////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version locnormal.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category="Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: locnormal.lib Normalization of affine domains using local methods AUTHORS: J. Boehm boehm@mathematik.uni-kl.de W. Decker decker@mathematik.uni-kl.de S. Laplagne slaplagn@dm.uba.ar G. Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de S. Steidel steidel@mathematik.uni-kl.de A. Steenpass steenpass@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: Suppose A is an affine domain over a perfect field.@* This library implements a local-to-global strategy for finding the normalization of A. Following [1], the idea is to stratify the singular locus of A, apply the normalization algorithm given in [2] locally at each stratum, and put the local results together. This approach is inherently parallel.@* Furthermore we allow for the optional modular computation of the local results as provided by modnormal.lib. See again [1] for details. REFERENCES: [1] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister, Stefan Steidel, Andreas Steenpass: Parallel algorithms for normalization, http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.4299, 2011. [2] Gert-Martin Greuel, Santiago Laplagne, Frank Seelisch: Normalization of Rings, Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 (2010), p. 887-901 KEYWORDS: normalization; local methods; modular methods SEE ALSO: normal_lib, modnormal_lib PROCEDURES: locNormal(I, [...]); normalization of R/I using local methods "; LIB "normal.lib"; LIB "sing.lib"; LIB "modstd.lib"; static proc changeDenom(ideal U1, poly c1, poly c2, ideal I){ // Given a ring in the form 1/c1 * U, it computes a new ideal U2 such that the // ring is 1/c2 * U2. // The base ring is R, but the computations are to be done in R / I. int a; // counter def R = basering; qring Q = groebner(I); ideal U1 = fetch(R, U1); poly c1 = fetch(R, c1); poly c2 = fetch(R, c2); ideal U2 = changeDenomQ(U1, c1, c2); setring R; ideal U2 = fetch(Q, U2); return(U2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc changeDenomQ(ideal U1, poly c1, poly c2){ // Given a ring in the form 1/c1 * U, it computes a new U2 st the ring // is 1/c2 * U2. // The base ring is already a quotient ring R / I. int a; // counter ideal U2; poly p; for(a = 1; a <= ncols(U1); a++){ p = lift(c1, c2*U1[a])[1,1]; U2[a] = p; } return(U2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc locNormal(ideal I, list #) "USAGE: locNormal(I [,options]); I = prime ideal, options = list of options. @* Optional parameters in list options (can be entered in any order):@* modular: use a modular approach for the local computations. The number of primes is increased one at a time, starting with 2 primes, until the result stabelizes.@* noVerificication: if the modular approach is used, the result will not be verified. ASSUME: I is a prime ideal (the algorithm will also work for radical ideals as long as the normal command does not detect that the ideal under consideration is not prime). RETURN: a list of an ideal U and a universal denominator d such that U/d is the normalization. REMARKS: We use the local-to-global algorithm given in [1] to compute the normalization of A = R/I, where R is the basering.@* The idea is to stratify the singular locus of A, apply the normalization algorithm given in [2] locally at each stratum, and put the local results together.@* If the option modular is given, the result is returned as a probabilistic result or verified, depending on whether the option noVerificication is used or not.@* The normalization of A is represented as an R-module by returning a list of U and d, where U is an ideal of A and d is an element of A such that U/d is the normalization of A. In fact, U and d are returned as an ideal and a polynomial of the base ring R. REFERENCES: [1] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister, Stefan Steidel, Andreas Steenpass: Parallel algorithms for normalization, http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.4299, 2011.@* [2] Gert-Martin Greuel, Santiago Laplagne, Frank Seelisch: Normalization of Rings, Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 (2010), p. 887-901 KEYWORDS: normalization; local methods; modular methods. SEE ALSO: normal_lib, modnormal_lib. EXAMPLE: example locNormal; shows an example " { // Computes the normalization by localizing at the different components of the singularity. int i; int totalLocalTime; int dbg = printlevel - voice + 2; def R = basering; int totalTime = timer; intvec LTimer; int t; int printTimings=0; int locmod; for ( i=1; i <= size(#); i++ ) { if ( typeof(#[i]) == "string" ) { if (#[i]=="modular") { locmod = 1;} if (#[i]=="printTimings") { printTimings = 1;} } } // Computes the Singular Locus list IM = mstd(I); I = IM[1]; int d = dim(I); ideal IMin = IM[2]; qring Q = I; // We work in the quotient by the groebner base of the ideal I option("redSB"); option("returnSB"); ideal I = fetch(R, I); attrib(I, "isSB", 1); ideal IMin = fetch(R, IMin); dbprint(dbg, "Computing the jacobian ideal..."); ideal J = minor(jacob(IMin), nvars(basering) - d, I); t=timer; int ch = char(basering); if (ch==0) {J = modStd(J);} else {J = std(J);} if (printTimings==1) {"Time for modStd/std Jacobian "+string(timer-t);} setring R; ideal J = fetch(Q, J); // We compute a universal denominator poly condu = getSmallest(J); J = J, I; if(dbg >= 2){ "Conductor: ", condu; "The original singular locus is"; groebner(J); if(dbg >= 2){pause();} ""; } t=timer; list pd = locIdeals(J); dbprint(dbg,pd); if (printTimings==1) { "Number of maximal components to localize at: ", size(pd); ""; } ideal U; ideal resT; ideal resu; poly denomOld; poly denom; totalLocalTime = timer; int maxLocalTime; list Lnor; list parallelArguments; for(i = 1; i <= size(pd); i++){ parallelArguments[i] = list(pd[i], I, condu, i, locmod, printTimings, #); } list parallelResults = parallelWaitAll("locNormal_parallelTask", parallelArguments); for(i = 1; i <= size(pd); i++){ // We sum the result to the previous results. resu = resu, parallelResults[i][1]; Lnor[i] = parallelResults[i][1]; if(parallelResults[i][2] > maxLocalTime) { maxLocalTime = parallelResults[i][2]; } LTimer[i] = parallelResults[i][2]; } if (printTimings==1) { "List of local times: "; LTimer; "Maximal local time: "+string(maxLocalTime); } totalLocalTime = timer - totalLocalTime; if (printTimings==1) { "Total time local computations: "+string(totalLocalTime); } t=timer; if (ch==0) {resu = modStd(resu);} else {resu = std(resu);} if (printTimings==1) { "Time for combining the local results, modStd/std "+string(timer-t); } totalTime = timer - totalTime; if (printTimings==1) { "Total time locNormal: "+string(totalTime); "Simulated parallel time: "+string(totalTime + maxLocalTime - totalLocalTime); } return(list(resu, condu)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; ring R = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int k = 4; poly f = (x^(k+1)+y^(k+1)+z^(k+1))^2-4*(x^(k+1)*y^(k+1)+y^(k+1)*z^(k+1)+z^(k+1)*x^(k+1)); f = subst(f,z,3x-2y+1); ring S = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = imap(R,f); ideal i = f; list L = locNormal(i); } proc locNormal_parallelTask(ideal pdi, ideal I, poly condu, int i, int locmod, int printTimings, list #) { pdi=pdi; int t = timer; list opt = list(list("inputJ", pdi)) + #; if (printTimings==1) { "Local component ",i," of degree "+string(deg(pdi))+" and dimension " +string(dim(pdi)); } list n; ideal norT; poly denomT; if (locmod==1) { n = modNormal(I,1, opt); norT = n[1]; denomT = n[2]; } else { n = normal(I,opt); if(size(n[2]) > 1){ ERROR("Input was not prime..."); } norT = n[2][1]; denomT = norT[size(norT)]; } t = timer-t; // We compute the normalization of I localized at a component of the Singular // Locus if (printTimings==1) { "Output of normalization of component ", i, ": "; norT; ""; } ideal nor = changeDenom(norT, denomT, condu, I); return(list(nor, t)); } static proc locComps(list l) { int d = size(l); int i; int j; intvec m = 1:d; // 1 = maximal ideal ideal IT; // Check for maximal ideals for(i = 1; i