// $Id: inout.lib,v 1.9 1999-07-06 15:32:49 Singular Exp $ // system("random",787422842); // (GMG/BM, last modified 22.06.96) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: inout.lib,v 1.9 1999-07-06 15:32:49 Singular Exp $"; info=" LIBRARY: inout.lib PROCEDURES FOR MANIPULATING IN- AND OUTPUT PROCEDURES: allprint(list); print list if ALLprint is defined, with pause if >0 dbpri(n,list); print objects of list if int n<=printlevel lprint(poly/...[,n]); display poly/... fitting to pagewidth [size n] pmat(matrix[,n]); print form-matrix [first n chars of each colum] rMacaulay(string); read Macaulay_1 output and return its Singular format show(any); display any object in a compact format showrecursive(id,p); display id recursively with respect to variables in p split(string,n); split given string into lines of length n tab(n); string of n space tabs writelist(fil,nam,L); write the list L into a file `fil` and call it `nam` (parameters in square brackets [] are optional) "; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc allprint (list #) "USAGE: allprint(L); L list CREATE: display L[1], L[2], ... if an integer with name ALLprint is defined, makes \"pause\", if ALLprint > 0 listvar(matrix), if ALLprint = 2 RETURN: no return value EXAMPLE: example allprint; shows an example " { if( defined(ALLprint) ) { int i; for( i=1; i<=size(#); i=i+1 ) { print(#[i]); } if( ALLprint==2 ) { pause(); listvar(matrix); } if( ALLprint >0 ) { pause(); } } return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring S; matrix M=matrix(freemodule(2),3,3); int ALLprint; export ALLprint; allprint("M =",M); kill ALLprint; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc dbpri (int n ,list #) "USAGE: dbpri(n,L); n integer, L list CREATE: display L[1], L[2], ... if an integer with name printlevel is defined and if n<=printlevel, set printlevel to 0 if it is not defined RETURN: no return value NOTE: this is uesful to control the printing of comments or partial results in a procedure, e.g. for debugging a procedure. It is similair but not the same as the internal function dbprint EXAMPLE: example dbpri; shows an example " { int i; if( defined(printlevel)==0 ) { int printlevel; export printlevel; } if( n<=printlevel ) { for( i=1; i<=size(#); i=i+1 ) { print(#[i]); } } return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring s; module M=freemodule(3); dbpri(0,"M =",M); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc lprint "USAGE: lprint(id[,n]); id poly/ideal/vector/module/matrix, n integer RETURN: string of id in a format fitting into lines of size n; if only one argument is present, n = pagewidth NOTE: id is printed columnwise, each column separated by a blank line; hence lprint(transpose(id)); displays a matrix id in a format which can be used as input to reproduce id EXAMPLE: example lprint; shows an example " { if (size(#)==1) { int n = pagewidth-3; } else {int n = #[2]-3; } matrix M = matrix(#[1]); poly p,h,L; string s1,s,S; int jj,ii,a; for (jj=1; jj<=ncols(M); jj=jj+1) { for (ii=1; ii<=nrows(M); ii=ii+1) { a=2; if (a+size(string(M[ii,jj])) <= n) {s = " "+string(M[ii,jj]);} else { h = lead(M[ii,jj]); p = M[ii,jj] - h; L = lead(p); while (p != 0) { if (a+size(string(h+L)) > n) { s = string(h); if (a != 0) { s = " "+s; } if (a == 0 and s[1] != "-") { s = "+" + s; } a=0; h=0; S=S+newline+s; } h = h + L; p = p - L; L = lead(p); } s = string(h); if (a == 0 and s[1] != "-") { s = "+" + s; } } if (ii != nrows(M)) { s = s+","; S=S+newline+s; } else { if (jj != ncols(M)) { s = s+","; S=S+newline+s+newline;} else { S=S+newline+s; } } } } return(S[2,size(S)-1]); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r= 0,(x,y,z),ds; poly f=((x+y)*(x-y)*(x+z)*(y+z)^2); short = 0; // no short output, use * and ^ lprint(f,40); newline; ideal i = f^2,x-y,(x+y)^2*f; short = 1; // short output, omit * and ^ lprint(i); newline; module m = [f^2,x-y,(x+y)^2*f],[0,x-y,f^2]; string s=lprint(m); s;""; // the following commands show how to use the string s=lprint(m) (defined // above) as input in order to reproduce m (by defining m1): execute("matrix M[2][3]="+s+";"); module m1 = transpose(M); m-m1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc pmat (matrix m, list #) "USAGE: pmat(M,[n]); M matrix, n integer CREATE: display M in array format if it fits into pagewidth, no return value; if n is given, only the first n characters of each colum are shown RETURN: no return value EXAMPLE: example pmat; shows an example " { //------------- main case: input is a matrix, no second argument--------------- if ( size(#)==0) { int elems,mlen,slen,c,r; //-------------- count maximal size of each column, and sum up ------------- for ( c=1; c<=ncols(m); c=c+1) { int len(c); for (r=1; r<=nrows(m); r=r+1) { elems = elems+1; string s(elems) = string(m[r,c])+","; slen = size(s(elems)); if ( slen>len(c) ) { len(c) = slen; } } mlen = mlen+len(c); } //---------------------- print all - except last - rows -------------------- string aus; string sep = " "; if (mlen >= pagewidth) { sep = newline; } for (r=1; r2 ) { if(s0[ii-2]!="+" and s0[ii-2]!="-" and s0[ii-2]!="," and s0[ii-2]!=newline) { s0 = s0[1,ii-2]+"*"+s0[ii-1,size(s0)-ii+2]; } } ii = find(s0,"["); } jj = find(s0,"]"); while ( jj!=0 ) { s0 = s0[1,jj-1]+")"+s0[jj+1,size(s0)-jj]; if(s0[jj+1]!="+"and s0[jj+1]!="-" and s0[jj+1]!="," and s0[jj+1]!="*") { s0 = s0[1,jj] + "^" + s0[jj+1,size(s0)-jj]; } jj = find(s0,"]"); } s0 = s0[1,size(s0)-2]; return(s0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; // Assume there exists a file 'Macid' with the following ideal in Macaulay // format:" // x[0]3-101/74x[0]2x[1]+7371x[0]x[1]2-13/83x[1]3-x[0]2x[2] \ // -4/71x[0]x[1]x[2]-65/64x[1]2x[2]-49/111x[0]x[2]2-x[1]x[2]2 \ // -747x[2]3+6072x[0]2x[3] // You can read this file into Singular and assign it to the string s1 by: // string s1 = read("Macid"); // This is equivalent to"; string s1 = "x[0]3-101/74x[0]2x[1]+7371x[0]x[1]2-13/83x[1]3-x[0]2x[2] \ -4/71x[0]x[1]x[2]-65/64x[1]2x[2]-49/111x[0]x[2]2-x[1]x[2]2 \ -747x[2]3+6072x[0]2x[3]"; rMacaulay(s1); // You may wish to assign s1 to a Singular ideal id: string sid = "ideal id =",rMacaulay(s1),";"; ring r = 0,x(0..3),dp; execute sid; id; ""; // The next example treats a matrix in Macaulay format. Using the execute // command, this could be assinged to a Singular matrix as above. string s2 = " 0 0 0 0 0 a3 0 0 0 0 0 b3 0 0 0 0 0 c3 0 0 0 0 0 d3 0 0 0 0 0 e3 "; rMacaulay(s2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc show (id, list #) "USAGE: show(id); id any object of basering or of type ring/qring show(R,s); R=ring, s=string (s = name of an object belonging to R) DISPLAY: display id/s in a compact format together with some information RETURN: no return value NOTE: objects of type string, int, intvec, intmat belong to any ring. id may be a ring or a qring. In this case the minimal polynomial is displayed, and, for a qring, also the defining ideal id may be of type list but the list must not contain a ring CAUTION: show(R,s) does not work inside a procedure EXAMPLE: example show; shows an example " { //------------- use funny names in order to avoid name conflicts -------------- int @li@, @ii; string @s@,@@s; int @short@=short; short=1; //----------------------------- check syntax ---------------------------------- if( size(#)!= 0 ) { if( typeof(#[1])=="int" ) { @li@=#[1]; } } if ( typeof(id)!="list" ) { if( size(#)==0 ) { def @id@ = id; } if( size(#)==1 ) { if( typeof(#[1])=="int" ) { def @id@ = id; } if( typeof(#[1])=="string" ) { if( typeof(id)=="ring" or typeof(id)=="qring") { def @R@ = id; setring @R@; def @id@=`#[1]`; } } } } //----------------------- case: id is of type list ---------------------------- if ( typeof(id)=="list" ) { // @@s = tab(@li@)+"// list, "+string(size(id))+" element(s):"; @@s = tab((3*(voice-2)))+"// list, "+string(size(id))+" element(s):"; @@s; for ( @ii=1; @ii<=size(id); @ii++ ) { if( typeof(id[@ii])!="none" ) { def @id(@ii) = id[@ii]; tab(3*(voice-2))+"["+string(@ii)+"]:"; // show(@id(@ii),@li@+3*(voice-1)); show(@id(@ii),3*(voice-1)); } else { "["+string(@ii)+"]:"; tab(@li@+2),"//",id[@ii]; } } short=@short@; return(); } if( defined(@id@)!=voice ) { "// wrong syntax, type help show;"; return();} //-------------------- case: @id@ belongs to any ring ------------------------- if( typeof(@id@)=="string" or typeof(@id@)=="int" or typeof(@id@)=="intvec" or typeof(@id@)=="intmat" or typeof(@id@)=="list" ) { if( typeof(@id@)!="intmat" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// "+typeof(@id@)+", size "+string(size(@id@)); @@s; } if( typeof(@id@)=="intmat" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// "+typeof(@id@)+", "+string(nrows(@id@))+" rows, " + string(ncols(@id@))+" columns"; @@s; } @id@; short=@short@; return(); } //-------------------- case: @id@ belongs to basering ------------------------- if( typeof(@id@)=="poly" or typeof(@id@)=="ideal" or typeof(@id@)=="matrix" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// "+ typeof(@id@); if( typeof(@id@)=="ideal" ) { @@s=@@s + ", "+string(ncols(@id@))+" generator(s)"; @@s; print(ideal(@id@)); } if( typeof(@id@)=="poly" ) { @@s=@@s + ", "+string(size(@id@))+" monomial(s)"; @@s; print(poly(@id@)); } if( typeof(@id@)=="matrix") { @@s=@@s + ", "+string(nrows(@id@))+"x"+string(ncols(@id@)); @@s; print(matrix(@id@)); } if( typeof(@id@)=="matrix") { @@s=@@s + ", "+string(nrows(@id@))+"x"+string(ncols(@id@)); @@s; print(matrix(@id@)); } short=@short@; return(); } if( typeof(@id@)=="vector" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// "+typeof(@id@); @@s; print(@id@); short=@short@; return(); } if( typeof(@id@)=="module" ) { @s@=", "+string(ncols(@id@))+" generator(s)"; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// "+ typeof(@id@)+ @s@; @@s; int @n@; for( @n@=1; @n@<=ncols(@id@); @n@=@n@+1 ) { print(@id@[@n@]); } short=@short@; return(); } if( typeof(@id@)=="number" or typeof(@id@)=="resolution" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// ", typeof(@id@); @@s; @id@; short=@short@; return(); } if( typeof(@id@)=="map" ) { def @map = @id@; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// i-th variable of preimage ring is mapped to @map[i]"; @@s; if( size(#)==0 ) { type @map; } if( size(#)==1 ) { if( typeof(#[1])=="int" ) { type @map; } if( typeof(#[1])=="string" ) { type `#[1]`; } } short=@short@; return(); } //---------------------- case: @id@ is a ring/qring --------------------------- if( typeof(@id@)=="ring" or typeof(@id@)=="qring" ) { setring @id@; string s="("+charstr(@id@)+"),("+varstr(@id@)+"),("+ordstr(@id@)+");"; if( typeof(@id@)=="ring" ) { kill @id@; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// ring:"; @@s,s; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// minpoly ="; @@s,minpoly; "// objects belonging to this ring:"; listvar(poly);listvar(ideal); listvar(vector);listvar(module); listvar(map);listvar(matrix); listvar(number);listvar(resolution); } if( typeof(@id@)=="qring" ) { @@s = tab(@li@)+"// qring:"; @@s,s; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// minpoly ="; @@s, minpoly; @@s = tab(@li@)+"// quotient ring from ideal:"; @@s; ideal(@id@); listvar(poly);listvar(ideal); listvar(vector);listvar(module); listvar(map);listvar(matrix); listvar(number);listvar(resolution); } short=@short@; //return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r; show(r); ideal i=x^3+y^5-6*z^3,xy,x3-y2; show(i,3); // introduce 3 space tabs before information vector v=x*gen(1)+y*gen(3); module m=v,2*v+gen(4); list L = i,v,m; show(L); ring S=(0,T),(a,b,c,d),ws(1,2,3,4); minpoly = T^2+1; ideal i=a2+b,c2+T^2*d2; i=std(i); qring Q=i; show(Q); map F=r,a2,b^2,3*c3; show(F); // Apply 'show' to i (which does not belong to the basering) by typing // ring r; ideal i=xy,x3-y2; ring Q; show(r,"i"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc showrecursive (id,poly p,list #) "USAGE: showrecursive(id,p[ord]); id=any object of basering, p=product of variables and ord=string (any allowed ordstr) DISPLAY: display 'id' in a recursive format as a polynomial in the variables occuring in p with coefficients in the remaining variables. Do this by mapping in a ring with parameters [and ordering 'ord', if a 3rd argument is present (default: ord=\"dp\")] and applying procedure 'show' RETURN: no return value EXAMPLE: example showrecursive; shows an example " { def P = basering; int ii; string newchar = charstr(P); string neword = "dp"; if( size(#) == 1 ) { neword = #[1]; } string newvar; for( ii=1; ii <= nvars(P); ii++ ) { if( p/var(ii) == 0 ) { newchar = newchar + ","+varstr(ii); } else { newvar = newvar + ","+varstr(ii); } } newvar = newvar[2,size(newvar)-1]; execute "ring newP=("+newchar+"),("+newvar+"),("+neword+");"; def id = imap(P,id); show(id); return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r=2,(a,b,c,d,x,y),ds; poly f=y+ax2+bx3+cx2y2+dxy3; showrecursive(f,x); showrecursive(f,xy,"lp"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc split (string s, list #) "USAGE: split(s[,n]); s string, n integer RETURN: same string, split into lines of length n separated by \ (default: n=pagewidth) NOTE: may be used in connection with lprint EXAMPLE: example split; shows an example " { string line,re; int p,l; if( size(#)==0 ) { int n=pagewidth; } else { int n=#[1]; } if( s[size(s),1] != newline ) { s=s+newline; } l=size(s); while( 1 ) { p=1; l=find(s,newline); line=s[1,l]; while( l>=n ) { re=re+line[p,n-2]+"\\"+newline; p=p+n-2; l=l-n+2; } re=re+line[p,l-1]+"\\"+newline; l=size(line); if( l>=size(s) ) break; s=s[l+1,size(s)-l]; } return (re[1,size(re)-2]); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r= 0,(x,y,z),ds; poly f = (x+y+z)^9; split(string(f),40); string s=split(lprint(f,40),40); s; split(lprint(f)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc tab (int n) "USAGE: tab(n); n integer RETURN: string of n space tabs EXAMPLE: example tab; shows an example " { if( n==0 ) { return(""); } string s=" "; return(s[1,n]); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; for(int n=0; n<=5; n=n+1) { tab(5-n)+"*"+tab(n)+"+"+tab(n)+"*"; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc writelist (string fil, string nam, list L) "USAGE: writelist(fil,nam,L); fil,nam=strings (file-name, list-name), L=list CREATE: a file with name `fil`, write the content of the list L into it and call the list `nam`. RETURN: no return value NOTE: The syntax of writelist uses and is similar to the syntax of the write command of Singular which does not manage lists properly. If, say, (fil,nam) = (\"listfile\",\"L1\"), writelist creates (resp. appends if listfile exists) a file with name listfile and stores there the list L under the name L1. The Singular command execute(read(\"listfile\")); assignes the content of L (stored in listfile) to a list L1. On a UNIX system, overwrite an existing file if fil=\">...\", resp. append if fil=\">>...\". EXAMPLE: example writelist; shows an example " { int i; write(fil,"list "+nam+";"); if( fil[1]==">" ) { fil=fil[2..size(fil)]; } if( fil[1]==">" ) { fil=fil[2..size(fil)]; } for( i=1;i<=size(L);i=i+1 ) { write(fil," "+nam+"["+string(i)+"]=",string(L[i])+";"); } return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r; ideal i=x,y,z; list k="Hi",nameof(basering),i,37; writelist("zumSpass","lustig",k); read("zumSpass"); list L=res(i,0); //resolution of the maximal ideal writelist("L","L",L); read("L"); system("sh","/bin/rm L zumSpass"); // Under UNIX, this removes the files 'L' and 'zumSpass' // Type help system; to get more information about the shell escape // If your operating system does not accept the shell escape, you // have to remove the just created files 'zumSpass' and 'L' directly } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////