LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); //====================== Example 6.8 ============================= option(redSB); ring R = 0, x(1..5), lp; poly f1 = x(1)^2+x(1)+2*x(2)*x(5)+2*x(3)*x(4); poly f2 = 2*x(1)*x(2)+x(2)+2*x(3)*x(5)+x(4)^2; poly f3 = 2*x(1)*x(3)+x(2)^2+x(3)+2*x(4)*x(5); poly f4 = 2*x(1)*x(4)+2*x(2)*x(3)+x(4)+x(5)^2; poly f5 = 2*x(1)*x(5)+2*x(2)*x(4)+x(3)^2+x(5); ideal I = f1^2,f2^2,f3,f4,f5; list L = facstd(I); size(L); // number of sets in the decomposition //-> 12 L[10]; //-> _[1]=5*x(5)-1 //-> _[2]=5*x(4)-1 //-> _[3]=5*x(3)-1 //-> _[4]=5*x(2)-1 //-> _[5]=5*x(1)+4 list L2 = facstd(I,5*x(5)-1); size(L2); //-> 11 ring R1 = 0, x(1..5), dp; ideal I = imap(R,I); // fix CL: hier hat SINGULAR ein bug!!!! (manchmal voellig falsches Ergebnis) size(facstd(I)); //-> 1 size(facstd(I,5*x(5)-1)); //-> 1 //============== Example 6.13 (continued session) ======================== if (not(defined(triangMH))){ LIB "triang.lib"; } setring R; ideal G = groebner(I); // option(redSB) is already set list T = triangMH(G); T; //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=x(5) //-> _[2]=x(4) //-> _[3]=x(3) //-> _[4]=x(2)^2 //-> _[5]=x(1)^4+2*x(1)^3+x(1)^2 //-> [2]: //-> _[1]=9765625*x(5)^10-1 //-> _[2]=x(4)-15625*x(5)^7 //-> _[3]=x(3)-25*x(5)^3 //-> _[4]=x(2)^2-781250*x(2)*x(5)^9+15625*x(5)^8 //-> _[5]=2*x(1)+31250*x(2)*x(5)^6+625*x(5)^5+1 //-> [3]: //-> _[1]=95367431640625*x(5)^20-1201171875*x(5)^10+1 //-> _[2]=11*x(4)^2-1281738281250*x(4)*x(5)^17[...] //-> _[3]=11*x(3)+152587890625*x(4)*x(5)^16-1906250*x(4)*x(5)^6[...] //-> _[4]=22*x(2)+275*x(4)*x(5)^2+16021728515625*x(5)^19[...] //-> _[5]=22*x(1)+3814697265625*x(4)*x(5)^18-47656250*x(4)*x(5)^8[...] //============== Example 6.14 (continued session) ======================== if (not(defined(triang_solve))){ LIB "solve.lib"; } triang_solve(T,20); // 20 digits should be displayed //-> // ** Laguerre: Too many iterations! //-> // ** rootContainer::solver: No roots found! if (not(defined(primdecGTZ))){ LIB "primdec.lib"; } list TR; int k,j; for (k=1; k<=size(T); k++) { TR = TR + triangMH(std(zeroRad(T[k]))); } triang_solve(TR,20); //-> // ** Laguerre: Too many iterations! //-> // ** rootContainer::solver: No roots found! for (k=1; k<=size(TR); k++) { print(TR[k][1]); } //-> x(5) //-> 9765625*x(5)^10-1 //-> 95367431640625*x(5)^20-1201171875*x(5)^10+1 list TS = TR[1]; ideal J,JJ,LL; for (k=2; k<=size(TR); k++) { J = TR[k]; LL = factorize(J[1],2)[1]; // returns nonconstant factors only for (j=1; j<=size(LL); j++) { JJ = LL[j],J[2..size(J)]; TS = TS+list(JJ); } } size(TS); // number of triangular bases //-> 11 def RC = triang_solve(TS,20); setring RC; basering; //-> // characteristic : 0 (complex:20 digits, additional 20 digits) //-> // 1 parameter : I //-> // minpoly : (I^2+1) //-> // number of vars : 5 //-> // block 1 : ordering lp //-> // : names x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) //-> // block 2 : ordering C size(rlist); // number of complex solutions //-> 32 rlist[3]; // the third solution //-> [3]: //-> [1]: //-> -0.8 //-> [2]: //-> (-0.16180339887498948482-I*0.11755705045849462583) //-> [3]: //-> (0.06180339887498948482+I*0.19021130325903071442) //-> [4]: //-> (0.06180339887498948482-I*0.19021130325903071442) //-> [5]: //-> (-0.16180339887498948482+I*0.11755705045849462583) kill R,R1,RC,j,k; //================ Example 6.16 (new Session) ======================== ring R = 0, (x,y,z), lp; ideal I = z5+z3-2z2-2, y2+z2+1, x2+2yx-x-y-z2-3; def F = factorize(I[1],1); F; //-> F[1]=z3-2 //-> F[2]=z2+1 ring R1 = (0,a), (x,y), lp; map phi = R,x,y,a; number n = number(phi(F)[2]); minpoly = n; if(defined(phi)){kill phi;} map phi = R,x,y,a; ideal Iz = phi(I); // substitute a for z Iz = simplify(Iz,2); Iz; // remove zero generators //-> Iz[1]=y2 //-> Iz[2]=x2+2*xy-x-y-2 ideal Izy = reduce(Iz,std(y)); // substitute 0 for y Izy = simplify(Izy,2); Izy; //-> Izy[1]=x2-x-2 def Fzy = factorize(Izy[1],1); Fzy; //-> Fzy[1]=x-2 //-> Fzy[2]=x+1 ring R2 = (0,b), (x,y), lp; map phi = R,x,y,b; number n = number(phi(F)[1]); minpoly = n; if(defined(phi)){kill phi;} map phi = R,x,y,b; ideal Iz = phi(I); // substitute a for z Iz = simplify(Iz,2); Iz; // remove zero generators //-> Iz[1]=y2+(b2+1) //-> Iz[2]=x2+2*xy-x-y+(-b2-3) def Fz = factorize(Iz[1],1); Fz; //-> Fz[1]=y2+(b2+1) if (not(defined(primitive))){ LIB "primitiv.lib"; } ring S = 0, (b,c), dp; ideal E = b3-2, c2+(b2+1); def L = primitive(E); L; //-> L[1]=c6+3c4+3c2+5 //-> L[2]=1/2c4+c2+1/2 //-> L[3]=c ring R3 = (0,c), x, lp; def L = imap(S,L); map phi = R, x, L[3], L[2]; number n = number(L[1]); kill phi, L; minpoly = n; def L = imap(S,L); map phi = R, x, L[3], L[2]; ideal Izy = simplify(phi(I),2); Izy; //-> Izy[1]=x2+(2c-1)*x+(c2-c-2) def Fzy = factorize(Izy[1],1); Fzy; //-> Fzy[1]=x+(c+1) //-> Fzy[2]=x+(c-2) kill R,R1,R2,R3,S; //================ Example 6.19 (new Session) ======================== ring S = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f, g = xy2-xy-y3+1, x2y2-x2y+xy-1; poly r = resultant(f,g,x); r; //-> y8-y7+y6-3y5+y4+y3+y2-y; factorize(r,2); // display nonconstant factors only //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=y-1 //-> _[2]=y //-> _[3]=y5+y4+2y3-y-1 //-> [2]: //-> 2,1,1 ideal I1 = eliminate(ideal(f,g),x); I1; //-> I1[1]=y6+y4-2y3-y2+1 factorize(I1[1],2); //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=y-1 //-> _[2]=y5+y4+2y3-y-1 //-> [2]: //-> 1,1 kill S; //================ Remark 6.20 (new Session) ======================== ring S = 0, (x,y), dp; poly f, g = x2+y2-1, x2+2y2-1; resultant(f,g,x); //-> y4 eliminate(ideal(f,g),x); //-> _[1]=y2 kill S; //================ Remark 6.23 (new Session) ======================== ring R = 0, (x,y,t), dp; poly f = x-t32; poly g = y-t48+t56+t60+t62+t63; int aa = timer; poly h = resultant(f,g,t); h; //-> x63-595965x62-32x61y+6143174x61+3656768x60y+464x59y2-70859517x60 //-> -65651616x59y-13277840x58y2-4064x57y3+49771514x59+220805184x58y+ //-> [...] //-> -448x8y27-88x7y28-120x6y28+32x5y29+16x3y30-y32 deg(h); // the total degree //-> 63 size(h); // number of terms of h //-> 257 kill R,aa; //================ Example 6.24 (new Session) ======================== ring R = 0, (x,y,z,t,u(2),u(3)), dp; poly f(1), f(2), f(3) = x-t, y-t2, z-t3; poly h = resultant(f(1), u(2)*f(2)+u(3)*f(3), t); h; //-> x^3*u(3)+x^2*u(2)-y*u(2)-z*u(3) ideal CO = coeffs(coeffs(h,u(2)),u(3)); simplify(CO,2); // remove zeros among generators of CO //-> _[1]=x^3-z //-> _[2]=x^2-y resultant(f(1),f(2),t); //-> -x^2+y resultant(f(1),f(3),t); //-> x^3-z kill R; //================ Example 6.32 (new Session) ======================== ring R = (0,u,v,w), (x,y,z), dp; poly f1 = x3+y-xy-1; poly f2 = x2+y2+4x+4y-2; ideal I = ux+vy+wz, homog(f1,z) , homog(f2,z); def M0 = mpresmat(I,1); // the evaluated matrix M_0 nrows(M0); // the number of rows of M_0 //-> 15 poly D0 = det(M0); // the value of D_0 D0; //-> 12*x6-64*x5y+140*x4y2-352*x3y3+804*x2y4-864*xy5+324*y6-16*x5z+56*x4yz+32*x3y2z+48*x2y3z-336*xy4z+216*y5z-36*x4z2+64*x3yz2-264*x2y2z2+672*xy3z2-564*y4z2+16*x3z3+32*x2yz3-208*xy2z3-160*y3z3+20*x2z4+32*xyz4+236*y2z4-56*yz5+4*z6 int aa = timer; factorize(D0); //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=4 //-> _[2]=3*x3-x2y+9*xy2-27*y3-7*x2z-14*xyz-27*y2z+xz2+11*yz2-z3 //-> _[3]=x-3*y+z //-> _[4]=x-y-z //-> _[5]=x-y+z //-> [2]: //-> 1,1,1,1,1 //-> 0 //============== Example 6.33 (continued session) ======================== map phi = R,-1,0,z; poly D0x = phi(D0); factorize(D0x); // x-coordinates //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=4 //-> _[2]=z-1 //-> _[3]=z3+z2+7*z+3 //-> _[4]=z+1 //-> [2]: //-> 1,2,1,1 map psi = R,0,-1,z; poly D0y = psi(D0); factorize(D0y); // y-coordinates //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=4 //-> _[2]=z-1 //-> _[3]=z3+11*z2+27*z-27 //-> _[4]=z+1 //-> _[5]=z+3 //-> [2]: //-> 1,1,1,1,1 kill R,aa; //================ Example 6.41 (new Session) ======================== ring R = (0,a(1..3),b(1..3),c(1..3)), (x,y), dp; poly f0 = a(1)+a(2)*xy+a(3)*y2; poly f1 = b(1)+b(2)*xy+b(3)*y2; poly f2 = c(1)*x+c(2)*y+c(3)*xy; ideal I = f0, f1, f2; def M0 = mpresmat(I,0); // depends on random choices print(M0); //-> (b(1)),0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //-> 0, (a(1)),0, (b(1)),0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //-> (b(3)),0, (a(1)),0, (b(1)),0, (c(2)),0, 0, //-> 0, (a(3)),0, (b(3)),0, 0, 0, (c(2)),0, //-> 0, 0, (a(3)),0, (b(3)),0, 0, 0, 0, //-> (b(2)),0, 0, 0, 0, (b(1)),(c(1)),0, (a(1)), //-> 0, (a(2)),0, (b(2)),0, 0, (c(3)),(c(1)),0, //-> 0, 0, (a(2)),0, (b(2)),(b(3)),0, (c(3)),(a(3)), //-> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (b(2)),0, 0, (a(2)) def p = det(M0); p; //-> (-a(1)^3*b(1)*b(2)*b(3)^2*c(3)^2+ [...] ring S = 0, (a(1..3),b(1..3),c(1..3)), dp; poly p = imap(R,p); factorize(p,1); //-> _[1]=b(1) //-> _[2]=a(3)^3*b(1)^2*b(2)*c(1)^2-a(2)*a(3)^2*b(1)^2*b(3)*c(1)^2- [...] kill R,S; //================ Example 6.45 (new Session) ======================== ring R = (0,u,v,w), (x,y), dp; poly f1 = x3+y-xy-1; poly f2 = x2+y2+4x+4y-2; ideal I = u+vx+wy, f1, f2; def M0 = mpresmat(I,0); // the evaluated sparse resultant matrix nrows(M0); //-> 13 def D0 = det(M0); ring S = 0, (u,v,w), dp; poly D0 = imap(R,D0); map phi = S,u,-1,0; factorize(phi(D0)); // determine x-coordinates of solutions //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=2 //-> _[2]=u-1 //-> _[3]=u3+u2+7u+3 //-> _[4]=u+1 //-> [2]: //-> 1,2,1,1 map psi = S,u,0,-1; factorize(psi(D0)); // determine y-coordinates of solutions //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=2 //-> _[2]=u-1 //-> _[3]=u3+11u2+27u-27 //-> _[4]=u+1 //-> _[5]=u+3 //-> [2]: //-> 1,1,1,1,1 map psi_13 = S,u,1,3; factorize(psi_13(D0)); //-> [1]: //-> _[1]=2 //-> _[2]=u3-34u2+292u+648 //-> _[3]=u-2 //-> _[4]=u+2 //-> _[5]=u-8 //-> [2]: //-> 1,1,1,1,1 tst_status(1);$