//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version resgraph.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id$ category="Visualization"; info=" LIBRARY: resgraph.lib Visualization of Resolution Data AUTHOR: A. Fruehbis-Krueger, anne@mathematik.uni-kl.de, NOTE: This library uses the external programs surf, graphviz and xv. @* Input data is assumed to originate from resolve.lib and reszeta.lib PROCEDURES: InterDiv(M[,name]) dual graph of resolution of a surface (uses graphviz,xv) ResTree(L,M[,name]) tree of charts of resolution (uses graphviz,xv) finalCharts(L,...) pictures of final charts of surface (uses surf) "; proc InterDiv(intmat M, list #) "USAGE: InterDiv(M[,name]); @* M = matrix @* name = string ASSUME: - M is first list entry of output of 'intersectionDiv' @* from library reszeta.lib @* - write permission in the current directory or in the @* directory in which the file with name 'name' resides CREATE: file 'name.jpg' containing dual graph of resolution @* if filename is given NOTE: only available on UNIX-type systems and programs @* 'xv' (X11/Xorg package) and 'dot' (Graphviz package) need to @* be in the standard search PATH RETURN: nothing, only generating graphics output in separate window EXAMPLE: not available (for technical reasons) " { "Warning: alpha testing version of this procedure"; int i,j; string tempstr; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // build up temporary filename and open file for writing //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(size(#)>0) { if((typeof(#[1])=="string") && (goodFilename(#[1]))) { string @filename=#[1]; } else { ERROR("Second argument should specify a WRITABLE file"); } } if(!defined(@filename)) { string @filename=buildFilename("InterDiv.dot"); } link eing=":w "+@filename; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // write input for external program dot to file //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(eing,"graph G{"); for(i=1;i<=ncols(M);i++) { if(M[i,i]!=-2) { tempstr=string(i)+"[shape=circle,label=\""+string(M[i,i])+"\"];"; } else { tempstr=string(i)+"[shape=point,label=\" \"];"; } write(eing,tempstr); } for(i=1;i<=nrows(M);i++) { for(j=i+1;j<=ncols(M);j++) { if(M[i,j]!=0) { tempstr=string(i) + "--" + string(j) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); } } } write(eing,"}"); close(eing); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // produce graphics output using the programs dot and xv //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- string outfile=@filename + ".jpg"; if(!find(outfile,"/")) { //--- xv needs fully qualified path to file outfile=system("getenv","PWD") + "/" + outfile; } j=system("sh","dot -Tjpg " + @filename + " -o "+ outfile); j=system("sh","xv " + outfile + " &"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clean up if necessary //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Currently showing graphics in separate window"; "Press to continue"; pause(); if((size(#)==0)&&(find(@filename,"/tmp/"))) { //--- do not leave any garbage in the public directories j=system("sh","/bin/rm " + outfile + " " + @filename); } return(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //static proc goodFilename(string datei) { //--- check whether the specified file datei is writable for us if(!system("sh","touch " + datei + " > /dev/null 2>&1")) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //static proc buildFilename(string datei) { if(goodFilename(datei)) { return(datei); } if(find(datei,"/")) { ERROR("Specified directory/file is not writable"); } datei="/tmp/" + datei; if(goodFilename(datei)) { return(datei); } //--- not reached ERROR("At least /tmp should be writable"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc ResTree(list re, intmat DivMat, list #) "USAGE: ResTree(L,M[,name][,mark]); @* L = list @* M = matrix @* name = string @* mark = intvec ASSUME: - L is the output of 'resolve' from resolve.lib @* - M is first entry of output of 'collectDiv(L);' from reszeta.lib @* - write permission in the current directory or in the @* directory in which the file with name 'name' resides @* - mark intvec of size size(L[2]) @* mark[i]=0 (default) border of box black @* mark[i]=1 border of box red CREATE: file 'name.jpg' containing the tree of charts of L @* if filename is given NOTE: only available on UNIX-type systems and programs @* 'xv' (X11/Xorg package) and 'dot' (Graphviz package) need to @* be in the standard search PATH RETURN: nothing, only generating graphics output in separate window EXAMPLE: not available (for technical reasons) " { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and definition of the temporary filename //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i,j,dimC,jsave; string tempstr; def R=basering; if(size(#)>0) { if(typeof(#[1])=="string") { if(goodFilename(#[1])) { string @filename=#[1]; } else { ERROR("optional argument of type string "+ "should specify a writable file."); } } if(typeof(#[1])=="intvec") { intvec @rot=#[1]; } } if(size(#)>1) { if((typeof(#[2])=="string")&&(!defined(@filename))) { if(goodFilename(#[1])) { string @filename=#[1]; } else { ERROR("optional argument of type string "+ "should specify a writable file."); } } if((typeof(#[2])=="intvec")&&(!defined(@rot))) { intvec @rot=#[2]; } } if(!defined(@filename)) { string @filename=buildFilename("ResTree.dot"); } if(!defined(@rot)) { intvec @rot; @rot[size(re[2])]=0; } link eing=":w "+@filename; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // writing the input to the program dot into a file //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(eing,"graph G{"); tempstr="1[shape=box,label=\"chart 1\"];"; write(eing,tempstr); for(i=2;i<=size(re[2]);i++) { tempstr=string(i)+"[shape=box,label=\"chart " + string(i) + "\\nE:"+string(simplify(ideal(DivMat[i,1..ncols(DivMat)]),2)) + " \""; if(@rot[i]==1) { tempstr=tempstr + "color=\"red\"];"; } else { tempstr=tempstr + "];"; } write(eing,tempstr); } for(i=2;i<=size(re[2]);i++) { def S=re[2][i]; setring S; j=int(leadcoef(path[1,ncols(path)])); if(j!=jsave) { def T=re[2][j]; setring T; dimC=dim(std(BO[1]+cent)); setring S; kill T; } setring R; kill S; if(j!=jsave) { tempstr=string(j) + "--" + string(i) +"[label=\"d=" + string(dimC) + "\"];"; jsave=j; } else { tempstr=string(j) + "--" + string(i) +";"; } write(eing,tempstr); } write(eing,"}"); close(eing); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create the graphics output using the programs dot and xv //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- string outfile=@filename + ".jpg"; if(!find(outfile,"/")) { //--- xv needs fully qualified path to file outfile=system("getenv","PWD") + "/" + outfile; } j=system("sh", "dot -Tjpg " + @filename + " -o "+ outfile); j=system("sh","/usr/bin/X11/xv " + outfile + "&"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clean up public directories if necessary //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Currently showing graphics in separate window"; "Press to continue"; pause(); if(find(@filename,"/tmp/")) { //--- do not leave any garbage in the public directories j=system("sh","/bin/rm " + @filename + ".jpg "+ @filename); } return(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc finalCharts(list re, list inter, intvec endiv, list #) "USAGE: finalCharts(L1,L2,iv[,name]); @* L1 = list @* L2 = list @* iv = intvec @* name = string ASSUME: - L1 is the output of 'resolve' from resolve.lib @* - L2 is the output of 'intersectionDiv(L1)' from reszeta.lib @* - iv is the first entry of the output of 'abstractR(L1)' @* - write permission in the current directory or in the @* directory in which the file with name 'name' resides CREATE: - new windows in which surf-images of the final charts are presented @* - several '.ras' files in the directory in which 'name' resides NOTE: only available on UNIX-type systems @* external programs 'surf' and 'xv' (X11/Xorg package) need to be @* in the standard search PATH RETURN: nothing, only generating graphics output in separate window EXAMPLE: not available (for technical reasons) " { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and Sanity Checks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i,j,k,a,b,cnt,whichE,offset,haveDcE8; def R=basering; list endCharts; string fname,tempstr; for(i=1;i<=size(endiv);i++) { if(endiv[i]==1) { endCharts[size(endCharts)+1]=i; //--- Sanity checks for the chart i if(nvars(re[2][i])!=3) { ERROR("This chart is not embedded in 3-dimensional space"); } if(defined(S)){kill S;} def S=re[2][i]; setring S; if(dim(std(BO[1]+BO[2]))!=2) { ERROR("Strict Transform is not a surface"); } if(size(equidim(BO[1]+BO[2]))!=1) { ERROR("Strict Transform has lower dimensional components."); } //--- put the missing information into dcE, if necessary for(k=1;k<=size(dcE);k++) { for(j=1;j<=size(dcE[k]);j++) { if(deg(std(dcE[k][j][1])[1])!=0) { if(size(dcE[k][j][1]) < 8) { setring R; k=prepareDcE(re,inter,endiv); setring S; } haveDcE8=1; break; } } if(haveDcE8!=0) break; } setring R; } } if(!defined(colorlist)) { list colorlist; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { colorlist[i]="curve_red = "+string((i-1)*25)+"; curve_green = "+ string(255-(i-1)*25)+"; curve_blue = "+ string(((i-1) mod 5)*50)+";"; } } else { "Warning!"; "Using colors specified in variable colorlist. No syntax checks"; "performed on the content of this list."; "If built-in colors should be used, please rename the global"; "object colorlist"; } if(ncols(inter[1])>size(colorlist)) { ERROR("Too many exceptional curves on this surface....."); } if((size(endCharts)>20)&&(size(#)==0)) { ERROR("More than 20 final charts..."); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Determine the basename of the temporary files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(size(#)>0) { if((typeof(#[1])=="string") && (goodFilename(#[1]))) { string fnamebase=#[1]; } else { ERROR("Second argument should specify a WRITABLE file"); } } if(!defined(@fnamebase)) { string fnamebase=buildFilename("Chart"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Go through all final charts and write a separate surf input file for each //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(i=1;i<=size(endCharts);i++) { fname=fnamebase + string(endCharts[i]) + ".surf"; if(defined(eing)){kill eing;} link eing=":w "+fname; //--- define surf's root finding algorithm tempstr="root_finder = d_chain_bisection; epsilon = 0.000000001;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define image size tempstr="int wid = 480;width = wid; height = wid;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define ambient lighting tempstr="ambient=50;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define background colour: some shade of gray tempstr="background_red=200; background_green=200; background_blue=200;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define surface colour (one side): tempstr="surface_red=22; surface_green=150; surface_blue=255;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define surface colour (other side): tempstr="inside_red=255; inside_green=192; inside_blue=0;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- define scaling factor tempstr="scale_x=0.5; scale_y=0.5; scale_z=0.5;"; write(eing,tempstr); //--- rotate a little bit tempstr="rot_y=0.9013941717697173; rot_x=-0.5556596516994916; rot_z=0.103062920202253447;"; write(eing,tempstr); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // change to the chart and extract the equation of the surface // then draw the surface //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(defined(S)){kill S;} def S=re[2][endCharts[i]]; setring S; //--- define equation of strict transform (hypersurface of dim 2) ideal drawJ=simplify(mstd(radical(BO[1]+BO[2]))[2],2); if(size(drawJ)>1) { //!!! unnoetig! Da kann man auch surface2,... machen ERROR("Did not find generator of principal ideal " + string(drawJ)); } tempstr="poly f = " + map2Surf(string(drawJ[1])) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); tempstr="surface = f;draw_surface;"; write(eing,tempstr); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // now consider all exceptional curves in this chart separately // and draw them //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(!defined(dcE)) { //--- Oups, exceptional curves not yet decomposed in this chart //--- should not happen in practice ERROR("The procedure intersectionDiv has not been used on this tree of charts"); } for(j=1;j<=size(dcE);j++) { //--- Run through all exceptional divisors (in the embedded sense) for(k=1;k<=size(dcE[j]);k++) { //--- Run through all curves corresponding to the current divisor if(deg(std(dcE[j][k][1])[1])==0) { //--- This one is empty - skip it k++; if(k>size(dcE[j])) {break;} continue; } for(a=1;a<=size(inter[3]);a++) { //--- this curve belongs to which (Q-irred.) divisor in global numbering? if(inIVList(intvec(endCharts[i],j,k),inter[3][a])) break; } if(a>size(inter[3])) { //--- curve not found in list ERROR("Inconsistency between data of arguments 1 and 2"); } whichE=a; offset=0; for(a=1;a we ignore the other curves //--- 2) we can only form substrings of named strings: tempstr=dcE[j][k][6]; // give it a name tempstr=tempstr[b+1..tempint-1]; // find correct substring tempstr="poly f" + string(offset+dcE[j][k][8][a])+ "_" + string(b+1) + " = " + map2Surf(plugInNumZero(tempstr,dcE[j][k][7][a])) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); tempstr="cutsurface" + string(cnt) + " = f" + string(offset+dcE[j][k][8][a]) + "_" +string(b+1) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); cnt++; } b=tempint; // save end-mark tempint=find(dcE[j][k][6],",",b+1); // next one please } if(!find(dcE[j][k][7][a],"i")) { tempstr=dcE[j][k][6]; // as before, but for last tempstr=tempstr[b+1..size(tempstr)]; // fragment tempstr="poly f" + string(offset+dcE[j][k][8][a])+ "_" + string(b+1) + " = " + map2Surf(plugInNumZero(tempstr,dcE[j][k][7][a])) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); tempstr="cutsurface" + string(cnt)+ " = f" + string(offset+dcE[j][k][8][a]) + "_" +string(b+1) + ";"; write(eing,tempstr); cnt++; } //--- draw the curve on the surface if(cnt>1) { tempstr=colorlist[offset+dcE[j][k][8][a]]; write(eing,tempstr); write(eing,"cut_with_surface;"); } kill tempint; } } } if(!find(fnamebase,"/")) { //--- xv needs fully qualified path to file if(defined(outfile)) {kill outfile;} string outfile=system("getenv","PWD") + "/" + fnamebase; } if(!defined(outfile)) { tempstr="filename = \"" + fnamebase + string(endCharts[i]) + ".ras\";"; } else { tempstr="filename = \"" + outfile + string(endCharts[i]) + ".ras\";"; } write(eing,tempstr); tempstr="color_file_format = sun;"; write(eing,tempstr); tempstr="save_color_image;"; write(eing,tempstr); close(eing); j=system("sh", "surf -n " + fnamebase +string(endCharts[i]) + ".surf"); if(!defined(outfile)) { j=system("sh","/usr/bin/X11/xv " + fnamebase + string(endCharts[i]) + ".ras &"); } else { j=system("sh","/usr/bin/X11/xv " + outfile + string(endCharts[i]) + ".ras &"); kill outfile; } "Currently showing graphics for chart "+string(endCharts[i]) +" in separate window"; "Press to continue"; pause(); } return(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static proc plugInNumZero(string f,string num) { int i; string fStr=f; i=find(fStr,"t"); while(i!=0) { fStr = string(fStr[1..i-1]) + "(" + num + ")" + string(fStr[i+1..size(fStr)]); i=find(fStr,"t"); } return(fStr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static proc replaceInStr(string alles, string alt, string neu) { int i=find(alles,alt); while(i!=0) { if((i-1)<1) { if(size(alt)==size(alles)) { alles=neu; } else { alles=neu + string(alles[i+size(alt)..size(alles)]); } } else { if(i+size(alt)>size(alles)) { alles=string(alles[1..i-1]) + neu; } else { alles=string(alles[1..i-1]) + neu + string(alles[i+size(alt)..size(alles)]); } } i=find(alles,alt); } return(alles); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static proc map2Surf(string str) { str=replaceInStr(str,string(var(1)),"x"); str=replaceInStr(str,string(var(2)),"y"); str=replaceInStr(str,string(var(3)),"z"); return(str); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static proc prepareDcE(list re, list inter, list endCharts) { def R=basering; //---Test whether we are in the irreducible surface case def S=re[2][1]; setring S; BO[2]=BO[2]+BO[1]; // make sure we are living in the smooth W if(dim(std(BO[2]))!=2) { ERROR("The given original object is not a surface"); } if(dim(std(slocus(BO[2])))>0) { ERROR("The given original object has non-isolated singularities."); } setring R; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute a non-embedded resolution from the given embedded one by // dropping redundant trailing blow-ups //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- compute non-embedded resolution int ii,j,k,a,b,comPa; list abst=abstractR(re); intvec endiv=abst[1]; intvec deleted=abst[2]; //--- identify the divisors in the various final charts list iden0=collectDiv(re,deleted)[2]; // list of final divisors //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For each Q-irred. divisor (specified in inter[3]), run through all // occurrences and identify the different C-components //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(ii=1;ii<=size(inter[3]);ii++) { //--- run through all Q-irred. curves, //--- set up the first occurrence for reference if(defined(S)) {kill S;} def S=re[2][inter[3][ii][1][1]]; // inter[3] = list of Q-irred div. // inter[3][ii] = ii-th thereof // inter[3][ii][1] = first occurrence // inter[3][ii][1][1] = corr. chart index setring S; dcE[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][8]= intvec(1..ncols(dcE[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][4])); //--- prepare the ideal of the divisor for mapping to different chart if(defined(idlist1)){kill idlist1;} list idlist1; idlist1[1]=dcE[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][6]; exportto(Top,idlist1); for(j=2;j<=size(inter[3][ii]);j++) { //--- now do the comparison with the other occurrences //--- 1. find a common parent for inter[3][ii][1][1] and inter[3][ii][j][1] if(defined(S)){kill S;} def S=re[2][inter[3][ii][j][1]]; setring S; if(defined(opath)){kill opath;} def opath=imap(re[2][inter[3][ii][1][1]],path); k=1; while(opath[1,k]==path[1,k]) { k++; if((k>ncols(opath))||(k>ncols(path))) break; } comPa=int(leadcoef(opath[1,k-1])); //--- 2. use fetchInTree to transfer the C-components if(defined(str)) {kill str;} if(defined(il)) {kill il;} if(defined(mpi)) {kill mpi;} if(defined(nulli)) {kill nulli;} string str="idlist1"; attrib(str,"algext",imap(re[2][inter[3][ii][1][1]],dcE)[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][5]); list il=fetchInTree(re,inter[3][ii][1][1],comPa,inter[3][ii][j][1],str,iden0,1); list nulli=imap(re[2][inter[3][ii][1][1]],dcE)[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][7]; string mpi=imap(re[2][inter[3][ii][1][1]],dcE)[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][5]; if(mpi!=dcE[inter[3][ii][j][2]][inter[3][ii][j][3]][5]) { ERROR("Problem identifying the appropriate field extension.!"); } if(defined(ringt)){kill ringt;} ring ringt=0,(t),dp; if(defined(St)){kill St;} def St=S+ringt; setring St; if(defined(strId)) {kill strId;} string strId="ideal id1=" + il[1] + ";"; execute(strId); id1=std(id1); strId="ideal idj=" + imap(S,dcE)[inter[3][ii][j][2]][inter[3][ii][j][3]][6] + ";"; execute(strId); idj=std(idj); if(defined(nullj)){kill nullj;} list nullj=imap(S,dcE)[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][7]; if(defined(rcomp)){kill rcomp;} strId="ring rcomp=complex,(" +varstr(basering) +"),(" + ordstr(basering) + ");"; execute(strId); def id1=imap(St,id1); def idj=imap(St,idj); ideal id10,idj0; if(defined(tintvec)){kill tintvec;} intvec tintvec; tintvec[size(nullj)]=0; for(a=1;a<=size(nullj);a++) { if(defined(numa)) {kill numa;} strId="number numa=" + string(nullj[a]) + ";"; execute(strId); idj0=subst(idj,t,numa); for(b=1;b<=size(nulli);b++) { if(defined(numb)) {kill numb;} strId="number numb=" + string(nulli[b]) + ";"; execute(strId); id10=subst(id1,t,numb); attrib(id10,"isSB",1); if(size(reduce(idj0,id10))==0) { tintvec[a]=b; break; } } if(!find(string(tintvec),string(b))) { ~; ERROR("Problem identifying C-components in different charts."); } } setring S; dcE[inter[3][ii][1][2]][inter[3][ii][1][3]][8]=tintvec; } } return(0); }