echo = 2; "ndebug?: ", system("with", "ndebug"); "om_ndebug?: ", system("with", "om_ndebug"); if( system("with", "ndebug") ) { "Loading the Release version!"; LIB(""); } else { "Loading the Debug version!"; LIB(""); } printBlackboxTypes(); bigintm_setup(); printBlackboxTypes(); bigintm_setup(); // error is expected!!! printBlackboxTypes(); bigintm a = 666; bigintm b = -666; typeof(a); // TODO! a; typeof(b); // TODO! b; a + b; typeof(_); a - b; a * b; typeof(_); $ // the rest is more for checking the Singular interpreter! a(); typeof(_); a(b); typeof(_); def s = "sssss"; typeof(s); a(s); a("bbbbbb"); def i = 6; typeof(i); a(i); a(6); b(2); bigintm c = 666; a==a; // BUG? a==b; // BUG? a==c; // BUG? c == 666; c == -666; c.s; c.sss; c."a"; option(yacc); c - s; c == s; // BUG? option(noyacc); c.0; // BUG? option(yacc); c.1; // BUG? c. ; // BUG? option(noyacc); $$$