Changes since 3-1-3-1: - libsingular fixed (and examples provided) - Di 24. Mai 17:32:18 CEST 2011: 3-1-3-2 Changes since 3-1-3: - update normliz/normaliz.lib to 2.7 - missing ncfactor.lib -> Singular-share - operator / for int yields a warning - port to SolarisStudio compiler on linux (./configure --without-dl;make install;cd Singular;make Singular-static) - fixes to ssiLinks: can also transmit newstruct - added to newstruct: for each rin-dep. member a an additional, read-only member r_a iis added (the ring a is in) - degBound also for non-commutive rings - added all that libs that missed the 3-1-3 deadline - Di 26. Apr 12:07:06 CEST 2011: 3-1-3-1 Do 7. Apr 2011 Release 3-1-3