//GP, last modified 23.10.06 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id$"; category="Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: modstd.lib Grobner basis of ideals AUTHORS: A. Hashemi, Amir.Hashemi@lip6.fr @* G. Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* H. Schoenemann hannes@mathematik.uni-kl.de NOTE: A library for computing the Grobner basis of an ideal in the polynomial ring over the rational numbers using modular methods. The procedures are inspired by the following paper: Elizabeth A. Arnold: Modular Algorithms for Computing Groebner Bases , Journal of Symbolic Computation , April 2003, Volume 35, (4), p. 403-419. PROCEDURES: modStd(I); compute a standard basis of I using modular methods modS(I,L); liftings to Q of standard bases of I mod p for p in L primeList(n); intvec of n primes <= 2134567879 in decreasing order "; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "crypto.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc pTestSB(ideal I, ideal J, list L) "USAGE: pTestSB(I,J,L); I,J ideals, L intvec of primes RETURN: 1 (resp. 0) if for a randomly chosen prime p not in L J mod p is (resp. is not) a standard basis of I mod p EXAMPLE:example primList; shows an example " { int i,j,k,p; def R=basering; list r= ringlist(R); while(!j) { j=1; p=prime(random(1000000000,2134567879)); for(i=1;i<=size(L);i++) { if(p==L[i]){j=0;break} } if(j) { for(i=1;i<=ncols(J);i++) { for(k=2;k<=size(J[i]);k++) { if((denominator(leadcoef(J[i][k])) mod p)==0){j=0;break} } if(!j){break;} } } } r[1]=p; def @R=ring(r); setring @R; ideal I=imap(R,I); ideal J=imap(R,J); attrib(J,"isSB",1); j=1; if(size(reduce(I,J))!=0){j=0;} if(j) { ideal K=std(J); if(size(reduce(K,J))!=0){j=0;} } setring R; return(j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intvec L=2,3,5; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i=x+1,x+y+1; ideal j=x+1,y; pTestSB(i,i,L); pTestSB(i,j,L); } proc primeList(int n, list #) "USAGE: primeList(n); (resp. primeList(n,L); ) RETURN: the intvec of n greatest primes <= 2147483647 (resp. n greatest primes < L[size(L)] union with L) EXAMPLE:example primList; shows an example " { intvec L; int i,p; if(size(#)==0) { p=2147483647; L[1]=p; } else { L=#[1]; p=prime(L[size(L)]-1); L[size(L)+1]=p; } if(p==2){ERROR("no more primes");} for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { p=prime(p-1); L[size(L)+1]=p; } return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intvec L=primeList(10); size(L); L[size(L)]; L=primeList(5,L); size(L); L[size(L)]; } proc modStd(ideal I) "USAGE: modStd(I); RETURN: a standard basis of I if no warning appears; NOTE: the procedure computes a standard basis of I (over the rational numbers) by using modular methods. If a warning appears then the result is a standard basis containing I and with high probability a standard basis of I. For further experiments see procedure modS. EXAMPLE: example modStd; shows an example " { def R0=basering; list rl=ringlist(R0); if((npars(R0)>0)||(rl[1]>0)) { ERROR("characteristic of basering should be zero, basering should have no parameters"); } int k,c; int pd=printlevel-voice+2; int j=1; int h=homog(I); int en=2134567879; int an=1000000000; intvec opt = option(get); // Save current options intvec L=primeList(10); L[5]=prime(random(an,en)); list T,TT,TH,LL; ideal J,K; option(redSB); while(1) { while(j<=size(L)) { if(pd>2){c++;c;} rl[1]=L[j]; def @r=ring(rl); setring @r; ideal i=fetch(R0,I); i=groebner(i); setring R0; T[size(T)+1]=fetch(@r,i); kill @r; j++; } if(pd>2){"lifting";} //================= delete unlucky primes ==================== // unlucky if and only if the leading ideal is wrong LL=deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L); TH=LL[1]; L=LL[2]; //============ now all leading ideals are the same ============ for(j=1;j<=ncols(TH[1]);j++) { for(k=1;k<=size(L);k++) { TT[k]=TH[k][j]; } J[j]=liftPoly(TT,L); } if(pd>2){"list of primes:";L;"pTest";} if(pTestSB(I,J,L)) { attrib(J,"isSB",1); K=std(J); if(size(reduce(I,J))==0) { if(size(reduce(K,J))==0) { if(!((h)||(ord_test(R0)==-1))) { "=================================================================="; " The input is not homogeneous and the ordering is not local. "; "WARNING: ideal generated by output may be greater then input ideal"; "=================================================================="; } option(set, opt); return(J); } if(pd>2){"pTest o.k. but result wrong";} } if(pd>2){"pTest o.k. but result wrong";} } j=size(L)+1; L=primeList(10,L); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z,t),dp; ideal I=3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; ideal J=modStd(I); J; I=homog(I,t); J=modStd(I); J; ring s=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=jacob(x5+y6+z7+xyz); ideal J=modStd(I); J; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc modS(ideal I, intvec L, list #) "USAGE: modS(I,L); I ideal, L intvec of primes if size(#)>0 std is used instead of groebner RETURN: an ideal which is with high probability a standard basis NOTE: This procedure is designed for fast experiments. It is not tested whether the result is a standard basis. It is not tested whether the result generates I. EXAMPLE: example modS; shows an example " { int j,k; list T,TT; def R0=basering; ideal J,cT,lT,K; ideal I0=I; list rl=ringlist(R0); if((npars(R0)>0)||(rl[1]>0)) { ERROR("characteristic of basering should be zero"); } for (j=1;j<=size(L);j++) { rl[1]=L[j]; def @r=ring(rl); setring @r; ideal i=fetch(R0,I); option(redSB); if(size(#)>0) { i=std(i); } else { i=groebner(i); } setring R0; T[j]=fetch(@r,i); kill @r; } //================= delete unlucky primes ==================== // unlucky if and only if the leading ideal is wrong list LL=deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L); T=LL[1]; L=LL[2]; //============ now all leading ideals are the same ============ for(j=1;j<=ncols(T[1]);j++) { for(k=1;k<=size(L);k++) { TT[k]=T[k][j]; } J[j]=liftPoly(TT,L); } attrib(J,"isSB",1); return(J); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intvec L=3,5,11,13,181; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I=3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; ideal J=modS(I,L); J; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc deleteUnluckyPrimes(list T,intvec L) "USAGE: deleteUnluckyPrimes(T,L);T list of polys, L intvec of primes RETURN: list L,T with T list of polys, L intvec of primes EXAMPLE: example deleteUnluckyPrimes; shows an example NOTE: works only for homogeneous ideals with global orderings or for ideals with local orderings " { int j,k; intvec hl,hc; ideal cT,lT; lT=lead(T[size(T)]); attrib(lT,"isSB",1); hl=hilb(lT,1); for (j=1;jcT[k]){break;} } } else { if(hc0;i--) { TT[i]=ideal(T[i]); } T=TT; ideal hh=chinrem(T,L); poly h=hh[1]; poly p=lead(h); poly result; number n; bigint N=L[1]; for(i=size(L);i>1;i--) { N=N*L[i]; } while(h!=0) { n=Farey(N,bigint(leadcoef(h))); result=result+n*p; h=h-lead(h); p=leadmonom(h); } return(result); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; intvec L=32003,181,241,499; list T=ideal(x2+7000x+13000),ideal(x2+100x+147y+40),ideal(x2+120x+191y+10),ideal(x2+x+67y+100); liftPoly(T,L); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc liftPoly1(list T, intvec L) "USAGE: liftPoly1(T,L); T list of polys, L intvec of primes RETURN: poly p in Q[x] such that p mod L[i]=T[i] EXAMPLE: example liftPoly1; shows an example " { poly result; int i; poly p; list TT; number n; bigint N=L[1]; for(i=2;i<=size(L);i++) { N=N*L[i]; } while(1) { p=leadmonom(T[1]); for(i=2;i<=size(T);i++) { if(leadmonom(T[i])>p) { p=leadmonom(T[i]); } } if (p==0) {return(result);} for(i=1;i<=size(T);i++) { if(p==leadmonom(T[i])) { TT[i]=leadcoef(T[i]); T[i]=T[i]-lead(T[i]); } else { TT[i]=0; } } n=chineseR(TT,L,N); n=Farey(N,bigint(n)); result=result+n*p; } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; intvec L=32003,181,241,499; list T=x2+7000x+13000,x2+100x+147y+40,x2+120x+191y+10,x2+x+67y+100; liftPoly1(T,L); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc fareyIdeal(ideal I,intvec L) { poly result,p; int i,j; number n; bigint N=L[1]; for(i=2;i<=size(L);i++) { N=N*L[i]; } for(i=1;i<=size(I);i++) { p=I[i]; result=lead(p); while(1) { if (p==0) {break;} p=p-lead(p); n=Farey(N,bigint(leadcoef(p))); result=result+n*leadmonom(p); } I[i]=result; } return(I); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Farey (bigint P, bigint N) "USAGE: Farey (P,N); P, N number; RETURN: a rational number a/b such that a/b=N mod P and |a|,|b|<(P/2)^{1/2} " { if (P<0){P=-P;} if (N<0){N=N+P;} bigint A,B,C,D,E; E=P; B=1; while (N!=0) { if (2*N^2C) { C=GF; G1= gstrich2(c,Z,i,G0,n); g1=G1; g22=reduce(g1,G); G22=transpose(matrix(g22)); M=redmat(G,G1,G22); Z2=-M*Z; Z=MmodN(Z+(c^(n-1))*Z2,cb^n); G0= MmodN(G0+ (c^(n-1))* G22,cb^n); GF=fareyMatrix(G0,cb^n); n++; } return(ideal(GF)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I=3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; ideal J=pStd(32003,I); J; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc transmat(int p,ideal i,ideal G) "USAGE: transmat(p,I,G); p integer, I,G ideal; RETURN: the transformationmatrix Z for the ideal i mod p and the groebner base for i mod p EXAMPLE: example transmat; shows an example " { def r=basering; int n=nvars(r); list rl=ringlist(r); rl[1]=p; def r1=ring(rl); setring r1; ideal i=fetch(r,i); ideal G=fetch(r,G); attrib(G,"isSB",1); ring rhelp=p,x(1..n),dp; list lhelp=ringlist(rhelp); list l=lhelp[3]; setring r; rl[3]=l; def r2=ring(rl); setring r2; ideal i=fetch(r,i); option(redSB); ideal j=std(i); matrix T=lift(i,j); setring r1; matrix T=fetch(r2,T); ideal j=fetch(r2,j); matrix M=lift(j,G); matrix Z=transpose(T*M); setring r; matrix Z=fetch(r1,Z); return(Z); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i=3x3+x2+1,11y5+y3+2,5z4+z2+4; ideal g=x3-60x2-60, z4-36z2+37, y5+33y3+66; int p=181; matrix Z=transmat(p,i,g); Z; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc gstrich1(int p, matrix Z, ideal i, ideal gp) "USAGE: gstrich1 (p,Z,i,gp); p integer, Z matrix, i,gp ideals; RETURN: a matrix G such that (Z*F-GP)/p, where F and GP are the matrices of the ideals i and gp " { matrix F=transpose(matrix(i)); matrix GP=transpose(matrix(gp)); matrix G=(Z*F-GP)/p; return(G); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc gstrich2(number p, matrix Z, ideal i, ideal gp, int n) "USAGE: gstrich2 (p,Z,i,gp,n); p,n integer, Z matrix, i,gp ideals; RETURN: a matrix G such that (Z*F-GP)/(p^(n-1)), where F and GP are the matrices of the ideals i and gp " { matrix F=transpose(matrix(i)); matrix GP=transpose(matrix(gp)); matrix G=(Z*F-GP)/(p^(n-1)); return(G); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc redmat(ideal i, matrix h, matrix g) "USAGE: redmat(i,h,g); i ideal , h,g matrices; RETURN: a matrix M such that i=M*h+g " { matrix c=h-g; ideal f=transpose(c); matrix N=lift(i,f); matrix M=transpose(N); return(M); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc fareyMatrix(matrix m,bigint N) "USAGE: fareyMatrix(m,y); m matrix, y integer; RETURN: a matrix k of the matrix m with Farey rational numbers a/b as coefficients EXAMPLE: example fareyMatrix; shows an example " { ideal I=m; poly result,p; int i,j; number n; for(i=1;i<=size(I);i++) { p=I[i]; result=lead(p); while(1) { if (p==0) {break;} p=p-lead(p); n=Farey(N,bigint(leadcoef(p))); result=result+n*leadmonom(p); } I[i]=result; } matrix k=transpose(I); return(k); } example {"EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; matrix m[3][1]=x3+682794673x2+682794673,z4+204838402z2+819353608, y5+186216729y3+372433458; int p=32003; matrix b=fareyMatrix(m,p^2); b; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc MmodN(matrix Z,bigint N) "USAGE: MmodN(Z,N);Z matrix, N bigint; RETURN: the matrix Z mod N EXAMPLE: example MmodN; " { int i,j,k; poly m,p; number c; for(i=1;i<=nrows(Z);i++) { for(j=1;j<=ncols(Z);j++) { for(k=1;k<=size(Z[i,j]);k++) { m=leadmonom(Z[i,j][k]); c=bigint(leadcoef(Z[i,j][k])) mod N; p=p+c*m; } Z[i,j]=p; p=0; } } return(Z); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; matrix m[3][1]= x3+10668x2+10668, z4-12801z2+12802, y5-8728y3+14547; bigint p=32003; matrix b=MmodN(m,p^2); b; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 5x3y2z+3y3x2z+7xy2z2; poly s2 = 3xy2z2+x5+11y2z2; poly s3 = 4xyz+7x3+12y3+1; poly s4 = 3x3-4y3+yz2; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 2xy4z2+x3y2z-x2y3z+2xyz2+7y3+7; poly s2 = 2x2y4z+x2yz2-xy2z2+2x2yz-12x+12y; poly s3 = 2y5z+x2y2z-xy3z-xy3+y4+2y2z; poly s4 = 3xy4z3+x2y2z-xy3z+4y3z2+3xyz3+4z2-x+y; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 8x2y2 + 5xy3 + 3x3z + x2yz; poly s2 = x5 + 2y3z2 + 13y2z3 + 5yz4; poly s3 = 8x3 + 12y3 + xz2 + 3; poly s4 = 7x2y4 + 18xy3z2 + y3z3; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; int n = 6; ring r = 0,(x(1..n)),lp; ideal i = cyclic(n); ring s=0,(x(1..n),t),lp; ideal i=imap(r,i); i=homog(i,t); ring r=0,(x(1..4),s),(dp(4),dp); poly s1 =1 + s^2*x(1)*x(3) + s^8*x(2)*x(3) + s^19*x(1)*x(2)*x(4); poly s2 = x(1) + s^8 *x(1)* x(2)* x(3) + s^19* x(2)* x(4); poly s3 = x(2) + s^10*x(3)*x(4) + s^11*x(1)*x(4); poly s4 = x(3) + s^4*x(1)*x(2) + s^19*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) +s^24*x(2)*x(3)*x(4); poly s5 = x(4) + s^31* x(1)* x(2)* x(3)* x(4); ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =16; int b =15; int c =4; int t =1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3+x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f); ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =25; int b =25; int c =5; int t =1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3+x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f),f; ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a=10; poly f =xyz*(x+y+z)^2 +(x+y+z)^3 +x^a+y^a+z^a; ideal i= jacob(f); ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =6; int b =8; int c =10; int alpha =5; int beta= 5; int t= 1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^c+x^alpha*y^(beta-5)+x^(alpha-2)*y^(beta-3)+x^(alpha-3)*y^(beta-4)*z^2+x^(alpha-4)*y^(beta-4)*(y^2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f); */ /* ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 5x3y2z+3y3x2z+7xy2z2; poly s2 = 3xy2z2+x5+11y2z2; poly s3 = 4xyz+7x3+12y3+1; poly s4 = 3x3-4y3+yz2; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 2xy4z2+x3y2z-x2y3z+2xyz2+7y3+7; poly s2 = 2x2y4z+x2yz2-xy2z2+2x2yz-12x+12y; poly s3 = 2y5z+x2y2z-xy3z-xy3+y4+2y2z; poly s4 = 3xy4z3+x2y2z-xy3z+4y3z2+3xyz3+4z2-x+y; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; ring r=0,(x,y,z),lp; poly s1 = 8x2y2 + 5xy3 + 3x3z + x2yz; poly s2 = x5 + 2y3z2 + 13y2z3 + 5yz4; poly s3 = 8x3 + 12y3 + xz2 + 3; poly s4 = 7x2y4 + 18xy3z2 + y3z3; ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4; int n = 6; ring r = 0,(x(1..n)),lp; ideal i = cyclic(n); ring s=0,(x(1..n),t),lp; ideal i=imap(r,i); i=homog(i,t); ring r=0,(x(1..4),s),(dp(4),dp); poly s1 =1 + s^2*x(1)*x(3) + s^8*x(2)*x(3) + s^19*x(1)*x(2)*x(4); poly s2 = x(1) + s^8 *x(1)* x(2)* x(3) + s^19* x(2)* x(4); poly s3 = x(2) + s^10*x(3)*x(4) + s^11*x(1)*x(4); poly s4 = x(3) + s^4*x(1)*x(2) + s^19*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) +s^24*x(2)*x(3)*x(4); poly s5 = x(4) + s^31* x(1)* x(2)* x(3)* x(4); ideal i = s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =16; int b =15; int c =4; int t =1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3+x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f); ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =25; int b =25; int c =5; int t =1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^(3*c)+x^(c+2)*y^(c-1)+x^(c-1)*y^(c-1)*z3+x^(c-2)*y^c*(y2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f),f; ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a=10; poly f =xyz*(x+y+z)^2 +(x+y+z)^3 +x^a+y^a+z^a; ideal i= jacob(f); ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds; int a =6; int b =8; int c =10; int alpha =5; int beta= 5; int t= 1; poly f =x^a+y^b+z^c+x^alpha*y^(beta-5)+x^(alpha-2)*y^(beta-3)+x^(alpha-3)*y^(beta-4)*z^2+x^(alpha-4)*y^(beta-4)*(y^2+t*x)^2; ideal i= jacob(f); */