Mon Apr 28 21:00:07 1997 Olaf Bachmann * Added README, INSTALL, COPYING file to distribution * (main): slightly changed Singular banner; fixed display of version number Fri Apr 25 16:59:31 1997 Olaf Bachmann * fixed s.t. sprintf test is correct * Changed SingularPath to SINGULARPATH * fixed sys/times.h and sys/time.h confusion * Various changes to reflect new configure (versions defined in, changed HAVE_LIBFACTORY into HAVE_FACTORY, data dir is pasted from configure into mod2.h and used from there in feFopen. * Added configure facility, repalced mod2.h by Makefile by Fri Apr 18 09:47:22 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (DumpAsciiIdhdl): LIB string is dumped without type declaration * (InitIdentifierLeftv): used mpsr_SetCurrRing(r, TRUE) so that pOne works if no ring did previously exist. * Added jjPROC3. Tue Apr 15 12:07:17 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (slStandardInit): changed Ascii type specifyer from "ascii" to "Ascii" for consistency * : added #else branch to #ifdef HAVE_FGLM in proc table * ( system("sh",command) returns exit status of command Thu Apr 10 11:59:41 1997 Olaf Bachmann * remote quit is now arranged using MP_CopMpQuit * Updated mpsr_* files for new naming convention of MP v:1.1.2 Tue Apr 8 10:43:48 1997 Olaf Bachmann * Reimplemented link structures. Cleaned it up. Introduced assignment link = link. Fixed some bugs in asciidump. Made proc's work for MP links. Sat Mar 29 16:01:39 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (DumpQring): Takes care of dumping a Qring (slInit): enable ascii link specification of the form "filename mode:w" Fri Mar 28 14:12:05 1997 Olaf Bachmann * Added routines dump(link) and getdump(link) for ascii and MP links * (dConvertTypes): added int->module conversion so that 'module m = 0' works * (jjVAR1): added LINK_CMD to list of typeof(...) Thu Mar 27 21:20:20 1997 Olaf Bachmann * added real time timer (rtimer) analog to timer * added command-line option "-d ticks_per_second" and "-m min_displayed_time_in_sec" and chahnged timer accordingly * added some #ifdef HAVE_FGLM in fglm*.cc Wed Mar 26 14:02:15 1997 Olaf Bachmann * added reference counter to links, updated slKill, slCopy, slInit * various small bug fixes for Batch mode Mon Mar 24 14:27:26 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (slOpenWriteMPFile): Added append and write mode to open MP:file Sun Mar 23 20:48:41 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (InitIdentifierLeftv): Fixed bug which did not do pSetm(p) after creating a poly out of a variable Thu Mar 20 11:57:00 1997 Olaf Bachmann * (slInitBatchLink): initialized silink such that l->argv[0] == "MP:connect" (otherwise, slInitMP failed) Wed Mar 19 15:38:08 1997 Olaf Bachmann * hannes fixed maFindPerm to reflect new names <->parameter scheme * (mpsr_IsMPLink): fixed it * Makefile (tags): added target tags