/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: latex.lib,v 1.19 2001-02-09 10:19:33 lossen Exp $"; category="Visualization"; info=" LIBRARY: latex.lib Typesetting of Singular-Objects in LaTeX2e AUTHOR: Christian Gorzel, gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de PROCEDURES: closetex(fnm); writes closing line for LaTeX-document opentex(fnm); writes header for LaTeX-file fnm tex(fnm); calls LaTeX2e for LaTeX-file fnm texdemo([n]); produces a file explaining the features of this lib texfactorize(fnm,f); creates string in LaTeX-format for factors of poly f texmap(fnm,m,r1,r2); creates string in LaTeX-format for map m:r1->r2 texname(fnm,s); creates string in LaTeX-format for identifier texobj(l); creates string in LaTeX-format for any (basic) type texpoly(f,n[,l]); creates string in LaTeX-format for poly texproc(fnm,p); creates string in LaTeX-format of text from proc p texring(fnm,r[,l]); creates string in LaTeX-format for ring/qring rmx(s); removes .aux and .log files of LaTeX-files xdvi(s); calls xdvi for dvi-files (parameters in square brackets [] are optional) GLOBAL VARIABLES: TeXwidth, TeXnofrac, TeXbrack, TeXproj, TeXaligned, TeXreplace, NoDollars are used to control the typesetting. Call @code{texdemo();} to obtain a LaTeX2e file @code{texlibdemo.tex} explaining the features of @code{latex.lib} and its global variables. @format @code{TeXwidth} (int) -1, 0, 1..9, >9: controls breaking of long polynomials @code{TeXnofrac} (int) flag: write 1/2 instead of \\frac@{1@}@{2@} @code{TeXbrack} (string) \"@{\", \"(\", \"<\", \"|\", empty string: controls brackets around ideals and matrices @code{TeXproj} (int) flag: write \":\" instead of \",\" in vectors @code{TeXaligned} (int) flag: write maps (and ideals) aligned @code{TeXreplace} (list) list entries = 2 strings: replacing symbols @code{NoDollars} (int) flag: suppresses surrounding $ signs @end format "; LIB "inout.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc closetex(string fname, list #) "USAGE: closetex(fname); fname string RETURN: nothing; writes a LaTeX2e closing line into file @code{}. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example closetex; shows an example " { string default = "latex2e"; string s; int i = 1; int flag; if (size(#)) { default = #[1];} if (default=="latex2e" or default == "latex") { s = "\\end{document}"; flag = 1;} if (default=="amstex") {s = "\\enddocument"; flag = 1;} if (default=="tex") {s = "\\bye"; flag = 1;} if (not(flag)) { s = "";} if (size(fname)) { while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname, s); write(fname," - Thanks latex.lib and Singular - "); } else {return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; opentex("exmpl"); texobj("exmpl","{\\large \\bf hello}"); closetex("exmpl"); echo=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc tex(string fname, list #) "USAGE: tex(fname); fname string RETURN: nothing; calls latex (LaTeX2e) for compiling the file fname NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example tex; shows an example " { string default = "latex2e"; int retval; int i=1; if (size(#)) {default = string(#[1]);} if (size(fname)) { while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} "calling ",default, " for :",fname,newline; if (default=="latex2e") { retval = system("sh","latex " + fname); } else { retval = system("sh",default + " " + fname); } } else { " -- Need a filename "; return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r; ideal I = maxideal(7); opentex("exp001"); // open latex2e document texobj("exp001","An ideal ",I); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); echo=0; pause("the created files will be deleted after pressing "); system("sh","rm exp001.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc opentex(string fname, list #) "USAGE: opentex(fname); fname string RETURN: nothing; writes a LaTeX2e header into a new file @code{}. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example opentex; shows an example " { string default = "latex2e"; string s; int i =1; int flag; if (size(#)) { default = #[1];} if (default == "latex2e") // the default latex2e header { s = "\\documentclass{article}" + newline + "\\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}" + newline + "\\setlength{\\textwidth}{390pt}" + newline + "\\parindent=0pt" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\C}{\\mathbb{C}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\F}{\\mathbb{F}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\N}{\\mathbb{N}}" + newline + // "\\newcommand{\\P}{{\\Bbb P}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\Q}{\\mathbb{Q}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\R}{\\mathbb{R}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\T}{\\mathbb{T}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\Z}{\\mathbb{Z}}" + newline + newline + "\\begin{document}"; flag = 1; } if (default == "latex") { s = "\\documentstyle[12pt,amstex]{article}" + newline + "\\parindent=0pt" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\C}{{\\Bbb C}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\F}{{\\Bbb F}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\N}{{\\Bbb N}}" + newline + // "\\newcommand{\\P}{{\\Bbb P}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\Q}{{\\Bbb Q}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\R}{{\\Bbb R}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\T}{{\\Bbb T}}" + newline + "\\newcommand{\\Z}{{\\Bbb Z}}" + newline + newline + "\\begin{document}"; flag = 1; } if (default == "amstex") { s = "\\documentstyle{amsppt} " + newline + newline + "\\document"; flag = 1; } if (default == "tex") { s = ""; flag = 1; } if (default == "own") // the proper own header { s = ""; flag = 1; } if (not(flag)) { s = "";} if (size(fname)) { while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} fname = ">" + fname; write(fname,s); } else {return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; opentex("exmpl"); texobj("exmpl","hello"); closetex("exmpl"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texdemo(list #) "USAGE: texdemo(); RETURN: nothing; generates a LaTeX2e file called @code{texlibdemo.tex} explaining the features of @code{latex.lib} and its global variables. NOTE: this proc may take some time. " { int TeXdemostart = system("pid"); string fname = "texlibdemo"; if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int") {TeXdemostart = #[1];} } system("--random",TeXdemostart); if (size(#) ==2) { if (typeof(#[2]) == "string") { fname = #[2];} } if (size(fname)) { if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} } // -------- save global variables --------- if (defined(TeXaligned)) {int Teali=TeXaligned; kill TeXaligned;} if (defined(TeXreplace)) {list Terep=TeXreplace; kill TeXreplace;} if (defined(TeXwidth)) {int Tewid=TeXwidth; kill TeXwidth;} if (defined(TeXbrack)) {string Tebra=TeXbrack; kill TeXbrack;} if (defined(TeXnofrac)) {int Tenof=TeXnofrac; kill TeXnofrac;} if (defined(TeXproj)) {int Tepro=TeXproj; kill TeXproj;} // ---------------------------------------- part0(fname); part1(fname); part2(fname); part3(fname); print(" Demofile generated ..."); if (size(fname)) { print(" call latex now by tex(\"" + fname + "\");" ); print(" .log and .aux files may be deleted with rmx(\"texlibdemo\");"); } // -------- save global variables --------- if (defined(Teali)) {int TeXaligned=Teali; export TeXaligned; kill Teali;} if (defined(Terep)) {list TeXreplace=Terep; export TeXreplace; kill Terep;} if (defined(Tewid)) {int TeXwidth=Tewid; export TeXwidth; kill Tewid;} if (defined(Tebra)) {string TeXbrack=Tebra; export TeXbrack; kill Tebra;} if (defined(Tenof)) {int TeXnofrac=Tenof; export TeXnofrac; kill Tenof;} if (defined(Tepro)) {int TeXproj=Tepro; export TeXproj; kill Tepro;} // ---------------------------------------- return(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texfactorize(string fname, poly f, list #) "USAGE: texfactorize(fname,f); fname string, f poly RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, f as a product of its irreducible factors@* otherwise: append this string to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example texfactorize; shows an example " { def @r = basering; list l; int i,j,k,Tw,TW,ND;; intvec v; string s,t; string D = "$"; poly g; ND = defined(NoDollars); if (!(ND)) {int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} else { D = ""; } TW = defined(TeXwidth); if (TW) {Tw = TeXwidth; TeXwidth = -1;} else {int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} if (f==0) {s= D + "0" + D;} else { l = factorize(f); // sollte auch fuer f== 0 direkt funktionieren if (l[1][1]<>1){s = texpoly("",l[1][1]);} for(i=2;i<=size(l[1]);i++) { if(size(s)){s = s+"\\cdot ";} g = l[1][i]; v = leadexp(g); k=0; for(j=1;j<=size(v);j++){k = k + v[j];} if(size(g)>1 or (size(g)==1 and k>1)) { t = "(" + texpoly("",l[1][i]) + ")";} else { t = texpoly("",l[1][i]);} if (l[2][i]>1) { t = t+"^{" +string(l[2][i]) + "}";} s = s + t; } if (!(ND)) { kill NoDollars;} s = D + s + D; if (TW) {TeXwidth = Tw;} } if(size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r2 = 13,(x,y),dp; poly f = (x+1+y)^2*x3y*(2x-2y)*y12; texfactorize("",f); ring R49 = (7,a),x,dp; minpoly = a2+a+3; poly f = (a24x5+x3)*a2x6*(x+1)^2; f; texfactorize("",f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc rp(string s) { int i; for(i=1;i<=size(TeXreplace);i++) { if (TeXreplace[i][1]==s) {s= TeXreplace[i][2]; break;}} return(s); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texmap(string fname, def m, def @r1, def @r2, list #) "USAGE: texmap(fname,m,@r1,@r2); fname string, m string/map, @r1,@r2 rings RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, the map m from @r1 to @r2 (preceeded by its name if m = string) in TeX-typesetting;@* otherwise: append this string to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted in @code{fname}, and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. If m is a string then it has to be the name of an existing map from @r1 to @r2. EXAMPLE: example texmap; shows an example " { int saveDollars= defined(NoDollars); int TX = defined(TeXwidth); int Tw; int i,n; string r1str,r2str, varr1str, varr2str; string mapname,t,s; string D,DD,vrg = "$","$$",","; def @r = basering; def themap; list l1,l2; string rr1,rr2 = "@r1","@r2"; // --- store all actual informations if(TX) { Tw = TeXwidth; TeXwidth = -1;} else { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} if (!(saveDollars)) { int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} if (defined(TeXproj)) {vrg = ":";} if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="list") { l1 = #[1]; if(size(#)==2) { l2 = #[2];} } else {l1=#; l2 =#;} } // --- tex the information in preimring r1 setring(@r1); r1str = texring("",@r1,l1); // --- avoid an execute; hence construct an ideal n = nvars(@r1); if (n>1) { t = "\\left(";} ideal @I = var(1); t = t + texpoly("",var(1)); for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { @I = @I + var(i); t = t + vrg + texpoly("",var(i)); } if (n>1) { t = t + "\\right)";} varr1str = t; // --- now the things in ring ring r2 setring(@r2); // listvar(); if (typeof(m)=="string") { themap = `m`; mapname = m; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { mapname = rp(mapname); // rp ausschreiben ! } mapname = mapname + ":"; } if (typeof(m)=="map") { themap = m;} r2str = texring("",@r2,l2); ideal @J = themap(@I); n = size(matrix(@J)); if (n>1) { t = " \\left(";} if (!(defined(TeXaligned)) and (n>1)) { t = t + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline;} t = t + texpoly("",@J[1]); for (i=2;i<=n; i++) {if(defined(TeXaligned)) { t = t + vrg + texpoly("",@J[i]); } else { t = t + "\\\\" + newline + texpoly("",@J[i]);} } if (!(defined(TeXaligned)) and (n>1)) { t = t + newline + "\\end{array}" + newline;} if (n>1) {t = t + "\\right)";} varr2str = t; // --- go back to ring r1 to kill @I setring(@r1); kill @I; // --- now reset the old settings and stick all the information together setring(@r); if (!(saveDollars)) { kill NoDollars;} if (TX) {TeXwidth = Tw;} else { kill TeXwidth;} if (defined(NoDollars)) { D,DD = "",""; } if (defined(TeXaligned)) { s = D + mapname; s = s + r1str + "\\longrightarrow" + r2str + ", \\ " + varr1str + "\\longmapsto" + varr2str + D; } else { s = DD; s = s + newline + "\\begin{array}{rcc}" + newline; s = s + mapname + r1str + " & \\longrightarrow & " + r2str + "\\\\[2mm]" + newline; s = s + varr1str + " & \\longmapsto & " + newline + varr2str + newline; s = s + "\\end{array}" + newline; s = s + DD; } if (size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else {return(s);} } example { echo=0; // -------- prepare for example --------- if (defined(TeXaligned)) {int Teali=TeXaligned; kill TeXaligned;} if (defined(TeXreplace)) {list Terep=TeXreplace; kill TeXreplace;} // -------- the example starts here --------- // "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; string fname = "tldemo"; ring @r1=0,(x,y,z),dp; if(system("with","Namespaces")) { exportto(Current, @r1); } else { export @r1; } ring r2=0,(u,v),dp; map @phi =(@r1,u2,uv -v,v2); export @phi; list TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("@phi","\\phi"); // @phi --> \phi export TeXreplace; texmap("","@phi",@r1,r2); // standard form // int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; // map in one line texmap("",@phi,@r1,r2); // kill @r1,TeXreplace,TeXaligned; echo = 0; // // --- restore global variables if previously defined --- if (defined(Teali)) {int TeXaligned=Teali; export TeXaligned; kill Teali;} if (defined(Terep)) {list TeXreplace=Terep; export TeXreplace; kill Terep;} } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc manipul(string s) { string st; int i,anf,end,op,bigch; int n; if (s[1]=="{") { return(s[2,size(s)-2]);} if (s=="") { return(s);} s = s + newline; // add a terminating sign anf=1; while(s[i]!=newline) { i =anf; while(s[i]<"0" or s[i]>"9" and s[i]!="'" and s[i]!= "_" and s[i]!="~" and s[i]!="(" and s[i]!=")" and s[i]!= "[" and s[i]!=newline) {i++;} if (s[i]==newline){st = st + s[anf,i-anf]; n = n+10*(i-anf); return(st);} st = st + s[anf,i-anf]; // the starting letters if (s[anf]>="A" and s[anf]<="Z") {bigch=1;} if (s[i]=="'") { st = st + "'";i++;} if (s[i]=="~") { st = "\\tilde{" + st + "}"; i++;} if (s[i]=="_") { i++;} if (s[i]=="(") { op =1;i++;} if (s[i]=="[") { anf = i+1; while(s[i]!="]"){i++;} // matrices and vectors st = st + "_{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; n = n+ 5*(i-anf); i++; // besser: while s[i]<> nwline : scan forward: end, return } if (s[i]==newline) {return(st);} anf =i; while (s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} // parse number after the letters if (bigch and not(op)) { st = st + "^{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; bigch =0;} else { st = st + "_{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}";} n = n+5*(i-anf); anf =i; // the next text in ( , ) as exponent if (op) { if (s[i]== ","){anf = anf+1;} while(s[i] !=")"){ i++;} if (i<>anf) { st = st + "^{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; n = n +5*(i-anf);} i++; } anf =i; } return(st); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texname(string fname, string s) "USAGE: texname(fname,s); fname,s strings RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, the transformed string s, where the following rules apply: @example s' + \"~\" --> \"\\tilde@{\"+ s' +\"@}\" \"_\" + int --> \"_@{\" + int +\"@}\" \"[\" + s' + \"]\" --> \"_@{\" + s' + \"@}\" \"A..Z\" + int --> \"A..Z\" + \"^@{\" + int + \"@}\" \"a..z\" + int --> \"a..z\" + \"_@{\" + int + \"@}\" \"(\" + int + \",\" + s' + \")\" --> \"_@{\"+ int +\"@}\" + \"^@{\" + s'+\"@}\" @end example Anyhow, strings which begin with a @code{\"@{\"} are only changed by deleting the first and last character (intended to remove the surrounding curly brackets). if @code{fname!=\"\"}: append the transformed string s to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted in @code{fname}, and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example texname; shows an example " { string st, extr; st=manipul(s); if (size(fname)) { int i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,st); } else {return(st);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; poly f = 3xy4 + 2xy2 + x5y3 + x + y6; texname("","{f(10)}"); texname("","f(10) ="); texname("","n1"); texname("","T1_12"); texname("","g'_11"); texname("","f23"); texname("","M[2,3]"); texname("","A(0,3);"); texname("","E~(3)"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc absterm(poly f) { int k; for (k=1; k<=nvars(basering); k++) { f = subst(f,var(k),0); } return(f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texobj(string fname, list #) "USAGE: texobj(fname,l); fname string, l list RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, the entries of l in LaTeX-typesetting;@* otherwise: append this string to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted in @code{fname}, and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example texobj; shows an example " { int i,j,k,nr,nc,linear,Tw,Dollars; int ND = defined(NoDollars); int TW = defined(TeXwidth); if(defined(basering)){ poly g,h; matrix M;} string s,t,l,ineq,sg,Iname; string sep= ","; string D,DA,DE = "$","$$","$$"; string OB,CB = "(",")"; if (defined(TeXbrack)) {// if (TeXbrack=="(") {OB = "("; CB = ")";} if (TeXbrack=="<") {OB = "<"; CB = ">";} if (TeXbrack=="{") {OB = "{"; CB = "}";} if (TeXbrack=="|") {OB = "|"; CB = "|";} if (TeXbrack=="" ) {OB = "."; CB = ".";} } if (!(TW)) { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth; } Tw = TeXwidth; if (defined(TeXproj)){ sep = ":";} if(ND) { D,DA,DE="","","";} else {int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} if (size(#)==1) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int" or typeof(#[1])=="intvec" or typeof(#[1])=="vector" or typeof(#[1])=="number" or defined(TeXaligned)) { DA = D; DE = D; } } s = DA; for (k=1; k<=size(#); k++) { def obj = #[k]; if (typeof(obj) == "string") { if (defined(`obj`)) { if (typeof(`obj`)=="ideal") { Iname = obj; def e = `obj`; //convert to correct type ideal kill obj; def obj = e; kill e; } else {s = s + obj + newline;} } else {s = s + obj + newline;} } if (typeof(obj) == "int") { s = s + " " + string(obj) + " ";} if (typeof(obj) == "intvec") { s = s + " ("; for(j=1; j 0 !? ) s = s + "\\begin{array}{rcl}" + newline; for (i=1;i<=size(matrix(obj));i++) { s = s + Iname+ "_{" + string(i) + "} & = & " + texpoly("",obj[i]); if (i1){linear =0; break;} } if (!(linear)) { s = s + "\\begin{array}{rcl}" + newline; for(j=1;j<=size(obj);j++) { h = absterm(obj[j]); ineq = attrib(obj[j],"ineq"); if(!(size(ineq))) { ineq = "=" ; } l = texpoly("",obj[j]-h) + " & " + ineq + " & " + texpoly("",-h); if(j1) { if (t[1]!="-" and t[1]!= " " and nc ){sg = "+";} if (t[1]=="-") { sg = "-"; nc =1; t=t[2,size(t)-1];} if (t==" ") {sg ="";} l = l + " & " + sg + " & " + t; } else { l = t;} if (g!=0) {nc = 1;} } l = l + " & " + ineq + " & " + texpoly("",-h); if (j < size(obj)) { l = l + " \\\\";} s = s + l + newline; } // end for (j) s = s + "\\end{array}"; } // end else linear TeXwidth = 0; } // end TeXwidth == 0 else // TeXwidth <> 0 { s = s + "\\left"+ OB; if (defined(TeXaligned)) { s = s + texpoly("",obj,","); } else { s = s + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline + texpoly("",obj,", \\\\" + newline) + newline + "\\end{array}" + newline; } s = s + "\\right" + CB; } // end TeXwidth <> 0 } // not Iname // s; } if (typeof(obj) == "module") { M = matrix(obj); if (Tw ==0 or Tw > 9) { TeXwidth = -1;} s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline; if (!(defined(TeXaligned))) { // Naechste Zeile nicht notwendig ! // s = s + "\\begin{array}{*{"+ string(ncols(M)) + "}{c}}" + newline; for(j=1;j<=ncols(M);j++) { l = "\\left" + OB + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline; l = l + texpoly("",ideal(M[1..nrows(M),j]), " \\\\" + newline) + newline + "\\end{array}" +newline + "\\right" + CB + newline; if (j< ncols(M)) { l = l + " , " + newline;} s = s + l ; } } else // TeXaligned { for(j=1;j<=ncols(M);j++) { s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline + texpoly("",ideal(M[1..nrows(M),j]),",") + newline + "\\right" + CB; if (j 9) {TeXwidth = -1;} l = ""; // M = transpose(obj); s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline + "\\begin{array}{*{"+ string(ncols(obj)) + "}{c}" + "}"+ newline; for(i=1;i<=nrows(obj);i++) { l = l + texpoly("",ideal(obj[i,1..ncols(obj)])," & "); if (i"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else {return(s);} } example { echo=0; // -------- prepare for example --------- if (defined(TeXaligned)) {int Teali=TeXaligned; kill TeXaligned;} if (defined(TeXbrack)){string Tebra=TeXbrack; kill TeXbrack;} "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; // // -------------- typesetting for polynomials ---------- ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; poly f = x5y3 + 3xy4 + 2xy2 + y6; f; texobj("",f); pause(); // -------------- typesetting for ideals ---------- ideal G = jacob(f); G; texobj("",G); pause(); // -------------- variation of typesetting for ideals ---------- int TeXaligned = 1; export TeXaligned; string TeXbrack = "<"; export TeXbrack; texobj("",G); pause(); kill TeXaligned, TeXbrack; // -------------- typesetting for matrices ---------- matrix J = jacob(G); texobj("",J); pause(); // -------------- typesetting for intmats ---------- intmat m[3][4] = 9,2,4,5,2,5,-2,4,-6,10,-1,2,7; texobj("",m); echo=0; // // --- restore global variables if previously defined --- if (defined(Teali)){int TeXaligned=Teali; export TeXaligned; kill Teali;} if (defined(Tebra)){string TeXbrack=Tebra; export TeXbrack; kill Tebra;} } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texproc(string fname,string pname) "USAGE: texproc(fname,pname); fname,pname strings ASSUME: @code{`pname`} is a procedure. RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, the proc @code{`pname`} in a verbatim environment in LaTeX-typesetting;@* otherwise: append this string to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted in @code{fname}, and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}.@* @code{texproc} cannot be applied to itself correctly. EXAMPLE: example texproc; shows an example " { int i,j=1,1; string p,s,t; if (defined(pname)) { if (typeof(`pname`)=="proc") { p = string(`pname`); s = "\\begin{verbatim}" + newline; s = s + "proc " + pname + "("; i = find(p,"parameter"); // collecting the parameters while(i) { j=find(p,";",i); t = p[i+10,j-i-10]; if(i>1){s = s + ",";}; s = s + t; i = find(p,"parameter",j); } s = s + ")" + newline; j++; // skip one for the newline i = find(p,"return();",j); if (!(i)) { i = find(p,";RETURN();",j); } // j kann hier weg s = s + "{" + p[j,i-j-2] + "}" + newline; s = s + "\\end{verbatim}" + newline; } } else { print(" --Error: No such proc defined"); return(); } if(size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; proc exp(int i,int j,list #) { string s; if (size(#)) { for(i;i<=j;i++) { s = s + string(j) + string(#); } } return(s); } export exp; texproc("","exp"); kill exp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc tvar(intvec v) { int i,j,ldots; string s; j = 1; s = texpoly("",var(1)); if (nvars(basering)==1) { return(s);} if (nvars(basering)==2) { return(s + "," + texpoly("",var(2)));} if (size(v)==1 and v[1] == 1) {return(s + ",\\ldots,"+ texpoly("",var(nvars(basering))));} if (v[1]==1 and size(v) >1) {j++;} for(i=2;i} and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}.@* The optional list L is assumed to be a list of strings which control, e.g., the symbol for the field of coefficients.@* For more details call @code{texdemo();} (generates a LaTeX2e file called @code{texlibdemo.tex} which explains all features of @code{texring}). EXAMPLE: example texring; shows an example " { int i,galT,flag,mipo,nopar,Dollars,TB,TA; string ob,cb,cf,en,s,t,savebrack; //opening bracket, closing br, coef.field intvec v; setring r; if (!(defined(NoDollars))){ Dollars = 1; int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} ob,cb = "[","]"; if (find(ordstr(r),"s")) { ob,cb="[[","]]";} if(char(r)==0){cf="\\Q";} if(charstr(r)=="real"){cf="\\R";} if(char(r)==prime(char(r))){cf="\\Z_{"+string(char(r))+"}";} if(char(r)>0) { i = find(charstr(r),","); if(i) { t= charstr(r)[1,i-1]; galT = (t <> string(char(r))); if (galT) { cf = "\\F_{"+ t + "}";} } } // all other cases are cover already by char(r)=? prime(char) if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="list") { # = #[1];} } for (i=1;i<=size(#);i++) { flag =0; if(typeof(#[i])=="string") { if(#[i][1]=="^" or #[i][1]=="_"){en=en+#[i];flag = 1;} if(#[i]=="mipo"){mipo=1; flag = 1;} if(#[i]=="{"){ob,cb="\\{","\\}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="{{"){ob,cb="\\{\\{","\\}\\}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="["){ob,cb="[","]";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="[["){ob,cb="[[","]]";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="<"){ob,cb="<",">";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="<<"){ob,cb="{\\ll}","{\\gg}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="C"){cf="\\C";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="Q"){cf="\\Q";flag=1;} if((#[i]=="k" or #[i]=="K" or #[i]=="R") and !(galT)) {cf=#[i]; flag=1; nopar=1;} if (flag!=1) {cf = #[i];} // for all the cases not covered here e.g Z_(p) } // or Q[i] if ((typeof(#[i])=="intvec") or (typeof(#[i])=="int")){v=#[i];} } s = cf; // now the parameters // t; if(npars(r) and ((t==string(char(r))) or char(r)==0) and !(nopar)) { s = s + "("; // !! mit ideal !! for(i=1;i3) { s = s + tvar(v);} else { s = s + texpoly("",maxideal(1),","); } s = s + cb + en; if (typeof(r)=="qring") { ideal @I = ideal(r); if (defined(TeXbrack)) { TB =1; savebrack = TeXbrack; if (TeXbrack!= "<" and TeXbrack!="(") { TeXbrack = "<";} } TA = defined(TeXaligned); if (!(TA)) { int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; } t = texobj("",@I); // @I; // t; if (TB) { TeXbrack = savebrack;} if (!(TA)) { kill TeXaligned;} s = s + "/" + t; } if (Dollars) { kill NoDollars; s = "$" + s + "$"; } if (size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r0 = 0,(x,y),dp; // char = 0, polynomial ordering texring("",r0); // ring r7 =7,(x(0..2)),ds; // char = 7, local ordering texring("",r7); // ring r1 = 0,(x1,x2,y1,y2),wp(1,2,3,4); texring("",r1); // ring rr = real,(x),dp; // real numbers texring("",rr); // pause(); ring rabc =(0,t1,t2,t3),(x,y),dp; // ring with parameters texring("",rabc); // ring ralg = (7,a),(x1,x2),ds; // algebraic extension minpoly = a2-a+3; texring("",ralg); texring("",ralg,"mipo"); // ring r49=(49,a),x,dp; // Galois field texring("",r49); // setring r0; // quotient ring ideal i = x2-y3; qring q = std(i); texring("",q); // pause(); // ------------------ additional features ------------------- ring r9 =0,(x(0..9)),ds; texring("",r9,1); texring("",r9,"C","{","^G"); // ring rxy = 0,(x(1..5),y(1..6)),ds; intvec v = 5,6; texring("",rxy,v); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc rmx(string fname) "USAGE: rmx(fname); fname string RETURN: nothing; removes the @code{.log} and @code{.aux} files associated to the LaTeX file .@* NOTE: If @code{fname} ends by @code{\".dvi\"} or @code{\".tex\"}, the @code{.dvi} or @code{.tex} file will be deleted, too. EXAMPLE: example rmx; shows an example " { int i,suffix= 1,0; int retval; if (size(fname)) { while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>4) { if (fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".tex") { suffix = 2;} if (fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".dvi") { suffix = 1; } if (suffix) { fname = fname[1,size(fname)-4]; } } retval = system("sh","rm " + fname + ".aux"); retval = system("sh","rm " + fname + ".log"); if (suffix==2) {retval = system("sh","/bin/rm -i " + fname +".tex");} if (suffix>=1) {retval = system("sh","/bin/rm -i " + fname +".dvi");} } else {" -- Need a filename "; return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r; poly f = x+y+z; opentex("exp001"); // defaulted latex2e document texobj("exp001","A polynom",f); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); rmx("exp001"); // removes aux and log file of exp001 echo = 0; pause("remaining files will be deleted after pressing "); echo = 2; system("sh","rm exp001.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc xdvi(string fname, list #) "USAGE: xdvi(fname[,style]); fname,style = string RETURN: nothing; displays dvi-file fname.dvi with previewer xdvi NOTE: ending .dvi may miss in fname style overwrites the default setting xdvi EXAMPLE: example xdvi; shows an example " { int i=1; int retval; string default = "xdvi"; if (size(#)) {default = string(#[1]);} if (size(fname)) { while (fname[i]==">") {i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".tex") {fname = fname[1,size(fname)-4];}} "calling ",default, " for :",fname,newline; if (default=="latex2e") { retval = system("sh","latex " + fname +" &"); } else { retval = system("sh",default + " " + fname +" &"); } } else { " -- Need a filename "; return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intmat m[3][4] = 9,2,4,5,2,5,-2,4,-6,10,-1,2,7; opentex("exp001"); texobj("exp001","An intmat: ",m); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); xdvi("exp001"); echo = 0; pause("the created files will be deleted after pressing "); echo = 2; system("sh","rm exp001.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc parsr(string s) // parse real { string t; if (s==" Inf") { return("\\infty",3);} if (s==" -Inf") { return("\\-infty",6);} if (s[7]=="-"){t ="-";} if (s[8]<>"0"){t = t + s[8];} if (s[9]<>"0" or s[8]<>"0"){t = t + s[9];} if (size(t)) { if (t=="1") {return(s[1,5]+"*10",21);} if (size(t)>1) {return(s[1,5]+"*10^{"+t+"}",21+2*size(t));} else {return(s[1,5]+"*10^"+t,23);} } else { return(s[1,5],12); } } static proc parsg(string s) // parse Galois field { int i,j = 1,1; string t; if (short) { t =s[1]; if(size(s)>1) {return(t+"^{" + s[2,size(s)-1] + "}",3+2*(size(s)-1));} else{return(t,5);} } else { return(parselong(s+"!")); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texpoly(string fname,def p,list #) "USAGE: texpoly(fname,p); fname string, p poly RETURN: if @code{fname=\"\"}: string, the poly p in LaTeX-typesetting;@* otherwise: append this string to the file @code{}, and return nothing. NOTE: preceeding \">>\" are deleted in @code{fname}, and suffix \".tex\" (if not given) is added to @code{fname}. EXAMPLE: example texpoly; shows an example " { def @r = basering; poly f,monom; ideal I; number cfm; string sign,cfmt,pt,s,bg,t,monomt, lnbreak; string sep = newline; int i,b,b2,n, msz,linesz, count,k; int realT, parT, galT; int C = 2 + defined(TeXdisplay); string notvalid = "intvec intmat vector matrix module map "; if (typeof(p) == "int") { return(p);} if (typeof(p) == "ring" or typeof(p) == "qring") { " -- Call texring instead "; return();} if (find(notvalid,typeof(p))) { " -- Call texobj instead "; return();} if (typeof(p) == "map") { " -- Call texmap instead "; return();} if (typeof(p) == "proc") { " -- Call texmap instead "; return();} if (typeof(p) == "link" or typeof(p) == "list" or typeof(p) == "resolution") { " -- Object can not translated into tex "; return();} if (!(defined(TeXdisplay))){ lnbreak = "\\\\[2mm]" + newline;} else { lnbreak = "\\\\" + newline;} if (defined(TeXdisplay)) { bg = "& ";} if (!(defined(TeXwidth))) { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} // -- Type check if (typeof(p)=="string") { if(defined(`p`)) { pt = p + " = "; p = `p`; } } if (typeof(p)=="poly" or typeof(p)=="number") {I = p;} if (typeof(p)=="ideal") { I = p; if(size(#)){ sep = #[1];} } if (I==0) { if (!(defined(NoDollars))){return("$0$");} else {return("0");} } // -- Type check ende //--------------------- //------- set flags: -------------------------------------------------------- if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int") { linesz = #[1];} // if (typeof(#[1])=="string") { linesz = #[1];} } parT = npars(@r); realT = (charstr(@r)=="real"); i = find(charstr(@r),","); if (i) { t = charstr(@r)[1,i-1]; galT = (t <> string(char(@r))); // the char is not the same as the ... } i = 0; //------- parse the polynomial pt = bg; for(k=1;k<=size(matrix(I));k++) { i = 0; linesz = 0; count =0; sign =""; f = I[k]; if (f==0) { pt = pt + "0";} while(f<>0) { count++; msz = 0; // ------ tex the coefficient monom = lead(f); f = f - monom; cfm = leadcoef(monom); if (cfm*1 != 0) { monom = monom/cfm;} // the normalized monom s = string(monom) + "!"; // add a terminating sign cfmt = ""; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { short =0;} // this is essential cfmt = string(cfm); if (size(cfmt)>1) // check if sign is < 0 { if (cfmt[2]=="-") { cfm = (-1) *cfm; sign = "-";}} if (cfmt[1] == "-") { cfm = (-1) * cfm; sign = "-";} if (cfm!=1 or monom==1) {cfmt = string(cfm);} else {cfmt="";} if (defined(TeXwidth) and TeXwidth > 0 and TeXwidth <9 and count> TeXwidth) { pt = pt + sign + "\\ldots"; break;} // ---------------------------------------- linesz ?? if (size(cfmt)) // parse the coefficient { monomt = cfmt; // (already a good choice for integers) msz = 3*size(cfmt); if(realT) { monomt,msz = parsr(cfmt);} if (galT) { monomt,msz = parsg(cfmt);} b = find(cfmt,")/("); // look if fraction b2 = find(cfmt,"/"); if (b) {b++;} n = size(cfmt); if (!(parT) and !(realT) and !(galT)) { if( !(b2) or defined(TeXnofrac)) { monomt = cfmt; msz = 3*size(monomt);} else { monomt = "\\frac{" + cfmt[1,b2-1] + "}{" + cfmt[b2+1,n-b2] + "}"; if (n-2*b2>0) {msz = C*(n-b2);} else {msz = C*b2;} } } if (parT and !(galT)) { monomt,msz = parsp(cfmt,b);} } // -- now parse the monom if (monom <> 1) { i = 1; if(short) { while(s[i]<>"!") { monomt = monomt + s[i]; i++; b = i; msz = msz + 3; // it was a single lettered var while(s[i]!="!" and s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){i++;} if (i-b) { monomt = monomt + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}"; msz = msz + 2*(i-b); } } } else // not short { t,i = parselong(s); monomt = monomt + t; msz = msz + i; } } msz = msz + 6*size(sign); // Wieso mal 6 ?? // string(msz) + " ," + string(linesz) + " " + string(cfm*monom); if (TeXwidth > 10 and (linesz + msz > 3*TeXwidth) and linesz) { pt = pt + lnbreak + bg; linesz = msz; } else { linesz = linesz + msz; } // 3 for sign pt = pt + sign + monomt; sign = "+"; monomt = ""; } if (k"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,pt); } else {return(pt);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f = -1x^2 + 2; texpoly("",f); ring rr= real,(x,y,z),dp; texpoly("",2x2y23z); ring r7= 7,(x,y,z),dp; poly f = 2x2y23z; texpoly("",f); ring rab =(0,a,b),(x,y,z),dp; poly f = (-2a2 +b3 -2)/a * x2y4z5 + (a2+1)*x + a+1; f; texpoly("",f); } static proc parsp(string cfmt, int b) { string mt, nom,denom; int fl1,fl2,sz1,sz2,msz; if (!(b)) { mt,fl1 = parst(cfmt,0); msz = size(cfmt)-2; if (fl1) { mt = "(" + mt + ")"; msz = msz +1; } } else { nom,fl1 = parst(cfmt[1,b-1],1); denom,fl2 = parst(cfmt[b+1,size(cfmt)-b],1); if (defined(TeXnofrac)) { if(fl1) { nom = "(" + nom + ")"; sz1++;} if(fl2) {denom = "(" + denom + ")"; sz2++;} mt = nom+ "/"+ denom; msz = sz1+sz2 +1; } else { mt = "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}"; if (sz1-sz2) { msz = 5*sz1;} else {msz = 5*sz2;} } } return(mt,msz); } example {"EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r=(0,a,b),x,dp; int i; poly f = (a2b12 + 23a2 -b13-1)/(a2+2b -1); f; string s; s= string(f); i = find(s,")/("); parsp(s,i); } static proc parst(string s,int sec) // parse parameter // sec parameter to see if in parsp a fraction follows { int i,j =1,-1; int b,k,jj,mz; // begin and end int saveshort=short; string t,c,vn,nom,denom,sg; if (s[1]=="(") { s = s[2,size(s)-2]; } s = s + "!"; if(defined(TeXreplace)){ short =0;} // only then replacing works correctly if (short) { while(s[i]<>"!") { b=i; j++; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9" or (s[i]=="+" or s[i]=="-") and s[i]!="!") {i++;} // scan the number t =s[b,i-b]; // if (t=="-1" and s[i]!="!" and s[i]!="-" and s[i]!="+"){t = "-";} if (t=="-1" and (s[i]<="0" or s[i]>="9") and s[i]!= "/" and s[i]!="!") { t = "-";} if (s[i]=="/") { i++; sg = ""; if (t[1]=="+" or t[1]=="-") { nom = t[2,size(t)-1]; sg = t[1]; } else { nom = t;} b =i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} denom = s[b,i-b]; if (!(sec) and (!(defined(TeXaligned)))) { t = sg + "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}";} else { t = sg + "(" + nom + "/" + denom + ")"; } } c = c + t; if(s[i]!="!"){c = c + s[i]; i++;} // the parameter b=i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} //the exponent if(i-b){ c = c + "^{" + s[b,i-b]+"}";} } } else // if not short .... { while (s[i] <> "!") { b=i; j++; while(s[i]=="-" or s[i]=="+" or (s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9")){i++;} t = s[b,i-b]; if (t=="-1" and s[i]=="*" ) {t="-";} if (s[i]=="/") { i++; sg = ""; if (t[1]=="+" or t[1]=="-") { nom = t[2,size(t)-1]; sg = t[1]; } else { nom = t;} b =i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} denom = s[b,i-b]; if (!(sec) and (!(defined(TeXaligned)))) { t = sg + "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}";} else { t = sg + "(" + nom + "/" + denom + ")"; } } c = c+t; t=""; if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} b=i; while(s[i]!="+" and s[i]!="-" and s[i]!="!") //pass a monom { // start with letters // alternativ: while((s[i]>="a" and s[i]<="z") or (s[i]>="A" and s[i]<="Z")){i++;} k = i-b; vn = s[b,k]; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { for (jj=1; jj<= size(TeXreplace);jj++) { if (vn == TeXreplace[jj][1]) {vn = TeXreplace[jj][2]; k=1; if (s[i]=="*") {vn = vn + " ";} break;} //suppose replacing by a single sign } } t = t + vn; mz = mz + 10*k; if (s[i]=="_" or s[i]=="(") { i++;} // the index is coming b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} k = i-b; if (k){ t = t + "_{" +s[b,k] + "}";} if(s[i]==")") {i++;} if (s[i]=="^") { i++; b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} // for neg. expon. if (b-i) { t = t + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}";} } if (i-b > k) { mz = mz + 5*(i-b);} else {mz = mz + 5*k;} if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} b=i; } c =c+t; } } short = saveshort; return(c,j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r=(0,a,b),x,dp; poly f = (a2b12 + 23a2 -b13-1); f; parst(string(f)); f =(-a +4b2 -2); f; parst(string(f)); f = a23; f; parst(string(f)); f = 2a12b3 -4ab15 +2a4b12 -2; short =0; f; parst(string(f)); ring r2=(0,a1,b1),x,dp; poly f = 2*a1^12*b1^3 -4*a1*b1^15 +2*a1^4*b1^12 -2; f; parst(string(f)); } static proc parselong(string s) { int i,j,k,b,mz; string t,vn; // varname // "s=" + s; i = 1; while (s[i] <> "!") { b=i; // -- scan now the letter ... // while(s[i]!="!" and ) // alternativ: while((s[i]>="a" and s[i]<="z") or (s[i]>="A" and s[i]<="Z")) { i++;} // s[i]; i; k = i-b; vn = s[b,k]; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { for (j=1; j<= size(TeXreplace);j++) { if (vn == TeXreplace[j][1]) {vn = TeXreplace[j][2]; k=1; if (s[i]=="*") {vn = vn + " ";} break;} //suppose replacing by a single sign } } t = t + vn; mz = mz + 10*k; if (s[i]=="_" or s[i]=="(") { i++;} // the index is coming b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} j = i-b; if (j){ t = t + "_{" +s[b,j] + "}";} if(s[i]==")") {i++;} if (s[i]=="^") { i++; b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9" or s[i]=="-") { i++;} // for neg. expon. if (b-i) { t = t + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}";} } if (i-b > j) { mz = mz + 5*(i-b);} else {mz = mz + 5*j;} if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} } return(t,mz); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r =(49,a),x,dp; number f = a13; parsg(string(f)); list TeXreplace; export TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("b","\\beta"); TeXreplace[2] = list("a","\\alpha"); TeXreplace[3] = list("c","\\gamma"); parselong(string(f)+"!"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc tktex (def d) { // calls appropriate proc from latex lib string typeofd =typeof(d); if (typeofd=="int" or typeofd=="string" or typeofd=="resolution" or typeofd=="map" or typeofd =="list"){ return(d);} if (typeofd=="intvec" or typeofd == "intmat" or typeofd =="vector" or typeofd=="matrix" or typeofd == "module") { return(texobj("",d));} if (typeofd=="ring" or typeofd=="qring") { return(texring("",d));} if (typeofd =="ideal") { return(texobj("",d));} if (typeofd=="number" or typeofd=="poly" or typeofd=="ideal") { return(texpoly("",d));} if (typeofd=="link") {return(d);} } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc splt(string s) { int n,i= size(s),1; int p; string t; while(n-i+1 >pagewidth) { p = find(s,newline,i); if (p and (p-i)9: controls breaking of long polynomials TeXnofrac (int) flag: write 1/2 instead of \\frac{1}{2} TeXbrack (string) \"{\", \"(\", \"<\", \"|\", empty string: controls brackets around ideals and matrices TeXproj (int) flag: write \":\" instead of \",\" in vectors TeXaligned (int) flag: write mappings (and ideals) aligned TeXreplace (list) list entries = 2 strings: replacing symbols NoDollars (int) flag: suppresses surrounding $ signs " + ev); write(fname,"Notice that none of these global variables are defined when loading \\verb|latex.lib|. A flag variable is set as soon as it is defined."); //% The procs and //% the global variables //----------------------- opentex ----------------------------- write(fname,"\\section{Opening a \\LaTeX\\ file}"); write(fname,"In order to create a \\LaTeX\\ document and write a standard header into it, use the following command."+ bv+ "> string fname = \"" + fname + "\";" + nl + "> texopen(fname);" + ev + nl); write(fname,"The variable \\verb|fname| is always the first argument when calling one of the procedures of \\verb|latex.lib|. If this string is the empty string, then the output in not written into a file but displayed on the screen."); //% opentex, defaulted to latex, possibly extension are ... and //% ``own'' pagewidth = 65; int TeXwidth = 100; export TeXwidth; // "part 0 generated " + nl; } //part0 ///////////////////////////// PART1 ////////////////////////////////////////// static proc part1(string fname) { int st = defined(texdemopart); string nl = newline; string nl2 = newline + newline; string lb = "\\\\"; string bv = "\\begin{verbatim}" + newline ; string ev = "\\end{verbatim}" ; if (not(st) or texdemopart>=1) { print(" Call part0 first"); return(); } else { texdemopart=1; } //"Continuing part1 of " + fname + nl; write(fname, "\\section{Rings, polynomials and ideals}"+nl2); // -1a------ a ring in char 0, short varnames and poly. ordering ---------- write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 0 with short names of variables and polynomial ordering." +nl); ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly g=-x2y+2y13z+1; write(fname, bv + "> ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp;" +nl+ "> texring(fname,r0);" + ev); texring(fname,r0); write(fname,nl2); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-x2y+2y13z+1; g;" + nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,"\\\\"+nl2); // write(fname,"\\Line"); // -1b------ still in the same ring, a poly with rational coefs -------- write(fname, " A polynomial with rational coefficients. " +nl); write(fname, bv + "> texpoly(fname,g/280);" +nl + ev ); texpoly(fname,g/280); kill r0; write(fname,"\\\\"+nl2); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -2-------- a ring in char 7, indexed varnames and series ordering ---------- write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 7 with indexed names of variables and local ordering." +nl); ring r1=7,(x1,x2,x3,x4),Ds; poly g=-2*x1+x4-1; write(fname, bv + "> ring r1=7,(x1,x2,x3,x4),Ds;" +nl + "> texring(fname,r1);" +nl + ev); texring(fname,r1); write(fname,lb); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-2*x1+x4-1; g;" +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -3-------- a ring in char 0, indexed varnames and local ordering ---------- write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 0 with indexed names of variables and local ordering. " +nl); ring r2=0,(x(1..5),y(1..2)),(ds(5),ls(2)); poly g=-y(1)^3*x(5) +y(1)*x(2); write(fname, bv + "> ring r2=0,(x(1..5),y(1..2)),(ds(5),ls(2));" + nl + "> texring(fname,r2);" +nl + ev); texring(fname,r2); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-y(1)^3*x(5)+y(1)*x(2); g;" +nl+ string(g) + nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev ); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -4-------- a ring in char 0, indexed varnames and weighted ordering ------ write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 0 with indexed names of variables and weighted ordering." +nl); ring r3=0,(x_1,x_2,x_3),wp(3,2,1); poly g=-x_1*x_2+2*x_2*x_3+x_1*x_3; write(fname, bv + "> ring r3=0,(x_1,x_2,x_3),wp(3,2,1);" +nl+ "> texring(fname,r3);" +nl + ev); texring(fname,r3); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-x_1*x_2+2*x_2*x_3+x_1*x_3; g;" +nl+ string(g) + nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev ); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -5-------- a ring with real coeff and matrix ordering ------------------- write(fname, " A ring with real coefficients and matrix ordering. " +nl); ring rr=real,(x,y),M(1,2,3,4); poly g =-1.2e-10*x2+y+1; write(fname, bv + "> ring rr=real,(x,y),M(1,2,3,4);"+nl+ "> texring(fname,rr);"+nl+ ev); texring(fname,rr); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-1.2e-10*x2+y+1; g;"+nl+ string(g) + nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -6a-------- a ring in char 0, and indexed parameters --------- ---------- write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 0 and indexed parameters. " +nl); ring r0t=(0,s,t),(x,y),dp; poly g=8*(-s+2t)/(st+t3)*x+t2*x-1; write(fname, bv + "> ring r0t=(0,s,t),(x,y),dp;" +nl + "> texring(fname,r0t);" +nl + ev); texring(fname,r0t); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=8*(-s+2t)/(st+t3)*x+t2*x-1; g;"+nl+ string(g) +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -6b------- a ring in char 11003, and indexed parameters --------- ---------- write(fname, " A ring in characteristic 11 and indexed parameters. " +nl); ring rt=(11003,t1,t2,t3),(X,Y),dp; poly g=8*(-t1+t2)/(t1+t3)*X+t2*Y-1; write(fname, bv + "> ring rt=(11003,t1,t2,t3),(X,Y),dp;" +nl + "> texring(fname,rt);" +nl+ ev); texring(fname,rt); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=8*(-t1+t2)/(t1+t3)*X+t2*Y-1; g;" + nl+ string(g) +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -7-------- a ring over an algebraic extension in char 7 --------------- write(fname, " A ring over an algebraic extension in char 7. " +nl); ring ralg = (7,a),x,dp; minpoly = a2-a+3; poly g = -(2a13+a)*x2+a2*x-a+1; write(fname, bv + "> ring ralg=(7,a),x,dp;" +nl + "> minpoly=a2-a+3;" +nl + "> texring(fname,ralg);" +nl+ ev); texring(fname,ralg); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-(2a13+a)*x2+a2*x-a+1; g;"+nl+ string(g) +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev ); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -8-------- the same ring a in 7 ralg, defined with gftables -- F_49 ------- write(fname, " A ring defined with \\verb|gftables|, the same as \\verb|ralg| before, but with primitive element in the Galois field $\\F_{49}$." +nl); ring r49 =(49,a),x,dp; poly g=-(2a13+a)*x2+a2*x-a+1; write(fname, bv + "> ring r49 =(49,a),x,dp;" +nl+ "> texring(fname,r49);" +nl+ ev); texring(fname,r49); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-(2a13+a)*x2+a2*x-a+1; g;" +nl+ string(g) +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -9-------- a ring over the Gaussian numbers ---------- write(fname, " A ring over the Gaussian numbers. " +nl); ring ri=(0,i),(x,y,z),ls; minpoly=i2+1; poly g=-(i+1)*x+2i2y2+i+x; write(fname, bv + "> ring ri=(0,i),(x,y,z),ls;" +nl + "> minpoly=i2+1;" +nl + "> texring(fname,ri);" +nl+ ev); texring(fname,ri); write(fname, bv + "> poly g=-(i+1)*x+2i2y2+i+x; g;" +nl+ string(g) +nl + "> texpoly(fname,g);" +nl + ev ); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // -10--------- a quotient ring performed from ---------- write(fname, " A quotient ring performed of \\verb|r0| by an ideal " +nl); ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = x2-y,y+z2, xy; I = std(I); string sI = string(I); qring qr = I; write(fname, bv + "> setring r0;" +nl + "> ideal I=x2-y,y+z2, xy;" +nl + "> I=std(I);" +nl + "> string(I);" + nl + splt(sI) + nl + "> qring qr=I;"+ nl+ "> texring(fname,qr);" + ev ); texring(fname,qr); write(fname,lb); write(fname,"\\Line"); // ------------------------- Features for rings write(fname,"\\subsection{Features for rings}"); write(fname, "In many cases it might be convenient to change the standard typesetting of rings. This can be done by passing additional arguments to \\verb|texring|." +nl); // changing the brackets write(fname,nl,"In order to change the displayed brackets one has to give the desired ones as additional argument (accepted brackets are: \\verb|\"\{\"|, \\verb|\"\{\{\"|,\\verb|\"[\"|,\\verb|\"[[\"|,\\verb|\"<\"|,\\verb|\"<<\"|)."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,rr,\"{{\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname,rr,"{{"); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,r2,\"[\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname,r2,"["); write(fname,nl+"\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl2); write(fname,"The brackets around the ideal in a quotient ring can be changed by setting the global variable \\verb|TeXbrack| (see section {\\tt Ideals}).",nl); write(fname, bv + "> string TeXbrack = \"<\";" +nl + "> texring(fname,qr);" +nl + ev ); string TeXbrack = "<"; export TeXbrack; texring(fname,qr); kill TeXbrack; write(fname, bv + "> kill TeXbrack;" + nl + ev); write(fname,nl2,"\\Line"); // changing the ground field // ------------------------------------------------- write(fname, "It is possible to display a ground field different from the actual one by passing any letter in \\LaTeX \\ notation as additional argument. Predefined values are \\verb|\"\\\\C\"|, \\verb|\"\\\\R\"|, \\verb|\"k\"|, \\verb|\"K\"| and \\verb|\"R\"|."+nl+ "If for example a ground field of characteristic 0 should be written as $\\C$ instead of $\\Q$ use this as additonal argument.",nl); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,r3,\"\\\\C\");" + nl + ev); texring(fname,r3,"\\C"); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl2); write(fname,"The values \\verb|\"k\"|, \\verb|\"K\"|, \\verb|\"R\"| play a special role when the ground field is an algebraic extension. In this case the parameters will be omitted."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,ralg,\"k\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname, ralg,"k"); write(fname,nl+"\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl2); write(fname,"If an algebraic extension should be displayed together with its minimal polynomial the optional parameter \\verb|mipo| has to be used."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,ralg,\"mipo\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname, ralg,"mipo"); write(fname,nl,"\\Line"); // displaying only certain vars write(fname,"By default all variables of a ring will be displayed. It is possible to print only certain variables with $\\ldots$ between them. The positions of the variables which should be displayed have to be passed to \\verb|texring| as an \\verb|intvec|."); write(fname, bv + "> intvec v=5,6; > texring(fname,r2,v);" +nl + ev ); intvec v = 5,6; texring(fname,r2,v); kill v; write(fname, bv + "> kill v;" + nl + ev ); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl2); write(fname,"The first and the last variable will always be printed. In order to print only these it is sufficient to give a 1 as third argument."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,r1,1);" + nl + ev ); texring(fname,r1,1); write(fname,nl2,"\\Line"); // invariant ring under a group action write(fname,"If you want for example to display a ring as the invariant ring under a group, additional information starting with \\verb|^| may be added."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,r0,\"^G\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname, r0,"^G"); write(fname,nl2,"\\Line"); // passing several optional arguments at once write(fname,"It is also possible to pass several of the arguments described above at once (in any order)."); write(fname, bv + "> texring(fname,r3,\"\\\\R\",\"{{\",\"^G\");" + nl + ev ); texring(fname, r3,"\\R","{{","^G"); write(fname,nl2); //"end part 1" + nl; } ///////////////////////////// PART2 ////////////////////////////////////////// static proc part2(string fname) { int st = defined(texdemopart); string nl = newline; string nl2 = newline + newline; string lb = "\\\\"; string bv = "\\begin{verbatim}" + newline ; string ev = "\\end{verbatim}" ; if (not(st) or texdemopart>=2) { print(" Call part1 first"); return(); } else { texdemopart=2; } // "Continuing Part2 of " + fname + nl; //-------------------- texfactorize ------------------------------ write(fname,"\\subsection{Factorized polynomials}"); write(fname,"The command \\verb|texfactorize| calls internally the {\\sc Singular} command \\verb|factorize| and returns the product of the irreducible factors. Note that, at the moment, it is not possible to pass any optional arguments for \\verb|factorize| through \\verb|texfactorize|."); ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly h=(x+1+y)^2*x3y*(2x-2y)*y12; write(fname, bv + "> setring r0;"+nl+ "> poly h=(x+1+y)^2*x3y*(2x-2y)*y12;"+nl+ "> h;" +nl+ splt(string(h)) + nl + "> texfactorize(fname,h);" + ev); texfactorize(fname,h); // setring ralg; ring ralg = (7,a),x,dp; minpoly = a2-a+3; poly h = (a24x5+x3)*a2x6*(x+1)^2; write(fname, bv + "> setring ralg;"+nl+ "> poly h=(a24x5+x3)*a2x6*(x+1)^2;" +nl+ "> h;"+ nl + splt(string(h)) + nl + "> texfactorize(fname,h);"+ nl + ev); texfactorize(fname,h); //--------------------- features for polynomials ----------------- write(fname,"\\subsection{Features for polynomials}"); // TeXreplace // --------------------------------------------- write(fname,"By setting the global variable \\verb|TeXreplace| it is possible to define rules for replacing strings or variable names. \\verb|TeXreplace| has to be a list of twoelemented lists where the first entry is the text which should be replaced by the second entry. This may be applied to replace names of variables, but is also used when calling \\verb|texname| or \\verb|texmap|. Note that it is necessary to write a double backslash \\verb|\\\\\| at the beginning of a \\TeX \\ symbol." + lb+nl); write(fname,"Let us denote the primitive element of an algebraic extension by $\\xi$."); list TeXreplace; export TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("a","\\xi"); // setring r49; ring r49 =(49,a),x,dp; poly g=-(2a13 +a)*x2+a2*x-a+1; write(fname, bv + "> list TeXreplace;" +nl + "> TeXreplace[1]=list(\"a\",\"\\\\xi\");" +nl+ "> setring r49;" +nl+ "> texpoly(fname,g);"+ nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl2); write(fname,"Now let us write $\\lambda$ and $\\mu$ for deformation parameters."); TeXreplace[2]= list("s","\\lambda"); TeXreplace[3]= list("t","\\mu"); // setring(r0t); ring r0t=(0,s,t),(x,y),dp; poly g=8*(-s+2t)/(st+t3)*x+t2*x-1; write(fname, bv + "> TeXreplace[2]=list(\"s\",\"\\\\lambda\");"+nl+ "> TeXreplace[3]=list(\"t\",\"\\\\mu\");"+nl+ "> setring(r0t);"+nl+ "> texpoly(fname,g);"+ nl + ev); texpoly(fname,g); kill TeXreplace; write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.4cm}" + nl2); write(fname,nl2+"Note that, if \\verb|TeXreplace| is defined, the translation into \\LaTeX code runs significantly slower, because every polynomial will be compiled in the \\verb|non short| mode."+ lb ); write(fname,nl,"\\Line"); //linebreaking TeXwdith //----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"The global variable \\verb|TeXwidth| controls the wrapping of polynomials; possible values are:" + lb); write(fname, "\\[ " + nl + "\\text{TeXwidth} = ", "\\begin{cases} ", " -1 & \\text{no linebreaking} \\\\ ", " 0 & \\text{print the polynomial as equation } f=0 \\\\ ", " 1,\\dots,9 & \\text{the first n terms followed by the sign of the next term} \\\\ ", " > 9 & \\text{line break after terms of length n (see below)} ", "\\end{cases}", "\\]",nl); write(fname,"Note that the size of terms is calculated with certain multiplicities.",nl); //---------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"\\begin{itemize}",nl); write(fname,"\\item",nl); write(fname, bv + "> TeXwidth=-1;"+nl+ "> setring r0;"+nl+ "> poly f=g^2;"+nl+ "> texpoly(fname,f);" + nl + ev); setring r0; poly g=-x2y+2y13z+1; poly f=g^2; texpoly(fname,f); write(fname,"\\item",nl); write(fname, bv + "> TeXwidth=0;"+nl+ "> texpoly(fname,f);"+nl+ ev); TeXwidth = 0; texpoly(fname,f); write(fname,"\\item",nl); write(fname, bv + "> TeXwidth=2;"+nl+ "> texpoly(fname,f);"+nl+ ev); TeXwidth=2; texpoly(fname,f); write(fname,"\\item",nl); write(fname, bv + "> TeXwidth=20;"+nl+ "> texpoly(fname,f);"+nl+ ev); TeXwidth=20; texpoly(fname,f); TeXwidth=-1; write(fname,"\\end{itemize}",nl); write(fname,nl2,"\\Line"); write(fname,"There are two possibilities to convert a polynomial into \\LaTeX \\ code: either by using \\verb|texpoly| or by calling \\verb|texobj|. The difference is that \\verb|texpoly| puts the polynomial in textmode while \\verb|texobj| uses the display mode."+nl+ "The following examples show the different outputs:"); write(fname, bv + "> setring r3; > texpoly(fname,g/180);" + nl + ev); // setring r3; ring r3=0,(x_1,x_2,x_3),wp(3,2,1); poly g=-x_1*x_2+2*x_2*x_3+x_1*x_3; texpoly(fname,g/180); write(fname, bv + "> texobj(fname,g/180); " + nl + ev); texobj(fname,g/180); //write(fname,"Some explanation how it works: if \\verb|texobj| is called for //a polynomial, then it defines a global variable \\verb|TeXdisp| which forces //\\verb|texpoly| to count fraction with space corresponding //the displaymode."+lb,nl2); //---------------------texobj for ideal --------------- write(fname,"\\subsection{Ideals}"); write(fname,"By default, ideals are displayed as column vectors."); ring r; ideal I=3xz5+x2y3-3z,7xz5+y3z+x-z,-xyz2+4yz+2x; write(fname, bv + "> ring r; // the default ring"+nl+ "> ideal I=3xz5+x2y3-3z,7xz5+y3z+x-z,-xyz2+4yz+2x;"+nl+ "> texobj(fname,I);" + nl + ev); texobj(fname,I); write(fname,"\\Line"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"If the global variable \\verb|Texaligned| is set then the ideal is displayed as a row vector."); write(fname, bv + "> int TeXaligned; > texobj(fname,I);" + nl + ev); int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; texobj(fname,I); write(fname,"\\Line"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"By setting the global variable \\verb|TeXbrack| it is possible to change the brackets."); write(fname, bv + "> string TeXbrack=\"<\";"+nl+ "> texobj(fname,I);"+nl+ ev); string TeXbrack="<"; export TeXbrack; texobj(fname,I); write(fname, bv + "> kill TeXbrack, TeXaligned;" + nl + ev); kill TeXbrack,TeXaligned; write(fname,"\\Line"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname, " If \\verb|TeXwidth| is 0, an ideal is displayed as a system of equations."); // ------------- a linear equation system ring r5=0,x(1..5),dp; ideal I=-x(1)+2*x(3)+x(5), x(2)-x(4)+2*x(5)-1, 8*x(1)+x(4)+2; TeXwidth=0; write(fname, bv + "> ring r5=0,x(1..5),dp;"+nl+ "> ideal I=-x(1)+2*x(3)+x(5), x(2)-x(4)+2*x(5)-1, 8*x(1)+x(4)+2;"+nl+ "> TeXwidth=0;"+nl+ "> texobj(fname,I);" +nl+ ev); texobj(fname,I); setring r; ideal J=4x4y21+z25y7-y2,x3+y2,y2-z4; write(fname, bv + "> setring r;"+nl+ "> ideal J=4x4y21+z25y7-y2,x3+y2,y2-z4;"+nl+ "> texobj(fname,J);" +nl+ ev ); texobj(fname,J); write(fname,"\\Line"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"Call the ideal by its name and it is printed as follows"); write(fname, bv + "> setring r; > ideal I=3xz5+x2y3-3z,7xz5+y3z+x-z,-xyz2+4yz+2x; > texobj(fname,\"I\");" + nl + ev); setring r; export(I); texobj(fname,"I"); kill I,r; //" end part 2 " + nl; } ///////////////////////////// PART3 ////////////////////////////////////////// static proc part3(string fname) { int st=defined(texdemopart); string nl=newline; string nl2=newline + newline; string lb="\\\\"; string bv="\\begin{verbatim}" + newline ; string ev="\\end{verbatim}" ; if (not(st) or st>=3) { print(" Call part2 first"); return(); } else { texdemopart=3; } // " Continuing part 3 of " + fname + // " : map,matrices,vectors,intvec,intmats,proc"; //---------------------- texmap ------------------------------ write(fname,"\\section{Typeseting maps between rings}"); write(fname,"By default, maps are displayed in the following way:"); write(fname, bv + "> ring r4=0,(x,y,z),dp;"+nl+ "> ring r5=0,(u,v),dp;"+nl+ "> map phi=r1,u2,uv -v,v2;"+nl+ "> texmap(fname,phi,r4,r5);" + nl + ev); ring @r4_h=0,(x,y,z),dp; if(system("with","Namespaces")) { exportto(Current, @r4_h); } else { export @r4_h; } ring r5=0,(u,v),dp; map @phi_h=@r4_h,u2,uv -v,v2; export @phi_h; texmap(fname,@phi_h,@r4_h,r5); write(fname,"\\Line"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"If the global variable \\verb|TeXaligned| is set, then the map is displayed in one line."); write(fname, bv + "> int TeXaligned;"+nl+ "> texmap(fname,phi,r4,r5,\"\\\\C\");" + nl + ev ); int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; texmap(fname,@phi_h,@r4_h,r5,"\\C"); write(fname,nl+"\\Line"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"It is possible to pass the same additional arguments to \\verb|texmap| as to \\verb|texring| (see section {\\tt Rings}). This can be done by calling \\verb|texmap| with two lists as additional parameters, where the first list contains the optional parameters for the source and the second one contains the parameters for the domain. Note that if only one list is present then it is applied to both of the rings."); write(fname, bv + "> texmap(fname,phi,r4,r5,\"\\\\C\",\"{\");" + nl + ev ); texmap(fname,@phi_h,@r4_h,r5,"\\C","{"); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl); write(fname,"The next example shows how to format the two rings in different ways."); write(fname, bv + "> texmap(fname,phi,r4,r5,list(),list(\"{\"));"+nl+ ev ); texmap(fname,@phi_h,@r4_h,r5,list(),list("{")); write(fname,nl+"\\Line"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"If the map is called by its name then \\verb|texmap| displays, in addition, also the name of the map."); write(fname, bv + "> list TeXreplace;" +nl+ "> TeXreplace[1]=list(\"phi\",\"\\\\phi\")" +nl+ "> texmap(fname,\"phi\",r4,r5);" + nl + ev); list TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1]=list("@phi_h","\\phi"); export TeXreplace; texmap(fname,"@phi_h",@r4_h,r5); kill @phi_h,@r4_h,r5,TeXreplace,TeXaligned; write(fname, bv + "> kill phi,r4,r5,TeXreplace,TeXaligned;" + nl + ev); //% the texobj part write(fname,"\\section{Typesetting composed data structures}"); //======================================================================= write(fname, "Complex data structures such as matrices, vectors or modules can be displayed by using the procedure \\verb|texobj|."); write(fname,"\\subsection{Matrices and vectors}"); //======================================================================= write(fname,"The following example shows how to typeset the hessian of a polynomial."+ bv + "> ring r;", "> poly h=2xy3-x2z+x4z7+y4z2;", "> matrix H=jacob(jacob(h));", "> texobj(fname,H);", ev ); ring r; poly h=2xy3-x2z+x4z7+y4z2; matrix H=jacob(jacob(h)); texobj(fname,H); write(fname,"By default, \\verb|vectors| are written as row vectors:"); vector V = H[2]; write(fname, bv + "> vector V=H[2];", "> texobj(fname,V);", ev ); texobj(fname,V); write(fname,nl2+"\\vspace{0.2cm}"+nl); write(fname,"In order to transpose it, it has to be converted into a matrix."); write(fname, bv + "> texobj(fname,matrix(V));", ev ); texobj(fname,matrix(V)); write(fname,nl+"\\Line"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(fname,"All the features for typesetting polynomials work also for matrices or vectors with polynomial entries."); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl); write(fname,"By setting the global variable \\verb|TeXwidth| it is possible to display only the first terms of the polynomials."); write(fname,bv + "> TeXwidth=1;", "> texobj(fname,H);", "> TeXwidth=-1;", ev ); TeXwidth = 1; texobj(fname,H); TeXwidth = -1; write(fname,nl,"\\Line"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(fname,"The flag variable \\verb|TeXnofrac| controls the typesetting of fractions."); write(fname, bv + "> ring R0=0,x,dp;", "> matrix M[2][3]=1/2, 0, 1/2, 0, 1/3, 2/3;", "> texobj(fname,M);", ev); ring R0 = 0,x,dp; matrix M[2][3] = 1/2, 0, 1/2, 0, 1/3, 2/3; texobj(fname,M); write(fname,bv + "> int TeXnofrac;", "> texobj(fname,M);", ev ); int TeXnofrac; export TeXnofrac; texobj(fname,M); kill TeXnofrac; write(fname,bv + "> kill TeXnofrac;", ev ); write(fname,nl,"\\Line"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(fname,"Printing a vector with homogeneous coordinates can be done by setting \\verb|TeXproj|."); write(fname,bv + "> setring r;", "> int TeXproj;", "> texobj(fname,V);", ev ); setring r; ideal I=3xz5+x2y3-3z,7xz5+y3z+x-z,-xyz2+4yz+2x; int TeXproj; export TeXproj; texobj(fname,V); kill TeXproj; write(fname, bv + "> kill TeXproj;"+nl+ ev); write(fname,"\\subsection{Modules}",nl2); write(fname,"By default, modules are displayed in the following way:"+ bv + "> setring r;", "> module md=module(H);", "> texobj(fname,md);", ev ); setring r; module md = module(H); texobj(fname,md); write(fname,nl,"\\Line"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(fname,"In order to write the generators of a module aligned, the flag variable \\verb|TeXaligned| has to be defined.",nl2); write(fname,bv + "> int TeXaligned;", "> texobj(fname,md);", ev ); int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; texobj(fname,md); kill TeXaligned; write(fname,bv + "> kill TeXaligned;", ev ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"\\subsection{Integer matrices and vectors}"); write(fname,"Integer matrices are displayed in the following way."); intmat m[3][4]=-1,3,5,2,-2,8,6,0,2,5,8,7; write(fname, bv + "> intmat m[3][4]=-1,3,5,2,-2,8,6,0,2,5,8,7;" + nl + "> m;" + nl + string(m) + nl + "> texobj(fname,m);" + nl2 + ev ); texobj(fname,m); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl); write(fname,"Integer vectors are displayed as row vectors."); intvec v = 1..4; write(fname, bv + "> intvec v=1..4;"+nl+ "> v;" + nl + string(v) + nl + "> texobj(fname,v);"+nl+ ev ); texobj(fname,v); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl); write(fname,"To typeset the transposed vector, it has to be converted into an integer matrix."+ bv + "> texobj(fname,intmat(v));" + nl2 + ev ); texobj(fname,intmat(v)); write(fname,nl+ "\\vspace{0.2cm}" + nl); write(fname,"The following example shows how to typeset the multiplication of a matrix with a vector."+ bv + "> texobj(fname,intmat(m*v),\"=\",m,\"*\",intmat(v));" + nl2 + ev ); texobj(fname,intmat(m*v),"=",m,"*",intmat(v)); //----------------------------------------------------------------- write(fname,"\\Line"); write(fname,"Of course, the brackets of a \\verb|intmat| can be changed by setting \\verb|TeXbrack|."); write(fname, bv + "> intmat mat[3][3]=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;" + nl + "> string TeXbrack=\"|\";" + nl + "> texobj(fname,mat,\" = \",det(mat)); " + nl2 + ev ); intmat mat[3][3] = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; string TeXbrack = "|"; export TeXbrack; texobj(fname,mat," = ",det(mat)); kill TeXbrack; //----------------------------------texname------------------- //write(fname,"\\section{Names of identifiers}"); //write(fname,"The proc \\verb|texname| is used to write indexed names in a //correct way"+lb,nl); // ------------------------------- texproc ------------------------------- proc milnor_number (poly p) { ideal i= std(jacob(p)); int m_nr=vdim(i); if (m_nr<0) { "// not an isolated singularity"; } return(m_nr); } export(milnor_number); write(fname,"\\section{Typesetting procedures}"); write(fname,"The following procedure allows to include the source code of procedures into a \\LaTeX document."); write(fname, bv + "> texproc(fname,\"milnor\_number\");" +nl+ ev); texproc(fname,"milnor_number"); kill(milnor_number); // ------------------------------ closing the tex file ------------------- write(fname,"\\section{Closing the \\LaTeX\\ file}"); write(fname,"To close the file use \\verb|closetex(fname);|. It should now contain pure \\LaTeX \\ code and may be compiled with " + "\\verb|tex(fname)| and displayed with \\verb|xdvi(fname)|."); // write(fname,"\\section{Remarks}"); closetex(fname); //"end of part3" + nl; pagewidth =80; kill texdemopart,TeXwidth; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////