/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version modwalk.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category = "Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: modwalk.lib Groebner basis convertion AUTHORS: S. Oberfranz oberfran@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: A library for converting Groebner bases of an ideal in the polynomial ring over the rational numbers using modular methods. The procedures are inspired by the following paper: Elizabeth A. Arnold: Modular algorithms for computing Groebner bases. Journal of Symbolic Computation 35, 403-419 (2003). PROCEDURES: modWalk(I); standard basis conversion of I using modular methods (chinese remainder) "; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; LIB "parallel.lib"; LIB "rwalk.lib"; LIB "grwalk.lib"; LIB "modstd.lib"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modpWalk(def II, int p, int variant, list #) "USAGE: modpWalk(I,p,#); I ideal, p integer, variant integer ASSUME: If size(#) > 0, then #[1] is an intvec describing the current weight vector #[2] is an intvec describing the target weight vector RETURN: ideal - a standard basis of I mod p, integer - p NOTE: The procedure computes a standard basis of the ideal I modulo p and fetches the result to the basering. EXAMPLE: example modpWalk; shows an example " { option(redSB); int k,nvar@r; def R0 = basering; string ordstr_R0 = ordstr(R0); list rl = ringlist(R0); int sizerl = size(rl); int neg = 1 - attrib(R0,"global"); if(typeof(II) == "ideal") { ideal I = II; int radius = 2; int pert_deg = 2; } if(typeof(II) == "list" && typeof(II[1]) == "ideal") { ideal I = II[1]; if(size(II) == 2) { int radius = II[2]; int pert_deg = 2; } if(size(II) == 3) { int radius = II[2]; int pert_deg = II[3]; } } rl[1] = p; int h = homog(I); def @r = ring(rl); setring @r; ideal i = fetch(R0,I); string order; if(system("nblocks") <= 2) { if(find(ordstr_R0, "M") + find(ordstr_R0, "lp") + find(ordstr_R0, "rp") <= 0) { order = "simple"; } } //------------------------- make i homogeneous ----------------------------- if(!mixedTest() && !h) { if(!((find(ordstr_R0, "M") > 0) || (find(ordstr_R0, "a") > 0) || neg)) { if(!((order == "simple") || (sizerl > 4))) { list rl@r = ringlist(@r); nvar@r = nvars(@r); intvec w; for(k = 1; k <= nvar@r; k++) { w[k] = deg(var(k)); } w[nvar@r + 1] = 1; rl@r[2][nvar@r + 1] = "homvar"; rl@r[3][2][2] = w; def HomR = ring(rl@r); setring HomR; ideal i = imap(@r, i); i = homog(i, homvar); } } } //------------------------- compute a standard basis mod p ----------------------------- if(variant == 1) { if(size(#)>0) { i = rwalk(i,radius,pert_deg,#); // rwalk(i,radius,pert_deg,#); std(i); } else { i = rwalk(i,radius,pert_deg); } } if(variant == 2) { if(size(#) == 2) { i = gwalk(i,#); } else { i = gwalk(i); } } if(variant == 3) { if(size(#) == 2) { i = frandwalk(i,radius,#); } else { i = frandwalk(i,radius); } } if(variant == 4) { if(size(#) == 2) { trwalk(i,radius,pert_deg,#); } else { trwalk(i,radius,pert_deg); } } if(!mixedTest() && !h) { if(!((find(ordstr_R0, "M") > 0) || (find(ordstr_R0, "a") > 0) || neg)) { if(!((order == "simple") || (sizerl > 4))) { i = subst(i, homvar, 1); i = simplify(i, 34); setring @r; i = imap(HomR, i); i = interred(i); kill HomR; } } } setring R0; return(list(fetch(@r,i),p)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; option(redSB); int p = 181; intvec a = 2,1,3,4; intvec b = 1,9,1,1; ring ra = 0,(w,x,y,z),(a(a),lp); ideal I = std(cyclic(4)); ring rb = 0,(w,x,y,z),(a(b),lp); ideal I = imap(ra,I); modpWalk(I,p,1,a,b); std(I); /* ~ list P = modpWalk(I,p,2,a,b); P; list P1 = modpWalk(I,p,1,a,b); P1; ring R =181,(w,x,y,z),(a(b),lp); std(cyclic(4)); ~ a = 1,3,5,7,9; b = 5,2,7,2,6; ring raa = 0,(v,w,x,y,z),(a(a),lp); ideal I = std(cyclic(5)); ring rbb =0,(v,w,x,y,z),(a(b),lp); ideal I = imap(raa,I); int q = 32003; list Q = modpWalk(I,q,1,a,b); ideal J = rwalk(I,2,3,a,b); J; std(I); Q; ring r = 32003,(v,w,x,y,z),(a(b),lp); std(cyclic(5));*/ } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modWalk(def II, int variant, list #) "USAGE: modWalk(II); II ideal or list(ideal,int) ASSUME: If variant = 1 the random walk algorithm with radius II[2] is applied to II[1] if II = list(ideal, int). It is applied to II with radius 2 if II is an ideal. If variant = 2, the Groebner walk algorithm is applied to II[1] or to II, respectively. If size(#) > 0, then # contains either 1, 2 or 4 integers such that @* - #[1] is the number of available processors for the computation, @* - #[2] is an optional parameter for the exactness of the computation, if #[2] = 1, the procedure computes a standard basis for sure, @* - #[3] is the number of primes until the first lifting, @* - #[4] is the constant number of primes between two liftings until the computation stops. RETURN: a standard basis of I if no warning appears. NOTE: The procedure converts a standard basis of I (over the rational numbers) from the ordering \"a(v),lp\", "dp\" or \"Dp\" to the ordering \"(a(w),lp\" or \"a(1,0,...,0),lp\" by using modular methods. By default the procedure computes a standard basis of I for sure, but if the optional parameter #[2] = 0, it computes a standard basis of I with high probability. EXAMPLE: example modWalk; shows an example " { int TT = timer; int RT = rtimer; int i,j,pTest,sizeTest,weighted,n1; bigint N; def R0 = basering; list rl = ringlist(R0); if((npars(R0) > 0) || (rl[1] > 0)) { ERROR("Characteristic of basering should be zero, basering should have no parameters."); } if(typeof(II) == "ideal") { ideal I = II; kill II; list II; II[1] = I; II[2] = 2; II[3] = 2; } else { if(typeof(II) == "list" && typeof(II[1]) == "ideal") { ideal I = II[1]; if(size(II) == 1) { II[2] = 2; II[3] = 2; } if(size(II) == 2) { II[3] = 2; } } else { ERROR("Unexpected type of input."); } } //-------------------- Initialize optional parameters ------------------------ n1 = system("cpu"); if(size(#) == 0) { int exactness = 1; int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } else { if(size(#) == 1) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int") { if(#[1] < n1) { n1 = #[1]; } int exactness = 1; if(n1 >= 10) { int n2 = n1 + 1; int n3 = n1; } else { int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } } else { ERROR("Unexpected type of input."); } } if(size(#) == 2) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int" && typeof(#[2]) == "int") { if(#[1] < n1) { n1 = #[1]; } int exactness = #[2]; if(n1 >= 10) { int n2 = n1 + 1; int n3 = n1; } else { int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } } else { if(typeof(#[1]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[2]) == "intvec") { intvec curr_weight = #[1]; intvec target_weight = #[2]; weighted = 1; int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; int exactness = 1; } else { ERROR("Unexpected type of input."); } } } if(size(#) == 3) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[2]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[3]) == "int") { intvec curr_weight = #[1]; intvec target_weight = #[2]; weighted = 1; n1 = #[3]; int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; int exactness = 1; } else { ERROR("Unexpected type of input."); } } if(size(#) == 4) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[2]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[3]) == "int" && typeof(#[4]) == "int") { intvec curr_weight = #[1]; intvec target_weight = #[2]; weighted = 1; if(#[1] < n1) { n1 = #[3]; } int exactness = #[4]; if(n1 >= 10) { int n2 = n1 + 1; int n3 = n1; } else { int n2 = 10; int n3 = 10; } } else { if(typeof(#[1]) == "int" && typeof(#[2]) == "int" && typeof(#[3]) == "int" && typeof(#[4]) == "int") { if(#[1] < n1) { n1 = #[1]; } int exactness = #[2]; if(n1 >= #[3]) { int n2 = n1 + 1; } else { int n2 = #[3]; } if(n1 >= #[4]) { int n3 = n1; } else { int n3 = #[4]; } } else { ERROR("Unexpected type of input."); } } } if(size(#) == 6) { if(typeof(#[1]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[2]) == "intvec" && typeof(#[3]) == "int" && typeof(#[4]) == "int" && typeof(#[5]) == "int" && typeof(#[6]) == "int") { intvec curr_weight = #[1]; intvec target_weight = #[2]; weighted = 1; if(#[3] < n1) { n1 = #[3]; } int exactness = #[4]; if(n1 >= #[5]) { int n2 = n1 + 1; } else { int n2 = #[5]; } if(n1 >= #[6]) { int n3 = n1; } else { int n3 = #[6]; } } else { ERROR("Expected list(intvec,intvec,int,int,int,int) as optional parameter list."); } } if(size(#) == 1 || size(#) == 5 || size(#) > 6) { ERROR("Expected 0,2,3,4 or 5 optional arguments."); } } if(printlevel >= 10) { "n1 = "+string(n1)+", n2 = "+string(n2)+", n3 = "+string(n3)+", exactness = "+string(exactness); } //------------------------- Save current options ----------------------------- intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); //-------------------- Initialize the list of primes ------------------------- int tt = timer; int rt = rtimer; int en = 2134567879; int an = 1000000000; intvec L = primeList(I,n2); if(n2 > 4) { // L[5] = prime(random(an,en)); } if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for primeList: "+string(timer-tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for primeList: "+string(rtimer-rt)+" seconds."; } int h = homog(I); list P,T1,T2,LL,Arguments,PP; ideal J,K,H; //------------------- parallelized Groebner Walk in positive characteristic -------------------- if(weighted) { for(i=1; i<=size(L); i++) { Arguments[i] = list(II,L[i],variant,list(curr_weight,target_weight)); } } else { for(i=1; i<=size(L); i++) { Arguments[i] = list(II,L[i],variant); } } P = parallelWaitAll("modpWalk",Arguments); for(i=1; i<=size(P); i++) { T1[i] = P[i][1]; T2[i] = bigint(P[i][2]); } while(1) { LL = deleteUnluckyPrimes(T1,T2,h); T1 = LL[1]; T2 = LL[2]; //------------------- Now all leading ideals are the same -------------------- //------------------- Lift results to basering via farey --------------------- tt = timer; rt = rtimer; N = T2[1]; for(i=2; i<=size(T2); i++) { N = N*T2[i]; } H = chinrem(T1,T2); //J = parallelFarey(H,N,n1); J=farey(H,N); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for lifting-process is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for lifting-process is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } //---------------- Test if we already have a standard basis of I -------------- tt = timer; rt = rtimer; //pTest = pTestSB(I,J,L,variant); pTest = primeTestSB(I,J,L,variant); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for pTest is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for pTest is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(pTest) { if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for computation without final tests is "+string(timer - TT)+" seconds."; "Real-time for computation without final tests is "+string(rtimer - RT)+" seconds."; } attrib(J,"isSB",1); if(exactness == 0) { option(set, opt); return(J); } else { tt = timer; rt = rtimer; sizeTest = 1 - isIdealIncluded(I,J,n1); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for checking if I subset is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for checking if I subset is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(sizeTest == 0) { tt = timer; rt = rtimer; K = std(J); if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for last std-computation is "+string(timer - tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for last std-computation is "+string(rtimer - rt)+" seconds."; } if(size(reduce(K,J)) == 0) { option(set, opt); return(J); } } } } //-------------- We do not already have a standard basis of I, therefore do the main computation for more primes -------------- T1 = H; T2 = N; j = size(L)+1; tt = timer; rt = rtimer; L = primeList(I,n3,L,n1); L; if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for primeList: "+string(timer-tt)+" seconds."; "Real-time for primeList: "+string(rtimer-rt)+" seconds."; } Arguments = list(); PP = list(); if(weighted) { for(i=j; i<=size(L); i++) { //Arguments[i-j+1] = list(II,L[i],variant,list(curr_weight,target_weight)); Arguments[size(Arguments)+1] = list(II,L[i],variant,list(curr_weight,target_weight)); } } else { for(i=j; i<=size(L); i++) { //Arguments[i-j+1] = list(II,L[i],variant); Arguments[size(Arguments)+1] = list(II,L[i],variant); } } PP = parallelWaitAll("modpWalk",Arguments); if(printlevel >= 10) { "parallel modpWalk"; // ~ } for(i=1; i<=size(PP); i++) { //P[size(P) + 1] = PP[i]; T1[size(T1) + 1] = PP[i][1]; T2[size(T2) + 1] = bigint(PP[i][2]); } } if(printlevel >= 10) { "CPU-time for computation with final tests is "+string(timer - TT)+" seconds."; "Real-time for computation with final tests is "+string(rtimer - RT)+" seconds."; } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),lp; ideal I=-x+y2z-z,xz+1,x2+y2-1; // I is a standard basis in dp modWalk(I,1); modWalk(I,2,2,0); modWalk(I,3,system("cpu"),0); std(I); ring r0=0,x(1..6),dp; ideal i0=std(cyclic(6)); ring r=0,x(1..6),lp; ideal i=fetch(r0,i0); modWalk(i,1,system("cpu"),0); modWalk(i,3); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc isIdealIncluded(ideal I, ideal J, int n1) "USAGE: isIdealIncluded(I,J,int n1); I ideal, J ideal, n1 integer " { if(n1 > 1) { int k; list args,results; for(k=1; k<=size(I); k++) { args[k] = list(ideal(I[k]),J,1); } results = parallelWaitAll("reduce",args); for(k=1; k<=size(results); k++) { if(results[k] == 0) { return(1); } } return(0); } else { if(reduce(I,J,1) == 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc parallelChinrem(list T1, list T2, int n1) "USAGE: parallelChinrem(T1,T2); T1 list of ideals, T2 list of primes, n1 integer" { int i,j,k; ideal H,J; list arguments_chinrem,results_chinrem; for(i=1; i<=size(T1); i++) { J = ideal(T1[i]); attrib(J,"isSB",1); arguments_chinrem[size(arguments_chinrem)+1] = list(list(J),T2); } results_chinrem = parallelWaitAll("chinrem",arguments_chinrem); for(j=1; j <= size(results_chinrem); j++) { J = results_chinrem[j]; attrib(J,"isSB",1); if(isIdealIncluded(J,H,n1) == 0) { if(H == 0) { H = J; } else { H = H,J; } } } return(H); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc parallelFarey(ideal H, bigint N, int n1) "USAGE: parallelFarey(H,N,n1); H ideal, N bigint, n1 integer " { int i,j; int ii = 1; list arguments_farey,results_farey; for(i=1; i<=size(H); i++) { for(j=1; j<=size(H[i]); j++) { arguments_farey[size(arguments_farey)+1] = list(H[i][j],N); } } results_farey = parallelWaitAll("farey",arguments_farey); ideal J,K; poly f_farey; while(ii<=size(results_farey)) { for(i=1; i<=size(H); i++) { f_farey = 0; for(j=1; j<=size(H[i]); j++) { f_farey = f_farey + results_farey[ii][1]; ii++; } K = ideal(f_farey); attrib(K,"isSB",1); attrib(J,"isSB",1); if(isIdealIncluded(K,J,n1) == 0) { if(J == 0) { J = K; } else { J = J,K; } } } } return(J); } proc primeTestSB(def II, ideal J, list L, int variant, list #) "USAGE: primeTestSB(I,J,L,variant,#); I,J ideals, L intvec of primes, variant int RETURN: 1 (resp. 0) if for a randomly chosen prime p that is not in L J mod p is (resp. is not) a standard basis of I mod p EXAMPLE: example primeTestSB; shows an example " { if(typeof(II) == "ideal") { ideal I = II; int radius = 2; } if(typeof(II) == "list") { ideal I = II[1]; int radius = II[2]; } int i,j,k,p; def R = basering; list r = ringlist(R); while(!j) { j = 1; p = prime(random(1000000000,2134567879)); for(i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) { if(p == L[i]) { j = 0; break; } } if(j) { for(i = 1; i <= ncols(I); i++) { for(k = 2; k <= size(I[i]); k++) { if((denominator(leadcoef(I[i][k])) mod p) == 0) { j = 0; break; } } if(!j) { break; } } } if(j) { if(!primeTest(I,p)) { j = 0; } } } r[1] = p; def @R = ring(r); setring @R; ideal I = imap(R,I); ideal J = imap(R,J); attrib(J,"isSB",1); int t = timer; j = 1; if(isIncluded(I,J) == 0) { j = 0; } if(printlevel >= 11) { "isIncluded(I,J) takes "+string(timer - t)+" seconds"; "j = "+string(j); } t = timer; if(j) { if(size(#) > 0) { ideal K = modpWalk(I,p,variant,#)[1]; } else { ideal K = modpWalk(I,p,variant)[1]; } t = timer; if(isIncluded(J,K) == 0) { j = 0; } if(printlevel >= 11) { "isIncluded(K,J) takes "+string(timer - t)+" seconds"; "j = "+string(j); } } setring R; return(j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intvec L = 2,3,5; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),lp; ideal I = x+1,x+y+1; ideal J = x+1,y; primeTestSB(I,I,L,1); primeTestSB(I,J,L,1); }