/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id$"; category="Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: jung.lib Resolution of surface singularities (Desingularization) Algorithm of Jung AUTHOR: Philipp Renner, philipp_renner@web.de PROCEDURES: jungresolve(J[,is_noeth]) computes a resolution (!not a strong one) of the surface given by the ideal J using Jungs Method, jungnormal(J[,is_noeth]) computes a representation of J such that all it's singularities are of Hirzebruch-Jung type, jungfib(J[,is_noeth]) computes a representation of J such that all it's singularities are quasi-ordinary "; LIB "resolve.lib"; LIB "mregular.lib"; LIB "sing.lib"; LIB "normal.lib"; LIB "primdec.lib"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Main procedure //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc jungfib(ideal id, list #) "USAGE: jungfib(J[,is_noeth]); @* J = ideal @* j = int ASSUME: J = two dimensional ideal RETURN: a list l of rings l[i] is a ring containing two Ideals: QIdeal and BMap. BMap defines a birational morphism from V(QIdeal)-->V(J), such that V(QIdeal) has only quasi-ordinary singularities. If is_noeth=1 the algorithm assumes J is in noether position with respect to the last two variables. As a default or if is_noeth = 0 the algorithm computes a coordinate change such that J is in noether position. NOTE: since the noether position algorithm is randomized the performance can vary significantly. EXAMPLE: example jungfib; shows an example. " { int noeth = 0; if(size(#) == 0) { #[1]=0; noeth=0; } if(#[1]==1){ noeth=1; } ideal I = id; I = radical(id); def A = basering; int n = nvars(A); if(deg(NF(1,groebner(slocus(id)))) == -1){ list result; ideal QIdeal = I; ideal BMap = maxideal(1); export(QIdeal); export(BMap); result[1] = A; return(result); } if(char(A) <> 0){ERROR("only works for characterisitc 0");} //dummy check if(dim(I)<> 2){ERROR("dimension is unequal 2");} //dummy check //Noether Normalization if(noeth == 0){ if(n==3){ int pos = NoetherP_test(I); if(pos ==0){ ideal noethpos = NoetherPosition(I); map phi = A,noethpos; kill noethpos,pos; } else{ ideal NoetherPos = var(pos); for(int i = 1;i<=3;i++){ if(i<>pos){ NoetherPos = NoetherPos + var(i); } } map phi = A,NoetherPos; kill i,pos,NoetherPos; } } else{ map phi = A,NoetherPosition(I); } ideal NoetherN = ideal(phi(I)); //image of id under the NoetherN coordinate change } else{ ideal NoetherN = I; map phi = A,maxideal(1); } kill I; //Critical Locus def C2 = branchlocus(NoetherN); setring C2; //dim of critical locus is 0 then the normalization is an resolution if(dim(clocus) == 0){ setring A; list nor = normal(NoetherN); list result; int sizeofnor = size(nor[1]); for(int i = 1;i<=sizeofnor;i++){ def R = nor[1][i]; setring R; ideal QIdeal = norid; ideal BMap = BMap; export(QIdeal); export(BMap); result[size(result)+1] = R; kill R; setring A; } kill sizeofnor; print("This is a resolution."); return(result); } //dim of critical locus is 1, so compute embedded resolution of the discriminant curve list embresolvee = embresolve(clocus); //build the fibreproduct setring A; list fibreP = buildFP(embresolvee,NoetherN,phi); //a list of lists, where fibreP[i] contains the information conserning //the i-th chart of the fibrepoduct //fibreP[i] is the ring; QIdeal the quotientideal; BMap is the map from A return(fibreP); } example{ "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; //Computing a resolution of singularities of the variety z2-x3-y3 ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = z2-x3-y3; //The ideal is in noether position list l = jungfib(I,1); def R1 = l[1]; def R2 = l[2]; setring R1; QIdeal; BMap; setring R2; QIdeal; BMap; } proc jungnormal(ideal id,list #) "USAGE: jungnormal(ideal J[,is_noeth]); @* J = ideal @* i = int ASSUME: J = two dimensional ideal RETURN: a list l of rings l[i] is a ring containing two Ideals: QIdeal and BMap. BMap defines a birational morphism from V(QIdeal)-->V(J), such that V(QIdeal) has only singularities of Hizebuch-Jung type. If is_noeth=1 the algorithm assumes J is in noether position with respect to the last two variables. As a default or if is_noeth = 0 the algorithm computes a coordinate change such that J is in noether position. NOTE: since the noether position algorithm is randomized the performance can vary significantly. EXAMPLE: example jungnormal; gives an example. " { int noeth = 0; if(size(#) == 0) { #[1]=0; noeth=0; } if(#[1]==1){ noeth=1; } def A = basering; list fibreP = jungfib(id,noeth); list result; for(int i =1;i<=size(fibreP);i++){ def R1 = fibreP[i]; setring R1; map f1 = A,BMap; list nor = normal(QIdeal); int sizeofnor = size(nor[1]); for(int j = 1;j<=sizeofnor;j++){ def Ri2 = nor[1][j]; setring Ri2; map f2 = R1,normap; ideal BMap = ideal(f2(f1)); ideal QIdeal = norid; export(BMap); export(QIdeal); result[size(result)+1] = Ri2; kill Ri2,f2; setring R1; } kill j,sizeofnor,R1; } return(result); } example{ "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; //Computing a resolution of singularities of the variety z2-x3-y3 ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = z2-x3-y3; //The ideal is in noether position list l = jungnormal(I,1); def R1 = l[1]; def R2 = l[2]; setring R1; QIdeal; BMap; setring R2; QIdeal; BMap; } proc jungresolve(ideal id,list #) "USAGE: jungresolve(ideal J[,is_noeth]); @* J = ideal @* i = int ASSUME: J = two dimensional ideal RETURN: a list l of rings l[i] is a ring containing two Ideals: QIdeal and BMap. BMap defines a birational morphism from V(QIdeal)-->V(J), such that V(QIdeal) is smooth. For this the algorithm computes first with jungnormal a representation of V(J) with Hirzebruch-Jung singularities and then it uses Villamayor's algorithm to resolve these singularities If is_noeth=1 the algorithm assumes J is in noether position with respect to the last two variables. As a default or if is_noeth = 0 the algorithm computes a coordinate change such that J is in noether position. NOTE: since the noether position algorithm is randomized the performance can vary significantly. EXAMPLE: example jungresolve; shows an example. " { int noeth = 0; if(size(#) == 0) { #[1]=0; noeth=0; } if(#[1]==1){ noeth=1; } def A = basering; list result; list nor = jungnormal(id,noeth); for(int i = 1;i<=size(nor);i++){ if(defined(R)){kill R;} def R3 = nor[i]; setring R3; def R = changeord("dp"); setring R; ideal QIdeal = imap(R3,QIdeal); ideal BMap = imap(R3,BMap); map f = A,BMap; if(QIdeal <> 0){ list res = resolve(QIdeal); for(int j =1;j<=size(res[1]);j++){ def R2 = res[1][j]; setring R2; if(defined(QIdeal)){kill QIdeal;} if(defined(BMap)){kill BMap;} if(BO[1]<>0){ideal QIdeal = BO[1]+BO[2];} else{ideal QIdeal = BO[2];} map g = R,BO[5]; ideal BMap = ideal(g(f)); export(QIdeal); export(BMap); result[size(result)+1] = R2; kill R2; } kill j,res; } else{ result[size(result)+1] = nor[i]; } setring A; kill R,R3; } return(result); } example{ "EXAMPLE:";echo = 2; //Computing a resolution of singularities of the variety z2-x3-y3 ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = z2-x3-y3; //The ideal is in noether position list l = jungresolve(I,1); def R1 = l[1]; def R2 = l[2]; setring R1; QIdeal; BMap; setring R2; QIdeal; BMap; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Critical locus for the Weierstrass map induced by the noether normalization //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static proc branchlocus(ideal id) { //"USAGE: branchlocus(ideal J); // J = ideal //ASSUME: J = two dimensional ideal in noether position with respect of // the last two variables //RETURN: A ring containing the ideal clocus respresenting the criticallocus // of the projection V(J)-->C^2 on the last two coordinates //EXAMPLE: none" def A = basering; int n = nvars(A); list l = equidim(id); int k = size(l); ideal LastTwo = var(n-1),var(n); ideal lowdim = 1; //the components of id with dimension smaller 2 if(k>1){ for(int j=1;ji){ v[j]=1; } else{ v[j]=0; } } v[size(v)+1]=0; v[size(v)+1]=0; list ringl = ringlist(A); list l; l[1] = "a"; l[2] = v; list ll = insert(ringl[3],l); ringl[3]=ll; kill l,ll; def R = ring(ringl); //now x_j > x_i > x_n-1 > x_n forall j <> i,n-1,n setring R; ideal J = groebner(fetch(A,I));//this eliminates the variables setring A; ideal J = fetch(R,J); attrib(J,"isPrincipal",0); if(size(J)==1){ attrib(J,"isPrincipal",1); } int index = 1; if(attrib(J,"isPrincipal")==0){ setring R; for(int j = 1;j<=size(J);j++){//determines the monic polynomial in var(i) with coefficents in C2 intvec w = leadexp(J[j]); attrib(w,"isMonic",1); for(int k = 1;k<=size(w);k++){ if(w[k] <> 0 && k <> i){ attrib(w,"isMonic",0); break; } } kill k; if(attrib(w,"isMonic")==1){ index = j; break; } kill w; } kill j; setring A; } product = product*resultant(J[index],diff(J[index],var(i)),var(i)); //Product of the discriminants, which lies in C2 kill index,J,v; } ring C2 = 0,(var(n-1),var(n)),dp; setring C2; ideal clocus= imap(A,product); //the critical locus is contained in this ideal I = preimage(A,LastTwo,lowdim); clocus= radical(intersect(clocus,I)); //radical is necessary since the resultant is in gerneral not reduced export(clocus); return(C2); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Build the fibre product of the embedded resolution and the coordinate ring of the variety //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static proc buildFP(list embresolve,ideal NoetherN, map phi){ def A = basering; list fibreP; int n = nvars(A); for(int i=1;i<=size(embresolve);i++){ def R = embresolve[i]; setring R; list temp = ringlist(A); //data for the new ring which is, if A=K[x_1,..,x_n] and //R=K[y_1,..,y_m], K[x_1,..,x_n-2,y_1,..,y_m] for(int j = 1; j<= nvars(R);j++){ string st = string(var(j)); temp[2][n-2+j] = st; kill st; } temp[4] = BO[1]; ideal J = BO[5]; //ideal of the resolution map export(J); int m = size(J); def R2 = ring(temp); kill temp; setring R2; ideal Temp=0; //defines map from R to R2 which is the inclusion for(int k=n-1;k-1){ list primdecSL = primdecGTZ(Sl); for(int h =1;h<=size(primdecSL);h++){ attrib(primdecSL[h],"isRational",1); } kill h; if(!defined(index)){int index = 1;} if(defined(blowup)){kill blowup;} list blowup = blowUpBO(BO,primdecSL[index][2],3); //if it has a rational singularity blow it up else choose //some arbitary singular point if(attrib(primdecSL[1],"isRational")==0){ //if we blow up a non rational singularity the exeptional divisors //are reduzible so we need to separate them for(int k=1;k<=size(blowup);k++){ def R2=blowup[k]; setring R2; list L; for(int l = 1;l<=size(BO[4]);l++){ list primdecED=primdecGTZ(BO[4][l]); L = L + primdecED; kill primdecED; } kill l; BO[4] = L; blowup[k]=R2; kill L,R2; } kill k; } kill primdecSL; list hlp; for(int k = 1;k list L; intvec v = 1,1,1; L[1] = "lp"; L[2] = v; kill v; poly f = id[1]; int j = 0; for(int i = 1;i<=3;i++){ setring A; list l = ringA; //change ordering to lp and var(i)>var(j) j<>i list vari = ringA[2]; string h = vari[1]; vari[1] = vari[i]; vari[i] = h; l[2] = vari; kill h,vari; l[3][1] = L; def R = ring(l); kill l; setring R; ideal I = imap(A,id); if(defined(v)){kill v;} intvec v = leadexp(I[1]); attrib(v,"isMonic",1); if(defined(k)){kill k;} for(int k = 2;k<=3;k++){ //checks whether f is monic in var(i) if(v[k] <> 0 || v[1] == 0){ attrib(v,"isMonic",0); j++; break; } } kill k; if(attrib(v,"isMonic")==1){ index = i; return(index); } kill R; } if(j == 3){ return(0); } } else{ //not yet a test for more variables return(index); } } ////copied from resolve.lib///////////////// static proc normalCrossing(ideal J,list E,ideal V) "Internal procedure - no help and no example available " { int i,d,j; int n=nvars(basering); list E1,E2; ideal K,M,Estd; intvec v,w; for(i=1;i<=size(E);i++) { Estd=std(E[i]+J); if(deg(Estd[1])>0) { E1[size(E1)+1]=Estd; } } E=E1; for(i=1;i<=size(E);i++) { v=i; E1[i]=list(E[i],v); } list ll; int re=1; while((size(E1)>0)&&(re==1)) { K=E1[1][1]; v=E1[1][2]; attrib(K,"isSB",1); E1=delete(E1,1); d=n-dim(K); M=minor(jacob(K),d)+K; if(deg(std(M+V)[1])>0) { re=0; break; } for(i=1;i<=size(E);i++) { for(j=1;j<=size(v);j++){if(v[j]==i){break;}} if(j<=size(v)){if(v[j]==i){i++;continue;}} Estd=std(K+E[i]); w=v; if(deg(Estd[1])==0){i++;continue;} if(d==n-dim(Estd)) { if(deg(std(Estd+V)[1])>0) { re=0; break; } } w[size(w)+1]=i; E2[size(E2)+1]=list(Estd,w); } if(size(E2)>0) { if(size(E1)>0) { E1[size(E1)+1..size(E1)+size(E2)]=E2[1..size(E2)]; } else { E1=E2; } } kill E2; list E2; } return(re); }