// Test File for 'zeroset.lib" // // Implementation by : Thomas Bayer // Curretn Adress: // Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen // www: http://wwwmayr.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/personen/bayert/ // email : bayert@in.tum.de // // Last change 10.12.2000 // // written in the frame of the diploma thesis (advisor: Prof. Gert-Martin Greuel) // "Computations of moduli spaces of semiquasihomogenous singularities and an // implementation in Singular" // Arbeitsgruppe Algebraische Geometrie, Fachbereich Mathematik, // Universitaet Kaiserslautern /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIB "tst.lib"; LIB "zeroset.lib"; tst_init(); tst_ignore("CVS ID $Id: zeroset1.tst,v 1.1 2000-12-11 16:07:31 Singular Exp $"); proc TestzerosetLIB(S) // plug in the elements from the zero-set in the generators of the ideal // result should be 0,0,...,0. { setring S; map F; print(" #Points = " + string(vdim(std(id))) + "; #Solutions = " + string(size(zeroset))); print(" minpoly = " + string(minpoly)); print(" ideal = " + string(id)); for(int i = 1; i <= size(zeroset); i++) { F = zeroset[i]; print(string(zeroset[i]) + " --> " + string(F(id))); } } // example 1 ring R = 0,(x,y,z), lp; ideal I = x2-1,y3-1,z-2x; def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 2 ring R = 0,(x,y,z), lp; ideal I = x3-1,3y-x,z4-1; def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 3 ring R = 0, (x(1..5)), lp; ideal I = x(1)^2+1,x(2)^4-1,x(3)-x(4),x(4)^2+1,x(5)-x(4); def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 4 ring R = (0,a),(x,y), lp; minpoly = a2+1; ideal I = x2-a,y-2x; def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 5 ring R = (0,a),(x,y,z), lp; minpoly = a2+a+1; ideal I = x3-1,a*y^2-x,z^2-a*y; def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 6 ring R = (0,a),(x,y,z), lp; minpoly = a2+1; ideal I = x2-2,a*y^2-2*x,z^2 - a; // 2 def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 7 ring R = (0,a),(x(1..5)), lp; minpoly = a2+a+1; ideal I = x(1)^2 - 2,x(2) -a*x(1), x(3)^2 + 1, x(4)^2 + a, a*x(5) - x(1); def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill S; setring R; def S = ZeroSet(I, 1);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill R; kill S; //tst_status(); // example 8 ring R = (0,a),(s(1..4)), lp; minpoly = a2+1; ideal I = s(3)*s(4),s(2)*s(4),s(1)*s(3),s(1)*s(2),s(3)^8+s(4)^8-1,s(2)^8+s(4)^8-1,s(1)^8-s(4)^8,s(4)^9-s(4),s(1)*s(4)^8-s(1); def S = ZeroSet(I);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill S; setring R; def S = ZeroSet(I, 1);TestzerosetLIB(S); setring S; minpoly; id; zeroset; kill S; tst_status(1); $