LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "intprog.lib"; // 1. call with single right-hand vector intmat A[2][3]=1,1,0,0,1,1; intvec b1=1,1; intvec c=2,2,1; intvec solution_vector=solve_IP(A,b1,c,"pct"); solution_vector;""; // 2. call with list of right-hand vectors intvec b2=-1,1; list l=b1,b2; l; list solution_list=solve_IP(A,l,c,"ct"); solution_list;""; // 3. call with single initial solution vector A=2,1,-1,-1,1,2; b1=3,4,5; solve_IP(A,b1,c,"du");""; // 4. call with single initial solution vector // and algorithm needing a positive row space vector solution_vector=solve_IP(A,b1,c,"hs");""; // 5. call with single initial solution vector // and positive row space vector intvec prsv=1,2,1; solution_vector=solve_IP(A,b1,c,"hs",prsv); solution_vector;""; // 6. call with list of initial solution vectors // and positive row space vector b2=7,8,0; l=b1,b2; l; solution_list=solve_IP(A,l,c,"blr",prsv); solution_list; tst_status(1);$