// $Id: graphics.lib,v 1.6 1999-12-13 15:33:46 obachman Exp $ // // author : Christian Gorzel email: gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: graphics.lib,v 1.6 1999-12-13 15:33:46 obachman Exp $"; info=" LIBRARY: graphics.lib PROCEDURES FOR GRAPHICS WITH MATHEMATICA AUTHOR: Christian Gorzel, gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de PROCEDURES: staircase(fname,I); Mathematica text for displaying staircase of I mathinit(); string for loading Mathematica's ImplicitPlot mplot(fname,I[# s]); Mathematica text for various plots "; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc staircase(string fname,ideal I) "USAGE: staircase(); I ideal in two variables RETURN: string with Mathematica input for displaying staircase (exponent vectors of initial ideal) of I NOTE: ideal I should be given by a standard basis Copy and paste works only in a Mathematica notebook EXAMPLE: example staircase; shows an example " { intvec v; int maxx, maxy; list l; string s; string el; if(nvars(basering)!=2) { "-- Error: need two variables "; return(); } if (not(attrib(I,"isSB"))) { " -- Warning: Ideal should be a standardbasis "; newline; } for(int i=1; i<=ncols(I); i++) { if (i>1) { el = el + ",";} v = leadexp(I[i]); if (v[1] > maxx) { maxx = v[1];} if (v[2] > maxy) { maxy = v[2];} el = el + "{" + string(v) + "}"; } el = "{" + el + "}"; maxx = maxx + 3; maxy = maxy + 3; s = newline + "Show[Graphics[{" + newline + "{GrayLevel[0.5],Map[Rectangle[#,{" + string(maxx) + "," + string(maxy) + "}] &, " + el + "]}," + newline + "{PointSize[0.03], Map[Point," + el + "]}," + newline + "Table[Circle[{i,j},0.1],{i,0," + string(maxx) + "},{j,0," + string(maxy) + "}]}," + newline + " Axes->True,AspectRatio->Automatic]]"; s = s + endstr(fname); return(s); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r0 = 0,(x,y),ls; ideal I = -1x2y6-1x4y2, 7x6y5+1/2x7y4+6x4y6; staircase("",std(I)); ring r1 = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = fetch(r0,I); staircase("",std(I)); ring r2 = 0,(x,y),wp(2,3); ideal I = fetch(r0,I); staircase("",std(I)); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mathinit() "USAGE: mathinit(); RETURN: initializing string for loading Mathematica's ImplicitPlot EXAMPLE: example mathinit; shows an example " { // write("init.m","<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`"); return("<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`"); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; mathinit(); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc checkshort() { ring @r; } static proc determvars(ideal I) // determine the variables which are in the ideal I { intvec v; int i,j,k; k=1; for(j=1;j<=size(I);j++) { for(i=1;i<=nvars(basering);i++) { if(I[j]!=subst(I[j],var(i),0)) {v[k] = i; k++;} } } ring @r=0,x,ls; poly f; for(i=1;i<=size(v);i++) // sort VARS { f = f + x^v[i]; } v=0; for (i=1;i<=size(f);i++) {v[i]=leadexp(f[i])[1];} return(v); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc endstr(string filename) { int i; string suffix,cmd,name; if(size(filename)) { for (i=size(filename);i;i--) { if (filename[i] == ".") {break;} } if (i>0) { suffix = filename[i,size(filename)-i+1]; name = ">" + filename[1,i-1]+ ".m"; } else { print("--Error: Suffix of filename incorrect"); return("");} // if (suffix ==".m") { cmd = "Display[\" " + filename + "\",% ]";} if (suffix ==".mps") { cmd = "Display[\" " + filename + "\",%] ";} if (suffix ==".ps") { cmd = "Display[\" ! psfix > " + filename + "\", %]";} if (suffix ==".eps") { cmd = "Display[\" ! psfix -epsf > " + filename + "\", %]";} } return(newline + cmd); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mplot(string fname,ideal I,list #) "USAGE: mplot(I[,#]); fname string; I ideal , # strings representing the plot region or further ideals RETURN: string, text with Mathematica commands to display a plot NOTE: The plotregion is defaulted to -1,1 around zero (mostly interested in local situation in singularity theory) For implicit given curves enter first the string returned by proc mathinit into Mathematica in order to load ImplicitPlot ideal with 2 entries in one variable means a parametrised plane curve ideal with 3 entries in one variable means a parametrised space curve ideal with 3 entries in two variables means a parametrised surface ideal I with 2 generators in two variables means an implicit curve given as I[1]==I[2] ideal with 1 generator (or one polynomial) in two variables means an implicit curve given as f == 0 EXAMPLE: example mplot; shows an example " { int i,j,k,mapping; int planecurve,spacecurve,implcrv,surface; intvec VARS,v; string xpart,ypart,zpart = "-1,1","-1,1","All"; string pstring,actstring,xname,yname,str,closing; string basr = nameof(basering); ideal J; if (ncols(I)>3) { "-- Error: can only draw upto dimension 3"; return(""); } ring @r = 0,(s,t),lp; ideal @J,@I; setring(`basr`); // def d = basering; // d; // listvar(d); str = newline; VARS = determvars(I); // "VARS: ";VARS; if (size(VARS)>2 or VARS==0) { "-- Error: Need some variables, but can only draw in 2 or 3 dimensions"; return(""); } if (size(matrix(I))==1 and size(VARS)==2) { i =size(I[1]); //I[2]=I[1][(i/ 2 + 1)..i]; I[2]; // I[1]=I[1][1..(i/ 2)]; I[1]; I[2]=0; } if (size(matrix(I))==2) { if (size(VARS)==1) {planecurve=1; str = str + "ParametricPlot[";} if (size(VARS)==2) {implcrv=1; str = str + "ImplicitPlot[";} } if (size(matrix(I))==3) { if (size(VARS)==1) {spacecurve=1;} if (size(VARS)==2) {surface=1;} str = str + "ParametricPlot3D["; } short = 0; pstring = string(I); // switch to another ring if necessary checkshort(); // "short: "; short; if (short!=1) // construct a map { mapping = 1; setring @r; @J = 0; for(i=1;i<=size(VARS);i++) { @J[VARS[i]]=var(i);} map phi = (`basr`,@J); @I = phi(I); short =0; pstring = string(@I); setring `basr`; } i = find(pstring,newline); while(i) {pstring[i]=" "; i = find(pstring,newline,i); } if (implcrv) { i = find(pstring,","); pstring = pstring[1,i-1] + "==" + pstring[i+1,size(pstring)-i]; } else { pstring = "{" + pstring + "}";} // "mapping "; mapping; if (mapping) { xname = "s"; if (size(VARS)==2) {yname="t";} } else { xname = varstr(VARS[1]); if (size(VARS)==2) {yname=varstr(VARS[2]);} } j =1; for(k=1;k<=size(#);k++) { if (typeof(#[k])=="ideal" or typeof(#[k])=="poly") { //#[k] = ideal(#[k]); v = determvars(#[k]); J = #[k]; short =0; if (size(matrix(J))==1 and size(VARS)==2 and implcrv) { i =size(J[1]); // J[2]=J[1][(i/ 2 + 1)..i]; // J[1]=J[1][1..(i/ 2)]; J[2] =0; } if ((v!= VARS) or (size(J)!=size(I))) { print("--Error: ---- "); return(); } else { if (mapping) { setring @r; short =0; actstring = string(phi(J)); setring(`basr`); } else {actstring = string(J);} i = find(actstring,newline); while(i) { actstring[i]=" "; i = find(actstring,newline,i); } if (implcrv) {i = find(actstring,","); actstring = actstring[1,i-1]+ "==" + actstring[i+1,size(actstring)-i]; pstring = pstring + "," + actstring; } else { pstring = pstring + ",{" + actstring +"}"; } } } if (typeof(#[k])=="string") { if (j==3) {zpart = #[k];j++;} if (j==2) {ypart = #[k];j++;} if (j==1) {xpart = #[k];j++;} } } if (spacecurve or planecurve or implcrv) { str = str + "{" + pstring + "},{" + xname + "," + xpart + "}";} if (implcrv and (j==3)) {str = str + ",{" + yname + "," + ypart + "}";} if (surface) { str = str + "{" + pstring + "},{" + xname + "," + xpart + "},{" + yname + "," + ypart + "}";} if (planecurve) {closing = "," + newline +" AspectRatio->Automatic";} if (implcrv) {closing = "," + newline + " AxesLabel->{\"" + varstr(VARS[1]) + "\",\"" + varstr(VARS[2]) + "\"}";} if (spacecurve) { closing = "," + newline + " ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}";} if (surface) {closing = "," +newline + " Boxed->True, Axes->True, ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}";} str = str + closing + "];" + endstr(fname); return(str); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; // --------- plane curves ------------ ring rr0 = 0,x1,dp; export rr0; ideal I = x1^3 + x1, x1^2; ideal J = x1^2,-x1+x1^3; ""; mplot("",J); ""; mplot("",I,"-2,2",J); ring rr1 = 0,x,dp; export rr1; ideal I(1) = 2x2-1/2x3 +1, x-1; ideal I(2) = x3-x ,x; ""; mplot("",I(1),I(2),"-2,4"); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN pause("Hit RETURN to continue"); // --------- space curves -------------- I(1) = x3,-1/10x3+x2,x2; I(2) = x2,-x2+2,-2x2-x+1; ""; mplot("",I(1),I(2)); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN pause("Hit RETURN to continue"); // --------- implicit curves ------------ ring rr = 0,(x,y),ds; export rr; // implicit curves ideal I(1) = y,-x2; ideal I(2) = x2,-y2 +4; ""; //the lemniscate ideal I(3) = x4+2x2y2 + y4, x2-y2; ""; // a critical part // adjust the plotregion properly to get a good picture poly f = (x-y)*(x2+y); mplot("",f); ""; ideal J = jacob(f); J; ""; mplot("",J[1],J[2]); // bad resolution ""; mplot("",J[1],J[2],"-10,10","-10,10"); // get better picture in this way mplot("",I(1),I(2),"-2.5,2.5"); ""; mplot("",I(3),"-2,2"); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN pause("Hit RETURN to continue"); // ----------- surfaces ------------------- ideal J(1) = 3xy4 + 2xy2, x5y3 + x + y6,10x2; // the Whitney-Umbrella ideal J(2) = xy,y,x2; ""; mplot("",J(1),"-2,1","1,2"); ""; mplot("",J(2),"-1.5,1.5","-2,2"); // Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook // active evalutation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////