LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); ring r=0,(x,y),dp; module mo=[x^2-y^2,1,0,0],[xy+y^2,0,1,0],[y^2,0,0,1]; print(mo); // load dynamic module - at the same time creating package Kstd // procedures will be available in the packages Top and Kstd LIB(""); listvar(package); // set the number of components to be considered to 1 module mostd=kstd(mo,1); // calling procedure in Top // obviously computation ignored pairs with leading // term in the second entry print(mostd); // now consider 2 components module mostd2=Kstd::kstd(mo,2); // calling procedure in Kstd // this time the previously unconsidered pair was // treated too print(mostd2); tst_status(1);$