/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version = "$Id$"; category="Noncommutative"; info=" LIBRARY: ncfactor.lib Tools for factorization in some noncommutative algebras AUTHORS: Albert Heinle, albert.heinle@rwth-aachen.de @* Viktor Levandovskyy, levandov@math.rwth-aachen.de OVERVIEW: In this library, new methods for factorization on polynomials are implemented for two algebras, both generated by two generators (Weyl and shift algebras) over a field K. Recall, that the first Weyl algebra over K is generated by x,d obeying the relation d*x=x*d+1. @* The first shift algebra over K is generated by x,s obeying the relation s*x=x*s+s. @* More detailled description of the algorithms can be found at @url{http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/\~Albert.Heinle}. Guide: We are interested in computing a tree of factorizations, that is at the moment a list of all found factorizations is returned. It may contain factorizations, which are further reducible. PROCEDURES: facFirstWeyl(h); factorization in the first Weyl algebra testNCfac(l[,h]); tests factorizations from a given list for correctness facSubWeyl(h,X,D); factorization in the first Weyl algebra as a subalgebra facFirstShift(h); factorization in the first shift algebra "; LIB "general.lib"; LIB "nctools.lib"; LIB "involut.lib"; LIB "freegb.lib"; // for isVar proc tst_ncfactor() { example facFirstWeyl; example facFirstShift; example facSubWeyl; example testNCfac; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==================================================* //deletes double-entries in a list of factorization //without evaluating the product. static proc delete_dublicates_noteval(list l) {//proc delete_dublicates_noteval list result= l; int j; int k; int i; int deleted = 0; int is_equal; for (i = 1; i<= size(l); i++) {//Iterate over the different factorizations for (j = i+1; j<= size(l); j++) {//Compare the i'th factorization to the j'th if (size(l[i])!= size(l[j])) {//different sizes => not equal j++; continue; }//different sizes => not equal is_equal = 1; for (k = 1; k <= size(l[i]);k++) {//Compare every entry if (l[i][k]!=l[j][k]) { is_equal = 0; break; } }//Compare every entry if (is_equal == 1) {//Delete this entry, because there is another equal one int the list result = delete(result, i-deleted); deleted = deleted+1; break; }//Delete this entry, because there is another equal one int the list }//Compare the i'th factorization to the j'th }//Iterate over the different factorizations return(result); }//proc delete_dublicates_noteval //================================================== //deletes the double-entries in a list with //evaluating the products static proc delete_dublicates_eval(list l) {//proc delete_dublicates_eval list result=l; int j; int k; int i; int deleted = 0; int is_equal; for (i = 1; i<= size(result); i++) {//Iterating over all elements in result for (j = i+1; j<= size(result); j++) {//comparing with the other elements if (product(result[i]) == product(result[j])) {//There are two equal results; throw away that one with the smaller size if (size(result[i])>=size(result[j])) {//result[i] has more entries result = delete(result,j); continue; }//result[i] has more entries else {//result[j] has more entries result = delete(result,i); i--; break; }//result[j] has more entries }//There are two equal results; throw away that one with the smaller size }//comparing with the other elements }//Iterating over all elements in result return(result); }//proc delete_dublicates_eval //==================================================* //given a list of factors g and a desired size nof, the following //procedure combines the factors, such that we recieve a //list of the length nof. static proc combinekfinlf(list g, int nof, intvec limits) //nof stands for "number of factors" {//Procedure combinekfinlf list result; int i; int j; int k; //iteration variables list fc; //fc stands for "factors combined" list temp; //a temporary store for factors def nofgl = size(g); //nofgl stands for "number of factors of the given list" if (nofgl == 0) {//g was the empty list return(result); }//g was the empty list if (nof <= 0) {//The user wants to recieve a negative number or no element as a result return(result); }//The user wants to recieve a negative number or no element as a result if (nofgl == nof) {//There are no factors to combine if (limitcheck(g,limits)) { result = result + list(g); } return(result); }//There are no factors to combine if (nof == 1) {//User wants to get just one factor if (limitcheck(list(product(g)),limits)) { result = result + list(list(product(g))); } return(result); }//User wants to get just one factor for (i = nof; i > 1; i--) {//computing the possibilities that have at least one original factor from g for (j = i; j>=1; j--) {//shifting the window of combinable factors to the left //fc below stands for "factors combined" fc = combinekfinlf(list(g[(j)..(j+nofgl - i)]),nof - i + 1,limits); for (k = 1; k<=size(fc); k++) {//iterating over the different solutions of the smaller problem if (j>1) {//There are g_i before the combination if (j+nofgl -i < nofgl) {//There are g_i after the combination temp = list(g[1..(j-1)]) + fc[k] + list(g[(j+nofgl-i+1)..nofgl]); }//There are g_i after the combination else {//There are no g_i after the combination temp = list(g[1..(j-1)]) + fc[k]; }//There are no g_i after the combination }//There are g_i before the combination if (j==1) {//There are no g_i before the combination if (j+ nofgl -i 0) {//set of equal pairs is not empty temp = M[1]; temppos = 1; for (i = 2; i<=size(M); i++) {//finding the minimal element of M if (M[i][1]<=temp[1]) {//a possible candidate that is smaller than temp could have been found if (M[i][1]==temp[1]) {//In this case we must look at the second number if (M[i][2]< temp[2]) {//the candidate is smaller temp = M[i]; temppos = i; }//the candidate is smaller }//In this case we must look at the second number else {//The candidate is definately smaller temp = M[i]; temppos = i; }//The candidate is definately smaller }//a possible candidate that is smaller than temp could have been found }//finding the minimal element of M M = delete(M, temppos); if(temp[1]>1) {//There are factors to combine before the equal factor if (temp[1]0) {//There are factors to combine for (i = 1; i <= size(pre); i++) {//all possible pre's... for (j = 1; j<= size(post); j++) {//...combined with all possible post's candidate= pre[i]+list(f[temp[1]])+post[j]; if (limitcheck(candidate,limits)) { result = result + list(candidate); } }//...combined with all possible post's }//all possible pre's... }//There are factors to combine }//The most common case else {//the last factor is the common one pre = merge_icf(list(f[1..(temp[1]-1)]),list(g[1..(temp[2]-1)]),limits); for (i = 1; i<= size(pre); i++) {//iterating over the possible pre-factors candidate = pre[i]+list(f[temp[1]]); if (limitcheck(candidate,limits)) { result = result + list(candidate); } }//iterating over the possible pre-factors }//the last factor is the common one }//There are factors to combine before the equal factor else {//There are no factors to combine before the equal factor if (temp[1]0) {//we could find other combinations for (i = 1; i<=size(post); i++) { candidate = list(f[temp[1]])+post[i]; if (limitcheck(candidate,limits)) { result = result + list(candidate); } } }//we could find other combinations }//Just a check for security }//There are no factors to combine before the equal factor }//set of equal pairs is not empty return(result); }//proc merge_cf //==================================================* //merges two sets of factors static proc mergence(list l1, list l2, intvec limits) {//Procedure mergence list g; list f; int l; int k; list F; if (size(l2)<=size(l1)) {//l1 will be our g, l2 our f g = l1; f = l2; }//l1 will be our g, l2 our f else {//l1 will be our f, l2 our g g = l2; f = l1; }//l1 will be our f, l2 our g list result; for (l = size(f); l>=1; l--) {//all possibilities to combine the factors of f F = combinekfinlf(f,l,limits); for (k = 1; k<= size(F);k++) {//for all possibilities of combinations of the factors of f result = result + merge_cf(F[k],g,limits); result = result + merge_icf(F[k],g,limits); }//for all possibilities of combinations of the factors of f }//all possibilities to combine the factors of f return(result); }//Procedure mergence //================================================== //Checks, whether a list of factors doesn't exceed the given limits static proc limitcheck(list g, intvec limits) {//proc limitcheck int i; if (size(limits)!=3) {//check the input return(0); }//check the input if(size(g)==0) { return(0); } def prod = product(g); intvec iv11 = intvec(1,1); intvec iv10 = intvec(1,0); intvec iv01 = intvec(0,1); def limg = intvec(deg(prod,iv11) ,deg(prod,iv10),deg(prod,iv01)); for (i = 1; i<=size(limg);i++) {//the final check if(limg[i]>limits[i]) { return(0); } }//the final check return(1); }//proc limitcheck //==================================================* //one factorization of a homogeneous polynomial //in the first Weyl Algebra static proc homogfacFirstWeyl(poly h) "USAGE: homogfacFirstWeyl(h); h is a homogeneous polynomial in the first Weyl algebra with respect to the weight vector [-1,1] RETURN: list PURPOSE: Computes a factorization of a homogeneous polynomial h with respect to the weight vector [-1,1] in the first Weyl algebra THEORY: @code{homogfacFirstWeyl} returns a list with a factorization of the given, [-1,1]-homogeneous polynomial. If the degree of the polynomial is k with k positive, the last k entries in the output list are the second variable. If k is positive, the last k entries will be x. The other entries will be irreducible polynomials of degree zero or 1 resp. -1. SEE ALSO: homogfacFirstWeyl_all "{//proc homogfacFirstWeyl int p = printlevel-voice+2;//for dbprint def r = basering; poly hath; int i; int j; intvec ivm11 = intvec(-1,1); if (!homogwithorder(h,ivm11)) {//The given polynomial is not homogeneous ERROR("Given polynomial was not [-1,1]-homogeneous"); return(list()); }//The given polynomial is not homogeneous if (h==0) { return(list(0)); } list result; int m = deg(h,ivm11); dbprint(p,"==> Splitting the polynomial in A_0 and A_k-Part"); if (m!=0) {//The degree is not zero if (m <0) {//There are more x than y hath = lift(var(1)^(-m),h)[1,1]; for (i = 1; i<=-m; i++) { result = result + list(var(1)); } }//There are more x than y else {//There are more y than x hath = lift(var(2)^m,h)[1,1]; for (i = 1; i<=m;i++) { result = result + list(var(2)); } }//There are more y than x }//The degree is not zero else {//The degree is zero hath = h; }//The degree is zero dbprint(p,"==> Done"); //beginning to transform x^i*y^i in theta(theta-1)...(theta-i+1) list mons; dbprint(p,"==> Putting the monomials in the A_0-part in a list."); for(i = 1; i<=size(hath);i++) {//Putting the monomials in a list mons = mons+list(hath[i]); }//Putting the monomials in a list dbprint(p,"==> Done"); dbprint(p,"==> Mapping this monomials to K[theta]"); ring tempRing = 0,(x,y,theta),dp; setring tempRing; map thetamap = r,x,y; list mons = thetamap(mons); poly entry; for (i = 1; i<=size(mons);i++) {//transforming the monomials as monomials in theta entry = leadcoef(mons[i]); for (j = 0; j Done"); dbprint(p,"==> Factorize the A_0-Part in K[theta]"); list azeroresult = factorize(sum(mons)); dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); list azeroresult_return_form; for (i = 1; i<=size(azeroresult[1]);i++) {//rewrite the result of the commutative factorization for (j = 1; j <= azeroresult[2][i];j++) { azeroresult_return_form = azeroresult_return_form + list(azeroresult[1][i]); } }//rewrite the result of the commutative factorization dbprint(p,"==> Mapping back to A_0."); setring(r); map finalmap = tempRing,var(1),var(2),var(1)*var(2); list tempresult = finalmap(azeroresult_return_form); dbprint(p,"Successful."); for (i = 1; i<=size(tempresult);i++) {//factorizations of theta resp. theta +1 if(tempresult[i]==var(1)*var(2)) { tempresult = insert(tempresult,var(1),i-1); i++; tempresult[i]=var(2); } if(tempresult[i]==var(2)*var(1)) { tempresult = insert(tempresult,var(2),i-1); i++; tempresult[i]=var(1); } }//factorizations of theta resp. theta +1 result = tempresult+result; return(result); }//proc homogfacFirstWeyl /* example */ /* { */ /* "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; */ /* ring R = 0,(x,y),Ws(-1,1); */ /* def r = nc_algebra(1,1); */ /* setring(r); */ /* poly h = (x^2*y^2+1)*(x^4); */ /* homogfacFirstWeyl(h); */ /* } */ //================================================== //Computes all possible homogeneous factorizations static proc homogfacFirstWeyl_all(poly h) "USAGE: homogfacFirstWeyl_all(h); h is a homogeneous polynomial in the first Weyl algebra with respect to the weight vector [-1,1] RETURN: list PURPOSE: Computes all factorizations of a homogeneous polynomial h with respect to the weight vector [-1,1] in the first Weyl algebra THEORY: @code{homogfacFirstWeyl} returns a list with all factorization of the given, homogeneous polynomial. It uses the output of homogfacFirstWeyl and permutes its entries with respect to the commutation rule. Furthermore, if a factor of degree zero is irreducible in K[\theta], but reducible in the first Weyl algebra, the permutations of this element with the other entries will also be computed. SEE ALSO: homogfacFirstWeyl "{//proc HomogfacFirstWeylAll int p=printlevel-voice+2;//for dbprint intvec iv11= intvec(1,1); if (deg(h,iv11) <= 0 ) {//h is a constant dbprint(p,"Given polynomial was not homogeneous"); return(list(list(h))); }//h is a constant def r = basering; list one_hom_fac; //stands for one homogeneous factorization int i; int j; int k; intvec ivm11 = intvec(-1,1); dbprint(p,"==> Calculate one homogeneous factorization using homogfacFirstWeyl"); //Compute again a homogeneous factorization one_hom_fac = homogfacFirstWeyl(h); dbprint(p,"Successful"); if (size(one_hom_fac) == 0) {//there is no homogeneous factorization or the polynomial was not homogeneous return(list()); }//there is no homogeneous factorization or the polynomial was not homogeneous //divide list in A0-Part and a list of x's resp. y's list list_not_azero = list(); list list_azero; list k_factor; int is_list_not_azero_empty = 1; int is_list_azero_empty = 1; k_factor = list(one_hom_fac[1]); if (absValue(deg(h,ivm11)) Combine x,y to xy in the factorization again."); for (i = 1; i<=size(list_azero)-1;i++) {//in homogfacFirstWeyl, we factorized theta, and this will be made undone if (list_azero[i] == var(1)) { if (list_azero[i+1]==var(2)) { list_azero[i] = var(1)*var(2); list_azero = delete(list_azero,i+1); } } if (list_azero[i] == var(2)) { if (list_azero[i+1]==var(1)) { list_azero[i] = var(2)*var(1); list_azero = delete(list_azero,i+1); } } }//in homogfacFirstWeyl, we factorized theta, and this will be made undone dbprint(p,"==> Done"); if(deg(h,ivm11)!=0) {//list_not_azero is not empty list_not_azero = one_hom_fac[(size(one_hom_fac)-absValue(deg(h,ivm11))+1)..size(one_hom_fac)]; is_list_not_azero_empty = 0; }//list_not_azero is not empty //Map list_azero in K[theta] dbprint(p,"==> Map list_azero to K[theta]"); ring tempRing = 0,(x,y,theta), dp; setring(tempRing); poly entry; map thetamap = r,x,y; if(!is_list_not_azero_empty) {//Mapping in Singular is only possible, if the list before //contained at least one element of the other ring list list_not_azero = thetamap(list_not_azero); }//Mapping in Singular is only possible, if the list before //contained at least one element of the other ring if(!is_list_azero_empty) {//Mapping in Singular is only possible, if the list before //contained at least one element of the other ring list list_azero= thetamap(list_azero); }//Mapping in Singular is only possible, if the list before //contained at least one element of the other ring list k_factor = thetamap(k_factor); list tempmons; dbprint(p,"==> Done"); for(i = 1; i<=size(list_azero);i++) {//rewrite the polynomials in A1 as polynomials in K[theta] tempmons = list(); for (j = 1; j<=size(list_azero[i]);j++) { tempmons = tempmons + list(list_azero[i][j]); } for (j = 1 ; j<=size(tempmons);j++) { entry = leadcoef(tempmons[j]); for (k = 0; k < leadexp(tempmons[j])[2];k++) { entry = entry*(theta-k); } tempmons[j] = entry; } list_azero[i] = sum(tempmons); }//rewrite the polynomials in A1 as polynomials in K[theta] //Compute all permutations of the A0-part dbprint(p,"==> Compute all permutations of the A_0-part with the first resp. the snd. variable"); list result; int shift_sign; int shift; poly shiftvar; if (size(list_not_azero)!=0) {//Compute all possibilities to permute the x's resp. the y's in the list if (list_not_azero[1] == x) {//h had a negative weighted degree shift_sign = 1; shiftvar = x; }//h had a negative weighted degree else {//h had a positive weighted degree shift_sign = -1; shiftvar = y; }//h had a positive weighted degree result = permpp(list_azero + list_not_azero); for (i = 1; i<= size(result); i++) {//adjust the a_0-parts shift = 0; for (j=1; j<=size(result[i]);j++) { if (result[i][j]==shiftvar) { shift = shift + shift_sign; } else { result[i][j] = subst(result[i][j],theta,theta + shift); } } }//adjust the a_0-parts }//Compute all possibilities to permute the x's resp. the y's in the list else {//The result is just all the permutations of the a_0-part result = permpp(list_azero); }//The result is just all the permutations of the a_0 part if (size(result)==0) { return(result); } dbprint(p,"==> Done"); dbprint(p,"==> Searching for theta resp. theta + 1 in the list and factorize them"); //Now we are going deeper and search for theta resp. theta + 1, substitute //them by xy resp. yx and go on permuting int found_theta; int thetapos; list leftpart; list rightpart; list lparts; list rparts; list tempadd; for (i = 1; i<=size(result) ; i++) {//checking every entry of result for theta or theta +1 found_theta = 0; for(j=1;j<=size(result[i]);j++) { if (result[i][j]==theta) {//the jth entry is theta and can be written as x*y thetapos = j; result[i]= insert(result[i],x,j-1); j++; result[i][j] = y; found_theta = 1; break; }//the jth entry is theta and can be written as x*y if(result[i][j] == theta +1) { thetapos = j; result[i] = insert(result[i],y,j-1); j++; result[i][j] = x; found_theta = 1; break; } } if (found_theta) {//One entry was theta resp. theta +1 leftpart = result[i]; leftpart = leftpart[1..thetapos]; rightpart = result[i]; rightpart = rightpart[(thetapos+1)..size(rightpart)]; lparts = list(leftpart); rparts = list(rightpart); //first deal with the left part if (leftpart[thetapos] == x) { shift_sign = 1; shiftvar = x; } else { shift_sign = -1; shiftvar = y; } for (j = size(leftpart); j>1;j--) {//drip x resp. y if (leftpart[j-1]==shiftvar) {//commutative j--; continue; }//commutative if (deg(leftpart[j-1],intvec(-1,1,0))!=0) {//stop here break; }//stop here //Here, we can only have a a0- part leftpart[j] = subst(leftpart[j-1],theta, theta + shift_sign); leftpart[j-1] = shiftvar; lparts = lparts + list(leftpart); }//drip x resp. y //and now deal with the right part if (rightpart[1] == x) { shift_sign = 1; shiftvar = x; } else { shift_sign = -1; shiftvar = y; } for (j = 1 ; j < size(rightpart); j++) { if (rightpart[j+1] == shiftvar) { j++; continue; } if (deg(rightpart[j+1],intvec(-1,1,0))!=0) { break; } rightpart[j] = subst(rightpart[j+1], theta, theta - shift_sign); rightpart[j+1] = shiftvar; rparts = rparts + list(rightpart); } //And now, we put all possibilities together tempadd = list(); for (j = 1; j<=size(lparts); j++) { for (k = 1; k<=size(rparts);k++) { tempadd = tempadd + list(lparts[j]+rparts[k]); } } tempadd = delete(tempadd,1); // The first entry is already in the list result = result + tempadd; continue; //We can may be not be done already with the ith entry }//One entry was theta resp. theta +1 }//checking every entry of result for theta or theta +1 dbprint(p,"==> Done"); //map back to the basering dbprint(p,"==> Mapping back everything to the basering"); setring(r); map finalmap = tempRing, var(1), var(2),var(1)*var(2); list result = finalmap(result); for (i=1; i<=size(result);i++) {//adding the K factor result[i] = k_factor + result[i]; }//adding the k-factor dbprint(p,"==> Done"); dbprint(p,"==> Delete double entries in the list."); result = delete_dublicates_noteval(result); dbprint(p,"==> Done"); return(result); }//proc HomogfacFirstWeylAll /* example */ /* { */ /* "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; */ /* ring R = 0,(x,y),Ws(-1,1); */ /* def r = nc_algebra(1,1); */ /* setring(r); */ /* poly h = (x^2*y^2+1)*(x^4); */ /* homogfacFirstWeyl_all(h); */ /* } */ //==================================================* //Computes all permutations of a given list static proc perm(list l) {//proc perm int i; int j; list tempresult; list result; if (size(l)==0) { return(list()); } if (size(l)==1) { return(list(l)); } for (i = 1; i<=size(l); i++ ) { tempresult = perm(delete(l,i)); for (j = 1; j<=size(tempresult);j++) { tempresult[j] = list(l[i])+tempresult[j]; } result = result+tempresult; } return(result); }//proc perm //================================================== //computes all permutations of a given list by //ignoring equal entries (faster than perm) static proc permpp(list l) {//proc permpp int i; int j; list tempresult; list l_without_double; list l_without_double_pos; int double_entry; list result; if (size(l)==0) { return(list()); } if (size(l)==1) { return(list(l)); } for (i = 1; i<=size(l);i++) {//Filling the list with unique entries double_entry = 0; for (j = 1; j<=size(l_without_double);j++) { if (l_without_double[j] == l[i]) { double_entry = 1; break; } } if (!double_entry) { l_without_double = l_without_double + list(l[i]); l_without_double_pos = l_without_double_pos + list(i); } }//Filling the list with unique entries for (i = 1; i<=size(l_without_double); i++ ) { tempresult = permpp(delete(l,l_without_double_pos[i])); for (j = 1; j<=size(tempresult);j++) { tempresult[j] = list(l_without_double[i])+tempresult[j]; } result = result+tempresult; } return(result); }//proc permpp //================================================== //factorization of the first Weyl Algebra //The following procedure just serves the purpose to //transform the input into an appropriate input for //the procedure sfacwa, where the ring must contain the //variables in a certain order. proc facFirstWeyl(poly h) "USAGE: facFirstWeyl(h); h a polynomial in the first Weyl algebra RETURN: list PURPOSE: compute all factorizations of a polynomial in the first Weyl algebra THEORY: Implements the new algorithm by A. Heinle and V. Levandovskyy, see the thesis of A. Heinle ASSUME: basering in the first Weyl algebra NOTE: Every entry of the output list is a list with factors for one possible factorization. The first factor is always a constant (1, if no nontrivial constant could be excluded). EXAMPLE: example facFirstWeyl; shows examples SEE ALSO: facSubWeyl, testNCfac, facFirstShift "{//proc facFirstWeyl //Definition of printlevel variable int p = printlevel-voice+2; dbprint(p,"==> Checking if the given algebra is a Weyl algebra"); //Redefine the ring in my standard form if (!isWeyl()) {//Our basering is not the Weyl algebra ERROR("Ring was not the first Weyl algebra"); return(list()); }//Our basering is not the Weyl algebra dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); dbprint(p,"==> Checking, if the given ring is the first Weyl algebra"); if(nvars(basering)!=2) {//Our basering is the Weyl algebra, but not the first ERROR("==>Ring is not the first Weyl algebra"); return(list()); }//Our basering is the Weyl algebra, but not the first dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); list result = list(); int i;int j; int k; int l; //counter if (ringlist(basering)[6][1,2] == -1) //manual of ringlist will tell you why { dbprint(p,"==> positions of the variables have to be switched"); def r = basering; ring tempRing = ringlist(r)[1][1],(x,y),Ws(-1,1); // very strange: // setting Wp(-1,1) leads to SegFault; to clarify why!!! def NTR = nc_algebra(1,1); setring NTR ; map transf = r, var(2), var(1); dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); dbprint(p, "==> factorization of the polynomial with the routine sfacwa"); list resulttemp = sfacwa(transf(h)); dbprint(p,"==> Done"); setring(r); map transfback = NTR, var(2),var(1); result = transfback(resulttemp); } else { dbprint(p, "==> factorization of the polynomial with the routine sfacwa"); result = sfacwa(h); dbprint(p,"==> Done"); } dbprint(p,"==> recursively check factors for irreducibility"); list recursivetemp; for(i = 1; i<=size(result);i++) {//recursively factorize factors if(size(result[i])>2) {//Nontrivial factorization for (j=2;j<=size(result[i]);j++) {//Factorize every factor recursivetemp = facFirstWeyl(result[i][j]); if(size(recursivetemp)>1) {//we have a nontrivial factorization for(k=1; k<=size(recursivetemp);k++) {//insert factorized factors if(size(recursivetemp[k])>2) {//nontrivial result = insert(result,result[i],i); for(l = size(recursivetemp[k]);l>=2;l--) { result[i+1] = insert(result[i+1],recursivetemp[k][l],j); } result[i+1] = delete(result[i+1],j); }//nontrivial }//insert factorized factors }//we have a nontrivial factorization }//Factorize every factor }//Nontrivial factorization }//recursively factorize factors dbprint(p,"==> Done"); if (size(result)==0) {//only the trivial factorization could be found result = list(list(1,h)); }//only the trivial factorization could be found //now, refine the possible redundant list return( delete_dublicates_noteval(result) ); }//proc facFirstWeyl example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; def r = nc_algebra(1,1); setring(r); poly h = (x^2*y^2+x)*(x+1); facFirstWeyl(h); } //This is the main program static proc sfacwa(poly h) "USAGE: sfacwa(h); h is a polynomial in the first Weyl algebra RETURN: list PURPOSE: Computes a factorization of a polynomial h in the first Weyl algebra THEORY: @code{sfacwa} returns a list with some factorizations of the given polynomial. The possibilities of the factorization of the highest homogeneous part and those of the lowest will be merged. If during this procedure a factorization of the polynomial occurs, it will be added to the output list. For a more detailed description visit @url{http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/\~Albert.Heinle} SEE ALSO: homogfacFirstWeyl_all, homogfacFirstWeyl "{//proc sfacwa int p=printlevel-voice+2; // for dbprint intvec ivm11 = intvec(-1,1); intvec iv11 = intvec(1,1); intvec iv10 = intvec(1,0); intvec iv01 = intvec(0,1); intvec iv1m1 = intvec(1,-1); if(homogwithorder(h,ivm11)) { dbprint(p,"==> Given polynomial is -1,1 homogeneous. Starting homog. fac. and ret. its result"); return(homogfacFirstWeyl_all(h)); } def r = basering; map invo = basering,-var(1),var(2); int i; int j; int k; dbprint(p,"==> Computing the degree-limits of the factorization"); intvec limits = deg(h,iv11) ,deg(h,iv10),deg(h,iv01); def prod; //end finding the limits dbprint(p,"==> Computing the maximal and the minimal homogeneous part of the give polynomial"); poly maxh = jet(h,deg(h,ivm11),ivm11)-jet(h,deg(h,ivm11)-1,ivm11); poly minh = jet(h,deg(h,iv1m1),iv1m1)-jet(h,deg(h,iv1m1)-1,iv1m1); list result; list temp; list homogtemp; def invhath; def invideal; list M; list hatM; dbprint(p,"==> Factorize the maximal and the minimal homog. part of the given polynomial"); list f1 = homogfacFirstWeyl_all(maxh); list f2 = homogfacFirstWeyl_all(minh); int is_equal; poly hath; dbprint(p,"==> Merging the factorizations"); for (i = 1; i<=size(f1);i++) {//Merge all combinations for (j = 1; j<=size(f2); j++) { M = M + mergence(f1[i],f2[j],limits); } }//Merge all combinations dbprint(p,"==> Filtering invalid combinations"); for (i = 1 ; i<= size(M); i++) {//filter valid combinations if (product(M[i]) == h) {//We have one factorization result = result + list(M[i]); M = delete(M,i); continue; }//We have one factorization else { if (deg(h,ivm11)<=deg(h-product(M[i]),ivm11)) { M = delete(M,i); continue; } if (deg(h,iv1m1)<=deg(h-product(M[i]),iv1m1)) { M = delete(M,i); continue; } } }//filter valid combinations dbprint(p,"==> Deleting doublicates in the resulting list"); M = delete_dublicates_eval(M); dbprint(p,"==> Iterating over all possible Combinations"); while(size(M)>0) {//work on the elements of M hatM = list(); for(i = 1; i<=size(M); i++) {//iterate over all elements of M hath = h-product(M[i]); temp = list(); //First check for common inhomogeneous factors between hath and h invhath = involution(hath,invo); invideal = std(involution(ideal(M[i][1]),invo)); if (involution(NF(invhath,invideal) ,invo)==0) {//hath and h have a common factor on the left j = 1; f1 = M[i]; if (j+1<=size(f1)) {//Checking for more than one common factor invideal = std(involution(ideal(product(f1[1..(j+1)])),invo)); while(involution(NF(invhath,invideal),invo)==0) { if (j+10) {//Checking for more than one factor while(reduce(hath,std(ideal(product(f1[(j-1)..size(f1)]))))==0) { if (j-1>1) { j--; } else { break; } } }//Checking for more than one factor f2 = list(lift(product(f1[j..size(f1)]),hath)[1,1])+list(f1[j..size(f1)]); temp = temp + merge_cf(f2,M[i],limits); }//hath and h have a common factor on the right //and now the homogeneous maxh = jet(hath,deg(hath,ivm11),ivm11)-jet(hath,deg(hath,ivm11)-1,ivm11); minh = jet(hath,deg(hath,iv1m1),iv1m1)-jet(hath,deg(hath,iv1m1)-1,iv1m1); f1 = homogfacFirstWeyl_all(maxh); f2 = homogfacFirstWeyl_all(minh); for (j = 1; j<=size(f1);j++) { for (k=1; k<=size(f2);k++) { homogtemp = mergence(f1[j],f2[k],limits); } } for (j = 1; j<= size(homogtemp); j++) { temp = temp + mergence(homogtemp[j],M[i],limits); } for (j = 1; j<=size(temp); j++) {//filtering invalid entries in temp if(product(temp[j])==h) {//This is already a result result = result + list(temp[j]); temp = delete(temp,j); continue; }//This is already a result if (deg(hath,ivm11)<=deg(hath-product(temp[j]),ivm11)) { temp = delete(temp,j); continue; } }//filtering invalid entries in temp hatM = hatM + temp; }//iterate over all elements of M M = hatM; for (i = 1; i<=size(M);i++) {//checking for complete factorizations if (h == product(M[i])) { result = result + list(M[i]); M = delete(M,i); continue; } }//checking for complete factorizations M = delete_dublicates_eval(M); }//work on the elements of M //In the case, that there is none, write a constant factor before the factor of interest. dbprint(p,"==> Done"); for (i = 1 ; i<=size(result);i++) {//add a constant factor if (deg(result[i][1],iv11)!=0) { result[i] = insert(result[i],1); } }//add a constant factor dbprint(p,"==> Deleting doublicates in the output list"); result = delete_dublicates_noteval(result); return(result); }//proc sfacwa //================================================== /*Singular has no way implemented to test polynomials for homogenity with respect to a weight vector. The following procedure does exactly this*/ static proc homogwithorder(poly h, intvec weights) {//proc homogwithorder if(size(weights) != nvars(basering)) {//The user does not know how many variables the current ring has return(0); }//The user does not know how many variables the current ring has int i; int dofp = deg(h,weights); //degree of polynomial for (i = 1; i<=size(h);i++) { if (deg(h[i],weights)!=dofp) { return(0); } } return(1); }//proc homogwithorder //================================================== //Testfac: Given a list with different factorizations of // one polynomial, the following procedure checks // whether they all refer to the same polynomial. // If they do, the output will be a list, that contains // the product of each factorization. If not, the empty // list will be returned. // If the optional argument # is given (i.e. the polynomial // which is factorized by the elements of the given list), // then we look, if the entries are factorizations of p // and if not, a list with the products subtracted by p // will be returned proc testNCfac(list l, list #) "USAGE: testNCfac(l[,p,b]); l is a list, p is an optional poly, b is 1 or 0 RETURN: Case 1: No optional argument. In this case the output is 1, if the entries in the given list represent the same polynomial or 0 otherwise. Case 2: One optional argument p is given. In this case it returns 1, if all the entries in l are factorizations of p, otherwise 0. Case 3: Second optional b is given. In this case a list is returned containing the difference between the product of each entry in l and p. ASSUME: basering is the first Weyl algebra, the entries of l are polynomials PURPOSE: Checks whether a list of factorizations contains factorizations of the same element in the first Weyl algebra THEORY: @code{testNCfac} multiplies out each factorization and checks whether each factorization was a factorization of the same element. @* - if there is only a list given, the output will be 0, if it does not contain factorizations of the same element. Otherwise the output will be 1. @* - if there is a polynomial in the second argument, then the procedure checks whether the given list contains factorizations of this polynomial. If it does, then the output depends on the third argument. If it is not given, the procedure will check whether the factorizations in the list l are associated to this polynomial and return either 1 or 0, respectively. If the third argument is given, the output will be a list with the length of the given one and in each entry is the product of one entry in l subtracted by the polynomial. EXAMPLE: example testNCfac; shows examples SEE ALSO: facFirstWeyl, facSubWeyl, facFirstShift "{//proc testfac int p = printlevel - voice + 2; dbprint(p,"==> Checking the input"); if (size(l)==0) {//The empty list is given dbprint(p,"==> Given list was empty"); return(list()); }//The empty list is given if (size(#)>2) {//We want max. two optional arguments dbprint(p,"==> More than two optional arguments"); return(list()); }//We want max. two optional arguments dbprint(p,"==> Done"); list result; int i; int j; if (size(#)==0) {//No optional argument is given dbprint(p,"==> No optional arguments"); int valid = 1; for (i = size(l);i>=1;i--) {//iterate over the elements of the given list if (size(result)>0) { if (product(l[i])!=result[size(l)-i]) { valid = 0; break; } } result = insert(result, product(l[i])); }//iterate over the elements of the given list return(valid); }//No optional argument is given else { dbprint(p,"==> Optional arguments are given."); int valid = 1; for (i = size(l);i>=1;i--) {//iterate over the elements of the given list if (product(l[i])!=#[1]) { valid = 0; } result = insert(result, product(l[i])-#[1]); }//iterate over the elements of the given list if(size(#)==2) { dbprint(p,"==> A third argument is given. Output is a list now."); return(result); } return(valid); } }//proc testfac example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = nc_algebra(1,1); setring R; poly h = (x^2*y^2+1)*(x^2); def t1 = facFirstWeyl(h); //fist a correct list testNCfac(t1); //now a correct list with the factorized polynomial testNCfac(t1,h); //now we put in an incorrect list without a polynomial t1[3][3] = y; testNCfac(t1); // take h as additional input testNCfac(t1,h); // take h as additional input and output list of differences testNCfac(t1,h,1); } //================================================== //Procedure facSubWeyl: //This procedure serves the purpose to compute a //factorization of a given polynomial in a ring, whose subring //is the first Weyl algebra. The polynomial must only contain //the two arguments, which are also given by the user. proc facSubWeyl(poly h, X, D) "USAGE: facSubWeyl(h,x,y); h, X, D polynomials RETURN: list ASSUME: X and D are variables of a basering, which satisfy DX = XD +1. @* That is, they generate the copy of the first Weyl algebra in a basering. @* Moreover, h is a polynomial in X and D only. PURPOSE: compute factorizations of the polynomial, which depends on X and D. EXAMPLE: example facSubWeyl; shows examples SEE ALSO: facFirstWeyl, testNCfac, facFirstShift "{ int p = printlevel - voice + 2; dbprint(p,"==> Start initial Checks of the input."); // basering can be anything having a Weyl algebra as subalgebra def @r = basering; //We begin to check the input for assumptions // which are: X,D are vars of the basering, if ( (isVar(X)!=1) || (isVar(D)!=1) || (size(X)>1) || (size(D)>1) || (leadcoef(X) != number(1)) || (leadcoef(D) != number(1)) ) { ERROR("expected pure variables as generators of a subalgebra"); } // Weyl algebra: poly w = D*X-X*D-1; // [D,X]=1 poly u = D*X-X*D+1; // [X,D]=1 if (u*w!=0) { // that is no combination gives Weyl ERROR("2nd and 3rd argument do not generate a Weyl algebra"); } // one of two is correct int isReverted = 0; // Reverted Weyl if dx=xd-1 holds if (u==0) { isReverted = 1; } // else: do nothing // DONE with assumptions, Input successfully checked dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); intvec lexpofX = leadexp(X); intvec lexpofD = leadexp(D); int varnumX=1; int varnumD=1; while(lexpofX[varnumX] != 1) { varnumX++; } while(lexpofD[varnumD] != 1) { varnumD++; } /* VL : to add printlevel stuff */ dbprint(p,"==> Change positions of the two variables in the list, if needed"); if (isReverted) { ring firstweyl = 0,(var(varnumD),var(varnumX)),dp; def Firstweyl = nc_algebra(1,1); setring Firstweyl; ideal M = 0:nvars(@r); M[varnumX]=var(2); M[varnumD]=var(1); map Q = @r,M; poly h= Q(h); } else { // that is unReverted ring firstweyl = 0,(var(varnumX),var(varnumD)),dp; def Firstweyl = nc_algebra(1,1); setring Firstweyl; poly h= imap(@r,h); } dbprint(p,"==> Done!"); list result = facFirstWeyl(h); setring @r; list result; if (isReverted) { // map swap back ideal M; M[1] = var(varnumD); M[2] = var(varnumX); map S = Firstweyl, M; result = S(result); } else { // that is unReverted result = imap(Firstweyl,result); } return(result); }//proc facSubWeyl example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; matrix D[3][3]; D[1,3]=-1; def R = nc_algebra(1,D); // x,z generate Weyl subalgebra setring R; poly h = (x^2*z^2+x)*x; list fact1 = facSubWeyl(h,x,z); // compare with facFirstWeyl: ring s = 0,(z,x),dp; def S = nc_algebra(1,1); setring S; poly h = (x^2*z^2+x)*x; list fact2 = facFirstWeyl(h); map F = R,x,0,z; list fact1 = F(fact1); // it is identical to list fact2 testNCfac(fact1); // check the correctness again } //================================================== //================================================== //************From here: Shift-Algebra************** //================================================== //==================================================* //one factorization of a homogeneous polynomial //in the first Shift Algebra static proc homogfacFirstShift(poly h) {//proc homogfacFirstShift int p=printlevel-voice+2; //for dbprint def r = basering; poly hath; intvec iv01 = intvec(0,1); int i; int j; if (!homogwithorder(h,iv01)) {//The given polynomial is not homogeneous ERROR("The given polynomial is not homogeneous."); return(list()); }//The given polynomial is not homogeneous if (h==0) { return(list(0)); } list result; int m = deg(h,iv01); dbprint(p,"==> exclude the homogeneous part of deg. 0"); if (m>0) {//The degree is not zero hath = lift(var(2)^m,h)[1,1]; for (i = 1; i<=m;i++) { result = result + list(var(2)); } }//The degree is not zero else {//The degree is zero hath = h; }//The degree is zero ring tempRing = 0,(x),dp; setring tempRing; map thetamap = r,x,1; poly hath = thetamap(hath); dbprint(p,"==> Factorize it using commutative factorization."); list azeroresult = factorize(hath); list azeroresult_return_form; for (i = 1; i<=size(azeroresult[1]);i++) {//rewrite the result of the commutative factorization for (j = 1; j <= azeroresult[2][i];j++) { azeroresult_return_form = azeroresult_return_form + list(azeroresult[1][i]); } }//rewrite the result of the commutative factorization setring(r); map finalmap = tempRing,var(1); list tempresult = finalmap(azeroresult_return_form); result = tempresult+result; return(result); }//proc homogfacFirstShift //================================================== //Computes all possible homogeneous factorizations static proc homogfacFirstShift_all(poly h) {//proc HomogfacFirstShiftAll int p=printlevel-voice+2; //for dbprint intvec iv11 = intvec(1,1); if (deg(h,iv11) <= 0 ) {//h is a constant return(list(list(h))); }//h is a constant def r = basering; list one_hom_fac; //stands for one homogeneous factorization int i; int j; int k; int shiftcounter; //Compute again a homogeneous factorization dbprint(p,"==> Computing one homog. factorization of the polynomial"); one_hom_fac = homogfacFirstShift(h); one_hom_fac = delete(one_hom_fac,1); if (size(one_hom_fac) == 0) {//there is no homogeneous factorization or the polynomial was not homogeneous return(list()); }//there is no homogeneous factorization or the polynomial was not homogeneous dbprint(p,"==> Permuting the 0-homogeneous part with the s"); list result = permpp(one_hom_fac); for (i = 1; i<=size(result);i++) { shiftcounter = 0; for (j = 1; j<=size(result[i]); j++) { if (result[i][j]==var(2)) { shiftcounter++; } else { result[i][j] = subst(result[i][j], var(1), var(1)-shiftcounter); } } result[i] = insert(result[i],1); } dbprint(p,"==> Deleting double entries in the resulting list"); result = delete_dublicates_noteval(result); return(result); }//proc HomogfacFirstShiftAll //================================================== //factorization of the first Shift Algebra proc facFirstShift(poly h) "USAGE: facFirstShift(h); h a polynomial in the first shift algebra RETURN: list PURPOSE: compute all factorizations of a polynomial in the first shift algebra THEORY: Implements the new algorithm by A. Heinle and V. Levandovskyy, see the thesis of A. Heinle ASSUME: basering in the first shift algebra NOTE: Every entry of the output list is a list with factors for one possible factorization. EXAMPLE: example facFirstShift; shows examples SEE ALSO: testNCfac, facFirstWeyl, facSubWeyl "{//facFirstShift int p = printlevel - voice + 2; dbprint(p,"==> Checking the input."); if(nvars(basering)!=2) {//Our basering is the Shift algebra, but not the first ERROR("Basering is not the first shift algebra"); return(list()); }//Our basering is the Shift algebra, but not the first def r = basering; setring r; list LR = ringlist(r); number @n = leadcoef(LR[5][1,2]); poly @p = LR[6][1,2]; if ( @n!=number(1) ) { ERROR("Basering is not the first shift algebra"); return(list()); } dbprint(p,"==> Done"); list result = list(); int i;int j; int k; int l; //counter // create a ring with the ordering which makes shift algebra // graded // def r = basering; // done before ring tempRing = LR[1][1],(x,s),(a(0,1),Dp); def tempRingnc = nc_algebra(1,s); setring r; // information on relations if (@p == -var(1)) // reverted shift algebra { dbprint(p,"==> Reverted shift algebra. Swaping variables in Ringlist"); setring(tempRingnc); map transf = r, var(2), var(1); setring(r); map transfback = tempRingnc, var(2),var(1); // result = transfback(resulttemp); } else { if ( @p == var(2)) // usual shift algebra { setring(tempRingnc); map transf = r, var(1), var(2); // result = facshift(h); setring(r); map transfback = tempRingnc, var(1),var(2); } else { ERROR("Basering is not the first shift algebra"); return(list()); } } // main calls setring(tempRingnc); dbprint(p,"==> Factorize the given polynomial with the subroutine facshift"); list resulttemp = facshift(transf(h)); dbprint(p,"==> Successful"); setring(r); result = transfback(resulttemp); dbprint(p,"==> Recursively check the found factors for reducibility."); list recursivetemp; for(i = 1; i<=size(result);i++) {//recursively factorize factors if(size(result[i])>2) {//Nontrivial factorization for (j=2;j<=size(result[i]);j++) {//Factorize every factor recursivetemp = facFirstShift(result[i][j]); if(size(recursivetemp)>1) {//we have a nontrivial factorization for(k=1; k<=size(recursivetemp);k++) {//insert factorized factors if(size(recursivetemp[k])>2) {//nontrivial result = insert(result,result[i],i); for(l = size(recursivetemp[k]);l>=2;l--) { result[i+1] = insert(result[i+1],recursivetemp[k][l],j); } result[i+1] = delete(result[i+1],j); }//nontrivial }//insert factorized factors }//we have a nontrivial factorization }//Factorize every factor }//Nontrivial factorization }//recursively factorize factors //now, refine the possible redundant list dbprint(p,"==> Done"); return( delete_dublicates_noteval(result) ); }//facFirstShift example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring R = 0,(x,s),dp; def r = nc_algebra(1,s); setring(r); poly h = (s^2*x+x)*s; facFirstShift(h); } static proc facshift(poly h) "USAGE: facshift(h); h is a polynomial in the first Shift algebra RETURN: list PURPOSE: Computes a factorization of a polynomial h in the first Shift algebra THEORY: @code{facshift} returns a list with some factorizations of the given polynomial. The possibilities of the factorization of the highest homogeneous part and those of the lowest will be merged. If during this procedure a factorization of the polynomial occurs, it will be added to the output list. For a more detailled description visit @url{http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/\~Albert.Heinle} SEE ALSO: homogfacFirstShift_all, homogfacFirstShift "{//proc facshift int p=printlevel-voice+2; // for dbprint intvec iv01 = intvec(0,1); intvec iv11 = intvec(1,1); intvec iv10 = intvec(1,0); intvec iv0m1 = intvec(0,-1); if(homogwithorder(h,iv01)) { dbprint(p,"==> Given polynomial was 1,0-homogeneous. Calling subroutine for homog. polys."); return(homogfacFirstShift_all(h)); } def r = basering; map invo = basering,-var(1),-var(2); int i; int j; int k; intvec limits = deg(h,iv11) ,deg(h,iv10),deg(h,iv01); def prod; //end finding the limits poly maxh = jet(h,deg(h,iv01),iv01)-jet(h,deg(h,iv01)-1,iv01); poly minh = jet(h,deg(h,iv0m1),iv0m1)-jet(h,deg(h,iv0m1)-1,iv0m1); list result; list temp; list homogtemp; list M; list hatM; def invhath; def invideal; dbprint(p,"==> Factorizing the highest and the lowest homogeneous part"); list f1 = homogfacFirstShift_all(maxh); list f2 = homogfacFirstShift_all(minh); int is_equal; poly hath; dbprint(p,"==> Merging their factors"); for (i = 1; i<=size(f1);i++) {//Merge all combinations for (j = 1; j<=size(f2); j++) { M = M + mergence(f1[i],f2[j],limits); } }//Merge all combinations dbprint(p,"==> Filtering invalid combinations"); for (i = 1 ; i<= size(M); i++) {//filter valid combinations if (product(M[i]) == h) {//We have one factorization result = result + list(M[i]); M = delete(M,i); continue; }//We have one factorization else { if (deg(h,iv01)<=deg(h-product(M[i]),iv01)) { M = delete(M,i); continue; } if (deg(h,iv0m1)<=deg(h-product(M[i]),iv0m1)) { M = delete(M,i); continue; } } }//filter valid combinations dbprint(p,"==> Iterating over all elements in M"); M = delete_dublicates_eval(M); while(size(M)>0) {//work on the elements of M hatM = list(); for(i = 1; i<=size(M); i++) {//iterate over all elements of M hath = h-product(M[i]); temp = list(); //First check for common inhomogeneous factors between hath and h invhath = involution(hath,invo); invideal = std(involution(ideal(M[i][1]),invo)); if (involution(NF(invhath, invideal ),invo)==0) {//hath and h have a common factor on the left j = 1; f1 = M[i]; if (j+1<=size(f1)) {//Checking for more than one common factor invideal = std(involution(ideal(product(f1[1..(j+1)])),invo)); while(involution(NF(invhath,invideal),invo)==0) { if (j+10) {//Checking for more than one factor while(reduce(hath,std(ideal(product(f1[(j-1)..size(f1)]))))==0) { if (j-1>1) { j--; } else { break; } } }//Checking for more than one factor f2 = list(lift(product(f1[j..size(f1)]),hath)[1,1])+list(f1[j..size(f1)]); temp = temp + merge_cf(f2,M[i],limits); }//hath and h have a common factor on the right //and now the homogeneous maxh = jet(hath,deg(hath,iv01),iv01)-jet(hath,deg(hath,iv01)-1,iv01); minh = jet(hath,deg(hath,iv0m1),iv0m1)-jet(hath,deg(hath,iv0m1)-1,iv0m1); f1 = homogfacFirstShift_all(maxh); f2 = homogfacFirstShift_all(minh); for (j = 1; j<=size(f1);j++) { for (k=1; k<=size(f2);k++) { homogtemp = mergence(f1[j],f2[k],limits); } } for (j = 1; j<= size(homogtemp); j++) { temp = temp + mergence(homogtemp[j],M[i],limits); } for (j = 1; j<=size(temp); j++) {//filtering invalid entries in temp if(product(temp[j])==h) {//This is already a result result = result + list(temp[j]); temp = delete(temp,j); continue; }//This is already a result if (deg(hath,iv01)<=deg(hath-product(temp[j]),iv01)) { temp = delete(temp,j); continue; } }//filtering invalid entries in temp hatM = hatM + temp; }//iterate over all elements of M M = hatM; for (i = 1; i<=size(M);i++) {//checking for complete factorizations if (h == product(M[i])) { result = result + list(M[i]); M = delete(M,i); continue; } }//checking for complete factorizations M = delete_dublicates_eval(M); }//work on the elements of M //In the case, that there is none, write a constant factor before the factor of interest. for (i = 1 ; i<=size(result);i++) {//add a constant factor if (deg(result[i][1],iv11)!=0) { result[i] = insert(result[i],1); } }//add a constant factor dbprint(p,"==> Deleting double entries in the resulting list."); result = delete_dublicates_noteval(result); return(result); }//proc facshift static proc refineFactList(list L) { // assume: list L is an output of factorization proc // doing: remove doubled entries int s = size(L); int sm; int i,j,k,cnt; list M, U, A, B; A = L; k = 0; cnt = 1; for (i=1; i<=s; i++) { if (size(A[i]) != 0) { M = A[i]; // "probing with"; M; i; B[cnt] = M; cnt++; for (j=i+1; j<=s; j++) { if ( isEqualList(M,A[j]) ) { k++; // U consists of intvecs with equal pairs U[k] = intvec(i,j); A[j] = 0; } } } } kill A,U,M; return(B); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring R = 0,(x,s),dp; def r = nc_algebra(1,1); setring(r); list l,m; l = list(1,s2+1,x,s,x+s); m = l,list(1,s,x,s,x),l; refineFactList(m); } static proc isEqualList(list L, list M) { // int boolean: 1=yes, 0 =no : test whether two lists are identical int s = size(L); if (size(M)!=s) { return(0); } int j=1; while ( (L[j]==M[j]) && (j (x^2+y)*(x^2+y); (x^2+x)*(x^2+y); (x^3+x+1)*(x^4+y*x+2); (x^2*y+y)*(y+x*y); y^3+x*y^3+2*y^2+2*(x+1)*y^2+y+(x+2)*y; //Example 5 Grigoriev-Schwarz. (y+1)*(y+1)*(y+x*y); //Landau Example projected to the first dimension. */ /* very hard things from Martin Lee: // ex1, ex2 ring s = 0,(z,x),Ws(-1,1); def S = nc_algebra(1,1); setring S; poly a = 10z5x4+26z4x5+47z5x2-97z4x3; //Abgebrochen nach einer Stunde; yes, it takes long def l= facFirstWeyl (a); l; kill l; poly b = -5328z8x5-5328z7x6+720z9x2+720z8x3-16976z7x4-38880z6x5-5184z7x3-5184z6x4-3774z5x5+2080z8x+5760z7x2-6144z6x3-59616z5x4+3108z3x6-4098z6x2-25704z5x3-21186z4x4+8640z6x-17916z4x3+22680z2x5+2040z5x-4848z4x2-9792z3x3+3024z2x4-10704z3x2-3519z2x3+34776zx4+12096zx3+2898x4-5040z2x+8064x3+6048x2; //Abgebrochen nach 1.5 Stunden; seems to be very complicated def l= facFirstWeyl (b); l; // ex3: there was difference in answers => fixed LIB "ncfactor.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; matrix D[3][3]; D[1,3]=-1; def R = nc_algebra(1,D); setring R; poly g= 7*z4*x+62*z3+26*z; def l1= facSubWeyl (g, x, z); l1; //---- other ring ring s = 0,(x,z),dp; def S = nc_algebra(1,-1); setring S; poly g= 7*z4*x+62*z3+26*z; def l2= facFirstWeyl (g); l2; map F = R,x,0,z; list l1 = F(l1); l1; //---- so the answers look different, check them! testNCfac(l2); // ok testNCfac(l1); // was not ok, but now it's been fixed!!! // selbst D und X so vertauschen dass sie erfuellt ist : ist gemacht */ /* // bug from M Lee LIB "ncfactor.lib"; ring s = 0,(z,x),dp; def S = nc_algebra(1,1); setring S; poly f= -60z4x2-54z4-56zx3-59z2x-64; def l= facFirstWeyl (f); l; // before: empty list; after fix: 1 entry, f is irreducible poly g = 75z3x2+92z3+24; def l= facFirstWeyl (g); l; //before: empty list, now: correct */ /* more things from Martin Lee; fixed ring R = 0,(x,s),dp; def r = nc_algebra(1,s); setring(r); poly h = (s2*x+x)*s; h= h* (x+s); def l= facFirstShift(h); l; // contained doubled entries: not anymore, fixed! ring R = 0,(x,s),dp; def r = nc_algebra(1,-1); setring(r); poly h = (s2*x+x)*s; h= h* (x+s); def l= facFirstWeyl(h); l; // contained doubled entries: not anymore, fixed! */