LIB "primdec.lib"; ring r = 32003,(x,y,z),dp; poly p = z2+1; poly q = z4+2; ideal i = p^2*q^3,(y-z3)^3,(x-yz+z4)^4; list pr= prepareAss(i); pr; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test that one more 'is no standard basis' warning is gone away system("random",1452807367); proc primdecMinpolyExample() { ring rng = (7,vv),(x,y,z,u),dp; minpoly = vv^2+vv+3; ideal I = (-3*vv-1)*u^2+2,2*x*z+(2*vv-2)*x+(2*vv+1),(vv+2)*x^2*u+(2*vv+1)*z^2*u+(vv)*z*u^2; list result = minAssGTZ (I); } // increase call depth: proc testPrimdecMinpolyExample() { return( primdecMinpolyExample() ); } testPrimdecMinpolyExample(); // check that redefinig gnir1 is gone away: system("random",1463736066); ring rng2 = (0),(x,y,z,u,w),dp; ideal I2 = -28*1*x*z*w*1-15*y*z*u*w,-28*1^2*x*u+14*1*x^2*y*w*1+17,12*1*u*w^2*1+18*x*y^2*w; list result2 = primdecGTZ (I2); LIB "tst.lib"; tst_status(1); $