LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "ring.lib"; ring r=32003,(x,y,u,v),dp; ring s=0,(a,b,c),wp(1,2,3); ring t=0,x(1..5),(c,ls); def R=ringtensor(r,s,t); type R; setring s; ideal i = a2+b3+c5; def S=changevar("x,y,z"); //change vars of s setring S; qring qS =std(fetch(s,i)); //create qring of S mod i (mapped to S) def T=changevar("d,e,f,g,h",t); //change vars of t setring T; qring qT=std(d2+e2-f3); //create qring of T mod d2+e2-f3 def Q=ringtensor(s,qS,t,qT); setring Q; type Q; kill R,S,T,Q; tst_status(1);$