////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version graphics.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category="Visualization"; info=" LIBRARY: graphics.lib Procedures to use Graphics with Mathematica AUTHOR: Christian Gorzel, gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de PROCEDURES: staircase(fname,I); Mathematica text for displaying staircase of I mathinit(); string for loading Mathematica's ImplicitPlot mplot(fname,I[# s]); Mathematica text for various plots "; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc staircase(string fname,ideal I) "USAGE: staircase(s,I); s a string, I ideal in two variables RETURN: string with Mathematica input for displaying staircase diagrams of an ideal I, i.e. exponent vectors of the initial ideal of I NOTE: ideal I should be given by a standard basis. Let s=\"\" and copy and paste the result into a Mathematica notebook. EXAMPLE: example staircase; shows an example " { intvec v; int maxx, maxy; list l; string s; string el; if(nvars(basering)!=2) { "-- Error: need two variables "; return(); } if (not(attrib(I,"isSB"))) { " -- Warning: Ideal should be a standardbasis "; newline; } for(int i=1; i<=ncols(I); i++) { if (i>1) { el = el + ",";} v = leadexp(I[i]); if (v[1] > maxx) { maxx = v[1];} if (v[2] > maxy) { maxy = v[2];} el = el + "{" + string(v) + "}"; } el = "{" + el + "}"; maxx = maxx + 3; maxy = maxy + 3; s = newline + "Show[Graphics[{" + newline + "{GrayLevel[0.5],Map[Rectangle[#,{" + string(maxx) + "," + string(maxy) + "}] &, " + el + "]}," + newline + "{PointSize[0.03], Map[Point," + el + "]}," + newline + "Table[Circle[{i,j},0.1],{i,0," + string(maxx) + "},{j,0," + string(maxy) + "}]}," + newline + " Axes->True,AspectRatio->Automatic]]"; s = s + endstr(fname); return(s); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r0 = 0,(x,y),ls; ideal I = -1x2y6-1x4y2, 7x6y5+1/2x7y4+6x4y6; staircase("",std(I)); ring r1 = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = fetch(r0,I); staircase("",std(I)); ring r2 = 0,(x,y),wp(2,3); ideal I = fetch(r0,I); staircase("",std(I)); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mathinit() "USAGE: mathinit(); RETURN: initializing string for loading Mathematica's ImplicitPlot EXAMPLE: example mathinit; shows an example " { // write("init.m","<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`"); return("<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`"); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; mathinit(); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc checkshort() { ring @r; } static proc determvars(ideal I) // determine the variables which are in the ideal I { intvec v; int i,j,k; k=1; for(j=1;j<=size(I);j++) { for(i=1;i<=nvars(basering);i++) { if(I[j]!=subst(I[j],var(i),0)) {v[k] = i; k++;} } } ring @r=0,x,ls; poly f; for(i=1;i<=size(v);i++) // sort VARS { f = f + x^v[i]; } v=0; for (i=1;i<=size(f);i++) {v[i]=leadexp(f[i])[1];} return(v); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc endstr(string filename) { int i; string suffix,cmd,name; if(size(filename)) { for (i=size(filename);i;i--) { if (filename[i] == ".") {break;} } if (i>0) { suffix = filename[i,size(filename)-i+1]; name = ">" + filename[1,i-1]+ ".m"; } else { print("--Error: Suffix of filename incorrect"); return("");} // if (suffix ==".m") { cmd = "Display[\" " + filename + "\",% ]";} if (suffix ==".mps") { cmd = "Display[\" " + filename + "\",%] ";} if (suffix ==".ps") { cmd = "Display[\" ! psfix > " + filename + "\", %]";} if (suffix ==".eps") { cmd = "Display[\" ! psfix -epsf > " + filename + "\", %]";} } return(newline + cmd); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mplot(string fname,ideal I,list #) "USAGE: mplot(fname, I [,I1,I2,..,s] ); fname=string; I,I1,I2,..=ideals, s=string representing the plot region.@* Use the ideals I1,I2,.. in order to produce multiple plots (they need to have the same number of entries as I!). RETURN: string, text with Mathematica commands to display a plot NOTE: The plotregion is defaulted to -1,1 around zero. For implicit given curves enter first the string returned by procedure mathinit into Mathematica in order to load ImplicitPlot. The following conventions for I are used: @format - ideal with 2 entries in one variable means a parametrised plane curve, - ideal with 3 entries in one variable means a parametrised space curve, - ideal with 3 entries in two variables means a parametrised surface, - ideal with 2 entries in two variables means an implicit curve given as I[1]==I[2], - ideal with 1 entry (or one polynomial) in two variables means an implicit curve given as f == 0, @end format EXAMPLE: example mplot; shows an example " { int i,j,k,mapping; int planecurve,spacecurve,implcrv,surface; intvec VARS,v; string xpart,ypart,zpart = "-1,1","-1,1","All"; string pstring,actstring,xname,yname,str,closing; string basr = nameof(basering); ideal J; if (ncols(I)>3) { "-- Error: can only draw upto dimension 3"; return(""); } ring @r = 0,(s,t),lp; ideal @J,@I; setring(`basr`); // def d = basering; // d; // listvar(d); str = newline; VARS = determvars(I); // "VARS: ";VARS; if (size(VARS)>2 or VARS==0) { "-- Error: Need some variables, but can only draw in 2 or 3 dimensions"; return(""); } if (size(matrix(I))==1 and size(VARS)==2) { i =size(I[1]); //I[2]=I[1][(i/ 2 + 1)..i]; I[2]; // I[1]=I[1][1..(i/ 2)]; I[1]; I[2]=0; } if (size(matrix(I))==2) { if (size(VARS)==1) {planecurve=1; str = str + "ParametricPlot[";} if (size(VARS)==2) {implcrv=1; str = str + "ImplicitPlot[";} } if (size(matrix(I))==3) { if (size(VARS)==1) {spacecurve=1;} if (size(VARS)==2) {surface=1;} str = str + "ParametricPlot3D["; } short = 0; pstring = string(I); // switch to another ring if necessary checkshort(); // "short: "; short; if (short!=1) // construct a map { mapping = 1; setring @r; @J = 0; for(i=1;i<=size(VARS);i++) { @J[VARS[i]]=var(i);} map phi = (`basr`,@J); @I = phi(I); short =0; pstring = string(@I); setring `basr`; } i = find(pstring,newline); while(i) {pstring[i]=" "; i = find(pstring,newline,i); } if (implcrv) { i = find(pstring,","); pstring = pstring[1,i-1] + "==" + pstring[i+1,size(pstring)-i]; } else { pstring = "{" + pstring + "}";} // "mapping "; mapping; if (mapping) { xname = "s"; if (size(VARS)==2) {yname="t";} } else { xname = varstr(VARS[1]); if (size(VARS)==2) {yname=varstr(VARS[2]);} } j =1; for(k=1;k<=size(#);k++) { if (typeof(#[k])=="ideal" or typeof(#[k])=="poly") { //#[k] = ideal(#[k]); v = determvars(#[k]); J = #[k]; short =0; if (size(matrix(J))==1 and size(VARS)==2 and implcrv) { i =size(J[1]); // J[2]=J[1][(i/ 2 + 1)..i]; // J[1]=J[1][1..(i/ 2)]; J[2] =0; } if ((v!= VARS) or (size(J)!=size(I))) { print("--Error: ---- "); return(); } else { if (mapping) { setring @r; short =0; actstring = string(phi(J)); setring(`basr`); } else {actstring = string(J);} i = find(actstring,newline); while(i) { actstring[i]=" "; i = find(actstring,newline,i); } if (implcrv) {i = find(actstring,","); actstring = actstring[1,i-1]+ "==" + actstring[i+1,size(actstring)-i]; pstring = pstring + "," + actstring; } else { pstring = pstring + ",{" + actstring +"}"; } } } if (typeof(#[k])=="string") { if (j==3) {zpart = #[k];j++;} if (j==2) {ypart = #[k];j++;} if (j==1) {xpart = #[k];j++;} } } if (spacecurve or planecurve or implcrv) { str = str + "{" + pstring + "},{" + xname + "," + xpart + "}";} if (implcrv and (j==3)) {str = str + ",{" + yname + "," + ypart + "}";} if (surface) { str = str + "{" + pstring + "},{" + xname + "," + xpart + "},{" + yname + "," + ypart + "}";} if (planecurve) {closing = "," + newline +" AspectRatio->Automatic";} if (implcrv) {closing = "," + newline + " AxesLabel->{\"" + varstr(VARS[1]) + "\",\"" + varstr(VARS[2]) + "\"}";} if (spacecurve) { closing = "," + newline + " ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}";} if (surface) {closing = "," +newline + " Boxed->True, Axes->True, ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}";} str = str + closing + "];" + endstr(fname); return(str); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; // --------- plane curves ------------ ring rr0 = 0,x,dp; export rr0; ideal I = x3 + x, x2; ideal J = x2, -x+x3; mplot("",I,J,"-2,2"); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN pause("Hit RETURN to continue"); // --------- space curves -------------- I = x3,-1/10x3+x2,x2; mplot("",I); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN pause("Hit RETURN to continue"); // ----------- surfaces ------------------- ring rr1 = 0,(x,y),dp; export rr1; ideal J = xy,y,x2; mplot("",J,"-2,1","1,2"); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN kill rr0,rr1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////