//deform_s.tst //short tests for deform.lib //--------------------------- LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "deform.lib"; example versal; // rest of what used to be in that example int p = printlevel; ring r2 = 0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal Fo = x2,xy,yz,zx; printlevel = 2; def L=versal(Fo); def Px=L[1];def So=L[3]; setring(So); ideal Js=imap(Px,Js); hilb(std(Js)); printlevel = p; kill L,Px,So; example mod_versal; example lift_rel_kb; // rest of what used to be in that example "2nd EXAMPLE"; ring r = 100,(x,y),dp; ideal I = x2+y2,x2y; module M = jacob(I)+I*freemodule(2); module N = [x+y,1+x2+xy]; matrix A = lift_rel_kb(N,M); print(A); print(kbase(std(M))*A); print(reduce(N,std(M))); example lift_kbase; printlevel = 2; ring r1 = 0,(x,y,z,u),dp; ideal i3 = xy,xz,xu,yz,yu,zu; list L=versal(i3); def Px=L[1]; def So=L[3]; setring Px; listvar(Px); size(reduce(Fs*Rs,std(ideal(Js)))); setring So; ideal Js=imap(Px,Js); hilb(std(Js)); kill L,Px,So; ring Po = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal Io = std(x^4+y^3); matrix Mo; //============= rk 1 ====================================== module k =[x],[y]; module m(0)=k; module m(1)=[x,y],[-y2,x3]; module m(2)=[x3,y],[-y2,x]; int i'; for (i'=0;i'<3;i'=i'+1) { Mo=m(i'); list L=mod_versal(Mo,Io); def Px=L[1]; def Qx=L[2]; def So=L[3]; setring Px; listvar(Px); setring(So); ideal Js=imap(Qx,Js); hilb(std(Js)); setring(Po); kill L,Px,Qx,So; } tst_status(1);$