%{ /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "kernel/mod2.h" #include "omalloc/omalloc.h" #include "Singular/tok.h" #include "Singular/stype.h" #include "Singular/ipshell.h" #include "Singular/fevoices.h" #include "kernel/oswrapper/feread.h" int feReadLine(char* b, int l); #define ALLOC(a) omAlloc((a)) #ifndef NEW_FLEX #endif /* NEW_LEX */ int blocknest = 0; extern char * yytext; //extern unsigned char * yytext; extern int yyleng; extern int inerror; #ifndef SING_NDEBUG // this is to shadow the malloc/realloc // used by yy_flex_malloc/yy_flex_realloc // so that we can mark stuff as static static void* my_malloc(size_t size) { void* addr = omAlloc(size); omMarkAsStaticAddr(addr); return addr; } static void* my_realloc(void* addr, size_t size) { void* new_addr = omRealloc(addr, size); omMarkAsStaticAddr(new_addr); return new_addr; } #undef malloc #define malloc my_malloc #undef realloc #define realloc my_realloc #else #undef malloc #define malloc omAlloc #undef realloc #define realloc omRealloc #endif #undef free #define free omFree static char * dupyytext() { char* s; if (yyleng>0) yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; s = omStrDup((char *)yytext); omMarkAsStaticAddr(s); return s; } static char * dupyytextNL() { int i = yyleng;//strlen((char *)yytext); char * rc = (char*)omAlloc( 3 + i ); omMarkAsStaticAddr(rc); if (i>0) { strncpy( rc, (char *)yytext, i-1 ); } else { i++; } rc[i-1] = '\n'; rc[i] = '\n'; rc[i+1] = '\0'; return rc; } #undef YY_DECL #define YY_DECL int yylex(YYSTYPE* lvalp) #undef yywrap extern "C" { int yywrap() { return exitVoice(); } } #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ result = feReadLine( (char *) (buf), (max_size) ) #undef YY_USER_ACTION #define YY_USER_ACTION \ if ((inerror==1)&&(*yytext>=' '))\ { Print(" skipping text from `%s`",yytext);inerror=2; } %} digit [0-9] letter [@a-zA-Z\'] integer {digit}+ monom {letter}+{digit}* rgvars ({digit}+[/])*{digit}+{monom}+ realnum {digit}*"."{digit}+("e"[+-]{digit}+)? name ({letter}({letter}*{digit}*_*)*|_) parname # /* %start START */ %option always-interactive %x string %x block %x blockstr %x brace %x bracestr %x bracket %x asstring %% \/\/[^\n]* ^[ \r\t\n]*#![^\n]* "/*" { yy_noeof=noeof_comment; loop { REGISTER int c; while ( (c = yyinput()) != '*' && c != EOF ); if ( c == '*' ) { while ( (c = yyinput()) == '*' ); if ( c == '/' ) break; /* found the end */ } else { break; } } yy_noeof=0; } while { prompt_char='.'; blocknest = 0; yy_noeof = noeof_brace; BEGIN(brace); return WHILE_CMD;} for { prompt_char='.'; blocknest = 0; yy_noeof = noeof_brace; BEGIN(brace); return FOR_CMD;} ("help"|"?")[ \t\n]* { yy_noeof = noeof_asstring; BEGIN(asstring); return HELP_CMD; } example[ \t\n]* { yy_noeof = noeof_asstring; BEGIN(asstring); return EXAMPLE_CMD; } proc[ \t]+{name}[ \t]*\( { char c; char *cp; lvalp->name = omStrDup(iiProcName((char *)yytext,c,cp)); yy_noeof = noeof_procname; blocknest = 1; BEGIN(brace); return PROC_DEF; } [^;\n]+ { lvalp->name = omStrDup((char *)yytext); yy_noeof = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); return STRINGTOK; } ; { yy_noeof = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); return *yytext; } "\"" { yy_noeof = noeof_string; BEGIN(bracestr); yymore(); } "(" { if (blocknest++) yymore(); } [^;\(\)] { if (blocknest) yymore(); } ";" { if (blocknest) { lvalp->name = dupyytext(); return STRINGTOK; } } ")" { if (--blocknest <= 0) { yy_noeof = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); lvalp->name = dupyytext(); return STRINGTOK; } yymore(); } "\"" { yy_noeof = noeof_brace; BEGIN(brace); yymore(); } [^\"] { yymore(); } "(" { return '('; } "," { return ','; } [ \t\n]* { ; } [^\(\), \t\n]* { lvalp->name = omStrDup((char *)yytext); return STRINGTOK; } \"[^\"]*\" { lvalp->name = omStrDup((char *)yytext); return STRINGTOK; } ")" { yy_noeof = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); return ')'; } "{" { yy_blocklineno = yylineno; blocknest = 1; yy_noeof = noeof_block; BEGIN(block); } "\"" { yy_noeof = noeof_string; BEGIN(blockstr); yymore(); } [^\"] { yymore(); } "\\\\" { yymore(); } "\\\"" { yymore(); } "\"" { yy_noeof = noeof_block; BEGIN(block); yymore(); } [^\{\}\"]* { yymore(); } \/\/[^\n]* { yymore(); } "{" { blocknest++; yymore(); } "}" { if (--blocknest <= 0) { BEGIN(INITIAL); yy_noeof = 0; lvalp->name = dupyytextNL(); return BLOCKTOK; } yymore(); } "\"" { BEGIN(string); yy_noeof = noeof_string;} ~ { return SYS_BREAK; } [^\"] { yymore(); } "\\\\" { yymore(); } "\\\"" { yymore(); } "\"" { char * s; yy_noeof = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); s = lvalp->name = dupyytext(); while (*yytext) { if (*yytext == '\\') yytext++; *s++ = *yytext++; } *s++ = *yytext++; return STRINGTOK; } [ \t\r\n] /* skip whitespace */ ".." { return DOTDOT; } "::" { return COLONCOLON; } "--" { return MINUSMINUS; } "++" { return PLUSPLUS ; } "==" { return EQUAL_EQUAL; } "&&" { lvalp->i='&'; return LOGIC_OP; } "||" { lvalp->i='|'; return LOGIC_OP; } "<=" { lvalp->i=LE; return COMP_OP; } ">=" { lvalp->i=GE; return COMP_OP; } "!" { return NOT; } "!=" { return NOTEQUAL; } "<>" { return NOTEQUAL; } "**" { return '^'; } "->" { return ARROW; } \\ { return '\\'; } newline { lvalp->name = omStrDup("\n"); return STRINGTOK; } {integer} { lvalp->name = (char *)yytext; return INT_CONST; } {integer}\/{integer} { lvalp->name = (char *)yytext; return MONOM; } \$ { m2_end(-1); } (quit|exit)[ \t\n]*; { #ifdef MM_STAT mmStat(-500); #endif #ifdef OM_TRACK #ifndef SING_NDEBUG omPrintUsedTrackAddrs(stdout, 10); #endif #endif m2_end(0); } {rgvars}|{realnum} { lvalp->name = (char *)yytext; return MONOM; } [0-9]+\."e"[+-][0-9]+ { lvalp->name = (char *)yytext; return MONOM; } [0-9]+\./[^\.] { lvalp->name = (char *)yytext; return MONOM; } ({parname}|{name}) { /* {name} */ int rc=0; if (yytext[strlen((char *)yytext)-1] == '\n') { yytext[strlen((char *)yytext)-1] = '\0'; } if (yyleng > 1) { rc = IsCmd((char *)yytext,lvalp->i); if (rc) return rc; } lvalp->name = omStrDup((char *)yytext); return UNKNOWN_IDENT; } . { /*if (*yytext == '\n') REJECT;*/ REGISTER char ch= *yytext; lvalp->i = ch; switch(ch) { /* case '&': */ case '|': return LOGIC_OP; /* case '/': */ case '%': case '*': return MULDIV_OP; /* case '<': */ case '>': return COMP_OP; default: break; } return ch; } %% void * myynewbuffer() { void * oldb = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(NULL, YY_BUF_SIZE)); return oldb; } void myyoldbuffer(void * oldb) { yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_switch_to_buffer((YY_BUFFER_STATE)oldb); //yy_flush_buffer((YY_BUFFER_STATE)oldb); } void myychangebuffer() { yy_flush_buffer((YY_BUFFER_STATE)YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(NULL, YY_BUF_SIZE)); } void my_yy_flush() { YY_FLUSH_BUFFER;BEGIN(0); }