/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version modstd.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category = "Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: modstd.lib Groebner basis of ideals AUTHORS: A. Hashemi Amir.Hashemi@lip6.fr @* G. Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* H. Schoenemann hannes@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* A. Steenpass steenpass@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* S. Steidel steidel@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: A library for computing the Groebner basis of an ideal in the polynomial ring over the rational numbers using modular methods. The procedures are inspired by the following paper: Elizabeth A. Arnold: Modular algorithms for computing Groebner bases. Journal of Symbolic Computation 35, 403-419 (2003). PROCEDURES: modStd(I); standard basis of I using modular methods (chinese remainder) modS(I,L); liftings to Q of standard bases of I mod p for p in L modHenselStd(I); standard basis of I using modular methods (hensel lifting) "; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "parallel.lib"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc mod_init() { newstruct("ideal_primeTest", "ideal Ideal"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mixedTest() "USAGE: mixedTest(); RETURN: 1 if ordering of basering is mixed, 0 else EXAMPLE: example mixedTest(); shows an example " { int i,p,m; for(i = 1; i <= nvars(basering); i++) { if(var(i) > 1) { p++; } else { m++; } } if((p > 0) && (m > 0)) { return(1); } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R1 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; mixedTest(); ring R2 = 31,(x(1..4),y(1..3)),(ds(4),lp(3)); mixedTest(); ring R3 = 181,x(1..9),(dp(5),lp(4)); mixedTest(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc redFork(ideal I, ideal J, int n) { attrib(J,"isSB",1); return(reduce(I,J,1)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isIncluded(ideal I, ideal J, list #) "USAGE: isIncluded(I,J); I,J ideals RETURN: 1 if J includes I, @* 0 if there is an element f in I which does not reduce to 0 w.r.t. J. EXAMPLE: example isIncluded; shows an example " { def R = basering; setring R; attrib(J,"isSB",1); int i,j,k; if(size(#) > 0) { int n = #[1]; if(n >= ncols(I)) { n = ncols(I); } if(n > 1) { for(i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { //link l(i) = "MPtcp:fork"; link l(i) = "ssi:fork"; open(l(i)); write(l(i), quote(redFork(eval(I[ncols(I)-i]), eval(J), 1))); } int t = timer; if(reduce(I[ncols(I)], J, 1) != 0) { for(i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { close(l(i)); } return(0); } t = timer - t; if(t > 60) { t = 60; } int i_sleep = system("sh", "sleep "+string(t)); j = ncols(I) - n; while(j >= 0) { for(i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { if(status(l(i), "read", "ready")) { if(read(l(i)) != 0) { for(i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { close(l(i)); } return(0); } else { if(j >= 1) { write(l(i), quote(redFork(eval(I[j]), eval(J), 1))); j--; } else { k++; close(l(i)); } } } } if(k == n - 1) { j--; } i_sleep = system("sh", "sleep "+string(t)); } return(1); } } for(i = ncols(I); i >= 1; i--) { if(reduce(I[i],J,1) != 0){ return(0); } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = x+1,x+y+1; ideal J = x+1,y; isIncluded(I,J); isIncluded(J,I); isIncluded(I,J,4); ring R = 0, x(1..5), dp; ideal I1 = cyclic(4); ideal I2 = I1,x(5)^2; isIncluded(I1,I2,4); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc pTestSB(ideal I, ideal J, list L, int variant, list #) "USAGE: pTestSB(I,J,L,variant,#); I,J ideals, L intvec of primes, variant int RETURN: 1 (resp. 0) if for a randomly chosen prime p that is not in L J mod p is (resp. is not) a standard basis of I mod p EXAMPLE: example pTestSB; shows an example " { int i,j,k,p; def R = basering; list r = ringlist(R); while(!j) { j = 1; p = prime(random(1000000000,2134567879)); for(i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) { if(p == L[i]) { j = 0; break; } } if(j) { for(i = 1; i <= ncols(I); i++) { for(k = 2; k <= size(I[i]); k++) { if((denominator(leadcoef(I[i][k])) mod p) == 0) { j = 0; break; } } if(!j){ break; } } } if(j) { if(!primeTest(I,p)) { j = 0; } } } r[1] = p; def @R = ring(r); setring @R; ideal I = imap(R,I); ideal J = imap(R,J); attrib(J,"isSB",1); int t = timer; j = 1; if(isIncluded(I,J) == 0) { j = 0; } if(printlevel >= 11) { "isIncluded(I,J) takes "+string(timer - t)+" seconds"; "j = "+string(j); } t = timer; if(j) { if(size(#) > 0) { ideal K = modpStd(I,p,variant,#[1])[1]; } else { ideal K = groebner(I); } t = timer; if(isIncluded(J,K) == 0) { j = 0; } if(printlevel >= 11) { "isIncluded(J,K) takes "+string(timer - t)+" seconds"; "j = "+string(j); } } setring R; return(j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intvec L = 2,3,5; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = x+1,x+y+1; ideal J = x+1,y; pTestSB(I,I,L,2); pTestSB(I,J,L,2); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc deleteUnluckyPrimes(list T, list L, int ho, list #) "USAGE: deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L,ho,#); T/L list of polys/primes, ho integer RETURN: lists T,L(,M),lT with T/L(/M) list of polys/primes(/type of #), lT ideal NOTE: - if ho = 1, the polynomials in T are homogeneous, else ho = 0, @* - lT is prevalent, i.e. the most appearing leading ideal in T EXAMPLE: example deleteUnluckyPrimes; shows an example " { ho = ((ho)||(ord_test(basering) == -1)); int j,k,c; intvec hl,hc; ideal cT,lT,cK; lT = lead(T[size(T)]); attrib(lT,"isSB",1); if(!ho) { for(j = 1; j < size(T); j++) { cT = lead(T[j]); attrib(cT,"isSB",1); if((size(reduce(cT,lT))!=0)||(size(reduce(lT,cT))!=0)) { cK = cT; c++; } } if(c > size(T) div 2){ lT = cK; } } else { hl = hilb(lT,1); for(j = 1; j < size(T); j++) { cT = lead(T[j]); attrib(cT,"isSB",1); hc = hilb(cT,1); if(hl == hc) { for(k = 1; k <= size(lT); k++) { if(lT[k] < cT[k]) { lT = cT; c++; break; } if(lT[k] > cT[k]) { c++; break; } } } else { if(hc < hl){ lT = cT; hl = hilb(lT,1); c++; } } } } int addList; if(size(#) > 0) { list M = #; addList = 1; } j = 1; attrib(lT,"isSB",1); while((j <= size(T))&&(c > 0)) { cT = lead(T[j]); attrib(cT,"isSB",1); if((size(reduce(cT,lT)) != 0)||(size(reduce(lT,cT)) != 0)) { T = delete(T,j); if(j == 1) { L = L[2..size(L)]; if(addList == 1) { M = M[2..size(M)]; } } else { if(j == size(L)) { L = L[1..size(L)-1]; if(addList == 1) { M = M[1..size(M)-1]; } } else { L = L[1..j-1],L[j+1..size(L)]; if(addList == 1) { M = M[1..j-1],M[j+1..size(M)]; } } } j--; } j++; } for(j = 1; j <= size(L); j++) { L[j] = bigint(L[j]); } if(addList == 0) { return(list(T,L,lT)); } if(addList == 1) { return(list(T,L,M,lT)); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list L = 2,3,5,7,11; ring r = 0,(y,x),Dp; ideal I1 = 2y2x,y6; ideal I2 = yx2,y3x,x5,y6; ideal I3 = y2x,x3y,x5,y6; ideal I4 = y2x,11x3y,x5; ideal I5 = y2x,yx3,x5,7y6; list T = I1,I2,I3,I4,I5; deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L,1); list P = poly(x),poly(x2),poly(x3),poly(x4),poly(x5); deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L,1,P); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc primeTest(def II, bigint p) { if(typeof(II) == "string") { ideal I = `II`.Ideal; } else { ideal I = II; } I = simplify(I, 2); // erase zero generators int i,j; poly f; number cnt; for(i = 1; i <= size(I); i++) { f = cleardenom(I[i]); if(f == 0) { return(0); } cnt = leadcoef(I[i])/leadcoef(f); if((numerator(cnt) mod p) == 0) { return(0); } if((denominator(cnt) mod p) == 0) { return(0); } for(j = size(f); j > 0; j--) { if((leadcoef(f[j]) mod p) == 0) { return(0); } } } return(1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc primeList(ideal I, int n, list #) "USAGE: primeList(I,n[,ncores]); ( resp. primeList(I,n[,L,ncores]); ) I ideal, n integer RETURN: the intvec of n greatest primes <= 2147483647 (resp. n greatest primes < L[size(L)] union with L) such that none of these primes divides any coefficient occuring in I NOTE: The number of cores to use can be defined by ncores, default is 1. EXAMPLE: example primeList; shows an example " { intvec L; int i,p; int ncores = 1; //----------------- Initialize optional parameter ncores --------------------- if(size(#) > 0) { if(size(#) == 1) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int") { ncores = #[1]; # = list(); } } else { ncores = #[2]; } } if(size(#) == 0) { p = 2147483647; while(!primeTest(I,p)) { p = prime(p-1); if(p == 2) { ERROR("no more primes"); } } L[1] = p; } else { L = #[1]; p = prime(L[size(L)]-1); while(!primeTest(I,p)) { p = prime(p-1); if(p == 2) { ERROR("no more primes"); } } L[size(L)+1] = p; } if(p == 2) { ERROR("no more primes"); } if(ncores == 1) { for(i = 2; i <= n; i++) { p = prime(p-1); while(!primeTest(I,p)) { p = prime(p-1); if(p == 2) { ERROR("no more primes"); } } L[size(L)+1] = p; } } else { int neededSize = size(L)+n-1;; list parallelResults; list arguments; int neededPrimes = neededSize-size(L); ideal_primeTest Id; Id.Ideal = I; export(Id); while(neededPrimes > 0) { arguments = list(); for(i = ((neededPrimes div ncores)+1-(neededPrimes%ncores == 0)) *ncores; i > 0; i--) { p = prime(p-1); if(p == 2) { ERROR("no more primes"); } arguments[i] = list("Id", p); } parallelResults = parallelWaitAll("primeTest", arguments, list(list(list(ncores)))); for(i = size(arguments); i > 0; i--) { if(parallelResults[i]) { L[size(L)+1] = arguments[i][2]; } } neededPrimes = neededSize-size(L); } if(size(L) > neededSize) { L = L[1..neededSize]; } } return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = 2147483647x+y, z-181; intvec L = primeList(I,10); size(L); L[1]; L[size(L)]; L = primeList(I,5,L); size(L); L[size(L)]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc liftstd1(ideal I) { def R = basering; list rl = ringlist(R); list ordl = rl[3]; int i; for(i = 1; i <= size(ordl); i++) { if((ordl[i][1] == "C") || (ordl[i][1] == "c")) { ordl = delete(ordl, i); break; } } ordl = insert(ordl, list("c", 0)); rl[3] = ordl; def newR = ring(rl); setring newR; ideal I = imap(R,I); intvec opt = option(get); option(none); option(prompt); module M; for(i = 1; i <= size(I); i++) { M = M + module(I[i]*gen(1) + gen(i+1)); M = M + module(gen(i+1)); } module sM = std(M); ideal sI; if(attrib(R,"global")) { for(i = size(I)+1; i <= size(sM); i++) { sI[size(sI)+1] = sM[i][1]; } matrix T = submat(sM,2..nrows(sM),size(I)+1..ncols(sM)); } else { //"=========================================================="; //"WARNING: Algorithm is not applicable if ordering is mixed."; //"=========================================================="; for(i = 1; i <= size(sM)-size(I); i++) { sI[size(sI)+1] = sM[i][1]; } matrix T = submat(sM,2..nrows(sM),1..ncols(sM)-size(I)); } setring R; option(set, opt); return(imap(newR,sI),imap(newR,T)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f = x3+y7+z2+xyz; ideal i = jacob(f); matrix T; ideal sm = liftstd(i,T); sm; print(T); matrix(sm) - matrix(i)*T; ring S = 32003, x(1..5), lp; ideal I = cyclic(5); ideal sI; matrix T; sI,T = liftstd1(I); matrix(sI) - matrix(I)*T; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modpStd(ideal I, int p, int variant, list #) "USAGE: modpStd(I,p,variant,#); I ideal, p integer, variant integer ASSUME: If size(#) > 0, then #[1] is an intvec describing the Hilbert series. RETURN: ideal - a standard basis of I mod p, integer - p NOTE: The procedure computes a standard basis of the ideal I modulo p and fetches the result to the basering. If size(#) > 0 the Hilbert driven standard basis computation std(.,#[1]) is used instead of groebner. The standard basis computation modulo p does also vary depending on the integer variant, namely @* - variant = 1: std(.,#[1]) resp. groebner, @* - variant = 2: groebner, @* - variant = 3: homog. - std(.,#[1]) resp. groebner - dehomog., @* - variant = 4: fglm. EXAMPLE: example modpStd; shows an example " { def R0 = basering; list rl = ringlist(R0); rl[1] = p; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; ideal i = fetch(R0,I); option(redSB); if(variant == 1) { if(size(#) > 0) { i = std(i, #[1]); } else { i = groebner(i); } } if(variant == 2) { i = groebner(i); } if(variant == 3) { list rl = ringlist(@r); int nvar@r = nvars(@r); int k; intvec w; for(k = 1; k <= nvar@r; k++) { w[k] = deg(var(k)); } w[nvar@r + 1] = 1; rl[2][nvar@r + 1] = "homvar"; rl[3][2][2] = w; def HomR = ring(rl); setring HomR; ideal i = imap(@r, i); i = homog(i, homvar); if(size(#) > 0) { if(w == 1) { i = std(i, #[1]); } else { i = std(i, #[1], w); } } else { i = groebner(i); } i = subst(i, homvar, 1); i = simplify(i, 34); setring @r; i = imap(HomR, i); i = interred(i); kill HomR; } if(variant == 4) { def R1 = changeord(list(list("dp",1:nvars(basering)))); setring R1; ideal i = fetch(@r,i); i = std(i); setring @r; i = fglm(R1,i); } setring R0; return(list(fetch(@r,i),p)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0, x(1..4), dp; ideal I = cyclic(4); int p = 181; list P = modpStd(I,p,2); P; ring r2 = 0, x(1..5), lp; ideal I = cyclic(5); int q = 32003; list Q = modpStd(I,q,4); Q; } static proc algeModStd(ideal i,list #) { //reduces modStd over algebraic extensions to the one over a polynomial ring list L=#; def R=basering; int n=nvars(R); list rl=ringlist(R); poly p=minpoly; rl[2][n+1]=rl[1][2][1]; rl[1]=rl[1][1]; rl[3][size(rl[3])+1]=rl[3][size(rl[3])]; rl[3][size(rl[3])-1]=list("dp",1); def S=ring(rl); setring S; poly p=imap(R,p); ideal i=imap(R,i); i=i,p; ideal j=modStd(i,L); if(j[1]==p) { j[1]=0; } j=simplify(j,2); setring R; ideal j=imap(S,j); return(j); } ////////////////////////////// main procedures ///////////////////////////////// proc modStd(ideal I, list #) "USAGE: modStd(I); I ideal ASSUME: If size(#) > 0, then # contains either 1, 2 or 4 integers such that @* - #[1] is the number of available processors for the computation, @* - #[2] is an optional parameter for the exactness of the computation, if #[2] = 1, the procedure computes a standard basis for sure, @* - #[3] is the number of primes until the first lifting, @* - #[4] is the constant number of primes between two liftings until the computation stops. RETURN: a standard basis of I if no warning appears; NOTE: The procedure computes a standard basis of I (over the rational numbers) by using modular methods. By default the procedure computes a standard basis of I for sure, but if the optional parameter #[2] = 0, it computes a standard basis of I with high probability. The procedure distinguishes between different variants for the standard basis computation in positive characteristic depending on the ordering of the basering, the parameter #[2] and if the ideal I is homogeneous. @* - variant = 1, if I is homogeneous, @* - variant = 2, if I is not homogeneous, 1-block-ordering, @* - variant = 3, if I is not homogeneous, complicated ordering (lp or > 1 block), @* - variant = 4, if I is not homogeneous, ordering lp, dim(I) = 0. EXAMPLE: example modStd; shows an example " { int TT = timer; int RT = rtimer; def R0 = basering; list rl = ringlist(R0); int algebraic; if(size(#)>0) { if(#[1]<=0) { algebraic=1; #[1]=-#[1]; if(#[1]==0){list LK;#=LK;} } } if((npars(R0) > 0) || (rl[1][1] > 0)) { if(npars(R0)==1) { if(minpoly!=0) { list LM=#; if(size(LM)==0){LM[1]=0;} LM[1]=-LM[1]; return(algeModStd(I,LM)); } } ERROR("Characteristic of basering should be zero, basering should have no parameters."); } int index = 1; int i,k,c; int j = 1; int pTest, sizeTest; int en = 2134567879; int an = 1000000000; bigint N; //-------------------- Initialize optional parameters ------------------------ if(size(#) > 0) { if(size(#) == 1) { int n1 = #[1]; int exactness = 1; if(n1 >= 10) { int n2 = n1 + 1; int n3 = n1; } else { int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } } if(size(#) == 2) { int n1 = #[1]; int exactness = #[2]; if(n1 >= 10) { int n2 = n1 + 1; int n3 = n1; } else { int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } } if(size(#) == 4) { int n1 = #[1]; int exactness = #[2]; if(n1 >= #[3]) { int n2 = n1 + 1; } else { int n2 = #[3]; } if(n1 >= #[4]) { int n3 = n1; } else { int n3 = #[4]; } } } else { int n1 = 1; int exactness = 1; int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } if(printlevel >= 10) { "n1 = "+string(n1)+", n2 = "+string(n2)+", n3 = "+string(n3) +", exactness = "+string(exactness); } //------------------------- Save current options ----------------------------- intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); //-------------------- Initialize the list of primes ------------------------- int tt = timer; int rt = rtimer; intvec L = primeList(I,n2,n1); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for primeList: "+string(timer-tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for primeList: "+string(rtimer-rt)+" seconds."; } L[5] = prime(random(an,en)); //--------------------- Decide which variant to take ------------------------- int variant; int h = homog(I); tt = timer; rt = rtimer; if(!mixedTest()) { if(h) { variant = 1; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 1"; } rl[1] = L[5]; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; def @s = changeord(list(list("dp",1:nvars(basering)))); setring @s; ideal I = std(fetch(R0,I)); intvec hi = hilb(I,1); setring R0; kill @r,@s; } else { string ordstr_R0 = ordstr(R0); int neg = 1 - attrib(R0,"global"); if((find(ordstr_R0, "M") > 0) || (find(ordstr_R0, "a") > 0) || neg) { variant = 2; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 2"; } } else { string order; if(system("nblocks") <= 2) { if(find(ordstr_R0, "M") + find(ordstr_R0, "lp") + find(ordstr_R0, "rp") <= 0) { order = "simple"; } } if((order == "simple") || (size(rl) > 4)) { variant = 2; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 2"; } } else { rl[1] = L[5]; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; def @s = changeord(list(list("dp",1:nvars(basering)))); setring @s; ideal I = std(fetch(R0,I)); if(dim(I) == 0) { variant = 4; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 4"; } } else { variant = 3; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 3"; } int nvar@r = nvars(@r); intvec w; for(i = 1; i <= nvar@r; i++) { w[i] = deg(var(i)); } w[nvar@r + 1] = 1; list hiRi = hilbRing(fetch(R0,I),w); intvec W = hiRi[2]; @s = hiRi[1]; setring @s; Id(1) = std(Id(1)); intvec hi = hilb(Id(1), 1, W); } setring R0; kill @r,@s; } } } } else { if(exactness == 1) { return(groebner(I)); } if(h) { variant = 1; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 1"; } rl[1] = L[5]; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; def @s = changeord(list(list("dp",1:nvars(basering)))); setring @s; ideal I = std(fetch(R0,I)); intvec hi = hilb(I,1); setring R0; kill @r,@s; } else { string ordstr_R0 = ordstr(R0); int neg = 1 - attrib(R0,"global"); if((find(ordstr_R0, "M") > 0) || (find(ordstr_R0, "a") > 0) || neg) { variant = 2; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 2"; } } else { string order; if(system("nblocks") <= 2) { if(find(ordstr_R0, "M") + find(ordstr_R0, "lp") + find(ordstr_R0, "rp") <= 0) { order = "simple"; } } if((order == "simple") || (size(rl) > 4)) { variant = 2; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 2"; } } else { variant = 3; if(printlevel >= 10) { "variant = 3"; } rl[1] = L[5]; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; int nvar@r = nvars(@r); intvec w; for(i = 1; i <= nvar@r; i++) { w[i] = deg(var(i)); } w[nvar@r + 1] = 1; list hiRi = hilbRing(fetch(R0,I),w); intvec W = hiRi[2]; def @s = hiRi[1]; setring @s; Id(1) = std(Id(1)); intvec hi = hilb(Id(1), 1, W); setring R0; kill @r,@s; } } } } if(algebraic){variant=2;} list P,T1,T2,T3,LL; ideal J,K,H; //----- If there is more than one processor available, we parallelize the ---- //----- main standard basis computations in positive characteristic ---- if(n1 > 1) { ideal I_for_fork = I; export(I_for_fork); // I available for each link //----- Create n1 links l(1),...,l(n1), open all of them and compute --------- //----- standard basis for the primes L[2],...,L[n1 + 1]. --------- for(i = 1; i <= n1; i++) { //link l(i) = "MPtcp:fork"; link l(i) = "ssi:fork"; open(l(i)); if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[i + 1]), eval(variant), eval(hi)))); } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[i + 1]), eval(variant)))); } } int t = timer; if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { P = modpStd(I_for_fork, L[1], variant, hi); } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { P = modpStd(I_for_fork, L[1], variant); } t = timer - t; if(t > 60) { t = 60; } int i_sleep = system("sh", "sleep "+string(t)); T1[1] = P[1]; T2[1] = bigint(P[2]); index++; j = j + n1 + 1; } //-------------- Main standard basis computations in positive ---------------- //---------------------- characteristic start here --------------------------- list arguments_farey, results_farey; while(1) { tt = timer; rt = rtimer; if(printlevel >= 10) { "size(L) = "+string(size(L)); } if(n1 > 1) { while(j <= size(L) + 1) { for(i = 1; i <= n1; i++) { //--- ask if link l(i) is ready otherwise sleep for t seconds --- if(status(l(i), "read", "ready")) { //--- read the result from l(i) --- P = read(l(i)); T1[index] = P[1]; T2[index] = bigint(P[2]); index++; if(j <= size(L)) { if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[j]), eval(variant), eval(hi)))); j++; } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[j]), eval(variant)))); j++; } } else { k++; close(l(i)); } } } //--- k describes the number of closed links --- if(k == n1) { j++; } i_sleep = system("sh", "sleep "+string(t)); } } else { while(j <= size(L)) { if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { P = modpStd(I, L[j], variant, hi); } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { P = modpStd(I, L[j], variant); } T1[index] = P[1]; T2[index] = bigint(P[2]); index++; j++; } } if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for computing list is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for computing list is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } //------------------------ Delete unlucky primes ----------------------------- //------------- unlucky if and only if the leading ideal is wrong ------------ LL = deleteUnluckyPrimes(T1,T2,h); T1 = LL[1]; T2 = LL[2]; //------------------- Now all leading ideals are the same -------------------- //------------------- Lift results to basering via farey --------------------- tt = timer; rt = rtimer; N = T2[1]; for(i = 2; i <= size(T2); i++) { N = N*T2[i]; } H = chinrem(T1,T2); if(n1 == 1) { J = farey(H,N); } else { for(i = ncols(H); i > 0; i--) { arguments_farey[i] = list(ideal(H[i]), N); } results_farey = parallelWaitAll("farey", arguments_farey, list(list(list(n1)))); for(i = ncols(H); i > 0; i--) { J[i] = results_farey[i][1]; } } if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for lifting-process is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for lifting-process is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } //---------------- Test if we already have a standard basis of I -------------- tt = timer; rt = rtimer; if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { pTest = pTestSB(I,J,L,variant,hi); } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { pTest = pTestSB(I,J,L,variant); } if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for pTest is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for pTest is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(pTest) { if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for computation without final tests is " +string(timer - TT)+" seconds."; "Real-time for computation without final tests is " +string(rtimer - RT)+" seconds."; } attrib(J,"isSB",1); if(exactness == 0) { option(set, opt); if(n1 > 1) { kill I_for_fork; } return(J); } if(exactness == 1) { tt = timer; rt = rtimer; sizeTest = 1 - isIncluded(I,J,n1); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for checking if I subset is " +string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for checking if I subset is " +string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(sizeTest == 0) { tt = timer; rt = rtimer; K = std(J); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for last std-computation is " +string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for last std-computation is " +string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(size(reduce(K,J)) == 0) { option(set, opt); if(n1 > 1) { kill I_for_fork; } return(J); } } } } //-------------- We do not already have a standard basis of I ---------------- //----------- Therefore do the main computation for more primes -------------- T1 = H; T2 = N; index = 2; j = size(L) + 1; tt = timer; rt = rtimer; L = primeList(I,n3,L,n1); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for primeList: "+string(timer-tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for primeList: "+string(rtimer-rt)+" seconds."; } if(n1 > 1) { for(i = 1; i <= n1; i++) { open(l(i)); if((variant == 1) || (variant == 3)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[j+i-1]), eval(variant), eval(hi)))); } if((variant == 2) || (variant == 4)) { write(l(i), quote(modpStd(I_for_fork, eval(L[j+i-1]), eval(variant)))); } } j = j + n1; k = 0; } } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R1 = 0,(x,y,z,t),dp; ideal I = 3x3+x2+1, 11y5+y3+2, 5z4+z2+4; ideal J = modStd(I); J; I = homog(I,t); J = modStd(I); J; ring R2 = 0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I = jacob(x5+y6+z7+xyz); ideal J1 = modStd(I,1,0); J1; ring R3 = 0,x(1..4),lp; ideal I = cyclic(4); ideal J1 = modStd(I,1); ideal J2 = modStd(I,1,0); size(reduce(J1,J2)); size(reduce(J2,J1)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modS(ideal I, list L, list #) "USAGE: modS(I,L); I ideal, L intvec of primes if size(#)>0 std is used instead of groebner RETURN: an ideal which is with high probability a standard basis NOTE: This procedure is designed for fast experiments. It is not tested whether the result is a standard basis. It is not tested whether the result generates I. EXAMPLE: example modS; shows an example " { int j; bigint N = 1; def R0 = basering; ideal J; list T; list rl = ringlist(R0); if((npars(R0)>0) || (rl[1]>0)) { ERROR("Characteristic of basering should be zero."); } for(j = 1; j <= size(L); j++) { N = N*L[j]; rl[1] = L[j]; def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; ideal I = fetch(R0,I); if(size(#) > 0) { I = std(I); } else { I = groebner(I); } setring R0; T[j] = fetch(@r,I); kill @r; } L = deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L,homog(I)); // unlucky if and only if the leading ideal is wrong J = farey(chinrem(L[1],L[2]),N); attrib(J,"isSB",1); return(J); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list L = 3,5,11,13,181,32003; ring r = 0,(x,y,z,t),dp; ideal I = 3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; I = homog(I,t); ideal J = modS(I,L); J; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modHenselStd(ideal I, list #) "USAGE: modHenselStd(I); RETURN: a standard basis of I; NOTE: The procedure computes a standard basis of I (over the rational numbers) by using modular computations and Hensellifting. For further experiments see procedure modS. EXAMPLE: example modHenselStd; shows an example " { int i,j; bigint p = 2134567879; if(size(#)!=0) { p=#[1]; } while(!primeTest(I,p)) { p = prime(random(2000000000,2134567879)); } def R = basering; module F,PrevG,PrevZ,Z2; ideal testG,testG1,G1,G2,G3,Gp; list L = p; list rl = ringlist(R); rl[1] = int(p); def S = ring(rl); setring S; intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); module Z,M,Z2; ideal I = imap(R,I); ideal Gp,G1,G2,G3; Gp,Z = liftstd1(I); attrib(Gp,"isSB",1); module ZZ = syz(I); attrib(ZZ,"isSB",1); Z = reduce(Z,ZZ); setring R; Gp = imap(S,Gp); PrevZ = imap(S,Z); PrevG = module(Gp); F = module(I); testG = farey(Gp,p); attrib(testG,"isSB",1); while(1) { i++; G1 = ideal(1/(p^i) * sum_id(F*PrevZ,(-1)*PrevG)); setring S; G1 = imap(R,G1); G2 = reduce(G1,Gp); G3 = sum_id(G1,(-1)*G2); M = lift(Gp,G3); Z2 = (-1)*Z*M; setring R; G2 = imap(S,G2); Z2 = imap(S,Z2); PrevG = sum_id(PrevG, module(p^i*G2)); PrevZ = sum_id(PrevZ, multiply(poly(p^i),Z2)); testG1 = farey(ideal(PrevG),p^(i+1)); attrib(testG1,"isSB",1); if(size(reduce(testG1,testG)) == 0) { if(size(reduce(I,testG1)) == 0) // I is in testG1 { if(pTestSB(I,testG1,L,2)) { G3 = std(testG1); // testG1 is SB if(size(reduce(G3,testG1)) == 0) { option(set, opt); return(G3); } } } } testG = testG1; attrib(testG,"isSB",1); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = 3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; ideal J = modHenselStd(I); J; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc sum_id(list #) { if(typeof(#[1])=="ideal") { ideal M; } else { module M; } int i; for(i = 1; i <= ncols(#[1]); i++) { M[i] = #[1][i] + #[2][i]; } return(M); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc multiply(poly p, list #) { if(typeof(#[1])=="ideal") { ideal M; } else { module M; } int i; for(i = 1; i <= ncols(#[1]); i++) { M[i] = p * #[1][i]; } return(M); } ////////////////////////////// further examples //////////////////////////////// /* ring r = 0, (x,y,z), lp; poly s1 = 5x3y2z+3y3x2z+7xy2z2; poly s2 = 3xy2z2+x5+11y2z2; poly s3 = 4xyz+7x3+12y3+1; poly s4 = 3x3-4y3+yz2; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r = 0, (x,y,z), lp; poly s1 = 2xy4z2+x3y2z-x2y3z+2xyz2+7y3+7; poly s2 = 2x2y4z+x2yz2-xy2z2+2x2yz-12x+12y; poly s3 = 2y5z+x2y2z-xy3z-xy3+y4+2y2z; poly s4 = 3xy4z3+x2y2z-xy3z+4y3z2+3xyz3+4z2-x+y; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r = 0, (x,y,z), lp; poly s1 = 8x2y2 + 5xy3 + 3x3z + x2yz; poly s2 = x5 + 2y3z2 + 13y2z3 + 5yz4; poly s3 = 8x3 + 12y3 + xz2 + 3; poly s4 = 7x2y4 + 18xy3z2 + y3z3; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; int n = 6; ring r = 0,(x(1..n)),lp; ideal i = cyclic(n); ring s = 0, (x(1..n),t), lp; ideal i = imap(r,i); i = homog(i,t); ring r = 0, (x(1..4),s), (dp(4),dp); poly s1 = 1 + s^2*x(1)*x(3) + s^8*x(2)*x(3) + s^19*x(1)*x(2)*x(4); poly s2 = x(1) + s^8 *x(1)* x(2)* x(3) + s^19* x(2)* x(4); poly s3 = x(2) + s^10*x(3)*x(4) + s^11*x(1)*x(4); poly s4 = x(3) + s^4*x(1)*x(2) + s^19*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) +s^24*x(2)*x(3)*x(4); poly s5 = x(4) + s^31* x(1)* x(2)* x(3)* x(4); ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; ring r = 0, (x,y,z), ds; int a = 16; int b = 15; int c = 4; int t = 1; poly f = x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3 +x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i = jacob(f); ring r = 0, (x,y,z), ds; int a = 25; int b = 25; int c = 5; int t = 1; poly f = x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3 +x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i = jacob(f),f; ring r = 0, (x,y,z), ds; int a = 10; poly f = xyz*(x+y+z)^2 +(x+y+z)^3 +x^a+y^a+z^a; ideal i = jacob(f); ring r = 0, (x,y,z), ds; int a = 6; int b = 8; int c = 10; int alpha = 5; int beta = 5; int t = 1; poly f = x^a+y^b+z^c+x^alpha*y^(beta-5)+x^(alpha-2)*y^(beta-3) +x^(alpha-3)*y^(beta-4)*z^2+x^(alpha-4)*y^(beta-4)*(y^2+t*x)^2; ideal i = jacob(f); */