LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); ring r=32003,(x,y,z),(c,dp); jet(1+x+x2+x3+x4,3); poly f=1+x+x2+xz+y2+x3+y3+x2y2+z4; jet(f,3); intvec iv=2,1,1; jet(f,3,iv); // the part of f with (total) degree >3: f-jet(f,3); // the homogeneous part of f of degree 2: jet(f,2)-jet(f,1); // the part of maximal degree: jet(f,deg(f))-jet(f,deg(f)-1); // the absolute term of f: jet(f,0); // now for other types: ideal i=f,x,f*f; jet(i,2); vector v=[f,1,x]; jet(v,1); jet(v,0); v=[f,1,0]; module m=v,v,[1,x2,z3,0,1]; jet(m,2); ring rs=0,x,ds; // 1/(1+x) till degree 5 jet(1,1+x,5); tst_status(1);$