version="$Id: absfact.lib,v 1.5 2006-07-18 15:48:09 Singular Exp $"; category="Factorization"; info=" LIBRARY: absfact.lib Absolute factorization for characteristic 0 AUTHORS: Wolfram Decker, decker at Gregoire Lecerf, lecerf at Gerhard Pfister, pfister at OVERVIEW: A library for computing the absolute factorization of multivariate polynomials f with coefficients in a field K of characteristic zero. Using Trager's idea, the implemented algorithm computes an absolutely irreducible factor by factorizing over some finite extension field L (which is chosen such that V(f) has a smooth point with coordinates in L). Then a minimal extension field is determined making use of the Rothstein-Trager partial fraction decomposition algorithm. See [Cheze and Lecerf, Lifting and recombination techniques for absolute factorization]. KEYWORDS: factorization, absolute factorization. PROCEDURES: absFactorize(f); absolute factorization of poly "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc partialDegree(poly p, int i) "USAGE: partialDegree(p,i); p poly, i int RETURN: int, the degree of p in the i-th variable " { int n = nvars(basering); intvec tmp; tmp[n] = 0; tmp[i] = 1; return(deg(p,tmp)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc belongTo(string s, list l) "USAGE: belongTo(s,l); s string, l list RETURN: 1 if s belongs to l, 0 otherwise " { string tmp; for(int i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) { tmp = l[i]; if (tmp == s) { return(1); } } return(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc variableWithSmallestPositiveDegree(poly p) "USAGE: variableWithSmallestPositiveDegree(p); p poly RETURN: int; 0 if p is constant. Otherwise, the index of the variable which has the smallest positive degree in p. " { int n = nvars(basering); int v = 0; int d = deg(p); int d_loc; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { d_loc = partialDegree(p, i); if (d_loc >= 1 and d_loc <= d) { v = i; d = d_loc; } } return(v); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc smallestProperSimpleFactor(poly p) "USAGE: smallestProperSimpleFactor(p); p poly RETURN: poly: a proper irreducible simple factor of p of smallest degree. If no such factor exists, 0 is returned. " { list p_facts = factorize(p); int s = size(p_facts[1]); int d = deg(p)+1; poly q = 0; poly f; int e; for(int i = 1; i <= s; i = i + 1) { f = p_facts[1][i]; e = deg(f); if (e >= 1 and e < d and p_facts[2][i] == 1) { q = f / leadcoef(f); d = e; } } return(q); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc smallestProperFactor(poly p) "USAGE: smallestProperFactor(p); p poly RETURN: poly: a proper irreducible factor of p of smallest degree. If p is constant, 0 is returned. " { list p_facts = factorize(p); int s = size(p_facts[1]); int d = deg(p)+1; poly q = 0; poly f; int e; for(int i = 1; i <= s; i = i + 1) { f = p_facts[1][i]; e = deg(f); if (e >= 1 and e < d) { q = f / leadcoef(f); d = e; } } return(q); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc extensionContainingSmoothPoint(poly p, int m) "USAGE: extensionContainingSmoothPoint(p,m); p poly, m int RETURN: poly: an irreducible univariate polynomial that defines an algebraic extension of the current ground field that contains a smooth point of the hypersurface defined by p=0. " { int n = nvars(basering) - 1; poly q = 0; int i; list a; for(i=1;i<=n+1;i++){a[i] = 0;} a[m] = var(n+1); // The list a is to be taken with random entries in [-e, e]. // Every 10 * n trial, e is incremented by 1. int e = 1; int nbtrial = 0; map h; while (q == 0) { h = basering, a[1..n+1]; q = smallestProperSimpleFactor(h(p)); for(i = 1; i <= n ; i = i + 1) { if (i != m) { a[i] = random(-e, e); } } nbtrial++; if (nbtrial >= 10 * n) { e = e + 1; nbtrial = 0; } } return(q); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc RothsteinTragerResultant(poly g, poly f, int m) "USAGE: RothsteinTragerResultant(g,f,m); g,f poly, m int RETURN: poly NOTE: To be called by the RothsteinTrager procedure only. " { def MPz = basering; int n = nvars(MPz) - 1; int d = partialDegree(f, m); poly df = diff(f, var(m)); list a; int i; for(i=1;i<=n+1;i++){ a[i] = 0; } a[m] = var(m); poly q = 0; int e = 1; int nbtrial = 0; map h; while (q == 0) { h = MPz, a[1..n+1]; q = resultant(h(f), h(df) * var(n+1) - h(g), var(m)); if (deg(q) == d) { return(q/leadcoef(q)); } q = 0; for(i = 1; i <= n ; i = i + 1) { if (i != m) { a[i] = random(-e, e); } } nbtrial++; if (nbtrial >= 10 * n) { e = e + 1; nbtrial = 0; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc RothsteinTrager(list g, poly p, int m, int expectedDegQ) "USAGE: RothsteinTrager(g,p,m,d); g list, p poly, m,d int RETURN: list L consisting of two entries of type poly NOTE: the return value is the Rothstein-Trager partial fraction decomposition of the quotient s/p, where s is a generic linear combination of the elements of g. The genericity via d (the expected degree of L[1]). " { def MPz = basering; int n = nvars(MPz) - 1; poly dp = diff(p, var(m)); int r = size(g); list a; int i; for(i=1;i<=r;i++){a[i] = 0;} a[r] = 1; int nbtrial = 0; int e = 1; poly s; poly q; while (1) { s = 0; for(i = 1; i <= r; i++){s = s + a[i] * g[i];} q = RothsteinTragerResultant(s, p, m); q = smallestProperFactor(q); if (deg(q) == expectedDegQ) { // Go into the quotient by q(z)=0 ring MP_z = (0,var(n+1)), (x(1..n)), dp; list lMP_z = ringlist(MP_z); lMP_z[1][4] = ideal(imap(MPz,q)); list tmp = ringlist(MPz)[2]; lMP_z[2] = list(tmp[1..n]); def MPq = ring(lMP_z); setring(MPq); poly f = gcd(imap(MPz, p), par(1) * imap(MPz, dp) - imap(MPz, s)); f = f / leadcoef(f); setring(MPz); return(list(q, imap(MPq, f))); } for(i = 1; i <= r ; i++) { a[i] = random(-e, e); } nbtrial++; if (nbtrial >= 10 * r) { e = e + 1; nbtrial = 0; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc absFactorizeIrreducible(poly p) "USAGE: absFactorizeIrreducible(p); p poly ASSUME: p is an irreducible polynomial that does not depend on the last variable @z of the basering. RETURN: list L of two polynomials: q=L[1] is an irreducible polynomial of minimal degree in @z such that p has an absolute factor over K[@z]/, and f represents such an absolute factor. " { int dblevel = printlevel - voice + 2; dbprint(dblevel,"Entering absfact.lib::absFactorizeIrreducible with ",p); def MPz = basering; int d = deg(p); int n = nvars(MPz) - 1; if (d < 1) { return(list(var(n+1), p)); } int m = variableWithSmallestPositiveDegree(p); // var(m) is now considered as the main variable. poly q = extensionContainingSmoothPoint(p, m); int r = deg(q); if (r == 1) { return(list(var(n+1), p)); } // Go into the quotient by q(z)=0 ring MP_z = (0,var(n+1)), (x(1..n)), dp; list lMP_z = ringlist(MP_z); lMP_z[1][4] = ideal(imap(MPz,q)); list tmp = ringlist(MPz)[2]; lMP_z[2] = list(tmp[1..n]); def MPq = ring(lMP_z); setring(MPq); dbprint(dblevel-1,"Factoring in algebraic extension"); // "Factoring p in the algebraic extension..."; poly p_loc = imap(MPz, p); poly f = smallestProperSimpleFactor(p_loc); int degf = deg(f); if (degf == d) { setring(MPz); return(list(var(n+1), p)); } if (degf * r == d) { setring(MPz); return(list(q, imap(MPq, f))); } dbprint(dblevel-1,"Absolutely irreducible factor found"); dbprint(dblevel,"Minimizing field extension"); // "Need to find a minimal extension"; poly co_f = p_loc / f; poly e = diff(f, var(m)) * co_f; setring(MPz); poly e = imap(MPq, e); list g; int i; for(i = 1; i <= r; i++) { g[i] = subst(e, var(n+1), 0); e = diff(e, var(n+1)); } return(RothsteinTrager(g, p, m, d / degf)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc absFactorize(poly p, list #) "USAGE: absFactorize(p [,s]); p poly, s string ASSUME: coefficient field is the field of rational numbers or a transcendental extension thereof RETURN: ring @code{R} which is obtained from the current basering by adding a new parameter (if a string @code{s} is given as a second input, the new parameter gets this string as name). The ring @code{R} comes with a list @code{absolute_factors} with the following entries: @format absolute_factors[1]: ideal (the absolute factors) absolute_factors[2]: intvec (the multiplicities) absolute_factors[3]: ideal (the minimal polynomials) absolute_factors[4]: int (total number of nontriv. absolute factors) @end format The entry @code{absolute_factors[1][1]} is a constant, the entry @code{absolute_factors[3][1]} is the parameter added to the current ring.@* Each of the remaining entries @code{absolute_factors[1][j]} stands for a class of conjugated absolute factors. The corresponding entry @code{absolute_factors[3][j]} is the minimal polynomial of the field extension over which the factor is minimally defined (its degree is the number of conjugates in the class). If the entry @code{absolute_factors[3][j]} coincides with @code{absolute_factors[3][1]}, no field extension was necessary for the @code{j}th (class of) absolute factor(s). NOTE: All factors are presented denominator- and content-free. The constant factor (first entry) is chosen such that the product of all (!) the (denominator- and content-free) absolute factors of @code{p} equals @code{p / absolute_factors[1][1]}. SEE ALSO: factorize, absPrimdecGTZ EXAMPLE: example absFactorize; shows an example " { int dblevel = printlevel - voice + 2; dbprint(dblevel,"Entering absfact.lib::absFactorize with ",p); def MP = basering; int i; if (char(MP) != 0) { ERROR("// absfact.lib::absFactorize is only implemented for "+ "characteristic 0"); } if(minpoly!=0) { ERROR("// absfact.lib::absFactorize is not implemented for algebraic " +"extensions"); } int n = nvars(MP); int pa=npars(MP); list lMP= ringlist(MP); intvec vv,vk; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){vv[i]=1;} vk=vv,1; //if the basering has parameters, add the parameters to the variables //takes care about coefficients and possible denominators if(pa>0) { poly qh=cleardenom(p); if (p==0) { number cok=0; } else { number cok=leadcoef(p)/leadcoef(qh); } p=qh; string sp; for(i=1;i<=npars(basering);i++) { sp=string(par(i)); sp=sp[2..size(sp)-1]; lMP[2][n+i]=sp; vv=vv,1; } lMP[1]=0; n=n+npars(MP); } // MPz is obtained by adding the new variable @z to MP // ordering is wp(1...1) // All the above subroutines work in MPz string newvar; if(size(#)>0) { if(typeof(#[1])=="string") { newvar=#[1]; } else { newvar = "a"; } } else { newvar = "a"; } if (newvar=="a") { if(belongTo(newvar, lMP[2])||defined(a)){newvar = "b";} if(belongTo(newvar, lMP[2])||defined(b)){newvar = "c";} if(belongTo(newvar, lMP[2])||defined(c)){newvar = "@c";} while(belongTo(newvar, lMP[2])) { newvar = "@" + newvar; } } lMP[2][n+1] = newvar; // new ordering vv=vv,1; list orst; orst[1]=list("wp",vv); orst[2]=list("C",0); lMP[3]=orst; def MPz = ring(lMP); setring(MPz); poly p=imap(MP,p); // special treatment in the homogeneous case, dropping one variable // by substituting the first variable by 1 int ho=homog(p); if(ho) { int dh=deg(p); p=subst(p,var(1),1); int di=deg(p); } list rat_facts = factorize(p); int s = size(rat_facts[1]); list tmpf; // absolute factors intvec tmpm; // respective multiplicities tmpf[1] = list(var(n+1), leadcoef(imap(MP,p))); tmpm[1] = 1; poly tmp; for(i = 2; i <= s; i++) { tmp = rat_facts[1][i]; tmp = tmp / leadcoef(tmp); tmpf[i] = absFactorizeIrreducible(tmp); tmpm[i] = rat_facts[2][i]; } // the homogeneous case, homogenizing the result // the new variable has to have degree 0 // need to change the ring if(ho) { list ll=ringlist(MPz); vv[size(vv)]=0; ll[3][1][2]=vv; def MPhelp=ring(ll); setring(MPhelp); list tmpf=imap(MPz,tmpf); for(i=2;i<=size(tmpf);i++) { tmpf[i][2]=homog(tmpf[i][2],var(1)); } if(dh>di) { tmpf[size(tmpf)+1]=list(var(n+1),var(1)); tmpm[size(tmpm)+1]=dh-di; } setring(MPz); tmpf=imap(MPhelp,tmpf); } // in case of parameters we have to go back to the old ring // taking care about constant factors if(pa) { n=nvars(MP); list lM=ringlist(MP); orst[1]=list("wp",vk); orst[2]=list("C",0); lM[2][n+1] = newvar; lM[3]=orst; def MPout=ring(lM); setring(MPout); list tmpf=imap(MPz,tmpf); number cok=imap(MP,cok); tmpf[1][2]=cok*tmpf[1][2]; } else { def MPout=MPz; } // if we want the output as string if(size(#)>0) { if(typeof(#[1])=="int") { if(#[1]==77) { // undocumented feature for Gerhard's absPrimdecGTZ if (size(tmpf)<2){ list abs_fac = list(var(n+1),poly(1)); } else { list abs_fac=tmpf[2..size(tmpf)]; } abs_fac=abs_fac,newvar; return(string(abs_fac)); } } } // preparing the output for SINGULAR standard // a list: factors(ideal),multiplicities(intvec),minpolys(ideal), // number of factors in the absolute factorization // the output(except the coefficient) should have no denominators // and no content ideal facts,minpols; intvec mults; int nfacts; number co=1; minpols[1]=tmpf[1][1]; facts[1]=tmpf[1][2]; //the coefficient for(i=2;i<=size(tmpf);i++) { minpols[i]=cleardenom(tmpf[i][1]); facts[i]=cleardenom(tmpf[i][2]); co=co*(leadcoef(tmpf[i][2])/leadcoef(facts[i]))^(deg(minpols[i])*tmpm[i]); } facts[1]=facts[1]*co; for(i=1;i<=size(tmpm);i++) { mults[i]=tmpm[i]; } for(i=2;i<=size(mults);i++) { nfacts=nfacts+mults[i]*deg(minpols[i]); } list absolute_factors=facts,mults,minpols,nfacts; // create ring with extra parameter `newvar` for output: setring(MP); list Lout=ringlist(MP); if(!pa) { list Lpar=list(char(MP),list(newvar),list(list("lp",intvec(1))),ideal(0)); } else { list Lpar=Lout[1]; Lpar[2][size(Lpar[2])+1]=newvar; vv=Lpar[3][1][2]; vv=vv,1; Lpar[3][1][2]=vv; } Lout[1]=Lpar; def MPo=ring(Lout); setring(MPo); list absolute_factors=imap(MPout,absolute_factors); export absolute_factors; setring(MP); dbprint( printlevel-voice+3," // 'absFactorize' created a ring, in which a list absolute_factors (the // absolute factors) is stored. // To access the list of absolute factors, type (if the name S was assigned // to the return value): setring(S); absolute_factors; "); return(MPo); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = (0), (x,y), lp; poly p = (-7*x^2 + 2*x*y^2 + 6*x + y^4 + 14*y^2 + 47)*(5x2+y2)^3*(x-y)^4; def S = absFactorize(p) ; setring(S); absolute_factors; } /* ring r=0,(x,t),dp; poly p=x^4+(t^3-2t^2-2t)*x^3-(t^5-2t^4-t^2-2t-1)*x^2 -(t^6-4t^5+t^4+6t^3+2t^2)*x+(t^6-4t^5+2t^4+4t^3+t^2); def S = absFactorize(p,"s"); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r1=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a3-a2b+27ab3-27b4)/(a+b5)*x2+(a2+27b3)*y; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r2=0,(x,y,z,w),dp; poly f=(x2+y2+z2)^2+w4; def S =absFactorize(f); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=0,(x),dp; poly p=0; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=0,(x),dp; poly p=7/11; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=0; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a+1)/b; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a+1)/b*x; def S = absFactorize(p,"s"); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a+1)/b*x + 1; def S = absFactorize(p,"s"); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a+1)/b*x + y; def S = absFactorize(p,"s"); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r=0,(x,t),dp; poly p=x^4+(t^3-2t^2-2t)*x^3-(t^5-2t^4-t^2-2t-1)*x^2 -(t^6-4t^5+t^4+6t^3+2t^2)*x+(t^6-4t^5+2t^4+4t^3+t^2); def S = absFactorize(p,"s"); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r1=(0,a,b),(x,y),dp; poly p=(a3-a2b+27ab3-27b4)/(a+b5)*x2+(a2+27b3)*y; def S = absFactorize(p); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r2=0,(x,y,z,w),dp; poly f=(x2+y2+z2)^2+w4; def S =absFactorize(f); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r3=0,(x,y,z,w),dp; poly f=(x2+y2+z2)^4+w8; def S =absFactorize(f); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring r4=0,(x,y),dp; poly f=y6-(2x2-2x-14)*y4-(4x3+35x2-6x-47)*y2+14x4-12x3-94x2; def S=absFactorize(f); setring(S); absolute_factors; ring R1 = 0, x, dp; def S1 = absFactorize(x4-2); setring(S1); absolute_factors; ring R3 = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = x2y4+y6+2x3y2+2xy4-7x4+7x2y2+14y4+6x3+6xy2+47x2+47y2; def S3 = absFactorize(f); setring(S3); absolute_factors; ring R4 = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = y4+2*xy2-7*x2+14*y2+6*x+47; def S4 = absFactorize(f); setring(S4); absolute_factors; */