////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version maxlike.lib Dec_2017 "; //$Id$ category="Algebraic Statistics"; info=" LIBRARY: maxlike.lib Procedures to compute maximum likelihood estimates AUTHOR: Adrian Koch (kocha at rhrk.uni-kl.de) REFERENCES: Lior Pachter, Bernd Sturmfels; Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology; published by Cambridge University Press PROCEDURES: likeIdeal(I,u); the likelihood ideal with respect to I and u logHessian(I,u); modified Hessian of the loglikelihood function getMaxPoints(Iu,H,prec,[..]); maximum likelihood estimates maxPoints(I,u,prec,[..]); maximum likelihood estimates,combines the procedures above maxPointsProb(I,u,prec,[..]); maximum likelihood estimates and probability distributions KEYWORDS: algebraic statistics; likelihood ideal; maximum likelihood estimate "; LIB "presolve.lib"; LIB "solve.lib";//already loads the matrix.lib LIB "sing.lib"; static proc onesmat(n,m) {//returns an nxm matrix filled with ones matrix M[n][m]; int i,j; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { M[i,j]=1; } } return(M); } proc likeIdeal(ideal I, intvec u) "USAGE: likeIdeal(I,u); ideal I, intvec u I represents the algebraic statistical model and u is the data vector under considerarion. RETURN: ideal: the likelihood ideal with respect to I and u EXAMPLE: example likeIdeal; shows an example " {//I contains the polys f_i giving the alg.stat.model: theta -> (f1(theta),...,fm(theta)) //this is an implementation of the first part of 3.3 MLE, namely pages 102-104 //i.e. it computes an ideal Iu such that V(Iu) contains all critical points //of the parameter-log-likelihood-function given by the polys in I //(more precisely, V(Iu) is the smallest //variety with that property) (cf. elimination theory) //(I must have the same number of elements as u) def r=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int m=size(I); ring bigring = 0, (t(1..n),z(1..m)), dp; ideal I=fetch(r,I); // here we generate the zf(theta)-part of Ju matrix Z=diag(ideal(z(1..m))); matrix F=diag(I); matrix ZF1=Z*F-diag(1,m); ideal J1=ideal(ZF1); //here we generate the theta-part of Ju matrix O=onesmat(m,m); matrix U=diag(u); matrix UZ=O*U*Z; //compute the derivatives, but take only the submatrix corresponding to the variables //in the original ring (other entries are 0) matrix D=jacob(I); intvec rD=1..nrows(D); intvec cD=1..n; matrix Dsub=submat(D,rD,cD); matrix S=UZ*Dsub; ideal J2=ideal(S); // put the two parts together ideal Ju=J1+J2; poly el=1; int i; for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { el=el*z(i); } ideal Iu=eliminate(Ju,el); setring r; ideal Iu=fetch(bigring,Iu); return(Iu); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; poly pA = -10x+2y+25; poly pC = 8x-y+25; poly pG = 11x-2y+25; poly pT = -9x+y+25; intvec u = 10,14,15,10; ideal I = pA,pC,pG,pT; ideal L = likeIdeal(I,u); L; } static proc prodideal(ideal I) {//returns the product over all polys in I int n=size(I); int i; poly f=I[1]; for(i=2; i<=n; i++) { f=f*I[i]; } return(f); } proc logHessian(ideal I, intvec u) "USAGE: logHessian(I,u); ideal I, intvec u I represents the algebraic statistical model and u is the data vector under considerarion. RETURN: matrix: a modified version of the Hessian matrix of the loglikelihood function defined by u and (the given generators of) I. NOTE: This matrix has the following property: if it is negative definite at a point, then the actual Hessian is also negative definite at that point. The same holds for positive definiteness. EXAMPLE: example logHessian; shows an example " {//computes the "Hessian" of the loglikelihoodfunction defined by I and u //first we compute the products Fj=prod(f1,...,fm)/fj int m=size(I); int n=nvars(basering); poly F=prodideal(I); ideal Fj; int j; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { Fj=Fj+ideal(F/I[j]); } //now, we compute the products of the first partial derivatives for each fj matrix J=jacob(I); matrix P[n][n]; list Jprod; int i,k; poly f; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(k=i; k<=n; k++) { f=J[j,i]*J[j,k]; P[i,k]=f; P[k,i]=f; } } Jprod=Jprod+list(P); } //here, we compute the second partial derivatives list secondJ=jacob(jacob(I[1])); for(j=2; j<=m; j++) { secondJ=secondJ+list(jacob(jacob(I[j]))); } //finally, we put everything together to get the "Hessian" matrix H[n][n]; f=0; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(k=i; k<=n; k++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { f=f+u[j]*Fj[j]*(secondJ[j][i,k]*I[j]-Jprod[j][i,k]); } H[i,k]=f; H[k,i]=f; f=0; } } return(H); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; poly pA = -10x+2y+25; poly pC = 8x-y+25; poly pG = 11x-2y+25; poly pT = -9x+y+25; intvec u = 10,14,15,10; ideal I = pA,pC,pG,pT; matrix H = logHessian(I,u); H; } static proc is_neg_def(matrix H) {//determines whether the given matrix is negative definite //returns 1 if it is, 0 if it isnt matrix M=H-diag(var(1),ncols(H)); poly f=det(M); list S=laguerre_solve(f); //this computes the eigenvalues of H. below, they are checked for neg. definiteness int k; //we now check, whether H is negative definite //if it is, then we will go through the for-loop completely and return 1 at the end //otherwise we return 0 for(k=1; k<=size(S); k++) { if(S[k] >= 0) { return(0); } } return(1); } proc getMaxPoints(ideal Iu, matrix H, int prec, list #) "USAGE: getMaxPoints(Iu, H, prec [, \"nodisplay\"]); ideal Iu, matrix H, int prec, int k Iu the likelihood ideal, H the (modified) Hessian of the considered algebraic statistical model, prec the precision with which to compute the maximum likelihood estimates RETURN: ring: a complex ring R in which you can find the following two lists: - MPOINTS, points in which the loglikelihood function has a local maximum, and - LHESSIANS, the (modified) Hessians at those points also prints out the points in MPOINTS, unless a fourth argument is given NOTE: it is assumed that the likelihood ideal is 0-dimensional EXAMPLE: example getMaxPoints; shows an example " {//goes through the solutions computed by solve and keeps only those which have only //(non-negative) real components //then it plugs the solutions into the "Hessian" and checks whether or not it is //negative definite ideal G=groebner(Iu); def r=basering; int n=nvars(r); def s=solve(G,prec,"nodisplay"); setring s; list L; list entk;//the k-th entry of SOL int c; //will be 1 if we want the entry in our list L, 0 otherwise int k,l; for(k=1; k<=size(SOL); k++) { c=1; entk=SOL[k]; for(l=1; l<=size(entk); l++) { if(impart(entk[l]) != 0)//throw away those with non-zero imaginary part { c=0; break; } if(entk[l] < 0)//and those wich are negative { c=0; break; } } if(c == 1)//is 1 iff all components are real and non-negative { L=L+list(entk); } } ring R=(complex,prec,i),x(1..n),dp; ideal Iu=fetch(r,Iu); list L=fetch(s,L); list Lk;//k-th entry of L matrix H=fetch(r,H); matrix Hsubst; list hessi;//contains the Hessians with solutions plugged in for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { Lk=L[k]; Hsubst=H; for(l=1; l<=size(Lk); l++) { Hsubst=subst(Hsubst,x(l),Lk[l]); } hessi=hessi+list(Hsubst); } //now check all elements of hessi and only keep those which are negative definite //also do the respective changes in the list of solutions L list hessi2; list L2; for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { if(1) { if(is_neg_def(hessi[k]) == 1) { hessi2=hessi2+list(hessi[k]); L2=L2+list(L[k]); } } } //execute("ring outR =(complex,"+string(prec)+"),(x(1.."+string(n)+")),dp;"); ring outR=(complex,prec),x(1..n),dp; list MPOINTS = imap(R,L2); list LHESSIANS = imap(R,hessi2); export MPOINTS; export LHESSIANS; string display=" // In the ring created by getmaxpoints you can find the lists // MPOINTS, containing points in which the loglikelihood function has a local maximum, and // LHESSIANS, containing the (modified) Hessians at those points. "; if(size(#)==0) { print(MPOINTS); print(display); } return(outR); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; poly pA = -10x+2y+25; poly pC = 8x-y+25; poly pG = 11x-2y+25; poly pT = -9x+y+25; intvec u = 10,14,15,10; ideal I = pA,pC,pG,pT; ideal L = likeIdeal(I,u); matrix H = logHessian(I,u); def R = getMaxPoints(L, H, 50); setring R; MPOINTS; LHESSIANS; } proc maxPoints(ideal I, intvec u, int prec, list #) "USAGE: maxPoints(I,u,prec [, \"nodisplay\"]); ideal I, intvec u, int prec I represents the algebraic statistical model, u is the data vector under considerarion, and prec is the precision to be used in the computations RETURN: ring: a complex ring R in which you can find the following two lists: - MPOINTS, points in which the loglikelihood function has a local maximum, and - LHESSIANS, the (modified) Hessians at those points also prints out the points in MPOINTS, unless a fourth argument is given NOTE: Just uses likeideal, loghessian and getmaxpoints. EXAMPLE: example maxPoints; shows an example " { ideal Iu=likeIdeal(I,u); return(getMaxPoints(Iu,logHessian(I,u),prec,#)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; poly pA = -10x+2y+25; poly pC = 8x-y+25; poly pG = 11x-2y+25; poly pT = -9x+y+25; intvec u = 10,14,15,10; ideal I = pA,pC,pG,pT; def R = maxPoints(I, u, 50); setring R; MPOINTS; LHESSIANS; } proc maxPointsProb(ideal I, intvec u, int prec, list #) "USAGE: maxPointsProb(I,u,prec [, \"nodisplay\"]); ideal I, intvec u, int prec I represents the algebraic statistical model, u is the data vector under considerarion, and prec is the precision to be used in the computations RETURN: ring: a complex ring R in which you can find the following two lists: - MPOINTS, points in which the loglikelihood function has a local maximum, - LHESSIANS, the (modified) Hessians at those points, and - VALS, the resulting probability distributions (that is, the values of the polynomials given by I at the points in MPOINTS). Also prints out the points in MPOINTS, unless a fourth argument is given. NOTE: Does not compute the likelihood ideal via elimination, but rather computes the critical points by projection. EXAMPLE: example maxPointsProb; shows an example " {//as opposed to (get)maxpoints, which first eliminates and then solves, this procedure //solves and then projects //furthermore, it also creates a list of the values the generators of I have at the //points in MPOINTS (that is, a list of the probability distributions) matrix H=logHessian(I,u); def r=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int m=size(I); ring bigring = 0, (t(1..n),z(1..m)), dp; ideal I=fetch(r,I); // here we generate the zf(theta)-part of Ju matrix Z=diag(ideal(z(1..m))); matrix F=diag(I); matrix ZF1=Z*F-diag(1,m); ideal J1=ideal(ZF1); //here we generate the theta-part of Ju matrix O=onesmat(m,m); matrix U=diag(u); matrix UZ=O*U*Z; //compute the derivatives, but take only the submatrix corresponding to the variables //in the original ring (other entries are 0) matrix D=jacob(I); intvec rD=1..nrows(D); intvec cD=1..n; matrix Dsub=submat(D,rD,cD); matrix S=UZ*Dsub; ideal J2=ideal(S); // put the two parts together ideal Ju=J1+J2; def s=solve(Ju,prec,"nodisplay"); setring s; list L; list entk;//the k-th entry of SOL int c; //will be 1 if we want the entry in our list L, 0 otherwise int k,l; for(k=1; k<=size(SOL); k++) { c=1; entk=SOL[k]; entk=entk[1..n]; for(l=1; l<=size(entk); l++) { if(impart(entk[l]) != 0)//throw away those with non-zero imaginary part { c=0; break; } if(entk[l] < 0)//and those wich are negative { c=0; break; } } if(c == 1)//is 1 iff all components are real and non-negative { L=L+list(entk); } } ring R=(complex,prec,i),x(1..n),dp; list L=fetch(s,L); list Lk;//k-th entry of L matrix H=fetch(r,H); matrix Hsubst; list hessi;//contains the Hessians with solutions plugged in for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { Lk=L[k]; Hsubst=H; for(l=1; l<=size(Lk); l++) { Hsubst=subst(Hsubst,x(l),Lk[l]); } hessi=hessi+list(Hsubst); } //now check all elements of hessi and only keep those which are neg def //also do the respective changes in the list of solutions L list hessi2; list L2; for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { if(1) { if(is_neg_def(hessi[k]) == 1) { hessi2=hessi2+list(hessi[k]); L2=L2+list(L[k]); } } } //Output ideal I=fetch(r,I); list p, vals, VAL; int j; poly f; for(l=1; l<=size(L2); l++) { p=L2[l]; for(j=1; j<=size(I); j++) { f=I[j]; for(k=1; k<=nvars(basering); k++) { f=subst(f,var(k),p[k]); } vals=vals+list(f); } VAL=VAL+list(vals); vals=list(); } //execute("ring outR =(complex,"+string(prec)+"),(x(1.."+string(n)+")),dp;"); ring outR=(complex,prec),x(1..n),dp; list MPOINTS = imap(R,L2); list LHESSIANS = imap(R,hessi2); list VALS = imap(R,VAL); export MPOINTS; export LHESSIANS; export VALS; string display=" // In the ring created by getmaxpoints you can find the lists // MPOINTS, containing points in which the loglikelihood function has a local maximum, // LHESSIANS, containing the (modified) Hessians at those points, and // VALS, containing the probability distributions at those points. "; if(size(#)==0) { print(MPOINTS); print(display); } return(outR); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; poly pA = -10x+2y+25; poly pC = 8x-y+25; poly pG = 11x-2y+25; poly pT = -9x+y+25; intvec u = 10,14,15,10; ideal I = pA,pC,pG,pT; def R = maxPointsProb(I, u, 50); setring R; MPOINTS; LHESSIANS; VALS; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// a few more examples ///////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Here, we present an example of a data vector for which the likelihood function has more //than one biologically meaningful local maximum. //You can generate DNA sequence data, which has this data vector, using Seq-Gen with the //following input: //Tree: (Taxon1:0.6074796219,Taxon2:4.7911951859,Taxon3:0.5522879636); //Seq-Gen options: -mHKY -l7647 -n1 -z28503 //You can find Seq-Gen at http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/seqgen/ // //- write(":w ThreeTaxonClaw.tree", //- "(Taxon1:0.6074796219,Taxon2:4.7911951859,Taxon3:0.5522879636);"); //- int i=system("sh", //- "seq-gen -mHKY -l7647 -n1 -z28503 -q < ThreeTaxonClaw.tree > ThreeTaxonC //law.dat"); //- intvec u=getintvec("ThreeTaxonClaw.dat"); // /* proc bad_seq_gen_example() { ring R = 0,(mu1,mu2,mu3),dp; poly f1 = mu1*mu2*mu3 + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f2 = 6*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f3 = 3*mu1*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f4 = 3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f5 = 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*mu3 + 3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); ideal I = f1,f2,f3,f4,f5; intvec u = 770,2234,1156,2331,1156; maxPoints(I,u,50); } proc bad_seq_gen_example2() {//same example, but a different method of computing the local maxima ring bigring = 0,(mu1,mu2,mu3,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5),dp; poly f1 = mu1*mu2*mu3 + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f2 = 6*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f3 = 3*mu1*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f4 = 3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3 + 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f5 = 3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*mu3 + 3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3) + 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); ideal I = f1,f2,f3,f4,f5; intvec u=770,2234,1156,2331,1156; ideal Ju = z1*f1-1, z2*f2-1, z3*f3-1, z4*f4-1, z5*f5-1, u[1]*z1*diff(f1,mu1) + u[2]*z2*diff(f2,mu1) + u[3]*z3*diff(f3,mu1) + u[4]*z4*diff(f4,mu1) + u[5]*z5*diff(f5,mu1), u[1]*z1*diff(f1,mu2) + u[2]*z2*diff(f2,mu2) + u[3]*z3*diff(f3,mu2) + u[4]*z4*diff(f4,mu2) + u[5]*z5*diff(f5,mu2), u[1]*z1*diff(f1,mu3) + u[2]*z2*diff(f2,mu3) + u[3]*z3*diff(f3,mu3) + u[4]*z4*diff(f4,mu3) + u[5]*z5*diff(f5,mu3); ideal Iu = eliminate( Ju, z1*z2*z3*z4*z5 ); ring smallring = 0,(mu1,mu2,mu3),dp; ideal Iu=imap(bigring,Iu); ideal G=groebner(Iu); solve(G,20); ideal I = imap(bigring,I); matrix H = logHessian(I,u); ring complexring=(complex,20),(mu1,mu2,mu3),dp; matrix H = imap(smallring,H); H = subst(H,mu1,0.59152696273711385658); H = subst(H,mu2,0.2529957197544537399); H = subst(H,mu3,0.59152696273711385658); H; matrix M = H-diag(var(1),ncols(H)); laguerre_solve(det(M)); H = imap(smallring,H); H = subst(H,mu1,0.55724214001951940648); H = subst(H,mu2,0.25295468429185774898); H = subst(H,mu3,0.62963746147721704588); H; M = H-diag(var(1),ncols(H)); laguerre_solve(det(M)); H = imap(smallring,H); H = subst(H,mu1,0.62963746147721704588); H = subst(H,mu2,0.25295468429185774898); H = subst(H,mu3,0.55724214001951940648); H; M = H-diag(var(1),ncols(H)); laguerre_solve(det(M)); } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //These are some of the procedures I used to generate and test examples for my Master //thesis. To use the ones incorporating Seq-Gen, you may have to adjust the shell command //with which Singular calls Seq-Gen. You can find Seq-Gen at //http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/seqgen/ //As the names of the procedures suggest, we always use the Jukes-Cantor model. //They also tell you which of them use Seq-Gen. /* proc getguaranteedmaxPoints(ideal Iu, matrix H, list #) {//an older version of the procedures above ideal G=groebner(Iu); def r=basering; int n=nvars(r); def s=solve(G,50,"nodisplay"); setring s; list L; list entk;//the k-th entry of SOL int c; //will be 1 if we want the entry in our list L, 0 otherwise int k,l; for(k=1; k<=size(SOL); k++) { c=1; entk=SOL[k]; for(l=1; l<=size(entk); l++) { if(impart(entk[l]) != 0)//throw away those with non-zero imaginary part { c=0; break; } if(entk[l] < 0)//and those wich are negative { c=0; break; } } if(c == 1)//is 1 iff all components are real and non-negative { L=L+list(entk); } } ring R=(complex,50,i),x(1..n),dp; ideal Iu=fetch(r,Iu); list L=fetch(s,L); list Lk;//k-th entry of L matrix H=fetch(r,H); matrix Hsubst; list hessi;//contains the Hessians with solutions plugged in for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { Lk=L[k]; Hsubst=H; for(l=1; l<=size(Lk); l++) { Hsubst=subst(Hsubst,x(l),Lk[l]); } hessi=hessi+list(Hsubst); } //now check all elements of hessi and only keep those which arent neg def or indef //also do the respective changes in the list of solutions L list hessi2; list L2; for(k=1; k<=size(L); k++) { if(1) { if(is_neg_def(hessi[k]) == 1) { hessi2=hessi2+list(hessi[k]); L2=L2+list(L[k]); } } } if(size(#)>0) { list L2k; c=0;//counts the number of biologically meaningful parameter vectors int constrhold=1;//will be set to 0 temporarily if the constraints don't hold for(k=1; k<=size(L2); k++) { L2k=L2[k]; for(l=1; l<=size(L2k); l++) { if(L2k[l] <= 1/4) { constrhold=0; break; } if(L2k[l] > 1) { constrhold=0; break; } } if(constrhold == 1) { c++; } constrhold=1; } return(c); } print(L2); } proc getintvec(string linkstr) { //compares the sequences generated by seq-gen and outputs the frequencies //u123, udis, u12, u13 and u23 (so only helpful, when we are considering three taxons) //(distinguishes between the non-sequence-lines of the seq-gen-outputfile and those //with sequences in them by the length of the lines, so use //sequences with at least 20 nucleotides) string st=read(linkstr); string taxon, tax; int i,j; list taxons; //first, get the DNA sequences as strings and store them in the list taxons for (i=1; i<=size(st); i=i+1) { while (st[i]!=newline and i<=size(st)) { taxon=taxon+st[i]; i=i+1; } if (size(taxon)>=20) { for(j=2; j<=size(taxon); j++) { if( (taxon[j-1] == " ") and (taxon[j] != " ") ) { break; } } tax=taxon[j..size(taxon)];//removes the part of the line containing the name //of the taxon: in the textfile generated by seq-gen there are a few spaces //between the name of the taxon and the corresponding sequence taxons=taxons+list(tax); } taxon=""; } //then compare the strings in the list taxons, store the frequencies in the intvec u intvec u=0,0,0,0,0;//u123,udis,u12,u13,u23 for(i=1; i<=size(taxons[1]); i++) { if((taxons[1][i] == taxons[2][i]) and (taxons[2][i] == taxons[3][i])) { u[1]=u[1]+1; i++; continue;//continue does not execute the increment statement of the loop } if(taxons[1][i] == taxons[2][i]) { u[3]=u[3]+1; i++; continue; } if(taxons[1][i] == taxons[3][i]) { u[4]=u[4]+1; i++; continue; } if(taxons[2][i] == taxons[3][i]) { u[5]=u[5]+1; i++; continue; } u[2]=u[2]+1; } return(u); } proc randintvec(int s, int a) {//s the length of the intvecs, a the upper bound of the entries: //computes intvecs of length s and entries between 1 and a intvec u; int i; for(i=1; i<=s; i++) { u[i]=random(1,a); } return(u); } proc checkrandomJC69run(int a, int sta, int up) {//a number of random intvecs to be considered, sta the starting point of random, //up the upper bound of the entries of the intvecs ring r=0,(mu1,mu2,mu3),dp; poly f1=mu1*mu2*mu3+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f2=6*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3)+6*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f3=3*mu1*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f4=3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f5=3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*mu3+3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); ideal I=f1,f2,f3,f4,f5; link lu=":a UsedIntvecsJC69rand.txt"; link lf=":a FailedJC69rand.txt"; system("random",sta); ideal Iu,G; int d, nzd, num; int i; intvec u; int eatoutput; string display, writestr; writestr=newline+newline+"number of random intvecs: "+string(a)+"; random seed: "; writestr=writestr+string(sta)+"; upper bound:"+string(up)+newline; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); for(i=1; i<=a; i++) { u=randintvec(5,up); writestr=string(u); write(lu,writestr); Iu=likeIdeal(I,u); Iu=std(Iu); //Iu=groebner(Iu); d=dim(Iu); if(d != 0) { nzd++; display="-*-*-*- not 0-dim. for u= "+string(u)+", i= "+string(i)+" -*-*-*-"; print(display); write(lf,display); i++; continue; } eatoutput=getguaranteedmaxPoints(Iu,logHessian(I,u),1); if(eatoutput >= 2) { num++; write(lf,writestr+"; number: "+string(eatoutput)); display="-*-*-*- Failed for u= "+string(u)+", i= "+string(i)+" -*-*-*-"; print(display); display=""; } } display="-------------- i = "+string(i)+" --------------"; display=display+newline+"not zero-dimensional in "+string(nzd)+" cases"+newline; display=display+"no unique maximum in "+string(num)+" cases"+newline; print(display); write(lf,display); close(lu); close(lf); return(nzd,num); } proc checkseqgenJC69run(int a, int sd, int len) {//a number of random intvecs to be considered, sd the random seed for seq-gen, //up the upper bound of the entries of the intvecs ring r=0,(mu1,mu2,mu3),dp; poly f1=mu1*mu2*mu3+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f2=6*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3)+6*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f3=3*mu1*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f4=3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*mu3+3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); poly f5=3*1/3*(1-mu1)*mu2*mu3+3*mu1*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3)+ 6*1/3*(1-mu1)*1/3*(1-mu2)*1/3*(1-mu3); ideal I=f1,f2,f3,f4,f5; link lu=":a UsedIntvecsJC69seqgen.txt"; link lf=":a FailedJC69seqgen.txt"; string readstr="ThreeTaxonClaw.dat"; ideal Iu,G; int d, nzd, num; int i; intvec u; int eatoutput; string display, writestr, shcmd; writestr=newline+newline+"number of seqgened intvecs: "+string(a)+"; random seed: "; writestr=writestr+string(sd)+"; sequence length: "+string(len)+newline; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); for(i=1; i<=a; i++) { shcmd="seq-gen "; shcmd=shcmd+"-mHKY -l"+string(len)+" -n1 -z"+string(sd); shcmd=shcmd+" -q < ThreeTaxonClaw.tree > ThreeTaxonClaw.dat"; sd++; eatoutput=system("sh",shcmd); u=getintvec(readstr); writestr=string(u); write(lu,writestr); Iu=likeIdeal(I,u); Iu=std(Iu); //Iu=groebner(Iu); d=dim(Iu); if(d != 0) { nzd++; display="-*-*-*- not 0-dim. for u= "+string(u)+", i= "+string(i)+" -*-*-*-"; print(display); write(lf,display); i++; continue; } eatoutput=getguaranteedmaxPoints(Iu,logHessian(I,u),1); if(eatoutput >= 2) { num++; write(lf,writestr+"; number: "+string(eatoutput)); display="-*-*-*- no unique maximum for u= "+ string(u)+", i= "+string(i)+" -*-*-*-"; print(display); display=""; } } display="-------------- i = "+string(i)+" --------------"; display=display+newline+"not zero-dimensional in "+string(nzd)+" cases"+newline; display=display+"no unique maximum in "+string(num)+" cases"+newline; print(display); write(lf,display); close(lu); close(lf); return(nzd,num); } proc randclawtree(int a) { ring r=(complex,10),x,dp; number n1,n2,n3; int n; int i; for(i=1; i<=a; i++) { n=random(1,1000000); n1=number(n)/1000000; n2=number(random(1,1000000-n))/1000000; n3=1-n1-n2; print("(Taxon1:"+string(n1)+",Taxon2:"+string(n2)+",Taxon3:"+string(n3)+");"); } } proc checkrandomJC69writebeginning(int r, int a, int sta, int up) { string writestr=newline+newline+newline+newline+newline+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting new loop with the following parameters"+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of runs: "+string(r)+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of intvecs per run: "+string(a)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed: "+string(sta)+newline; writestr=writestr+"upper bound for the entries of the intvecs: "+string(up)+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"; link lu=":a UsedIntvecsJC69rand.txt"; link lf=":a FailedJC69rand.txt"; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); close(lu); close(lf); } proc checkrandomJC69writeend(int r, int a, int sta, int up, int s, int t) { writestr=newline+newline+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"+newline; writestr=writestr+"ending loop with the following parameters"+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of runs: "+string(r)+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of intvecs per run: "+string(a)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed: "+string(sta)+newline; writestr=writestr+"upper bound for the entries of the intvecs: "+string(up)+newline; writestr=writestr+newline+"in the whole loop, there were a total of"+newline; writestr=writestr+" "+string(s)+" examples with non-zero-dim. likeideal"+newline; writestr=writestr+" "+string(t)+ " examples with more than one biol. meaningful local maximum"; writestr=writestr+newline+"*****************************************************"; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); close(lu); close(lf); } proc checkrandomJC69loop(int r, int a, int sta, int up, int s, int t) { //r the number of runs, a the number of intvecs per run, sta the starting random //seed, up the upper bound for the entries of the intvecs checkrandomJC69writebeginning(r,a,sta,up); int nzd, num, i, s, t; for(i=1; i<=r; i++) { (nzd,num)=checkrandomJC69run(a,sta,up); sta++; s=s+nzd; t=t+num; } checkrandomJC69writeend(r,a,sta,up,s,t); } proc checkseqgenJC69writebeginning(int r, int a, int sd, int sta, int len, int p) { string writestr=newline+newline+newline+newline+newline+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting new loop with the following parameters"+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of runs: "+string(r)+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of intvecs per run: "+string(a)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed for seqgen: "+string(sd)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed for random: "+string(sta)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting length of the generated sequences: "+string(len)+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"; link lu=":a UsedIntvecsJC69seqgen.txt"; link lf=":a FailedJC69seqgen.txt"; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); close(lu); close(lf); } proc checkseqgenJC69writeend(int r, int a, int sd, int sta, int len, int p, int s, int t, intvec ls) { writestr=newline+newline+newline; writestr=writestr+"*****************************************************"+newline; writestr=writestr+"ending loop with the following parameters"+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of runs: "+string(r)+newline; writestr=writestr+"number of intvecs per run: "+string(a)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed for seqgen: "+string(sd)+newline; writestr=writestr+"starting random seed for random: "+string(sta)+newline; writestr=writestr+"length of the generated sequences: "+string(len)+newline; writestr=writestr+newline+"in the whole loop, there were a total of"+newline; writestr=writestr+" "+string(s)+" examples with non-zero-dim. likeideal"+newline; writestr=writestr+" "+string(t)+ " examples with more than one biol. meaningful local maximum"; writestr=writestr+newline+"*****************************************************"; writestr=writestr+"used lengths:"+newline+string(ls); writestr=writestr+newline+"*****************************************************"; write(lu,writestr); write(lf,writestr); close(lu); close(lf); } proc checkseqgenJC69loop(int r, int a, int sd, int sta, int len, int p) { //r the number of runs, a the number of intvecs per run, sd the starting random //seed, len the starting length, p the amount len will increase (on average) //after each run (via + random(1,2*p-1)) //sta the random seed for random checkseqgenJC69writebeginning(r,a,sd,sta,len,p); system("random",sta); intvec ls; int nzd, num, i, s, t; for(i=1; i<=r; i++) { (nzd,num)=checkseqgenJC69run(a,sd,len); sd++; ls[i]=len; len=len+random(1,2*p-1); s=s+nzd; t=t+num; } checkseqgenJC69writeend(r,a,sd,sta,len,p,s,t,ls); } */