/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version integralbasis.lib Jul_2022 "; // $Id$ category="Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: integralbasis.lib Integral basis in algebraic function fields AUTHORS: J. Boehm, boehm at mathematik.uni-kl.de W. Decker, decker at mathematik.uni-kl.de S. Laplagne, slaplagn at dm.uba.ar G. Pfister, pfister at mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: Given an irreducible polynomial f in two variables defining a plane curve, this library implements algorithms for computing an integral basis of the integral closure of the affine coordinate ring in the algebraic function field.@* PROCEDURES: integralBasis(f, intVar, list #); Integral basis of an algebraic function field polyDK(int d, int k, list #); Polynomial with an ordinary multiple point at the origin monic(poly f); Makes a polynomial monic henselGlobal(poly f, poly g, poly h, int order); Splits a polynomial using Hensel lifting "; LIB "normal.lib"; LIB "locnormal.lib"; LIB "assprimeszerodim.lib"; LIB "puiseuxexpansions.lib"; LIB "classify.lib"; // For init_debug() and debug_log() procedures /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc integralBasis(poly f, int intVar, list #) "USAGE: integralBasis(f, intVar); f irreducible polynomial in two variables, intVar integer indicating that the intVar-th variable of the ring is the integral element.@* The base ring must be a ring in two variables, and the polynomial f must be monic as polynomial in the intVar-th variable.@* Optional parameters in list choose (can be entered in any order):@* Algorithm:@* - \"normal\" -> the integral basis is computed using the general normalization algorithm.@* - \"hensel\" -> the integral bases is computed using an algorithm based on Puiseux expansions and Hensel lifting. (only available for polynomials with rational coefficients; default option in that case)@* Options for normal algorithm:@* - \"global\" -> computes the normalization of R / and puts the results in integral basis shape.@* - \"local\" -> computes the normalization at each component of the singular locus of R/ and puts everything together. (Default option for normal algorithm.) @*Other options:@* - \"modular\" -> uses modular algorithms for computing Groebner bases, radicals and decompositions whenever possible. Can be used together with any of the other options. The ground field must have characteristic 0. (Default option for ground fields of characteristic 0.)@* - \"nonModular\" -> do not uses modular algorithms. (Default option for ground fields of positive charecteristic.)@* - \"atOrigin\" -> will compute the local contribution to the integral basis at the origin only (naturally, this contribution is only relevant if the curve defined by f has a singularity at the origin).@* - \"isIrred\" -> assumes that the input polynomial f is irreducible, and therefore will not check this. If this option is given but f is not irreducible, the output might be wrong.@* - list(\"inputJ\", ideal inputJ) -> takes as initial test ideal the ideal inputJ. This option is only for use in other procedures. Using this option, the result might not be the integral basis. (When this option is given, the global option will be used.)@* - list(\"inputC\", ideal inputC) -> takes as initial conductor the ideal inputC. This option is only for use in other procedures. Using this option, the result might not be the integral basis. (When this option is given, the global option will be used.)@* - \"locBasis\" -> when computing the integral basis at a prime or primary component, it computes a local basis, that is, a basis that is integral only over the ring localized at the component. This option is only valid when \"atOrigin\" is chosen or an initial test ideal or conductor is given.@* RETURN: a list, say l, of size 2. l[1] is an ideal I and l[2] is a polynomial D such that the integral basis is b_0 = I[1] / D, b_1 = I[2] / D, ..., b_{n-1} = I[n] / D.@* That is, the integral closure of k[x] in the algebraic function field k(x,y) is @* k[x] b_0 + k[x] b_1 + ... + k[x] b_{n-1},@* where we assume that x is the transcendental variable, y is the integral element (indicated by intVar), f gives the integral equation and n is the degree of f as a polynomial in y.@* THEORY: We compute the integral basis of the integral closure of k[x] in k(x,y). When option \"normal\" is selected, the normalization of the affine ring k[x,y]/ is computed using procedure normal from normal.lib, which implements a general algorithm for normalization of rings by G. Greuel, S. Laplagne and F. Seelisch, and the k[x,y]-module generators are converted into a k[x]-basis. When option \"Hensel\" is selected, the algorithm by J. Boehm, W. Decker, S. Laplagne and G. Pfister is used. @* KEYWORDS: integral basis; normalization. SEE ALSO: normal. EXAMPLE: example integralBasis; shows an example " { int i; ideal inputJ = 0; // Initial test ideal (local approach) ideal inputC = 0; // Initial conductor ideal (local approach) string strategy = "local"; // The default strategy is "local" string algorithm = "hensel"; // The default algorithm is "hensel" string compType = ""; ideal compo = 0; // Modular algorithms // The default is not using modular algorithms int modular; if(char(basering) > 0) { modular = 0; } else { modular = 0; } int useRotation = 0; int checkIrred = 1; // Checks if the input polynomial is irreducible int locBasis = 0; // The default is to compute a non-local basis int dbg = printlevel - voice + 2; int check0 = 0; //int check0 = 1; //--------------------------- read the input options--------------------------- for ( i=1; i <= size(#); i++ ) { if ( typeof(#[i]) == "string" ) { if (#[i]=="normal"){ algorithm = "normal"; } if (#[i]=="hensel"){ algorithm = "hensel"; } if (#[i]=="local"){ strategy = "local"; } if (#[i]=="global"){ strategy = "global"; } if (#[i]=="modular"){ modular = 1; } if (#[i]=="nonModular"){ modular = 0; } // Not implemented // if (#[i]=="rotation"){ // useRotation = 1; // } // if (#[i]=="noRotation"){ // useRotation = 0; // } if (#[i]=="atOrigin"){ compType = "inputJ"; check0 = 0; // Do not check at the origin compo = maxideal(1); strategy = "atCompo"; // Computes only the local contribution at compo } if (#[i]=="check0"){ check0 = 1; } if (#[i]=="noCheck0"){ check0 = 0; } if (#[i]=="locBasis"){ locBasis = 1; } if (#[i]=="isIrred"){ checkIrred = 0; } } if(typeof(#[i]) == "list") { if(size(#[i]) == 2) { if (#[i][1]=="inputJ") { if((typeof(#[i][2]) == "ideal") or (typeof(#[i][2]) == "poly")) { if(!isZeroIdeal(#[i][2])) { // Computes only the local contribution at inputJ compType = "inputJ"; compo = #[i][2]; strategy = "atCompo"; dbprint(dbg, "// Ideal J read from the input parameters."); } } } } if (#[i][1]=="inputC") { if(size(#[i]) == 2) { if((typeof(#[i][2]) == "ideal") or (typeof(#[i][2]) == "poly")) { if(!isZeroIdeal(#[i][2])) { // Computes only the local contribution at inputC strategy = "atCompo"; if(algorithm != "normal") { compType = "inputJ"; compo = radical(#[i][2]); dbprint(dbg, "Ideal J read from the input parameters. (The radical of the conductor is used.)"); } else { compType = "inputC"; compo = #[i][2]; dbprint(dbg, "Ideal C read from the input parameters."); } } } } } } } //--------------------------- preliminary checks ------------------------------ // The ring must have two variables. if(nvars(basering) != 2){ ERROR("The base ring must be a ring in two variables."); } // intVar must be either 1 or 2. if((intVar < 0) || (intVar > 2)){ ERROR("The second parameter intVar must be either 1 or 2, indicating the integral variable."); } // No parameters or algebraic numbers are allowed. if(npars(basering) >0){ ERROR("No parameters or algebraic extensions are allowed in the base ring."); } // The polynomial f must be monic in the intVar-th variable. matrix cs = coeffs(f, var(intVar)); if(cs[size(cs),1] != 1){ ERROR("The input polynomial must be monic as a polynomial in the intVar-th variable."); } // The polynomial f must be irreducible. if(checkIrred == 1) { if(factorize(f)[2] != [1,1]) { ERROR("The input polynomial must be irreducible."); } } // If the integral variable is the first one, we change the order of the // variables. if(intVar == 1) { def R = basering; list rl = ringlist(R); def temp = rl[2][1]; rl[2][1] = rl[2][2]; rl[2][2] = temp; def S = ring(rl); setring S; poly f = imap(R, f); ideal compo = imap(R, compo); } // We check if the only singularity is at the origin. //check0 = 0; if(check0 == 1) { dbprint(dbg,"Check at origin"); int c0 = checkAt0(f, modular); if(c0 == 1) { compType = "inputJ"; compo = maxideal(1); strategy = "atCompo"; // Computes only the local contribution at compo } else { } } //--------------------- computing the integral basis -------------------------- dbprint(dbg, "Computing the integral basis..."); list ib = integralBasisMain(f, strategy, algorithm, modular, compType, compo, locBasis, useRotation); ideal num = ib[1]; poly den = ib[2]; dbprint(dbg, "Integral basis computation finished."); //--------------------- computation finished ---------------------------------- // We reverse the change in the order of the variables. if(intVar == 1) { setring R; ideal num = imap(S, num); poly den = imap(S, den); list ib = num, den; } return(cancelCF(ib)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; printlevel = printlevel+1; echo = 2; ring s = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = y5-y4x+4y2x2-x4; list l = integralBasis(f, 2); l; // The integral basis of the integral closure of Q[x] in Q(x,y) consists // of the elements of l[1] divided by the polynomial l[2]. echo = 0; printlevel = printlevel-1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc integralBasisMain(poly f, string strategy, string algorithm, int modular, string compType, ideal compo, int locBasis, int useRotation) // Computes the integral basis of R/. // The integral variable is always the second variable. { int dbg = printlevel - voice + 3; int i, j; int norToInt = 1; // Indicates if a conversion from normalization to // integral basis is needed. int newRing = 0; // If newRing = 1, a new ring with dp ordering was used. list ib; def origR = basering; ideal normalGen; poly D; //--------------------- moving to a ring with dp ordering --------------------- string s = ordstr(origR); if(s[1,2] != "dp") { // We change to dp ordering. list rl = ringlist(origR); list origOrd = rl[3]; int jj = attrib(origR,"maxExp"); list newOrd = list("dp", intvec(1:nvars(origR))), list("C", 0), list("L", jj); rl[3] = newOrd; def R = ring(rl); setring R; poly f = fetch(origR, f); ideal compo = fetch(origR, compo); ideal normalGen; poly D; newRing = 1; } else { def R = basering; } //-------------------------------- basic data --------------------------------- // The degree of f with respect to the variable intVar int n = size(coeffs(f, var(2))) - 1; // If the integral variable is the first, then the universal denominator // must be a polynomial in the second variable (and viceversa). // In this proc, the integral variables is always the second one. string conduStr = "var1"; list opts = conduStr; //------------------------- computes the integral basis ----------------------- ideal I = f; int needRed = 1; if(strategy == "atCompo") { norToInt = 0; if(algorithm == "normal") { // Computes the integral basis at the component via normalization opts = insert(opts, list(compType, compo)); if(locBasis == 1) { "Warning: local basis are not implemented for the normalization algorithm. The output will be a global basis. Use Hensel algorithm instead for computing local basis."; } ib = normal(I, opts)[2]; if(size(ib) > 1){ ERROR("The input polynomial is not irreducible."); } normalGen = ib[1]; D = normalGen[size(normalGen)]; } else { // Computes the integral basis at the component via puiseux expansions ib = ibLocal(f, compo, locBasis, useRotation); normalGen = ib[1]; D = ib[2]; } } else { if(strategy == "local") { // Computes the integral basis my glueing together the local // contrubutions //"_DEBUG_ integralLocal"; ib = integralLocal(I, modular, algorithm, useRotation, opts); normalGen = ib[1]; D = ib[2]; // The universal denominator norToInt = ib[3]; needRed = ib[4]; } else { // Computes the global integral basis from the global normalization // This can be changed to locNormal if "var1" is implemented in locNormal ib = normal(I, opts)[2]; normalGen = ib[1]; D = normalGen[size(normalGen)]; } } //Debug information if(dbg >= 10) { "--Generators of the normalization."; "----Numerator:"; normalGen; "----Denominator: ", D; } //--------------- computes the integral basis from the normalization ---------- int ttt = timer; // Merging the components debug_log_intbas(5, "norToInt: ", norToInt); if(norToInt == 1) { // We define a new ring where the integral variable is the first (needed for // reduction) and has the appropiate ordering. dbprint(dbg, "--Computing the integral basis from the normalization..."); int needGroeb = 0; // When all the components are already integral basis, no full groebner basis is needed. list outp = normToInt(f, normalGen, D, needGroeb); } else { list outp = normalGen, normalGen[1]; } debug_log_intbas(2, "----Time for merging: ", timer-ttt); // Back to the original ring if needed if(newRing == 1) { setring origR; list outp; outp[1] = fetch(R, normalGen); outp[2] = outp[1][1]; } return(outp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the integral basis by localizing at the different components of // the singular locus. // The main procedure for the computation of the local approach is ibLocal static proc integralLocal(ideal I, int modular, string algorithm, int useRotation, list #) { int i, ii; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; int locBasis = 0; // This is a global procedure. def R = basering; poly f = I[1]; list norOut; // Output of proc normal ideal norT; // Temporary data. ideal norT0; poly denomT; // Temporary data. poly condu; poly conduT; // Temporary data ideal nor; // Output of normal with the denominator changed to the // common denominator. ideal res; // The full integral basis int good; //--------------------------- read the input options--------------------------- int denomOption = 0; for ( i=1; i <= size(#); i++ ) { if ( typeof(#[i]) == "string" ) { if (#[i]=="var1") {denomOption = 1;} if (#[i]=="var2") {denomOption = 2;} } } //------------------------ singular locus computation ------------------------- ideal J = f, diff(f, var(1)), diff(f, var(2)); if(dbg >= 4) { "The original singular locus is"; J; } if(isOneIdeal(J)) { list out = trivialBasis(f); return(list(out[1], out[2], 0, 0)); } //------------------- components of the singular locus------------------------ int t = timer; //if(algorithm == "normal") //{ // dbprint(dbg, "--Computing the primary decomposition of the singular locus..."); // list pd = primdecGTZ(J); //} else { dbprint(dbg, "--Computing the associated primes of the singular locus..."); if(modular == 1) { dbprint(dbg, " (Using modular algorithm.)"); list pd = assPrimes(J); } else { dbprint(dbg, " (Using non-modular algorithm.)"); list pd = minAssGTZ(J); } //} //"Time assoc primes: ", timer - t; debug_log_intbas(2, "----Decomposition time:", timer - t); dbprint(dbg-2, "----The number of components of the Singular Locus is ", size(pd)); dbprint(dbg-4, "--Components of the Singular Locus:", pd); // The following commented lines are not needed for integral basis, since // all components are maximal. // Computes the maximal components and the components included in them //list comps = maxComps(pd); // For each maximal component, it intersects all the components included in it //list locs = intersectList(comps); //------------------- normalization of each component-------------------------- ideal compo; poly cofactD, cofactC; string compType; dbprint(dbg, "--Computing the integral basis at each component..."); ideal tmp_denomT=std(denomT); for(i = 1; i <= size(pd); i++){ if(debug_lvl() >= 2){ t = timer; } if(dbg >= 2){ t = timer; } good = 0; // If algorithm == "new", we try to use the new algorithm. //if((algorithm == "hensel") or (algorithm == "hoeij")) //{ // We localize at the prime components. compType = "inputJ"; compo = pd[i]; //} else //{ // We use the primary components given by primdecGTZ as conductor in the // normalization. // We need to have the denominator in the transcendental variable. This // is indicated in #. // compType = "inputC"; // compo = pd[i][1]; //} dbprint(dbg, "----Computing the integral basis of component ", i); dbprint(dbg, "----Component: "); if(dbg>=1){compo;} norOut = intBasisComp(f, compType, compo, algorithm, locBasis, useRotation, #); norT = norOut[1]; denomT = norOut[2]; // If the denominator is not a polynomial in x we change it. if(deg(denomT, intvec(0,1)) > 0) { ideal PLex = yInTermOfx(compo); poly px = PLex[1]; poly newCondu = xCondu(px, norOut, I); //"Old conductor: ", denomT; //"New conductor: ", newCondu; ideal norOutF = changeDenominatorFast(norOut[1], norOut[2], newCondu, I); norOut[1] = norOutF; norOut[2] = newCondu; norT = norOut[1]; denomT = norOut[2]; } if(size(pd)>1) { // We can remove redudant elements considering the generators as an ideal // because the powers of Y will be added again later for merging // the bases for the different components. for(ii = 2; ii <= ncols(norT); ii++) { norT[ii] = reduce(norT[ii],tmp_denomT); } //norT = groebner(norT); norT = norT + 0; // Eliminate 0's in the ideal } //dbprint(dbg - 3, "------Normalization of component ", i, " output: ", norOut[1]); dbprint(dbg - 3, "------Normalization of component ", i, " output: ", norT); dbprint(dbg - 3, "------Denominator: ", denomT); debug_log_intbas(2, "----Normalization of component ", i, " time: ", timer - t); // We add up the normalizations at each localization, to construct the // normalization of the whole ideal. // We change the denominator of the normalization of the localized ring, // to have the same denominator for all the normalizations. //"The denominator is ", denomT; //"The denominator is changed to ", condu; // We compute the denominator as the lcm of the denominators. conduT = condu; if(condu != 0) { condu = lcm(condu, denomT); cofactD = condu / denomT; cofactC = condu / conduT; if(dbg >= 2) { "----Changing the denominator..."; if(dbg >= 4) { " from ", denomT, " to ", condu; } } nor = norT * cofactD; res = res * cofactC; // We can also use changeDenominator, but it is slower. // nor = changeDenominator(norT, denomT, condu, I); // res = changeDenominator(res, conduT, condu, I); } else { condu = denomT; nor = norT; } // We sum the result to the previous results. if(size(res)>0) { res = res, nor; } else { res = nor; } } // needRed indicates if reduction is needed to compute the full integral basis. // When the local basis are already local integral basis, no reduction is needed. int needRed; if(algorithm == "normal") { needRed = 1; } else { needRed = 0; } if((size(pd) == 1) and (algorithm != "normal")) { // Only one prime component in the singular locus, no need to // merge the compontens together. int norToInt = 0; ideal num = norT; poly den = denomT; } else { dbprint(dbg, "--Putting all the components together..."); ideal num = res; poly den = condu; int norToInt = 1; } // The output follows the output of proc normal, but we don't return the // ring structure, only the generators. (We return 0 instead of the ring.) return(list(num, den, norToInt, needRed)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Integral basis localized at a component. static proc intBasisComp(poly f, string compType, ideal compo, string algorithm, int locBasis, int useRotation, list #) { int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; int good = 0; list nor; ideal norT; poly denomT; // If algorithm == "hensel", we use the new algorithm. if(algorithm == "hensel"){ nor = ibLocal(f, compo, locBasis, useRotation); if(size(nor) != 0){ norT = nor[1]; denomT = nor[2]; good = 1; } else { dbprint(dbg, "Using the normalization algorithm."); } } // If not, or if the new algorithm did not succeed, we use normal. if(good == 0){ // # indicate which is the transcendental variable. list opts = insert(#, list(compType, compo)); ideal I = f; nor = normal(I, opts)[2]; if(size(nor) > 1){ ERROR("The input polynomial is not irreducible."); } norT = nor[1]; denomT = norT[size(norT)]; } return(list(norT, denomT)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts generators for the normalization into integral basis shape // The third parameter indicates the variable for the integral basis // It computes an element in the conductor in that variable. static proc normToIntJacob(ideal U, poly den, poly v, poly f) { ideal jac = jacob(f); ideal elimJ = elim(jac, v); poly dJ = elimJ[1]; intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); ideal PP = changeDenominatorFast(U, den, dJ, f); list l = normToInt(f, PP, dJ, 1); option(set,opt); return(l); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc cancelCF(list IB) "USAGE: cancelCF(IB); IB list of type returned by integralBasis RETURN: list of same type with common factor cancelled. KEYWORDS: greatest common divisor. " { int l = size(IB[1]); poly GrCoDi = IB[2]; int k = l; while((GrCoDi != 1) && (k >=1)) { GrCoDi = gcd(GrCoDi,IB[1][k]); k = k-1; } if(GrCoDi != 1) { for(k = 1; k <= l; k++) { IB[1][k] = IB[1][k]/GrCoDi; } IB[2] = IB[2]/GrCoDi; } return(IB); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts generators for the normalization into integral basis shape static proc normToInt(poly f, ideal normalGen, poly D, int needGroeb) { int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); f = reduce(f, std(D)); dbprint(dbg, "--Computing the integral basis from the normalization..."); int needRed = 1; int i, j; intvec vy = (0, 1); int n = deg(f, vy); int t; // We define a new ring where the integral variable is the first (needed for // reduction) and has the appropiate ordering. def R = basering; list rl = ringlist(R); rl[2] = list(var(2), var(1)); rl[3] = list(list("C", 0), list("lp", intvec(1,1))); def S = ring(rl); setring S; intvec vyS = (1, 0); // We map the elements in the previous ring to the new one poly f = imap(R, f); poly D = imap(R, D); ideal normalGen = imap(R, normalGen); //needGroeb = 1; if(needGroeb == 1) { t = timer; ideal ID2 = normalGen, f, D; normalGen= groebner(ID2); debug_log_intbas(3, "----Time for groebner base of generators: ", timer - t); } t = timer; // We create the system of generatos y^i*f_j. list l; poly p; if(needRed == 1) { dbprint(dbg - 1, "----Reduction..."); ideal red = std(f); poly pRed; for(j = 1; j <= ncols(normalGen); j++) { l[j] = reduce(normalGen[j], red); // REDUCTION NEEDED? if(size(D) == 1) { pRed = reduce(l[j], std(D)); if(deg(l[j], vyS) == deg(pRed, vyS)) { l[j] = pRed; } } } int sl = size(l); poly pc; for(j = 1; j <= sl; j++) { p = l[j]; if(p != 0) { for(i = 1; i < n-deg(l[j], vyS); i++) { p = p * var(1); // REDUCTION NEEDED? if(size(D) == 1) { pRed = reduce(p, std(D)); if(deg(p, vyS) == deg(pRed, vyS)) { p = pRed; } } l[size(l)+1] = p; } } } } else { dbprint(dbg - 1, "----No reduction needed."); ideal red = std(f); for(j = 1; j <= ncols(normalGen); j++) { l[j] = reduce(normalGen[j], red); } } debug_log_intbas(2, "------Time for reduction: ", timer - t); // To eliminate the redundant elements, we look at the polynomials as // elements of a free module where the coordinates are the coefficients // of the polynomials regarded as polynomials in y. // The groebner basis of the module generated by these elements // gives the desired basis. matrix vecs[n + 1][size(l)]; matrix coeffi[n + 1][2]; for(i = 1; i<= size(l); i++) { coeffi = coeffs(l[i], var(1)); vecs[1..nrows(coeffi), i] = coeffi[1..nrows(coeffi), 1]; } module M = vecs; dbprint(dbg - 1, "----Triangulating..."); int tt = timer; M = std(M); debug_log_intbas(2, "------Time for std(M): ", timer - tt); // We go back to the original ring. setring R; module M = imap(S, M); tt = timer; // We go back from the module to the ring in two variables matrix YY[1][n+1]; for(j = 0; j <= n; j++) { YY[1, j+1] = var(2)^j; } ideal G = YY * M; tt = timer; // Clear common x factor poly ggcd = D; for(i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) { ggcd = gcd(ggcd, G[i]); } G = G / ggcd; D = D / ggcd; // The first element in the output is the ideal of numerators. // The second element is the denominator. list outp = G, D; debug_log_intbas(2, "------Time for triangulation: ", timer - tt); option(set,opt); return(outp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The new algorithm // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the integral basis of R[y]/f, with R = k[x] localized at // the x coordinates of the points in P. // It uses the algorithm by Boehm, Decker, Laplagne, Pfister. // If locBasis = 1, it doesnt take into account the the unit from f // after localization static proc ibLocal(poly f, ideal P, int locBasis, int useRotation){ int dbg = printlevel - voice + 2; P = groebner(P); if(dbg - 1 > 0) { "Computing the integral basis at P = "; P; } int i,j; int li; int moved; poly fT; def R = basering; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); intvec vy = (0,1); intvec vx = (1,0); ideal PLex = yInTermOfx(P); poly px = PLex[1]; poly py = PLex[size(PLex)]; py = monic(py); // This special case implements the Remark on the paper // on an alternative approach without coordinate change useRotation = 0; //"useRotation: ", useRotation; if(useRotation == 0) { // Case: rational x-coordinate and non-rational y-coordinate. // We treat this as a special case, so that no coordinate change is used. if((deg(py, vy) > 1) and (deg(px) <= 1)) { dbprint(dbg, "Case: non-rational y-coordinate."); // We move the singularities to x = 0. fT = moveToVar(f, px, x); // We compute the integral basis. list ib = ibNonRatY(fT, py, locBasis); //"ib: ", ib; // If the integral basis was not computed, we return an empty list. // Else, we map back the output to the original x coordinate. if(size(ib) == 0) { return(list()); } else { for(i = 1; i <= size(ib[1]); i++) { ib[1][i] = moveFromVar(ib[1][i], px, x); } ib[2] = moveFromVar(ib[2], px, x); return(ib); } } } // This is the general case of non-rational coordinates. if((deg(px) > 1) or (deg(py, vy) > 1)) { dbprint(dbg, "Case: non-rational xy-coordinates."); // If needed, we make a coord change so that y in terms of x has // degree 1. poly fCh = f; if(deg(py,vy) > 1) { // The degree in y is > 1, hence there are singularities with // the same x-coordinate. dbprint(dbg, "Conjugated singularities with same x-coordinate."); dbprint(dbg, "Linear coordinate change needed."); li = 1; poly linCh = x; poly invCh = x; ideal PCh = P; while(((li < 20) and (deg(py,vy) > 1)) or (isXMonic(f)==0)){ linCh = linCh + y; invCh = invCh - y; fCh = subst(f, x, x + y); PCh = subst(PCh, x, x + y); PLex = yInTermOfx(PCh); px = PLex[1]; py = PLex[size(PLex)]; li++; } if(li == 20){ // No appropiate coordinate change was found. We return an empty // list. "No appropiate coordinate change found. Procedure failed."; return(list()); } else { dbprint(dbg, "Coordinate change applied: x ->", linCh); } fCh = monic(fCh); py = monic(py); } else { dbprint(dbg, "No conjugated singularities with same x-coordinate."); dbprint(dbg, "No coordinate change needed."); } dbprint(dbg, ""); // We compute the integral basis. list ib = ibNonRatXY(fCh, px, py, locBasis); if(li > 0) { dbprint(dbg, "Integral basis for the transformed polynomial: "); dbprint(dbg, ib); dbprint(dbg, "px: ", px); dbprint(dbg, "py: ", py); dbprint(dbg, "invch: ", invCh); } // If we applied a linar coordinate change, we apply the inverse // transformation if(li > 0) { for(i = 1; i <= size(ib); i++){ ib[i][1] = subst(ib[i][1], x, invCh); } px = subst(px, x, invCh); } dbprint(dbg, "ibLocal - Convert to integral basis shape: ", ib, px); ib = convertIB(ib, px); if(li > 0) { ib = normToIntJacob(ib[1], ib[2], y, f); } dbprint(dbg, "ibLocal - Output of convertIB: ", ib, px); return(ib); } // Case of rational coordinates. if(deg(py)*deg(px) == 1){ dbprint(dbg, "Case: rational coordinates."); // Hensel algorithm is used in this case. moved = 0; if((px != x) || (py != y)) { fT = moveTo(f, px, py); moved = 1; } else { fT = f; } ideal ibN = ibAt0(fT, locBasis); if(size(ibN) == 0){ return(list()); } else { if(moved == 1) { for(i = 1; i <= size(ibN); i++){ ibN[i] = moveFrom(ibN[i], px, py); } } list ib = list(ibN, ibN[1]); return(ib); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Procs for handling different kind of singularities // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the integral basis of R[y]/f, with R = k[x] localized at x=0. // It uses the algorithm by Boehm, Decker, Laplagne, Pfister. // If locBasis = 1, it doesnt take into account the the unit from f // after localization static proc ibAt0(poly f, int locBasis) { int t; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; int tt = timer; poly outComp; // The component outside the origin. list b; def R = basering; int slN, slD, bestSl; int i, j, k; intvec vy = (0,1); intvec vx = (1,0); poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); int n = deg(f, vy); // Degree of the component outside the origin poly f0 = subst(f, var(1), 0); int d0 = divideBy(f0, var(2))[2]; int d1 = n - d0; debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time preliminars: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; // Starting exponents and minimal polynomials of the Puiseux expansions // Puiseux expansions at the origin dbprint(dbg, "--Computing Puiseux expansions at the origin..."); // puiseux(poly f, int maxDeg, int atOrigin) list l = puiseux(f, -1, 1); //"puiseux expansion: ", l; //~; debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time puiseux expansions: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; int totDeg = getTotalDeg(l); list classes = getClasses(l); //if(dbg > 5) //{ // "Puiseux branches: "; classes; //} // We compute the building blocks of the basis elements dbprint(dbg, "--Building factors of different degrees..."); list bF = buildFactors(classes); //"Factors: "; bF; debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for the factors: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; list slopes = getSlopes(classes); intvec md = getDegs(classes); // Tables of vanishing order of diferences of puiseux expansions dbprint(dbg, "--Computing vanishing orders..."); matrix M = valIK(classes); list vS = valIKSelf(bF, md); list MSelf = vS[1]; list bestElem = vS[2]; // The highest exponent of the denominator if(size(classes) > 1) { b = ibElement(M, MSelf, d0 - 1, md); number maxExp = b[1]; intvec elem = b[2]; } else { if(d0 > 1) { number maxExp = MSelf[1][size(MSelf[1])]; intvec elem = d0-1; } else { // This should never happen, unless we have a non-singular point? number maxExp = 0; intvec elem = 0; } } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for factors info: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; dbprint(dbg, "--Building HenselBlocks..."); int degExpand = int(maxExp) + 1; dbprint(dbg, "---- Degree of expansions: ", degExpand); // Computing hensel blocks... list I2Lifted = henselBlocks(f, degExpand, 1); debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time Hensel Blocks: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RECOMPUTE CLASSES USING HENSEL BLOCKS // SO THAT THEY ARE COMPUTED IN THE SAME ORDER // FIX THIS SO THAT THEY ARE ALWAYS COMPUTED IN THE SAME ORDER AS // THE HENSEL BLOCKS // if((size(classes) > 1) && (1==0)) list blocks; // Indicates to which block belongs each class of expansions if((size(classes) > 1)) { list classesNew; list classesTemp; int clInd = 1; for(i = 1; i <= size(I2Lifted)-1; i++) { //l = puiseux(I2Lifted[i+1], -1, 1); // This is slower, many unneeded terms, we should develop only // until they become different. FIX! // (or even better, dont recompute but correct blocks in the correct order!) //l = puiseux(I2Lifted[i+1], degExpand, 1); l = puiseux(I2Lifted[i+1], -1, 1); classesTemp = getClasses(l); for(j = clInd; j <= clInd + size(classesTemp) - 1; j++) { blocks[j] = i; } classesNew = classesNew + classesTemp; clInd = clInd + size(classesTemp); } classes = classesNew; dbprint(dbg, "Building factors of different degrees..."); bF = buildFactors(classes); slopes = getSlopes(classes); md = getDegs(classes); // Tables of vanishing order of diferences of puiseux expansions dbprint(dbg, "Computing vanishing orders..."); M = valIK(classes); vS = valIKSelf(bF, md); MSelf = vS[1]; bestElem = vS[2]; debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for recomputation: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; } else { // Only one block with one class of expansions blocks[1] = 1; } // RECOMPUTATION FINISHED /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //dbprint(dbg, "Output of Hensel Blocks: "); //dbprint(dbg, I2Lifted); int cl; int nClasses; nClasses = size(classes); // ordsFull gives the order of each polynomial in I2Lifted at the other conjugacy classes. matrix ordsFull[size(I2Lifted) -1][nClasses]; for(i = 1; i <= size(I2Lifted) - 1; i++) { for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { if(i != cl) { ordsFull[i, cl] = ordAtPol(I2Lifted[i+1], classes[cl][1]); } } } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for ordFull: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; list ordsBest; list ordsTemp; for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { ordsBest[cl] = list(); for(i = 1; i <= size(bestElem); i++) { ordsTemp = list(); for(j = 1; j <= size(bestElem[i]); j++) { ordsTemp[j] = ordAtPol(bestElem[i][j], classes[cl][1]); } ordsBest[cl][i] = ordsTemp; } } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for ordsBest: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; int mdm = 0; int mdmTemp; for(i = 1; i <= nClasses; i++) { mdmTemp = maxDegMerge(n, i, locBasis, d0, M, MSelf, md, classes, I2Lifted, bestElem, ordsFull, ordsBest); //"mdmTemp = ", mdmTemp; mdm = maxInt(mdm, mdmTemp); } tt = timer; if(printlevel - voice > 0) { "Maximum degree required for merging: ", mdm; } list ifOut = irreducibleFactors(f, classes, blocks, mdm); list I2LiftedFull = ifOut[1]; // The classes are reordered in the same order as the irreducible factors classes = ifOut[5]; if((ifOut[4] == 1)) // Wrong number of factors, recompute orders { kill ordsFull; kill ordsBest; kill ordsTemp; matrix ordsFull[size(I2LiftedFull) -1][nClasses]; for(i = 1; i <= size(I2LiftedFull) - 1; i++) { for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { if(i != cl) { ordsFull[i, cl] = ordAtPol(I2LiftedFull[i+1], classes[cl][1]); } } } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for ordFull: ", timer - tt); tt = timer; list ordsBest; list ordsTemp; for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { ordsBest[cl] = list(); for(i = 1; i <= size(bestElem); i++) { ordsTemp = list(); for(j = 1; j <= size(bestElem[i]); j++) { ordsTemp[j] = ordAtPol(bestElem[i][j], classes[cl][1]); } ordsBest[cl][i] = ordsTemp; } } } if(ifOut[3] == 0) { "Classes are wrongly computed. We need to recompute!"; list mergeCl = mergeClassesIF(f, classes, ifOut, mdm); classes = mergeCl[1]; ifOut = mergeCl[2]; slopes = getSlopes(classes); md = getDegs(classes); ifOut = irreducibleFactors(f, classes, blocks, mdm); if(ifOut[3] == 0) { "Recomputation unsuccesfull. Output may be wrong."; } else { "Recomputation succesfull. "; } I2LiftedFull = ifOut[1]; // Check if needed or can be obtained from I2LiftedFull bF = buildFactors(classes); // Recomputation of classes info // Code should be reused // Tables of vanishing order of diferences of puiseux expansions dbprint(dbg, "Computing vanishing orders..."); M = valIK(classes); vS = valIKSelf(bF, md); MSelf = vS[1]; bestElem = vS[2]; nClasses = size(classes); kill ordsFull, ordsBest, ordsTemp; matrix ordsFull[size(I2Lifted) -1][nClasses]; list ordsBest; list ordsTemp; for(i = 1; i <= size(I2LiftedFull) - 1; i++) { for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { if(i != cl) { ordsFull[i, cl] = ordAtPol(I2LiftedFull[i+1], classes[cl][1]); } } } for(cl = 1; cl <= nClasses; cl++) { ordsBest[cl] = list(); for(i = 1; i <= size(bestElem); i++) { ordsTemp = list(); for(j = 1; j <= size(bestElem[i]); j++) { ordsTemp[j] = ordAtPol(bestElem[i][j], classes[cl][1]); } ordsBest[cl][i] = ordsTemp; } } //debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for recomputation: ", timer - tt); } ideal tmp_var_mdm=std(var(1)^mdm); for(i = 1; i <= size(I2LiftedFull); i++) { I2LiftedFull[i] = reduce(I2LiftedFull[i], tmp_var_mdm); } ideal IOut; list outNormal; list bases; list IdOut; list l1, l2; tt = timer; for(i = 1; i <= nClasses; i++) { // Computing ~A(i)_new... (using modified chinese remainder) IdOut[i] = locLocAlgorithm(n, i, locBasis, d0, M, MSelf, md, classes, I2LiftedFull, mdm, bestElem, ordsFull, ordsBest); bases = bases + list(IdOut[i]); } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time integral basis for all branches: ", timer - tt); if(nClasses > 1) { // We add some extra polynomials to the integral basis // which will simplify the computations list enzNum; list enzDen; poly elemNum; number euNum; int eu; intvec classesInd = 1:nClasses; number ordY = ordAtClassesPol(var(2), classes, classesInd); for(k = 0; k < n - deg(I2Lifted[1], vy); k++) { elemNum = var(2)^k; euNum = ordY * k; eu = int(euNum); enzNum = enzNum + list(elemNum); enzDen = enzDen + list(var(1)^(eu)); } list enzOut = comDen(enzNum, enzDen); ideal enzId = enzOut[2]; for(k=1; k <=size(enzOut[1]); k++) { enzId[k+1] = enzOut[1][k]; } list enzOutList = enzId, enzId[1]; bases = bases + list(enzOutList); } tt = timer; if(size(bases) > 1) { // We compute the local integral basis at the origin dbprint(dbg, "--Merging the integral bases for the branches..."); outNormal = mergeBases(bases); // Check the correct degree for reduction //outNormal[1] = reduce(outNormal[1], groebner(x^mdm)); //dbprint(dbg, "----Computing the groebner basis...", outNormal[1]); //dbprint(dbg, "----Denominator:", outNormal[2]); outNormal[1] = groebner(outNormal[1]); dbprint(dbg, "----Merging finished"); poly fLoc = 1; tmp_var_mdm=std(x^mdm); for(k = 2; k <= size(I2LiftedFull); k++) { fLoc = reduce(fLoc * reduce(I2LiftedFull[k], tmp_var_mdm), tmp_var_mdm); } int needGroeb = 1; list intBas = normToInt(fLoc, outNormal[1], outNormal[2], needGroeb); } else { list intBas; intBas[1] = bases[1][1]; intBas[2] = bases[1][2]; } debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time for merging bases: ", timer - tt); // We add the unit outside the origin for(k = 0; k < deg(I2LiftedFull[1], vy); k++) { IOut[k+1] = intBas[2]*var(2)^(k); } for(k = 1; k <= size(intBas[1]); k++) { IOut[size(IOut)+1] = intBas[1][k] * I2Lifted[1]; } return(IOut); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computation of the local integral basis at a point with non-rational // coordinates. We assume that the singularities have no repeated x-coordinate. // px is a polynomial in the first variable. The roots of px are the // x-coordinates of the singularities. // py is a polynomial of degree 1 in y, giving the y-coordinate of the // singularities. // locBasis indicates if a local basis is needed. static proc ibNonRatXY(poly f, poly px, poly py, int locBasis) { int i; def R = basering; // We add a root of px to the basering. // It will be the x-coordinate of the singularity. def S = splitRingAt(px); setring S; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); poly f = imap(R, f); poly px = imap(R, px); poly py = imap(R, py); // We compute the y-coordinate of the singularity poly pya = subst(py,x,par(1)); // We move the singularity to the origin and compute the integral basis poly fT = moveTo(f, var(1) - par(1), pya); //ideal IOut = ibOrigin(fT, locBasis); ideal IOut = ibAt0(fT, locBasis); list ib = intBasIdealToList(IOut); dbprint(dbg, "ibNonRatXY - Integral basis at the origin: ", ib); // The output might contain the root added, and we have to remove it. for(i = 1; i <= size(ib); i++){ // We move back the singularity to original position. ib[i][1] = moveFrom(ib[i][1], var(1) - par(1), pya); // We remove the parameter from the denominator. // To achieve this, we reduce the polynomial modulo the generators // of smaller degree. // Note that the simple version ib[i][1] = subst(ib[i][1], par(1), x) // does not work in general. if(ib[i][2] > 0) { // "Call to elimPar"; // ib; // ~; ib[i][1] = elimPar(ib, i); } else { // When there is no denominator we can simply replace the parameter by 0. ib[i][1] = subst(ib[i][1], par(1), 0); } } dbprint(dbg, "ibNonRatXY - Integral basis after moving back to the original singularity: ", ib); // We map back the output to the original ring. setring R; list ib = imap(S, ib); return(ib); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: a list of different normalization bases, where the first // element of each basis is the denominator // Output: it computes a common denominator for all the bases, and // returns a Groebner basis of the ideal generated by all the // numerators with this common denominator. static proc mergeBases(list bases) { int i; poly den = 1; ideal I; ideal IT; for(i = 1; i <= size(bases); i++) { den = lcm(den, bases[i][2]); } for(i = 1; i <= size(bases); i++) { IT = bases[i][1] * (den / bases[i][2]); I = I + IT; } list out = I, den; return(out); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MAIN PROCEDURE OF THE NEW APPROACH AS EXPLAINED IN THE // PAPER by Boehm, Decker, Laplagne & Pfister // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: n is the degree of f // cl is the index of the class for which the loc basis is computed. // Output: integral basis for the branches at the origin // Algorithm: combines the integral basis of each conjugacy class of expansions. static proc locLocAlgorithm(int n, int cl, int locBasis, int d0, matrix M, list MSelf, intvec md, list classes, list I2Lifted, int mdm, list bestElem, matrix ordsFull, list ordsBest); { if(printlevel - voice > 0) { ""; "-- Starting computation of lifted integral basis for class ", cl; } int tim = timer; def R = basering; int i, j, k; list ibNum, ibDen; number expUnit; // The integrality exponent of the local unit poly polyUnit; intvec vy = (0,1); intvec vx = (1,0); // The elements containing the expansions that vanish outside the origin, // but not the locloc unit for(k = 0; k < (n - md[cl] - deg(I2Lifted[1], vy)); k++) { ibNum = ibNum + list(var(2)^k); ibDen = ibDen + list(1); } poly baseFactor; number expBaseFactor; poly locLocFactor = 1; expUnit = 0; def SS = classes[cl][1]; // This corrects for some wrongly computed number of classes int nClasses; // if(size(classes) > size(I2Lifted) - 1) // { // nClasses = size(I2Lifted) - 1; // } else // { // nClasses = size(classes); // } nClasses = size(classes); // We add factors to merge the integral bases for the branches // applying Algorithm "Merge Coefficients" if(nClasses > 1) { for(j = 1; j <= size(I2Lifted)-1; j++) { if(j != cl) { expUnit = expUnit + number(ordsFull[j, cl]); locLocFactor = prodMod(locLocFactor, I2Lifted[1 + j], mdm+1); } } // The first term containing the locloc unit expBaseFactor = expUnit; // If the order of hi is not integer, we add a factor. // The order of hi is expBaseFactor // The order of y is MSelf[cl][1] if(int(denominator(expBaseFactor)) > 1) { // We add the factor corresponding to the full expansions list fullPoly; for(j = 1; j <= nClasses; j++) { fullPoly[j] = I2Lifted[j+1]; } int whichElem = 0; int den1; int den2; intvec degsCl; for(i = 1; i <= size(MSelf); i++) { degsCl[i] = size(MSelf[i]) + 1; } intvec chVec = 0:size(MSelf); den1 = 1; den2 = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); number ordNewFactor; number oAP; number oAPTemp; while(den1 mod den2 != 0) { chVec = nextSummand(degsCl, chVec, cl); ordNewFactor = 0; for(i = 1; i <= nClasses; i++) { if(i != cl) { k = chVec[i]; if(k > 0) { if(k <= size(bestElem[i])) { oAP = number(ordsBest[cl][i][k]); ordNewFactor = ordNewFactor + oAP; } else { oAP = number(ordsFull[i, cl]); ordNewFactor = ordNewFactor + oAP; } } } } den1 = int(denominator(ordNewFactor)); } poly newFactor = 1; int denNewFactor = den1; int powFactor = 0; for(i = 1; i <= size(MSelf); i++) { k = chVec[i]; if(k > 0) { if(k <= size(bestElem[i])) { newFactor = prodMod(newFactor, bestElem[i][k], mdm); } else { newFactor = prodMod(newFactor, fullPoly[i], mdm); } } } int nnE = int(numerator(expBaseFactor)); int ddE = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); int nnY = int(numerator(ordNewFactor)); while(ddE > 1) { powFactor = powFactor + 1; expBaseFactor = expUnit + powFactor * ordNewFactor; ddE = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); } baseFactor = prodMod(locLocFactor, newFactor^powFactor, mdm); if(printlevel - voice >= 0) { "----Coefficient for merging for class i = ", cl, " (as in Algorithm 7) developed up to order X^" , mdm; "------beta_i = ", newFactor, "^", powFactor; "------h_i = ", locLocFactor; "------c_i = ", expBaseFactor; } } else { baseFactor = locLocFactor; if(printlevel - voice >= 0) { "----Coefficient for merging for class i = ", cl, " (as in Algorithm 7) developed up to order X^" , mdm; "------beta_i = ", 1; "------h_i = ", locLocFactor; "------c_i = ", expBaseFactor; } } } else { baseFactor = 1; expBaseFactor = 0; } // The initial element ibNum = ibNum + list(baseFactor); ibDen = ibDen + list(var(1)^int(expBaseFactor)); // We put everything together in integral basis shape poly elemNum; int eu; number euNum; for(k = (n - md[cl] + 2); k <= n; k++) { euNum = expBaseFactor + MSelf[cl][k - (n-md[cl]+1)]; eu = int(euNum); elemNum = prodMod(baseFactor, bestElem[cl][k - (n-md[cl]+1)], mdm); ibNum = ibNum + list(elemNum); ibDen = ibDen + list(var(1)^(eu)); } ideal IOut; for(i = 1; i<=size(ibNum); i++) { IOut[i] = (ibNum[i] * ibDen[size(ibDen)]) / ibDen[i]; } list outp = IOut, ibDen[size(ibDen)]; // We can reduce modulo the denominator //outp[1] = reduce(outp[1], groebner(outp[2])); // if(printlevel - voice >= 0) // { // "---- Output: "; outp; // //~; // ""; // } return(outp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the smallest slope of the list of slopes. static proc getSlope(list slopes) { int i; int slN = 1; int slD = 0; int bestI; for(i = 1; i <= size(slopes); i++) { if(slopes[i][1]*slD < slN * slopes[i][2]) { slN = slopes[i][1]; slD = slopes[i][2]; bestI = i; } } return(list(slN, slD, bestI)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local factors at the origin of the original polynomial f. // Input: a list whose elements are classes of conjugate Puiseux // expansions, as returned by proc getClasses. // Output: a list of lists of three elements. // The first element in the i-th list is a list of the factors // corresponding to the i-th conjugacy class developed up to the // different degrees corresponding to the different possible // truncations of the puiseux expansions. // The second element is a list of the orders of the corresponding // factors. // The third element is a list of the degrees of the corresponding // factors. static proc buildFactors(list classes) { int i, j; int d = -1; int ind; int first; int k; int stop1; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; intvec exps; intvec expsT; int t; // Timings intvec vx = (1,0); intvec vy = (0,1); def R = basering; list facs; list ords; list degs; list gfChecks; int den; list fFrac; poly fGround; def S; list polyGround; int isGround = 1; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { facs[i] = list(); ords[i] = list(); degs[i] = list(); gfChecks[i] = list(); ind = 1; first = 1; stop1 = 0; // If there is only one expansion in the class, there is nothing to do if((typeof(classes[i][1]) == "ring") or (size(classes[i]) > 1)) { for(j = 1; j <= size(classes[i]); j++) { if(typeof(classes[i][j]) == "ring") { S = classes[i][j]; setring S; if(typeof(PE[1][7])!= "none") { debug_log_intbas(6, "Computation of the characterisitic exponents from the integral basis. Check if correct or characteristic orders are needed."); //expsT = poly2intvec(PE[1][1]); //"Check expsT 1: ", expsT; expsT = list2intvec(PE[1][7]); //"Check expsT 2: ", expsT; //"Compare exps: "; //poly2intvec(PE[1][1]); //charExp(poly2intvec(PE[1][1]), PE[1][2]); //expsT; } else { expsT = deg(PE[1][1]); } if(j == 1) { den = PE[1][2]; } setring R; } else { if(typeof(classes[i][j][7]) != "none") { expsT = list2intvec(classes[i][j][7]); } else { expsT = deg(classes[i][j][1]); } if(j == 1) { den = classes[i][1][2]; } } if(j > 1) { exps = appendIntvecs(exps, expsT); } else { exps = expsT; } } for(k = 1; k <= size(exps); k++) { d = exps[k]; if(dbg >= 2) { "----Building factor of degree < d = ", d; } t = timer; for(j = 1; j <= size(classes[i]); j++) { if(typeof(classes[i][j]) == "ring") { if(!defined(dMP)) { int dMP; } dMP = pardeg(minpoly); S = classes[i][j]; setring S; // d = -1 for computing polynomial of full degree if(d >= 0){ poly fF = jet(PE[1][1], d-1, vx); } else { poly fF = PE[1][1]; } if(dMP > 1) { poly mp = composePolys(minPolys); poly mpX = subst(mp, var(2), var(1)); poly fFB = buildPolyFracNew(fF, mpX); ideal rel = extendBack(fFB, erg[1], dMP); matrix CC = coef(fFB, var(1)*var(2)); } else { poly fFB = buildPolyFrac(fF); } setring R; if(dMP > 1) { ideal rel = imap(S, rel); matrix CC = imap(S, CC); int kk; fFrac[j] = 0; for(kk = 1; kk <= ncols(CC); kk++) { fFrac[j] = fFrac[j] + subst(rel[kk], var(1), par(1)) * CC[1, kk]; } } else { fFrac[j] = imap(S, fFB); } // Cleaning setring S; kill fF; kill fFB; setring R; } else { if(d>=0){ fFrac[j] = var(2) - jet(classes[i][j][1], d-1, vx); } else { fFrac[j] = var(2) - classes[i][j][1]; } } } polyGround = buildPolyGround(fFrac, den); fGround = squarefree(polyGround[1]); if (polyGround[2] == 0) { // "Error. Conjugation classes are wrongly computed. The polynomial obtained is not over the ground field. "; ind++; isGround = 0; } else { debug_log_intbas(4, "------Time for this factor: ", timer - t); if(dbg - 1 > 0) { "------Factor: ", fGround; } fFrac = list(); // If the degree has not increased, we replaced the previous one. // Else, we add it to the list. if(first != 1) { if(deg(fGround, vy) > degs[i][ind]) { ind++; } else { dbprint(dbg - 1, "Factor discarded"); } } else { first = 0; } } facs[i][ind] = fGround; if(d>=0){ ords[i][ind] = number(d) / number(den); } else { ords[i][ind] = number(deg(facs[i][ind],vx)) / number(den); } degs[i][ind] = deg(fGround, vy); gfChecks[i][ind] = polyGround[2]; } } } return(list(facs, ords, degs, gfChecks, isGround)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Product of conjugate factors // Input: a polynomial f over an algebraic extension of the base ring. // the minimal polynomial mp as a polynomial in the first variable // (it can be different from the minpoly of the ring, since we can be // working on an extension of an extension) // Output: polynomial = the product of (y-f_i) for all conjugate polynomials // f_i of f. static proc buildPolyFracNew(poly f, poly mp) { int i; def R = basering; int d = deg(mp, intvec(1,0)); def Q = ring(0, (var(1), var(2), @a, T(1..d)), lp); ring S = 0, (var(1), @a), dp; poly f = imap(R, f); intvec da = (0,1); if(deg(f, da) > 0) { //poly mp = imap(R, mp); //mp = subst(mp,var(1),@a); setring Q; poly f = imap(R, f); poly mp = imap(R, mp); mp = mp / leadcoef(mp); poly fNew; poly fNewTemp = 1; poly rels = 1; ideal I; for(i = 1; i <= d; i++) { rels = rels * (var(1) - T(i)); } matrix c1 = coeffs(rels, var(1)); matrix c2 = coeffs(mp, var(1)); for(i = 1; i<=d; i++) { I[i] = c1[i,1] - c2[i,1]; } I = groebner(I); int t = timer; poly fTemp; for(i = 1; i<=d; i++) { fTemp = subst(f, var(3), T(i)); fNewTemp = fNewTemp * (var(2) - fTemp); fNew = reduce(fNewTemp, I); } setring R; poly fNew = imap(Q, fNew); } else { setring R; poly fNew = (var(2) - f)^d; } return(fNew); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Product of conjugate factors // Input: a polynomial f over an algebraic extension of the base ring. // Output: polynomial = the product of (y-f_i) for all conjugate polynomials // f_i of f. static proc buildPolyFrac(poly f) { int i; def R = basering; intvec dx = (1,0); int degX = deg(f, dx); poly mp = minpoly; mp = subst(minpoly, @a, var(1)); int d = pardeg(minpoly); def Q = ring(0, (var(1), var(2), @a, T(1..d)), lp); ring S = 0, (var(1), @a), dp; poly f = imap(R, f); intvec da = (0,1); if(deg(f, da) > 0) { poly mp = imap(R, mp); mp = subst(mp,var(1),@a); setring Q; poly f = imap(S, f); poly mp = imap(S, mp); mp = mp / leadcoef(mp); poly fNew = 1; poly rels = 1; //ideal I = var(1)^(degX + 1); // We use this to reduce modulo x^maxDeg ideal I; // We use this to reduce modulo x^maxDeg for(i = 1; i <= d; i++) { rels = rels * (var(1) - T(i)); } matrix c1 = coeffs(rels, var(1)); matrix c2 = coeffs(mp, @a); for(i = 1; i<=d; i++) { I[i] = c1[i,1] - c2[i,1]; } I = groebner(I); int t = timer; poly fTemp; for(i = 1; i<=d; i++) { fTemp = subst(f, @a, T(i)); fNew = fNew * (var(2) - fTemp); fNew = reduce(fNew, I); } debug_log_intbas(4,"--------Time for product reduction: ", timer - t); setring R; poly fNew = imap(Q, fNew); } else { setring R; poly fNew = (var(2) - f)^d; } return(fNew); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Polynomail over the ground field. // Input: a list of polynomials representing Puiseux expansions and // an integer sD representing the denominator of the exponents in // all the expansions. // Output: polynomial = the product of all the expansions in the input list. // The common denominator is now cancelled with the numerators. static proc buildPolyGround(list fFrac, int sD) { int i; int gfCheck = 1; // The polynomial computed is over the ground field. // This means the conjugacy is computed correctly. def R = basering; poly f = 1; intvec vx = (1, 0); for(i = 1; i <= size(fFrac); i++) { f = f * fFrac[i]; } ring P = (0, @a), (@x, @y, @X), dp; poly fNew = fetch(R, f); poly f2 = reduce(fNew, std(@X-@x^sD)); if(deg(f2, (1,0,0)) > 0) { //"f2", f2; ERROR("Polynomial is not over the ground field"); gfCheck = 0; } f2 = subst(f2, @X, @x); setring R; poly fNew = fetch(P, f2); return(list(fNew, gfCheck)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Valuations of products of expansions with respect to expansions of the // same class. // Input: a list bF of lists of polynomials, as given by proc buildFactors. // an intvec md representing the degrees of the minimal polynomials // of the extension used for each expansion. // Output: two lists. The i-th element of the first list is a list of // numbers, representing the valutations of taking 1 to d-1 expansions // in the i-th conjugacy class given in bF, with respect to an // expansion of that same class // [Example 1] static proc valIKSelf(list bF, intvec md) { int i, k; list facs = bF[1]; list ords = bF[2]; // The order of the factors list degs = bF[3]; // The degree of the factors in y int b = size(ords); // Number of blocks list MSelf; list bestElem; number o; int d, dT; poly p; for(i = 1; i <= b; i++) { MSelf[i] = list(); bestElem[i] = list(); for(d = 1; d < md[i]; d++) { o = d * number(ords[i][1]); for(k = 2; k <= size(degs[i]); k++) { o = o + number(int(d div degs[i][k])) * (number(ords[i][k]) - number(ords[i][k-1])); } MSelf[i][d] = o; p = 1; // fa[3] are the degrees of the polynomials dT = d; for(k = size(degs[i]); k >= 1; k--) { p = p * facs[i][k]^(int(dT div degs[i][k])); dT = dT mod degs[i][k]; } bestElem[i][d] = p; } } return(list(MSelf, bestElem)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Valuations of differences of non-conjugate expansions. // Input: a list classes of classes of conjugate expansions, as given by // proc getClasses // Output: a matrix M of number, where M[i, j] is the valuation // of gamma_i - gamma_j, expansions of the i-th and j-th conjugacy // class respectively. static proc valIK(list classes) { int i, j; def R = basering; matrix M[size(classes)][size(classes)]; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { if(typeof(classes[i][1]) == "ring") { def S = classes[i][1]; setring S; poly f = subst(PE[1][1], @a, 0); int den(i) = PE[1][2]; number o = number(ratDeg(PE[1][1])) / number(den(i)); setring R; poly f(i) = imap(S, f); number o(i) = number(imap(S, o)); int nonRat(i) = 1; setring S; kill f; kill o; setring R; kill S; } else { poly f(i) = classes[i][1][1]; int den(i) = classes[i][1][2]; number o(i) = number(orderExp(f(i))) / number(den(i)); int nonRat(i) = 0; } } int k; poly differ; number ordDiff; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { M[i, i] = o(i); for(j = 1; j < i; j++) { differ = subst(f(i), var(1), var(1)^den(j)) - subst(f(j), var(1), var(1)^den(i)); if(differ != 0){ k = orderExp(differ); ordDiff = number(k) / number(den(i)*den(j)); // The order of the difference cannot be greater than the o(i) when // the i-th expansion is non-rational when all the expansions in the // block are in the same class. if((nonRat(i) == 1) and (ordDiff > o(i))) { ordDiff = o(i); } if((nonRat(j) == 1) and (ordDiff > o(j))) { ordDiff = o(j); } M[i, j] = ordDiff; M[j, i] = ordDiff; } else { M[i, j] = o(i); if(o(j) < o(i)) { M[i, j] = o(j); } M[j, i] = M[i, j]; } } } return(M); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: a polynomial f. // Output: an integer k = the order of f (that is, the smallest exponent of f // as poly in the first variable). static proc orderExp(poly f){ if(f == 0) { return(-1); } else { matrix co = coeffs(f, var(1)); int k = 1; while(co[k, 1] == 0){ k++; } k--; } return(k); } // Input: a list l of puiseux expansions // Output: a set of polynomials = the rational part of each expansion in l //static proc truncPoly(list l) //{ // int i, j; // def R = basering; // ring P = 0, (x,y,X), dp; // poly fNew; // poly f2; // setring R; // // for(i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) // { // if(typeof(l[i]) == "ring") // { // def S = l[i]; // setring S; // poly f = subst(PE[1][1], @a, 0); // int den(i) = PE[1][2]; // setring R; // poly f(i) = imap(S, f); // setring S; // kill f; // setring R; // kill S; // } else { // poly f(i) = l[i][1]; // int den(i) = l[i][2]; // } // setring P; // fNew = fetch(R, f(i)); // f2 = reduce(fNew, groebner(X - x^den(i))); // f2 = subst(f2, X, x); // setring R; // f(i) = var(2) - fetch(P, f2); // } // return(f(1..size(l))); //} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: matrix M of valuations of differences of expansions of different // classes, list MSelf of valuations of an expansions with respect // to valuations of the same class, integer d the degree of the // required element, intvec md = the number of expansions in each // class. // Output: the maximal valuation of an element of degree d, and the // corresponding element. static proc ibElement(matrix M, list MSelf, int d, intvec md) { // Best i int i, j, k; int top = d; int s = ncols(M); intvec vy = (0,1); intvec vx = (1,0); number order(1..s); number minOrd; number maxExp = 0; int maxExpi; // The value of i for the max exp. list sums = summands(d, s, md); for(i = 1; i <= size(sums); i++) { minOrd = 0; for(j = 1; j <= s; j++) { order(j) = 0; for(k = 1; k <= s; k++) { if(order(j) > -1) { if(k != j) { order(j) = order(j) + number(sums[i][k]) * number(M[k, j]); } else { if (sums[i][k] < md[j]) { if(sums[i][k] > 0) { order(j) = order(j) + MSelf[j][sums[i][k]]; } } else { order(j) = -1; } } } } if(((order(j) < minOrd) or (minOrd == 0)) and (order(j) > -1)) { minOrd = order(j); } } if(minOrd > maxExp) { maxExp = minOrd; maxExpi = i; } } intvec elem = sums[maxExpi]; return(list(maxExp, elem)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: int n, int k, intvec md of size k // Output: matrix such that it each row is a way of expressing n // as a sum of k non-negative integers, where the i-th integer is // smaller or equal than md[i]. static proc summands(int n, int k, intvec md) { list l; list lT; intvec v; int i, j; int m; intvec mdT; if(k > 1){ m = md[1]; if(m > n) { m = n; } for(i = m; i>= 0; i = i-1) { mdT = md[2..k]; lT = summands(n-i, k-1, mdT); for(j = 1; j <= size(lT); j++) { v = i, lT[j]; l = insert(l, v); } } } else { if(n <= md[1]) { l = insert(l, n); } } return(l); } // Input: int n, int k, intvec md of size k // Output: matrix such that it each row is a way of expressing n // as a sum of k non-negative integers, where the i-th integer is // smaller or equal than md[i]. static proc summandAll(intvec md) { int k = size(md); list l; list lT; intvec v; int i, j; int m; intvec mdT; if(k > 1){ m = md[1]; for(i = 0; i <= m; i = i + 1) { mdT = md[2..k]; lT = summandAll(mdT); for(j = 1; j <= size(lT); j++) { v = i, lT[j]; l = l + list(v); } } } else { for(i = 0; i <= md[1]; i = i+1) { l = l + list(i); } } return(l); } // Next element in a list of integers static proc nextSummand(intvec md, intvec ch, int cl) { int k = nrows(md); int pos = 1; if(cl == pos){pos = pos + 1;} ch[pos] = ch[pos] + 1; while(ch[pos] > md[pos]) { ch[pos] = 0; pos = pos + 1; ch[pos] = ch[pos] + 1; } return(ch); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: poly f in L[x], with L an algebraic extension of K. // Output: int k = the degree of the first term whose coefficient is in L - K static proc ratDeg(poly f) { matrix c = coeffs(f, var(1)); int k = 1; while((pardeg(number(c[k,1])) <= 0) and (k < size(c))) { k++; } if(pardeg(number(c[k,1])) > 0) { k--; } return(k); } // Input: a list classes, whose elements are classes of conjugate Puiseux // expansions, as returned by proc getClasses. // Output: a list of intvec, where the first element of each vector is the // numerator and the second one the denominator of the (rational) // order of the Puiseux expansions in each class. static proc getSlopes(list classes) { int i; list slopes; def R = basering; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { if(typeof(classes[i][1]) == "ring") { def S = classes[i][1]; setring S; slopes[i] = intvec(orderExp(PE[1][1]), PE[1][2]); setring R; kill S; } else { slopes[i] = intvec(orderExp(classes[i][1][1]), classes[i][1][2]); } } return(slopes); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: a list l of rings, each of these rings containing a list PE of // Puiseux expansions. // Output: a list of rings, with one ring for each of the Puiseux expansions // in the original rings. static proc explodeRings(list l) { def R = basering; int i, j; int numb; list rings; for(i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) { if(typeof(l[i]) == "ring") { def S = l[i]; setring S; list rl; numb = size(PE); for(j = 1; j <= numb; j++) { rl = ringlist(S); def SS = ring(rl); setring SS; list PET = fetch(S, PE); list PE = list(PET[j]); list erg = fetch(S, erg); list minPolys = fetch(S, minPolys); export(PE); export(erg); export(minPolys); kill PET; setring R; rings = rings + list(SS); setring S; kill SS; } } } setring R; return(rings); } // Input: a list l, whose elements are either Puiseux expansions over the // base ring or rings containing a list PE of Puiseux expansions. // Output: a list classes, where each element is a list of conjugate // Puiseux expansions (given also either as expansions over the base // rings or defined in extension rings). static proc getClasses(list l) { int i; int j; int cc; int prevI; list code; list classCode; list classes; list l2; for(i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) { if(typeof(l[i]) == "ring") { l2 = l2 + explodeRings(l[i]); } else { l2 = l2 + list(l[i]); } } int k = 1; classes[k] = list(); classes[k][1] = l2[1]; classCode[1] = 1; def R = basering; for(i = 1; i <= size(l2); i++) { if(typeof(l2[i]) == "ring") { def S = l2[i]; setring S; code[i] = PE[1][6]; setring R; kill S; } else { code[i] = l2[i][6]; } if(i>1) { prevI = 0; for(j = 1; j < i; j++) { if(equalLists(code[i], code[j])) { prevI = j; } } if(prevI == 0) { k++; classes[k] = list(); classes[k][1] = l2[i]; classCode[i] = k; } else { cc = classCode[prevI]; classes[cc][size(classes[cc])+1] = l2[i]; classCode[i] = classCode[prevI]; } } } return(classes); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: a list classes, whose elements are classes of conjugate Puiseux // expansions, as returned by proc getClasses. // Output: an intvec degs, where the i-th element is the number of Puiseux // expansions in the i-th class (which is equal to the degree in y // of the factor corresponding to that conjugacy class). static proc getDegs(list classes) { int i, j; intvec degs; def R = basering; int degBase = 1; if(pardeg(minpoly) != -1) { degBase = pardeg(minpoly); } for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { degs[i] = 0; for(j = 1; j <= size(classes[i]); j++) { if(typeof(classes[i][j]) == "ring") { def S = classes[i][j]; setring S; degs[i] = degs[i] + (pardeg(minpoly) div degBase)*size(PE); setring R; kill S; } else { degs[i] = degs[i] + 1; } } } return(degs); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: a list l, whose elements are either Puiseux expansions over the // base ring or rings containing a list PE of Puiseux expansions. // Output: an integer d = sum of the degrees of the singular part of all the // Puiseux expansions in the input. static proc getTotalDeg(list l) { int i, j; number d = 0; number d2; int dT, nT; int mT; def R = basering; for(i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) { if(typeof(l[i]) == "ring") { def SS = l[i]; setring SS; number dTemp; dTemp = 0; mT = pardeg(minpoly); for(j = 1; j <= size(PE); j++) { nT = deg(PE[j][1]); dT = PE[j][2]; dTemp = dTemp + (number(nT) / dT) * mT; } setring R; d2 = number(imap(SS, dTemp)); d = d + d2; kill SS; } else { d = d + number(deg(l[i][1])) / l[i][2]; } } if(d == int(d)) { return(int(d)); } else { //"Computing Puiseux expansions over an algebraic extension! Please check correct output..."; //"Input: list l"; //l; //"Output: int d"; //int(d) + 1; return(int(d) + 1); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Product modulo x^e. // Input: poly p, q in k[x][y], int expo // Output: p * q reduced mod x^e. // Remarks: it is assumed that x is the first variable in the ring. static proc prodMod(poly p, poly q, int expo) { def R = basering; qring Q = var(1)^expo; poly p = imap(R, p); poly q = imap(R, q); poly pq = p*q; setring R; poly pq = imap(Q, pq); pq = reduce(pq, std(var(1)^expo)); return(pq); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computed the order of poly h at the expansion defined by S, // which may be a ring or a Puiseux expansion static proc ordAtPol(poly h, def S) { def R = basering; if(typeof(S) == "ring") { setring S; poly h = imap(R, h); poly g = PE[1][1]; int den = PE[1][2]; if(size(h) > 1) { h = subst(h, var(1), var(1)^den); poly hs = subst(h, var(2), g); matrix MM; MM = coef(hs, var(1)); int oo = deg(MM[1, ncols(MM)]); kill hs; } else { matrix MM; MM = coef(g, var(1)); int oo = deg(MM[1, ncols(MM)])*deg(h, intvec(0,1)) + deg(h, intvec(1,0))*den; } number oro = oo/number(den); kill h; kill g; kill MM; setring R; number oro2 = number(imap(S, oro)); setring S; kill oro; setring R; } else { int den = S[2]; poly g = S[1]; h = subst(h, var(1), var(1)^den); poly hs = subst(h, var(2), g); matrix MM; MM = coef(hs, var(1)); int oo = deg(MM[1, ncols(MM)]); number oro2 = oo/number(den); } return(oro2); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the factors of f corresponding to each conjugacy class, // up to degree degExpand static proc irreducibleFactors(poly f, list classes, list blocks, int degExpand) { list I2Lifted = henselBlocks(f, degExpand, 1); list updatedClasses = classes; int nClasses; nClasses = size(classes); int gfCheck = 1; // For checking if the polynomial is over // the ground field. list gfCheckList; int wrongNumber = 0; // If some hensel block contains different classes // CHECK THIS. How to count factor outside the origin? if(nClasses != (size(I2Lifted) - 1)) { list newL; list I2LiftedNew; I2LiftedNew[1] = I2Lifted[1]; int ind = 2; list classes2; poly fu, fuProd; list fuPols; int PEPE; int cl; int i, j; list bPG; def R = basering; int blInd; for(i = 2; i <= size(I2Lifted); i++) { //"Computing singular part of Puiseux expansions of factor ", i, ": ", I2Lifted[i]; // We replace the classes with the new classes so that they are ordered in the same way as the irreducible factors newL = puiseux(I2Lifted[i], -1, 1); classes2 = getClasses(newL); blInd = 1; for(j =1; j <= size(classes); j++) { if(blocks[j] == i-1) { updatedClasses[j] = classes2[blInd]; blInd++; } } if(size(classes2) > 1) { // We recompute up to the appropiate order for merging poly I2Red = reduce(I2Lifted[i], var(1)^(degExpand+1)); //"Computing Puiseux expansions up to degree degExpand of factor ", i, ": ", I2Red; newL = puiseux(I2Red, degExpand, 1); classes2 = getClasses(newL); for(j = 1; j <= size(classes2); j++) { fuProd = 1; fuPols = list(); // FIX THIS FOR PUISEUX EXPANSIONS THAT ARE NOT GIVEN AS RINGS // Check example // ring R = 0, (X,Y), dp; // poly f = (Y^6-6*X^3*Y^4-2*X^7*Y^3+12*X^6*Y^2-12*X^10*Y-8*X^9)*(Y^2-2*Y*X^3-2*X^3)*(Y^2+X^7)+X^30; // list l = integralBasis(f,2,"atOrigin"); for(cl = 1; cl <= size(classes2[j]); cl++) { if(typeof(classes2[j][cl]) == "ring") { def S = classes2[j][cl]; setring S; poly fu = buildPolyFrac(PE[1][1]); PEPE = PE[1][2]; setring R; fu = imap(S, fu); kill S; fuProd = fuProd * fu; } else { fuProd = fuProd * (var(2) - classes2[j][cl][1]); } } bPG = buildPolyGround(fuProd, PEPE); if(bPG[2] == 0) { // The polynomial computed is not over the ground field. // The classes computed are wrong, we need to recompute. ERROR("Polynomial not over the ground field."); gfCheck = 0; } fu = reduce(bPG[1], std(var(1)^degExpand)); I2LiftedNew[ind] = fu; gfCheckList[ind] = bPG[2]; ind = ind + 1; } } else { I2LiftedNew[ind] = I2Lifted[i]; ind = ind + 1; } } I2Lifted = I2LiftedNew; wrongNumber = 1; } list ll = list(I2Lifted, gfCheckList, gfCheck, wrongNumber, updatedClasses); return(ll); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the maximum degree needed of the factors // Input: n is the degree of f // cl is the index of the class for which the loc basis is computed. // Output: maximal degree needed for computing the basis // [Example 4] static proc maxDegMerge(int n, int cl, int locBasis, int d0, matrix M, list MSelf, intvec md, list classes, list I2Lifted, list bestElem, matrix ordsFull, list ordsBest); { //"START - newib.lib - maxDegMerge - 4"; int tt = timer; def R = basering; int i, j, k; list ibNum, ibDen; number expUnit; // The integrality exponent of the local unit poly polyUnit; intvec vy = (0,1); intvec vx = (1,0); poly baseFactor; number expBaseFactor; poly locLocFactor = 1; expUnit = 0; def SS = classes[cl][1]; // This corrects for some wrongly computed number of classes int nClasses; // if(size(classes) > size(I2Lifted) - 1) // { // nClasses = size(I2Lifted) - 1; // } else // { // nClasses = size(classes); // } nClasses = size(classes); if(nClasses > 1) { for(j = 1; j <= size(I2Lifted)-1; j++) { if(j != cl) { expUnit = expUnit + number(ordsFull[j, cl]); } } // The first term containing the locloc unit expBaseFactor = expUnit; // If the order of hi is not integer, we add a factor. if(int(denominator(expBaseFactor)) > 1) { // We add the factor corresponding to the full expansions list fullPoly; for(j = 1; j <= nClasses; j++) { fullPoly[j] = I2Lifted[j+1]; } int whichElem = 0; int den1; int den2; intvec degsCl; for(i = 1; i <= size(MSelf); i++) { degsCl[i] = size(MSelf[i]) + 1; } intvec chVec = 0:size(MSelf); den1 = 1; den2 = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); number ordNewFactor; number oAP; number oAPT; while(den1 mod den2 != 0) { chVec = nextSummand(degsCl, chVec, cl); ordNewFactor = 0; for(i = 1; i <= nClasses; i++) { if(i != cl) { k = chVec[i]; if(k > 0) { if(k <= size(bestElem[i])) { oAP = ordsBest[cl][i][k]; ordNewFactor = ordNewFactor + oAP; } else { oAP = number(ordsFull[i, cl]); ordNewFactor = ordNewFactor + oAP; } } } } den1 = int(denominator(ordNewFactor)); } poly newFactor = 1; int denNewFactor = den1; int powFactor = 0; int nnE = int(numerator(expBaseFactor)); int ddE = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); int nnY = int(numerator(ordNewFactor)); while(ddE > 1) { powFactor = powFactor + 1; expBaseFactor = expUnit + powFactor * ordNewFactor; ddE = int(denominator(expBaseFactor)); } } } else { expBaseFactor = 0; } int eu; number euNum; euNum = expBaseFactor; if(size(MSelf[cl]) > 0) { euNum = expBaseFactor + MSelf[cl][md[cl]-1]; } eu = int(euNum); debug_log_intbas(3, "------Time maxDegMerge: ", timer - tt); return(eu); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the order of a polynomial h at the classes from list classes // indicated by an entry 1 in the vector classesInd static proc ordAtClassesPol(poly h, list classes, intvec classesInd) { int i, j; number expUnit = 0; number expUnitTemp; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { if(classesInd[i] == 1) { expUnitTemp = ordAtPol(h, classes[i][1]); if((expUnit == 0) || (expUnitTemp < expUnit)) { expUnit = expUnitTemp; } } } return(expUnit); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the order of a product of polynomials at a list of classes static proc ordAtClasses(list classes, list fullPoly, intvec classes1Ind, intvec classes2Ind) { int i, j; number expUnit = 0; number expUnitTemp; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { if(classes1Ind[i] == 1) { expUnitTemp = 0; for(j = 1; j <= size(classes); j++) { if(classes2Ind[j] == 1) { expUnitTemp = expUnitTemp + ordAtPol(fullPoly[j], classes[i][1]); } } if((expUnit == 0) || (expUnitTemp < expUnit)) { expUnit = expUnitTemp; } } } return(expUnit); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Takes the common denominator in a list of polynomial fractions static proc comDen(list ibNum, list ibDen) { int i; ideal IOut; poly ibComDen = 1; for(i = 1; i <= size(ibNum); i++) { ibComDen = lcm(ibComDen, ibDen[i]); } // Common denominator for(i = 1; i <= size(ibNum); i++) { IOut[i] = (ibNum[i] * ibComDen) / ibDen[i]; } list out = IOut, ibComDen; return(out); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Auxiliar tools // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The maximum between a and b static proc maxInt(int a, int b) { if(a > b) { return(a); } else { return(b); } } // Computes a polynomial over the ground field that together with the // elements of slower degree in the IB, generates the same ring as the // polynomial in the extension field. // Remark: it is assumed that x is the first variable. static proc elimPar(list ib, int i) { // Trivial case if(i == 1) { return(ib[1][1]); } int t = timer; int j; def BR = basering; poly pa = subst(minpoly, @a, var(1)); // We use a lexicographical ordering so that the parameter is eliminated. ring ER = 0, (@a,var(1),var(2)), lp; intvec va = (1,0,0); // pa will be a polynomial in a. poly pa = fetch(BR, pa); // remi will be the ideal of the generators of smaller degree, after taking // common denominator. ideal remi; list ib = imap(BR, ib); int mExp = ib[i][2]; if(mExp > ib[i][2]) { ERROR("WRONG EXPONENT. CHECK!!"); ~; setring BR; return(var(2) * ib[i-1][1]); } for(j = 1; j < i; j++) { // var(2) is now x remi[j] = ib[j][1] * (var(2)-@a)^(mExp - ib[j][2]); } // Module reduction - NOT WORKING!! TO DO!! //"Module reduction"; //"remi: "; remi; //"pa: ", pa; //"ib[i][1]: ", ib[i][1]; //poly redT = moduleReduction(remi, pa, ib[i][1]); remi[i] = pa; remi = groebner(remi); // We reduce the last element by the rest of the elements poly red = reduce(ib[i][1], remi); if(deg(red, va) > 0) { ERROR("Wrong degree! Check!"); } setring BR; poly red = imap(ER, red); return(red); } // The number of different initial coefficients must be equal to the // order b of the singular points. static proc newtonInfo(poly f, int b){ //"START - ibasis.lib - newtonInfo"; int i; int slN, slD; int g; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 4; list l = newtonpoly(f); if(size(l) > 2){ dbprint(dbg, "The Puiseux Expansions have different initial exponents. New algorithm not implemented for this case."); return(list()); } else { slN = l[2][1] - l[1][1]; slD = l[1][2] - l[2][2]; g = gcd(slD, slN); slD = slD div g; slN = slN div g; poly pp = Puiseuxexpansions::puiseuxStep(f, slN, slD); if(deg(pp) < b){ dbprint(dbg, "The Puiseux Expansions have repeated initial coefficients. New algorithm not implemented for this case."); return(list()); } poly sqpp = squarefree(pp); // CHECK! Case deg sqpp = 1 might not be fully implemented. if((deg(sqpp) > 1) and (deg(sqpp) < deg(pp))){ dbprint(dbg, "The Puiseux Expansions have repeated initial coefficients. New algorithm not implemented for this case."); return(list()); } if((deg(sqpp) == 1) and (deg(pp) > 1)) { if((slN mod slD) == 0) { return(list("changeCoord", subst(sqpp, y, 0)*x^(slN div slD))); } else { ERROR("Not implemented."); return(list()); } } if(slD*slN == 1){ dbprint(dbg, "Ordinary multiple point."); } return(list("OK", slN, slD)); } } // Gives the integral basis in the desired shape. // It replaces the exponents alpha by the corresponding px^alpha static proc convertIB(list ib, poly px) { //"START - ibasis.lib - convertIB - 10"; int i; int expDen = ib[size(ib)][2]; poly den = px^expDen; ideal ibCom; for(i = 1; i<= size(ib); i++) { ibCom[i] = ib[i][1]*(px^(expDen-int(ib[i][2]))); } list new = list(ibCom, den); return(new); } // Procedures to traslate polynomials static proc moveToVar(poly f, poly p, poly vari) { ////"START - ibasis.lib - moveToVar - 8"; matrix c = coeffs(p, vari); poly rootP = (-1)*c[1,1] / c[2,1]; poly fT = subst(f,vari,vari+rootP); return(fT); } static proc moveFromVar(poly f, poly p, poly vari) { //"START - ibasis.lib - moveFromVar - 8"; matrix c = coeffs(p, vari); poly rootP = (-1)*c[1,1] / c[2,1]; poly fT = subst(f,vari,vari-rootP); return(fT); } static proc moveTo(poly f, poly px, poly py) { //"START - ibasis.lib - moveTo - 8"; poly fT = moveToVar(f, px, var(1)); fT = moveToVar(fT, py, var(2)); return(fT); } static proc moveFrom(poly f, poly px, poly py) { //"START - ibasis.lib - moveFrom - 8"; poly fT = moveFromVar(f, px, var(1)); fT = moveFromVar(fT, py, var(2)); return(fT); } // Converts an integral basis in the shape {p0, p1, ..., pn-1} to the // shape (p0, d0), ..., (pn-1, dn-1) static proc intBasIdealToList(ideal I) { list ib; int d = deg(I[1], intvec(1,0)); list out; for(int i = 1; i <= ncols(I); i++) { out = divideBy(I[i], var(1)); ib[i] = list(out[1], d - out[2]); } return(ib); } // Divides f by the maximum possible power of g. // Returns the quotient and the exponent used of g. static proc divideBy(poly f, poly g) "USAGE: divideBy(f,g); f, g multivariate polynomials RETURN: a list of two elements. The first element is the polynomial f divided by the maximum possible power of g and the second element is an integer indicating the power of g used. KEYWORDS: division multivariate polynomials " { int i = 1; ideal G = std(g); while(reduce(f, G, 1) == 0) { f = f / g; i = i + 1; } list out = f, i-1; return(out); } // Compares two polynomials in two variables. // This is used so that the puiseux expansions are always given in the same // order. static proc isBigger(poly f, poly g) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - isBigger - 1"; int i; intvec vy = (0,1); if(deg(f, vy) > deg(g, vy)) { // f is bigger return(1); } if(deg(f, vy) < deg(g, vy)) { // g is bigger return(-1); } matrix cf = coeffs(f, var(2)); matrix cg = coeffs(g, var(2)); for(i = size(cf); i >= 1; i = i-1) { if(cf[i,1] > cg[i,1]) { return(1); } if(cf[i,1] < cg[i,1]) { return(-1); } } // f is equal to g. return(0); } // This is used so that the puiseux expansions are always given in // the same order. This procedure is also used in Puiseux library. static proc sortFactors(list facts) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - sortFactors - 1"; int i, j; int n = size(facts[1]); poly pTemp; int eTemp; for (i = n; i >= 1; i--) { for (j = 1; j <= i-1; j++) { if(isBigger(facts[1][j], facts[1][j+1]) == 1) { pTemp = facts[1][j]; eTemp = facts[2][j]; facts[1][j] = facts[1][j+1]; facts[2][j] = facts[2][j+1]; facts[1][j+1] = pTemp; facts[2][j+1] = eTemp; } } } return(facts); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert a list of numbers into an intvec static proc poly2intvec(poly p) { intvec c; matrix M = coef(p, var(1)); int n = ncols(M); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { c[i] = int(deg(M[1,n+1-i])); } return(c); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert a list of numbers into an intvec static proc list2intvec(list l) { intvec c; for(int i = 1; i <= size(l); i++) { c[i] = int(l[i]); } return(c); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Given two intvecs, both ordered for lowest to highest, it return // a new intvec containing the union of both intvecs, ordered from lowest // to highest. static proc appendIntvecs(intvec a, intvec b) { intvec c; int indA = 1; int indB = 1; int indC = 1; int last = -1; while((indA <= size(a)) and (indB <= size(b))) { if(a[indA] < b[indB]){ if(a[indA] > last) { c[indC] = a[indA]; last = c[indC]; indC++; } indA++; } else { if(b[indB] > last) { c[indC] = b[indB]; last = c[indC]; indC++; } indB++; } } while(indA <= size(a)) { if(a[indA] > last) { c[indC] = a[indA]; last = c[indC]; indC++; } indA++; } while(indB <= size(b)) { if(b[indB] > last) { c[indC] = b[indB]; last = c[indC]; indC++; } indB++; } return(c); } // Computes a Groebner basis of P with lex order and y > x. static proc yInTermOfx(ideal P) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - yInTermOfx - 1"; def R = basering; ring S = 0, (var(2), var(1)), lp; ideal P = imap(R, P); P = groebner(P); setring R; P = imap(S, P); return(P); } // Divides a polynomial by a - x. static proc divXA(poly f) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - divXA"; def R = basering; ring W = 0, (@a,var(1),var(2)), lp; poly f = imap(R, f); //list l = division(f, @a-x); list l = division(f, @a-var(2)); setring R; list l = imap(W, l); list l2 = l[1][1,1], l[2][1]; return(l2); } static proc swapXYIdeal(ideal I) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - swapXYIdeal"; def R = basering; def R2 = ring(0, (y,x), dp); setring R2; ideal I = fetch(R, I); setring R; I = imap(R2, I); return(I); } static proc swapXYPoly(poly f) { //"START - integralbasis.lib - swapXYPoly"; def R = basering; def R2 = ring(0, (y,x), dp); setring R2; poly f = fetch(R, f); setring R; f = imap(R2, f); return(f); } // f monic as poly in the second variable (assuming that the coefficient of // the max degree is a constant) proc monic(poly f) "USAGE: monic(f); f polynomial in two variables whose leadi. RETURN: a multiple of f monic as polynomial in the second variables, polynomial of degree d in the second variable of the ring with an ordinary multiple point at the origin of order k. ASSUME: f is a bivariate polynomial whose leading coefficients as polynomial in the second variable is a unit. EXAMPLE: example monic; shows an example " { //"START - integralbasis.lib - monic - 1"; matrix c = coeffs(f,var(2)); f = f/c[nrows(c), 1]; return(f); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = -3y3 + 3x2y + y2 + 1; monic(f); } // Generates a polynomial of degree d in y with a ordinary multiple point at // the origin of order k. proc polyDK(int d, int k, list #) "USAGE: polyDK(d,k,#); d integer, k<=d integer. RETURN: polynomial of degree d in the second variable of the ring with an ordinary multiple point at the origin of order k. KEYWORDS: singularities ordinary multiple point. EXAMPLE: example polyDK; shows an example " { //"START - integralbasis.lib - polyDK"; if(size(#) > 0){ if(typeof(#[1]) == "int"){ int sd = #[1]; //"Setting the seed to ", sd; system("--random", sd); } } int i; def r = basering; ring s = 0, (x,y,z), dp; ideal m2 = maxideal(d); ideal m1 = ideal(x,y); m1 = m1^k; ideal J = intersect(m1, m2); int good = 0; while(good == 0){ setring s; matrix M = randommat(1,1,J,5); poly p = M[1,1]; p = p+y^(d); p = subst(p,z,1); setring r; poly p = fetch(s, p); matrix c = coeffs(p,y); poly f = p / c[size(c), 1]; // We check if f satisfies the desired properties. list fc = divideBy(subst(f,x,0), y); if(fc[2] == k){ good = 1; } } return(f); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0, (x,y), dp; int k = 3; int d = 6; // Polynomial of degree 6 in y with an ordinary multiple point // at the origin of order k. poly f = polyDK(d, k, 1231); f; // The integral basis of R / list l = integralBasis(f, 2, "atOrigin"); l; echo = 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Hensel Lifting // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc henselGlobal(poly f, poly g, poly h, int order) "USAGE: henselGlobal(f,g,h,order); h is polynomial in x and y. f and g are polynomials in y such that f(y)*g(y) = h(0,y) and = 1. RETURN: polynomials f1 and g1 such that 1) h = f1*g1 up to the required order in x. 2) f1(0,y) = f, g1(0,y) = g KEYWORDS: hensel lifting. " { //"START - hensel.lib - henselGlobal - 1"; intvec vx = (1,0); int dbg = printlevel - voice + 2; //if(dbg > 2) //{ // "Hensel lifting input:"; // "f: ", f; "g: ", g; "h: ", h; // "order: ", order; //} // Trivial cases //if(f == 1) if(deg(f,intvec(0,1)) == 0) { //if(f != 1) //{ // "Non monic at henselGlobal, please check."; //} if(subst(h, var(1), 0) == f * g) { list L = f, jet(h, order, vx); //dbprint(dbg - 2, "Output: ", L); //"DBG - henselGlobal easy ends"; return(L); } else { ERROR("f(y)*g(y) != h(0,y)"); } } //if(g == 1) if(deg(g, intvec(0,1)) == 0) { //if(g != 1) //{ // "Non monic at henselGlobal, please check."; //} if(subst(h, var(1), 0) == f * g) { list L = jet(h, order, vx), poly(1); //"DBG - henselGlobal easy ends"; //dbprint(dbg - 2, "Output: ", L); return(L); } else { ERROR("f(y)*g(y) != h(0,y)"); } } int t = timer; // Kernel version dbprint(dbg, "--------Calling Hensel lifting (kernel)..."); //"DBG - Calling hensel lifting (kernel)..."; "h: ", h; "f: ", f; "g:", g; // DEBUG!! // REMOVE!!! //order = order * 10; //"h, order, f, g", h, order, f, g; list L = factmodd(h, order, f, g, 1, 2); //list L = system("henselfactors", 1, 2, h, f, g, order); debug_log_intbas(3, "--------Time hensel lifting (kernel): ", timer-t); //"DBG - Time hensel lifting (kernel): ", timer-t; dbprint(dbg - 2, "--------Output of Hensel lifting: ", L); //"DBG - henselGlobal ends"; //"Check: "; jet(L[1]*L[2] - h, order, vx); return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0, (x,y), dp; // Polynomial of degree 6 in y with an ordinary multiple point // at the origin of order k. poly h = (y2 + 3xy + x3 + x4)*(y3 + 2x + 1); poly f = y2; poly g = y3 + 1; henselGlobal(f, g, h, 3); echo = 0; } // This procedure separates the segment with slope slN / slD (assuming that // it is the smallest slope) from the rest. // It returns a list containing the factor correspoding to the slope slN / slD, and // the polynomial corresponding to all the factors with larger slope. // This procedure tranforms the polynomials so that the Hensel Lifting Lemma // can be applied, and uses it to lift the factorization up to the desired // order. static proc henselLocal(poly f, int slN, int slD, int order) { int dbg = printlevel - voice + 5; int i; intvec vy = 0, 1; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); int d = deg(f, vy); //"Transformation...", slN, slD; // We transform y by x^(slN / slD)y in f. // and factor out the powers of x. // (In fact, to avoid fractional exponents, // we map x to x^slD and y to x^slN*y.) poly f1 = mapTo(f, slN, slD); int fD = slN * d; f1 = f1 / (x^fD); poly f0 = subst(f1, x, 0); list l1 = divideBy(f0, y); poly g0 = l1[1]; int gD = deg(g0, vy); int hD = l1[2]; poly h0 = y^hD; // We set up to which order we have to compute the expansions int ordCommon; if(hD < gD) { ordCommon = slN * hD; } else { ordCommon = slN * gD; } //dbprint(dbg, "henselGlobal inside henselLocal"); //dbprint(dbg - 1, "Order: ", order * slD - ordCommon); // DEBUG!!! //order = order * 10; list l2 = henselGlobal(g0, h0, f1, order * slD - ordCommon); //dbprint(dbg, "henselGlobal inside henselLocal finished"); // We transform everything back to the original setting // The case of several blocks with the same slope is not implemented. //list comps = henselFacs(g, order * slD - ordCommon); poly g = l2[1] * (x^(gD * slN)); g = mapFrom(g, slN, slD); poly h = l2[2] * (x^(hD*slN)); h = mapFrom(h, slN, slD); return(list(g, h)); } // Maps x to x^slD and y to x^slN*y. static proc mapTo(poly f, int slN, int slD) { f = subst(f, var(1), var(1)^slD); f = subst(f, var(2), var(1)^slN*var(2)); return(f); } // We map back x^slN*y to y and x^slD to x. static proc mapFrom(poly f, int slN, int slD) { //"START - hensel.lib - mapFrom - 1"; def R = basering; int jj = attrib(basering, "maxExp"); ring S = (0, @a), (x, y, T), (dp, L(jj)); poly f = fetch(R, f); ideal I1 = x^slN*y-T; poly g = reduce(f, std(I1)); g = subst(g, T, y); ideal I2 = x^slD - T; g = reduce(g, std(I2)); g = subst(g, T, x); setring R; poly g = fetch(S, g); //"ENDS - hensel.lib - mapFrom - 1"; return(g); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // General procedure for computing factors via hensel lifting //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Computes the factors of f corresponding to the Puiseux blocks up to a given // order in the power series ring. static proc henselBlocks(poly f, int globOrder, int loc) { int dbg = printlevel - voice + 5; // If loc = 1, the factors outside the origin will be taken all together. // The first poly in the ouput will be the factor corresponding to the component // outside the origin. //if(dbg > 5) //{ // "---- henselBlock begins"; //} poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); int comp = 1; list comps; list compsT; int i, j, k; int first; int stop, last; list fSegment; intvec vx = (1,0); intvec vy = (0,1); int maxOrder = deg(f, vx); if(globOrder > maxOrder) { maxOrder = globOrder; } int locOrder = maxOrder; if(loc == 1) { poly f0 = subst(f, x, 0); list fl = divideBy(f0, y); list fGlob = henselGlobal(y^fl[2], fl[1], f, maxOrder); poly fLoc = fGlob[1]; if(fLoc == 1) { dbprint(dbg,"Warning! No local component. This may indicate you are computing the basis at a value of X where there is no singularity."); } comps[1] = fGlob[2]; // comp[1] is the component outside the origin. comp = 2; dbprint(dbg, "----Computing Puiseux Segments..."); fSegment = henselSegments(fLoc, maxOrder); for(i = 1; i <= size(fSegment); i++) { compsT = henselInSegment(fSegment[i], maxOrder); for(k = 1; k <= size(compsT); k++){ comps[comp] = compsT[k]; comp++; } } } else { comps = henselTotal(f, maxOrder); comp = size(comps) + 1; } return(comps); } // Given a poly without components outside the origin, computes the factors // corresponding to each slope in the power series rings. static proc henselSegments(poly f, int order) { //if(printlevel - voice > 5) //{ // "START - hensel.lib - henselSegments - 1"; //} int dbg = printlevel - voice + 5; int i; int slN, slD; poly fLoc = f; list lLoc; list l = newtonpoly(f); list hSegment; for(i = 1; i < size(l) - 1; i++) { slN = l[i+1][1] - l[i][1]; slD = l[i][2] - l[i+1][2]; // The polynomial corresponding to the segment. if(dbg > 0) { "------Computing the polynomial corresponding to segment", i; } lLoc = henselLocal(fLoc, slN, slD, order); //dbprint(dbg, "Done."); hSegment[i] = lLoc[1]; fLoc = lLoc[2]; } hSegment[size(l) - 1] = fLoc; return(hSegment); } // Computes the different blocks in a segment up to the given order. static proc henselInSegment(poly f, int globOrder) { //if(printlevel - voice > 5) //{ // "START - hensel.lib - henselSegments - 1"; //} int i, j; int loc; list comps; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); intvec vx = (1,0); intvec vy = (0,1); int d = deg(f, vy); list l = newtonpoly(f); int slN = l[2][1] - l[1][1]; int slD = l[1][2] - l[2][2]; int g = gcd(slD, slN); slD = slD div g; slN = slN div g; poly je = Puiseuxexpansions::minEqNewton(f, slN, slD); list fJe = factorize(je); fJe = sortFactors(fJe); // We transform y by x^(slN / slD)y in f. // and factor out the powers of x. // (In fact, to avoid fractional exponents, // we map x to x^slD and y to x^slN*y.) poly f1 = mapTo(f, slN, slD); f1 = f1 / (x^(d*slN)); poly je1 = mapTo(je, slN, slD); je1 = je1 / (x^(d*slN)); // For each factor of the equation, compute the corresponding lifted factor list lLoc; poly fLoc = f1; list hFactor; poly fJe1; int sFac = size(fJe[1]) - 1; for(i = 1; i < sFac; i++) { fJe1 = mapTo(fJe[1][i+1]^(fJe[2][i+1]), slN, slD); fJe1 = fJe1 / (x^(deg(fJe1, vy) * slN)); je1 = je1 / fJe1; lLoc = henselGlobal(fJe1, je1, fLoc, globOrder); hFactor[i] = lLoc[1]; fLoc = lLoc[2]; } hFactor[sFac] = fLoc; int degFac; int comp = 1; poly ratPart; list compsT; for(i = 1; i <= sFac; i++) { degFac = deg(fJe[1][i+1], vy) * fJe[2][i+1]; hFactor[i] = hFactor[i] * (x^(degFac * slN)); hFactor[i] = mapFrom(hFactor[i], slN, slD); compsT = splitFact(hFactor[i], fJe[1][i+1], fJe[2][i+1], globOrder); for(j = 1; j <= size(compsT); j++) { comps[comp] = compsT[j]; comp++; } } return(comps); } // Computes the Puiseux block at the origin an outside the origin. // It lifts all the factors of h(0,y) and splits them. static proc henselTotal(poly h, int order) { if(printlevel - voice > 5) { "START - hensel.lib - henselTotal"; } poly f, g; int i, j; list facs; list comps; list hFacts; int comp = 1; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); intvec vy = (0,1); poly h0 = subst(h, x, 0); list fc = factorize(h0); fc = sortFactors(fc); g = h; // Computes the lifting of the factors list compsT; for(i = 2; i < size(fc[1]); i++) { f = fc[1][i]^(fc[2][i]); g = g / f; facs = henselGlobal(f, g, h, order); h = facs[2]; hFacts[i-1] = facs[1]; } hFacts[size(fc[1]) - 1] = h; // Splits the factors for(i = 1; i <= size(hFacts); i++) { compsT = splitFact(hFacts[i], fc[1][i+1], fc[2][i+1], order); for(j = 1; j <= size(compsT); j++) { comps[comp] = compsT[j]; comp++; } } return(comps); } // Split poly f assuming that it corresponds to a factor factor^exp static proc splitFact(poly f, poly fact, int exp, int order) { poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); fact = monic(fact); int i, j; list comps; intvec vy = (0,1); int comp = 1; // If the degree of the minimal polynomial is greater than 1, // the splitting is not implemented. // If the degree is 1, and the exponent is 1, there is nothing to do. if((deg(fact, vy) == 1) and (exp > 1)) { // The rational part. fact = monic(fact); poly ratPart = subst(fact, y, 0); poly fNew = subst(f, y, y - ratPart); int loc; int start; if(fact == y) { loc = 1; // Separate only the factors at the origin. start = 2; } else { loc = 0; // Separate also the factors outside the origin. start = 1; } list compsT = henselBlocks(fNew, order, loc); for(j = start; j <= size(compsT); j++) { comps[comp] = subst(compsT[j], y, y + ratPart); comp++; } } else { comps[1] = f; } return(comps); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Auxiliary tools // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checks if the term of highest degree in y of f contains x. static proc isXMonic(poly f){ //"START - integralbasis.lib - isXMonic"; matrix c = coeffs(f,var(2)); return(deg(c[size(c), 1]) == 0); } // Check if the only singularity is at the origin static proc checkAt0(poly f, int modular) { def R = basering; int vdDS, vd32003; int vdx, vdy; // vdim at origin (using ds ordering) //"checking at 0"; list rlDS = ringlist(R); rlDS[3] = list(list("C", 0), list("ds", intvec(1,1))); def S1 = ring(rlDS); setring S1; poly f = imap(R, f); ideal SL = f, diff(f, var(1)), diff(f, var(2)); if(modular == 0) { SL = groebner(SL); } else { SL = modStd(SL); } vdDS = vdim(SL); setring R; // vdim at affine ring (using char 32003) list rl32003 = ringlist(R); rl32003[1] = 32003; def S2 = ring(rl32003); setring S2; poly f = imap(R, f); ideal SL = f, diff(f, var(1)), diff(f, var(2)); SL = groebner(SL); vd32003 = vdim(SL); setring R; if(vdDS == vd32003) { // vdim at charts (using char 32003) ring S = 0, (x,y,z), dp; poly f = fetch(R, f); f = homog(f, z); poly fy = subst(f, y, 1); poly fx = subst(f, x, 1); ring Sx = 32003, (y, z), dp; poly fx5 = imap(S, fx); ideal J = fx5, diff(fx5, y), diff(fx5, z); J = groebner(J); vdx = vdim(J); ring Sy = 32003, (x, z), dp; poly fy5 = imap(S, fy); ideal J = fy5, diff(fy5, x), diff(fy5, z); J = groebner(J); vdy = vdim(J); if((vdx == 0) && (vdy == 0)) { // No singularities at infinity return(1); } else { // Singularities at infinity dbprint(dbg,"Singularities at infinity"); return(0); } } else { dbprint(dbg,"Check at origin: FALSE"); return(0); } kill vdDS, vd32003; kill S1, S2; kill rlDS, rl32003; } static proc xCondu(poly px, list norOut, ideal I) { ideal XC = quotient(norOut[2]+I, norOut[1]); ideal XCX = eliminate(XC, var(2)); //"The x-conductor is ", XCX[1]; return(XCX[1]); } // Compose the tower of minimimal polynomials. // We assume that the polynomials are given in the second variable. // The first polynomial in the list is not used. static proc composePolys(list minPolys) { int i; poly mp = minPolys[size(minPolys)]; for(i = size(minPolys)-1; i > 1; i--) { mp = subst(mp, var(2), minPolys[i]); } return(mp); } // We work in a ring extension from a ring extension, and we compute the // coefficients of f in the original ring (we assume they are elements of the // original ring). // poly alpha is the primitive element of the first extension mapped into the // extended ring // d is the degree of the original extension static proc extendBack(poly f, poly alpha, int d) { def R = basering; ideal I; for(int i = 1; i <= d; i++) { I[i] = alpha^(i-1); } ring S = 0, (var(1), var(2), @a), dp; poly f = imap(R, f); ideal I = imap(R, I); module M = coeffs(I, @a); matrix CC = coef(f, var(1)*var(2)); module P; matrix L; int j; ideal rel; for(i = 1; i <= ncols(CC); i++) { P = coeffs(CC[2, i], @a); L = lift(M, P); rel[i] = 0; for(j = 1; j <= nrows(L); j++) { rel[i] = rel[i] + L[j, 1] * var(1)^(j-1); } } setring R; ideal rel = imap(S, rel); return(rel); } static proc changeDenominatorFast(ideal U1, poly c1, poly c2, ideal I) { //"changeDenominatorFast"; ideal U2 = quotient(c2*U1+I, c1); return(U2); } static proc trivialBasis(poly f) { int j; intvec vy = (0, 1); int n = deg(f, vy); ideal l; for(j = 0; j < n; j++) { l[j+1] = var(2)^j; } return(list(l, poly(1))); } static proc isOneIdeal(ideal I) { I = groebner(I); int i; int out = 0; for (i = 1; i <= ncols(I); i++) { if(I[i] == 1){out = 1;} } return(out); } static proc isZeroIdeal(ideal I) { return(size(I)==0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SPECIAL ALGORITHM FOR SINGULARITIES WITH SAME X-COORDINATE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Case: singularity with non-rational Y coordinate, and X = 0. // py is a polynomial in Y, whose roots are the Y-coordinate of the // singuarities. static proc ibNonRatY(poly f, poly py, int locBasis){ // We have singularities at . int i; int b; // Multiplicity of the singularity. int dbg = printlevel - voice + 5; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); intvec vY = (0,1); intvec vX = (1,0); def R = basering; int d = deg(f,vY); // We add one of the roots of py to the basering. def S = splitRingAt(py); setring S; poly f = fetch(R, f); poly py = fetch(R, py); // Initial terms of the Puiseux expansion of f at the singularity, y = PE. poly PE = par(1); // We move the singularity to the origin poly fT = subst(f, var(2), var(2) + par(1)); // We compute the integral basis with the singularity at the origin. list ib = ibNonRatYSplit(fT, f, py, PE, locBasis); // We do not need to move back the integral basis, because it is already // computed using the original f. // Back to the original ring setring R; list ib = imap(S, ib); return(ib); } // fOrig and py are the original polynomials, they will not be changed. // f and PE are changed so as to compute the puiseux expansions static proc ibNonRatYSplit(poly f, poly fOrig, poly py, poly PE, int locBasis) { debug_log_intbas(4, "--------START - integralbasis.lib - ibLocalNonRatYSplit"); // "f", f; // "fOrig", fOrig; // "py", py; // "PE", PE; // "locBasis", locBasis; // "basering", basering; int i; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 5; poly x = var(1); poly y = var(2); intvec vY = (0,1); intvec vX = (1,0); int d = deg(fOrig,vY); // We compute the multiplicity of the singularity. poly f0 = subst(fOrig,x,0); list fc = divideBy(f0, py); int b = fc[2]; list dat = newtonInfo(f, b); list ib; // Integral basis if(size(dat) == 0){ // The simple algorithm cannot be used. return(list()); } if(dat[1] == "changeCoord") { // The first term of the Puiseux expansions is repeated. // We remove it and compute the integral basis recursively. //"DBG - Change coord (linear term in PE)"; f = subst(f, y, y - dat[2]); // We add the new terms of the Puiseux expansion PE = PE - dat[2]; // We compute the integral basis ib = ibNonRatYSplit(f, fOrig, py, PE, locBasis); if(size(ib) > 0) { return(ib); } else { // The integral basis could not be computed. return(list()); } } // We run the algorithm dbprint(dbg, "Simple algorithm is used for this component."); poly f1, f2; // fOrig(0,y) = f1*f2 f1 = py^b; f2 = fc[1]; // Slope of the Newton polygon (giving the initial exponent) int slN = dat[2]; int slD = dat[3]; // Degrees of the polynomials int dU = deg(f2,vY); int dPY = deg(py, vY); // Maximum integrality exponent int maxExpDen = (slN * (((d-1)-dU) div dPY)) div slD; if(dbg >= 1) { dbprint(dbg,"Hensel lifting - order = ", maxExpDen); } // We compute the lifiting of the factor outside the origin up to the // maximum integrality exponent list hen = henselGlobal(f1, f2, fOrig, maxExpDen); poly p = hen[1]; poly u = hen[2]; // We multiply the conjugates of (y - PE) to get a polynomial over // the ground field poly PEGround = buildPolyFrac(PE); //"PE: "; PE; //"PEground: "; PEGround; // We compute the integral basis from the data obtained. // It will be a product of u (the factor outside the singularity) and // powers of y and PEGround. int expDen; int expPY, expY; // The exponent of py and y in the numerator. int ordU; if(locBasis == 0) { for(i = 0; i < d; i++){ if(i >= dU + dPY){ expDen = (slN * ((i-dU) div dPY)) div slD; ordU = expDen - 1; if (ordU < 0){ordU = 0;} expPY = (int(i-dU) div dPY); expY = i-dU-(expPY * dPY); ib[i+1] = list(PEGround^expPY * y^expY, x^(expDen)); if(dU > 0){ ib[i+1][1] = ib[i+1][1] * jet(u, ordU, vX); } } else { ib[i+1] = list(y^i, 1); } } } else { for(i = 0; i < d - dU; i++) { if(i > 0) { expDen = (slN* (i div dPY)) div slD; expPY = (i/dPY); expY = i-(expPY * dPY); ib[i+1] = list(py^expPY * y^expY, x^(expDen)); } else { ib[1] = list(1, 0); } } } // We put the integral basis in the usual form, with a common denominator. poly den = ib[size(ib)][2]; ideal ibCom; for(i = 1; i<= size(ib); i++){ ibCom[i] = ib[i][1]*den/ib[i][2]; } list new = list(ibCom, den); //"time for generating the base: "; timer - t; return(new); } // Checks if two lists are equal static proc equalLists(list l1, list l2) { int i; if(size(l1) != size(l2)) { return(0); } for(i = 1; i <= size(l1); i++) { if(l1[i] != l2[i]) { return(0); } } return(1); } // Merge classes if the corresponding factors are not over the ground field // Takes as input the output of proc irreducibleFactors static proc mergeClassesIF(poly f, list classes, list ifOut, int mdm) { int h, i, j; list cl; int rep = 0; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { if(ifOut[2][i+1] == 0) { "Recombination of conjugation classes is not fully implemented. "; "Please check output."; rep = 1; cl = getClassVector(classes[i]); for(h = 1; h <= size(classes); h++) { if(i != h) { if(sameClass(cl, getClassVector(classes[h]), 1)) { classes[h] = setClassVector(classes[h], cl); } } } break; } } // Regroup classes list classesNew; for(i = 1; i <= size(classes); i++) { classesNew = classesNew + classes[i]; } classes = getClasses(classesNew); if(rep == 1) { ifOut = irreducibleFactors(f, classes, mdm); if(ifOut[3] == 0) { classes = mergeClassesIF(f, classes, ifOut, mdm); } } return(list(classes, ifOut)); } static proc mergeTwoClasses(list classes, int a1, int a2) { classes[a1] = classes[a1] + classes[a2]; classes = delete(classes,a2); return(classes); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // splitring from primitiv.lib changed so that the variables // are named @a and not a static proc splitRingAt(poly f,list #) "USAGE: splitringAt(f[,L]); f poly, L list of polys and/or ideals (optional) ASSUME: f is univariate and irreducible over the active ring. @* The active ring must allow an algebraic extension (e.g., it cannot be a transcendent ring extension of Q or Z/p). RETURN: ring; @* if called with a nonempty second parameter L, then in the output ring there is defined a list erg ( =L mapped to the new ring); if the minpoly of the active ring is non-zero, then the image of the primitive root of f in the output ring is appended as last entry of the list erg. NOTE: If the old ring has no parameter, the name @code{a} is chosen for the parameter of R (if @code{a} is no ring variable; if it is, @code{b} is chosen, etc.; if @code{a,b,c,o} are ring variables, @code{splitring(f[,L])} produces an error message), otherwise the name of the parameter is kept and only the minimal polynomial is changed. @* The names of the ring variables and the orderings are not affected. @* KEYWORDS: algebraic field extension; extension of rings EXAMPLE: example splitring; shows an example " { //----------------- split ist bereits eine proc in 'inout.lib' ! ------------- if (size(#)>=1) { list L=#; int L_groesse=size(L); } else { int L_groesse=-1; } //-------------- ermittle das Minimalpolynom des aktuellen Rings: ------------ string minp=string(minpoly); def altring=basering; string charakt=string(char(altring)); string varnames=varstr(altring); string algname; int i; int anzvar=size(maxideal(1)); //--------------- Fall 1: Bisheriger Ring hatte kein Minimalpolynom ---------- if (minp=="0") { // only possible without parameters (by assumption) if (find(varnames,"@a")==0) { algname="@a";} else { if (find(varnames,"@b")==0) { algname="@b";} else { if (find(varnames,"@c")==0) { algname="@c";} else { if (find(varnames,"@o")==0) { algname="@o";} else { ERROR("** Sorry -- could not find a free name for the primitive element."; "** Try e.g. a ring without '@a' or '@b' as variable."); }} } } //-- erzeuge einen String, der das Minimalpolynom des neuen Rings enthaelt: - execute("ring splt1="+charakt+","+algname+",dp;"); ideal abbnach=var(1); for (i=1; i0) { list erg; map take=altring,maxideal(1); erg=take(L); } } else { //------------- Fall 2: Bisheriger Ring hatte ein Minimalpolynom: ----------- algname=parstr(altring); // Name des algebraischen Elements if (npars(altring)>1) {ERROR("only one Parameter is allowed!");} //---------------- Minimalpolynom in ein Polynom umwandeln: ----------------- execute("ring splt2="+charakt+","+algname+",dp;"); execute("poly mipol="+minp+";"); // f ist Polynom in algname und einer weiteren Variablen -> mache f bivariat: execute("ring splt3="+charakt+",("+algname+","+varnames+"),dp;"); poly f=imap(altring,f); //-------------- Vorbereitung des Aufrufes von primitive: ------------------- execute("ring splt1="+charakt+",(x,y),dp;"); ideal abbnach=x; for (i=1; i<=anzvar; i++) { abbnach=abbnach,y; } map nach_splt1_3=splt3,abbnach; map nach_splt1_2=splt2,x; ideal maxid=nach_splt1_2(mipol),nach_splt1_3(f); ideal primit=primitive(maxid); if (size(primit)==0) { // Suche mit 1. Proc erfolglos primit=primitive_extra(maxid); } //-- erzeuge einen String, der das Minimalpolynom des neuen Rings enthaelt: - setring splt2; map nach_splt2=splt1,0,var(1); // x->0, y->a minp=string(nach_splt2(primit)[1]); if (printlevel > -1) { "// new minimal polynomial:",minp; } //--------------------- definiere den neuen Ring: --------------------------- execute("ring neuring = ("+charakt+","+algname+"),("+varnames+"),(" +ordstr(altring)+");"); execute("minpoly="+minp+";"); if (L_groesse>0) { //---------------------- Berechne die zurueckzugebende Liste: ------------- list erg; setring splt3; list zwi=imap(altring,L); map nach_splt3_1=splt1,0,var(1); // x->0, y->a //----- rechne das primitive Element von altring in das von neuring um: --- ideal convid=maxideal(1); convid[1]=nach_splt3_1(primit)[2]; poly new_b=nach_splt3_1(primit)[3]; map convert=splt3,convid; zwi=convert(zwi); setring neuring; erg=imap(splt3,zwi); erg[size(erg)+1]=imap(splt3,new_b); } } if (defined(erg)){export erg;} return(neuring); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y),dp; def r1=splitring(x2-2); setring r1; basering; // change to Q(sqrt(2)) // change to Q(sqrt(2),sqrt(sqrt(2)))=Q(a) and return the transformed // old parameter: def r2=splitring(x2-a,a); setring r2; basering; erg; // the result is (a)^2 = (sqrt(sqrt(2)))^2 kill r1; kill r2; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc getClassVector(list cl); { if(typeof(cl[1]) == "ring") { def S = cl[1]; setring S; list clVec = PE[1][6]; } else { list clVec = cl[1][6]; } return(clVec); } static proc setClassVector(list cl, list clVec); { def R = basering; int i, j; for(i = 1; i <=size(cl); i++) { if(typeof(cl[i]) == "ring") { def S = cl[i]; setring S; for(j = 1; j <= size(PE); j++) { PE[j][6] = clVec; } setring R; kill S; } else { for(j = 1; j <= size(cl); j++) { cl[j][6] = clVec; } } } return(cl); } static proc sameClass(list l1, list l2, int offset) { int i; int same = 1; for(i = 1; i <= size(l1) - offset; i++) { if(l1[i] != l2[i]) { same = 0; } } return(same); } // proc checkClass(list expClass) // { // // If there is only one expansion in the class, there is nothing to do // if(typeof(expClass[1]) == "ring") // { // for(j = 1; j <= size(classes[i]); j++) // { // if(typeof(classes[i][j]) == "ring") // { // S = classes[i][j]; // setring S; // if(typeof(PE[1][7])!= "none") // { // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copied from classify.lib static proc init_debug_intbas(list #) "USAGE: init_debug([level]); level=int COMPUTE: Set the global variable @DeBug to level. The variable @DeBug is used by the function debug_log_intbas(level, list of strings) to know when to print the list of strings. init_debug() reports only changes of @DeBug. NOTE: The procedure init_debug(n); is usefull as trace-mode. n may range from 0 to 10, higher values of n give more information. EXAMPLE: example init_debug; shows an example" { int newDebug=0; if( defined(@DeBug) != 0 ) { newDebug = @DeBug; } if( size(#) > 0 ) { newDebug=#[1]; } else { string s=system("getenv", "SG_DEBUG"); if( s != "" && defined(@DeBug)==0) { s="newDebug="+s; execute(s); } } if( defined(@DeBug) == 0) { int @DeBug = newDebug; export @DeBug; if(@DeBug>0) { "Debugging level is set to ", @DeBug; } } else { if( (size(#) == 0) && (newDebug < @DeBug) ) { return(); } if( @DeBug != newDebug) { int oldDebug = @DeBug; @DeBug = newDebug; if(@DeBug>0) { "Debugging level change from ", oldDebug, " to ",@DeBug; } else { if( @DeBug==0 && oldDebug>0 ) { "Debugging switched off."; } } } } //printlevel = @DeBug; } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; init_debug(); debug_log_intbas(1,"no trace information printed"); init_debug(1); debug_log_intbas(1,"some trace information"); init_debug(2); debug_log_intbas(2,"nice for debugging scripts"); init_debug(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc debug_log_intbas (int level, list #) "USAGE: debug_log_intbas(level,li); level=int, li=comma separated \"message\" list COMPUTE: print \"messages\" if level>=@DeBug. useful for user-defined trace messages. EXAMPLE: example debug_log_intbas; shows an example SEE ALSO: init_debug " { int len = size(#); // int printresult = printlevel - level +1; // if(level>1) // { // dbprint(printresult, "Debug:("+ string(level)+ "): ", #[2..len]); // } // else { dbprint(printresult, #[1..len]); } if( defined(@DeBug) == 0 ) { init_debug_intbas(); } if(@DeBug>=level) { if(level>1) { "Debug:("+ string(level)+ "): ", #[1..len]; } else { #[1..len]; } } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; example init_debug; } static proc debug_lvl() { int j = @DeBug; return(j); } // Alternative procedure for computing characteristic exponents // from the exponentes of the series. // Not used beacuse we need to use characteristic orders, it is // not enough to compute the characteristic exponents. static proc charExp(intvec v, int k) { intvec vNew; int i = 1; int ind = 1; while ((v[i] mod k) == 0) { i++; } vNew[1] = v[i]; ind++; int g = gcd(k, vNew[1]); while(i <= size(v)) { while((v[i] mod g) == 0) { i++; if(i > size(v)){break;} } if(i <= size(v)) { vNew[ind] = v[i]; g = gcd(g, vNew[ind]); ind++; } } return(vNew); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Examples for testing the main procedures /// Timings on wawa Sept 30 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIB"integralbasis.lib"; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 1 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring r = 0, (x, y), dp; poly f = y5-y4x+4y2x2-x4; integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 0 integralBasis(f, 1); integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 normal(f); kill r; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 2 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring r = 0, (x, y), dp; poly f = y2-x2*(x+1)^2*(x+2); integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 0 integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 integralBasis(f, 2, list(list("inputJ", ideal(x,y)))); kill r; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 3 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = 11y7+7y6x+8y5x2-3y4x3-10y3x4-10y2x5-x7-33y6-29y5x-13y4x2+26y3x3; f = f+30y2x4+10yx5+3x6+33y5+37y4x-8y3x2-33y2x3-20yx4-3x5-11y4-15y3x; f = f+13y2x2+10yx3+x4; // 3 OMPs of mult 3, 1 OMP of mult 4 integralBasis(f, 2); f =1/11*f; integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 2 kill RR; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 4 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = y^20+x*y^13+x^4*y^5+x^5+2*x^4+x^3; integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 0 integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 kill RR; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 5 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring SS = 0, (u,v,z), dp; poly f = u^6+3*u^4*v^2+3*u^2*v^4+v^6-4*u^4*z^2-34*u^3*v*z^2-7*u^2*v^2*z^2; f = f+12*u*v^3*z^2+6*v^4*z^2+36*u^2*z^4+36*u*v*z^4+9*v^2*z^4; f = subst(f,z,1); ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = fetch(SS,f); integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 1 kill RR, SS; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 6 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring SS = 0, (u,v,z), dp; poly f = -24135/322*u^6-532037/6440*u^5*v+139459/560*u^4*v^2; f = f-1464887/12880*u^3*v^3+72187/25760*u^2*v^4+9/8*u*v^5+1/8*v^6; f = f-403511/3220*u^5*z-40817/920*u^4*v*z+10059/80*u^3*v^2*z; f = f-35445/1288*u^2*v^3*z+19/4*u*v^4*z+3/4*v^5*z-20743/805*u^4*z^2; f = f+126379/3220*u^3*v*z^2-423417/6440*u^2*v^2*z^2+11/2*u*v^3*z^2; f = f+3/2*v^4*z^2+3443/140*u^3*z^3+u^2*v*z^3+u*v^2*z^3+v^3*z^3; f = 8/27*subst(f,z,u+v+z); f = subst(f,z,1); ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = fetch(SS,f); integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 3 integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 0 kill RR, SS; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 8 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring SS = 0, (u,v,z), dp; poly f = 25*u^8+184*u^7*v+518*u^6*v^2+720*u^5*v^3+576*u^4*v^4+282*u^3*v^5; f = f+84*u^2*v^6+14*u*v^7+v^8+244*u^7*z+1326*u^6*v*z+2646*u^5*v^2*z; f = f+2706*u^4*v^3*z+1590*u^3*v^4*z+546*u^2*v^5*z+102*u*v^6*z+8*v^7*z; f = f+854*u^6*z^2+3252*u^5*v*z^2+4770*u^4*v^2*z^2+3582*u^3*v^3*z^2; f = f+1476*u^2*v^4*z^2+318*u*v^5*z^2+28*v^6*z^2+1338*u^5*z^3+3740*u^4*v*z^3; f = f+4030*u^3*v^2*z^3+2124*u^2*v^3*z^3+550*u*v^4*z^3+56*v^5*z^3+1101*u^4*z^4; f = f+2264*u^3*v*z^4+1716*u^2*v^2*z^4+570*u*v^3*z^4+70*v^4*z^4+508*u^3*z^5; f = f+738*u^2*v*z^5+354*u*v^2*z^5+56*v^3*z^5+132*u^2*z^6+122*u*v*z^6; f = f+28*v^2*z^6+18*u*z^7+8*v*z^7+z^8; f = subst(f,z,1); ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = fetch(SS,f); integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // time 95 integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 13 kill RR, SS; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Example 9 // ------------------------------------------------------- ring SS = 0, (u,v,z), dp; poly f = u^10+6*u^9*v-30*u^7*v^3-15*u^6*v^4+u^5*v^5+u^4*v^6+6*u^3*v^7+u^2*v^8; f = f+7*u*v^9+v^10+5*u^9*z+24*u^8*v*z-30*u^7*v^2*z-120*u^6*v^3*z-43*u^5*v^4*z; f = f+5*u^4*v^5*z+20*u^3*v^6*z+10*u^2*v^7*z+29*u*v^8*z+5*v^9*z; f = f+10*u^8*z^2+36*u^7*v*z^2-105*u^6*v^2*z^2-179*u^5*v^3*z^2; f = f-38*u^4*v^4*z^2+25*u^3*v^5*z^2+25*u^2*v^6*z^2+46*u*v^7*z^2; f = f+10*v^8*z^2+10*u^7*z^3+24*u^6*v*z^3-135*u^5*v^2*z^3; f = f-117*u^4*v^3*z^3-u^3*v^4*z^3+25*u^2*v^5*z^3+34*u*v^6*z^3; f = f+10*v^7*z^3+5*u^6*z^4+6*u^5*v*z^4-75*u^4*v^2*z^4-27*u^3*v^3*z^4; f = f+10*u^2*v^4*z^4+11*u*v^5*z^4+5*v^6*z^4+u^5*z^5; f = f-15*u^3*v^2*z^5+u^2*v^3*z^5+u*v^4*z^5+v^5*z^5; f = subst(f,z,1); ring RR = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f = fetch(SS,f); // integralBasis(f, 2, "global"); // fail integralBasis(f, 2); // local by default, time 2 kill RR, SS; */