//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version olga.lib Feb_2019 "; // $Id$ category="Noncommutative"; info=" LIBRARY: olga.lib Ore-localization in G-Algebras AUTHOR: Johannes Hoffmann, email: johannes.hoffmann at math.rwth-aachen.de OVERVIEW: Let A be a G-algebra. Current localization types: Type 0: monoidal - represented by a list of polys g_1,...,g_k that have to be contained in a commutative polynomial subring of A generated by a subset of the variables of A Type 1: geometric - only for algebras with an even number of variables where the first half induces a commutative polynomial subring B of A - represented by an ideal p, which has to be a prime ideal in B Type 2: rational - represented by an intvec v = [i_1,...,i_k] in the range 1..nvars(basering) Localization data is an int specifying the type and a def with the corresponding information. A fraction is represented as a vector with four entries: [s,r,p,t] Here, s^{-1}r is the left fraction representation, pt^{-1} is the right one. If s or t is zero, it means that the corresponding representation is not set. If both are zero, the fraction is not valid. A detailed description along with further examples can be found in our paper: Johannes Hoffmann, Viktor Levandovskyy: Constructive Arithmetics in Ore Localizations of Domains https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01773 PROCEDURES: locStatus(int, def); report on the status/validity of the given localization data testLocData(int, def); check if the given data specifies a denominator set isInS(poly, int, def); determine if a polynomial is in a denominator set fracStatus(vector frac, int locType, def locData); report on the status/validity of the given fraction wrt. to the given localization data testFraction(vector, int, def); check if the given vector is a representation of a fraction in the specified localization leftOre(poly, poly, int, def) compute left Ore data rightOre(poly, poly, int, def) compute right Ore data convertRightToLeftFraction(vector, int, def); determine a left fraction representation of a given fraction convertLeftToRightFraction(vector, int, def); determine a right fraction representation of a given fraction addLeftFractions(vector, vector, int, def); add two left fractions in the specified localization multiplyLeftFractions(vector, vector, int, def); multiply two left fractions in the specified localization areEqualLeftFractions(vector, vector, int, def); check if two given fractions are equal isInvertibleLeftFraction(vector, int, def); check if a fraction is invertible in the specified localization (NOTE: check description for specific behaviour) invertLeftFraction(vector, int, def); invert a fraction in the specified localization (NOTE: check description for specific behaviour) isZeroFraction(vector); determine if the given fraction is equal to zero isOneFraction(vector); determine if the given fraction is equal to one normalizeMonoidal(list); determine a normal form for monoidal localization data normalizeRational(intvec); determine a normal form for rational localization data testOlga(); execute a series of internal testing procedures testOlgaExamples(); execute the examples of all procedures in this library "; LIB "dmodloc.lib"; // for polyVars LIB "ncpreim.lib"; LIB "elim.lib"; LIB "ncalg.lib"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc testOlgaExamples() "USAGE: testOlgaExamples() PURPOSE: execute the examples of all procedures in this library RETURN: nothing NOTE: EXAMPLE: " { example isInS; example leftOre; example rightOre; example convertRightToLeftFraction; example convertLeftToRightFraction; example addLeftFractions; example multiplyLeftFractions; example areEqualLeftFractions; example isInvertibleLeftFraction; example invertLeftFraction; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc testOlga() "USAGE: testOlga() PURPOSE: execute a series of internal testing procedures RETURN: nothing NOTE: EXAMPLE: " { print("testing olga.lib..."); testIsInS(); testLeftOre(); testRightOre(); testAddLeftFractions(); testMultiplyLeftFractions(); testAreEqualLeftFractions(); testConvertLeftToRightFraction(); testConvertRightToLeftFraction(); testIsInvertibleLeftFraction(); testInvertLeftFraction(); print("testing complete - olga.lib OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc locStatus(int locType, def locData) "USAGE: locStatus(locType, locData), int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: determine the status of a set of localization data ASSUME: RETURN: list NOTE: - the first entry is 0 or 1, depending whether the input represents a valid localization - the second entry is a string with a status/error message EXAMPLE: example locStatus; shows example" { int i; if (locType < 0 || locType > 2) { string invalidTypeString = "invalid localization: type is " + string(locType) + ", valid types are:"; invalidTypeString = invalidTypeString + newline + "0 for a monoidal localization"; invalidTypeString = invalidTypeString + newline + "1 for a geometric localization"; invalidTypeString = invalidTypeString + newline + "2 for a rational localization"; return(list(0, invalidTypeString)); } string t = typeof(locData); if (t == "none") { return(list(0, "uninitialized or invalid localization:" + " locData has to be defined")); } if (locType == 0) { // monoidal localizations if (t != "list") { return(list(0, "for a monoidal localization, locData has to be of" + " type list, but is of type " + t)); } else { // locData is of type list if (size(locData) == 0) { return(list(0, "for a monoidal localization, locData has to be" + " a non-empty list")); } else { // locData is of type list and has at least one entry if (defined(basering)) {ideal listEntries;} for (i = 1; i <= size(locData); i++) { t = typeof(locData[i]); if (t != "poly" && t != "int" && t != "number") { return(list(0, "for a monoidal localization, locData" + " has to be a list of polys, ints or numbers, but" + " entry " + string(i) + " is " + string(locData[i]) + ", which is of type " + t)); } else { if (defined(basering)) { if (size(listEntries) == 0) { listEntries = locData[i]; } else { listEntries = listEntries, locData[i]; } } } } // locData is of type list, has at least one entry and all // entries are polys if (!defined(basering)) { return(list(0, "for a monoidal localization, the variables" + " occurring in the polys in locData have to induce a" + " commutative polynomial subring of basering")); } if (!inducesCommutativeSubring(listEntries)) { return(list(0, "for a monoidal localization, the variables" + " occurring in the polys in locData have to induce a" + " commutative polynomial subring of basering")); } } } } if (locType == 1) { // geometric localizations int n = nvars(basering) div 2; if (2*n != nvars(basering)) { return(list(0, "for a geometric localization, basering has to have" + " an even number of variables")); } else { int j; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) { if (var(i)*var(j) != var(j)*var(i)) { return(list(0, "for a geometric localization, the" + " first half of the variables of basering has to" + " induce a commutative polynomial subring of" + " basering")); } } } } if (t != "ideal") { return(list(0, "for a geometric localization, locData has to be of" + " type ideal, but is of type " + t)); } for (i = 1; i <= size(locData); i++) { if (!polyVars(locData[i],1..n)) { return(list(0, "for a geometric localization, locData has to" + " be an ideal generated by polynomials containing only" + " variables from the first half of the variables")); } } } if (locType == 2) { // rational localizations if (t != "intvec") { return(list(0, "for a rational localization, locData has to be of" + " type intvec, but is of type " + t)); } else { // locData is of type intvec if(locData == 0) { return(list(0, "for a rational localization, locData has to be" + " a non-zero intvec")); } else { // locData is of type intvec and not zero if (!admissibleSub(locData)) { return(list(0, "for a rational localization, the variables" + " indexed by locData have to generate a sub-G-algebra" + " of the basering")); } } } } return(list(1, "valid localization")); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; locStatus(42, list(1)); def undef; locStatus(0, undef); string s; locStatus(0, s); list L; locStatus(0, L); L = s; print(L); locStatus(0, L); ring w = 0,(x,Dx,y,Dy),dp; def W = Weyl(1); setring W; W; locStatus(0, list(x, Dx)); ring R; setring R; R; locStatus(1, s); setring W; locStatus(1, s); ring t = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def T = Weyl(); setring T; T; locStatus(1, s); locStatus(1, ideal(Dx)); locStatus(2, s); intvec v; locStatus(2, v); locStatus(2, intvec(1,2)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc testLocData(int locType, def locData) "USAGE: testLocData(locType, locData), int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: test if the given data specifies a denominator set wrt. the checks from locStatus ASSUME: RETURN: nothing NOTE: throws error if checks were not successful EXAMPLE: example testLocData; shows examples" { list stat = locStatus(locType, locData); if (!stat[1]) { ERROR(stat[2]); } else { return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R; setring R; testLocData(0, list(1)); // correct localization, no error testLocData(42, list(1)); // incorrect localization, results in error } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isInS(poly p, int locType, def locData, list #) "USAGE: isInS(p, locType, locData(, override)), poly p, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData(, int override) PURPOSE: determine if a polynomial is in a denominator set ASSUME: RETURN: int NOTE: - returns 0 or 1, depending whether p is in the denominator set specified by locType and locData - if override is set, will not normalize locData (use with care) EXAMPLE: example isInS; shows examples" { testLocData(locType, locData); if (p == 0) { // the zero polynomial is never a valid denominator return(0); } if (number(p) != 0) { // elements of the coefficient field are always valid denominators return(1); } int override; if (size(#) > 0) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int") { override = #[1]; } } if (locType == 0) { ideal pFactors = commutativeFactorization(p, 1); list locFactors; if (override) { locFactors = locData; } else { locFactors = normalizeMonoidal(locData); } int i, j, foundFactor; for (i = 1; i <= size(pFactors); i++) { foundFactor = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(locFactors); j++) { if (pFactors[i] == locFactors[j]) { foundFactor = 1; break; } } if (!foundFactor) { return(0); } } return(1); } if (locType == 1) { int n = nvars(basering) div 2; ideal I = p; ideal J = std(eliminateNC(I, (n+1)..(2*n))); ideal K = std(intersect(J, locData)); int i; for (i = 1; i <= size(J); i++) { if (NF(J[i], K) != 0) { return(1); } } } if (locType == 2) { if (!override) { locData = normalizeRational(locData); } ideal I = p; intvec modLocData = intvecComplement(locData, 1..nvars(basering)); I = eliminateNC(I, modLocData); if (size(I)) { return(1); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x^2*y+x+2; poly g2 = y^3+x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; poly f = g-1; isInS(g, 0, L); // g is in the denominator set isInS(f, 0, L); // f is NOT in the denominator set // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; g = x^2+y-3; f = (x-1)*g; isInS(g, 1, p); // g is in the denominator set isInS(f, 1, p); // f is NOT in the denominator set // rational localization intvec v = 2; g = y^5+17*y^2-4; f = x*y; isInS(g, 2, v); // g is in the denominator set isInS(f, 2, v); // f is NOT in the denominator set } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc fracStatus(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: fracStatus(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/intvec/vector locData PURPOSE: determine if the given vector is a representation of a fraction in the specified localization ASSUME: RETURN: list NOTE: - the first entry is 0 or 1, depending whether the input is valid - the second entry is a string with a status message EXAMPLE: example fracStatus; shows examples" { list locStat = locStatus(locType, locData); if (!locStat[1]) { // there is a problem with the localization data return(list(0, "invalid localization in fraction: "+ string(frac) + newline + " " + locStat[2])); } else { // the specified localization is valid if ((frac[1] == 0) && (frac[4] == 0)) { return(list(0, "vector is not a valid fraction: no denominator" + " specified in " + string(frac))); } if (frac[1] != 0) { // frac has a left representation if (!isInS(frac[1], locType, locData)) { return(list(0, "the left denominator " + string(frac[1]) + " of fraction " + string(frac) + " is not in the" + " denominator set of type " + string(locType) + " given by " + string(locData))); } } if (frac[4] != 0) { // frac has a right representation if (!isInS(frac[4], locType, locData)) { return(list(0, "the right denominator " + string(frac[4]) + " of fraction " + string(frac) + " is not in the" + " denominator set of type " + string(locType) + " given by " + string(locData))); } } if ((frac[1] != 0) && (frac[4] != 0)) { // frac has left and right representations if (frac[2]*frac[4] != frac[1]*frac[3]) { // the representations are not equal return(list(0, "left and right representation are not equal in:" + string(frac))); } } } return(list(1, "valid fraction")); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = QQ[x,y,Dx,Dy]; def R = Weyl(); setring R; fracStatus([1,0,0,0], 42, list(1)); list L = x; fracStatus([0,7,x,0], 0, L); fracStatus([Dx,Dy,0,0], 0, L); fracStatus([0,0,Dx,Dy], 0, L); fracStatus([x,Dx,Dy,x], 0, L); fracStatus([x,Dx,x*Dx+2,x^2], 0, L); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc testFraction(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: testFraction(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/intvec/vector locData PURPOSE: test if the given vector is a representation of a fraction in the specified localization wrt. the checks from fracStatus ASSUME: RETURN: nothing NOTE: throws error if checks were not successful EXAMPLE: example testFraction; shows examples" { list stat = fracStatus(frac, locType, locData); if (!stat[1]) { ERROR(stat[2]); } else { return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = QQ[x,y,Dx,Dy]; def R = Weyl(); setring R; list L = x; vector frac = [x,Dx,x*Dx+2,x^2]; testFraction(frac, 0, L); // correct localization, no error frac = [x,Dx,x*Dx,x^2]; testFraction(frac, 0, L); // incorrect localization, results in error } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc leftOre(poly s, poly r, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: leftOre(s, r, locType, locData), poly s, r, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: compute left Ore data for a given tuple (s,r) ASSUME: s is in the denominator set determined via locType and locData RETURN: list NOTE: - the first entry of the list is a vector [ts,tr] such that ts*r=tr*s - the second entry of the list is a description of all choices for ts EXAMPLE: example leftOre; shows examples" { testLocData(locType,locData); locData = normalizeLocalization(locType, locData); if(!isInS(s, locType, locData)) { ERROR("cannot find Ore-parameter since poly " + string(s) + " is not in the denominator set"); } return(ore(s, r, locType, locData, 0)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // left Ore // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; poly f = Dx; list rm = leftOre(g, f, 0, L); print(rm[1]); rm[2]; rm[1][2]*g-rm[1][1]*f; // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; f = Dx; g = x^2+y; list rg = leftOre(g, f, 1, p); print(rg[1]); rg[2]; rg[1][2]*g-rg[1][1]*f; // rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; list rr = leftOre(g, f, 2, rat); print(rr[1]); rr[2]; rr[1][2]*g-rr[1][1]*f; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc rightOre(poly s, poly r, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: rightOre(s, r, locType, locData), poly s, r, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: compute right Ore data for a given tuple (s,r) ASSUME: s is in the denominator set determined via locType and locData RETURN: list NOTE: - the first entry of the list is a vector [ts,tr] such that r*ts=s*tr - the second entry of the list is a description of all choices for ts EXAMPLE: example rightOre; shows examples" { testLocData(locType,locData); locData = normalizeLocalization(locType, locData); if(!isInS(s, locType, locData)) { ERROR("cannot find Ore-parameter since poly " + string(s) + " is not in the denominator set"); } def bsRing = basering; if (locType == 0) { ideal modLocData = locData[1..size(locData)]; } def oppRing = opposite(bsRing); setring oppRing; if (locType == 0) { ideal oppModLocData = oppose(bsRing, modLocData); list oppLocData = oppModLocData[1..size(oppModLocData)]; } if (locType == 1) { ideal oppLocData = oppose(bsRing,locData); } if (locType == 2) { intvec oppLocData = locData; } poly oppS = oppose(bsRing, s); poly oppR = oppose(bsRing, r); list oppResult = ore(oppS, oppR, locType, oppLocData, 1); vector oppOreParas = oppResult[1]; ideal oppJ = oppResult[2]; setring bsRing; return(list(oppose(oppRing, oppOreParas), oppose(oppRing, oppJ))); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; poly f = Dx; list rm = rightOre(g, f, 0, L); print(rm[1]); rm[2]; g*rm[1][2]-f*rm[1][1]; // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; f = Dx; g = x^2+y; list rg = rightOre(g, f, 1, p); print(rg[1]); rg[2]; g*rg[1][2]-f*rg[1][1]; // rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; list rr = rightOre(g, f, 2, rat); print(rr[1]); rr[2]; g*rr[1][2]-f*rr[1][1]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ore(poly s, poly r, int locType, def locData, int rightOre) { // TODO: once ringlist-bug [#577] is PROPERLY fixed (probability: low), // use eliminateNC instead of eliminate in rightOre-rational and // rightOre-geometric // problem: the ordering on the opposite algebra is not recognized as // valid for eliminateNC, even though it is if (r == 0) { return([1,0], ideal(1)); } int i, j; // modification for monoidal localization if (locType == 0) { // computations will be carried out in the localization at the product // of all irreducible factors of s, thus all factors have to be // raised to the highest power occurring in the factorization of s list factorList = commutativeFactorization(s); ideal factors = factorList[1]; int maxPow = 0; intvec exponents = factorList[2]; for (i = 1; i <= size(exponents); i++) { if (exponents[i] > maxPow) { maxPow = exponents[i]; } } int expDiff; for (i = 1; i <= size(exponents); i++) { expDiff = maxPow - exponents[i]; s = s * factors[i]^expDiff; r = r * factors[i]^expDiff; } } // compute kernel of x maps to x*r+R*s ideal J = modulo(r, s); ideal I = std(J); // compute the poly in S poly ts; if (locType == 0) { // type 0: monoidal localization intvec sle = leadexp(s); intvec rle; int m = deg(r) + 1; // upper bound int dividesLeadingMonomial; // find the minimal possible exponent m such that lm(f_i)|lm(s)^m for (i = 1; i <= size(I); i++) { rle = leadexp(I[i]); dividesLeadingMonomial = 1; for (j = 1; j <= size(rle); j++) { if (sle[j] == 0 && rle[j] != 0) { // lm(f_i) divides no power of lm(s) dividesLeadingMonomial = 0; break; } } if (dividesLeadingMonomial) { int mf = 1; while (1) { if (mf * sle - rle >= 0) { break; // now lm(r_i) divides lm(s)^mf } else { mf++; } } if (mf < m) { m = mf; // mf is lower than the current minimum m } } } poly nf = NF(s^m, I); for (; m <= deg(r) + 1; m++) { // sic: m is initialized beforehand if (nf == 0) { // s^m is in I ts = s^m; ideal Js = s^m; break; } else { nf = NF(s*nf, I); } } } if (locType == 1) { // type 1: geometric localization int n = nvars(basering) div 2; if (rightOre == 1) { // in the right Ore setting, the order of variables is inverted poly elimVars = 1; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { elimVars = elimVars * var(i); } J = eliminate(I, elimVars); } else { J = eliminateNC(I, intvec((n+1)..(2*n))); } J = std(J); // compute ts, the generator of J with the smallest degree that does // not vanish at locData ideal K = intersect(J, locData); K = std(K); poly h, cand; ideal Js; ideal Q = std(locData); for (i = 1; i <= size(J); i++) { h = NF(J[i],Q); if (h != 0) { cand = NF(J[i],K); Js = Js + cand; if (ts == 0 || deg(cand) < deg(ts)) { ts = cand; } } } } if (locType == 2) { // type 2: rational localization int n = nvars(basering); if (size(locData) < n) { // there are variables to eliminate intvec modLocData; int check; modLocData = intvecComplement(locData, 1..n); // calculate modLocData = {1...n}\locData if (rightOre == 1) { // in the right Ore setting, the order of variables is inverted poly elimVars = 1; for (i = 1; i <= size(locData); i++) { elimVars = elimVars * var(locData[i]); } J = eliminate(I, elimVars); } else { J = eliminateNC(I, modLocData); } } else { // no variables to eliminate (total localization) J = I; } J = std(J); ts = J[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(J); i++) { if (deg(J[i]) < deg(ts)) { ts = J[i]; // choose generator with lowest total degree } } ideal Js = J; } // calculate the other poly poly tr = division(ts*r, s)[1][1,1]; if (ts == 0 || tr*s-ts*r != 0) { string s; if (rightOre) { s = "right"; } else { s = "left"; } ERROR("no " + s + " Ore data could be found for s=" + string(s) + " and r=" + string(r)); } vector oreParas = [ts,tr]; list result = oreParas, Js; return (result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc convertRightToLeftFraction(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: convertRightToLeftFraction(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: determine a left fraction representation of a given fraction ASSUME: RETURN: vector NOTE: - the returned vector contains a repr. of frac as a left fraction - if the left representation of frac is already specified, frac will be returned. EXAMPLE: example convertRightToLeftFraction; shows examples" { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(frac, locType, locData); if (frac[1] != 0) { // frac already has a left representation return (frac); } else { // frac has no left representation, but a right one vector oreParas = leftOre(frac[4], frac[3], locType, locData)[1]; vector result = [oreParas[1], oreParas[2], frac[3], frac[4]]; return (result); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; poly f = Dx; vector fracm = [0,0,f,g]; vector rm = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracm, 0, L); print(rm); rm[2]*g-rm[1]*f; // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; f = Dx; g = x^2+y; vector fracg = [0,0,f,g]; vector rg = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracg, 1, p); print(rg); rg[2]*g-rg[1]*f; // rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; vector fracr = [0,0,f,g]; vector rr = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracr, 2, rat); print(rr); rr[2]*g-rr[1]*f; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc convertLeftToRightFraction(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: convertLeftToRightFraction(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: determine a right fraction representation of a given fraction ASSUME: RETURN: vector NOTE: - the returned vector contains a repr. of frac as a right fraction, - if the right representation of frac is already specified, frac will be returned. EXAMPLE: example convertLeftToRightFraction; shows examples" { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(frac, locType, locData); if (frac[4] != 0) { // frac already has a right representation return (frac); } else { // frac has no right representation, but a left one vector oreParas = rightOre(frac[1], frac[2], locType, locData)[1]; vector result = [frac[1], frac[2], oreParas[2], oreParas[1]]; return (result); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g = x; poly f = Dx; vector fracm = [g,f,0,0]; list L = g; vector rm = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracm, 0, L); print(rm); f*rm[4]-g*rm[3]; // geometric localization g = x+y; f = Dx+Dy; vector fracg = [g,f,0,0]; ideal p = x-1, y-3; vector rg = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracg, 1, p); print(rg); f*rg[4]-g*rg[3]; // rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; vector fracr = [g,f,0,0]; vector rr = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracr, 2, rat); print(rr); f*rr[4]-g*rr[3]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isZeroFraction(vector frac) "USAGE: isZeroFraction(frac), vector frac PURPOSE: determine if the vector frac represents zero ASSUME: frac is a valid fraction RETURN: int NOTE: returns 1, if frac == 0; 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: example isZeroFraction; shows examples" { if (frac[1] == 0 && frac[4] == 0) { return(0); } if (frac[1] == 0) { // frac has no left representation if (frac[3] == 0) { // the right representation of frac is zero return(1); } } else { // frac has a left representation if (frac[2] == 0) { // the left representation of frac is zero return(1); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; isZeroFraction([42,0,0,0]); isZeroFraction([0,0,Dx,3]); isZeroFraction([1,1,1,1]); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isOneFraction(vector frac) "USAGE: isOneFraction(frac), vector frac PURPOSE: determine if the vector frac represents one ASSUME: frac is a valid fraction RETURN: int NOTE: 1, if frac == 1; 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: example isOneFraction; shows examples" { if (frac[1] == 0 && frac[4] == 0) { return(0); } if (frac[1] == 0) { // frac has no left representation if (frac[3] == frac[4]) { // the right representation of frac is zero return(1); } } else { // frac has a left representation if (frac[2] == frac[1]) { // the left representation of frac is zero return(1); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; isOneFraction([42,42,0,0]); isOneFraction([0,0,Dx,3]); isOneFraction([1,0,0,1]); } ////////// arithmetic //////////////////////////////////////////////// proc addLeftFractions(vector a, vector b, int locType, def locData, list #) "USAGE: addLeftFractions(a, b, locType, locData(, override)), vector a, b, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData(, int override) PURPOSE: add two left fractions in the specified localization ASSUME: RETURN: vector NOTE: the returned vector is the sum of a and b as fractions in the localization specified by locType and locData. EXAMPLE: example addLeftFractions; shows examples" { int override = 0; if (size(#) > 1) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int") { override = #[1]; } } if (!override) { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(a, locType, locData); testFraction(b, locType, locData); } // check for a shortcut if (isZeroFraction(a)) { return(b); } if (isZeroFraction(b)) { return(a); } if (a[1] == 0) { // a has no left representation a = convertRightToLeftFraction(a, locType, locData); } if (b[1] == 0) { // b has no left representation b = convertRightToLeftFraction(b, locType, locData); } if (a[1] == b[1]) { // a and b have the same left denominator return ([a[1],a[2] + b[2],0,0]); } // no shortcut found, use regular method vector oreParas = leftOre(b[1], a[1], locType, locData)[1]; vector result = [oreParas[1]*a[1],oreParas[1]*a[2]+oreParas[2]*b[2],0,0]; return (result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y+y; list L = g1,g2; poly s1 = g1; poly s2 = g2; poly r1 = Dx; poly r2 = Dy; vector frac1 = [s1,r1,0,0]; vector frac2 = [s2,r2,0,0]; vector rm = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 0, L); print(rm); // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; vector rg = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 1, p); print(rg); // rational localization intvec v = 2; s1 = y^2+y+1; s2 = y-2; r1 = Dx; r2 = Dy; frac1 = [s1,r1,0,0]; frac2 = [s2,r2,0,0]; vector rr = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 2, v); print(rr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc multiplyLeftFractions(vector a, vector b, int locType, def locData, list #) "USAGE: multiplyLeftFractions(a, b, locType, locData(, override)), vector a, b, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData, int override PURPOSE: multiply two left fractions in the specified localization ASSUME: RETURN: vector NOTE: the returned vector is the product of a and b as fractions in the localization specified by locType and locData. EXAMPLE: example multiplyLeftFractions; shows examples" { int override = 0; if (size(#) > 1) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int") { override = #[1]; } } if (!override) { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(a, locType, locData); testFraction(b, locType, locData); } // check for a shortcut if (isZeroFraction(a) || isZeroFraction(b)) { return([1,0,0,1]); } if (isOneFraction(a)) { return(b); } if (isOneFraction(b)) { return(a); } if(a[1] == 0) { a = convertRightToLeftFraction(a, locType, locData); } if(b[1] == 0) { b = convertRightToLeftFraction(b, locType, locData); } if( (a[2] == 0) || (b[2] == 0) ) { return ([1,0,0,1]); } if (a[2]*b[1] == b[1]*a[2]) { // trivial solution of the Ore condition return([b[1]*a[1],a[2]*b[2]]); } // no shortcut found, use regular method vector oreParas = ore(b[1], a[2], locType, locData, 0)[1]; vector result = [oreParas[1]*a[1],oreParas[2]*b[2],0,0]; return (result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y+y; list L = g1,g2; poly s1 = g1; poly s2 = g2; poly r1 = Dx; poly r2 = Dy; vector frac1 = [s1,r1,0,0]; vector frac2 = [s2,r2,0,0]; vector rm = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 0, L); print(rm); // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; vector rg = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 1, p); print(rg); // rational localization intvec v = 2; s1 = y^2+y+1; s2 = y-2; r1 = Dx; r2 = Dy; frac1 = [s1,r1,0,0]; frac2 = [s2,r2,0,0]; vector rr1 = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 2, v); print(rr1); vector rr2 = multiplyLeftFractions(frac2, frac1, 2, v); print(rr2); areEqualLeftFractions(rr1, rr2, 2, v); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc areEqualLeftFractions(vector a, vector b, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: areEqualLeftFractions(a, b, locType, locData), vector a, b, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: check if two given fractions are equal ASSUME: RETURN: int NOTE: returns 1 or 0, depending whether a=b as fractions in the localization specified by locType and locData EXAMPLE: example areEqualLeftFractions; shows examples" { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(a, locType, locData); testFraction(b, locType, locData); if(a[1] == 0) { a = convertRightToLeftFraction(a, locType, locData); } if(b[1] == 0) { b = convertRightToLeftFraction(b, locType, locData); } vector negB = [b[1], -b[2], -b[3], b[4]]; //testFraction(negB, locType, locData); // unnecessary check vector result = addLeftFractions(a, negB, locType, locData); return(isZeroFraction(result)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; // monoidal poly g1 = x*y+3; poly g2 = y^3; list L = g1,g2; poly s1 = g1; poly s2 = s1*g2; poly s3 = s2; poly r1 = Dx; poly r2 = g2*r1; poly r3 = s1*r1+3; vector fracm1 = [s1,r1,0,0]; vector fracm2 = [s2,r2,0,0]; vector fracm3 = [s3,r3,0,0]; areEqualLeftFractions(fracm1, fracm2, 0, L); areEqualLeftFractions(fracm1, fracm3, 0, L); areEqualLeftFractions(fracm2, fracm3, 0, L); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isInvertibleLeftFraction(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: isInvertibleLeftFraction(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: check if a fraction is invertible in the specified localization ASSUME: RETURN: int NOTE: - returns 1, if the numerator of frac is in the denominator set, - returns 0, otherwise (NOTE: this does NOT mean that the fraction is not invertible, it just means it could not be determined by the method above). EXAMPLE: example isInvertibleLeftFraction; shows examples" { testLocData(locType, locData); testFraction(frac, locType, locData); locData = normalizeLocalization(locType, locData); if(frac[1] != 0) { // frac has a left representation return(isInS(frac[2], locType, locData)); } else { // frac has no left, but a right representation return(isInS(frac[3], locType, locData)); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; vector frac = [g1*g2, 17, 0, 0]; isInvertibleLeftFraction(frac, 0, L); ideal p = x-1, y; frac = [g1, x, 0, 0]; isInvertibleLeftFraction(frac, 1, p); intvec rat = 1,2; frac = [g1*g2, Dx, 0, 0]; isInvertibleLeftFraction(frac, 2, rat); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc invertLeftFraction(vector frac, int locType, def locData) "USAGE: invertLeftFraction(frac, locType, locData), vector frac, int locType, list/vector/intvec locData PURPOSE: invert a fraction in the specified localization ASSUME: frac is invertible in the loc. specified by locType and locData RETURN: vector NOTE: - returns the multiplicative inverse of frac in the localization specified by locType and locData, - throws error if frac is not invertible (NOTE: this does NOT mean that the fraction is not invertible, it just means it could not be determined by the method listed above). EXAMPLE: example invertLeftFraction; shows examples" { // standard tests are done by isInvertibleLeftFraction if (isInvertibleLeftFraction(frac, locType, locData)) { return([frac[2],frac[1],frac[4],frac[3]]); } else { return([1,0,0,1]); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; S; poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; vector frac = [g1*g2, 17, 0, 0]; print(invertLeftFraction(frac, 0, L)); ideal p = x-1, y; frac = [g1, x, 0, 0]; print(invertLeftFraction(frac, 1, p)); intvec rat = 1,2; frac = [g1*g2, y, 0, 0]; print(invertLeftFraction(frac, 2, rat)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc normalizeMonoidal(list L) "USAGE: normalizeMonoidal(L), list L PURPOSE: compute a normal form of monoidal localization data RETURN: list NOTE: given a list of polys, returns a list of all unique factors appearing in the given polys EXAMPLE: example normalizeMonoidal; shows examples" { ideal allFactors; int i; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) { allFactors = allFactors, commutativeFactorization(L[i],1); } allFactors = simplify(allFactors,1+2+4); // simplify: divide by leading coefficients (1), // purge zero generators (2), purge double entries (4) ideal rev = sort(allFactors)[1]; // sort sorts ascendingly return(list(rev[size(rev)..1])); // reverse order and cast to list } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; list L = x^2*y^3, (x+1)*(x*y-3*y^2+1); L = normalizeMonoidal(L); print(L); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc normalizeRational(intvec v) "USAGE: normalizeRational(v), intvec v PURPOSE: compute a normal form of rational localization data RETURN: intvec NOTE: purges double entries and sorts ascendingly EXAMPLE: example normalizeRational; shows examples" { int n = nvars(basering); int i; intvec result; intvec occurring = 0:n; for (i = 1; i <= size(v); i++) { occurring[v[i]] = 1; } for (i = 1; i <= size(occurring); i++) { if (occurring[i]) { if (result == 0) { result = i; } else { result = result, i; } } } return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R; setring R; intvec v = 9,5,9,3,1,5; v = normalizeRational(v); v; } ////////// internal functions //////////////////////////////////////// static proc inducesCommutativeSubring(def input) { ideal vars = variables(input); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= size(vars); i++) { for (j = i + 1; j <= size(vars); j++) { if (vars[i]*vars[j] != vars[j]*vars[i]) { return(0); } } } return(1); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc commutativeFactorization(poly p, list #) "USAGE: commutativeFactorization(p[, #]), poly p[, list #] PURPOSE: compute a factorization of p ignoring non-commutative relations RETURN: list or ideal NOTE: the optional parameter is passed to factorize after changing to a commutative ring, the result of factorize is transferred back to basering SEE ALSO: factorize EXAMPLE: " { int factorType = 0; if (size(#) > 0) { if (typeof(#[1]) == "int") { factorType = #[1]; } } list RL = ringlist(basering); if (size(RL) > 4) { def bsRing = basering; RL = RL[1..4]; def commRing = ring(RL); setring commRing; poly commP = imap(bsRing, p); if (factorType == 1) { ideal commFactors = factorize(commP, 1); setring bsRing; return(imap(commRing, commFactors)); } else { list commFac = factorize(commP, factorType); intvec exponents = commFac[2]; ideal commFactors = commFac[1]; setring bsRing; list result; result[1] = imap(commRing, commFactors); result[2] = exponents; return(result); } } else { return(factorize(p, factorType)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc normalizeLocalization(int locType, def locData) { if (locType == 0) { return(normalizeMonoidal(locData)); } if (locType == 1) { return(std(locData)); } if (locType == 2) { return(normalizeRational(locData)); } return(locData); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc intvecComplement(intvec v, intvec w) { // complement of v in w as sets intvec result; int i; int j; int foundMatch; for (i = 1; i <= size(w); i++) { foundMatch = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(v); j++) { if (w[i] == v[j]) { foundMatch = 1; break; } } if (!foundMatch) { // v[i] is not in w if (result == 0) { result = w[i]; } else { result = result, w[i]; } } } return(result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// internal testing procedures /////////////////////////////// static proc testIsInS() { print(" testing isInS..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x^2*y+x+2; poly g2 = y^3+x*y; list L = g1, g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; if (!isInS(g, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal isInS direct positive failed"); } if (!isInS(y^2+x, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal isInS indirect positive failed"); } if (isInS(g-1, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal isInS negative failed"); } // geometric localization ideal p = x-1, y-3; g = x^2+y-3; if (!isInS(g, 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric isInS positive failed"); } if (isInS((x-1)*g, 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric isInS negative failed"); } // rational localization intvec v = 2; if (!isInS(y^5+17*y^2-4, 2, v)) { ERROR("Weyl rational isInS positive failed"); } if (isInS(x*y, 2, v)) { ERROR("Weyl rational isInS negative failed"); } print(" isInS OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testLeftOre() { print(" testing leftOre..."); // Weyl ring W = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def ncW = Weyl(); setring ncW; //// monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = g1^2*g2; poly f = Dx; vector rm = leftOre(g, f, 0, L)[1]; if (rm[1] == 0 || rm[2]*g-rm[1]*f != 0) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal left Ore failed"); } //// geometric localization vector p1,p2,p3,p4 = [1,3],[0,0],[-1,-2],[10,-180]; vector rg; ideal p; list pVecs = p1,p2,p3,p4; f = Dx; g = x^2+y+3; for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i = i + 1) { p = x-pVecs[i][1], y-pVecs[i][2]; rg = leftOre(g, f, 1, p)[1]; if (rg[1] == 0 || rg[2]*g-rg[1]*f != 0) { ERROR("Weyl geometric left Ore failed at maximal ideal" + " induced by " + string(pVecs[i])); } } //// rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; vector rr = leftOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || rr[2]*g-rr[1]*f != 0) { ERROR("Weyl rational left Ore failed"); } // shift rational localization ring S = 0,(x,y,Sx,Sy),dp; matrix D[4][4]; D[1,3] = Sx; D[2,4] = Sy; def ncS = nc_algebra(1, D); setring ncS; rat = 1; poly f = Sx+Sy; poly g = x; vector rr = leftOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || rr[2]*g-rr[1]*f != 0) { ERROR("shift rational left Ore failed"); } // q-shift rational localization ring Q = (0,q),(x,y,Qx,Qy),dp; matrix C[4][4] = UpOneMatrix(4); C[1,3] = q; C[2,4] = q; def ncQ = nc_algebra(C, 0); setring ncQ; rat = 1; poly f = Qx+Qy; poly g = x; vector rr = leftOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || rr[2]*g-rr[1]*f != 0) { ERROR("q-shift rational left Ore failed"); } print(" leftOre OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testRightOre() { print(" testing rightOre..."); // Weyl ring W = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def ncW = Weyl(); setring ncW; //// monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; poly g = x; poly f = Dx; vector rm = rightOre(g, f, 0, L)[1]; if (rm[1] == 0 || f*rm[1]-g*rm[2] != 0) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal right Ore failed"); } //// geometric localization g = x+y; f = Dx+Dy; ideal p = x-1,y-3; vector rg = rightOre(g, f, 1, p)[1]; if (rg[1] == 0 || f*rg[1]-g*rg[2] != 0) { ERROR("Weyl geometric right Ore failed"); } //// rational localization intvec rat = 1; f = Dx+Dy; g = x; vector rr = rightOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || f*rr[1]-g*rr[2] != 0) { ERROR("Weyl rational right Ore failed"); } // shift rational localization ring S = 0,(x,y,Sx,Sy),dp; matrix D[4][4]; D[1,3] = Sx; D[2,4] = Sy; def ncS = nc_algebra(1, D); setring ncS; rat = 1; poly f = Sx+Sy; poly g = x; vector rr = rightOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || f*rr[1]-g*rr[2] != 0) { ERROR("shift rational right Ore failed"); } ring Q = (0,q),(x,y,Qx,Qy),dp; matrix C[4][4] = UpOneMatrix(4); C[1,3] = q; C[2,4] = q; def ncQ = nc_algebra(C, 0); setring ncQ; rat = 1; poly f = Qx+Qy; poly g = x; vector rr = rightOre(g, f, 2, rat)[1]; if (rr[1] == 0 || f*rr[1]-g*rr[2] != 0) { ERROR("q-shift rational right Ore failed"); } print(" rightOre OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testAddLeftFractions() { print(" testing addLeftFractions..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y+y; list L = g1,g2; vector frac1 = [g1,Dx,0,0]; vector frac2 = [g2,Dy,0,0]; vector rm = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 0, L); if (rm[1] != x^2*y+4*x*y+3*y || rm[2] != x*y*Dx+y*Dx+x*Dy+3*Dy) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal addition failed"); } // geometric localization ideal p = x-1,y-3; vector rg = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 1, p); if (rg[1] != x^2*y+4*x*y+3*y || rg[2] != x*y*Dx+y*Dx+x*Dy+3*Dy) { ERROR("Weyl geometric addition failed"); } // rational localization intvec v = 2; frac1 = [y^2+y+1,Dx,0,0]; frac2 = [y-2,Dy,0,0]; vector rr = addLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 2, v); if (rr[1] != y^3-y^2-y-2 || rr[2] != y^2*Dy+y*Dx+y*Dy-2*Dx+Dy) { ERROR("Weyl rational addition failed"); } print(" addLeftFractions OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testMultiplyLeftFractions() { print(" testing multiplyLeftFractions..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; // monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y+y; list L = g1,g2; vector frac1 = [g1,Dx,0,0]; vector frac2 = [g2,Dy,0,0]; vector rm = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 0, L); if (rm[1] != g1*g2^2 || rm[2] != x*y*Dx*Dy+y*Dx*Dy-y*Dy) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal multiplication error"); } // geometric localization ideal p = x-1,y-3; vector rg = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 1, p); if (rg[1] != g1*g2*(x+1) || rg[2] != x*Dx*Dy+Dx*Dy-Dy) { ERROR("Weyl geometric multiplication error"); } // rational localization intvec v = 2; frac1 = [y^2+y+1,Dx,0,0]; frac2 = [y-2,Dy,0,0]; vector rr = multiplyLeftFractions(frac1, frac2, 2, v); if (rr[1] != (y^2+y+1)*(y-2) || rr[2] != Dx*Dy) { ERROR("Weyl rational multiplication (1*2) error"); } rr = multiplyLeftFractions(frac2, frac1, 2, v); if (rr[1] != (y^2+y+1)^2*(y-2) || rr[2] != y^2*Dx*Dy+y*Dx*Dy-2*y*Dx+Dx*Dy-Dx) { ERROR("Weyl rational multiplication (2*1) error"); } print(" multiplyLeftFractions OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testAreEqualLeftFractions() { print(" testing areEqualLeftFractions..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; // monoidal poly g1 = x*y+3; poly g2 = y^3; list L = g1,g2; vector fracm1 = [g1,Dx,0,0]; vector fracm2 = [g1*g2,g2*Dx,0,0]; vector fracm3 = [g1*g2,g1*Dx+3,0,0]; if (!areEqualLeftFractions(fracm1, fracm2, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal positive basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracm1, fracm3, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal first negative basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracm2, fracm3, 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal second negative basic comparison error"); } // geometric ideal p = x+5, y-2; vector fracg1 = [g1,Dx,0,0]; vector fracg2 = [g1*g2,g2*Dx,0,0]; vector fracg3 = [g1*g2,g1*Dx+3,0,0]; if (!areEqualLeftFractions(fracg1, fracg2, 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric positive basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracg1, fracg3, 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric first negative basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracg2, fracg3, 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric second negative basic comparison error"); } // rational intvec rat = 1,4; vector fracr1 = [x+Dy,Dx,0,0]; vector fracr2 = [x*Dy*(x+Dy),x*Dx*Dy,0,0]; vector fracr3 = [Dy*x*(x+Dy),x*Dx*Dy+1,0,0]; if (!areEqualLeftFractions(fracr1, fracr2, 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational positive basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracr1, fracr3, 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational first negative basic comparison error"); } if (areEqualLeftFractions(fracr2, fracr3, 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational second negative basic comparison error"); } print(" areEqualLeftFractions OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testConvertLeftToRightFraction() { print(" testing convertLeftToRightFraction..."); // Weyl ring W = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def ncW = Weyl(); setring ncW; //// monoidal localization vector fracm = [x,Dx,0,0]; list L = x; vector rm = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracm, 0, L); if (!fracStatus(rm, 0, L)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal convertLeftToRightFraction failed"); } //// geometric localization vector fracg = [x+y,Dx+Dy,0,0]; ideal p = x-1,y-3; vector rg = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracg, 1, p); if (!fracStatus(rg, 1, p)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl geometric convertLeftToRightFraction failed"); } //// rational localization intvec rat = 1; vector fracr = [x,Dx+Dy,0,0]; vector rr = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl rational convertLeftToRightFraction failed"); } // shift rational localization ring S = 0,(x,y,Sx,Sy),dp; matrix D[4][4]; D[1,3] = Sx; D[2,4] = Sy; def ncS = nc_algebra(1, D); setring ncS; vector fracr = [x,Sx+Sy,0,0]; vector rr = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("Shift rational convertLeftToRightFraction failed"); } // q-shift rational localization ring Q = (0,q),(x,y,Qx,Qy),dp; matrix C[4][4] = UpOneMatrix(4); C[1,3] = q; C[2,4] = q; def ncQ = nc_algebra(C, 0); setring ncQ; vector fracr = [x,Qx+Qy,0,0]; vector rr = convertLeftToRightFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("q-shift rational convertLeftToRightFraction failed"); } print(" convertLeftToRightFraction OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testConvertRightToLeftFraction() { print(" testing convertRightToLeftFraction..."); // Weyl ring W = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def ncW = Weyl(); setring ncW; //// monoidal localization poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; list L = g1,g2; vector fracm = [0,0,Dx,g1^2*g2]; vector rm = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracm, 0, L); if (!fracStatus(rm, 0, L)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal convertRightToLeftFraction failed"); } //// geometric localization ideal p = x-1,y-3; vector fracg = [0,0,Dx,x^2+y]; vector rg = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracg, 1, p); if (!fracStatus(rg, 1, p)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl geometric convertRightToLeftFraction failed"); } //// rational localization intvec rat = 1; vector fracr = [0,0,Dx+Dy,x]; vector rr = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("Weyl rational convertRightToLeftFraction failed"); } // shift rational localization ring S = 0,(x,y,Sx,Sy),dp; matrix D[4][4]; D[1,3] = Sx; D[2,4] = Sy; def ncS = nc_algebra(1, D); setring ncS; vector fracr = [0,0,Sx+Sy,x]; vector rr = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("Shift rational convertRightToLeftFraction failed"); } // q-shift rational localization ring Q = (0,q),(x,y,Qx,Qy),dp; matrix C[4][4] = UpOneMatrix(4); C[1,3] = q; C[2,4] = q; def ncQ = nc_algebra(C, 0); setring ncQ; vector fracr = [0,0,Qx+Qy,x]; vector rr = convertRightToLeftFraction(fracr, 2, rat); if (!fracStatus(rr, 2, rat)[1]) { ERROR("q-shift rational convertRightToLeftFraction failed"); } print(" convertRightToLeftFraction OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testIsInvertibleLeftFraction() { print(" testing isInvertibleLeftFraction..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; // monoidal list L = g1, g2; if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1*g2,17,0,0], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal positive invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1*g2,Dx,0,0], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal negative invertibility test error"); } if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,1,1,1], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal one invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,0,0,1], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal zero invertibility test error"); } // geometric ideal p = x-1, y; if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1,3*x,0,0], 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric positive invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1,Dx,0,0], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric negative invertibility test error"); } if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,1,1,1], 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric one invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,0,0,1], 1, p)) { ERROR("Weyl geometric zero invertibility test error"); } // rational intvec rat = 1,2; if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1*g2,y,0,0], 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational positive invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([g1*g2,Dx,0,0], 0, L)) { ERROR("Weyl rational negative invertibility test error"); } if (!isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,1,1,1], 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational one invertibility test error"); } if (isInvertibleLeftFraction([1,0,0,1], 2, rat)) { ERROR("Weyl rational zero invertibility test error"); } print(" isInvertibleLeftFraction OK"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testInvertLeftFraction() { print(" testing invertLeftFraction..."); ring R = 0,(x,y,Dx,Dy),dp; def S = Weyl(); setring S; poly g1 = x+3; poly g2 = x*y; // monoidal list L = g1, g2; vector rm = [g1*g2, 17, 0, 0]; vector rmInv = invertLeftFraction(rm, 0 , L); if (!isOneFraction(multiplyLeftFractions(rm, rmInv, 0, L))) { ERROR("Weyl monoidal inversion error"); } // geometric ideal p = x-1, y; vector rg = [g1, 3*x, 0, 0]; vector rgInv = invertLeftFraction(rg, 1, p); if (!isOneFraction(multiplyLeftFractions(rg, rgInv, 1, p))) { ERROR("Weyl geometric inversion error"); } // rational intvec rat = 1,2; vector rr = [g1*g2, y, 0, 0]; vector rrInv = invertLeftFraction(rr, 2, rat); if (!isOneFraction(multiplyLeftFractions(rr, rrInv, 2, rat))) { ERROR("Weyl rational inversion error"); } print(" invertLeftFraction OK"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////