// $Id: stratify.lib,v 1.4 2000-12-20 16:49:37 Singular Exp $ // (anne, last modified 23.5.00) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LIBRARY HEADER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: stratify.lib,v 1.4 2000-12-20 16:49:37 Singular Exp $"; category="Invariant theory"; info=" LIBRARY: stratify.lib ALGORITHMIC STRATIFICATION BY THE Greuel-Pfister ALGORITHM AUTHOR: Anne Fruehbis-Krueger, anne@mathematik.uni-kl.de PROCEDURES: prepMat(M,wr,ws,step); list of submatrices corresp. to the given filtration stratify(M,wr,ws,step); algorithmic stratifcation (main procedure) "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REQUIRED LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // first the ones written in Singular LIB "general.lib"; LIB "primdec.lib"; // then the ones written in C/C++ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROCEDURES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For the kernel of the Kodaira-Spencer map in the case of hypersurface // singularities or CM codimension 2 singularities: // * step=min{ord(x_i)} // * wr corresponds to the weight vector of the d/dt_i (i.e. to -ord(t_i)) // (since the entries should be non-negative it may be necessary to // multiply the whole vector by -1) // * ws corresponds to the weight vector of the delta_i // * M is the matrix delta_i(t_j) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc prepMat(matrix M, intvec wr, intvec ws, int step) "USAGE: prepMat(M,wr,ws,step); where M is a matrix, wr is an intvec of size ncols(M), ws an intvec of size nrows(M) and step is an integer RETURN: 2 lists of submatrices corresponding to the filtrations specified by wr and ws the first list corresponds to the list for the filtration of AdA, i.e. the ranks of these matrices will be the r_i, the second one to the list for the filtration of L, i.e. the ranks of these matrices will be the s_i NOTE: * the entries of the matrix M are M_ij=delta_i(x_j), * wr is used to determine what subset of the set of all dx_i is generating AdF^l(A): if (k-1)*step <= wr[i] < k*step, then dx_i is in the set of generators of AdF^l(A) for all l>=k and the i-th column of M appears in each submatrix starting from the k-th * ws is used to determine what subset of the set of all delta_i is generating Z_l(L): if (k-1)*step <= ws[i] < k*step, then delta_i is in the set of generators of Z_l(A) for l < k and the i-th row of M appears in each submatrix up to the (k-1)th * the entries of wr and ws as well as step should be positive integers EXAMPLE: example prepMat; shows an example" { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and sanity checks //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int i,j; if ((size(wr)!=ncols(M)) || (size(ws)!=nrows(M))) { "size mismatch: wr should have " + string(ncols(M)) + "entries"; " ws should have " + string(nrows(M)) + "entries"; return("ERROR"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sorting the matrix to obtain nice structure //---------------------------------------------------------------------- list sortwr=sort(wr); list sortws=sort(ws); if(sortwr[1]!=wr) { matrix N[nrows(M)][ncols(M)]; for(i=1;i<=size(wr);i++) { N[1..nrows(M),i]=M[1..nrows(M),sortwr[2][i]]; } wr=sortwr[1]; M=N; kill N; } if(sortws[1]!=ws) { matrix N[nrows(M)][ncols(M)]; for(i=1;i<=size(ws);i++) { N[i,1..ncols(M)]=M[sortws[2][i],1..ncols(M)]; } ws=sortws[1]; M=N; kill N; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forming the submatrices //--------------------------------------------------------------------- list R,S; i=1; j=0; while ((step*(i-1))<=wr[size(wr)]) { while ((step*i)>wr[j+1]) { j++; if(j==size(wr)) break; } if(j!=0) { matrix N[nrows(M)][j]=M[1..nrows(M),1..j]; } else { matrix N=matrix(0); } R[i]=N; kill N; i++; if(j==size(wr)) break; } i=1; j=0; while ((step*i)<=ws[size(ws)]) { while ((step*i)>ws[j+1]) { j++; if(j==size(ws)) break; } if(j==size(ws)) break; if(j!=0) { matrix N[nrows(M)-j][ncols(M)]=M[j+1..nrows(M),1..ncols(M)]; S[i]=N; kill N; } else { S[i]=M; } i++; } list ret=R,S; return(ret); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(t(1..3)),dp; matrix M[2][3]=0,t(1),3*t(2),0,0,t(1); print(M); intvec wr=1,3,5; intvec ws=2,4; int step=2; prepMat(M,wr,ws,step); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc minorList (list matlist) "USAGE: minorList(l); where l is a list of matrices satisfying the condition that l[i] is a submatrix of l[i+1] RETURN: list of lists in which each entry of the returned list corresponds to one of the matrices of the list l and is itself the list of the minors (i.e. the 1st entry is the ideal generated by the 1-minors of the matrix etc.) EXAMPLE: example minorList(l); shows an example" { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and sanity checks //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int maxminor; int counter; if(size(matlist)==0) { return(matlist); } for(int i=1;i<=size(matlist);i++) { if(((typeof(matlist[i]))!="matrix") && ((typeof(matlist[i]))!="intmat")) { "The list should only contain matrices or intmats"; return("ERROR"); } } list ret,templist; int j; int k=0; ideal minid; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // find the maximal size of the minors and compute all possible minors, // and put a minimal system of generators into the list that will be returned //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(i=1;i<=size(matlist);i++) { if (nrows(matlist[i]) < ncols(matlist[i])) { maxminor=nrows(matlist[i]); } else { maxminor=ncols(matlist[i]); } if (maxminor < 1) { "The matrices should be of size at least 1 x 1"; return("ERROR"); } kill templist; list templist; for(j=1;j<=maxminor;j++) { minid=minor(matlist[i],j); if(size(minid)>0) { if (defined(watchdog_interrupt)) { kill watchdog_interrupt; } string watchstring="radical(ideal("; for(counter=1;counter =1;j--) { if(size(Ml[i][j])!=0) { templist[j]=Ml[i][j]; isZero=0; } else { if(isZero==0) { return("ERROR"); } } } if(size(templist)!=0) { Ml[i]=templist; } else { rv=rv,r; delvec=delvec,i; } kill templist; } if(size(delvec)>=2) { intvec dummydel=delvec[2..size(delvec)]; Ml=deleteSublist(dummydel,Ml); kill dummydel; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We do not need to go on if Ml disappeared //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(size(Ml)==0) { list ret; list templist; templist[1]=rv; templist[2]=mV; templist[3]=d; ret[1]=templist; return(ret); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check for minors which cannot vanish at all //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def rt=basering; ring ru=0,(U),dp; def rtu=rt+ru; setring rtu; def tempMl; def ML; def D; setring rt; int Mlrank=0; setring rtu; tempMl=imap(rt,Ml); ML=tempMl[1]; D=imap(rt,D); while(Mlrank1) { kill templist; } } if(size(delvec)>=2) { intvec dummydel=delvec[2..size(delvec)]; Ml=deleteSublist(dummydel,Ml); kill dummydel; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We do not need to go on if Ml disappeared //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(size(Ml)==0) { list ret; list templist; templist[1]=intvec(rv); templist[2]=mV; templist[3]=d; ret[1]=templist; return(ret); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For each possible rank of Ml[1] and each element of Ml[1][rk] // call this procedure again //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ideal Did; ideal newV; ideal tempid; poly f; list newd; int newr; list templist,retlist; setring rtu; ideal newV; ideal Did; def d; poly f; setring rt; for(i=0;i<=size(Ml[1]);i++) { // find the polynomials which are not allowed to vanish simulateously if((i f==0 ==> deg(f)<=0 // otherwise factorize f, if it does not take too long, // and add its factors, resp. f itself, to the list d if(deg(f)>0) { f=cleardenom(f); if (defined(watchdog_interrupt)) { kill watchdog_interrupt; } def watchtempid=watchdog(180,"factorize(eval(" + string(f) + "),1)"); if (defined(watchdog_interrupt)) { newd=d; newd[size(d)+1]=f; newd[1]=d[1]*f; } else { tempid=watchtempid; templist=tempid[1..size(tempid)]; newd=d+templist; f=newd[1]*f; tempid=simplify(ideal(newd[2..size(newd)]),14); templist=tempid[1..size(tempid)]; kill newd; list newd=f; newd=newd+templist; } kill watchtempid; } else { newd=d; } // take the corresponding sublist of the list of minors list Mltemp=delete(Ml,1); for(k=1;k<=size(Mltemp);k++) { templist=Mltemp[k]; if(i=2) { intvec dummydel=delvec[2..size(delvec)]; retlist=deleteSublist(dummydel,retlist); kill dummydel; } // set the intvec to the correct value for(i=1;i<=size(retlist);i++) { if(nl!=0) { intvec tempiv=rv,retlist[i][1]; retlist[i][1]=tempiv; kill tempiv; } else { if(size(rv)>1) { intvec tempiv=rv[2..size(rv)]; retlist[i][1]=tempiv; kill tempiv; } } } return(retlist); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(t(1..3)),dp; matrix M[2][3]=0,t(1),3*t(2),0,0,t(1); intvec wr=1,3,5; intvec ws=2,4; int step=2; list l=prepMat(M,wr,ws,step); l[1]; list l2=minorRadList(l[1]); list d=poly(1); strataList(l2,d,ideal(0),0,0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc cleanup(list stratlist) "USAGE: cleanup(l); where l is a list of lists in the format which is e.g. returned by strataList RETURN: list in which entries to the same integer vector have been joined to one entry the changed entries may be identified by checking whether its 3rd entry is an empty list, then all entries starting from the 4th one give the different possibilities for the open set NOTE: use the procedure killdups first to kill entries which are contained in other entries to the same integer vector otherwise the result will be meaningless EXAMPLE: example cleanup; shows an example" { int i,j; list leer; intvec delvec; if(size(stratlist)==0) { return(stratlist); } list ivlist; // sort the list using the intvec as criterion for(i=1;i<=size(stratlist);i++) { ivlist[i]=stratlist[i][1]; } list sortlist=sort(ivlist); list retlist; for(i=1;i<=size(stratlist);i++) { retlist[i]=stratlist[sortlist[2][i]]; } i=1; // find duplicate intvecs in the list while(isize(stratlist)) break; } if (j!=(i+1)) { retlist[i][3+j-i]=retlist[i][3]; retlist[i][3]=leer; i=j-1; // retlist[..][3] is empty iff there was more than one entry to this intvec } if(j>size(stratlist)) break; i++; } if(size(delvec)>=2) { intvec dummydel=delvec[2..size(delvec)]; retlist=deleteSublist(dummydel,retlist); kill dummydel; } return(retlist); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(t(1),t(2)),dp; intvec iv=1; list plist=t(1),t(1); list l1=iv,ideal(0),plist; plist=t(2),t(2); list l2=iv,ideal(0),plist; list l=l1,l2; cleanup(l); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc joinRS(list Rlist,list Slist) "USAGE: joinRS(Rlist,Slist); where Rlist and Slist are lists in the format returned by strataList RETURN: one list in the format returned by stratalist in which the integer vector is the concatenation of the corresponding vectors from Rlist and Slist (of course only non-empty locally closed sets are returned) NOTE: since Slist is a list returned by strataList corresponding to the s-vector, it corresponds to the list of minors read from back to front EXAMPLE: no example available at the moment" { int j,k; list retlist; list templist,templi2; intvec tempiv; ideal tempid; ideal dlist; poly D; def rt=basering; ring ru=0,(U),dp; def rtu=rt+ru; setring rtu; def Rlist=imap(rt,Rlist); def Slist=imap(rt,Slist); setring rt; for(int i=1;i<=size(Rlist);i++) { for(j=1;j<=size(Slist);j++) { // skip empty sets if(Rlist[i][1][size(Rlist[i][1])]0) { templist[2]=mstd(Rlist[i][2]+Slist[j][2])[2]; } else { templist[2]=ideal(0); } // test again whether we are talking about the empty set setring rtu; def templist=imap(rt,templist); def tempid=templist[2]; if(reduce(1,std(tempid+poly(((Slist[j][3][1])*(Rlist[i][3][1])*U)-1)))==0) { kill templist; kill tempid; j++; setring rt; continue; } else { kill templist; kill tempid; setring rt; } // join the lists d if(size(Rlist[i][3])>1) { templi2=Rlist[i][3]; dlist=templi2[2..size(templi2)]; } else { kill dlist; ideal dlist; } if(size(Slist[j][3])>1) { templi2=Slist[j][3]; tempid=templi2[2..size(templi2)]; } else { kill tempid; ideal tempid; } dlist=dlist+tempid; dlist=simplify(dlist,14); D=1; for(k=1;k<=size(dlist);k++) { D=D*dlist[k]; } if(size(dlist)>0) { templi2=D,dlist[1..size(dlist)]; } else { templi2=list(1); } templist[3]=templi2; retlist[size(retlist)+1]=templist; } } return(retlist); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc stratify(matrix M, intvec wr, intvec ws,int step) "USAGE: stratify(M,wr,ws,step); where M is a matrix, wr is an intvec of size ncols(M), ws an intvec of size nrows(M) and step is an integer RETURN: list of lists, each entry of the big list corresponds to one locally closed set and has the following entries: 1) intvec giving the corresponding rs-vector 2) ideal determining the closed set 3) list d of polynomials determining the open set D(d[1]) empty list if there is more than one open set 4-n) lists of polynomials determining open sets which all lead to the same rs-vector NOTE: * ring ordering should be global, i.e. the ring should be a polynomial ring * the entries of the matrix M are M_ij=delta_i(x_j), * wr is used to determine what subset of the set of all dx_i is generating AdF^l(A): if (k-1)*step < wr[i] <= k*step, then dx_i is in the set of generators of AdF^l(A) for all l>=k * ws is used to determine what subset of the set of all delta_i is generating Z_l(L): if (k-1)*step <= ws[i] < k*step, then delta_i is in the set of generators of Z_l(A) for l < k * the entries of wr and ws as well as step should be positive integers * the filtrations have to be known, no sanity checks concerning the filtrations are performed !!! EXAMPLE: example stratify; shows an example" { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and sanity checks //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i,j; list submat=prepMat(M,wr,ws,step); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "List of submatrices to consider:"; submat; } if(ncols(submat[1][size(submat[1])])==nrows(submat[1][size(submat[1])])) { int symm=1; int nr=nrows(submat[1][size(submat[1])]); for(i=1;i<=nr;i++) { for(j=1;j<=nr-i;j++) { if(submat[1][size(submat[1])][i,j]!=submat[1][size(submat[1])][nr-j+1,nr-i+1]) { symm=0; break; } } if(symm==0) break; } } if(defined(symm)>1) { if(symm==0) { kill symm; } } list Rminors=minorList(submat[1]); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "minors corresponding to the r-vector:"; Rminors; } if(defined(symm)<2) { list Sminors=minorList(submat[2]); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "minors corresponding to the s-vector:"; Sminors; } } if(size(Rminors[1])==0) { Rminors=delete(Rminors,1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start the recursion and cleanup afterwards //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- list leer=poly(1); list Rlist=strataList(Rminors,leer,0,0,0); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "list of strata corresponding to r-vectors:"; Rlist; } Rlist=killdups(Rlist); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "previous list after killing duplicate entries:"; Rminors; } if(defined(symm)<2) { // Sminors have the smallest entry as the last one // In order to use the same routines as for the Rminors // we handle the s-vector in inverse order list Stemp; for(i=1;i<=size(Sminors);i++) { Stemp[size(Sminors)-i+1]=Sminors[i]; } list Slist=strataList(Stemp,leer,0,0,0); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "list of strata corresponding to s-vectors:"; Slist; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Join the Rlist and the Slist to obtain the stratification //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slist=killdups(Slist); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "previous list after killing duplicate entries:"; Slist; } list ret=joinRS(Rlist,Slist); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "list of strata corresponding to r- and s-vectors:"; ret; } ret=killdups(ret); if(defined(watchProgress)) { "previous list after killing duplicate entries:"; ret; } ret=cleanup(ret); } else { list ret=cleanup(Rlist); } return(ret); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(t(1..3)),dp; matrix M[2][3]=0,t(1),3*t(2),0,0,t(1); intvec wr=1,3,5; intvec ws=2,4; int step=2; stratify(M,wr,ws,step); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc killdups(list l) "USAGE: killdups(l); where l is a list in the form returned by strataList RETURN: list which is obtained from the previous list by leaving out entries which have the same intvec as another entry in which the locally closed set is contained EXAMPLE: no example available at the moment" { int i=1; int j,k,skip; while(i=2) { delvec=sort(delvec)[1]; intvec dummydel=delvec[2..size(delvec)]; l=deleteSublist(dummydel,l); kill dummydel; } kill delvec; i++; } list ret=l; return(ret); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////