////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version numerDecom.lib Dec_2017 "; // $Id$ category="Algebraic Geometry"; info=" LIBRARY: NumDecom.lib Numerical Decomposition of Ideals OVERVIEW: The library contains procedures to compute numerical irreducible decomposition, and numerical primary decomposition of an algebraic variety defined by a polynomial system. The use of the library requires to install Bertini (@uref{http://www.nd.edu/~sommese/bertini}). AUTHOR: Shawki AlRashed, rashed@mathematik.uni-kl.de; sh.shawki@yahoo.de PROCEDURES: re2squ(ideal I); reduction to square system UseBertini(ideal H,string sv); use Bertini to compute the solutions of the homotopy function Singular2bertini(list L); adopt the list to be a read file in Bertini as a start solution set bertini2Singular(string snp, int q); adopt the file of solutions of the homotopy function to be a list in SINGULAR ReJunkUseHomo(ideal I, ideal L, list W, list w); remove junk points using the homotopy function JuReTopDim(ideal J,list w,int tt, int d); remove junk points that are on top-dimensional component JuReZeroDim(ideal J,list w, int d); remove junk points from 0-dimensional component WitSupSet(ideal I); witness point super set WitSet(ideal I); witness point set NumIrrDecom(ideal I); numerical irreducible decomposition defl(ideal I, int d); deflation of ideal I NumPrimDecom(ideal I, int d); numerical primary decomposition KEYWORDS: numerical irreducible decomposition; decomposition, numerical; primary decomposition, numerical;bertini; numerAlg_lib "; LIB "solve.lib"; LIB "matrix.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc re2squ(ideal I) "USAGE: re2squ(ideal I);I ideal RETURN: ideal J defined by the polynomial system of the same number of polynomials and unknowns EXAMPLE: example re2squ;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); ideal J; poly p; int N=size(I); int i,j; if(n==N) { J=I; } else { if(N=1;j--) { rp=repart(M[n+j]); ip=impart(M[n+j]); rip=rp^2 + ip^2; if(rip<0.0000000000000001) { M=delete(M,n+j); Y[i]=M; } } } k=1; kk=1; for( i=1;i<=size(Y);i++) { if(size(Y[i])==n) { W(dd)[k]=Y[i]; k=k+1; } else { V(dd)[kk]=Y[i]; kk=kk+1; } } ideal JJ=imap(S,II); k=1; number al,ar,ai,ri; for(j=1;j<=size(W(dd));j++) { ri=0; al=0; ai=0; ar=0; for(ii=1;ii<=size(JJ);ii++) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { JJ[ii]=subst(JJ[ii],var(i),W(dd)[j][i]); } al=leadcoef(JJ[ii]); ar=repart(al); ai=impart(al); ri=ar^2+ai^2+ri; } if(ri<=0.000000000000000001) { W(dd)[k]=W(dd)[j]; k=k+1; } } ideal L(dd)=imap(R,L(dd)); export(L(dd)); export(W(dd)); export(V(dd)); string sff,sf,sv; int nv(dd)=size(V(dd)); int nv(0..dd-1); if(size(W(dd))=n-rn+1;q--) { if(nv(q)!=0) { int w(q-1)=0; execute("ring D(q)=(0,s,gamma),("+varstr(S)+",z(1..q)),dp;"); string nonsin(q),stnonsin(q); ideal H(1..q); ideal N(q)=imap(R,N(q)); ideal N(q-1)=imap(R,N(q-1)); for(j=1;j<=n+q-1;j++) { H(q)[j]=s*gamma*N(q)[j]+(1-s)*N(q-1)[j]; } H(q)[n+q]=s*gamma*N(q)[n+q]+(1-s)*var(n+q); ideal H=H(q); export(H(q)); string sv(q)=varstr(basering); sv=sv(q); def Q(q)=UseBertini(H,sv); system("sh","rm start"); nonsin(q)=read("nonsingular_solutions"); if(size(nonsin(q))>=52) { def T(q)=bertini2Singular("nonsingular_solutions",nvars(basering)); setring T(q); list C=re; list B,X,A,G; for(i=1;i<=size(C);i++) { B=re[i]; B=delete(B,n+q); C[i]=B; } X=C; if(q>=2) { for(j=q-1;j>=1;j--) { for(i=1;i<=size(X);i++) { A[i]=X[i]; G=A[i]; G=delete(G,n+j); A[i]=G; } X=A; } } else { X=C; } list W(q-1),V(q-1); ideal JJ=imap(S,II); k=1; poly tj; number al,ar,ai,ri; for(j=1;j<=size(C);j++) { ri=0; al=0; ai=0; ar=0; for(i=1;i<=size(JJ);i++) { tj=JJ[i]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { tj=subst(tj,var(i),X[j][i]); } al=leadcoef(tj); ar=repart(al); ai=impart(al); ri=ar^2+ai^2+ri; } if(ri<=0.000000000000000001) { W(q-1)[k]=X[j]; k=k+1; } else { nv(q-1)=nv(q-1)+1; V(q-1)[nv(q-1)]=C[j]; } } if(nv(q-1)==size(C)) { list W(q-1)=var(1); } if(q>=2) { if(nv(q-1)!=0) { def SB(qq-1)=Singular2bertini(V(q-1)); } else { for(qq=q-1;qq>=1;qq--) { execute("ring T(qq)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+",z(1..qq)),dp;"); list W(qq-1)=var(1); } q=1; } } } else { for(qq=q;qq>=1;qq--) { int w(qq-1); execute("ring T(qq)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+",z(1..qq)),dp;"); list W(qq-1)=var(1); } } } else { for(qq=q;qq>=1;qq--) { execute("ring T(qq)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+",z(1..qq)),dp;"); list W(qq-1)=var(1); } } } execute("ring D=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); for(i=0;i<=dd;i++) { list W(i)=imap(T(i+1),W(i)); export(W(i)); } ideal L=imap(R,LL); export(L); ideal N(0)=imap(R,N(0)); export(N(0)); setring S; return(D); } } else { execute("ring R=0,("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); int i,j,c(0); poly p; ideal LL; for(i=1;i<=dd;i++) { p=0; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=p+random(1,100)*var(j); } if(i=52) { def TT=bertini2Singular("nonsingular_solutions",nvars(basering)-2); setring TT; list w=imap(S,w); list C=re; list ww,v; number rp,ip,rp(1..size(w)),ip(1..size(w)),irp,t; for(k=1;k<=size(C);k++) { ww=re[k]; for(jj=1;jj<=size(w);jj++) { rp(jj)=(repart(ww[jj])-repart(w[jj]))^2; ip(jj)=(impart(ww[jj])-impart(w[jj]))^2; rp=rp+rp(jj); ip=ip+ip(jj); } irp=ip+rp; if(irp<=0.000000000000000000000001) { t=1.0; } else { t=0.0; } } } else { execute("ring TT=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list w=imap(S,w); number t=1.0; } export(t); setring S; return(TT); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal J=f1,f2,f3; poly l1=15x+16y+6z+17; poly l2=2x+14y+4z+18; ideal L=l1,l2; list W1=list(0.5372775295412116,-0.7105339291010922,-2.2817700129167831+I*0),list(0.09201175741935605,-1.7791717821935455,1.6810953589677311); list w=list(2,2,-131666666/10000000); def D=ReJunkUseHomo(J,L,W1,w); setring D; t; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc JuReTopDim(ideal J,list w,int tt, int d); "USAGE: JuReTopDim(ideal J,list w,int tt, int d);J ideal, w list of a point in V(J), tt the degree of d-dimensional component of V(J), d dimension of V(J) RETURN: t=1 if w on a d-dimensional component of V(I), otherwise t=0. EXAMPLE: example JuReTopDim;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int i,j,k; list iw,rw; for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { rw[k]=repart(w[k]); iw[k]=impart(w[k]); } execute("ring R=real,("+varstr(S)+",I),dp;"); list iw=imap(S,iw); list rw=imap(S,rw); ideal J=imap(S,J); execute("ring RR=0,("+varstr(S)+",I),dp;"); ideal J=imap(R,J); list iw=imap(R,iw); list rw=imap(R,rw); ideal L; poly p; for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { p=0; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=p+random(1,100)*(var(j)-rw[j]-I*iw[j]); } L[i]=p; } ideal JJ; for(i=1;i<=size(J);i++) { p=J[i]; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=subst(p,var(j),rw[j]+I*iw[j]); } JJ[i]=p; } poly pp; pp=I^2 +1; ideal T=L,J,pp; int di=dim(std(T)); if(di==0) { def T(d)=solve(T,10,"nodisplay"); setring T(d); number t,ie,re,rt; int zi=size(SOL); list iw=imap(S,iw); list rw=imap(S,rw); if(zi==2*tt) { t=1.0/1; } else { t=0.0/1; } } else { execute("ring T(d)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); "Try Again"; ----- } export(t); setring S; return(T(d)); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal J=f1,f2,f3; list w=list(0.5372775295412116,-0.7105339291010922,-2.2817700129167831); def D=JuReTopDim(J,w,2,2); setring D; t; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc JuReZeroDim(ideal J,list w, int d); "USAGE: JuReZeroDim(ideal J,list w, int d);J ideal, w list of a point in V(J), d dimension of V(J) RETURN: t=1 if w on a positive-dimensional component of V(I), i.e w is not isolated point in V(J) EXAMPLE: example JuReZeroDim;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int i,j,k; list iw,rw; for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { rw[k]=repart(w[k]); iw[k]=impart(w[k]); } execute("ring R=real,("+varstr(S)+",I),dp;"); list iw=imap(S,iw); ideal J=imap(S,J); list rw=imap(S,rw); execute("ring RR=0,("+varstr(S)+",I),dp;"); list iw=imap(R,iw); ideal J=imap(R,J); list rw=imap(R,rw); ideal LL; poly p; for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { p=0; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=p+random(1,100)*(var(j)-rw[j]-I*iw[j]); } LL[i]=p; } poly pp; pp=I^2 +1; ideal TT=LL,J,pp; def TT(d)=solve(TT,16,"nodisplay"); setring TT(d); int zii=size(SOL); execute("ring RR1=0,("+varstr(S)+",I),dp;"); list iw=imap(R,iw); ideal J=imap(R,J); list rw=imap(R,rw); ideal L; poly p; for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { p=0; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=p+random(1,100)*(var(j)-rw[j]-I*iw[j]-1/100000000000000); } L[i]=p; } poly pp; pp=I^2 +1; ideal T=L,J,pp; int di=dim(std(T)); if(di==0) { def T(d)=solve(T,16,"nodisplay"); setring T(d); number t; int zi=size(SOL); list iw=imap(S,iw); list rw=imap(S,rw); if(zi==zii) { t=1.0/1; } else { t=0.0/1; } } else { execute("ring T(d)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); "Try Again"; ----- } export(t); setring S; return(T(d)); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal J=f1,f2,f3; list w1=list(0.5372775295412116,-0.7105339291010922,-2.2817700129167831); def D1=JuReZeroDim(J,w1,2); setring D1; t; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc WitSet(ideal I) "USAGE: WitSet(ideal I); I ideal RETURN: lists W(0..d) of witness point sets of i-dimensional components of V(J) for i=0,...d respectively, where d the dimension of V(J), L list of generic linear polynomials NOTE: if W(i)=x, then V(J) has no component of dimension i EXAMPLE: example WitSet;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int ii,i,j,b,bb,k,kk,dt; def TJ(0)=WitSupSet(I); setring TJ(0); ideal LL=L; int d=size(LL); if(d==0) { setring S; return(TJ(0)); } else { for( i=0;i<=d;i++) { list Ww(i)=W(i); int z(i)=size(W(i)); export(Ww(i)); } for(i=d-1;i>=0;i--) { list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); if(size(W(i)[1])>1) { for(j=1;j<=z(i);j++) { execute("ring Rr(j+i)=(complex,106,I),("+varstr(S)+"),ds;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); ideal J(j),K(j); for(k=1;k<=size(J);k++) { J(j)[k]=J[k]; for(kk=1;kk<=n;kk++) { J(j)[k]=subst(J(j)[k],var(kk),w[kk]); } K(j)[k]=J[k]-J(j)[k]; } poly p(1..n); for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { p(k)=var(k)+w[k]; } map f(j)=Rr(j+i),p(1..n); ideal JJ=f(j)(K(j)); if(dim(std(JJ))>i) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=var(1); } else { if(i==0) { execute("ring RR(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); def AA(j)=JuReZeroDim( J,w,d); setring AA(j); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); if(t<1) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=W(i)[j]; } else { execute("ring RRR(j)=(complex,106,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); def AAA(j)=JuReTopDim( J,w, z(d),d); setring AAA(j); number ts=t; list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); if(ts<1) { dt=d-1; } else { dt=d; } if(dt>i) { for(ii=i+1;ii<=dt;ii++) { execute("ring RRRR(ii+j)=(complex,106,I),("+varstr(S)+"),ds;"); list Ww(ii)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(ii)); if(size(Ww(ii)[1])>1) { execute("ring RRRRR(ii+j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; list Ww(ii)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(ii)); ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); ideal L=imap(TJ(0),LL); ideal L(ii); for(k=1;k<=ii;k++) { L(ii)[k]=L[k]; } def AAA(ii+j)=ReJunkUseHomo(J,L(ii),Ww(ii),w); setring AAA(ii+j); number ts=t; list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); if(ts>0) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=var(1); ii=d+1; } else { if(ii==dt) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); } list w(j)=W(i)[j]; } } } } else { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=W(i)[j]; } } } else { execute("ring RRRRRRR(j)=(complex,106,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); def Aaa(j)=JuReTopDim( J,w,z(d),d); setring Aaa(j); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); number ts =t; if(ts<1) { dt=d-1; } else { dt=d; } if(dt>i) { for(ii=i+1;ii<=dt;ii++) { execute("ring RRRRRRRR(ii+j)=(complex,106,I),("+varstr(S)+"),ds;"); list Ww(ii)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(ii)); if(size(Ww(ii)[1])>1) { execute("ring R1(ii+j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w=W(i)[j]; list Ww(ii)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(ii)); ideal J=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); ideal L=imap(TJ(0),LL); ideal L(ii); for(k=1;k<=ii;k++) { L(ii)[k]=L[k]; } def AA(ii+j)=ReJunkUseHomo(J,L(ii),Ww(ii),w); setring AA(ii+j); number ts=t; list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); if(ts>0) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=var(1); ii=d+1; } else { if(ii==dt) { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); } list w(j)=W(i)[j]; } } } } else { execute("ring A(j)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i)=imap(TJ(0),Ww(i)); list w(j)=W(i)[j]; } } } if(j==z(i)) { execute("ring R(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i),w; int k(i)=0; for(k=1;k<=z(i);k++) { w=imap(A(k),w(k)); if(size(w)>1) { k(i)=k(i)+1; W(i)[k(i)]=w; } } if(k(i)==0) { W(i)=var(1); } } } } } execute("ring T=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); int bt=0; for(i=0;i<=d-1;i++) { list Ww(i)=imap(TJ(0),W(i)); if(size(Ww(i)[1])>1) { list W(i)=imap(R(i),W(i)); } else { list W(i)=Ww(i); } export(W(i)); } list W(d)=imap(TJ(0),W(d)); export(W(d)); ideal L=imap(TJ(0),LL); export(L); ideal N(0)=imap(TJ(0),N(0)); export(N(0)); setring S; return(T); } } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x3+z)*(x2-y); poly f2=(x3+y)*(x2-z); poly f3=(x3+y)*(x3+z)*(z2-y); ideal I=f1,f2,f3; def W=WitSet(I); setring W; W(1); // witness point set of a pure 1-dimensional component of V(I) W(0); // witness point set of a pure 0-dimensional component of V(I) L; // list of generic linear polynomials } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ZSR1(ideal I, ideal L, list W ) "USAGE: ZSR1(ideal I, ideal L, list W );I ideal, L ideal defined by generic linear polynomials, W list of a point in the generic slicing of V(I) and V(L) RETURN: ts number;zero sum relation of W EXAMPLE: example ZSR1;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int c(1)=5*n; int c(2)=23*n; int iii=size(L); execute("ring R=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),ds;"); number c(0); ideal LL=imap(S,L); c(0)=leadcoef(LL[iii]); string sv=varstr(S); int j,ii,jj,k,a,b,te,zi,si; string sf,sff; list VV; list W=imap(S,W); VV[1]=W; def SB1=Singular2bertini(VV); execute("ring R=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+",gamma,s),dp;"); ideal I=imap(S,I); zi=size(I); ideal LL=imap(S,L); ideal H, ll; for(a=1;a<=zi;a++) { H[a]=s*gamma*I[a]+(1-s)*I[a]; } if(iii>1) { for(k=1;k<=iii-1;k++) { ll[k]=LL[k]; H[k+zi]=s*gamma*LL[k]+(1-s)*ll[k]; } ll[iii]=LL[iii]+c(1)-c(0); H[iii+zi]=s*gamma*LL[iii]+(1-s)*ll[iii]; } else { ll[iii]=LL[iii]+c(1)-c(0); H[iii+zi]=s*gamma*LL[iii]+(1-s)*ll[iii]; } def Q(1)=UseBertini(H,sv); string siaa=read("singular_solutions"); string saa=read("nonsingular_solutions"); def TT(1)=bertini2Singular("nonsingular_solutions",nvars(basering)-2); setring TT(1); list wr=re; if(size(wr)==0) { execute("ring TT(2)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); number tte, ts; tte=11; ts=0; export(ts); export(tte); } else { execute("ring R1=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+",gamma,s),dp;"); ideal I=imap(S,I); si=size(I); ideal LL=imap(S,L); ideal H, ll; for(a=1;a<=si;a++) { H[a]=s*gamma*I[a]+(1-s)*I[a]; } if(iii>1) { for(k=1;k<=iii-1;k++) { ll[k]=LL[k]; H[k+si]=s*gamma*LL[k]+(1-s)*ll[k]; } ll[iii]=LL[iii]+c(2)-c(0); H[iii+si]=s*gamma*LL[iii]+(1-s)*ll[iii]; } else { ll[iii]=LL[iii]+c(2)-c(0); H[iii+si]=s*gamma*LL[iii]+(1-s)*ll[iii]; } def Q(2)=UseBertini(H,sv); string saaa=read("nonsingular_solutions"); string siaaa=read("singular_solutions"); if(size(saaa)<52) { if(size(siaaa)<52) { "ERROR( Try again try);"; } } if(size(saaa)>=52) { def TT(2)=bertini2Singular("nonsingular_solutions",nvars(basering)-2); setring TT(2); list wwr=re; list wr=imap(TT(1),wr); list W=imap(S,W); list w,ww,www; number s(0),s(1),s(2),ts; zi=size(W)/n; for(jj=1;jj<=zi;jj++) { s(0)=0; s(1)=0; s(2)=0; w=W; ww=wr[jj]; www=wwr[jj]; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(0)=s(0)+j*w[j]; } for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(1)=s(1)+j*ww[j]; } for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(2)=s(2)+j*www[j]; } } ts=s(0)*(c(1)-c(2))+s(1)*(c(2)-c(0))+s(2)*(c(0)-c(1)); } else { def TT(2)=bertini2Singular("singular_solutions",nvars(basering)-2); setring TT(2); list wwr=re; list wr=imap(TT(1),wr); list W=imap(S,W); list w,ww,www; number s(0),s(1),s(2),ts; zi=size(W)/n; for(jj=1;jj<=zi;jj++) { s(0)=0; s(1)=0; s(2)=0; w=W; ww=wr[jj]; www=wwr[jj]; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(0)=s(0)+j*w[j]; } for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(1)=s(1)+j*ww[j]; } for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { s(2)=s(2)+j*www[j]; } } ts=s(0)*(c(1)-c(2))+s(1)*(c(2)-c(0))+s(2)*(c(0)-c(1)); } } execute("ring e=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); number ts=imap(TT(2),ts); export(ts); number tte; tte=11; export(tte); system("sh","rm start"); setring S; return (e); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal J=f1,f2,f3; ideal L=2*x+7*y+3*z+29; list W=2,1.999999999999999,-15.6666666666664; def D=ZSR1(J,L,W ); setring D; ts; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc perSumZ(list A) "USAGE: perSumZ(list A);A list of different complex numbers RETURN: all subsets of A, whose sum of their elements is zero EXAMPLE: example perSumZ;shows an example " { list B, C; int i, j; number t,tr; if(size(A)==0) { B[1]=A; } if(size(A)==1) { if(((repart(A[1]))^2+(impart(A[1]))^2)<=0.000000000000001) { B[1]=A; } } for(i=1;i<=size(A);i++) { t=t+A[i]; } if(((repart(t))^2+(impart(t))^2)<=0.000000000000001) { B[1]=A; } for(i=1;i<=size(A);i++) { C=delete(A,i); C=perSumZ(C); for(j=1;j<=size(C);j++) { if(size(C[j])>0) { B[size(B)+1]=C[j]; } } } return(B); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),x,lp; list A=1,-1,2-I,I,-2; def D=perSumZ(A); D; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ZSROFWitSet(ideal I) "USAGE: ZSROFWitSet(ideal I);I ideal RETURN: ZSR(i) lists of the zero sum relation of witness point sets W(i) for i=1,...dim(V(I)) EXAMPLE: example ZSROFWitSet;shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); def T(0)=WitSet(I); setring T(0); ideal LL=L; int dd=size(LL); int a=c(0); if(a==0) { return(T(0)); } else { int i,j,ii,jj,k,sv(0..dd),j(0..dd),kk; string sv; for(i=1;i<=dd;i++) { jj=0; list V(i)=imap(T(0),W(i)); if(size(V(i)[1])>1) { if(size(V(i))==1) { execute("ring L(i)(1)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(i),ZSR(i); list V(i)=imap(T(0),W(i)); W(i)=V(i); ZSR(i)[1]=0.000; } else { if(i>1) { execute("ring ee(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list V(i)=imap(T(0),W(i)); } sv(i)=size(V(i)); for(j=1;j<=sv(i);j++) { ideal N=imap(T(0),N(0)); ideal LLL=imap(T(0),LL); ideal L; for(kk=1;kk<=i;kk++) { L[kk]=LLL[kk]; } def L(i)(j)=ZSR1(N,L,V(i)[j]); setring L(i)(j); if(j==1) { list W(i),ZSR(i); } else { list W(i)=imap(L(i)(j-1),W(i)); list ZSR(i)=imap(L(i)(j-1),ZSR(i)); export(ZSR(i)); } list V(i)=imap(T(0),W(i)); jj=jj+1; ZSR(i)[jj]=ts; W(i)[jj]=V(i)[j]; } } } } execute("ring Q=(complex,12,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list W(0)=imap(T(0),W(0)); export(W(0)); for(jj=1;jj<=dd;jj++) { number pt(jj); list V(jj)=imap(T(0),W(jj)); if(size(V(jj)[1])>1) { sv(jj)=size(V(jj)); if(jj>0) { list ZSR(jj)=imap(L(jj)(sv(jj)),ZSR(jj)); export(ZSR(jj)); list W(jj)=imap(L(jj)(sv(jj)),W(jj)); export(W(jj)); } } else { list ZSR(jj)=var(1); export(ZSR(jj)); list W(jj)=var(1); export(W(jj)); } } ideal L=imap(T(0),LL); export(L); export(dd); system("sh","rm singular_solutions"); system("sh","rm nonsingular_solutions"); system("sh","rm real_solutions"); system("sh","rm raw_solutions"); system("sh","rm raw_data"); system("sh","rm output"); system("sh","rm midpath_data"); system("sh","rm main_data"); system("sh","rm input"); system("sh","rm failed_paths"); setring S; return(Q); } } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal J=f1,f2,f3; def D=ZSROFWitSet(J); setring D; ZSR(1); W(1); ZSR(2); W(2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ReWitZSR(list A, list W, int di) "USAGE: ReWitZSR(list A, list W, int di);A ideal of complex numbers, W list of points on di-dimensional component, di integer RETURN: tw(di) integer, list Z(size(Z)); if tw(di)>0, else Z(0), list Z1(tw1(di)) EXAMPLE: example ReWitZSR;shows an example " { def S=basering; execute("ring e=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list A=imap(S,A); list W=imap(S,W); list D, B(1..size(A)),C(1..size(A)),D(1..size(A)),Z1(1..size(A)),Z(1..size(A)),Z,Y,ZY; int i,j,k,tw(di),tw1(di),tw2(di),tw3(di),tr,tc; list AA; list WW; for(i=1;i<=size(A);i++) { if(((repart(A[i]))^2+(impart(A[i]))^2)<=0.0000000000000001) { tc=tc+1; tw1(di)=tw1(di)+1; ZY[i]=A[i]; Z1(tw1(di))=W[i]; export(Z1(tw1(di))); } else { tr=tr+1; tw2(di)=tw2(di)+1; AA[tr]=A[i]; WW[tr]=W[i]; } } A=AA; W=WW; if(size(A)>0) { def B=perSumZ(A); for(i=1;i<=size(A);i++) { tc=0; B(i)=A[i]; for(j=1;j<=size(B);j++) { tr=0; for(k=1;k<=size(B[j]);k++) { if(B(i)[1]==B[j][k]) { tr=tr+1; } } if(tr>0) { tc=tc+1; C(i)[tc]=B[j]; } } for(j=1;j<=size(C(i));j++) { D(i)=C(i)[j]; for(k=1;k<=size(C(i));k++) { if(size(D(i))0) { D=Z[i]; for(k=size(Z);k>0;k--) { if(size(Z[k])>0) { B=Z[k]; if(i!=k) { if(D[1]==B[1]) { Z=delete(Z,k); } } } } } } for(j=1;j<=size(Z);j++) { tr=0; D=Z[j]; for(i=1;i<=size(A);i++) { for(k=1;k<=size(D);k++) { if(A[i]==D[k]) { tr=tr+1; tw(di)=tw(di)+1; Z(j)[tr]=W[i]; } } } export(Z(j)); } export(Z); } if(tw1(di)==0) { list Z1(0); Z1(0)="Empty set"; export(Z1(0)); } if(tw(di)==0) { list Z(0); Z(0)="Empty set"; export(Z(0)); } export(tw1(di)); export(tw(di)); setring S; return (e); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=(complex,16,I),(x,y,z),dp; list A= 3.7794571034732007+I*21.1724850800421247, -3.7794571034752664-I*21.1724850800419908; list W=list(-2.0738016397747976,1.29520655909919,-0.1476032795495952), list(-1.354769788796631,-1.5809208448134761,1.2904604224067381); int di=1; def D=ReWitZSR(A,W,di); setring D; tw(di); Z(size(Z));// if tw(di)>0, else Z(0); Z1(tw1(di)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc NumIrrDecom(ideal I) Numerical Irreducible Decomposition "USAGE: NumIrrDecom(ideal I);I ideal RETURN: w(1),..., w(t) lists of irreducible witness point sets of irreducible components of V(J) EXAMPLE: example NumIrrDecom;shows an example " { def S=basering; int i,ii; def WW=ZSROFWitSet(I); setring WW; if(c(0)==0) { setring S; return(WW); } else { int d=size(L); for(i=0;i<=d;i++) { int co(i)=0; if(i==0) { execute("ring q(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list V(i)=imap(WW,W(i)); list W(0..size(V(i))); if(size(V(i)[1])>1) { co(i)=size(V(i)); for(ii=1;ii<=size(V(i));ii++) { list w(ii)=V(i)[ii]; export(w(ii)); } } else { W(1)[1]="Empty Set"; } } else { list WW(i); list V(i)=imap(WW,W(i)); list a(i)=imap(WW,ZSR(i)); if(size(V(i)[1])>1) { def q(i)=ReWitZSR(a(i),V(i),i); setring q(i); if(tw1(i)>0) { for(ii=1;ii<=tw1(i);ii++) { WW(i)[ii]=Z1(ii); } co(i)=tw1(i); } if(tw(i)>0) { for(ii=1;ii<=size(Z);ii++) { if(size(Z[ii])>1) { co(i)=co(i)+1; WW(i)[ii+tw1(i)]=Z(ii); } } } for(ii=1;ii<=size(WW(i));ii++) { list w(ii); w(ii)=WW(i)[ii]; } } else { execute("ring q(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); WW(i)[1]="Empty Set"; } } } for(i=0;i<=d;i++) { execute("ring qq(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); for(ii=1;ii<=co(i);ii++) { list w(ii)=imap(q(i),w(ii)); export w(ii); } "==========================================="; "==========================================="; "Dimension"; i; "Number of Components"; co(i); number cco(i)=co(i)/1; export(cco(i)); } ideal L=imap(WW,L); export(L); "The generic Linear Space L"; L; return(qq(0..d)); } } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-1); poly f2=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-z)*(y-2); poly f3=(x2+y2+z2-6)*(x-y)*(x-z)*(z-3); ideal I=f1,f2,f3; list W=NumIrrDecom(I); ==> Dimension 0 Number of Components 1 Dimension 1 Number of Components 3 Dimension 2 Number of Components 1 def A(0)=W[1]; // corresponding 0-dimensional components setring A(0); w(1); // corresponding 0-dimensional irreducible component ==> 0-Witness point set (one point) def A(1)=W[2]; // corresponding 1-dimensional components setring A(1); w(1); // corresponding 1-dimensional irreducible component ==> 1-Witness point set (one point) w(2); // corresponding 1-dimensional irreducible component ==> 1-Witness point set (one point) w(3); // corresponding 1-dimensional irreducible component ==> 1-Witness point set (one point) def A(2)=W[3]; // corresponding 2-dimensional components setring A(2); w(1); // corresponding 2-dimensional irreducible component ==> 1-Witness point set (two points) } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc defl(ideal I, int d) "USAGE: defl(ideal I, int d); I ideal, int d order of the deflation RETURN: deflation ideal DI of I EXAMPLE: example defl; shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int i,j; for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { def R(i)=symmetricBasis(n,i,"x"); setring R(i); ideal J(i)=symBasis; export(J(i)); } execute("ring RR=0,(x(1..n),"+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { ideal J(i)=imap(R(i),J(i)); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { J(i)=subst(J(i),x(j),var(n+j)); } } execute("ring R=0,("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); ideal I=imap(S,I); if(d>1) { for(i=1;i<=d-1;i++) { ideal J(i)=imap(RR,J(i)); for(j=1;j<=size(I);j++) { ideal I(j); for(k=1;k<=size(J(i));k++) { I(j)[k]=J(i)[k]*I[j]; } export(I(j)); } } ideal J(d)=imap(RR,J(d)); ideal D(d)=J(1..d); ideal II(d)=I,I(1..size(I)); matrix T(d)=diff(D(d),II(d)); matrix TT(d)=transpose(T(d)); export(TT(d)); } else { ideal J(d)=imap(RR,J(d)); ideal D(d)=J(d); ideal II(d)=I; matrix T(d)=diff(D(d),II(d)); matrix TT(d)=transpose(T(d)); export(TT(d)); } int zc=size(D(d)); export(zc); execute("ring DR=0,("+varstr(S)+",x(1..zc)),dp;"); matrix TT(d)=imap(R,TT(d)); ideal I=imap(S,I); vector v=[x(1..zc)]; ideal DI=I,TT(d)*v; export(DI); export(I); setring S; return(DR); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=z^2; poly f2=z*(x^2+y); ideal I=f1,f2; def D=defl(I,1); setring D; DI; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc NIDofDI(ideal I) "USAGE: NIDofDI(ideal I); I ideal RETURN: numerical irreducible decomposition of I EXAMPLE: NIDofDI; shows an example " { def S=basering; int i,ii; def WW=ZSROFWitSet(I); setring WW; if(c(0)==0) { setring S; return(WW); } else { int d=size(L); for(i=0;i<=d;i++) { int co(i)=0; if(i==0) { execute("ring q(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list V(i)=imap(WW,W(i)); list W(0..size(V(i))); if(size(V(i)[1])>1) { co(i)=size(V(i)); for(ii=1;ii<=size(V(i));ii++) { list w(ii)=V(i)[ii]; export(w(ii)); } } else { W(1)[1]="Empty Set"; } } else { list WW(i); list V(i)=imap(WW,W(i)); list a(i)=imap(WW,ZSR(i)); if(size(V(i)[1])>1) { def q(i)=ReWitZSR(a(i),V(i),i); setring q(i); if(tw1(i)>0) { for(ii=1;ii<=tw1(i);ii++) { WW(i)[ii]=Z1(ii); } co(i)=tw1(i); } if(tw(i)>0) { for(ii=1;ii<=size(Z);ii++) { if(size(Z[ii])>1) { co(i)=co(i)+1; WW(i)[ii+tw1(i)]=Z(ii); } } } for(ii=1;ii<=size(WW(i));ii++) { list w(ii); w(ii)=WW(i)[ii]; } } else { execute("ring q(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); WW(i)[1]="Empty Set"; } } } for(i=0;i<=d;i++) { execute("ring qq(i)=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); list ww(i); if(co(i)>0) { for(ii=1;ii<=co(i);ii++) { list v(ii)=imap(q(i),w(ii)); ww(i)=v(ii)[1]; if(size(ww(i))==1) { list w(ii); w(ii)[1]=v(ii); } else { list w(ii)=v(ii); } export(w(ii)); } } else { list w(1); w(1)[1]=var(1); export(w(1)); } number cco(i)=co(i)/1; export(cco(i)); } ideal L=imap(WW,L); export(L); return(qq(0..d)); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f1=z^2; poly f2=z*(x^2+y); ideal I=f1,f2; list DD=NIDofDI(I); def D(0)=DD[1]; setring D(0); w(1); // w(1)= x, i.e. no components def D(1)=DD[2]; setring D(1); w(1); def D(2)=DD[3]; setring D(2); w(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc NumPrimDecom(ideal I,int d) "USAGE: NumPrimDecom(ideal I,int d); I ideal, d order of the deflation RETURN: lists of the numerical primary decomposition EXAMPLE: example NumPrimDecom; shows an example " { def S=basering; int n=nvars(basering); int i,Dd,j,k,jj; def D=defl(I,d); setring D; ideal J=DI; Dd=dim(std(DI)); list W=NIDofDI(J); for(i=0;i<=Dd;i++) { def A(i+1)=W[i+1]; setring A(i+1); if(cco(i)>0) { for(j=1;j<=cco(i);j++) { list W(j)=w(j); for(k=1;k<=size(w(j));k++) { for(jj=size(W(j)[k]);jj>=n+1;jj--) { W(j)[k]=delete(W(j)[k],jj); } W(j)[k]=W(j)[k]; } } } else { list W(1)=var(1); } } execute("ring R=(complex,16,I),("+varstr(S)+"),dp;"); jj=0; for(i=0;i<=Dd;i++) { number cco(i)=imap(A(i+1),cco(i)); if(cco(i)>0) { for(j=1;j<=cco(i);j++) { jj=jj+1; list w(jj)=imap(A(i+1),W(j)); export(w(jj)); "==========================================="; "==========================================="; "Numerical Primary Component"; w(jj); } } } return(R); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y),dp; poly f1=yx; poly f2=x2; ideal I=f1,f2; def W=NumPrimDecom(I,1); setring W; w(1); ==> 1-Witness point set (one point) w(2); ==> 1-Witness point set (one point) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////