//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version pfd.lib Aug_2020 "; category="??"; info=" LIBRARY: pfd.lib Multivariate Partial Fraction Decomposition AUTHOR: Marcel Wittmann, e-mail: mwittman@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: This Library implements an algorithm based on the work of E. K. Leinartas to write rational functions in mutiple variables as a sum of functions with \"smaller\" numerators and denominators. This can be used to shorten the IBP reduction coeffcients of multi-loop Feynman integrals. For this application, we also provide a procedure that applies the algorithm to all entries of a matrix of rational functions given as one (possibly very big) txt-file. If you use the library pfd.lib, please cite the corresponding paper [J. Boehm, M. Wittmann, Z. Wu, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang: 'IBP reduction coefficients made simple'] (preprint 2020). KEYWORDS: partial fraction; decomposition; Leinartas PROCEDURES: pfd(); calculate a partial fraction decomposition of a rational function checkpfd(); test if a decomposition is equal to a rational function given by numerator/denominator polynomials evaluatepfd(); substitute values in a partial fraction decomposition gotten from @code{pfd} displaypfd(); print a decomposition gotten as output of @code{pfd} displaypfd_long(); like @code{display}, but denominators are written out getStringpfd(); turn a decomposition gotten from @code{pfd} into one string getStringpfd_indexed(); like @code{getStringpfd}, but writes the denominator factors just as @code{q1}, @code{q2}, ... readInputTXT(); read a matrix of rational functions from a txt-file pfdMat(); apply @code{pfd} to a matrix of rational functions in parallel (using @ref{parallel_lib}) and save result as easy-to-read txt-files. checkpfdMat(); test output files of @code{pfdMat} for correctness "; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIB "random.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "parallel.lib"; LIB "elim.lib"; LIB "polylib.lib"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc mod_init() { printlevel = 2; // export some static functions so they can be run in parallel using parallelWaitAll: if (!defined(Tasks)) {LIB "tasks.lib";} exportto(Tasks,pfdWrap); importfrom(Tasks,pfdWrap); exportto(Pfd,pfdWrap); exportto(Tasks,testEntry); importfrom(Tasks,testEntry); exportto(Pfd,testEntry); } proc pfd(list #) "USAGE: pfd(f,g[,debug]); f,g poly, debug int pfd(f,g[,debug]); f poly, g list, debug int pfd(arguments[, parallelize]); arguments list, parallelize int RETURN: a partial fraction decomposition of f/g as a list @code{l} where @code{l[1]} is an ideal generated by irreducible polynomials and @code{l[2]} is a list of fractions. Each fraction is represented by a list of @* 1) the numerator polynomial @* 2) an intvec of indices @code{i} for which @code{l[1][i]} occurs as a factor in the denominator @* 3) an intvec containing the exponents of those irreducible factors. @* Setting @code{debug} to a positive integer measures runtimes and creates a log file (default: @code{debug=0}). @* The denominator g can also be given in factorized form as a list of an ideal of irreducible non constant polynomials and an intvec of exponents. This can save time since the first step in the algorithm is to factorize g. (A list of the zero-ideal and an empty intvec represents a denominator of 1.) @* If instead of f and g, the input is a single list (or even a list of lists) containing elements of the form @code{list(f,g[,debug])} (@code{f,g,debug} as above), the algorithm is applied to all entries in parallel (using @ref{parallel_lib}), if @code{parallelize=1} (default) and in sequence if @code{parallelize=0}. A list (or list of lists) of the results is returned. NOTE: The result depends on the monomial ordering. For \"small\" results use @code{dp}. SEE ALSO: checkpfd, evaluatepfd, displaypfd, displaypfd_long, pfdMat EXAMPLE: example pfd; shows an example" { short = 0; int i; if(typeof(#[1])=="list") { if(size(#)>1) { if(typeof(#[2])=="list") {list arguments = #; int parallelize = 1;} else{if(typeof(#[2])=="int") {list arguments = #[1]; int parallelize = #[2];} else {ERROR("wrong type for second argument, expected int");}} } if(parallelize) { for(i=1; i<=size(arguments); i++) { if(typeof(arguments[i][1])=="list") //input is list of lists {arguments[i] = list(arguments[i],1);} } return(parallelWaitAll("pfd",arguments)); } else { list results; for(i=1; i<=size(arguments); i++) { if(typeof(arguments[i][1])=="list") //input is list of lists {results[i] = pfd(arguments[i],0);} else { if(size(arguments[i])==2) {results[i] = pfd(arguments[i][1],arguments[i][2]);} else{if(size(arguments[i])==3) {results[i] = pfd(arguments[i][1],arguments[i][2],arguments[i][3]);} else {ERROR("wrong number of arguments, expected 2 or 3");}} } } return(results); } } poly f = #[1]; if(typeof(#[2])=="list") { list g=#[2]; } else { poly g=#[2]; } int debug=0; link l=":w "; if(size(#)>3) {ERROR("wrong number of arguments, expected 2 or 3");} if(size(#)==3) { debug=#[3]; l=":a "+string(debug)+"_log_"+datetime()+".txt"; system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); } if(debug) { fprintf(l,"debug: %s", debug); fprintf(l,"size(string(f)) = %s, size(string(g)) = %s %n", size(string(f)), size(string(g)), 0); int counter,tt,ttt; } if(f==0) { list dec = list(ideal(),list(list(poly(0),intvec(0:0),intvec(0:0)))); if(debug) {fprintf(l,"%ntotal: 0 ms (numerator was 0)",0); close(l);} if(voice<=printlevel) {displaypfd(dec);} return(dec); } if(typeof(g)=="poly") { if(deg(g)==0) { list dec = list(ideal(),list(list(f/g,intvec(0:0),intvec(0:0)))); if(debug) {fprintf(l,"%ntotal: 0 ms (denominator was constant)",0); close(l);} if(voice<=printlevel) {displaypfd(dec);} return(dec); } // (1) factorization of the denominator //////////////////////////////////// if(debug) {int t1 = rtimer; write(l,"factorizing ");} list factor = factorize(g); number lcoeff; for(i=2; i<=size(factor[1]); i++) { lcoeff = leadcoef(factor[1][i]); factor[1][i] = factor[1][i]/lcoeff; factor[1][1] = factor[1][1]*(lcoeff^factor[2][i]); // polynomial is monic (thus unique) lcoeff = content(factor[1][i]); factor[1][i] = factor[1][i]/lcoeff; factor[1][1] = factor[1][1]*(lcoeff^factor[2][i]); // polynomial has nice coefficients } ideal q = factor[1]; f = f/q[1]; q=delete(q,1); intvec e = factor[2]; e=delete(e,1); int m = size(q); if(debug) {t1 = rtimer-t1; fprintf(l,"done! (%s ms)", t1);} } else{if(typeof(g)=="list") { if(size(g[1])==0) { list dec = list(ideal(),list(list(f,intvec(0:0),intvec(0:0)))); if(debug) {fprintf(l,"%ntotal: 0 ms (denominator was constant)",0); close(l);} if(voice<=printlevel) {displaypfd(dec);} return(dec); } // denominator is already factorized for(i=1;i<=size(g[1]);i++) { if(size(factorize(g[1][i])[1])>2) {ERROR("factors should be irreducible");} } ideal q = g[1]; intvec e = g[2]; int m = size(q); if(debug) {int t1=0;} } else {ERROR("wrong type for second argument, expected poly or list(ideal,intvec)");}} // (2) Nullstellensatz decomposition ///////////////////////////////////////// if(debug) {int t2 = rtimer; write(l,"Nullstellensatz decomposition ");} list terms = list(list(poly(f),1..m,e)); list dec,newterms,result; int imax; while(size(terms)>0) { if(debug) {ttt = rtimer; counter++;} imax = size(terms); newterms = list(); for(i=1; i<=imax; i++) { result = NSSdecompStep(terms[i],q); if(size(result)>1) {newterms = mergepfd(newterms, result);} else {dec = mergepfd(dec, result);} } terms = newterms; if(debug) {fprintf(l," %s: %s ms, %s terms, %s unfinished", counter, rtimer-ttt, size(terms)+size(dec), size(terms));} } if(debug) {t2 = rtimer-t2; fprintf(l,"done! (%s ms, %s terms)", t2, size(dec));} // (3) short numerator decomposition ///////////////////////////////////////// if(debug) {int t3 = rtimer; write(l,"short numerator decompositions "); counter=0;} terms = dec; dec = list(); while(size(terms)>0) { if(debug) {tt = rtimer; counter++;} imax = size(terms); newterms = list(); for(i=1; i<=imax; i++) { result = shortNumeratorDecompStep(terms[i],q,debug,l); if(debug) {ttt = rtimer;} newterms = mergepfd(newterms, result[1]); dec = mergepfd(dec, result[2]); if(debug) {fprintf(l," merging: %s ms, %s new terms", rtimer-ttt, size(result[1]));} } terms = newterms; if(debug) {fprintf(l," %s: %s ms, %s terms, %s unfinished", counter, rtimer-tt, size(terms)+size(dec), size(terms));} } if(debug) {t3 = rtimer-t3; fprintf(l,"done! (%s ms, %s terms)", t3, size(dec));} // (4) algebraic dependence decomposition //////////////////////////////////// if(debug) {int t4 = rtimer; write(l,"algebraic dependence decomposition "); counter=0;} terms = dec; dec = list(); while(size(terms)>0) { if(debug) {tt = rtimer; counter++;} imax = size(terms); newterms = list(); for(i=1; i<=imax; i++) { result = algDependDecompStep(terms[i],q,debug,l); if(debug) {ttt = rtimer;} if(size(result)>1) {newterms = mergepfd(newterms, result);} else {dec = mergepfd(dec, result);} if(debug) {fprintf(l," merging: %s ms, %s new terms", rtimer-ttt, size(result));} } terms = newterms; if(debug) {fprintf(l," %s: %s ms, %s terms, %s unfinished", counter, rtimer-tt, size(terms)+size(dec),size(terms));} } if(debug) {t4 = rtimer-t4; fprintf(l,"done! (%s ms, %s terms)", t4, size(dec));} // (5) numerator decomposition /////////////////////////////////////////////// if(debug) {int t5 = rtimer; write(l,"numerator decompositions "); counter=0;} terms = dec; dec = list(); while(size(terms)>0) { if(debug) {tt = rtimer; counter++;} imax = size(terms); newterms = list(); for(i=1; i<=imax; i++) { result = numeratorDecompStep(terms[i],q,debug,l); if(debug) {ttt = rtimer;} newterms = mergepfd(newterms, result[1]); dec = mergepfd(dec, result[2]); if(debug) {fprintf(l," merging: %s ms, %s new terms", rtimer-ttt, size(result[1]));} } terms = newterms; if(debug) {fprintf(l," %s: %s ms, %s terms, %s unfinished", counter, rtimer-tt, size(terms)+size(dec), size(terms));} } if(debug) {t5 = rtimer-t5; fprintf(l,"done! (%s ms, %s terms)", t5, size(dec));} dec = list(q,dec); if(debug) {fprintf(l,"%ntotal: %s ms", t1+t2+t3+t4+t5); close(l);} if(voice<=printlevel) {displaypfd(dec);} return(dec); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd_long(dec); // display result checkpfd(list(f,g),dec); // check for equality to f/g // calculate decompositions of a 2x2 matrix of rational functions at once: list arguments = list(list(f, g), list(1, f) ), list(list(x*y, y+1), list(1, x^2-y^2)); dec = pfd(arguments); // the result has the same shape as the // input (2x2 matrix as list of lists): displaypfd_long(dec[1][1]); displaypfd_long(dec[1][2]); displaypfd_long(dec[2][1]); displaypfd_long(dec[2][2]); // a more complicated example ring S = 0,(s12,s15,s23,s34,s45),dp; poly f = 7*s12^4*s15^2 + 11*s12^3*s15^3 + 4*s12^2*s15^4 - 10*s12^4*s15*s23 - 14*s12^3*s15^2*s23 - 4*s12^2*s15^3*s23 + 3*s12^4*s23^2 + 3*s12^3*s15*s23^2 + 13*s12^4*s15*s34 + 12*s12^3*s15^2*s34 + 2*s12^2*s15^3*s34 - 5*s12^4*s23*s34 + 33*s12^3*s15*s23*s34 + 49*s12^2*s15^2*s23*s34 + 17*s12*s15^3*s23*s34 - 17*s12^3*s23^2*s34 - 19*s12^2*s15*s23^2*s34 - 5*s12*s15^2*s23^2*s34 - 24*s12^3*s15*s34^2 - 15*s12^2*s15^2*s34^2 + 2*s12*s15^3*s34^2 + 15*s12^3*s23*s34^2 - 34*s12^2*s15*s23*s34^2 - 31*s12*s15^2*s23*s34^2 + 2*s15^3*s23*s34^2 + 33*s12^2*s23^2*s34^2 + 29*s12*s15*s23^2*s34^2 + 5*s15^2*s23^2*s34^2 + 9*s12^2*s15*s34^3 - 4*s12*s15^2*s34^3 - 15*s12^2*s23*s34^3 + 9*s12*s15*s23*s34^3 - 4*s15^2*s23*s34^3 - 27*s12*s23^2*s34^3 - 13*s15*s23^2*s34^3 + 2*s12*s15*s34^4 + 5*s12*s23*s34^4 + 2*s15*s23*s34^4 + 8*s23^2*s34^4 - 6*s12^3*s15^2*s45 - 9*s12^2*s15^3*s45 - 2*s12*s15^4*s45 + 30*s12^3*s15*s23*s45 + 56*s12^2*s15^2*s23*s45 + 24*s12*s15^3*s23*s45 - 12*s12^3*s23^2*s45 - 23*s12^2*s15*s23^2*s45 - 10*s12*s15^2*s23^2*s45 - 30*s12^3*s15*s34*s45 - 32*s12^2*s15^2*s34*s45 - 6*s12*s15^3*s34*s45 + 7*s12^3*s23*s34*s45 - 86*s12^2*s15*s23*s34*s45 - 104*s12*s15^2*s23*s34*s45 - 15*s15^3*s23*s34*s45 + 41*s12^2*s23^2*s34*s45 + 51*s12*s15*s23^2*s34*s45 + 10*s15^2*s23^2*s34*s45 - 5*s12^3*s34^2*s45 + 33*s12^2*s15*s34^2*s45 + 14*s12*s15^2*s34^2*s45 - 2*s15^3*s34^2*s45 - 21*s12^2*s23*s34^2*s45 + 62*s12*s15*s23*s34^2*s45 + 28*s15^2*s23*s34^2*s45 - 46*s12*s23^2*s34^2*s45 - 28*s15*s23^2*s34^2*s45 + 10*s12^2*s34^3*s45 - s12*s15*s34^3*s45 + 4*s15^2*s34^3*s45 + 21*s12*s23*s34^3*s45 - 6*s15*s23*s34^3*s45 + 17*s23^2*s34^3*s45 - 5*s12*s34^4*s45 - 2*s15*s34^4*s45 - 7*s23*s34^4*s45 - 6*s12^2*s15^2*s45^2 - 5*s12*s15^3*s45^2 - 2*s15^4*s45^2 - 28*s12^2*s15*s23*s45^2 - 42*s12*s15^2*s23*s45^2 - 10*s15^3*s23*s45^2 + 9*s12^2*s23^2*s45^2 + 10*s12*s15*s23^2*s45^2 + 24*s12^2*s15*s34*s45^2 + 36*s12*s15^2*s34*s45^2 + 10*s15^3*s34*s45^2 - 11*s12^2*s23*s34*s45^2 + 31*s12*s15*s23*s34*s45^2 + 25*s15^2*s23*s34*s45^2 - 18*s12*s23^2*s34*s45^2 - 10*s15*s23^2*s34*s45^2 + 4*s12^2*s34^2*s45^2 - 29*s12*s15*s34^2*s45^2 - 17*s15^2*s34^2*s45^2 + 27*s12*s23*s34^2*s45^2 + 2*s15*s23*s34^2*s45^2 + 9*s23^2*s34^2*s45^2 - 3*s12*s34^3*s45^2 + 10*s15*s34^3*s45^2 - 16*s23*s34^3*s45^2 - s34^4*s45^2 + 6*s12*s15^2*s45^3 + 3*s15^3*s45^3 + 8*s12*s15*s23*s45^3 + 10*s15^2*s23*s45^3 - 8*s12*s15*s34*s45^3 - 10*s15^2*s34*s45^3 + 9*s12*s23*s34*s45^3 + s12*s34^2*s45^3 + 8*s15*s34^2*s45^3 - 9*s23*s34^2*s45^3 - s34^3*s45^3 - s15^2*s45^4 + s15*s34*s45^4; poly g = 4*s12*s15*(s12 + s15 - s34)*(s15 - s23 - s34)*(s12 + s23 - s45) *(s12 - s34 - s45)*(s12 + s15 - s34 - s45)*s45; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd(dec); checkpfd(list(f,g),dec); // size comparison: size(string(f)) + size(string(g)); size(getStringpfd(dec)); } static proc NSSdecompStep(list l, ideal q) { poly f=l[1]; intvec indices=l[2]; intvec e=l[3]; int m = size(indices); if(m==0) // denominator is 1 {return(list(l));} // do nothing, return input ideal qe = q[indices]; for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {qe[i] = qe[i]^e[i];} matrix T; ideal qe_std = liftstd(qe,T); if(deg(qe_std) == 0) { T = T/qe_std[1]; // now 1 = T[1,1]*qe[1] + ... + T[m,1]*qe[m] is a Nullstellensatz certificate list dec; poly h; for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { h = T[i,1]; if(h != 0) {dec[size(dec)+1] = list(f*h,delete(indices,i),delete(e,i));} } return(dec); } else { return(list(l)); // do nothing, return input } } static proc shortNumeratorDecompStep(list l, ideal q, list #) { int debug=0; if(size(#)>0) {debug=#[1]; link ll=#[2];} if(debug) {system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); int tt=rtimer;} poly f=l[1]; intvec indices=l[2]; intvec e=l[3]; int m = size(indices); if(m==0) // denominator is 1 { if(debug) {fprintf(ll," shortNumeratorDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s) " +"--> constant denominator", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(list(list(),list(l))); // do nothing, return input } ideal q_denom = q[indices]; // factors occuring in the denominator matrix T; ideal q_std = liftstd(q_denom,T); list divrem = division(f,q_std); poly r = divrem[2][1]/divrem[3][1,1]; if(r!=0) { if(debug) {fprintf(ll," shortNumeratorDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s) " +"--> remainder is nonzero", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(list(list(),list(l))); // if there is a rest, decomposing further would } // not help in the next step (alg. depend. decomposition) matrix a = divrem[1]/divrem[3][1,1]; // now f = r + a[1,1]*q_std[1] + ... +a[m,1]*q_std[m] a = T*a; // lift coefficients ==> now f = r + a[1,1]*q[1] + ... +a[m,1]*q[m] // reduce w.r.t. groebner basis of syz(q) to make the numerators "smaller": vector v; for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {v = v + gen(i)*a[i,1];} v = reduce(v, std(syz(q_denom))); list fraction,dec; for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { if(v[i] == 0) { i++; continue; } fraction[1] = v[i]; if(e[i]==1) { fraction[2] = delete(indices,i); fraction[3] = delete(e,i); } else { fraction[2] = indices; fraction[3] = e; fraction[3][i] = fraction[3][i] - 1; } dec[size(dec)+1] = fraction; } if(debug) {fprintf(ll," shortNumeratorDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s, deg(v)=%s, size(v)=%s)", rtimer-tt, m, e, deg(v), size(v));} return(list(dec,list())); } static proc algDependDecompStep(list l, ideal q, list #) { int debug=0; if(size(#)>0) {debug=#[1]; link ll=#[2];} if(debug) {system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); int tt=rtimer;} def br = basering; int d = nvars(br); intvec indices=l[2]; int m = size(indices); intvec e=l[3]; int i; if(m==0) // denominator is 1 { if(debug) {fprintf(ll," algDependDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s)", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(list(l)); // do nothing, return input } if(m<=d) { if(size(syz(module(transpose(jacob(ideal(q[indices]))))))==0) // jacobian criterion { if(debug) {fprintf(ll," algDependDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s) " +"--> alg. indep.", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(list(l)); // do nothing, return input } } def R = changeord(list(list("dp",m+d)),extendring(m, "y(", "dp", 1, changevar("x()",br))); setring(R); list l = fetch(br,l); ideal q = fetch(br,q); poly f=l[1]; ideal I; for(i=1; i<=m; i++) {I[i] = y(i)-q[indices[i]];} ideal annihilatingPolys = eliminate(I,intvec(1..d)); poly g = annihilatingPolys[1]; poly tail = g[size(g)]; // term of lowest dp-order (thus lowest degree) number tcoeff = leadcoef(tail); intvec texpon = leadexp(tail); texpon = texpon[(d+1)..(d+m)]; g = g-tail; poly term; number coeff; intvec expon; list fraction,dec; int pow; int jmax = size(g); for(int j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { term = g[j]; coeff = leadcoef(term); expon = leadexp(term); expon = expon[(d+1)..(d+m)]; fraction[1] = -f*coeff/tcoeff; fraction[2] = intvec(0:0); fraction[3] = intvec(0:0); for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { pow = expon[i]-texpon[i]-e[i]; if(pow>=0) { fraction[1] = fraction[1]*q[indices[i]]^pow; } else { fraction[2][size(fraction[2])+1] = indices[i]; fraction[3][size(fraction[3])+1] = -pow; } } dec[size(dec)+1] = fraction; } setring(br); list dec = fetch(R,dec); if(debug) {fprintf(ll," algDependDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s)", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(dec); } static proc numeratorDecompStep(list l, ideal q, list #) { int debug=0; if(size(#)>0) {debug=#[1]; link ll=#[2];} if(debug) {system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); int tt=rtimer;} poly f=l[1]; intvec indices=l[2]; intvec e=l[3]; int m = size(indices); if(m==0) // denominator is 1 { if(debug) {fprintf(ll," numeratorDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s) " +"--> constant denominator", rtimer-tt, m, e);} return(list(list(),list(l))); // do nothing, return input } ideal q_denom = q[indices]; // factors in the denominator matrix T; ideal q_std = liftstd(q_denom,T); list divrem = division(f,q_std); matrix a = divrem[1]/divrem[3][1,1]; poly r = divrem[2][1]/divrem[3][1,1]; // now f = r + a[1,1]*q_std[1] + ... +a[m,1]*q_std[m] a = T*a; // lift coefficients ==> now f = r + a[1,1]*q[1] + ... +a[m,1]*q[m] // reduce w.r.t. groebner basis of syz(q) to make the numerators "smaller" vector v; for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {v = v + gen(i)*a[i,1];} v = reduce(v, std(syz(q_denom))); list fraction,dec,rest; if(r!=0) {rest[1] = list(r,indices,e);} for(i=1; i<=m; i++) { if(v[i] == 0) { i++; continue; } fraction[1] = v[i]; if(e[i]==1) { fraction[2] = delete(indices,i); fraction[3] = delete(e,i); } else { fraction[2] = indices; fraction[3] = e; fraction[3][i] = fraction[3][i] - 1; } dec[size(dec)+1] = fraction; } if(debug) {fprintf(ll," numeratorDecompStep: %s ms (m=%s, e=%s, deg(v)=%s, size(v)=%s)", rtimer-tt, m, e, deg(v), size(v));} return(list(dec,rest)); } static proc mergepfd(list dec1, list dec2) { // Note: assumes dec1 is already sorted w.r.t. dp in the denominator exponents int n1=size(dec1); int n2=size(dec2); if(n2==0) {return(dec1);} int i; int a,b,m; list entry; for(i=1; i<=n2; i++) { entry = dec2[i]; if(n1==0) { dec1=list(entry); n1++; i++; continue; } a=1; b=n1; m = (a+b) div 2; while(b>a) { if(is_dp_smaller(dec1[m][2], dec1[m][3], entry[2], entry[3])) { a=m+1; } else { b=m; } m = (a+b) div 2; } if(is_dp_smaller(dec1[a][2], dec1[a][3], entry[2], entry[3])) {dec1=insert(dec1,entry,a); n1++;} else{if(entry[2]==dec1[a][2] && entry[3]==dec1[a][3]) { dec1[a][1] = dec1[a][1] + entry[1]; //same denominator: add numerators if(dec1[a][1]==0) {dec1 = delete(dec1,a); n1--;} } else {dec1=insert(dec1,entry,a-1); n1++;}} } return(dec1); } static proc is_dp_smaller(intvec indices1, intvec e1, intvec indices2, intvec e2) { if(size(e2)==0) {return(0);} if(size(e1)==0) {return(1);} int s1,s2 = sum(e1),sum(e2); if(s1s2) {return(0);} int n1,n2 = size(indices1),size(indices2); int imax = min(n1,n2); for(int i=0; iindices2[n2-i]) {return(1);} if(indices1[n1-i]e2[n2-i]) {return(1);} if(e1[n1-i]0}, a probabilistic method is chosen: evaluation at N random points with coordinates between -C and C. This may be faster for big polynomials. SEE ALSO: pfd EXAMPLE: example checkpfd; shows an example" { poly f = fraction[1]; def g = fraction[2]; if(size(#)>0) { if(#[1]>0) { int N = #[1]; // number of random tests int max_val=16; if(size(#)>1) {max_val = #[2];} ideal values; ideal vars = maxideal(1); int d=nvars(basering); number val1,val2; int div_by_0; int i,j; for(i=1; i<=N; i++) { values = ideal(random(max_val,1,d)); if(typeof(g)=="poly") {val1 = number(substitute(g,vars,values));} else{if(typeof(g)=="list") // denominator given in factorized form { val1 = number(1); for(j=1; j<=size(g[1]); j++) {val1 = val1 * number(substitute(g[1][j]^g[2][j],vars,values));} } else {ERROR("wrong type for second argument, expected poly or list");}} if(val1==0) {continue;} val1 = number(substitute(f,vars,values))/val1; val2, div_by_0 = evaluatepfd(dec,values,2); if(div_by_0) {continue;} if(val1 != val2) {return(0);} } return(1); } } ideal q = dec[1]; dec = dec[2]; int m = size(q); int jmax,j,ind,k; intvec e_max; e_max[m]=0; int imax = size(dec); for(int i=1; i<=imax; i++) { jmax = size(dec[i][2]); for(j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { ind = dec[i][2][j]; e_max[ind] = max(e_max[ind],dec[i][3][j]); } } poly num; poly sum_of_numerators = 0; intvec e; for(i=1; i<=imax; i++) { e = e_max; jmax = size(dec[i][2]); for(j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { ind = dec[i][2][j]; e[ind] = e[ind]-dec[i][3][j]; } num = dec[i][1]; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) {num = num * q[j]^(e[j]);} sum_of_numerators = sum_of_numerators + num; } // the decomposition is now equal to sum_of_numerators/product(q[i]^e_max[i]) (i from 1 to imax) // now: check if this equals f/g: if(typeof(g)=="poly") { list fact = factorize(g); ideal q_g = delete(fact[1],1); intvec e_g = delete(fact[2],1); num = f/fact[1][1]; } else{if(typeof(g)=="list") //denominator given in factorized form { ideal q_g = g[1]; intvec e_g = g[2]; num = f; } else {ERROR("wrong type for second argument, expected poly or list");}} int m_g = size(q_g); int expon; number c; for(i=1; i<=m_g; i++) { j=0; for(k=1; k<=m; k++) { c = leadcoef(q[k])/leadcoef(q_g[i]); if(c*q_g[i]==q[k]) {j=k; break;} } if(j==0) {sum_of_numerators = sum_of_numerators*q_g[i]^e_g[i];} else { num = num*(c^e_g[i]); //fix lead coefficient expon = e_g[i]-e_max[j]; if(expon>0) {sum_of_numerators = sum_of_numerators*q[j]^expon;} else{if(expon<0) {num = num*q[j]^(-expon);}} } } return(sum_of_numerators==num); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; // partial fraction decomposition of f/g: list dec = pfd(f,g); // some other decomposition (not equal to f/g): list wrong_dec = pfd(f+1,g); displaypfd_long(dec); list fraction = f,g; // exact test: checkpfd(fraction,dec); checkpfd(fraction,wrong_dec); // probabilistic test (evaluation at 10 random points): checkpfd(fraction,dec,10); checkpfd(fraction,wrong_dec,10); } proc evaluatepfd(list dec, ideal values, list #) "USAGE: evaluatepfd(dec, values[, mode]); dec list, values ideal, mode int RETURN: the number gotten by substituting the numbers generating the ideal @code{values} for the variables in the partial fraction decomposition @code{dec}. The list @code{dec} has to have the same structure as the output of @ref{pfd}. @* @code{mode=1}: raise Error in case of division by 0 (default) @* @code{mode=2}: return a second integer which is 1 if the denominator becomes 0, and 0 otherwise. SEE ALSO: pfd EXAMPLE: example evaluatepfd; shows an example" { int mode = 1; if(size(#)>0) {mode = #[1];} ideal vars = maxideal(1); // ideal generated by ring variables number val=0; number denom; int m,i,j; for(i=1; i<=size(dec[2]); i++) { denom = 1; m = size(dec[2][i][2]); for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { denom = denom * (number(substitute(dec[1][dec[2][i][2][j]],vars,values)))^dec[2][i][3][j]; if(denom == 0) { if(mode==1) {ERROR("division by 0");} else {return(0,1);} } } val = val + number(substitute(dec[2][i][1],vars,values))/denom; } if(mode==1) {return(val);} else {return(val,0);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x+2*y; poly g = x^2-y^2; // partial fraction decomposition of f/g: list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd_long(dec); // evaluation at x=2, y=1: ideal values = 2,1; evaluatepfd(dec,values); // compare: f(2,1)/g(2,1) = (2+2*1)/(2^2-1^1) = 4/3 } static proc find_entry(def l, def entry) { int n=size(l); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) {if(entry==l[i]) {return(i);}} return(0); } proc displaypfd(list dec) "USAGE: displaypfd(dec); dec list PURPOSE: print a partial fraction decomposition @code{dec} in a readable way. The list @code{dec} has to have the same structure as the output of @ref{pfd}. SEE ALSO: pfd, displaypfd_long, getStringpfd, getStringpfd_indexed EXAMPLE: example displaypfd; shows an example" { ideal q = dec[1]; dec = dec[2]; int imax=size(dec); int jmax,j; string s1,s2; for(int i=1; i<=imax; i++) { s1 = "(" + string(dec[i][1]); if(i>1) {s1 = "+ " + s1;} else {s1 = " " + s1;} if(size(dec[i][2])>0) { s2 = ") / ("; jmax = size(dec[i][2]); for(j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { s2 = s2 + "q" + string(dec[i][2][j]); if(dec[i][3][j] != 1) {s2 = s2 + "^" + string(dec[i][3][j]);} if(j192) {s1=s1[1..(192-size(s2))]; s1 = s1 + "... ";} print(s1+s2); } print("where"); for(i=1; i<=size(q); i++) { printf("q%s = %s",i,q[i]); } if(size(dec)==1) {printf("(%s terms)%n", 1, 0);} else {printf("(%s terms)%n", size(dec), 0);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd(dec); } proc displaypfd_long(list dec) "USAGE: displaypfd_long(dec); dec list PURPOSE: like @ref{displaypfd}, but denominators are written out, not indexed. SEE ALSO: pfd, displaypfd, getStringpfd, getStringpfd_indexed EXAMPLE: example displaypfd_long; shows an example" { ideal q = dec[1]; dec = dec[2]; print(" "+getStringFraction(dec[1],q)); for(int i=2; i<=size(dec); i++) {print("+ "+getStringFraction(dec[i],q));} if(size(dec)==1) {printf("(%s terms)%n", 1, 0);} else {printf("(%s terms)%n", size(dec), 0);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd_long(dec); } proc getStringpfd(list dec) "USAGE: getStringpfd(dec); dec list PURPOSE: turn a partial fraction decomposition @code{dec} into one string. The list @code{dec} has to have the same structure as the output of @ref{pfd}. SEE ALSO: pfd, getStringpfd_indexed, displaypfd, displaypfd_long EXAMPLE: example getStringpfd; shows an example" { ideal q = dec[1]; dec = dec[2]; string s = getStringFraction(dec[1],q); for(int i=2; i<=size(dec); i++) {s = s+" + "+getStringFraction(dec[i],q);} return(s); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd_long(dec); getStringpfd(dec); } proc getStringpfd_indexed(list dec) "USAGE: getStringpfd_indexed(dec); dec list PURPOSE: turn a partial fraction decomposition @code{dec} into one string, writing the denominator factors just as @code{q1},@code{q2},... . The list @code{dec} has to have the same structure as the output of @ref{pfd}. SEE ALSO: pfd, getStringpfd, displaypfd, displaypfd_long EXAMPLE: example getStringpfd_indexed; shows an example" { if(typeof(dec[1])=="ideal") {dec = dec[2];} string s = getStringFraction_indexed(dec[1]); for(int i=2; i<=size(dec); i++) {s = s+" + "+getStringFraction_indexed(dec[i]);} return(s); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=voice; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x^3+3*x^2*y+2*y^2-x^2+4*x*y; poly g = x^2*y*(x-1)*(x-y)^2; list dec = pfd(f,g); displaypfd(dec); getStringpfd_indexed(dec); } static proc getStringFraction(list fraction, ideal q) { int jmax,j; string s = "(" + string(fraction[1]); if(size(fraction[2])>0) { s = s + ")/("; jmax = size(fraction[2]); for(j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { s = s + "(" + string(q[fraction[2][j]]) + ")"; if(fraction[3][j] != 1) {s = s + "^" + string(fraction[3][j]);} if(j0) { s = s + ")/("; jmax = size(fraction[2]); for(j=1; j<=jmax; j++) { s = s + "q" + string(fraction[2][j]); if(fraction[3][j] != 1) {s = s + "^" + string(fraction[3][j]);} if(j/.txt}\". @* The input file should be a list of lists separated by the characters \"{\", \"}\" and \",\". Example: @* \"{{(x+y)/(x^2-x*y), -(x^2*y+1)/(y), x^2}, {(x+1)/y, y/x, 0}}\" @* Each rational function has to be an expression of the form \"a\", \"(a)/(b)\", \"(b)^(-n)\" or \"(a)*(b)^(-n)\" where \"a\",\"b\" stand for polynomials (i.e. strings, that can be parsed as a polynomial with the @code{execute} command) and \"n\" stands for a positive integer. A minus sign \"-\" followed by such an expression is also allowed. @* IMPORTANT: The strings \"a\",\"b\" must NOT contain the symbol \"/\". (So in case the coefficient field is the rationals, all denominators in the coefficients of numerator and denominator polynomials should be cleared.) @* The file should contain less than 2^31 characters (filesize < 2 GB). For bigger files the matrix should be split row-wise into multiple matrices and saved in different files (each smaller than 2 GB). A list of the filenames (in the right order) can then be given as first argument instead. @* Also the basering has to match the variable names used in the input file(s). @* @code{mode=1} (default): save result to an ssi-file of the same name @* @code{mode=2}: return result @* @code{mode=3}: save to ssi-file AND return result SEE ALSO: pfdMat " { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); short = 0; if(!defined(basering)) {ERROR("no basering defined!");} int left__,right__,pos1__,mid__,pos2__,tmp__,i__,j__,k__,t__,tt__,depth__; int mode__=1; if(size(#)>0) {mode__=#[1];} if(typeof(file__)=="list") // list of filenames given --> apply function to each { // file and concatenate the resulting matrices int n = size(file__); list mat__ = list(); for(i__=1;i__<=n;i__++) { dbprint(sprintf(" file %s of %s:",i__,n)); if(find(file__[i__],".txt")==0) {ERROR("wrong file type, expected txt");} printlevel = printlevel+1; mat__ = mat__ + readInputTXT(file__[i__],2); printlevel = printlevel-1; } if(mode__==2) {return(mat__);} string filename__ = file__[1][1,find(file__[1],".txt")-1]; dbprint(" saving to file "+filename__+".ssi "); t__ = rtimer; write("ssi:w "+filename__+".ssi", mat__); dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); if(mode__==3) {return(mat__);} } if(typeof(file__)!="string") {ERROR("wrong type for first argument (expected string or list)");} if(find(file__,".txt")==0) {ERROR("wrong file type, expected txt");} dbprint(" reading file "); t__=rtimer; string data__ = read(":r "+file__); dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); dbprint(" processing input "); t__ = rtimer; left__ = find(data__,"{"); right__ = find(data__,"}"); tmp__ = find(data__,"{",left__+1); if(left__right__) // end of row { finished__ = 1; pos2__ = right__; } s__ = data__[pos1__,pos2__-pos1__]; mid__ = find(s__,"/"); if(mid__==0) { tmp__ = find(s__,"^(-"); if(tmp__==0) //no denominator { execute("p__=" + s__); q__=1; row__[j__] = list(p__,q__); continue; } else // denominator is given by a negative exponent { if(find(s__,"^(-",tmp__+1)>0) {ERROR(sprintf("invalid syntax in (%s,%s)-th entry:" +" more than one negative exponent",i__,j__));} for(k__=tmp__+3; s__[k__]!=")"; k__++) {} execute("n__=" + s__[tmp__+3,k__-tmp__-3]); while(k__1) { while(1) { if(k__==0) {ERROR(sprintf("invalid syntax in (%s,%s)-th entry",i__,j__));} k__--; ss__ = s__[k__]; if(ss__=="*" || ss__==" " || ss__=="-") {break;} } } s__ = s__[1,k__] + "1/" + s__[k__+1,size(s__)-k__] + "^" + string(n__); mid__ = k__+2; // position of the character "/" } } if(find(s__,"/",mid__+1)>0) {ERROR(sprintf("invalid syntax in (%s,%s)-th entry:%n" +"no '/' allowed in the string representing the polynomials",i__,j__,0));} execute("p__=" + fixBrackets(s__[1,mid__-1])); execute("q__=" + fixBrackets(s__[mid__+1,size(s__)-mid__])); row__[j__] = list(p__,q__); } mat__[i__] = row__; // append row to matrix dbprint(sprintf(" row %s done! (%s ms)",i__,rtimer-tt__)); left__ = find(data__,"{",right__); if(left__==0) {break;} right__ = find(data__,"}",left__); } dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); if(mode__==2) {return(mat__);} string filename__ = file__[1,find(file__,".txt")-1]; dbprint(" saving to file "+filename__+".ssi "); t__ = rtimer; write("ssi:w "+filename__+".ssi", mat__); dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); if(mode__==3) {return(mat__);} } static proc fixBrackets(string data) { int pos=0; int left_brackets =0; int right_brackets=0; int n=size(data); while(pos0) { for(int i=1; i<=difference; i++) {data = data+")";} } if(difference<0) { for(int i=1; i<=-difference; i++) {data = "("+data;} } return(data); } static proc pfdWrap(poly f, def g, int i, int j, link logfile, int output_mode) { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); if(output_mode>3) {write("ssi:w pfd_results_"+string(i)+"_"+string(j) +".ssi","task started, but not finished yet");} int t0 = rtimer; list result = pfd(f,g); fprintf(logfile,"_[%s,%s]: %s ms",i,j,rtimer-t0); if(output_mode>3) {write("ssi:w pfd_results_"+string(i)+"_"+string(j)+".ssi",result);} return(result); } static proc testEntry(int i, int j, list fraction, list dec, link logfile, int N); { int t=rtimer; system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); int result = checkpfd(fraction,dec,N); if(result==1) {fprintf(logfile, " _[%s,%s]: correct (%s ms)",i,j,rtimer-t);} else {fprintf(logfile, " _[%s,%s]: WRONG! (%s ms)", i,j,rtimer-t);} return(result); } proc pfdMat(def infile, list #) "USAGE: pfdMat(file[, dotest, ignore_nonlin, output_mode, parallelize]); file string, dotest,ignore_nonlin,output_mode,parallelize int PURPOSE: apply @code{pfd} to all entries of a matrix of rational functions saved in a txt-file. The string @code{file} should be the [directory +] name of the file. @* The input file can either be a txt-file or an ssi-file created with @code{readInputTXT}. In case of a txt-file, the base ring has to match and the matrix has to be in the same format specified in @ref{readInputTXT}. Also, txt-files that are bigger than 2 GB should be split as described for @code{readInputTXT} and a list of the filenames can be given as first argument instead. @* The result is saved in multiple txt- (and ssi-) files (see below) within the directory of the input file. @* Also a logfile is created, which protocols the memory used and the runtimes of @code{pfd} for each matrix entry in real-time. @* There are also 4 optional arguments: @* If @code{dotest} is nonzero, test the results with checkpfd: @* @code{dotest<0} (default): exact test (may be slow), @* @code{dotest>0}: do this amount of probabilistic tests for each entry (see @ref{checkpfd}). @* If @code{ignore_nonlin} is nonzero (default), for each denominator, the nonlinear factors in the factorization are removed before applying @code{pfd} (and added back in in the output files). @* If @code{parallelize} is nonzero (default), the decompositions are calculated in parallel using @ref{parallel_lib}. @* The parameter @code{output_mode} controls the output files created: @* @code{output_mode=1} (default): The result consists of two files: @code{_pfd_indexed.txt} contains the matrix of all decompositions (as list of lists separated by the characters \"{\", \"}\" and \",\") where all the denominators are written in factorized form depending on irreducible factors @code{q1}, @code{q2}, ... . The file @code{_denominator_factors.txt} lists all the polynomials @code{q1}, @code{q2}, ... . @* @code{output_mode=2}: Additionally to mode 1, the file @code{_pfd.txt} is created, which also contains the matrix of decompositions but the factors in the denominators are written out. @* @code{output_mode=3}: Additionally to mode 2, the result and some intermediate results are saved as SINGULAR objects in ssi-files: @* @code{.ssi}: contains the result of @code{readInputTXT} in case a txt-file was given as input. @* @code{_factorized_denominators.ssi}: like the first file, but the denominators are saved in factorized form, that is as a list of an ideal of irreducible non constant polynomials and an intvec of exponents. @* @code{_linear_part.ssi} (only if @code{ignore_nonlin} is nonzero): like the previous file, but all the irreducible denominator factors are removed @* @code{_non_linear_factors.ssi} (only if @code{ignore_nonlin} is nonzero): a list of an ideal @code{p} generated by irreducible polynomials and a matrix (list of lists) of the nonlinear denominator factors of each entry of the input matrix. These are represented as lists of an intvec of indices @code{i} for which @code{p[i]} occurs as a (nonlinear) factor in the denominator and an intvec containing the exponents of those factors. @* @code{_pfd.ssi}: a list, where the first entry is an ideal @code{q} of denominator factors and the second entry is a matrix (as list of lists) containing the decompositions, each of which is a list of terms, where a term is represented as in the result of @ref{pfd} by a list containing @* 1) the numerator polynomial @* 2) an intvec of indices @code{i} for which @code{q[i]} occurs as a factor in the denominator @* 3) an intvec containing the exponents of those irreducible factors. @* IMPORTANT: If @code{ignore_nonlin} is nonzero, this file contains the decompositions of the entries of the matrix in @code{_linear_part.ssi}. Thus the nonlinear factors, are NOT contained in this file. @* @code{output_mode=4}: Additionally to mode 3, the direct output of each call of @code{pfd} is saved in separate ssi-files called @code{pfd_results_i_j.ssi} where i,j are the matrix indices. This creates a lot of files, but may be useful in case the algorithm does not terminate in time for every matrix entry. Other than the files created in mode 1-3, these files are saved in the current directory, rather than the directory of the input file. SEE ALSO: readInputTXT, pfd, checkpfd, checkpfdMat " { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); short = 0; int dotest,ignore_nonlin,output_mode,parallelize = -1,1,1,1; if(size(#)>0) {dotest = #[1];} if(size(#)>1) {ignore_nonlin = #[2];} if(size(#)>2) {output_mode = #[3];} if(size(#)>3) {parallelize = #[4];} int i,j,k,l,ind; list arguments,results; dbprint(newline+"reading data "); int t0=rtimer; if(typeof(infile)=="list") { printlevel = printlevel+1; if(output_mode>2) {list mat = readInputTXT(infile,3);} else {list mat = readInputTXT(infile,2);} printlevel = printlevel-1; int pos=find(infile[1],".txt"); string filename = infile[1][1,pos-1]; } else { int pos=find(infile,".txt"); if(pos!=0) { printlevel = printlevel+1; if(output_mode>2) {list mat = readInputTXT(infile,3);} else {list mat = readInputTXT(infile,2);} printlevel = printlevel-1; } else { pos=find(infile,".ssi"); if(pos!=0) {list mat = read("ssi:r "+infile);} else {ERROR("invalid file type, expected ssi or txt");} } string filename = infile[1,pos-1]; } link qfile = ":w "+filename+"_denominator_factors.txt"; int n = size(mat); int m = size(mat[1]); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); if(typeof(mat[1][1][2])!="list") // denominators are not yet factorized { dbprint("factorizing the denominators "); t0=rtimer; printlevel = printlevel+1; mat = FactDenom(mat); printlevel = printlevel-1; if(output_mode>2) {write("ssi:w "+filename+"_factorized_denominators.ssi",mat);} dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); } if(ignore_nonlin) { dbprint("removing nonlinear denominator factors before pfd is applied"); list nonlin_denom_factors; ideal p; printlevel = printlevel+1; mat, nonlin_denom_factors, p = removeNonlinearFactors(mat, filename); printlevel = printlevel-1; if(output_mode>2) { dbprint("saving nonlinear factors to "+filename+"_non_linear_factors.ssi "); t0 = rtimer; write("ssi:w "+filename+"_non_linear_factors.ssi", list(p,nonlin_denom_factors)); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); dbprint("saving input matrix without the nonlinear factors to " +filename+"_linear_part.ssi "); t0 = rtimer; write("ssi:w "+filename+"_linear_part.ssi", mat); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); } } if(parallelize) { dbprint("creating tasks "); t0=rtimer; write(":w "+filename+"_pfdMat_logfile.txt","finished matrix entries with runtimes " +"(calculated in parallel on "+string(getcores())+" cores):"); link logfile = ":a "+filename+"_pfdMat_logfile.txt"; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { ind = m*(i-1)+j; arguments[ind] = list(mat[i][j][1],mat[i][j][2],i,j,logfile,output_mode); } } dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); dbprint("applying pfd to each matrix entry "); t0 = rtimer; results = parallelWaitAll("pfdWrap",arguments); arguments = list(); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); write(logfile,"decomposition: "+string(rtimer-t0)+" ms and "+string(memory(2)) +" Byte Memory max. (after calling pfd on each matrix entry)"); dbprint("writing results in matrix shape "); t0 = rtimer; list dec_mat; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { dec_mat[i] = list(); for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { ind = m*(i-1)+j; dec_mat[i][j] = results[ind]; } } results = list(); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); } else { dbprint("applying pfd to each matrix entry "); t0=rtimer; write(":w "+filename+"_pfdMat_logfile.txt", "finished matrix entries with runtimes (no parallelization):"); link logfile = ":a "+filename+"_pfdMat_logfile.txt"; list dec_mat; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { dec_mat[i] = list(); for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { dec_mat[i][j] = pfdWrap(mat[i][j][1],mat[i][j][2],i,j,logfile,output_mode); } } dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); write(logfile,"decomposition: "+string(rtimer-t0)+" ms and "+string(memory(2)) +" Byte Memory max. (after calling pfd on each matrix entry)"); } dbprint("making one single list of denominator factors "); t0 = rtimer; ideal q,new_q; intvec dict; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { new_q = dec_mat[i][j][1]; dec_mat[i][j] = dec_mat[i][j][2]; dict = 0:0; for(k=1; k<=size(new_q); k++) { ind = find_entry(q,new_q[k]); if(ind==0) { ind = size(q)+1; q[ind] = new_q[k]; } dict[k] = ind; } for(k=1; k<=size(dec_mat[i][j]); k++) { if(size(dec_mat[i][j][k][2])>0) {dec_mat[i][j][k][2] = intvec(dict[dec_mat[i][j][k][2]]);} } } dbprint(sprintf(" row %s complete!",i)); } dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); if(output_mode>2) { dbprint("saving result to "+filename+"_pfd.ssi "); t0 = rtimer; write("ssi:w "+filename+"_pfd.ssi", list(q,dec_mat)); dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); } if(ignore_nonlin) { ind = size(q); for(i=1; i<=size(p); i++) {q[ind+i]=p[i];} // add nonlin. polynomials to q for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { nonlin_denom_factors[i][j][1] = nonlin_denom_factors[i][j][1]+ind; // adjust indices } } } if(ignore_nonlin) {dbprint(sprintf("creating readable .txt-files (including the nonlinear factors again)"));} else {dbprint(sprintf("creating readable .txt-files "));} t0 = rtimer; dbprint(" indexed ("+filename+"_pfd_indexed.txt):"); printlevel = printlevel+1; if(ignore_nonlin) {saveResultTXT_indexed(dec_mat, filename+"_pfd_indexed", nonlin_denom_factors);} else {saveResultTXT_indexed(dec_mat, filename+"_pfd_indexed");} printlevel = printlevel-1; for(i=1; i<=size(q); i++) {fprintf(qfile, "q%s = %s;", i, q[i]);} if(output_mode>1) { dbprint(" denominators written out ("+filename+"_pfd.txt):"); printlevel = printlevel+1; if(ignore_nonlin) {saveResultTXT(dec_mat, q, filename+"_pfd", nonlin_denom_factors);} else {saveResultTXT(dec_mat, q, filename+"_pfd");} printlevel = printlevel-1; } dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); if(dotest) { if(dotest<0) {dbprint("checking for correctness (exact test) ");} else {dbprint(sprintf("checking for correctness (%s random evaluations per entry) ",dotest));} t0 = rtimer; if(parallelize) { for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { arguments[m*(i-1)+j]=list(i,j,mat[i][j],list(q,dec_mat[i][j]),logfile,dotest); } } results = parallelWaitAll("testEntry",arguments); } else { for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { results[m*(i-1)+j]=testEntry(i,j,mat[i][j],list(q,dec_mat[i][j]),logfile,dotest); } } } dbprint(sprintf("%s out of %s = %sx%s decompositions are correct! (%s ms)%n", sum(results),n*m,n,m,rtimer-t0,0)); write(logfile,"checking for correctness: "+string(rtimer-t0)+" ms and " +string(memory(2))+" Byte Memory max. (at the end of pfdMat), " +string(sum(results))+" correct out of "+string(n*m)); } } static proc FactDenom(list mat) { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); int i,j,k,ind,t,counter; int n = size(mat); int m = size(mat[1]); list denom = list(); for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { denom[i] = list(); for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { denom[i][j] = mat[i][j][2]; mat[i][j][2] = list(ideal(),intvec(0:0)); } } int expon; list fact; number lcoeff; int timeout = 60000; int finished = 0; list arguments,results; ideal q; while(!finished) { t = rtimer; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) // create argument list { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) {arguments[m*(i-1)+j] = list(denom[i][j]);} } results = parallelWaitAll("factorize",arguments,timeout); arguments = list(); for(i=1; i<=n; i++) // update q, mat, denom { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { ind = m*(i-1)+j; if(typeof(results[ind]) != "none") { fact = results[ind]; for(k=2; k<=size(fact[1]); k++) { lcoeff = leadcoef(fact[1][k]); fact[1][k] = fact[1][k]/lcoeff; fact[1][1] = fact[1][1]*(lcoeff^fact[2][k]); // polynomial is monic (thus unique) lcoeff = content(fact[1][k]); fact[1][k] = fact[1][k]/lcoeff; fact[1][1] = fact[1][1]*(lcoeff^fact[2][k]); // polynomial has nice coefficients // add a new factor to q: ind = find_entry(q,fact[1][k]); if(ind==0) {q[size(q)+1] = fact[1][k];} // complete the factorization of the i,j-th denominator: ind = find_entry(mat[i][j][2][1],fact[1][k]); if(ind==0) { ind = size(mat[i][j][2][1])+1; mat[i][j][2][1][ind] = fact[1][k]; mat[i][j][2][2][ind] = fact[2][k]; } else { mat[i][j][2][2][ind] = mat[i][j][2][2][ind] + fact[2][k]; } } mat[i][j][1] = mat[i][j][1]/fact[1][1]; denom[i][j] = 1; } } } results = list(); finished = 1; counter = n*m; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) // factorize by any known factors (from q) { for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { for(k=1; k<=size(q); k++) { expon=0; while(reduce(denom[i][j],q[k])==0) { denom[i][j] = denom[i][j]/q[k]; expon++; } if(expon>0) { ind = size(mat[i][j][2][1])+1; mat[i][j][2][1][ind] = q[k]; mat[i][j][2][2][ind] = expon; } } if(deg(denom[i][j])==0) { mat[i][j][1] = mat[i][j][1]/denom[i][j]; denom[i][j] = poly(1); } if(denom[i][j]!=poly(1)) {finished = 0; counter--;} } } timeout = timeout*2; dbprint(sprintf(" %s out of %s denominators factorized completely (%s ms)", counter,n*m,rtimer-t)); } return(mat); } static proc saveResultTXT_indexed(list dec, string filename, list #) { // expect dec = list(list(dec11, dec12, ...), list(dec21, dec22, ...), ...), // where dec11, dec12, ... are decompositions of form list(list(poly, intvec, intvec), ...) system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); list nonlinFactors = list(); if(size(#)>0) {nonlinFactors = #;} link file = ":w "+filename+".txt"; int i,j; int t; string s="{"; int n=size(dec); int m=size(dec[1]); int k; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { t = rtimer; s = s+"{"; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { if(size(nonlinFactors)>0) { if(size(nonlinFactors[i][j][1])>0) { s = s + getStringFraction_indexed(list(poly(1))+nonlinFactors[i][j]) + " * (" + getStringpfd_indexed(dec[i][j]) + "), "; j++; continue; } } s = s + getStringpfd_indexed(dec[i][j]) + ", "; } k = size(s); s[k-1] = "}"; s[k] = ","; s = s+" "; dbprint(sprintf(" row %s done! (%s ms)",i,rtimer-t)); } k = size(s); s[k-1] = "}"; s[k] = " "; write(file,s); } static proc saveResultTXT(list dec, ideal q, string filename, list #) { // expect dec = list(list(dec11, dec12, ...), list(dec21, dec22, ...), ...), // where dec11, dec12, ... are decompositions of form list(list(poly, intvec, intvec), ...) system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); list nonlinFactors = list(); if(size(#)>0) {nonlinFactors = #;} link file = ":w "+filename+".txt"; int i,j; int t; string s="{"; int n=size(dec); int m=size(dec[1]); int k; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { t = rtimer; s = s+"{"; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { if(size(nonlinFactors)>0) { if(size(nonlinFactors[i][j][1])>0) { s = s + getStringFraction(list(poly(1))+nonlinFactors[i][j],q) + " * (" + getStringpfd(list(q,dec[i][j])) + "), "; j++; continue; } } s = s + getStringpfd(list(q,dec[i][j])) + ", "; } k = size(s); s[k-1] = "}"; s[k] = ","; s = s+" "; dbprint(sprintf(" row %s done! (%s ms)",i,rtimer-t)); } k = size(s); s[k-1] = "}"; s[k] = " "; write(file,s); } static proc removeNonlinearFactors(list fractions, string filename) { int n=size(fractions); int m=size(fractions[1]); int i,j,k,t0,ind; ideal p; list nonlin_denom_factors; intvec factors,exponents; list fac; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { t0 = rtimer; nonlin_denom_factors[i] = list(); for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { fac = fractions[i][j][2]; factors = 0:0; exponents = 0:0; for(k=1; k<=size(fac[1]); k++) { if(deg(poly(fac[1][k]))>1) { // add the nonlin. factor fac[1][k] to p if necessary: if(size(p)==0) {ind = 1; p[ind]=fac[1][k];} else { for(ind=1;1;ind++) { if(p[ind]==fac[1][k]) {break;} if(ind==size(p)) { ind++; p[ind]=fac[1][k]; break; } } } factors[size(factors)+1] = ind; exponents[size(exponents)+1] = fac[2][k]; fac[1] = delete(fac[1],k); fac[2] = delete(fac[2],k); continue; } } fractions[i][j][2] = fac; nonlin_denom_factors[i][j] = list(factors,exponents); } dbprint(sprintf(" row %s done! (%s ms)", i, rtimer-t0)); } return(fractions, nonlin_denom_factors, p); } proc checkpfdMat(def input, string output, string qfile, list #) "USAGE: checkpfdMat(input, output, denomFactors[, N, parallelize]); input,output,denomFactors string, N,parallelize int PURPOSE: test the output files of @code{pfdMat} for correctness. Input and output (indexed) txt-files have to be given as strings in the form \"@code{/.txt}\". The output should be indexed (that is the output file ending in @code{..._pfd_indexed.txt}) and @code{denomFactors} has to be the file containing the denominator factors @code{q1}, @code{q2}, ... (the txt-file ending in @code{..._denominator_factors.txt}). @* As for @code{readInputTXT} and @code{pfdMat}, the basering has to match the variable names used in the input file, which has to be in the same format specified in @ref{readInputTXT}. Also, files bigger than 2 GB have to be split as described for @code{readInputTXT} and a list of filenames can be given as first argument instead. @* If a positive integer N is given, the test is done probabilistically by evaluation at N random points for each entry of the matrix. If N is nonpositive (default), the fractions in the decompositions will be expanded symbolically and compared to the input (may be slower). @* If @code{parallelize} is nonzero (default), the tests are run in parallel using @ref{parallel_lib}. @* The result is printed and as in @code{pfdMat} a logfile is created showing the results for each matrix entry. SEE ALSO: readInputTXT, pfd, checkpfd, pfdMat " { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); short = 0; int t0; int N=0; int parallelize=1; if(size(#)==1) { if(typeof(#[1])=="int") {N=#[1];} else {ERROR("invalid argument type: "+typeof(#[1]));} } if(size(#)==2) { if(typeof(#[1])=="int" && typeof(#[2])=="int") {N=#[1]; parallelize=#[2];} else {ERROR("invalid argument types: "+typeof(#[1])+", "+typeof(#[2]));} } if(size(#)>2) {ERROR("too many arguments");} dbprint(newline+"reading input file:"); printlevel = printlevel+1; list frac = readInputTXT(input,2); printlevel = printlevel-1; if(typeof(input)=="string") {string filename=input;} if(typeof(input)=="list") {string filename=input[1];} filename = filename[1,find(filename,".txt")-1]; dbprint("factorizing the denominators "); t0=rtimer; printlevel = printlevel+1; frac = FactDenom(frac); printlevel = printlevel-1; dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0)); dbprint("reading output files:"); t0=rtimer; dbprint(" reading list of denominator factors from "+qfile); ideal q; q = readQfileTXT(qfile); dbprint(" done!"); dbprint(" reading (indexed) output decompositions "); list dec,nonlin; printlevel = printlevel+1; dec,nonlin = readOutputTXT(output); printlevel = printlevel-1; if(parallelize) {dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)%n%ncreating tasks",rtimer-t0,0)); t0=rtimer;} else { dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)%n",rtimer-t0,0)); if(N<=0) {dbprint("checking for correctness (exact test) ");} else {dbprint(sprintf("checking for correctness (%s random evaluations per entry) ",N));} t0=rtimer; } fprintf(":w "+filename+"_checkpfdMat_logfile.txt","Input file (matrix of rational functions):" +" %s%nOutput file (decompositions): %s%nlist of all denominator factors:" +" %s%n%nResults of checkpfdMat:",input,output,qfile,0); link logfile = ":a "+filename+"_checkpfdMat_logfile.txt"; int n=size(frac); int m=size(frac[1]); int i,j,k,ind; list arguments; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=m;j++) { for(k=1;k<=size(nonlin[i][j][1]);k++) { ind = find_entry(frac[i][j][2][1],q[nonlin[i][j][1][k]]); if(ind==0) {ERROR("nonlinear factors are wrong");} if(frac[i][j][2][2][ind]!=nonlin[i][j][2][k]) {ERROR("nonlinear factors are wrong");} frac[i][j][2][1] = delete(frac[i][j][2][1],ind); frac[i][j][2][2] = delete(frac[i][j][2][2],ind); } if(parallelize) {arguments[(i-1)*m+j] = list(i,j,frac[i][j],list(q,dec[i][j]),logfile,N);} else {results[(i-1)*m+j] = testEntry(i,j,frac[i][j],list(q,dec[i][j]),logfile,N);} } } if(parallelize) { dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)%n",rtimer-t0,0)); if(N<=0) {dbprint("checking for correctness (exact test) ");} else {dbprint(sprintf("checking for correctness (%s random evaluations per entry) ",N));} t0=rtimer; list results = parallelWaitAll("testEntry",arguments); } else {dbprint(sprintf("done! (%s ms)",rtimer-t0));} dbprint(sprintf("%s out of %s = %sx%s decompositions are correct! (%s ms)%n", sum(results),n*m,n,m,rtimer-t0,0)); fprintf(logfile,"%s out of %s = %sx%s decompositions are correct! (%s ms)%n", sum(results),n*m,n,m,rtimer-t0,0); } static proc readOutputTXT(string filename__) { system("--ticks-per-sec",1000); dbprint(" reading matrix of decompositions from file "+filename__); int t__=rtimer; int tt__; string data__ = read(":r "+filename__); dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); dbprint(" processing input "); t__ = rtimer; list mat__; list nonlin__=list(); int nonlin_factors_seperated__=0; if(find(data__," * ")>0) {nonlin_factors_seperated__=1;} int left__,right__=0,0; left__ = find(data__,"{"); int pos1__,pos2__=0,0; int p1__,p2__; int tmp__,tmp2__,depth__; int i__,j__,k__,l__,max__; intvec factors__,exponents__; poly numerator__; string s__,ss__; for(i__=1;1;i__++) { tt__ = rtimer; left__ = find(data__,"{",left__+1); if(left__==0) {break;} right__ = find(data__,"}",left__); mat__[i__]=list(); nonlin__[i__]=list(); pos2__=left__; for(j__=1;pos2__0;j__++) { pos1__ = pos2__+1; pos2__ = find(data__,",",pos1__); if(pos2__==0||pos2__>right__) {s__ = data__[pos1__,right__-pos1__];} else {s__ = data__[pos1__,pos2__-pos1__];} mat__[i__][j__] = list(); factors__ = intvec(0:0); exponents__ = intvec(0:0); l__ = find(s__," * "); if(l__>0) { ss__ = s__[1,l__-1]; //ss__ contains the nonlinear factors s__ = s__[l__+3,size(s__)-l__-2]; for(p1__=1;s__[p1__]!="(";p1__++) {} for(p2__=size(s__);s__[p2__]!=")";p2__--) {} s__ = s__[p1__+1,p2__-p1__-1]; l__ = find(ss__,"q"); ss__ = ss__[l__,find(ss__,")",l__)-l__]; ss__ = ss__+"*"; p1__=0; for(l__=1;1;l__++) { p1__ = find(ss__,"q",p1__+1); if(p1__==0) {break;} p1__++; p2__ = find(ss__,"^",p1__); tmp__ = find(ss__,"*",p1__); if((p2__>tmp__ && tmp__>0) || (p2__==0)) //exponent is 1 { execute("factors__[l__]="+ss__[p1__,tmp__-p1__]); exponents__[l__] = 1; } else { execute("factors__[l__]="+ss__[p1__,p2__-p1__]); execute("exponents__[l__]="+ss__[p2__+1,tmp__-p2__-1]); } } } nonlin__[i__][j__] = list(factors__,exponents__); depth__ = 0; s__=s__+" "; max__ = size(s__); tmp__ = 1; tmp2__ = 0; for(k__=1;k__<=max__;k__++) { if(s__[k__]=="(") {depth__++;k__++;continue;} if(s__[k__]==")") {depth__--;k__++;continue;} if(s__[k__]=="/" && depth__==0) {tmp2__ = k__;} if((s__[k__]=="+" && depth__==0) || k__==max__) { if(tmp2__==0) // no denominator { execute("numerator__="+s__[tmp__,k__-tmp__]); mat__[i__][j__][size(mat__[i__][j__])+1] = list(numerator__,intvec(0:0),intvec(0:0)); tmp__ = k__+1; k__++; continue; } execute("numerator__="+s__[tmp__,tmp2__-tmp__]); ss__ = s__[tmp2__+1,k__-tmp2__-1]; p1__ = find(ss__,"("); p2__ = find(ss__,")"); ss__ = ss__[p1__+1,p2__-p1__-1]; // now ss__ is only the denominator ss__ = ss__+"*"; factors__ = intvec(0:0); exponents__ = intvec(0:0); p1__=0; for(l__=1;1;l__++) { p1__ = find(ss__,"q",p1__+1); if(p1__==0) {break;} p1__++; p2__ = find(ss__,"^",p1__); tmp__ = find(ss__,"*",p1__); if((p2__>tmp__ && tmp__>0) || (p2__==0)) //exponent is 1 { execute("factors__[l__]="+ss__[p1__,tmp__-p1__]); exponents__[l__] = 1; } else { execute("factors__[l__]="+ss__[p1__,p2__-p1__]); execute("exponents__[l__]="+ss__[p2__+1,tmp__-p2__-1]); } } mat__[i__][j__][size(mat__[i__][j__])+1] = list(numerator__,factors__,exponents__); tmp__ = k__+1; tmp2__ = 0; } } } dbprint(sprintf(" row %s done! (%s ms)",i__,rtimer-tt__)); } dbprint(sprintf(" done! (%s ms)", rtimer-t__)); return(mat__,nonlin__); } static proc readQfileTXT(string filename__) { string data__ = read(":r "+filename__); ideal q__; int pos1__,pos2__=1,1; while(1) { pos1__=find(data__,"=",pos2__); if(pos1__==0) {break;} pos1__++; pos2__=find(data__,";",pos1__); execute("q__[size(q__)+1]="+data__[pos1__,pos2__-pos1__]); } return(q__); }