# ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I ${top_srcdir}/m4 # PIPE = -pipe # ??? #LD_DYN_FLAGS = -ldl -rdynamic #SFLAGS = -fpic -DPIC #SLDFLAGS = -shared #LD_LIBC = -lc #STATIC_LDFLAGS = -static CXXTEMPLFLAGS =-ftrapv ## -fno-implicit-templates if WANT_DEBUG LIB_G=libkernel_g.la else LIB_G= endif libkernel_LTLIBRARIES = libkernel.la ${LIB_G} libkerneldir = $(libdir)/singular libkernel_la_CFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long ${PIPE} libkernel_g_la_CFLAGS = -g -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic ${PIPE} ## -pedantic libkernel_la_CXXFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) libkernel_g_la_CXXFLAGS = -g -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) # -fdiagnostics-show-option AM_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir} -I${top_builddir} -I${top_srcdir}/libpolys -I${top_builddir}/libpolys $(GMP_CFLAGS) -I${top_srcdir}/factory/include -I${top_builddir}/factory/include $(FACTORY_CFLAGS) $(NTL_CFLAGS) libkernel_la_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -DOM_NDEBUG libkernel_g_la_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H SOURCES = polys.cc febase.cc feread.cc \ hdegree.cc hilb.cc hutil.cc \ ideals.cc \ khstd.cc kstdfac.cc \ kstd1.cc kstd2.cc kutil.cc \ nc.cc sca.cc gr_kstd2.cc \ misc.cc \ fast_maps.cc \ fglmzero.cc fglmvec.cc fglmgauss.cc fglmhom.cc fglmcomb.cc \ kspoly.cc kpolys.cc \ syz.cc syz0.cc syz1.cc syz2.cc syz3.cc \ timer.cc \ GMPrat.cc multicnt.cc npolygon.cc semic.cc spectrum.cc splist.cc \ walkProc.cc walkMain.cc walkSupport.cc \ eigenval.cc units.cc \ fast_mult.cc digitech.cc \ tgb.cc tgbgauss.cc ringgb.cc f5data.cc f5lists.cc f5gb.cc f5c.cc \ ratgring.cc shiftgb.cc gfan.cc \ linearAlgebra.cc preimage.cc \ mod2.h libkernel_la_SOURCES = $(SOURCES) libkernel_g_la_SOURCES = $(SOURCES) KERNELHEADERS = mod2.h polys.h hutil.h stairc.h ideals.h \ structs.h \ syz.h \ fast_maps.h \ febase.h \ walkProc.h walkMain.h walkSupport.h\ kstdfac.h kmatrix.h\ kutil.h \ khstd.h kstd1.h \ fglm.h fglmgauss.h fglmvec.h \ GMPrat.h multicnt.h npolygon.h semic.h spectrum.h splist.h \ eigenval.h units.h \ ratgring.h shiftgb.h nc.h \ gfan.h bbcone.h bbfan.h \ preimage.h longrat.h timer.h kInline.h modulop.h fast_mult.h \ digitech.h tgb.h ringgb.h tgbgauss.h tgb_internal.h \ linearAlgebra.h \ f5c.h f5data.h f5gb.h f5lists.h libkernel_includedir =${includedir}/singular/kernel/ libkernel_include_HEADERS = $(KERNELHEADERS) if ENABLE_FACTORY USE_FACTORY = -L${top_builddir}/factory else USE_FACTORY = endif AMLDFLAGS = -L${top_builddir}/kernel -L${top_builddir}/libpolys/polys -L${top_builddir}/libpolys/coeffs -L${top_builddir}/libpolys/reporter -L${top_builddir}/libpolys/misc $(USE_FACTORY) -L${top_builddir}/omalloc -L${top_builddir}/findexec ### TODO: the following has to be addapted... TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = SINGULARPATH='${abs_top_builddir}/libpolys/polys/.libs:${abs_top_builddir}/factory/gftables' TESTS_ENVIRONMENT += SINGULAR_ROOT_DIR='${abs_top_builddir}' if WANT_DEBUG TESTS = test-s-g test-s-r test-d-g test-d-r else TESTS = test-s-r test-d-r endif check_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS) test_s_r_CFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer ${PIPE} test_s_g_CFLAGS = ${PIPE} test_s_r_CXXFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) test_s_g_CXXFLAGS = -g -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) testsources = test.cc test_s_r_SOURCES = $(testsources) test_s_g_SOURCES = $(testsources) test_s_r_LDADD = -lkernel -lpolys -lcoeffs -lreporter -lmisc $(FACTORY_LIBS) -lomalloc -lfindexec $(NTL_LIBS) $(GMP_LIBS) ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLDFLAGS} ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLD} test_s_g_LDADD = -lkernel_g -lpolys_g -lcoeffs_g -lreporter_g -lmisc_g $(FACTORY_LIBS) -lomalloc_g -lfindexec_g $(NTL_LIBS) $(GMP_LIBS) ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLDFLAGS} ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLD} test_s_r_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -DOM_NDEBUG test_s_g_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H test_s_r_LDFLAGS = -static ${AMLDFLAGS} test_s_g_LDFLAGS = -static ${AMLDFLAGS} test_d_r_CFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer ${PIPE} test_d_g_CFLAGS = ${PIPE} test_d_r_CXXFLAGS = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) test_d_g_CXXFLAGS = -g -Wextra -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic ${PIPE} $(CXXTEMPLFLAGS) test_d_r_SOURCES = $(testsources) test_d_g_SOURCES = $(testsources) test_d_r_LDADD = -lkernel -lpolys -lcoeffs -lreporter -lmisc $(FACTORY_LIBS) -lomalloc -lfindexec $(NTL_LIBS) $(GMP_LIBS) ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLDFLAGS} ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLD} test_d_g_LDADD = -lkernel_g -lpolys_g -lcoeffs_g -lreporter_g -lmisc_g $(FACTORY_LIBS) -lomalloc_g -lfindexec_g $(NTL_LIBS) $(GMP_LIBS) ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLDFLAGS} ${USEPPROCSDYNAMICLD} test_d_r_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -DOM_NDEBUG test_d_g_CPPFLAGS = ${AM_CPPFLAGS} -DHAVE_CONFIG_H test_d_r_LDFLAGS = ${AMLDFLAGS} test_d_g_LDFLAGS = ${AMLDFLAGS} # These files are built first # BUILT_SOURCES = MOD # MOD: ${top_builddir}/libpolys/tests/MOD # ln -snf ${top_builddir}/libpolys/tests/MOD ${builddir}/MOD CLEANFILES = $(TESTS) # $(BUILT_SOURCES)