//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version=="version classifyci.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category="Singularities"; info=" LIBRARY: classifyci.lib Isolated complete intersection singularities in characteristic 0 AUTHORS: Gerhard Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de Deeba Afzal deebafzal@gmail.com OVERVIEW: A library for classifying isolated complete intersection singularities for the base field of characteristic 0 and for computing weierstrass semigroup of the space curve.Isolated complete intersection singularities were classified by M.Giusti [1] for the base field of characteristic 0. Algorithm for the semigroup of a space curve singularity is given in [2]. REFERENCES: [1] Giusti,M:Classification des singularities isolees simples d'intersections completes, C,R.Acad.Sci.Paris Ser.A-B 284(1977),167-169. [2] Castellanos,A.,Castellanos,J.,2005:Algorithm for the semigroup of a space curve singularity. Semigroup Forum 70,44-66. PROCEDURES: classifyicis(I); Isolated simple complete intersection singularities for the base field of charateristic 0 Semigroup(I); Weierstrass semigroup of the space curve given by equations "; LIB "classify.lib"; LIB "classify_aeq.lib"; LIB "poly.lib"; LIB "curvepar.lib"; LIB "algebra.lib"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc classifyicis(ideal I) "USAGE: classifyicis(I); I ideal ASSUME: I is given by two generators PURPOSE:Check whether the ideal defines a complete intersection singularity or not RETURN: String type in the classification of Giusti,M @* or The given singularity is not simple EXAMPLE: example classifyicis; shows an example " { def R=basering; def SS=changeord(list(list("ds",nvars(R))),R); setring SS; ideal I=imap(R,I); string re; if(char(basering)==0) { re=ICIS12(I); } if(char(basering)!=0) { re="The characteristic of basering should be 0"; } setring R; return(re); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=x2+yz,xy+z4; classifyicis(I); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc ICIS12(ideal I) { int n=nvars(basering); if(n==2) { return(zerodim_ICIS(I)); } if(n==3) { return(onedim_ICIS(I)); } if(n>=4) { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc zerodim_ICIS(ideal I) "USAGE: zerodim_ICIS(l); I is an ideal ASSUME: I is given by two generators PURPOSE: Check whether the ideal defines a complete intersection singularity of dimension zero or not RETURN: String type in the classification of Giusti,M, of the 0-dimensional complete inetersection @* or The given singularity is not simple EXAMPLE: example zerodim_ICIS; shows an example " { def R=basering; poly g,h,r; ideal J; int a,b,c,d; map phi; list L; string re; // g=g[0]+g[1] where ord(g[1])>=3 ,g[0] can be zero // h=h[0]+h[1] where ord(h[1])>=3 ,h[0] can be zero d=vdim(std(I)); if(d==-1) { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } a=ord(I[1]); b=ord(I[2]); if((a>=3)&&(b>=3)) { //start case1 return("The given singularity is not simple"); } // end case 1 if((a==2&&b>=3)||(a>=3&&b==2)) // start case 2 { if(a==2) { g=I[1]; h=I[2]; } if(b==2) { g=I[2]; h=I[1]; } L=factorize(jet(g,2)); if(size(L[1])==3) { re=findwhichF(g,h,L); return(re); } // end size(L[1]=3) if((size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==2)) { // start (size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==2) // case (x2,h); r=L[1][2]; if(size(r)==2) // ax+by goes to x { matrix M3=coef(r,var(1)); M3=subst(M3,var(2),1); matrix A[2][2]=M3[2,1],M3[2,2],0,1; matrix B=inverse(A); phi=R,B[1,1]*var(1)+B[1,2]*var(2),B[2,1]*var(1)+B[2,2]*var(2); g=phi(g); h=phi(h); J=(g,h); } // end size(r)=2 if(size(r)==1) // jet(g,2)=ax2 or by2 goes to x2 { if(leadmonom(r)==var(1)) { phi=R,var(1)/leadcoef(r),var(2); g=phi(g); h=phi(h); } if(leadmonom(r)==var(2)) { phi=R,var(2)/leadcoef(r),var(1); g=phi(g); h=phi(h); } J=(g,h); } // end size(r)=1 c=milnor(g); if((d>=7)&&(c==2)) { //"I-series"; if(d mod(2)==0) { return("I_"+string(d-1)+":(x2+y3,y"+string(d div 2)+")"); } if(d mod(2)!=0) { return("I_"+string(d-1)+":(x2+y3,xy"+string((d-3) div 2)+")"); } } if(d==6) { return("G_5:(x2,y3)"); } ring R1=0,(var(2),var(1)),ds; setring R1; ideal J=imap(R,J); poly h1=reduce(J[2],std(J[1]),d); poly h2=leadmonom(h1); int ss=deg(h2)-1; if((h2==var(1)^4)&&((c>=3)||(c==-1))) { setring R; return("G_7:(x2,y4)"); } if((h2==var(2)*var(1)^2)&&((c>=3)||(c==-1))) { setring R; return("H_"+string(d-1)+":(x2+y"+string(d-4)+",xy2)"); } setring R; return("The given singularity is not simple"); } // end (size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==2) if((size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==1)) { def S=factorExt(g); setring S; poly h=imap(R,h); // poly g=imap(R,g); we need not S has already g re= findwhichF(g,h,L); setring R; return(re); } } // end case 2 if((a==2)&&(b==2)) // start case 3 { g=I[1]; h=I[2]; poly Q=testDiv(jet(h,2),jet(g,2)); if(Q!=0) { I=(g,h-Q*g); return(zerodim_ICIS(I)); } if(Q==0) { L=factorize(jet(g,2)); if(size(L[1])==3) { re=findwhichF(g,h,L); return(re); } if((size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==1)) { def S=factorExt(g); setring S; poly h=imap(R,h); re=findwhichF(g,h,L); setring R; return(re); } L=factorize(jet(h,2)); if(size(L[1])==3) { re=findwhichF(h,g,L); return(re); } if((size(L[1])==2)&&(L[2][2]==1)) { def S=factorExt(h); setring S; poly g=imap(R,g); re=findwhichF(h,g,L); setring R; return(re); } else { // there exist a s.t g[0]+ah[0] has two different factors. int e=Finda(g,h); I=(g+e*h,h); re=zerodim_ICIS(I); return(re); } } } // end case 3 } // proc example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y),ds; ideal I=x2+8xy+16y2+y3,xy7+4y8; zerodim_ICIS(I); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc Finda(poly g,poly h) "USAGE: Finda(g,h); g,h are polynomials PURPOSE: Find a such that jet(g,2)+a*jet(h,2) has two different factors RETURN: integer a { // find a s.t jet(g,2)+a*jet(h,2) has two different factors. int o; list L=factorize(jet(h,2)); if(L[2][2]==1){return(0);} poly r= jet(g,2); list T=factorize(r); while(T[2][2]!=1) { o++; r= r+jet(h,2); T=factorize(r); } return(o); } /* ring R=0,(x,y),ds; poly g=x2+xy3; poly h=y2+x3+y7; finda(g,h); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc testDiv(poly f,poly g) "USAGE: testDiv(f,g); f,g are polynomials ASSUME: I is given by two generators PURPOSE: Check whether f divides g or not. RETURN: poly h(quotient) if f divides g @* 0 if f does not divide g { poly h=f/g; if(f-h*g==0) { return(h); } return(0); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,ds; poly f=x2+y2; poly g=3x2+3y2 testDiv(f,g); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc findwhichF(poly g,poly h,list L) "USAGE: findwhichF(g,h,L); g,h are polynomials,L list of factors of jet(g,2) RETURN: string type F^n,p_n+p-1 in the classification of Giusti,M { // return("F^n,p_n+p-1") def R=basering; matrix M,N; ideal J; map si; list T; string rem; // in each case we want to transform jet(g,2) which has two factors to xy // and then find std and know about the type of "F^n,p_n+p-1" if((size(L[1][2])==2)&&(size(L[1][3])==2)) { M=coef(L[1][2],var(1)); N=coef(L[1][3],var(1)); matrix A[2][2]=M[2,1],M[2,2],N[2,1],N[2,2]; A=subst(A,var(1),1,var(2),1); matrix B=inverse(A); si=R,B[1,1]*var(1)+B[1,2]*var(2),B[2,1]*var(1)+B[2,2]*var(2); g=si(g); h=si(h); J=(g,h); J=std(J); // if g and h both of order 2 no problem in that case because deg(J[2])=2 so lead(J[2])=x2,y2,xy does not matter T[1]=deg(lead(J[2])); T[2]=deg(lead(J[3]))-1; rem="F^"+string(T[1])+","+string(T[2])+"_"+string(T[1]+T[2]-1)+":(xy,x"+string(T[1])+"+y"+string(T[2])+")"; return(rem); } if((size(L[1][2])==2)&&(size(L[1][3])==1)) { // two cases 1- jet(g,2)=(ax+by)*cx, 2- jet(g,2)=(ax+by)*cy if(leadmonom(L[1][3])==var(1)) { M=coef(L[1][2],var(1)); M=subst(M,var(2),1); si=R,var(1),-M[2,1]/M[2,2]*var(1)+var(2); g=si(g); h=si(h); J=(g,h); J=std(J); T[1]=deg(lead(J[2])); T[2]=deg(lead(J[3]))-1; rem="F^"+string(T[1])+","+string(T[2])+"_"+string(T[1]+T[2]-1)+":(xy,x"+string(T[1])+"+y"+string(T[2])+")"; return(rem); } if(leadmonom(L[1][3])==var(2)) { M=coef(L[1][2],var(1)); M=subst(M,var(2),1); matrix A[2][2]=M[2,1],M[2,2],0,1; matrix B=inverse(A); si=R,B[1,1]*var(1)+B[1,2]*var(2),B[2,1]*var(1)+B[2,2]*var(2); g=si(g); h=si(h); J=(g,h); J=std(J); T[1]=deg(lead(J[2])); T[2]=deg(lead(J[3]))-1; rem="F^"+string(T[1])+","+string(T[2])+"_"+string(T[1]+T[2]-1)+":(xy,x"+string(T[1])+"+y"+string(T[2])+")"; return(rem); } } else { J=(g,h); J=std(J); T[1]=deg(lead(J[2])); T[2]=deg(lead(J[3]))-1; rem="F^"+string(T[1])+","+string(T[2])+"_"+string(T[1]+T[2]-1)+":(xy,x"+string(T[1])+"+y"+string(T[2])+")"; return(rem); } } /* ring R=0,(x,y),ds; poly g=xy+y2+y4; poly h=x4+4x3y+6x2y2+4xy3+y4+y7+xy7; L=factorize(jet(g,2),2); findwhichF(g,h,L); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc factorExt(poly g) "USAGE: procExt(g); jet(g,2) is an irreducible polynomial PURPOSE: Find the field extension in which jet(g,2) has two different factors RETURN: ring S in which jet(g,2) has factors { def R=basering; g=simplify(g,1); poly f=jet(g,2); list L=factorize(f); if(L[2][2]==1) { ring S=(0,t),(var(1),var(2)),ds; poly f=fetch(R,f); poly g=fetch(R,g); minpoly=t2+leadcoef(f/(var(1)*var(2)))*t+leadcoef(f/var(2)^2); list L=factorize(f); export L; export g; } else { def S=R; export L; } setring R; return(S); } /* ring R=0,(x,y),ds; poly g=x2=y2+x4+xy11; factorExt(g); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc onedim_ICIS(ideal I) "USAGE: onedim_ICIS(l); I is an ideal ASSUME: I is given by two generators PURPOSE: Check whether the ideal defines a complete intersection singularity of dimension 1 or not RETURN: String type in the classification of Giusti,M, of 1-dimesnional complete inetersection singualrity @* or The given singularity is not simple EXAMPLE: example onedim_ICIS; shows an example " { int m,t,r; poly g1,g2,f1,f2; string rem; list A,B; f1=I[1]; f2=I[2]; // I=nf_icis(I); m=genericmilnor(I); t=tjurina(I); if(m==-1) { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(m!=t) // in ICIS milnor=tjurina { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } g1=jet(f1,2); g2=jet(f2,2); if((ord(g1)==1)||(ord(g2)==1)){return(arnoldsimple(I,m));} if(g1==0) { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(g2==0) { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } rem=typejet2(g1,g2); if(rem=="type1") { return("S_5:(x2+y2+z2,yz)"); } if(rem=="type2") { return("S_"+string(m)+":(x2+y2+z"+string(m-3)+",yz)"); } if(rem=="type3") { if(m==7) { return("T_7:(x2+y3+z3,yz)"); } if(m==8) { return("T_8:(x2+y3+z4,yz)"); } if(m==9) { B=Semigroup(I); B=changeType(B); A=list(list(2,5),list(2,3)); if(compLL(A,B)) { return("T_9:(x2+y3+z5,yz)"); } } return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(rem=="type4") { if(m==7) { return("U_7:(x2+yz,xy+z3)"); } if(m==8) { return("U_8:(x2+yz+z3,xy)"); } if(m==9) { return("U_9:(x2+yz,xy+z4)"); } return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(rem=="type5") { if(m==8) { return("W_8:(x2+z3,y2+xz)"); } if(m==9) { return("W_9:(x2+yz2,y2+xz)"); } return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(rem=="type6") { if(m==9) { return("Z_9:(x2+z3,y2+z3)"); } if(m==10) { return("Z_10:(x2+yz2,y2+z3)"); } return("The given singularity is not simple"); } if(rem=="not simple") { return("The given singularity is not simple"); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=x2+8xy+16y2+2xz+8yz+z2+yz2+9z3,y2+xz+22yz+82z2; onedim_ICIS(I); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc arnoldsimple(ideal I,int m) "USAGE: arnoldsimple(I,m); I is an ideal, m is an integer greater or equal to milnor number of the ideal I ASSUME: I is given by two generators and one of the generator of the ideal I is of order 1 PURPOSE: check whether the ideal defines a hypersurface simple complete intersection singularity or not RETURN: string type in the classification of Arnold, @* or The given singularity is not simple EXAMPLE: example arnoldsimple; shows an example " { //if one generator is of order 1 we reduce case to hypersurface case def R=basering; if(ord(I[1])==1) { poly g=specialNF(I[2],I[1],m); ring S=0,(var(2),var(3)),ds; setring S; poly g=imap(R,g); string dd=complexSingType(g); int e=modality(g); setring R; if(e==0) { return(dd); } if(e!=0) { return( "The given singularity is not simple"); } } if(ord(I[2])==1) { I=I[2],I[1]; return(arnoldsimple(I,m)); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=x+y2,y3+z4+xy11; arnoldsimple(I,6); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc specialNF(poly g,poly f,int m) "USAGE: specialNF(g,f); g,f are polynomials, m is an integer greater or equal to milnor number of the ideal I=(g,h) ASSUME: f is of order 1 and f=x+higher RETURN: poly g not involving x (Using implicit fn thm) { poly k; list T=linearpart(g,f); f=T[1]; g=T[2]; poly h=var(1)-f; while(1) { g=subst(g,var(1),h); k=jet(g,m); if(diff(k,var(1))==0) { break; } } return(k); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; poly f=x+y2; poly g=y3+z4+xy11; speciaNF(g,f,6); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc linearpart(poly g,poly f) // f=linear part+higher,g output list T,T[1]=x+higher term,T[2]=g "USAGE: specialNF(g,f); g,f are polynomials ASSUME: f=lineat part+higher that is f is of order 1 RETURN: list T, T[1]=x+higher and T[2]=g' { def R=basering; poly i,j,k; list T; i=diff(jet(f,1),var(1)); j=diff(jet(f,1),var(2)); k=diff(jet(f,1),var(3)); if(i!=0) { ideal M=maxideal(1); M[1]=(var(1)-((j*var(2)+k*var(3))/leadcoef(f)))/leadcoef(f); map phi=R,M; f=phi(f); g=phi(g); } if(i==0) { if(j!=0) { map phi=R,var(2),var(1),var(3); f=phi(f); g=phi(g); return(linearpart(g,f)); } if(k!=0) { map phi=R,var(3),var(2),var(1); f=phi(f); g=phi(g); return(linearpart(g,f)); } } T[1]=f; T[2]=g; return(T); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; poly f=x+2y+y2; poly g=y3+z4+zy11; lineatpart(g,f); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc typejet2(poly g1,poly g2) "USAGE: typejet2(g1,g2); g1,g2 are polynomials ASSUME: g1,g2 are homogenous polynomials of degree 2 PURPOSE: Check whether (g1,g2) is a quadratic form in the list of Guisti or not RETURN: string type for the quadratic forms appearing in Guist's list @* or not simple { def R=basering; ideal I=(g1,g2); def S=absPrimdecGTZ(I); setring S; list L,T; int e,i,j; intvec a,a1; L=primary_decomp; for(j=1;j<=size(L);j++) { if(dim(std(L[j][1]))!=2) { return("not simple"); } } T=absolute_primes; for(i=1;i<=size(T);i++) { e=e+T[i][2]; } if(e==4) { setring R; return("type1"); } if(e==3) { setring R; return("type2"); } if(e==2) { ideal J=std(L[1][1]); ideal J1=std(L[2][1]); a=hilbPoly(J); a1=hilbPoly(J1); if((a[2]==2)&&(a1[2]==2)) { setring R; return("type3"); } if(((a[2]==3)&&(a1[2]==1))||((a[2]==1)&&(a1[2]==3))) //||(a[2]==1)&&(a1[2]==3)) { setring R; return("type4"); } } if(e==1) { setring R; // I lies in R and zero in S1 ideal JJ=radical(I); JJ=JJ^3; ideal JJJ=reduce(JJ,std(I)); if(size(JJJ)==0) { return("type6"); } if(size(JJJ)!=0) { return("type5"); } } setring R; return("not simple"); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; poly g1=x2+yz; poly g2=xy; typejet2(g1,g2); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc compL(list L,list M) { int l,m,i,j; l=size(L); m=size(M); if(l!=m) {return(0);} for(i=1;i<=m;i++) { if(L[i]!=M[i]) {return(0);} } return(1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc compLL(list L,list M) "USAGE: compLL(L,M); L, M are lists PURPOSE: Check whether the lists are equal or not RETURN: 1 if both lists are equal upto a permutation @* 0 if both are not equal { int l,m,i,j,s; l=size(L); m=size(M); if(l!=m) {return(0);} for(i=1;i<=m;i++) { for(j=1;j<=m;j++) { if(compL(L[i],M[j])) { s++; break; } } } if(s==m) {return(1);} if(s!=m) { return(0); } } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; list L=(1),(2,3),(2,5); list T=(2,3),(1),(2,5); compLL(L,T); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc changeType(list L) "USAGE: changeType(L); L is a list of intvectors PURPOSE: Change the list of intvectors to the list of lists RETURN: List of lists { int i,j; list T; for(i=1;i<=size(L);i++) { list S; for(j=1;j<=size(L[i]);j++) { S[j]=L[i][j]; } T[size(T)+1]=S; kill S; } return(T); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; list B=(4,6,7); changeType(B); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc genericmilnor(ideal I) "USAGE: genericmilnor(l); I is an ideal PURPOSE: Computes the milnor number of generic linear combination of the ideal I RETURN: Milnor number of I if it is finite @* or -1 if it is not finite { int m=milnor(I); int i,a,b; if(m>=0) { return(m); } def R=basering; def R1=changechar(32003,R); setring R1; ideal I; while(i<10) { i++; a=random(-100,100); b=random(-100,100); while(a==0) { a=random(-100,100); } while(b==0) { b=random(-100,100); } I=imap(R,I); I[1]=a*I[1]+b*I[2]; m=milnor(I); if(m>=0) { setring R; return(m); } } setring R; return(-1); } /* ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=x2+z3,y2+z3; genericmilnor(I); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Semigroup(ideal I) "USAGE: Semigroup(l); I is an ideal PURPOSE: Computes the semigroup of the ideal I corresponding to each branch RETURN: list of semigroup of ideal I corresponding to each branch EXAMPLE: Semigroup; shows an example " { list L=facstd(I); list RE,JE,PE; if(size(L)==1) { RE=CurveRes(L[1]); RE=semi_group(RE); return(RE); } ideal J,K; list T,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,H; int i,j,l; for(i=1;i<=size(L);i++) { RE=CurveRes(radical(L[i])) ; T1[i]=semi_group(RE); for(j=i+1;j<=size(L);j++) { JE=CurveRes(radical(L[j])); T2[j]=semi_group(JE); J=L[i]+L[j]; if(dim(std(J))!=1) { break; } K=slocus(J); if(K[1]==1) { T3=1;} else { PE=CurveRes(radical(J)); T3=semi_group(PE); } T4=commonpartlists(T1[i],T3); T5=commonpartlists(T2[j],T3); if(compLL(T4,T5)) { T1[i]=del(T1[i],T4); } } for(l=1;l<=size(T1[i]);l++) { H[size(H)+1]=T1[i][l]; } } return(H); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=x2+y3+z5,yz; Semigroup(I); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc del(list L,list M) "USAGE: del(L,M); L and M are two lists PURPOSE: Delete common part of list M from List L RETURN: list L { int i,j; for(i=1;i<=size(M);i++) { for(j=1;j<=size(L);j++) { if(compL(L[j],M[i])) {L=delete(L,j);} } } return(L); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc commonpartlists(list L,list M) "USAGE: commonpart(L,M); L and M are two lists PURPOSE: Computes the intersetion of two list RETURN: list T { list T; int i,m,l,j,k; m=size(M); l=size(L); if(l>=m) { for(i=1;i<=m;i++) { for(j=1;j<=l;j++) { if(compLL(M[i],L[j])) { T[k+1]=M[i]; k++; } } } } return(T); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc semi_group(list H) "USAGE: semi_group(H); H list COMPUTE:Weierstrass semigroup of space curve C,which is given by an ideal RETURN: list A , which gives generators set of the Weierstrass semigroup corresponding to each irreducible component of C { int i,d,u,v,w,k; int j=1; int e=1; def R=basering; list A; string mpo; list LL; for(k=1;k<=size(H);k++) { LL=CurveParam(H[k]); def S=LL[1]; setring S; list TT; for(i=1;i<=size(Param);i++) { d=deg(Param[i][2]); TT=Param[i]; mpo=string(Param[i][2]); ring S1=(0,a),(t),ds; setring S1; execute("minpoly="+mpo+";"); list TT=imap(S,TT); list T; ideal J1; for(u=1;u<=size(TT[1]);u++) { J1[u]=TT[1][u]; } J1=simplify(J1,2); J1=sagbiAlg(J1); w=Classify_aeq::ConductorBound(J1); J1=lead(J1); list TTT; for(v=1;v<=size(J1);v++) { TTT[v]=J1[v]; } for(j=1;j<=d;j++) { T=WSemigroup(TTT,w); A[e]=T[1]; // intersted only in semigroup e++; } setring S; kill S1; kill T; } setring R; kill S; } return(A); } //==============================Examples====================================== /* //=========Examples of Isolated simple complete intersection singularities====== ring R=0,(x,y),ds; ideal M=maxideal(1); //====================== ideal I=x2+y3,xy11; M[1]=x; M[2]=x+3y+xy; map phi=R,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I); //====================== ideal I=xy,x5+y4; M[1]=x+4y; M[2]=y; map phi=R,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I); //====================== ideal I=x2,y4; M[1]=x+xy2; M[2]=x+y+x2+y2; map phi=R,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I) //=========================================== ideal I=x2+y11,x2y3+xy4; classifyicis(I); //====================== ring S=0,(u,v),dp; ideal N=maxideal(1); //====================== ideal J=u2+v7,uv2; N[1]=u+3v+uv+u3v; N[2]=v; map si=S,N; J=si(J); classifyicis(J); //====================== ideal J=u2+v2+uv5+v11,uv4+v5; classifyicis(I); //=========================================== ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal M=maxideal(1); //====================== ideal I=x2+y3+z5,yz; classifyicis(I); //====================== ideal I=x2+z3,y2+z3; classificis(I); //====================== ideal I=x2+yz+z3,xy; M[3]=x+4y+3z+x2y; map phi=R,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I); //====================== ideal I=x2+y3+z6,yz+xy3; classifyicis(I); //============================================ ideal I=x2+z3,y2+xz; M[2]=x+3y; map phi=R,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I); //============================================ ring S=0,(u,v,w),ds; ideal M=maxideal(1); ideal I=u2+vw+w3,uv; M[1]=u+3v+3vw+w2; map phi=S,M; I=phi(I); classifyicis(I); //==========Examples of Semigroup of the space curves==================== ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; ideal I=xy+z3,xz+z2y2+y6; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=xy,xz+z3+z2y3+y11; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=xy+z4,xz+y6+yz2; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=xy+z2,x2+z2y+5y4; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=x2+yz2,y2+z3; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=x2+yz,xy+z4; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=xy,xz+z3+z2y5+2y15; Semigroup(I); //====================== ideal I=xy,xz+z3+zy9; Semigroup(I); //====================== */