#ifdef DRING // D=k[x,d,y] is the Weyl-Algebra [y], y commuting with all others // M=k[x,x^(-1),y] is a D-module // all x(1..n),d,x(1..n)^(-1),y(1..k) are considered as "ring variables" v(1..N) // the map from x(i) to v: //#define pdX(i) (i) // d(i) //#define pdDX(i) (pdN+i) // x(i)^(-1) //#define pdIX(i) (pdN+i) // y(i) //#define pdY(i) (pdN*2+i+1) // a monomial m belongs to a D-module M iff pdDFlag(m)==0 // a monomial m belongs to an ideal in the Weyl-Algebra D iff pdDFlag(m)==1 //#define pdDFlag(m) ((m)->exp[pdN*2+1]) int pdN; /* the number of x(i) / d(i) / x(i)^(-1) */ int pdK; /* the number of y(i) */ /* pVariables=pdN*2+1+pdK */ void pdSetDFlag(poly p, int i) { while (p!=NULL) { pdDFlag(p)=1; pSetm(p); pIter(p); } } extern int binom(int n, int r); #define c(A,B) binom(A+B-1,A) /*2 * the commutator relation of var number n and exps d and x */ poly comm(int n, short d, short x) { poly e1=pOne(); poly e2=pOne(); pdDFlag(e1)=1; pdDFlag(e2)=1; number t; if (x==1) { e1->exp[pdX(n)]=1; e1->exp[pdDX(n)]=d; pSetm(e1); pNext(e1)=e2; e2->exp[pdDX(n)]=d-1; t = nInit(d); pSetCoeff(e2,t); pSetm(e2); } else if (d==1) { e1->exp[pdX(n)]=x; e1->exp[pdDX(n)]=1; pSetm(e1); pNext(e1)=e2; e2->exp[n]=x-1; t = nInit(x); pSetCoeff(e2,t); pSetm(e2); } else { int i,j,k; int p; int tp; poly h=NULL; e1->exp[pdX(n)]=x; e1->exp[pdDX(n)]=d; pSetm(e1); for (j=1;j<=min(x,d);j++) { p=1; for(k=0;kexp[pdX(n)]=x-j; e2->exp[pdDX(n)]=d-j; pSetm(e2); tp=0; for(i=0;i<=x-j;i++) { tp+=c(i,j); } t = nInit(p*tp); pSetCoeff(e2,t); h=pAdd(h,e2); e2=pOne(); } pNext(e1)=h; pFree1(e2); } return e1; } #undef c /*2 * multiply 2 monomials (assume coeff of b == 1) * DRING-case : a and b are operators, pdDFlag==1 */ poly pMultDD(poly a, poly b) { int i; poly resl=pOne(); poly resr=pOne(); poly multiply=NULL; short c; /* the component number of the result*/ if(c=pGetComp(a)) { #ifdef TEST if (pGetComp(b)) { Werror("mult vector * vector"); return NULL; } #endif } else c=pGetComp(b); pdDFlag(resl)=1; pdDFlag(resr)=1; pSetCoeff(resl,nCopy(pGetCoeff(a))); // put all x from a to the left result resl, // put all d from b to the right result resr for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { resl->exp[pdX(i)]=a->exp[pdX(i)]; resr->exp[pdDX(i)]=b->exp[pdDX(i)]; } // put all commutative vars y to the right result resr for (i=1;i<=pdK;i++) { resr->exp[pdY(i)]=a->exp[pdY(i)]+b->exp[pdY(i)]; } // set the component number pSetComp(resl,c); for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { if ((a->exp[pdDX(i)] !=0) && (b->exp[pdX(i)] !=0)) { if (multiply!=NULL) { multiply=pMult(multiply,comm(i,a->exp[pdDX(i)],b->exp[pdX(i)])); } else { multiply=comm(i,a->exp[pdDX(i)],b->exp[pdX(i)]); } } else { resl->exp[pdX(i)] += b->exp[pdX(i)]; resr->exp[pdDX(i)] += a->exp[pdDX(i)]; } } pSetm(resl); /*poly or vector*/ pSetm(resr); /*poly*/ if (multiply!=NULL) { resl=pMult(resl,multiply);/*(poly or vector) * poly*/ resl=pMult(resl,resr); } else { // now resl has only powers of x(i) and y(i), resr has only powers of d(i): for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) resl->exp[pdDX(i)]=resr->exp[pdDX(i)]; pSetm(resl); pFree1(resr); } return resl; } /*2 * multiply 2 monomials (assume coeff of b == 1) * DRING-case : a is an operator, pdDFlag==1, b is in a D-module (DFlag==0) */ poly pMultDT(poly a, poly b) { int i; short c; /* the component number of the result*/ if(c=pGetComp(a)) { #ifdef TEST if (pGetComp(b)) { Werror("mult vector * vector"); return NULL; } #endif } else c=pGetComp(b); // is the product 0 ? for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { if ((a->exp[pdDX(i)] > b->exp[pdX(i)]) && (b->exp[pdIX(i)]==0)) return NULL; } poly resl=pOne(); pdDFlag(resl)=0; pSetCoeff(resl,nCopy(pGetCoeff(a))); // put all x from a to the left result resl for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { resl->exp[pdX(i)]=a->exp[pdX(i)]; } // put all commutative vars y to the left result resl for (i=1;i<=pdK;i++) { resl->exp[pdY(i)]=a->exp[pdY(i)]+b->exp[pdY(i)]; } // set the component number pSetComp(resl,c); int q,p; number n,h1,h2; for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { if (((p=a->exp[pdDX(i)]) !=0) && ((q=b->exp[pdX(i)]) !=0)) { // d^p(x^q): q*(q-1)*...*(q-p+1)* x^(q-p) resl->exp[pdX(i)]+=q-p; n=nInit(q); q--;p--; while (p>0) { h1=nInit(q); h2=nMult(n,h1); nDelete(&h1); nDelete(&n); n=h2; q--; p--; } h1=nMult(pGetCoeff(resl),n); pSetCoeff(resl,h1); nDelete(&n); } else if (((p=a->exp[pdDX(i)]) !=0) && ((q=b->exp[pdIX(i)]) !=0)) { // d^p(x^(-q)): (-1)^p*q*(q+1)*...*(q+p-1)* x^(-(q+p)) resl->exp[pdIX(i)]+=q+p; if (p & 1) n=nInit(-q); else n=nInit(q); // last index: p=q+p-1 q++;p--; while (p>0) { h1=nInit(q); h2=nMult(n,h1); nDelete(&h1); nDelete(&n); n=h2; q++;p--; } h1=nMult(pGetCoeff(resl),n); pSetCoeff(resl,h1); nDelete(&n); } else { resl->exp[pdX(i)]+=b->exp[pdX(i)]; resl->exp[pdIX(i)]+=b->exp[pdIX(i)]; } } for(i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { if (resl->exp[pdX(i)]>=resl->exp[pdIX(i)]) { resl->exp[pdX(i)]-=resl->exp[pdIX(i)]; resl->exp[pdIX(i)]=0; } else { resl->exp[pdIX(i)]-=resl->exp[pdX(i)]; resl->exp[pdX(i)]=0; } } pSetm(resl); /*poly or vector*/ return resl; } /*2 * multiply 2 monomials (assume coeff of b == 1) * DRING-case : a and b is in a D-module (DFlag==0) */ poly pMultTT(poly a, poly b) { int i; short c; /* the component number of the result*/ if(c=pGetComp(a)) { #ifdef TEST if (pGetComp(b)) { Werror("mult vector * vector"); return NULL; } #endif } else c=pGetComp(b); poly resl=pOne(); int t; pdDFlag(resl)=0; pSetCoeff(resl,nCopy(pGetCoeff(a))); for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { t=a->exp[pdX(i)]+b->exp[pdX(i)]-a->exp[pdIX(i)]-b->exp[pdIX(i)]; if (t>=0) resl->exp[pdX(i)]=t; else resl->exp[pdIX(i)]=-t; } // put all commutative vars y to the result resl for (i=1;i<=pdK;i++) { resl->exp[pdY(i)]=a->exp[pdY(i)]+b->exp[pdY(i)]; } // set the component number pSetComp(resl,c); pSetm(resl); /*poly or vector*/ return resl; } #endif #ifdef SRING int psFirst(poly p, int i) { loop { if (i>pVariables) return pVariables; if (pGetExp(p,i) != 0) return i; i++; } } #endif #ifdef SRING int psLast(poly p, int i) { loop { if (ipVariables) return TRUE; i1=pGetExp(p1,j); i2=pGetExp(p2,j); if ((i1==1) && (i2==1)) return FALSE; if ((i1>1) || (i2>1)) { Werror("internal error in psMultTest"); HALT(); } j++; } } #endif #ifdef SRING /*2 * multiply monomials a and b (without coeffs) * take the coeff from a */ poly psMultM(poly a, poly b) { int i, j; BOOLEAN positiv=TRUE; poly res=NULL; if (psMultTest(a,b)) { res=pNew(); memset(res,0,pMonomSize); pGetCoeff(res)=nCopy(pGetCoeff(a)); i=pAltVars-1; do { i=psFirst(b,i+1); j=pVariables+1; loop { j=psLast(a,j-1); if (j>i) positiv= !positiv; else break; } } while (i != pVariables); for (i=0;i<=pVariables; i++) { pSetExp(res,i,pGetExp(a,i)+pGetExp(b,i)); } pSetm(res); if (!positiv) pGetCoeff(res)=nNeg(pGetCoeff(res)); } return res; } #endif #ifdef SDRING /*2 *puts a poly into a polyset, *returns FALSE, if there is a trivial multiple in the set */ BOOLEAN psEnter(poly p,polyset *s, int *l, int *m) { int i=*l; /*is there already a multiple in s ?*/ pTest(p); //Print("psEnter: ");pWrite0(p); for(;i > 0;i--) { pTest((*s)[i]); if (pComparePolys(p,(*s)[i])) { //Print("-- ist vielfaches von "); //pWrite((*s)[i]); pDelete(&p); return FALSE; } } /*is there enough space in s ?*/ if (*l==(*m-1)) { pEnlargeSet(s,*m,16); *m+=16; } (*l)++; //Print("++an pos %d\n",*l); (*s)[*l]=p; pTest(p); return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef SRING /*2 * create the augmentation set of p * p and done should be destroyed * done is the product of all vars already multiplied with */ //int auglev=0; void psAug(poly p, poly done, polyset *s, int *l, int *m) { int an; poly doneCopy, q; if (p==NULL) { pDelete(&done); return; } // auglev++; // Print("lev %d, aug of ",auglev); wrp(p); Print("\n"); if (pSRING) for (an=pAltVars; an<=pVariables; an++) { if ((pGetExp(p,an)==1) && (pGetExp(done,an)==0)) { q=pOne(); doneCopy=pCopy(done); pSetExp(doneCopy,an,1); pSetExp(q,an,1); pSetm(q); q=pMult(q,pCopy(p)); if (q!=NULL) { // Print("lev %d, to ",auglev); wrp(q); Print("\n"); if (psEnter(q,s,l,m)) { psAug(pCopy(q),doneCopy,s,l,m); } else { q=NULL; pDelete(&doneCopy); } } } } // Print("end aug"); // auglev--; pDelete(&done); pDelete(&p); } #endif #ifdef DRING /*2 * create the augmentation set of p * p and done should be destroyed * done is the product of all vars already multiplied with * x^i --> dx^(i+1) und x^-i --> dx*x^i */ void pdAug(poly p, polyset *s, int *l, int *m) { int an; poly q, dif; if ((p==NULL) || pdDFlag(p)==1) { return; } //Print(" aug of "); wrp(p); Print("\n"); if (pDRING) for (an=1; an<=pdN; an++) { if(pGetExp(p,pdIX(an))==0) { q=pOne(); pSetExp(q,pdDX(an),pGetExp(p,pdX(an))+1); pdDFlag(q)=1; pSetm(q); //Print("1: q ");wrp(q); Print("\n"); q=pMult(q,pCopy(p)); if (q!=NULL) { //Print("1: to "); wrp(q); Print("\n"); if (psEnter(q,s,l,m)) { pdAug(pCopy(q),s,l,m); } else { pDelete(&q); } } } } for (an=1; an<=pdN; an++) { if (pGetExp(p,pdIX(an))!=0) { q=pOne(); dif=pOne(); pSetExp(q,pdX(an),pGetExp(p,pdIX(an))); pSetExp(dif,pdDX(an),1); pdDFlag(q)=1; pdDFlag(dif)=1; pSetm(q); //Print("2: q ");wrp(q); Print("\n"); pSetm(dif); //Print("2: dif ");wrp(dif); Print("\n"); q=pMult(q,pCopy(p)); //wrp(q); Print("\n"); q=pMult(dif,q); if (q!=NULL) { //Print("2: to ");wrp(q); Print("\n"); if (psEnter(q,s,l,m)) { pdAug(pCopy(q),s,l,m); } else { pDelete(&q); } } } } //Print("end aug");Print("\n"); pDelete(&p); } /*2 * returns the differential LCM of the head terms of a and b in *m */ void pdLcm(poly a, poly b, poly m) { int i; for (i=2*pdN; i>=0; i--) { m->exp[i] = min(a->exp[i],b->exp[i]); } for (i=pdY(1); i<=pdK; i++) { m->exp[i] = max(a->exp[i],b->exp[i]); } } BOOLEAN pdIsConstantComp(poly p) { if (!pDRING) return FALSE; int i; for (i=pdN;i>0;i--) { if (pGetExp(p,pdX(i))!=0) return FALSE; if (pGetExp(p,pdDX(i))!=0) return FALSE; } for (i=pdK;i>0;i--) { if (pGetExp(p,pdY(i))!=0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*2 * returns the differential Spolynomial of a and b in *m */ poly pdSpolyCreate(poly p1,poly p2) { poly m1=pOne(); poly m2=pOne(); poly pp1=p1,pp2=p2; number n1,n2; int i,j; int co=0; if (pGetComp(p1)!=pGetComp(p2)) { if (pGetComp(p1)==0) { co=1; pSetCompP(p1,pGetComp(p2)); } else { co=2; pSetCompP(p2,pGetComp(p1)); } } for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { j=pGetExp(p2,pdX(i))-pGetExp(p1,pdX(i)); if (j>0) { pSetExp(m2,pdDX(i),j); } else { pSetExp(m1,pdDX(i),(-j)); } } for (i=1;i<=pdN;i++) { j=pGetExp(p2,pdIX(i))-pGetExp(p1,pdIX(i)); if (j>0) { pSetExp(m2,pdX(i),j); } else { pSetExp(m1,pdX(i),(-j)); } } for (i=1;i<=pdK;i++) { j=pGetExp(p2,pdY(i))-pGetExp(p1,pdY(i)); if (j>0) { pSetExp(m1,pdY(i),j); } else { pSetExp(m2,pdY(i),(-j)); } } pSetm(m1); pSetm(m2); p1=pMult(m1,pCopy(p1)); p2=pMult(m2,pCopy(p2)); n1=nCopy(pGetCoeff(p2)); n2=nCopy(pGetCoeff(p1)); pDelete1(&p1); pDelete1(&p2); n1=nNeg(n1); pMultN(p1,n2); nDelete(&n2); pMultN(p2,n1); nDelete(&n1); m1=pAdd(p1,p2); if (co==1) spModuleToPoly(pp1); else if (co==2) spModuleToPoly(pp2); return m1; } #endif