version="$Id: equising.lib,v 1.5 2000-12-22 13:44:24 greuel Exp $"; category="Singularities"; info=" LIBRARY: equising.lib Equisingularity Stratum of a Family of Plane Curves AUTHOR: Andrea Mindnich, PROCEDURES: esStratum computes the equisingularity stratum of a deformation isEquising tests, whether a given deformation is equisingular " LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "elim.lib"; LIB "hnoether.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTES a weight vector. x and y get weight 1 and all other // variables get weight 0. static proc xyVector() { intvec iv ; iv[nvars(basering)]=0 ; iv[rvar(x)] =1; iv[rvar(y)] =1; return (iv); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exchanges the variables x and y in the polynomial p_f static proc swapXY(poly f) { def r_base = basering; ideal MI = maxideal(1); MI[rvar(x)]=y; MI[rvar(y)]=x; map phi = r_base, MI; f=phi(f); return (f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: p_mon is a monomial // and p_g is the product of the variables in p_mon. // COMPUTES the coefficient of p_mon in p_h. static proc coefficient(poly p_h, poly p_mon, poly p_g) { matrix coefMatrix = coef(p_h,p_g); int nc = ncols(coefMatrix); int ii=1; poly p_c=0; while(ii<=nc) { if (coefMatrix[1,ii] == p_mon) { p_c = coefMatrix[2,ii]; break; } ii++; } return (p_c); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // in p_F the variable p_vari is substituted by the polynomial p_g. static proc eSubst(poly p_F, poly p_vari, poly p_g) { def r_base = basering; ideal MI; map phi; int ii = rvar(p_vari); if (ii != 0) { MI = maxideal(1); MI[ii] = p_g; phi = r_base, MI; p_F = phi(p_F); } return (p_F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All ring variables of p_F which occur in (the set of generators of) the // ideal Id, are substituted by 0 static proc SimplifyF(poly p_F, ideal Id) { int i=1; int si = size(Id); for (i=1; i <= si; i++) { if (rvar(Id[i])) { p_F = subst(p_F, Id[i], 0); } } return(p_F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checks, if the basering is admissible. static proc checkBasering () { int error = 0; if(find(charstr(basering),"real")) { ERROR ("cannot compute esStratum with 'real' as coefficient field"); } if (nvars(basering) <= 2) { ERROR ("there are to less ringvariables to compute esStratum") } error = checkQIdeal(ideal(basering)); return(error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc getInput (list #) { def r_base = basering; int maxStep = -1; if (size(#) >= 1) { if (typeof(#[1]) == "int") { maxStep = #[1]; } else { ERROR("expected esStratum('poly', 'int') "); } } return(maxStep); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RETURNS: 0, if the ideal cond only depends on the deformation parameters // 1, otherwise. static proc checkQIdeal (ideal cond) { def r_base = basering; int i_print = printlevel-voice + 4; int i_nvars = nvars(basering); ideal id_help = subst(cond,var(i_nvars),0,var(i_nvars-1),0) - cond; // cond depends only on the first i_nvars-2 variables <=> // id_help == <0> if ( simplify(id_help, 2) != 0) { dbprint(i_print, "ideal(basering) must only depend on the deformation parameters"); return(1); } return(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTES string(minpoly) and substitutes the parameter by newParName static proc makeMinPolyString (string newParName) { int i; string parName = parstr(basering); int parNameSize = size(parName); string oldMinPolyStr = string (minpoly); int minPolySize = size(oldMinPolyStr); string newMinPolyStr = ""; for (i=1;i <= minPolySize; i++) { if (oldMinPolyStr[i,parNameSize] == parName) { newMinPolyStr = newMinPolyStr + newParName; i = i + parNameSize-1; } else { newMinPolyStr = newMinPolyStr + oldMinPolyStr[i]; } } return(newMinPolyStr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defines a new ring without deformation-parameters. static proc createHNERing() { string str; string minpolyStr = string(minpoly); str = " ring HNERing = (" + charstr(basering) + "), (x,y), ls;"; execute (str); str = "minpoly ="+ minpolyStr+";"; execute(str); keepring(HNERing); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RETURNS: 1, if p_f = 0 or char(basering) divides the order of p_f // or p_f is not squarefree. // 0, otherwise static proc checkPoly (poly p_f) { int i_print = printlevel - voice + 3; int i_ord; if (p_f == 0) { dbprint(i_print,"The Input is a 'deformation' of the zero polynomial"); return(1); } i_ord = mindeg1(p_f); if (number(i_ord) == 0) { dbprint(i_print, "The characteristic of the coefficient field divides the order of the equation"); return(1); } if (squarefree(p_f) != p_f) { dbprint(i_print, "The curve is reducible"); return(1); } return(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTES the multiplicity sequence of p_f static proc calcMultSequence (poly p_f) { int i_print = printlevel-voice + 3; intvec multSeq=0; list hneList; int xNotTransversal; int fIrreducible = 1; // if basering = (p,a) or (p,a(1..s)), // p prime, a algebraic, a(1..s) transcendent use reddevelop // otherwise use develop if (char(basering) != 0 && npars(basering) !=0 && charstr(basering) == string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { hneList = reddevelop(p_f, -1); if ( size(hneList)>=2) { fIrreducible = 0; dbprint(i_print, "The curve is reducible"); return(multSeq, xNotTransversal, fIrreducible); } hneList = hneList[1]; xNotTransversal= hneList[3]; } else { hneList = develop(p_f, -1); xNotTransversal= hneList[3]; fIrreducible = hneList[5]; } if ( ! fIrreducible) { dbprint(i_print, "The curve is reducible"); return(multSeq, xNotTransversal, fIrreducible); } multSeq = multsequence (hneList); return(multSeq, xNotTransversal, fIrreducible); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: The basering is no qring and has at least 3 variables // DEFINES: A new basering, "myRing", // with new names for the parameters and variables. // The new names for the parameters are a(1..k), // and t(1..s),x,y for the variables // The ring ordering is ordStr. // NOTE: This proc uses 'execute'. static proc createMyRing(poly p_F, string ordStr ) { def r_old = basering; int chara = char(basering); string charaStr; int i; string minPolyStr = ""; string helpStr; int nDefParams = nvars(r_old)-2; ideal qIdeal = ideal(basering); if (npars(basering) == 0) { helpStr = "ring myRing =" + string(chara)+ ", (t(1..nDefParams), x, y),"+ ordStr +";"; execute(helpStr); } else { charaStr = charstr(basering); if (charaStr == string(chara) + "," + parstr(basering)) { if (minpoly !=0) { minPolyStr = makeMinPolyString("a"); helpStr = "ring myRing = (" + string(chara) + ",a), (t(1..nDefParams), x, y)," + ordStr + ";"; execute(helpStr); helpStr = "minpoly =" + minPolyStr + ";"; execute (helpStr); } else { helpStr = "ring myRing = (" + string(chara) + ",a(1..npars(basering)) ), (t(1..nDefParams), x, y)," + ordStr + ";"; execute(helpStr); } } else { i = find (charaStr,","); helpStr = " ring myRing = (" + charaStr[1,i] + "a), (t(1..nDefParams), x, y)," + ordStr + ";"; execute (helpStr); } } ideal qIdeal = fetch(r_old, qIdeal); if(qIdeal != 0) { def r_base = basering; kill myRing; qring myRing = std(qIdeal); } poly p_F = fetch(r_old, p_F); ideal ES; keepring(myRing); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// procedures to compute the equisingularity stratum ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINES a new basering, myRing, which has one variable // more than the old ring. // The name for the new variable is "H(nhelpV)". // p_F and ES are "imaped" into the new ring. static proc extendRing (poly p_F, ideal ES, int nHelpV, ideal HCond) { def r_old = basering; string helpStr; string minPolyStr = ""; ideal qIdeal = ideal(basering); if (minpoly != 0) { if (charstr(basering) == string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { minPolyStr = string(minpoly); } } string str = "ring myRing = (" + charstr(r_old) + "), (H(" + string(nHelpV)+ ")," + string(maxideal(1)) + "), (dp(" + string(nHelpV) + "),dp);"; execute (str); if (minPolyStr != "") { helpStr = "minpoly =" + minPolyStr + ";"; execute(helpStr); } ideal qIdeal = imap(r_old, qIdeal); if(qIdeal != 0) { def r_base = basering; kill myRing; attrib(qIdeal,"isSB",1); qring myRing = qIdeal; } poly p_F = imap(r_old, p_F); ideal ES = imap(r_old, ES); ideal HCond = imap(r_old, HCond); keepring(myRing); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTES an ideal equimultCond, such that F_(n-1) mod equimultCond =0, // where F_(n-1) is the (nNew-1)-jet of p_F with respect to x,y. static proc calcEquimultCond(poly p_F, int nNew) { ideal equimultCond = 0; poly p_FnMinus1; matrix coefMatrix; int nc; int ii = 1; p_FnMinus1 = jet(p_F, nNew-1, xyVector()); coefMatrix = coef(p_FnMinus1, xy); nc = ncols(coefMatrix); for (ii=1; ii<=nc; ii++) { equimultCond[ii] = NF(coefMatrix[2,ii],std(0)); } p_F = p_F - p_FnMinus1; p_F = SimplifyF(p_F, equimultCond); return(equimultCond, p_F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTES smallest integer >= nNew/nOld -1 static proc calcNZeroSteps (int nOld,int nNew) { int nZeroSteps; if (nOld mod nNew == 0) { nZeroSteps = nOld div nNew -1; } else { nZeroSteps = nOld div nNew; } return(nZeroSteps); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: ord_(X,Y)(F)=nNew // COMPUTES an ideal I such that (p_F mod I)_nNew = p_c*y^nNew. static proc purePowerOfY (poly p_F, int nNew) { ideal id_help = 0; poly p_Fn; matrix coefMatrix; int nc; poly p_c; int ii=1; p_Fn = jet(p_F, nNew, xyVector()); coefMatrix = coef(p_Fn, xy); nc = ncols(coefMatrix); p_c = coefMatrix[2,nc]; for (ii=1; ii <= nc-1; ii++) { id_help[ii] = NF(coefMatrix[2,ii],std(0)); } p_F = p_F - p_Fn + p_c*y^nNew; p_F = SimplifyF(p_F, id_help); return(id_help, p_F, p_c); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: ord_(X,Y)(F)=nNew // COMPUTES an ideal I such that p_Fn mod I = p_c*(y-p_a*x)^nNew, // where p_Fn is the homogeneous part of p_F of order nNew. static proc purePowerOfLin (poly p_F, ideal HCond, int nNew, int nHelpV) { ideal id_help = 0; poly p_Fn; matrix coefMatrix; poly p_c; poly p_ca; poly p_help; poly p_a; int ii; int jj; int bico; p_Fn = jet(p_F, nNew, xyVector()); coefMatrix = coeffs(subst(p_Fn,x,1),y); p_c = coefMatrix[nNew+1,1]; p_ca = coefMatrix[nNew,1]/(-nNew); if (npars(basering)==1 && charstr(basering) != string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { p_a = H(nHelpV); HCond = HCond + ideal(p_ca - p_a*p_c); } else { p_help = p_ca/p_c; if (p_help * p_c == p_ca) { p_a = p_help; } else { p_a = H(nHelpV); HCond = HCond + ideal(p_ca - p_a*p_c); } } bico = (nNew*(nNew-1))/2; for (ii = 2; ii <= nNew ; ii++) { if (coefMatrix[nNew+1-ii,1] == 0) { if (number(bico) != 0) // Then a^i=0 since c is a unit { id_help = id_help + ideal(NF(p_a^(ii),std(0))); for (jj = ii+1; jj <= nNew; jj++) // the remaining coefficients (of y^(nnew-k)*x^k with k>i) // are also zero. { id_help = id_help + ideal(NF(coefMatrix[nNew+1-jj,1],std(0))); } break; } } else { id_help = id_help + ideal(NF(coefMatrix[nNew+1-ii,1] - bico*p_c*(-p_a)^ii,std(0))); } bico = (bico*(nNew-ii))/(ii+1); } p_F = SimplifyF(p_F, id_help); return(id_help, HCond, p_F, p_c, p_a); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eliminates the variables H(1),..,H(nHelpV) from the ideal ES + HCond static proc helpVarElim(ideal ES, ideal HCond, int nHelpV) { ES = ES + HCond; ES = std(ES); ES = nselect(ES,1,nHelpV); return(ES); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: ord(F)=nNew and p_c(y-p_a*x)^n is the nNew-jet of F with respect // to X,Y // COMPUTES F(x,yx+a*x)/x^n static proc formalBlowUp(poly p_F, poly p_c, poly p_a, int nNew) { p_F = p_F - jet(p_F, nNew, xyVector()); if (p_a != 0) { p_F = eSubst(p_F, y , yx + p_a*x); } else { p_F = subst(p_F, y, xy); } p_F = p_F/(x^nNew); p_F = p_F + p_c * y^nNew; return (p_F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: p_F in K[t(1)..t(s),x,y] // COMPUTES the minimal ideal ES, such that the deformation p_F mod ES is // equisingular. // The computation is done up to iteration step 'maxstep'. // RETURNS: list l, such that // l[1]=1 if some error has occured, // l[1]=0 otherwise and then l[2] = es_cond. static proc calcEsCond(poly p_F, intvec multSeq, int maxStep) { def r_old = basering; ideal ES = 0; int ii; int step = 1; int nNew = multSeq[step]; int nOld = nNew; int nZeroSteps; int nHelpV = 1; ideal HCond = 0; int maxDeg = 0; int z = printlevel - voice + 3; string str; extendRing(p_F, ES, nHelpV, HCond); poly p_c; poly p_a; ideal I; for (ii = 1; ii <= size(multSeq); ii++) { maxDeg = maxDeg + multSeq[ii]; } while (step <= maxStep) { nOld = nNew; nNew = multSeq[step]; p_F = jet(p_F, maxDeg, xyVector()); maxDeg = maxDeg - nNew; if (nNew1) { "// conditions for equimultiplicity in step:", step; I; if (nHelpV >1) { str = string(nHelpV); "// conditions for help variables H(1),..,H("+str+"):"; HCond; } pause("press to continue"); } if (nZeroSteps > 0) { nZeroSteps--; // compute conditions, Fn = c*y^nnew ? I, p_F, p_c = purePowerOfY (p_F, nNew); ES = ES + I; if (z>1) { "// conditions for pure power in step:", step; I; if (nHelpV > 1) { str = string(nHelpV); "// conditions for help variables H(1),..,H("+str+"):"; HCond; } pause("press to continue"); } p_a =0; } else { I, HCond, p_F, p_c, p_a = purePowerOfLin (p_F, HCond, nNew, nHelpV); ES = ES + I; if (z>1) { "// conditions for pure power in step:", step; I; str = string(nHelpV); "// conditions for help variables H(1),..,H("+str+"):"; HCond; pause("press to continue"); } } p_F = formalBlowUp (p_F, p_c, p_a, nNew); if (p_a == H(nHelpV)) { nHelpV++; def r_base = basering; kill myRing; extendRing(p_F, ES, nHelpV, HCond); kill r_base; poly p_a; poly p_c; ideal I; } step++; } if (nHelpV > 1) { ES = helpVarElim(ES, HCond, nHelpV); } if (nameof(basering)=="myRing") { setring r_old; ES = imap(myRing, ES); } return(ES); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main procedure /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc esStratum (poly p_F, list #) "USAGE: esStratum(F[,m]); F a polynomial, m an integer ASSUME: F defines a deformation of an irreducible bivariate polynomial f and that char(basering) does not divide mult(f). If nv is the number of variables of the basering, then the first nv-2 ringvariables are the deformation parameters. If the basering is a qring, ideal(basering) must only depend on the deformation parameters. RETURN: A list l of an ideal and an integer, where l[1] is the ideal in the deformation parameters, defining the equisingularity stratum of F, l[2] = 1 if some error has occured, l[2] = 0 otherwise. If m is given, the computation stops after m steps of the iteration. NOTE: printlevel > 0 displays comments and pauses after intermediate computations (default: printlevel=0) This proc uses 'execute' or calls a procedure using 'execute'. EXAMPLE: example esStratum; shows an example " { def r_user = basering; int ii = 1; int i_nvars = nvars(basering); int error = 0; int xNotTransversal; int fIrreducible; int maxStep; int userMaxStep; ideal cond; intvec multSeq; ideal ES = 0; error = checkBasering(); if (error) { return(list(ES,error)); } userMaxStep = getInput(#); // define a new basering "myRing" with new names for parameters // and variables. // The new names are 'a(1)', ..., 'a(npars)' for the parameters // and 't(1)', ..., 't(nvars-2)', 'x', 'y' for the variables. createMyRing(p_F, "dp"); // define a ring without deformation parameters, to compute the HNE // of F mod createHNERing(); poly p_f = imap(myRing,p_F); error = checkPoly(p_f); if (error) { setring r_user; return(list( ideal(0),error)); } // compute the multiplicitysequence of p_f. multSeq, xNotTransversal, fIrreducible = calcMultSequence(p_f); if ( ! fIrreducible) { setring r_user; return(list(ideal(0),1)); } setring myRing; if (xNotTransversal) { p_F = swapXY(p_F); } if (userMaxStep != -1 && userMaxStep < size(multSeq)-1) { maxStep = userMaxStep; } else { maxStep = size(multSeq)-1; } ES = calcEsCond(p_F, multSeq, maxStep); setring r_user; ES = fetch(myRing, ES); return(list(ES, error)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 11,(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,x,y),ds; poly F = xa+yb+x2+2xy+y2c+y^2+y3d+y4e+y5f+y6g+x^7; esStratum(F); esStratum(F,2); ideal I = f-fa,e+b; qring q = std(I); poly F = imap(r,F); esStratum(F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedures for equisingularity test /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINES a new basering, myRing, which has one variable // more than the old ring. // The name for the new variable is "H(nhelpV)". static proc T_extendRing(poly p_F, int nHelpV, ideal HCond) { def r_old = basering; ideal qIdeal = ideal(basering); string helpStr; string minPolyStr = ""; if(minpoly != 0) { if (charstr(basering) == string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { minPolyStr = string(minpoly); } } string str = "ring myRing = (" + charstr(r_old) + "), (H(" + string( nHelpV)+ ")," + string(maxideal(1)) + "), (dp(" + string( nHelpV) + "), ds);"; execute (str); if (minPolyStr != "") { helpStr = "minpoly =" + minPolyStr + ";"; execute(helpStr); } ideal qIdeal = imap(r_old, qIdeal); if(qIdeal != 0) { def r_base = basering; kill myRing; qring myRing = std(qIdeal); } poly p_F =imap(r_old, p_F); ideal HCond = imap(r_old, HCond); keepring(myRing); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // tests, if ord p_F = nNew. static proc equimultTest (poly p_F, int nHelpV, int nNew, ideal HCond) { poly p_FnMinus1; ideal id_help; matrix coefMatrix; int i; int nc; p_FnMinus1 = jet(p_F, nNew-1, xyVector()); coefMatrix = coef(p_FnMinus1, xy); nc = ncols(coefMatrix); for (i=1; i<=nc; i++) { id_help[i] = coefMatrix[2,i]; } id_help = T_helpVarElim(id_help, HCond, nHelpV); if (reduce(id_help, std(0)) !=0 ) { return(0, p_F); } p_F = p_F - p_FnMinus1; return(1, p_F); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: ord(p_F)=nNew // tests, if p_F = p_c*y^nNew for some p_c. static proc pPOfYTest (poly p_F, int nHelpV, int nNew, ideal HCond) { poly p_Fn; poly p_c; ideal id_help; int nc; int i=1; matrix coefMatrix; p_Fn = jet(p_F, nNew, xyVector()); coefMatrix = coef(p_Fn, xy); nc = ncols(coefMatrix); p_c = coefMatrix[2,1]; for (i = 2; i <= nc; i++) { id_help[i] = coefMatrix[2,i]; } id_help = T_helpVarElim(id_help, HCond, nHelpV); if (reduce(id_help, std(0)) !=0 ) { return(0, p_c); } return(1, p_c); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: ord(p_F)=nNew // tests, if p_F = p_c*(y - p_a*x)^nNew for some p_a, p_c. static proc pPOfLinTest(poly p_F, int nNew, int nHelpV, ideal HCond) { poly p_Fn; poly p_c; poly p_ca; poly p_help; poly p_a; ideal id_help; p_Fn = jet(p_F, nNew, xyVector()); p_c = coefficient(p_Fn,y^nNew,y); p_ca = coefficient(p_Fn,y^(nNew-1)*x,xy)/-nNew; if (npars(basering)==1 && charstr(basering) != string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { p_a = H(nHelpV); HCond = HCond + ideal(p_ca - p_a*p_c); } else { p_help = p_ca/p_c; if (p_help * p_c == p_ca) { p_a = p_help; } else { p_a = H(nHelpV); HCond = HCond + ideal(p_ca - p_a*p_c); } } id_help = ideal(p_Fn - p_c *(y - p_a *x)^nNew); id_help = T_helpVarElim(id_help, HCond, nHelpV); if (reduce(id_help, std(0)) != 0 ) { return(0, p_F, p_c, p_a, HCond); } return(1, p_F, p_c, p_a, HCond); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eliminates the variables H(1),..,H(nHelpV) from the ideal ES + HCond static proc T_helpVarElim(ideal ES, ideal HCond, int nHelpV) { def r_old = basering; ideal qIdeal = ideal(basering); string helpStr; string minPolyStr = ""; if(minpoly != 0) { if (charstr(basering) == string(char(basering)) + "," + parstr(basering)) { minPolyStr = string(minpoly); } } string str = "ring myRing = (" + charstr(r_old) + "),(" + string(maxideal(1)) + "), (dp(" + string( nHelpV) + "), dp);"; execute (str); if (minPolyStr != "") { helpStr = "minpoly =" + minPolyStr + ";"; execute(helpStr); } ideal qIdeal = imap(r_old, qIdeal); if(qIdeal != 0) { def r_base = basering; kill myRing; qring myRing = std(qIdeal); } ideal ES = imap(r_old, ES); ideal HCond = imap(r_old, HCond); ES = ES + HCond; ES = std(ES); ES = nselect(ES,1,nHelpV); setring r_old; ES = imap (myRing,ES); return(ES); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSUME: F in K[t(1)..t(s),x,y], // the ringordering is ds // RETURNS: list l, such that // l[1]=1 if some error has occured, // l[1]=0 otherwise and then // l[2] = 1, if the deformation is equisingular and // l[2] = 0 otherwise. static proc equisingTest (poly p_F, intvec multSeq, int maxStep) { def r_old = basering; ideal id_Es = 0; int isES = 1; int step = 1; int nNew = multSeq[step]; int nOld = nNew; int zeroSteps; ideal HCond = 0; int nHelpV = 1; T_extendRing (p_F, nHelpV, HCond); poly p_c; poly p_a; while (step <= maxStep) { nOld = nNew; nNew = multSeq[step]; if (nNew < nOld) //start a new line in the HNE of F // _ _ // for the next | nold/nnew -1 | iteration steps the coefficient 'a' // in the leading form Fn = c(y-ax) should be zero { p_F = swapXY(p_F); zeroSteps = calcNZeroSteps (nOld, nNew); } isES, p_F = equimultTest (p_F, nHelpV, nNew, HCond); if (! isES) { return(0); } if (zeroSteps > 0) { zeroSteps--; isES, p_c = pPOfYTest (p_F, nHelpV, nNew, HCond); p_a = 0; } else { isES, p_F, p_c, p_a, HCond = pPOfLinTest (p_F, nNew, nHelpV, HCond); } if (! isES) { return(0); } p_F = formalBlowUp (p_F, p_c, p_a, nNew); if (p_a == H(nHelpV)) { nHelpV++; def r_base = basering; kill myRing; T_extendRing(p_F, nHelpV, HCond); kill r_base; poly p_a; poly p_c; } step++; } return(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isEquising (poly p_F, list #) "USAGE: esStratum(F[,m]); F a polynomial, m an integer ASSUME: F defines a deformation of an irreducible bivariate polynomial f and that char(basering) does not divide mult(f). If nv is the number of variables of the basering, then the first nv-2 ringvariables are the deformation parameters. If the basering is a qring, ideal(basering) must only depend on the deformation parameters. RETURN: A list l of two integers, where l[1] = 1 if F is an equisingular deformation,l[1] = 0 otherwise. l[2] = 1 if some error has occured, l[2] = 0 otherwise. If m is given, the computation stops after m steps of the iteration. NOTE: This proc uses 'execute' or calls a procedure using 'execute'. EXAMPLE: example isEquising; shows an example " { def r_user = basering; int ii = 1; int i_nvars = nvars(basering); int error = 0; int maxStep; int userMaxStep; int xNotTransversal = 0; int fIrreducible = 1; intvec multSeq; ideal isES = 1; error = checkBasering(); if (error) { return(0,1); } userMaxStep = getInput(#); // define a new basering "myRing" with new names for parameters // and variables. // The new names are 'a(1)', ..., 'a(npars)' for the parameters // and 't(1)', ..., 't(nvars-2)', 'x', 'y' for the variables. createMyRing(p_F, "ds"); createHNERing(); poly p_f = imap(myRing,p_F); error = checkPoly(p_f); if (error) { return(0,1); } // compute the multiplicity sequence of p_f. multSeq, xNotTransversal, fIrreducible = calcMultSequence(p_f); if ( ! fIrreducible) { return(list(0,1)); } setring myRing; if (xNotTransversal) { p_F = swapXY(p_F); } if (userMaxStep != -1 && userMaxStep < size(multSeq)-1) { maxStep = userMaxStep; } else { maxStep = size(multSeq)-1; } int isES = equisingTest(p_F, multSeq, maxStep); return(list(isES, error)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 11,(T,x,y),ds; poly F = (x+y)^2+y^3*T+x^7; isEquising(F); isEquising(F,1); isEquising(F,2); ideal I = ideal(T); qring q = std(I); poly F = imap(r,F); isEquising(F,2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Weiter Beispiele aus Dipl. von A. 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