/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: poly.lib,v 1.41 2007-01-23 15:03:37 Singular Exp $"; category="General purpose"; info=" LIBRARY: poly.lib Procedures for Manipulating Polys, Ideals, Modules AUTHORS: O. Bachmann, G.-M. Greuel, A. Fruehbis PROCEDURES: cyclic(int); ideal of cyclic n-roots katsura([i]); katsura [i] ideal freerank(poly/...) rank of coker(input) if coker is free else -1 is_zero(poly/...); int, =1 resp. =0 if coker(input) is 0 resp. not lcm(ideal); lcm of given generators of ideal maxcoef(poly/...); maximal length of coefficient occurring in poly/... maxdeg(poly/...); int/intmat = degree/s of terms of maximal order maxdeg1(poly/...); int = [weighted] maximal degree of input mindeg(poly/...); int/intmat = degree/s of terms of minimal order mindeg1(poly/...); int = [weighted] minimal degree of input normalize(poly/...); normalize poly/... such that leading coefficient is 1 rad_con(p,I); check radical containment of poly p in ideal I content(f); content of polynomial/vector f numerator(n); numerator of number n denominator(n) denominator of number n mod2id(M,iv); conversion of a module M to an ideal id2mod(i,iv); conversion inverse to mod2id substitute(I,...) substitute in I variables by polynomials subrInterred(i1,i2,iv);interred w.r.t. a subset of variables newtonDiag(f); Newton diagram of a polynomial hilbPoly(I); Hilbert polynomial of basering/I (parameters in square brackets [] are optional) "; LIB "general.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc bino(int a, int b) { //computes binomial var(1)+a over b int i; if(b==0){return(1);} poly p=(var(1)+a)/b; for(i=1;i<=b-1;i++) { p=p*(var(1)+a-i)/i; } return(p); } proc hilbPoly(ideal I) "USAGE: hilbPoly(I); I a homogeneous ideal RETURN: the Hilbert polynomial of basering/I as an intvec v=v_0,...,v_r such that the Hilbert polynomial is (v_0+v_1*t+...v_r*t^r)/r! EXAMPLE: example hilbPoly; shows an example " { def R=basering; if(!attrib(I,"isSB")){I=std(I);} intvec v=hilb(I,2); int s=dim(I); intvec hp; if(s==0){return(hp);} int d=size(v)-2; ring S=0,t,dp; poly p=v[1+d]*bino(s-1-d,s-1); int i; for(i=1;i<=d;i++) { p=p+v[d-i+1]*bino(s-1-d+i,s-1); } int n=1; for(i=2;i<=s-1;i++){n=n*i;} p=n*p; for(i=1;i<=s;i++) { hp[i]=int(leadcoef(p[s-i+1])); } setring R; return(hp); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(b,c,t,h),dp; ideal I= bct-t2h+2th2+h3, bt3-ct3-t4+b2th+c2th-2bt2h+2ct2h+2t3h-bch2-2bth2+2cth2+2th3, b2c2+bt2h-ct2h-t3h+b2h2+2bch2+c2h2-2bth2+2cth2+t2h2-2bh3+2ch3+2th3+3h4, c2t3+ct4-c3th-2c2t2h-2ct3h-t4h+bc2h2-2c2th2-bt2h2+4t3h2+2bth3-2cth3-t2h3 +bh4-6th4-2h5; hilbPoly(I); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc substitute (I,list #) "USAGE: - case 1: typeof(#[1])==poly: substitute (I,v,f[,v1,f1,v2,f2,...]); I object of basering which can be mapped, v,v1,v2,.. ring variables, f,f1,f2,... poly @* - case 2: typeof(#[1])==ideal: substitute (I,v,f); I object of basering which can be mapped, v ideal of ring variables, f ideal RETURN: object of same type as I, @* - case 1: ring variable v,v1,v2,... substituted by polynomials f,f1,f2,..., in this order @* - case 2: ring variables in v substituted by polynomials in f: v[i] is substituted by f[i], i=1,...,i=min(size(v),ncols(f)) NOTE: this procedure extends the built-in command subst which substitutes ring variables only by monomials EXAMPLE: example substitute; shows an example " { def bas = basering; ideal m = maxideal(1); int i,ii; if(typeof(#[1])=="poly") { poly v = #[1]; poly f = #[2]; map phi = bas,m; def J = I; for (ii=1; ii<=size(#) - 1; ii=ii+2) { m = maxideal(1); i=rvar(#[ii]); m[i] = #[ii+1]; phi = bas,m; J = phi(J); } return(J); } if(typeof(#[1])=="ideal") { ideal v = #[1]; ideal f = #[2]; int mi = size(v); if(ncols(f)= n katsura() : katsura ideal of basering EXAMPLE: example katsura; shows examples " { int n; if ( size(#) == 1 && typeof(#[1]) == "int") { n = #[1] - 1; while (1) { if (defined(basering)) { if (nvars(basering) >= #[1]) {break;} } ring katsura_ring = 32003, x(0..#[1]), dp; keepring katsura_ring; break; } } else { n = nvars(basering) -1; } ideal s; int i, j; poly p; p = -1; for (i = -n; i <= n; i++) { p = p + kat_var(i, n); } s[1] = p; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p = -1 * kat_var(i,n); for (j = -n; j <= n; j++) { p = p + kat_var(j,n) * kat_var(i-j, n); } s = s,p; } return (s); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r; basering; katsura(); katsura(4); basering; } proc kat_var(int i, int n) { poly p; if (i < 0) { i = -i;} if (i <= n) { p = var(i+1); } return (p); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc freerank "USAGE: freerank(M[,any]); M=poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix COMPUTE: rank of module presented by M in case it is free. By definition this is vdim(coker(M)/m*coker(M)) if coker(M) is free, where m = maximal ideal of the variables of the basering and M is considered as matrix. (the 0-module is free of rank 0) RETURN: rank of coker(M) if coker(M) is free and -1 else; in case of a second argument return a list: L[1] = rank of coker(M) or -1 L[2] = minbase(M) NOTE: freerank(syz(M)); computes the rank of M if M is free (and -1 else) EXAMPLE: example freerank; shows examples " { int rk; def M = simplify(#[1],10); resolution mre = res(M,2); intmat B = betti(mre); if ( ncols(B)>1 ) { rk = -1; } else { rk = sum(B[1..nrows(B),1]); } if (size(#) == 2) { list L=rk,mre[1]; return(L);} return(rk); } example {"EXAMPLE"; echo=2; ring r; ideal i=x; module M=[x,0,1],[-x,0,-1]; freerank(M); // should be 2, coker(M) is not free freerank(syz (M),""); // [1] should be 1, coker(syz(M))=M is free of rank 1 // [2] should be gen(2)+gen(1) (minimal relation of M) freerank(i); freerank(syz(i)); // should be 1, coker(syz(i))=i is free of rank 1 } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc is_zero "USAGE: is_zero(M[,any]); M=poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix RETURN: integer, 1 if coker(M)=0 resp. 0 if coker(M)!=0, where M is considered as matrix. If a second argument is given, return a list: L[1] = 1 if coker(M)=0 resp. 0 if coker(M)!=0 L[2] = dim(M) EXAMPLE: example is_zero; shows examples " { int d=dim(std(#[1])); int a = ( d==-1 ); if( size(#) >1 ) { list L=a,d; return(L); } return(a); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r; module m = [x],[y],[1,z]; is_zero(m,1); qring q = std(ideal(x2+y3+z2)); ideal j = x2+y3+z2-37; is_zero(j); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc maxcoef (f) "USAGE: maxcoef(f); f poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix RETURN: maximal length of coefficient of f of type int (by measuring the length of the string of each coefficient) EXAMPLE: example maxcoef; shows examples " { //----------------------------- procedure body -------------------------------- int max,s,ii,jj; string t; ideal i = ideal(matrix(f)); i = simplify(i,6); // delete 0's and keep first of equal elements poly m = var(1); matrix C; for (ii=2;ii<=nvars(basering);ii=ii+1) { m = m*var(ii); } for (ii=1; ii<=size(i); ii=ii+1) { C = coef(i[ii],m); for (jj=1; jj<=ncols(C); jj=jj+1) { t = string(C[2,jj]); s = size(t); if ( t[1] == "-" ) { s = s - 1; } if ( s > max ) { max = s; } } } return(max); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r= 0,(x,y,z),ds; poly g = 345x2-1234567890y+7/4z; maxcoef(g); ideal i = g,10/1234567890; maxcoef(i); // since i[2]=1/123456789 } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc maxdeg (id) "USAGE: maxdeg(id); id poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix RETURN: int/intmat, each component equals maximal degree of monomials in the corresponding component of id, independent of ring ordering (maxdeg of each var is 1). Of type int if id is of type poly, of type intmat else NOTE: proc maxdeg1 returns an integer, the absolute maximum; moreover, it has an option for computing weighted degrees SEE ALSO: maxdeg1 EXAMPLE: example maxdeg; shows examples " { //-------- subprocedure to find maximal degree of given component ---------- proc findmaxdeg { poly c = #[1]; if (c==0) { return(-1); } //--- guess upper 'o' and lower 'u' bound, in case of negative weights ----- int d = (deg(c)>=0)*deg(c)-(deg(c)<0)*deg(c); int i = d; while ( c-jet(c,i) != 0 ) { i = 2*(i+1); } int o = i-1; int u = (d != i)*((i / 2)-1); //----------------------- "quick search" for maxdeg ------------------------ while ( (c-jet(c,i)==0)*(c-jet(c,i-1)!=0) == 0) { i = (o+1+u) / 2; if (c-jet(c,i)!=0) { u = i+1; } else { o = i-1; } } return(i); } //------------------------------ main program --------------------------------- matrix M = matrix(id); int r,c = nrows(M), ncols(M); int i,j; intmat m[r][c]; for (i=r; i>0; i=i-1) { for (j=c; j>0; j=j-1) { m[i,j] = findmaxdeg(M[i,j]); } } if (typeof(id)=="poly") { return(m[1,1]); } return(m); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),wp(1,2,3); poly f = x+y2+z3; deg(f); //deg; returns weighted degree (in case of 1 block)! maxdeg(f); matrix m[2][2]=f+x10,1,0,f^2; maxdeg(m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc maxdeg1 (id,list #) "USAGE: maxdeg1(id[,v]); id=poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix, v=intvec RETURN: integer, maximal [weighted] degree of monomials of id independent of ring ordering, maxdeg1 of i-th variable is v[i] (default: v=1..1). NOTE: This proc returns one integer while maxdeg returns, in general, a matrix of integers. For one polynomial and if no intvec v is given maxdeg is faster EXAMPLE: example maxdeg1; shows examples " { //-------- subprocedure to find maximal degree of given component ---------- proc findmaxdeg { poly c = #[1]; if (c==0) { return(-1); } intvec v = #[2]; //--- guess upper 'o' and lower 'u' bound, in case of negative weights ----- int d = (deg(c)>=0)*deg(c)-(deg(c)<0)*deg(c); int i = d; if ( c == jet(c,-1,v)) //case: maxdeg is negative { i = -d; while ( c == jet(c,i,v) ) { i = 2*(i-1); } int o = (d != -i)*((i / 2)+2) - 1; int u = i+1; int e = -1; } else //case: maxdeg is nonnegative { while ( c != jet(c,i,v) ) { i = 2*(i+1); } int o = i-1; int u = (d != i)*((i / 2)-1); int e = 1; } //----------------------- "quick search" for maxdeg ------------------------ while ( ( c==jet(c,i,v) )*( c!=jet(c,i-1,v) ) == 0 ) { i = (o+e+u) / 2; if ( c!=jet(c,i,v) ) { u = i+1; } else { o = i-1; } } return(i); } //------------------------------ main program --------------------------------- ideal M = simplify(ideal(matrix(id)),8); //delete scalar multiples from id int c = ncols(M); int i,n; if( size(#)==0 ) { int m = maxdeg(M[c]); for (i=c-1; i>0; i=i-1) { n = maxdeg(M[i]); m = (m>=n)*m + (m0; i--) { n = findmaxdeg(M[i],v); if( n>m ) { m=n; } } } return(m); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),wp(1,2,3); poly f = x+y2+z3; deg(f); //deg returns weighted degree (in case of 1 block)! maxdeg1(f); intvec v = ringweights(r); maxdeg1(f,v); //weighted maximal degree matrix m[2][2]=f+x10,1,0,f^2; maxdeg1(m,v); //absolute weighted maximal degree } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mindeg (id) "USAGE: mindeg(id); id poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix RETURN: minimal degree/s of monomials of id, independent of ring ordering (mindeg of each variable is 1) of type int if id of type poly, else of type intmat. NOTE: proc mindeg1 returns one integer, the absolute minimum; moreover it has an option for computing weighted degrees. EXAMPLE: example mindeg; shows examples " { //--------- subprocedure to find minimal degree of given component --------- proc findmindeg { poly c = #[1]; if (c==0) { return(-1); } //--- guess upper 'o' and lower 'u' bound, in case of negative weights ----- int d = (ord(c)>=0)*ord(c)-(ord(c)<0)*ord(c); int i = d; while ( jet(c,i) == 0 ) { i = 2*(i+1); } int o = i-1; int u = (d != i)*((i / 2)-1); //----------------------- "quick search" for mindeg ------------------------ while ( (jet(c,u)==0)*(jet(c,o)!=0) ) { i = (o+u) / 2; if (jet(c,i)==0) { u = i+1; } else { o = i-1; } } if (jet(c,u)!=0) { return(u); } else { return(o+1); } } //------------------------------ main program --------------------------------- matrix M = matrix(id); int r,c = nrows(M), ncols(M); int i,j; intmat m[r][c]; for (i=r; i>0; i=i-1) { for (j=c; j>0; j=j-1) { m[i,j] = findmindeg(M[i,j]); } } if (typeof(id)=="poly") { return(m[1,1]); } return(m); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),ls; poly f = x5+y2+z3; ord(f); // ord returns weighted order of leading term! mindeg(f); // computes minimal degree matrix m[2][2]=x10,1,0,f^2; mindeg(m); // computes matrix of minimum degrees } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mindeg1 (id, list #) "USAGE: mindeg1(id[,v]); id=poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix, v=intvec RETURN: integer, minimal [weighted] degree of monomials of id independent of ring ordering, mindeg1 of i-th variable is v[i] (default v=1..1). NOTE: This proc returns one integer while mindeg returns, in general, a matrix of integers. For one polynomial and if no intvec v is given mindeg is faster. EXAMPLE: example mindeg1; shows examples " { //--------- subprocedure to find minimal degree of given component --------- proc findmindeg { poly c = #[1]; intvec v = #[2]; if (c==0) { return(-1); } //--- guess upper 'o' and lower 'u' bound, in case of negative weights ----- int d = (ord(c)>=0)*ord(c)-(ord(c)<0)*ord(c); int i = d; if ( jet(c,-1,v) !=0 ) //case: mindeg is negative { i = -d; while ( jet(c,i,v) != 0 ) { i = 2*(i-1); } int o = (d != -i)*((i / 2)+2) - 1; int u = i+1; int e = -1; i=u; } else //case: inded is nonnegative { while ( jet(c,i,v) == 0 ) { i = 2*(i+1); } int o = i-1; int u = (d != i)*((i / 2)-1); int e = 1; i=u; } //----------------------- "quick search" for mindeg ------------------------ while ( (jet(c,i-1,v)==0)*(jet(c,i,v)!=0) == 0 ) { i = (o+e+u) / 2; if (jet(c,i,v)==0) { u = i+1; } else { o = i-1; } } return(i); } //------------------------------ main program --------------------------------- ideal M = simplify(ideal(matrix(id)),8); //delete scalar multiples from id int c = ncols(M); int i,n; if( size(#)==0 ) { int m = mindeg(M[c]); for (i=c-1; i>0; i=i-1) { n = mindeg(M[i]); m = (m<=n)*m + (m>n)*n; //let m be the maximum of m and n } } else { intvec v=#[1]; //weight vector for the variables int m = findmindeg(M[c],v); for (i=c-1; i>0; i=i-1) { n = findmindeg(M[i],v); m = (m<=n)*m + (m>n)*n; //let m be the maximum of m and n } } return(m); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),ls; poly f = x5+y2+z3; ord(f); // ord returns weighted order of leading term! intvec v = 1,-3,2; mindeg1(f,v); // computes minimal weighted degree matrix m[2][2]=x10,1,0,f^2; mindeg1(m,1..3); // computes absolute minimum of weighted degrees } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc normalize (id) "USAGE: normalize(id); id=poly/vector/ideal/module RETURN: object of same type,s each element is normalized to make its leading coefficient equal to 1 EXAMPLE: example normalize; shows an example " { return(simplify(id,1)); } //-------------------------------- examples ----------------------------------- example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),ls; poly f = 2x5+3y2+4z3; normalize(f); module m=[9xy,0,3z3],[4z,6y,2x]; normalize(m); ring s = 0,(x,y,z),(c,ls); module m=[9xy,0,3z3],[4z,6y,2x]; normalize(m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input: = and g // Question: Does g lie in the radical of ? // Solution: Compute a standard basis G for where z is a // new variable. Then g is contained in the radical of <=> // 1 is generator in G. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc rad_con (poly g,ideal I) "USAGE: rad_con(g,I); g polynomial, I ideal RETURN: 1 (TRUE) (type int) if g is contained in the radical of I @* 0 (FALSE) (type int) otherwise EXAMPLE: example rad_con; shows an example " { def br=basering; int n=nvars(br); int dB=degBound; degBound=0; string mp=string(minpoly); execute("ring R=("+charstr(br)+"),(@x(1..n),@z),dp;"); execute("minpoly=number("+mp+");"); ideal irrel=@x(1..n); map f=br,irrel; poly p=f(g); ideal J=f(I),ideal(p*@z-1); J=std(J); degBound=dB; if (J[1]==1) { setring br; return(1); } else { setring br; return(0); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I=x2+y2,z2; poly f=x4+y4; rad_con(f,I); ideal J=x2+y2,z2,x4+y4; poly g=z; rad_con(g,I); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc lcm (id, list #) "USAGE: lcm(p[,q]); p int/intvec q a list of integers or p poly/ideal q a list of polynomials RETURN: the least common multiple of p and q: @* - of type int if p is an int/intvec @* - of type poly if p is a poly/ideal EXAMPLE: example lcm; shows an example " { int k,j; //------------------------------ integer case -------------------------------- if( typeof(id) == "int" or typeof(id) == "intvec" ) { intvec i = id; if (size(#)!=0) { for (j = 1; j<=size(#); j++) { if (typeof(#[j]) !="int" and typeof(#[j]) !="intvec") { ERROR("// ** list element must be an integer");} else { i = i,#[j]; } } } int p,q; if( i == 0 ) { return(0); } for(j=1;j<=size(i);j++) { if( i[j] != 0 ) { p=i[j]; break; } } for (k=j+1;k<=size(i);k++) { if( i[k] !=0) { q=gcd(p,i[k]); p=p/q; p=p*i[k]; } } if(p <0 ) {return(-p);} return(p); } //----------------------------- polynomial case ------------------------------ if( typeof(id) == "poly" or typeof(id) == "ideal" ) { ideal i = id; if (size(#)!=0) { for (j = 1; j<=size(#); j++) { if (typeof(#[j]) !="poly" and typeof(#[j]) !="ideal" and typeof(#[j]) !="int" and typeof(#[j]) !="intvec") { ERROR("// ** list element must be a polynomial");} else { i = i,#[j]; } } } poly p,q; i=simplify(i,10); if(size(i) == 0) { return(0); } for(j=1;j<=size(i);j++) { if(maxdeg(i[j])!= 0) { p=i[j]; break; } } if(deg(p)==-1) { return(1); } for (k=j+1;k<=size(i);k++) { if(maxdeg(i[k])!=0) { q=gcd(p,i[k]); if(maxdeg(q)==0) { p=p*i[k]; } else { p=p/q; p=p*i[k]; } } } return(p); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),lp; poly p = (x+y)*(y+z); poly q = (z4+2)*(y+z); lcm(p,q); ideal i=p,q,y+z; lcm(i,p); lcm(2,3,6); lcm(2..6); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc content(f) "USAGE: content(f); f polynomial/vector RETURN: number, the content (greatest common factor of coefficients) of the polynomial/vector f EXAMPLE: example content; shows an example " { return(leadcoef(f)/leadcoef(cleardenom(f))); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),(c,lp); content(3x2+18xy-27xyz); vector v=[3x2+18xy-27xyz,15x2+12y4,3]; content(v); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc numerator(number n) "USAGE: numerator(n); n number RETURN: number, the numerator of n SEE ALSO: denominator, content, cleardenom EXAMPLE: example numerator; shows an example " { poly p = cleardenom(n+var(1)); return (number(coeffs(p,var(1))[1,1])); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x, dp; number n = 3/2; numerator(n); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc denominator(number n) "USAGE: denominator(n); n number RETURN: number, the denominator of n SEE ALSO: denominator, content, cleardenom EXAMPLE: example denominator; shows an example " { poly p = cleardenom(n+var(1)); return (number(coeffs(p,var(1))[2,1])); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x, dp; number n = 3/2; denominator(n); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The idea of the procedures mod2id, id2mod and subrInterred is, to // perform standard basis computation or interreduction of a submodule // of a free module with generators gen(1),...,gen(n) over a ring R // in a ring R[t1,...,tn]/ with gen(i) maped to ti //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mod2id(matrix M,intvec vpos) "USAGE: mod2id(M,vpos); M matrix, vpos intvec ASSUME: vpos is an integer vector such that gen(i) corresponds to var(vpos[i]). The basering contains variables var(vpos[i]) which do not occur in M. RETURN: ideal I in which each gen(i) from the module is replaced by var(vpos[i]) and all monomials var(vpos[i])*var(vpos[j]) have been added to the generating set of I. NOTE: This procedure should be used in the following situation: one wants to pass to a ring with new variables, say e(1),..,e(s), which correspond to the components gen(1),..,gen(s) of the module M such that e(i)*e(j)=0 for all i,j. The new ring should already exist and be the current ring EXAMPLE: example mod2id; shows an example" { int p = printlevel-voice+3; // p=printlevel+1 (default: p=1) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // define the ideal generated by the var(vpos[i]) and set up the matrix // for the multiplication //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ideal vars=var(vpos[1]); for(int i=2;i<=size(vpos);i++) { vars=vars,var(vpos[i]); } matrix varm[1][size(vpos)]=vars; if (size(vpos) > nrows(M)) { matrix Mt[size(vpos)][ncols(M)]; Mt[1..nrows(M),1..ncols(M)]=M; kill M; matrix M=Mt; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // define the desired ideal //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ideal ret=vars^2,varm*M; return(ret); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(e(1),e(2),x,y,z),(dp(2),ds(3)); module mo=x*gen(1)+y*gen(2); intvec iv=2,1; mod2id(mo,iv); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc id2mod(ideal i,intvec vpos) "USAGE: id2mod(I,vpos); I ideal, vpos intvec RETURN: module corresponding to the ideal by replacing var(vpos[i]) by gen(i) and omitting all generators var(vpos[i])*var(vpos[j]) NOTE: * This procedure only makes sense if the ideal contains all var(vpos[i])*var(vpos[j]) as monomial generators and all other generators of I are linear combinations of the var(vpos[i]) over the ring in the other variables. * This is the inverse procedure to mod2id and should be applied only to ideals created by mod2id using the same intvec vpos (possibly after a standard basis computation) EXAMPLE: example id2mod; shows an example" { int p = printlevel-voice+3; // p=printlevel+1 (default: p=1) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int n=size(i); int v=size(vpos); matrix tempmat; matrix mm[v][n]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Conversion //--------------------------------------------------------------------- for(int j=1;j<=v;j++) { tempmat=coeffs(i,var(vpos[j])); mm[j,1..n]=tempmat[2,1..n]; } for(j=1;j<=v;j++) { mm=subst(mm,var(vpos[j]),0); } module ret=simplify(mm,10); return(ret); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(e(1),e(2),x,y,z),(dp(2),ds(3)); ideal i=e(2)^2,e(1)*e(2),e(1)^2,e(1)*y+e(2)*x; intvec iv=2,1; id2mod(i,iv); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc subrInterred(ideal mon, ideal sm, intvec iv) "USAGE: subrInterred(mon,sm,iv); sm: ideal in a ring r with n + s variables, e.g. x_1,..,x_n and t_1,..,t_s mon: ideal with monomial generators (not divisible by any of the t_i) such that sm is contained in the module k[t_1,..,t_s]*mon[1]+..+k[t_1,..,t_s]*mon[size(mon)] iv: intvec listing the variables which are supposed to be used as x_i RETURN: list l: l[1]=the monomials from mon in the order used l[2]=their coefficients after interreduction l[3]=l[1]*l[2] PURPOSE: Do interred only w.r.t. a subset of variables. The procedure returns an interreduced system of generators of sm considered as a k[t_1,..,t_s]-submodule of the free module k[t_1,..,t_s]*mon[1]+..+k[t_1,..,t_s]*mon[size(mon)]). EXAMPLE: example subrInterred; shows an example " { int p = printlevel-voice+3; // p=printlevel+1 (default: p=1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // check that mon is really generated by monomials // and sort its generators with respect to the monomial ordering //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int err; for(int i=1;i<=ncols(mon);i++) { if ( size(mon[i]) > 1 ) { err=1; } } if (err==1) { ERROR("mon has to be generated by monomials"); } intvec sv=sortvec(mon); ideal mons; for(i=1;i<=size(sv);i++) { mons[i]=mon[sv[i]]; } ideal itemp=maxideal(1); for(i=1;i<=size(iv);i++) { itemp=subst(itemp,var(iv[i]),0); } itemp=simplify(itemp,10); def r=basering; string tempstr="ring rtemp=" + charstr(basering) + ",(" + string(itemp) + "),(C,dp);"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // express m in terms of the generators of mon and check whether m // can be considered as a submodule of k[t_1,..,t_n]*mon //----------------------------------------------------------------------- module motemp; motemp[ncols(sm)]=0; poly ptemp; int j; for(i=1;i<=ncols(mons);i++) { for(j=1;j<=ncols(sm);j++) { ptemp=sm[j]/mons[i]; motemp[j]=motemp[j]+ptemp*gen(i); } } for(i=1;i<=size(iv);i++) { motemp=subst(motemp,var(iv[i]),0); } matrix monmat[1][ncols(mons)]=mons; ideal dummy=monmat*motemp; for(i=1;i<=size(sm);i++) { if(sm[i]-dummy[i]!=0) { ERROR("the second argument is not a submodule of the assumed structure"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // do the interreduction and convert back //---------------------------------------------------------------------- execute(tempstr); def motemp=imap(r,motemp); motemp=interred(motemp); setring r; kill motemp; def motemp=imap(rtemp,motemp); list ret=monmat,motemp,monmat*motemp; for(i=1;i<=ncols(ret[2]);i++) { ret[2][i]=cleardenom(ret[2][i]); } for(i=1;i<=ncols(ret[3]);i++) { ret[3][i]=cleardenom(ret[3][i]); } return(ret); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal i=x^2+x*y^2,x*y+x^2*y,z; ideal j=x^2+x*y^2,x*y,z; ideal mon=x^2,z,x*y; intvec iv=1,3; subrInterred(mon,i,iv); subrInterred(mon,j,iv); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // moved here from nctools.lib // This procedure calculates the Newton diagram of the polynomial f // The output is a intmat M, each row of M is the exp of a monomial in f //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc newtonDiag(poly f) "USAGE: newtonDiag(f); f a poly RETURN: intmat PURPOSE: compute the Newton diagram of f NOTE: each row is the exponent of a monomial of f EXAMPLE: example newtonDiag; shows examples "{ int n = nvars(basering); intvec N=0; if ( f != 0 ) { while ( f != 0 ) { N = N, leadexp(f); f = f-lead(f); } } else { N=N, leadexp(f); } N = N[2..size(N)]; // Deletes the zero added in the definition of T intmat M=intmat(N,(size(N)/n),n); // Conversion from vector to matrix return (M); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),lp; poly f = x2y+3xz-5y+3; newtonDiag(f); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////