LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); ring R = 32003,(x,y,z),dp; R; x > y; y > z; int a,b,c,t = 1,2,-1,4; poly f = a*x3+b*xy3-c*xz3+t*xy2z2; f; ideal i = jacob(f); // Jacobian Ideal of f ideal si = std(i); // compute Groebner basis int dimi = dim(si); string s = "The dimension of V(i) is "+string(dimi)+"."; s; LIB "primdec.lib"; // load library primdec.lib list L = primdecGTZ(i); size(L); // number of prime components L[1][1]; // first primary component L[1][2]; // corresponding prime component ring Rloc = 32003,(x,y,z),ds; // ds = local monomial ordering ideal i = imap(R,i); dim(std(i)); map phi = R, x-2000, y-6961, z-7944; dim(std(phi(i))); tst_status(1);$