/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id$"; category="Applications"; info=" LIBRARY: findifs.lib Tools for the finite difference schemes AUTHORS: Viktor Levandovskyy, levandov@risc.uni-linz.ac.at THEORY: We provide the presentation of difference operators in a polynomial, semi-factorized and a nodal form. Running @code{findifs_example();} will show how we generate finite difference schemes of linear PDE's from given approximations. PROCEDURES: decoef(P,n); decompose polynomial P into summands with respect to the number n difpoly2tex(S,P[,Q]); present the difference scheme in the nodal form AUXILIARY PROCEDURES: findifs_example(); containes a guided explanation of our approach exp2pt(P[,L]); convert a polynomial M into the TeX format, in nodal form mon2pt(P[,L]); convert a monomial M into the TeX format, in nodal form texcoef(n); converts the number n into TeX npar(n); search for 'n' among the parameters and returns its number magnitude(P); compute the square of the magnitude of a complex expression replace(s,what,with); replace in s all the substrings with a given string xchange(w,a,b); exchange two substrings of a string par2tex(s); convert special characters to TeX in s "; LIB "latex.lib"; LIB "poly.lib"; // 1. GLOBAL ASSUME: in the ring we have first Tx, then Tt: [FIXED, not needed anymore]! // 2. map vars other than Tx,Tt to parameters instead or just ignore them [?] // 3. clear the things with brackets // 4. todo: content resp lcmZ, gcdZ proc xchange(string where, string a, string b) "USAGE: xchange(w,a,b); w,a,b strings RETURN: string PURPOSE: exchanges substring 'a' with a substring 'b' in the string w NOTE: EXAMPLE: example xchange; shows examples "{ // replaces a<->b in where // assume they are of the same size [? seems to work] string s = "H"; string t; t = replace(where,a,s); t = replace(t,b,a); t = replace(t,s,b); return(t); } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dt,dh,A),Tt,dp; poly p = (Tt*dt+dh+1)^2+2*A; string s = texpoly("",p); s; string t = xchange(s,"dh","dt"); t; } proc par2tex(string s) "USAGE: par2tex(s); s a string RETURN: string PURPOSE: converts special characters to TeX in s NOTE: the convention is the following: 'Tx' goes to 'T_x', 'dx' to '\\tri x' (the same for dt, dy, dz), 'theta', 'ro', 'A', 'V' are converted to greek letters. EXAMPLE: example par2tex; shows examples "{ // s is a tex string with a poly // replace theta with \theta // A with \lambda // dt with \tri t // dh with \tri h // Tx with T_x, Ty with T_y // Tt with T_t // V with \nu // ro with \rho // dx with \tri x // dy with \tri y string t = s; t = replace(t,"Tt","T_t"); t = replace(t,"Tx","T_x"); t = replace(t,"Ty","T_y"); t = replace(t,"dt","\\tri t"); t = replace(t,"dh","\\tri h"); t = replace(t,"dx","\\tri x"); t = replace(t,"dy","\\tri y"); t = replace(t,"theta","\\theta"); t = replace(t,"A","\\lambda"); t = replace(t,"V","\\nu"); t = replace(t,"ro","\\rho"); return(t); } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dt,theta,A),Tt,dp; poly p = (Tt*dt+theta+1)^2+2*A; string s = texfactorize("",p); s; par2tex(s); string T = texfactorize("",p*(-theta*A)); par2tex(T); } proc replace(string s, string what, string with) "USAGE: replace(s,what,with); s,what,with strings RETURN: string PURPOSE: replaces in 's' all the substrings 'what' with substring 'with' NOTE: EXAMPLE: example replace; shows examples "{ // clear: replace in s, "what" with "with" int ss = size(s); int cn = find(s,what); if ( (cn==0) || (cn>ss)) { return(s); } int gn = 0; // global counter int sw = size(what); int swith = size(with); string out=""; string tmp; gn = 0; while(cn!=0) { // "cn:"; cn; // "gn"; gn; tmp = ""; if (cn>gn) { tmp = s[gn..cn-1]; } // "tmp:";tmp; // out = out+tmp+" "+with; out = out+tmp+with; // "out:";out; gn = cn + sw; if (gn>ss) { // ( (gn>ss) || ((sw>1) && (gn >= ss)) ) // no need to append smth return(out); } // if (gn == ss) // { // } cn = find(s,what,gn); } // and now, append the rest of s // out = out + " "+ s[gn..ss]; out = out + s[gn..ss]; return(out); } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dt,theta),Tt,dp; poly p = (Tt*dt+theta+1)^2+2; string s = texfactorize("",p); s; s = replace(s,"Tt","T_t"); s; s = replace(s,"dt","\\tri t"); s; s = replace(s,"theta","\\theta"); s; } proc exp2pt(poly P, list #) "USAGE: exp2pt(P[,L]); P poly, L an optional list of strings RETURN: string PURPOSE: convert a polynomial M into the TeX format, in nodal form ASSUME: coefficients must not be fractional NOTE: an optional list L contains a string, which will replace the default value 'u' for the discretized function EXAMPLE: example exp2pt; shows examples "{ // given poly in vars [now Tx,Tt are fixed], // create Tex expression for points of lattice // coeffs must not be fractional string varnm = "u"; if (size(#) > 0) { if (typeof(#[1])=="string") { varnm = string(#[1]); } } // varnm; string rz,mz; while (P!=0) { mz = mon2pt(P,varnm); if (mz[1]=="-") { rz = rz+mz; } else { rz = rz + "+" + mz; } P = P-lead(P); } rz = rz[2..size(rz)]; return(rz); } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt),(Tx,Tt),dp; poly M = (4*dh*Tx^2+1)*(Tt-1)^2; print(exp2pt(M)); print(exp2pt(M,"F")); } proc mon2pt(poly M, string V) "USAGE: mon2pt(M,V); M poly, V a string RETURN: string PURPOSE: convert a monomial M into the TeX format, nodal form EXAMPLE: example mon2pt; shows examples "{ // searches for Tx, then Tt // monomial to the lattice point conversion // c*X^a*Y^b --> c*U^{n+a}_{j+b} number cM = leadcoef(M); intvec e = leadexp(M); // int a = e[2]; // convention: first Tx, then Tt // int b = e[1]; int i; int a , b, c = 0,0,0; int ia,ib,ic = 0,0,0; int nv = nvars(basering); string s; for (i=1; i<=nv ; i++) { s = string(var(i)); if (s=="Tt") { a = e[i]; ia = i;} if (s=="Tx") { b = e[i]; ib = i;} if (s=="Ty") { c = e[i]; ic = i;} } // if (ia==0) {"Error:Tt not found!"; return("");} // if (ib==0) {"Error:Tx not found!"; return("");} // if (ic==0) {"Error:Ty not found!"; return("");} // string tc = texobj("",c); // why not texpoly? string tc = texcoef(cM); string rs; if (cM==-1) { rs = "-"; } if (cM^2 != 1) { // we don't need 1 or -1 as coeffs // rs = clTex(tc)+" "; // rs = par2tex(rmDol(tc))+" "; rs = par2tex(tc)+" "; } // a = 0 or b = 0 rs = rs + V +"^{n"; if (a!=0) { rs = rs +"+"+string(a); } rs = rs +"}_{j"; if (b!=0) { rs = rs +"+"+string(b); } if (c!=0) { rs = rs + ",k+"; rs = rs + string(c); } rs = rs +"}"; return(rs); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt),(Tx,Tt),dp; poly M = (4*dh^2-dt)*Tx^3*Tt; print(mon2pt(M,"u")); poly N = ((dh-dt)/(dh+dt))*Tx^2*Tt^2; print(mon2pt(N,"f")); ring r2 = (0,dh,dt),(Tx,Ty,Tt),dp; poly M = (4*dh^2-dt)*Tx^3*Ty^2*Tt; print(mon2pt(M,"u")); } proc npar(number n) "USAGE: npar(n); n a number RETURN: int PURPOSE: searches for 'n' among the parameters and returns its number EXAMPLE: example npar; shows examples "{ // searches for n amongst parameters // and returns its number int i,j=0,0; list L = ringlist(basering); list M = L[1][2]; // pars string sn = string(n); sn = sn[2..size(sn)-1]; for (i=1; i<=size(M);i++) { if (M[i] == sn) { j = i; } } if (j==0) { "Incorrect parameter"; } return(j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt,theta,A),t,dp; npar(dh); number T = theta; npar(T); npar(dh^2); } proc decoef(poly P, number n) "USAGE: decoef(P,n); P a poly, n a number RETURN: ideal PURPOSE: decompose polynomial P into summands with respect to the presence of a number n in the coefficients NOTE: n is usually a parameter with no power EXAMPLE: example decoef; shows examples "{ // decomposes polynomial into summands // w.r.t. the presence of a number n in coeffs // returns ideal def br = basering; int i,j=0,0; int pos = npar(n); if ((pos==0) || (P==0)) { return(0); } pos = pos + nvars(basering); // map all pars except to vars, provided no things are in denominator number con = content(P); con = numerator(con); P = cleardenom(P); //destroys content! P = con*P; // restore the numerator part of the content list M = ringlist(basering); list L = M[1..4]; list Pars = L[1][2]; list Vars = L[2] + Pars; L[1] = L[1][1]; // characteristic L[2] = Vars; // for non-comm things: don't need nc but graded algebra // list templ; // L[5] = templ; // L[6] = templ; def @R = ring(L); setring @R; poly P = imap(br,P); poly P0 = subst(P,var(pos),0); poly P1 = P - P0; ideal I = P0,P1; setring br; ideal I = imap(@R,I); kill @R; // check: P0+P1==P poly Q = I[1]+I[2]; if (P!=Q) { "Warning: problem in decoef"; } return(I); // substract the pure part from orig and check if n is remained there } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt),(Tx,Tt),dp; poly P = (4*dh^2-dt)*Tx^3*Tt + dt*dh*Tt^2 + dh*Tt; decoef(P,dt); decoef(P,dh); } proc texcoef(number n) "USAGE: texcoef(n); n a number RETURN: string PURPOSE: converts the number n into TeX format NOTE: if n is a polynomial, texcoef adds extra brackets. @* Performs some space substitutions EXAMPLE: example texcoef; shows examples "{ // makes tex from n // and uses substitutions // if n is a polynomial, adds brackets number D = denominator(n); int DenIsOne = 0; if ( D==number(1) ) { DenIsOne = 1; } string sd = texpoly("",D); sd = rmDol(sd); sd = par2tex(sd); number N = numerator(n); string sn = texpoly("",N); sn = rmDol(sn); sn = par2tex(sn); string sout=""; int i; int NisPoly = 0; if (DenIsOne) { sout = sn; for(i=1; i<=size(sout); i++) { if ( (sout[i]=="+") || (sout[i]=="-") ) { NisPoly = 1; } } if (NisPoly) { sout = "("+sout+")"; } } else { sout = "\\frac{"+sn+"}{"+sd+"}"; } return(sout); } example { " EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt),(Tx,Tt),dp; number n1,n2,n3 = dt/(4*dh^2-dt),(dt+dh)^2, 1/dh; n1; texcoef(n1); n2; texcoef(n2); n3; texcoef(n3); } static proc rmDol(string s) { // removes $s and _no_ (s on appearance int i = size(s); if (s[1] == "$") { s = s[2..i]; i--;} if (s[1] == "(") { s = s[2..i]; i--;} if (s[i] == "$") { s = s[1..i-1]; i--;} if (s[i] == ")") { s = s[1..i-1];} return(s); } proc difpoly2tex(ideal S, list P, list #) "USAGE: difpoly2tex(S,P[,Q]); S an ideal, P and optional Q are lists RETURN: string PURPOSE: present the difference scheme in the nodal form ASSUME: ideal S is the result of 'decoef' procedure NOTE: a list P may be empty or may contain parameters, which will not appear in denominators @* an optional list Q represents the part of the scheme, depending on other function, than the major part EXAMPLE: example difpoly2tex; shows examples " { // S = sum s_i = orig diff poly or // the result of decoef // P = list of pars (numbers) not to be divided with, may be empty // # is an optional list of polys, repr. the part dep. on "f", not on "u" // S = simplify(S,2); // destroys the leadcoef // rescan S and remove 0s from it int i; ideal T; int ss = ncols(S); int j=1; for(i=1; i<=ss; i++) { if (S[i]!=0) { T[j]=S[i]; j++; } } S = T; ss = j-1; int GotF = 1; list F; if (size(#)>0) { F = #; if ( (size(F)==1) && (F[1]==0) ) { GotF = 0; } } else { GotF = 0; } int sf = size(F); ideal SC; int sp = size(P); intvec np; int GotP = 1; if (sp==0) { GotP = 0; } if (sp==1) { if (P[1]==0) { GotP = 0; } } if (GotP) { for (i=1; i<=sp; i++) { np[i] = npar(P[i])+ nvars(basering); } } for (i=1; i<=ss; i++) { SC[i] = leadcoef(S[i]); } if (GotF) { for (i=1; i<=sf; i++) { SC[ss+i] = leadcoef(F[i]); } } def br = basering; // map all pars except to vars, provided no things are in denominator list M = ringlist(basering); list L = M[1..4]; // erase nc part list Pars = L[1][2]; list Vars = L[2] + Pars; L[1] = L[1][1]; // characteristic L[2] = Vars; def @R = ring(L); setring @R; ideal SC = imap(br,SC); if (GotP) { for (i=1; i<=sp; i++) { SC = subst(SC,var(np[i]),1); } } poly q=1; q = lcm(q,SC); setring br; poly q = imap(@R,q); number lq = leadcoef(q); // lq; number tmp; string sout=""; string vname = "u"; for (i=1; i<=ss; i++) { tmp = leadcoef(S[i]); S[i] = S[i]/tmp; tmp = tmp/lq; sout = sout +"+ "+texcoef(tmp)+"\\cdot ("+exp2pt(S[i])+")"; } if (GotF) { vname = "p"; //"f"; for (i=1; i<=sf; i++) { tmp = leadcoef(F[i]); F[i] = F[i]/tmp; tmp = tmp/lq; sout = sout +"+ "+texcoef(tmp)+"\\cdot ("+exp2pt(F[i],vname)+")"; } } sout = sout[3..size(sout)]; //rm first + return(sout); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,dh,dt,V),(Tx,Tt),dp; poly M = (4*dh*Tx+dt)^2*(Tt-1) + V*Tt*Tx; ideal I = decoef(M,dt); list L; L[1] = V; difpoly2tex(I,L); poly G = V*dh^2*(Tt-Tx)^2; difpoly2tex(I,L,G); } proc magnitude(poly P) "USAGE: magnitude(P); P a poly RETURN: poly PURPOSE: compute the square of the magnitude of a complex expression ASSUME: i is the variable of a basering EXAMPLE: example magnitude; shows examples " { // check whether i is present among the vars TODO // assume i^2+1=0; poly re = subst(P,i,0); poly im = (P - re)/i; return(re^2+im^2); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r = (0,d),(g,i,sin,cos),dp; poly P = d*i*sin - g*cos +d^2; magnitude(P); } static proc clTex(string s) // removes beginning and ending $'s { string t; if (size(s)>2) { // why -3? t = s[2..(size(s)-3)]; } return(t); } static proc ElimModComp(module M, int num) { // experimental, todo // check whether a curr.ord is elim-comp string s = ordstr(basering); int ns = size(s); // s[ns] = "c", "C"; if (s[1]="c") { // num last components } if (s[1]="C") { // num first components } } static proc simfrac(poly up, poly down) { // simplifies a fraction up/down // into the form up/down = RT[1] + RT[2]/down list LL = division(up,down); list RT; RT[1] = LL[1][1,1]; // integer part RT[2] = L[2][1]; // new numerator return(RT); } proc findifs_example() "USAGE: findifs_example(); RETURN: nothing (demo) PURPOSE: demonstration of our approach and this library EXAMPLE: example findifs_example; shows examples " { "* Equation: u_tt - A^2 u_xx -B^2 u_yy = 0; A,B are constants"; "* we employ three central differences"; "* the vector we act on is (u_xx, u_yy, u_tt, u)^T"; "* Set up the ring: "; "ring r = (0,A,B,dt,dx,dy),(Tx,Ty,Tt),(c,dp);"; ring r = (0,A,B,dt,dx,dy),(Tx,Ty,Tt),(c,dp); "* Set up the matrix with equation and approximations: "; "matrix M[4][4] ="; " // direct equation:"; " -A^2, -B^2, 1, 0,"; " // central difference u_tt"; " 0, 0, -dt^2*Tt, (Tt-1)^2,"; " // central difference u_xx"; " -dx^2*Tx, 0, 0, (Tx-1)^2,"; " // central difference u_yy"; " 0, -dy^2*Ty, 0, (Ty-1)^2;"; matrix M[4][4] = // direct equation: -A^2, -B^2, 1, 0, // central difference u_tt 0, 0, -dt^2*Tt, (Tt-1)^2, // central difference u_xx -dx^2*Tx, 0, 0, (Tx-1)^2, // central difference u_yy 0, -dy^2*Ty, 0, (Ty-1)^2; //========================================= // CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF EQUATIONS AS INPUT: ring rX = (0,A,B,dt,dx,dy,Tx,Ty,Tt),(Uxx, Uyy,Utt, U),(c,Dp); matrix M = imap(r,M); vector X = [Uxx, Uyy, Utt, U]; "* Print the differential form of equations: "; print(M*X); // END CHECK //========================================= setring r; "* Perform the elimination of module components:"; " module R = transpose(M);"; " module S = std(R);"; " poly p = S[4,1];" ; module R = transpose(M); module S = std(R); poly p = S[4,1]; // by elimination of module components list L; L[1]=A;L[2] = B; ideal I = decoef(p,dt); // make splitting w.r.t. the appearance of dt "* Create the nodal of the scheme in TeX format: "; " ideal I = decoef(p,dt);"; " difpoly2tex(I,L);"; difpoly2tex(I,L); // the nodal form of the scheme in TeX "* Preparations for the semi-factorized form: "; poly pi1 = subst(I[2],B,0); poly pi2 = I[2] - pi1; " poly pi1 = subst(I[2],B,0);"; " poly pi2 = I[2] - pi1;"; "* Show the semi-factorized form of the scheme: 1st summand"; " factorize(I[1]); "; factorize(I[1]); // semi-factorized form of the scheme: 1st summand "* Show the semi-factorized form of the scheme: 2nd summand"; " factorize(pi1);"; factorize(pi1); // semi-factorized form of the scheme: 2nd summand "* Show the semi-factorized form of the scheme: 3rd summand"; " factorize(pi1);"; factorize(pi2); // semi-factorized form of the scheme: 3rd summand } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=1; findifs_example(); }