// File: finvar2_l.tst // Long tests for finvar.lib LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "finvar.lib"; option(redSB); ring R2=29,(x,y,z),(L(255),lp); number e=7; number i=12; number s=6; number a=(e^5-e^2)/(i*s); number b=(e^3-e^4)/(i*s); number c=(e^6-e)/(i*s); matrix A[3][3]=a,b,c,b,c,a,c,a,b; matrix B[3][3]=e,0,0,0,e^4,0,0,0,e^2; list L=primary_invariants(A,B,intvec(1,0,1)); // the following is not unique! L; tst_status(); matrix S, IS1 = secondary_and_irreducibles_no_molien(L[1..size(L)],1); // the following is not unique! S; IS1; tst_status(); kill S; matrix IS2=irred_secondary_no_molien(L[1..size(L)],1); // the following is not unique! IS2; tst_status(); list L2 = invariant_ring(A,B,intvec(0,0,1)); // the following is not unique! L2; tst_status(); list L3 = invariant_ring(A,B,intvec(1,0,1)); // the following is not unique! L3; tst_status(); matrix TST2a = groebner(ideal(L[1])+ideal(IS1)); matrix TST2b = groebner(ideal(L[1])+ideal(IS2)); kill L,IS1,IS2; matrix TST2c = groebner(ideal(L2[1])+ideal(L2[3])); matrix TST2d = groebner(ideal(L3[1])+ideal(L3[3])); // the following is unique TST2a; TST2a==TST2b; TST2a==TST2c; TST2a==TST2d; tst_status(); kill R2; tst_status(1);$