theta and two polynomials a,b from the algebra, theta(ab) = theta(b) theta(a); theta is linear with respect to the ground field EXAMPLE: example involution; shows an example "{ // applies the involution map theta to m, // where m= vector, polynomial, module, matrix, ideal int i,j; intvec v; poly p,z; if (typeof(m)=="poly") { return (invo_poly(m,theta)); } if ( typeof(m)=="ideal" ) { ideal n; for (i=1; i<=size(m); i++) { n[i] = invo_poly(m[i], theta); } return(n); } if (typeof(m)=="vector") { for(i=1; i<=size(m); i++) { m[i] = invo_poly(m[i], theta); } return (m); } if ( (typeof(m)=="matrix") || (typeof(m)=="module")) { matrix n = matrix(m); int @R=nrows(n); int @C=ncols(n); for(i=1; i<=@R; i++) { for(j=1; j<=@C; j++) { if (m[i,j]!=0) { n[i,j] = invo_poly( m[i,j], theta); } } } if (typeof(m)=="module") { return (module(n)); } else // matrix { return(n); } } // if m is not of the supported type: "Error: unsupported argument type!"; return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,d),dp; ncalgebra(1,1); // Weyl-Algebra map F = r,x,-d; poly f = x*d^2+d; poly If = involution(f,F); f-If; poly g = x^2*d+2*x*d+3*x+7*d; poly tg = -d*x^2-2*d*x+3*x-7*d; poly Ig = involution(g,F); tg-Ig; ideal I = f,g; ideal II = involution(I,F); II; I - involution(II,F); module M = [f,g,0],[g,0,x^2*d]; module IM = involution(M,F); print(IM); print(M - involution(IM,F)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc new_var() //generates a string of new variables { int NVars=nvars(basering); int i,j; string s="@_1_1"; for(i=1; i<=NVars; i++) { for(j=1; j<=NVars; j++) { if(i*j!=1) { s = s+ ","+NVAR(i,j); }; }; }; return(s); }; static proc NVAR(int i, int j) { return("@_"+string(i)+"_"+string(j)); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc new_var_special() //generates a string of new variables { int NVars=nvars(basering); int i; string s="@_1_1"; for(i=2; i<=NVars; i++) { s = s+ ","+NVAR(i,i); }; return(s); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc RelMatr() // returns the matrix of relations // only Lie-type relations x_j x_i= x_i x_j + .. are taken into account { int i,j; int NVars = nvars(basering); matrix Rel[NVars][NVars]; for(i=1; i