USAGE: solve_IP [options] toric_file problem_file DESCRIPTION: solve_IP is a program for solving integer programming problems with the Buchberger algorithm: Let A an integral (mxn)-matrix, b a vector with m integral coefficients and c a vector with n nonnegative real coefficients. The solution of the IP-problem minimize{ cx | Ax=b, all components of x are nonnegative integers } proceeds in two steps: 1. We compute the toric ideal of A and its Groebner basis with respect to a term ordering refining the cost function c. 2. We reduce the right hand vector b or an initial solution of the problem modulo this ideal. For these purposes, we can use seven different algorithms: The algorithm of Conti/Traverso (ct) can compute an optimal solution of the IP-problem directly from the right hand vector b. The same is true for its "positive" variant (pct) which can only be applied if A and b have nonnegative entries, but should be faster in that case. All other algorithms need initial solutions of the IP-problem. Except from the elimination version of the Conti-Traverso algorithm (ect), they should be more efficient than the algorithm mentioned before. These are the algorithms of Pottier (pt), Bigatti/La Scala/Robbiano (blr), Hosten/Sturmfels (hs) and Di Biase/Urbanke (du). The last two seem to be the fastest in the actual implementation. FILE FORMAT: The first input file may be a MATRIX or a GROEBNER file; these two types are called "toric files". The second input file has to be a PROBLEM file. If the PROBLEM file contains a positive number of problems ,i.e. right hand vectors or initial solutions, solve_IP appends its solutions to a SOLUTION file named like the first input file with extensions replaced by .sol. where sol stands for solution and is the abbreviation of the used algorithm as above. When called with a MATRIX file, solve_IP produces a GROEBNER file named like the MATRIX file with extensions replaced by .GB. where GB stands for GROEBNER. A MATRIX file should look as follows: MATRIX columns: cost vector: rows: matrix: positive row space vector: The last two lines are only needed when solve_IP is called with the algorithms of Hosten/Sturmfels or Bigatti/La Scala/Robbiano, i.e. the options -alg hs or -alg blr The other algorithms ignore these lines. Example: MATRIX columns: 3 cost vector: 1 1 1 rows: 2 matrix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 positive row space vector: 1 2 3 A GROEBNER file looks as follows: GROEBNER computed with algorithm: (* abbreviations as above *) from file(s): (* the following four lines are optional *) computation time: term ordering: elimination block variables >0 *) weighted block should always be >0 *) size: Groebner basis: (* optional *) The Groebner basis consists always of binomials of the form x^a - x^b where x^a and x^b are relatively prime. Such a binomial can be represented by the vector a-b. The basis elements in the GROEBNER file are given by the coefficients of this vector representation. The settings for Buchberger´s algorithm and the compiler flags are produced when the GROEBNER file is generated by a call of solve_IP with the verbose output option -v, --verbose Example (not belonging to the example above): GROEBNER computed with algorithm: du term ordering: elimination block: 0 weighted block: 3 W_LEX 1 2 3 size: 1 Groebner basis: 2 3 -2 (* x^2 * y^3 - z^2 *) A PROBLEM file should look as follows: PROBLEM vector size: number of instances: right-hand or initial solution vectors: A SOLUTION file looks as follows: SOLUTION computed with algorithm: from file: (* the GROEBNER file *) vector: solvable: (* only if right-hand vector is given *) optimal solution: (* only in the case of existence *) computation time: (* only for reduction *) ... (* further vectors, same format *) OPTIONS: -alg , --algorithm algorithm to use for solving the given IP instances; may be ct for Conti/Traverso, pct for the positive Conti/Traverso, ect for Conti/Traverso with elimination, pt for Pottier, hs for Hosten/Sturmfels, du for Di Biase/Urbanke, blr for Bigatti-LaScal-Robbiano. -p percentage of new generators to cause an autoreduction during Buchberger´s algorithm; may be an arbitrary float, a negative value allows no intermediate autoreductions default is -p 12.0 -S [RP] [M] [B] [M] [2] criteria to use in Buchberger´s algorithm for discarding unnecessary S-pairs RP relatively prime leading terms M Gebauer-Moeller criterion M F Gebauer-Moeller criterion F B Gebauer-Moeller criterion B 2 Buchberger´s second criterion default is -S RP M B -v, --verbose verbose output mode; writes the settings for Buchberger´s algorithm and the compiler flags into the output GROEBNER file -V , --version version of Buchberger´s algorithm to use; may be 1, 1a, 2 or 3 default is -V 1 When called with a GROEBNER file, these options do not affect computation and are ignored by solve_IP.