//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version polybori.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category="Miscellaneous"; // summary description of the library info=" LIBRARY: polybori.lib A Singular Library Interface for PolyBoRi AUTHORS: Maximilian Kammermeier: Max0791@gmx.de Susanne Scherer: sscherer90@yahoo.de SEE ALSO: Libraries, pyobject, User defined types @* OVERVIEW: A library for using @code{PolyBoRi} in the SINGULAR interface, with procedures that convert structures (polynomials, rings, ideals) in both directions. Therefore, it is possible to compute boolean groebner basis via @ref{boolean_std}. Polynomials can be converted to zero-supressed decision diagrams (zdd) and vice versa. For usability it defines the @code{PolyBoRi} types @code{bideal}, @code{bpoly}, and @code{bring} which are equivalent to Singular's @code{ideal}, @code{poly}, and @code{ring}, as well as @code{bset} which corresponds to the type @code{zdd} introduced here. In addition @code{bvar(i)} constructs the Boolean variable corresponding to @code{var(i)} from current @code{ring}; For convenience, the corresponding types can be converted explictely or implicitely while assigning. Also several SINGULAR operators were overloaded: @code{bring} comes with @code{nvars}, @code{bpoly} implements @code{lead}, @code{leadmonom} and @code{leadcoef}. Objects of this type may be added and multiplied, too. Finally, @code{bideal} yields @code{std} and @code{size} as well as addition and element access. Hence, by using these types @code{PolyBoRi} functionality can be carried out seamlessly in SINGULAR: @code{> LIB \"polybori.lib\";} @* @code{> ring r0=2,x(1..4),lp;} @* @code{> def x=bvar; // enforce Boolean variables} @* @code{> bpoly f1=x(1)+x(4);} @* @code{> bpoly f2=x(1)+x(3)*x(1);} @* @code{> bideal bI=list(f1,f2);} @* @code{> std(bI);} @* @code{_[1] = x(1) + x(4)} @* @code{_[2] = x(3)*x(4) + x(4)} @* NOTE: For using this library SINGULAR's @code{python} interface must be available on your system. Please @code{./configure --with-python} when building SINGULAR for this purpose. There are prebuilt binary packages for @code{PolyBoRi} available from @code{http://polybori.sf.net/}. For building your own @code{PolyBoRi} please ensure that you have @code{scons} and a development version of the boost libaries installed on you system. Then you may execute the following commands in a @code{bash}-style shell to build @code{PolyBoRi} available to @code{python}: @code{PBDIR=/path/to/custom/polybori} @* @code{wget http://downloads.sf.net/project/polybori/polybori/\\}@* @code{0.8.2/polybori-0.8.2.tar.gz} @* @code{tar -xvzf polybori-0.8.2.tar.gz} @* @code{cd polybori-0.8.2} @* @code{scons install PREFIX=$PBDIR PYINSTALLPREFIX=$PBDIR/python} @* @code{export PYTHONPATH=$PBDIR/python:$PYTHONPATH} @* REFERENCES: See @code{http://polybori.sf.net} for details about @code{PolyBoRi}. PROCEDURES: boolean_std(bideal); Singular ideal of boolean groebner basis of I boolean_poly_ring(ring); convert ring boolean_constant(int[, bring]); convert constant boolean_poly(poly[, int, bring]) convert polynomial direct_boolean_poly(poly[, bring]); convert polynomial direct recursive_boolean_poly(poly[, bring]); convert polynomial recursively boolean_ideal(ideal[, bring]); convert ideal boolean_set(zdd[, bring]); convert zdd from_boolean_constant(bpoly); convert boolean constant from_boolean_poly(bpoly[, int]); convert boolean polynomial direct_from_boolean_poly(bpoly); convert boolean polynomial direct recursive_from_boolean_poly(bpoly); convert boolean polynomial recursively from_boolean_ideal(bpoly); convert to ideal from_boolean_set(bset); convert to zdd bvar(i); return i-th Boolean variable poly2zdd(poly); return zdd of a given polynomial zdd2poly(zdd); return polynomial representation of a given zdd disp_zdd(zdd); return string with a visualization of a given KEYWORDS: library, polybori.lib; polybori; polybori.lib; library; pyobject; newstruct; zdd "; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialization of datatypes and constant structures static proc mod_init() "USAGE: mod_init() RETURN: none NOTE: load PolyBoRi and introduce the structures zdd and bpoly SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis " { if (typeof(Pyobject)!="package") { LIB("pyobject.so"); } if (typeof(zdd_one)=="?unknown type?") { python_import("polybori"); // install new types newstruct("zdd","int idx,def thenBranch,def elseBranch"); newstruct("bpoly","pyobject boolpoly"); newstruct("bideal","pyobject pylist"); newstruct("bring", "pyobject pyring"); newstruct("bset", "pyobject pyset"); // install type operations system("install", "zdd", "==", zdd_check,2); system("install", "bpoly", "==", bpoly_check,2); system("install", "bpoly", "*", bpoly_mult,2); system("install", "bpoly", "+", bpoly_add,2); system("install", "zdd", "print", print_zdd, 1); system("install", "bpoly", "print", print_bpoly,1); system("install", "bideal", "print", print_bideal,1); system("install", "bideal", "size", size_bideal,1); system("install", "bpoly", "lead", lead_bpoly, 1); system("install", "bpoly", "leadmonom",lead_monom_bpoly, 1); system("install", "bpoly", "leadcoef", lead_coef_bpoly, 1); system("install", "bideal", "[", op_getitem, 2); system("install", "bideal", "+", bideal_add, 2); system("install", "bideal", "std", boolean_std, 4); // install type conversions // implemented typecasts (both directions) // SINGULAR BOOLEAN OBJECTS // ring bring // poly bpoly // zdd bset // ideal bideal // // furthermore, it is possible to switch between poly <-> zdd and bpoly <-> bset system("install", "bring", "=", ring2bring, 1); system("install", "bring", "nvars", nvars_bring, 1); system("install", "pyobject", "poly", from_boolean_poly, 1); system("install", "pyobject", "size", size_pyobject, 1); system("install", "pyobject", "bideal", pyobject2bideal,1); system("install", "bideal", "pyobject", bideal2pyobject,1); system("install", "bideal", "ideal", bideal2ideal, 4); system("install", "bideal", "=", type2bideal, 1); system("install", "zdd", "poly", zdd2poly, 1); system("install", "zdd", "=", poly2zdd, 1); system("install", "zdd", "pyobject", boolean_set, 1); system("install", "pyobject", "zdd", from_boolean_set, 1); system("install", "bset", "zdd", bset2zdd, 1); system("install", "zdd", "bset", zdd2bset, 1); system("install", "bpoly", "bset", bpoly2bset, 1); system("install", "bset", "bpoly", bset2bpoly, 1); system("install", "pyobject", "bpoly", pyobject2bpoly,1); system("install", "bpoly", "pyobject", bpoly2pyobject,1); system("install", "bpoly", "poly", bpoly2poly,1); system("install", "bpoly", "bideal", bpoly2bideal,1); system("install", "bpoly", "=", poly2bpoly,1); // initialize constant zdds zdd zdd_one; zdd_one.idx=0; zdd_one.thenBranch=int(1); zdd_one.elseBranch=int(0); zdd zdd_zero; zdd_zero.idx=0; zdd_zero.thenBranch=int(0); zdd_zero.elseBranch=int(0); export(zdd_one); export(zdd_zero); python_run("def if_then_else_idx(idx,b,c): return b.set().change(idx).union(c)"); python_run("_SINGULAR_RINGS = dict()"); python_run("_SINGULAR_RINGS_ACCESSED = 0"); python_run("def _SINGULAR_DECACHE_RING(arg): val = arg(); return 0 if val is None else val"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // computes the leading term of a bpoly proc lead_bpoly(bpoly pp) { pyobject zero=0; bpoly zero2; zero2.boolpoly=zero; if (pp==zero2) { return(0); } else { pyobject ppb=pp.boolpoly."lead"(); return(ppb); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // computes the leading monomial of a bpoly proc lead_monom_bpoly(bpoly pp) { if (pp.boolpoly == 0) { return(0); } pyobject ppb=pp.boolpoly."lead"(); return(ppb); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // computes the leading coefficient of a bpoly proc lead_coef_bpoly(bpoly pp) { if (int(pp.is_zero())) { return(0); } return(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // converts a Singular ring into a Boolean ring proc ring2bring(r) { bring rb; rb.pyring = boolean_poly_ring(r); return(rb); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate an ideal from one constructor proc bpoly2bideal(bpoly bp) { pyobject obj = list(bp); bideal bI = obj; return (bI); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get number of variables of a Boolean ring proc nvars_bring(bring rb) { return (int(rb.pyring.n_variables())); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get variable of Boolean ring corresponding to current basering proc bvar(int i) "USAGE: bvar(i); int i RETURN: i-th variable of Boolean ring corresponding to current basering SEE ALSO: boolean_poly_ring, var KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example bvar; shows an example" { bpoly re = var(i); return (re); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = 2,(x,y,z),Dp; bvar(1); // -> x } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal functions for caching converted ring /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mark cache as accessed and clear garbage every 100 accesses static proc bring_mark_cache(list #) { if (int(python_eval("_SINGULAR_RINGS_ACCESSED >= 100"))) { python_run("_SINGULAR_RINGS_ACCESSED = 0"); def erased = python_eval("[_k for (_k,_v) in _SINGULAR_RINGS.items() if _v() is None]"); erased = python_eval("(lambda _keys: [_SINGULAR_RINGS.pop(_k) for _k in _keys])")(erased); } python_run("_SINGULAR_RINGS_ACCESSED += 1"); } // look up whether we cached this conversion before static proc bring_from_cache(r) { bring_mark_cache(); def result1 = python_eval("_SINGULAR_RINGS.get('" + string(r) + "', (lambda: None))"); def result = python_eval("_SINGULAR_DECACHE_RING")(result1); return (result); } // insert computed result into cache static proc bring_to_cache(r, pyobject newring) { def value = WeakRingRef(newring); python_eval("_SINGULAR_RINGS")."__setitem__"(string(r), value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // converts a Singular ring into a python ring proc boolean_poly_ring(r) { def cached = bring_from_cache(r); if (int(cached != int(0))) { return (cached); } def rl = ringlist(r); list blocks; string ordering; pyobject orders = python_eval("dict(lp=OrderCode.lp)"); if (size(rl[3]) >2) { orders.update(python_eval("dict(Dp=OrderCode.block_dlex)")); } else { orders.update(python_eval("dict(Dp=OrderCode.dlex)")); } int i; int counter=0; for (i=1; i<=size(ringlist(r)[3]); i++) { if (rl[3][i][1]<>"C") { ordering=rl[3][i][1]; if (counter) { blocks = blocks + list(counter) }; counter = counter + size(rl[3][i][2]); } } if(int(orders.has_key(ordering)==0)) { "// Warning: Unsupported ordering, using 'lp`!"; } def result = Ring(nvars(r), orders.get(ordering, 0), rl[2], blocks); bring_to_cache(r, result); return (result); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns ith entry of a bideal proc op_getitem(bideal arg, def idx) { if (typeof(idx) == "int") { return (arg.pylist[idx-1]); } bideal re = (python_eval("lambda ll, idx: [ll[i] for i in idx]")(arg.pylist, idx-1)); return (re); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // concatenate generators of bideals proc bideal_add(bideal arg1, bideal arg2) { pyobject tmp = python_eval("lambda x, y: list(sorted(set(x).union(set(y))))"); bideal re = tmp(arg1.pylist,arg2.pylist); return (re); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checks the equality of two bpolys proc bpoly_check(bpoly pb1, pb2) { return(pb1.boolpoly==pb2.boolpoly); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // computes the multiplication of two bpolys proc bpoly_mult(bpoly pb1, pb2) { bpoly bpol; bpol.boolpoly=pb1.boolpoly*pb2.boolpoly; return(bpol); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // computes the addition of two bpolys proc bpoly_add(bpoly pb1, bpoly pb2) { bpoly bpol; bpol.boolpoly=pb1.boolpoly+pb2.boolpoly; return(bpol); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bpoly to pyobject proc bpoly2pyobject(bpoly pb) { return(pb.boolpoly); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bideal to pyobject proc bideal2pyobject(bideal Ib) { return(Ib.pylist); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert poly to bpoly proc poly2bpoly(poly p) { bpoly bpol; bpol.boolpoly=boolean_poly(p); return(bpol); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert zdd to bset proc zdd2bset(zdd ss) { bset bs; bs.pyset=boolean_set(ss); return(bs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bpoly to bset proc bpoly2bset(bpoly ss) { bset bs; bs.pyset=ss.boolpoly.set(); return(bs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bset to zdd proc bset2zdd(bset ss) { zdd bs; bs=from_boolean_set(ss.pyset); return(bs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bset to bpoly proc bset2bpoly(bset ss) { bpoly pb; pb.boolpoly=python_eval("Polynomial")(ss.pyset); return(pb); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert type (ideal or list) to bideal proc type2bideal(def I) { if (typeof(I) == "ideal") { return (boolean_ideal(I)); } bideal bid; pyobject pylist; if (typeof(I) == "list") { pylist = python_eval("list()"); int i; int nlen=size(I); bpoly elt; for (i=1; i <= nlen; i++) { elt = I[i]; pylist.append(pyobject(elt)); } } else { pylist = I; } bid.pylist = pylist; return (bid); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bpoly to poly proc bpoly2poly(bpoly pb) { poly h=poly(pb.boolpoly); return(h); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert bideal to ideal proc bideal2ideal(bideal Ib) { ideal I; I=from_boolean_ideal(Ib); return(I); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert pyobject to bpoly proc pyobject2bpoly(pyobject pb) { bpoly bpol; bpol.boolpoly=pb; return(bpol); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert pyobject to bideal proc pyobject2bideal(pyobject Ib) { bideal bid; bid.pylist=Ib; return(bid); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print bpoly proc print_bpoly(bpoly pb) { pb.boolpoly; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print bideal proc print_bideal(bideal Ib) { int nlen = size(Ib); for (int i = 1; i <= nlen; i++) { "_[" + string(i)+"] = " + string(Ib[i]); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get size of pyobject proc size_pyobject(pyobject obj) { return (int(python_eval("len")(obj))); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get size of bideal proc size_bideal(bideal Ib) { return (size(Ib.pylist)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print zdd proc print_zdd(zdd ss) { "zdd: "; disp_zdd(ss); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check equality proc zdd_check(zdd zdd1,zdd zdd2) "USAGE: zdd_check(zdd1,zdd2); zdd zdd1, zdd zdd2 RETURN: 0 or 1 " { if (zdd1.idx != zdd2.idx) { return (int(0)); } if (zdd1.idx == 0) { return (int(zdd1.thenBranch == zdd2.thenBranch)); } return (zdd_check(zdd1.thenBranch,zdd2.thenBranch)*zdd_check(zdd1.elseBranch,zdd2.elseBranch)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc boolean_set(zdd ss,list #) "USAGE: boolean_set(ss[, rb]); ss zdd, rb boolean ring RETURN: default: boolean set ss in the representation of a Polybori boolean set in the ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: boolean ring rb SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_set; shows an example" { pyobject rb; rb=check_additional_ring(#); pyobject newthen,newelse,unbek,outp; if (ss.idx==0) { if (zdd_check(ss,zdd_one)==1) { return (boolean_constant(1,rb)); } return (boolean_constant(0,rb)); } newthen=(boolean_set(ss.thenBranch,rb)); newelse=(boolean_set(ss.elseBranch,rb)); outp=if_then_else_idx(ss.idx-1,newthen,newelse); return (outp); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring rs=0,(x,y,z),Dp; poly ps=(x+1)*(y+1)*(z+1); zdd fz=ps; boolean_set(fz); poly g=x*y*z+1; zdd gz=g; boolean_set(gz); ring R=0,(x(1..4)),Dp; def Rb=boolean_poly_ring(R); poly h=(x(1)+1)*(x(2)+1)*(x(3)+1)*(x(4)+1); zdd hz=h; boolean_set(hz); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc from_boolean_set(def s) "USAGE: from_boolean_set(sb); sb boolean set RETURN: Boolean set sb in the representation of a zdd SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example from_boolean_set; shows an example" { bpoly bp = s; pyobject sb = bp; def rb=boolean_poly_ring(basering); zdd result; def nav=sb.navigation(); int ind=int(nav.value()); def navout_then=nav.then_branch(); def navout_else=nav.else_branch(); def pb=Polynomial(sb); if (int(nav.constant())) { if (pb==1) { return(zdd_one); } return(zdd_zero); } result.idx=ind+1; pyobject one=1; def substpoly=one*rb.variable(ind); if (int(navout_then.constant())) { result.thenBranch=zdd_one; } else { result.thenBranch=from_boolean_set(BooleSet(navout_then,rb)); } if (int(navout_else.constant())) { if (subst(from_boolean_poly(pb),from_boolean_poly(substpoly),0)==1) { result.elseBranch=zdd_one; } else { result.elseBranch=zdd_zero; } } else { result.elseBranch=from_boolean_set(BooleSet(navout_else,rb)); } return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),Dp; poly f=(x+1)*(y+1)*(z+1); bpoly fb=f; bset fs=fb; from_boolean_set(fs); poly g=x*y*z+1; bpoly gb=g; bset gs=gb; from_boolean_set(gs); ring R=0,(x(1..4)),Dp; poly h=(x(1)+1)*(x(2)+1)*(x(3)+1)*(x(4)+1); pyobject hb=boolean_poly(h); def hs=hb.set(); from_boolean_set(hs); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc direct_from_boolean_poly(def p) "USAGE: from_boolean_poly(pb); pb boolean polynomial RETURN: polynomial in Singular SEE ALSO: from_boolean_ideal, boolean_ideal, boolean_poly, boolean_poly_ring, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example from_boolean_poly; shows an example" { pyobject pb = p; poly result = 0; def terms = python_eval("list")(pb.terms()); int nlen = size(terms); for (int i = 0; i < nlen; i++) { result=from_boolean_poly_update(result,terms[i]); } return (result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),Dp; pyobject rb=boolean_poly_ring(r); poly f=x^2+2*y^3+3*z^3; bpoly pp=f; direct_from_boolean_poly(pp); poly g=0; bpoly pp=g; direct_from_boolean_poly(pp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // one iteration in direct_from_boolean_poly static proc from_boolean_poly_update(poly ps, pyobject pb) "USAGE: from_boolean_poly_update(ps,pb); ps polynomial, pb boolean polynomial, RETURN: update of the Singular polynomial in from_boolean_poly in one iteration SEE ALSO: from_boolean_poly { pyobject current = pb."variables"(); pyobject vars = python_eval("list")(current); int j, index; poly term = 1; pyobject currentvar; int tlen = size(vars); for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { currentvar = vars[j]; index = int(currentvar.index()); term = term * var(index+1); } return(ps + term); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return 1, iff int is 1 modulo 2 and 0 else static proc coeff_check(int const) "USAGE: coeff_check(const); const int RETURN: 1 iff the coefficient equals 1 modulo 2 and 0 else NOTE: helps to handle leading coefficients of rings in arbitrary characteristic SEE ALSO: recursive_boolean_poly, boolean_poly KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example coeff_check; shows an example" { if (char(basering)==2) { return (const); } return ((const%2)*(const%2)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R1=5,x(1..4),lp; poly f=3*x(1)+x(2)^2; coeff_check(int(leadcoef(f))); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc check_additional_ring(list #) "USAGE: check_additional_ring(#); NOTE: Help function to check whether an additional ring exists and if it is a bring or a ring in python." { pyobject rb; bring rbhelp; if (size(#)==0) { rb=boolean_poly_ring(basering); } else { if (typeof(#[1])=="bring") { rbhelp=#[1]; rb=rbhelp.pyring; } else { rb=#[1]; } } return(rb); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc boolean_constant(int const, list #) "USAGE: boolean_constant(const[, rb]); const constant and rb boolean ring RETURN: default: constant const in the representation of the boolean ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: rb=boolean ring rb SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_constant; shows an example" { pyobject rb = check_additional_ring(#); if (coeff_check(const)==0) { return (rb.zero()); } return (rb.one()); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=7,(x,y),Dp; pyobject rb=boolean_poly_ring(r); boolean_constant(int(3)); typeof(boolean_constant(int(3))); boolean_constant(int(0)); typeof(boolean_constant(int(0))); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc boolean_poly(poly ps, list #) "USAGE: boolean_poly(ps[, dir, rb]); ps polynomial, dir integer zero or one, rb boolean ring RETURN: default: polynomial ps in the representation of the boolean ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: boolean ring rb NOTE: via the optional input dir, one can choose the computation method (either direct[dir==0] or recursive[dir==1]). default: recursive SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_poly; shows an example" { if (size(#)==0) { return(recursive_boolean_poly(ps)); } if (size(#)==1) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int") { if (#[1]==0) { return(direct_boolean_poly(ps)); } return(recursive_boolean_poly(ps)); } return(direct_boolean_poly(ps,#[1])); } if (#[1]==0) { return(direct_boolean_poly(ps,#[2])); } return(recursive_boolean_poly(ps,#[2])); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,x(1..5),Dp; poly f=x(2)*(x(3)-x(1))+x(4)*x(5); bring rb=r; boolean_poly(f); boolean_poly(f,0); boolean_poly(f,0,boolean_poly_ring(r)); boolean_poly(f,0,rb); poly g=0; boolean_poly(g); poly g=1; boolean_poly(g); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc from_boolean_poly(def p, list #) "USAGE: from_boolean_poly(ps[, dir]); ps polynomial, dir integer zero or one RETURN: default: polynomial ps in the representation of the boolean ring NOTE: via the optional input dir, one can choose the computation method (either direct[dir==0] or recursive[dir==1]). default: direct SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example from_boolean_poly; shows an example" { pyobject pb = pyobject(p); if (size(#)==0) { return(direct_from_boolean_poly(pb)); } if (#[1]==0) { return(direct_from_boolean_poly(pb)); } return(recursive_from_boolean_poly(pb)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),Dp; def rb=boolean_poly_ring(r); poly f=x^2+2*y+5*z^4; bpoly pp=f; from_boolean_poly(pp); from_boolean_poly(pp,1); ring r2=5,(x,y,z),Dp; def rb2=boolean_poly_ring(r2); poly f2=x+y+z; bpoly pp2=f2; from_boolean_poly(pp); from_boolean_poly(pp,1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc direct_boolean_poly(poly ps, list #) "USAGE: boolean_poly(ps[, rb]); ps polynomial, rb boolean ring RETURN: default: polynomial ps in the representation of the boolean ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: boolean ring rb SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_poly; shows an example" { pyobject resultbool,rb; rb=check_additional_ring(#); int nmax= size(ps); resultbool = Polynomial(rb.zero()); for (int i = 1; i <= nmax; i++) { if ( coeff_check(int(leadcoef(ps[i]))) == 1 ) { resultbool=boolean_poly_update(resultbool,ps[i],rb); } } return (resultbool); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r0=2,x(1..4),lp; bring rb=r0; poly f=x(1)^2+2*x(2)*(x(3))-x(4)^3; direct_boolean_poly(f); direct_boolean_poly(f,rb); ring r1=0,x,Dp; poly f=x3+2x+1; direct_boolean_poly(f); ring r2=32003,(x,y,z),Dp; poly f=xyz+20*x^2*y-3*xz+15; direct_boolean_poly(f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // one iteration in direct_boolean_poly static proc boolean_poly_update(def pb, poly ps, pyobject rb) "USAGE: boolean_poly_update(pb,ps,rb); pb boolean polynomial, ps polynomial, rb boolean ring RETURN: update of the boolean polynomial in boolean_poly in one iteration SEE ALSO: boolean_poly { intvec current = leadexp(ps); int j; pyobject term, var_rb; term = python_eval("Monomial")(rb); for (j = 1; j <= size(current); j=j+1) { var_rb = rb.variable(j-1); if (current[j] > 0) { term = term * var_rb; } } return (pb + term); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc recursive_boolean_poly(poly ps, list #) "USAGE: boolean_poly(ps[, rb]); ps polynomial, rb boolean ring RETURN: default: polynomial ps in the representation of the boolean ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: rb boolean ring SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example recursive_boolean_poly; shows an example" { pyobject rb; if (size(#)==0) { #[1]=boolean_poly_ring(basering); #[2]=0; } if (size(#)==1) { #[2]=0; } rb=check_additional_ring(#[1]); if (#[2]==int(rb.n_variables())) { return (boolean_constant(int(leadcoef(ps)),rb)); } else { def xsu=var(#[2]+1); poly p0=subst(ps,xsu,0); poly p1=subst(ps-p0,xsu,1); def ahelp=recursive_boolean_poly(p1,rb,#[2]+1); def bhelp=recursive_boolean_poly(p0,rb,#[2]+1); return (rb.variable(#[2])*ahelp+bhelp); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r0=2,x(1..4),lp; poly f=x(1)^2+2*x(2)*(x(3))-x(4)^3; recursive_boolean_poly(f); ring r1=0,x,Dp; poly f=x3+2x+1; recursive_boolean_poly(f); ring r2=32003,(x,y,z),Dp; def br2=boolean_poly_ring(r2); bring bbr2=r2; poly f=xyz+20*x^2*y-3*xz+15; recursive_boolean_poly(f,br2); recursive_boolean_poly(f,bbr2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc boolean_ideal(ideal Is, list #) "USAGE: boolean_ideal(Is[, rb]); Is Ideal, rb boolean ring RETURN: default: ideal Is in the representation of the boolean ring rb==boolean_poly_ring(basering); optional input: rb boolean ring SEE ALSO: boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_ideal; shows an example" { pyobject rb; rb=check_additional_ring(#); int len=size(Is); pyobject Ib = python_eval("list()"); for (int i=1; i<=len; i++) { Ib.append(boolean_poly(Is[i],rb)); } bideal re; re.pylist = Ib; return(re); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r0=2,x(1..4),lp; poly f1=x(1)^2+2*x(2)*(x(3))-x(4)^3; poly f2=x(1)^2-x(3)*x(1); poly f3=x(2)+5-2*x(1); poly f4=x(1)*x(2)-x(3); ideal I=f1,f2,f3,f4; boolean_ideal(I); ring r1=0,x,Dp; poly f1=x3+2*x+1; poly f2=x10-x5+2x; poly f3=19; ideal I=f1,f2,f3; boolean_ideal(I); ring r2=32003,(x,y,z),Dp; bring bbr2=r2; poly f1=xyz+20*x^2*y-3*xz+15; poly f2=32002*xy+z2; poly f3=19; ideal I=f1,f2,f3; boolean_ideal(I); boolean_ideal(I,bbr2); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc from_boolean_ideal(bideal I) "USAGE: from_boolean_ideal(I); I boolean ideal RETURN: ideal in Singular SEE ALSO: from_boolean_poly, boolean_ideal, boolean_poly, boolean_std, boolean_poly_ring KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example from_boolean_ideal; shows an example" { ideal re; int i; int nlen = size(I); for (i = 1; i <= nlen; i++) { re[i] = from_boolean_poly(I[i]); } return (re); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring rs=0,(x,y,z),Dp; def rb3=boolean_poly_ring(rs); poly f1=x+y; poly f2=x+z; bpoly pp =f1; bpoly p = f2; bideal Ib; list K=(p,pp); Ib=K; from_boolean_ideal(Ib); ring rs2=5,(x,y,z),Dp; def rb4=boolean_poly_ring(rs2); poly p1=x+y; poly p2=x+z; poly p3=y+z; bpoly p = p1; bpoly pp = p2; bpoly ppp = p3; bideal Ib; list K=(p,pp,ppp); Ib=K; from_boolean_ideal(Ib); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc boolean_std(bideal Is) "USAGE: boolean_std(Is); Is ideal RETURN: Singular ideal of the boolean groebner basis of Is SEE ALSO: from_boolean_poly, boolean_ideal, boolean_poly, from_boolean_ideal, boolean_poly_ring KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example boolean_std; shows an example" { pyobject Ib = Is; def redIb=groebner_basis(Ib); bideal result = redIb; return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r0=2,x(1..4),lp; poly f1=x(1)^2+2*x(2)*(x(3))-x(4)^3; poly f2=x(1)^2-x(3)*x(1); poly f3=x(2)+5-2*x(1); poly f4=x(1)*x(2)-x(3); ideal I=f1,f2,f3,f4; boolean_std(I); // implicitely add x(i)^2-x(i) bideal bI=I; // alternative syntax bideal re = std(bI); // Continue PolyBoRi computations std(re[1..2]); ring r1=0,x,Dp; poly f1=x3+2*x+1; poly f2=x10-x5+2x; poly f3=19; ideal I=f1,f2,f3; boolean_std(I); ring r2=32003,(x,y,z),Dp; poly f1=xz+y+20*x^2*y; poly f2=32002*xy+xz2+y; ideal I=f1,f2; boolean_std(I); ring r2=32003,(x,y,z),Dp; poly f1=xyz+20*x^2*y-3*xz+15; poly f2=32002*xy+z2; poly f3=19*x5y; ideal I=f1,f2,f3; boolean_std(I); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc from_boolean_constant(def p) "USAGE: from_boolean_constant(pb); pb pyobject RETURN: constant polynomial SEE ALSO: boolean_ideal, boolean_std KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example from_boolean_constant; shows an example" { pyobject pb = p; if (pb==0) { return (poly(0)); } return (poly(1)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring rs=0,(x,y,z),Dp; def rsb=boolean_poly_ring(rs); poly f=(x+y)*x+z; bpoly pp=f; from_boolean_constant(0); from_boolean_constant(1); from_boolean_constant(pp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc recursive_from_boolean_poly(def p) "USAGE: recursive_from_boolean_poly(pb); pb boolean polynomial RETURN: polynomial in Singular SEE ALSO: from_boolean_poly, boolean_ideal, boolean_poly, from_boolean_ideal, boolean_poly_ring KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example recursive_from_boolean_poly; shows an example" { pyobject pb = p; if (pb==0) { return(0); } if (pb==1) { return(1); } int idx = int(pb.navigation().value()); def p0=Polynomial(pb.set().subset0(idx)); def p1 = Polynomial(pb.set().subset1(idx)); return (var(idx+1)*recursive_from_boolean_poly(p1)+recursive_from_boolean_poly(p0)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring rs=0,(x,y,z),Dp; def rsb=boolean_poly_ring(rs); poly f=(x+y)*x+z; bpoly pp=f; recursive_from_boolean_poly(pp); ring rs2=2,(x,y,z),Dp; def rsb2=boolean_poly_ring(rs2); poly f2=(x+y)*x+x; bpoly pp2=f2; recursive_from_boolean_poly(pp); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc poly2zdd(poly ps) "USAGE: poly2zdd(poly ps); polynomial ps RETURN: polynomial ps in zdd representation SEE ALSO: boolean_poly, from_boolean_set KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, zero-supressed decision diagram EXAMPLE: example poly2zdd; shows an example" { pyobject pp=boolean_poly(ps); pyobject pset = pp.set(); zdd result = from_boolean_set(pset); return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,x(1..5),Dp; poly f=(x(1)+1)*(x(2)+1)*(x(3)+1)*x(4)*x(5); poly2zdd(f); poly g=x(3); poly2zdd(g); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc zdd2poly(zdd ss) "USAGE: zdd2poly(ss); zero-supressed decision diagram ss RETURN: zdd ss in polynomial representation SEE ALSO:from_boolean_poly, boolean_set KEYWORDS: PolyBoRi, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example poly2zdd; shows an example" { def ps=boolean_set(ss); return(from_boolean_poly(Polynomial(ps))); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,x(1..5),Dp; poly f=(x(1)+1)*(x(2)+1)*(x(3)+1)*x(4)*x(5); zdd2poly(poly2zdd(f)); poly g=x(3); zdd2poly(poly2zdd(g)); poly g=0; zdd2poly(poly2zdd(0)); poly g=1; zdd2poly(poly2zdd(01)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc disp_zdd(zdd ss, list #) "USAGE: disp_zdd(ss); zero-supressed decision diagram ss RETURN: string containing visualization of ss NOTE: the resulting string is the visualization of the polynomial that corresponds to ss, but with a additional structure that comes from the zdd. Every reached else- Branch induces a new line in the string. SEE ALSO:zdd2poly, poly2zdd KEYWORDS: Polybori, Boolean Groebner Basis EXAMPLE: example disp_zdd; shows an example" { int dist,i; string str,space; if (size(#)==0) { dist=1; str=" "; } else { dist=#[1]; str=#[2]; } for (i=1;i<=dist+3;i++) { space=space+" "; } if (ss.idx==0) { if (size(space)>5) { return(str); } else { if (ss==zdd_one) { return (1); } else { return (0); } } } else { str=str,"x",string(ss.idx); if (ss.thenBranch.idx!=0) { str=str,"("; str=disp_zdd(ss.thenBranch,dist+3,str); str=str,")"; } if ((ss.elseBranch.idx!=0)||(ss.elseBranch==zdd_one)) { if (ss.elseBranch==zdd_one) { str=str+"+1"; } else { str=str,"+"+newline+space; str=disp_zdd(ss.elseBranch,dist+3,str); } } return(str); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r1=0,(x,y,z),Dp; poly f1=xyz+xy+xz+yz+y+z+x+1; zdd s1=f1; disp_zdd(s1); ring r2=0,x(1..6),Dp; poly f2=x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(5)^2+x(6); zdd s2=f2; disp_zdd(s2); ring r4=0,x(1..6),Dp; poly f2=x(1)+1; zdd s2=f2; disp_zdd(s2); ring r2=0,x(1..6),Dp; poly f2=x(1)*x(2)*(x(3)-x(5)^2*x(6))+3*x(4)*x(5)-3; zdd s2=f2; disp_zdd(s2); poly f4=0; zdd s4=f4; disp_zdd(s4); poly f5=1; zdd s5=f5; disp_zdd(s5); }