LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "hnoether.lib"; ring exring = 7,(x,y),ds; list Hne=develop(4x98+2x49y7+x11y14+2y14); print(Hne[1]); // therefore the HNE is: // z(-1)= 3*z(0)^7 + z(0)^7*z(1), // z(0) = z(1)*z(2), (there is 1 zero in the 2nd row before x) // z(1) = z(2)^3*z(3), (there are 3 zeroes in the 3rd row) // z(2) = z(3)*z(4), // z(3) = -z(4)^2 + 0*z(4)^3 +...+ 0*z(4)^8 + ?*z(4)^9 + ... // (the missing x in the last line indicates that it is not complete.) Hne[2]; param(Hne); // parametrization: x(t)= -t^14+O(t^21), y(t)= -3t^98+O(t^105) // (the term -t^109 in y may have a wrong coefficient) displayHNE(Hne); tst_status(1);$