// $Id: tex.lib,v 1.2 1997-07-03 15:49:56 Singular Exp $ // // author : Christian Gorzel email: gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de // created ....18.4.97 (lastchange 13.6.97) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARY: tex.lib PROCEDURES FOR TYPESET OF SINGULAROBJECTS IN TEX by Christian Gorzel, send bugs and comments to gorzelc@math.uni-muenster.de closetex(s); writes closing line for TeX-document opentex(s); writes header for TeX-file s tex(s); call latex for TeX-file s texdemo(); produces a latex file explaining the features of this lib texfactorize(fnm,f); create string in TeX-Symbolformat for factors of poly f texmap(fnm,m,r1,r2); create string in TeX-Symbolformat for map m:r1->r2 texname(fnm,s); create string in TeX-Symbolformat for identifier texobj(l); creates string in TeX-Symbolformat for any (basic) type texpoly(f,n[,l]); creates string in TeX-Symbolformat for poly texproc(fnm,p); create string in TeX-Symbolformat of text from proc p texring(fnm,r[,l]); create string in TeX-Symbolformat for ring/qring rmx(s); remove .aux and .log files of TeXfile s xdvi(s); call xdvi for dvi-file s (parameters in square brackets [] are optional) Global Variables: TeXwidth, TeXnofrac, TeXbrack, TeXproj, TeXaligned, TeXreplace, NoDollars are used to control the typesetting Call example texdemo; to become familiar with the features of tex.lib TeXwidth : int: -1,0,1..9, >9 controls the breaking of long polynomials TeXnofrac : (int) flag, write 1/2 instead of \\frac{1}{2} TeXbrack : string: possible values {,(,<,|, \"\" controls brackets around ideals and matrices TeXproj : (int) flag, write : instead of , in intvecs and vectors TeXaligned : (int) flag, write mappings (and ideals) aligned TeXreplace : list, entries twoelemented list for replacing symbols NoDollars : (int) flag, suppresses surrounding "$" signs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc closetex(string fname, list #) USAGE: closetex(fname[,style]); fname,style = string RETURN: nothing; writes a LaTeX2e closing line into file fname NOTE: style overwrites the default setting latex2e; maybe latex,amstex,tex preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname; overwriting an existing file is not possible EXAMPLE: example closetex; shows an example { string default = "latex2e"; // may be changed appropriatly (C.G.) int i = 1; if (size(#)) { default = #[1];} if (not(size(fname))) // filename is the empty string { print("-- Error: need a filename"); return(); } while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} if (default=="tex") {write(fname,"\\bye");} else { write(fname,"\\end{document}");} return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; opentex("exmpl"); texobj("exmpl","{\\large \\bf hello}"); closetex("exmpl"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc tex(string fname, list #) USAGE: tex(fname[,style]); fname,style = string RETURN: nothing; calls latex2e for compiling the file fname NOTE: style overwrites the default setting latex2e; maybe latex,amstex,tex ending ".tex" may miss in fname EXAMPLE: example tex; shows an example { string default = "latex2e"; // may be changed appropriatly (C.G.) int i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} if (size(#)) {default = #[1];} "calling ",default, " for :",fname,newline; system("sh",default + " " + fname); return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r; ideal I = maxideal(7); opentex("exp001"); // defaulted latex2e document texobj("exp001","An ideal ",I); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); opentex("exp002","tex"); // create a texdocument texobj("exp002","An ideal",I); closetex("exp002"); tex("exp002","tex"); echo = 0; print("the created files will be deleted after pressing "); pause; echo = 2; system("sh","rm -i exp00?.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc opentex(string fname, list #) USAGE: opentex(fname[,style]); fname,style = string RETURN: nothing; writes as LaTeX2e header into a new file fname NOTE: suffix .tex may miss in fname style overwrites the default setting latex2e; may be latex,amstex,tex EXAMPLE: example opentex; shows an example { int i =1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} fname = ">" + fname; write(fname, "\\documentstyle[12pt,amstex]{article}"); fname = ">" + fname; // aendern write(fname, "\\parindent=0pt"); write(fname, "\\newcommand{\\C}{{\\Bbb C}}", "\\newcommand{\\F}{{\\Bbb F}}", "\\newcommand{\\N}{{\\Bbb N}}", // "\\newcommand{\\P}{{\\Bbb P}}", "\\newcommand{\\Q}{{\\Bbb Q}}", "\\newcommand{\\R}{{\\Bbb R}}", "\\newcommand{\\T}{{\\Bbb T}}", "\\newcommand{\\Z}{{\\Bbb Z}}",newline); write(fname, "\\begin{document}"); return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; opentex("exmpl"); texobj("exmpl","hello"); closetex("exmpl"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texdemo(list #) USAGE: texdemo(); RETURN: nothing; generates automatically a LaTeX2e file called: texlibdemo.tex explaining the features of tex.lib and its gloabl variables NOTE: this proc takes some minutes EXAMPLE: example texdemo; executes the generation { int make_demo = size(#); print(" Not implemeted yet"); return(); if (make_demo) {make_demo=(#[1]=="yes");} if(make_demo) { int TeXdemopart = sytem("sh","sh"); system("random",TeXdemopart); part0(); part1(); part2(); part3(); print(" tldemo.tex generated ..."); exitall; } else { print("Enter texdemo(\"yes\") to generate the demofile."); return(); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; print("Enter texdemo(\"yes\") to generate the demofile."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texfactorize(string fname, poly f, list #) USAGE: opentex(fname,f); fname = string; f = poly RETURN: string, the poly as as product of its irreducible factors in TeX-typesetting if fname == empty string; otherwise append this to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname EXAMPLE: example texfactorize; shows an example { def @r = basering; list l; int i,j,k,Tw,TW,ND;; intvec v; string s,t; string D = "$"; poly g; ND = defined(NoDollars); if (!(ND)) {int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} else { D = ""; } TW = defined(TeXwidth); if (TW) {Tw = TeXwidth; TeXwidth = -1;} else {int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} if (f==0) {s= D + "0" + D;} else { l = factorize(f); // sollte auch fuer f== 0 direkt funktionieren if (l[1][1]<>1){s = texpoly("",l[1][1]);} for(i=2;i<=size(l[1]);i++) { if(size(s)){s = s+"\\cdot ";} g = l[1][i]; v = leadexp(g); k=0; for(j=1;j<=size(v);j++){k = k + v[j];} if(size(g)>1 or (size(g)==1 and k>1)) { t = "(" + texpoly("",l[1][i]) + ")";} else { t = texpoly("",l[1][i]);} if (l[2][i]>1) { t = t+"^{" +string(l[2][i]) + "}";} s = s + t; } if (!(ND)) { kill NoDollars;} s = D + s + D; if (TW) {TeXwidth = Tw;} } if(size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r2=13,(x,y),dp; poly f = (x+1+y)^2*x3y*(2x -2y)*y12; texfactorize("",f); ring R49 = (7,a),x,dp; minpoly = a2 +a +3; poly f = (a24x5 + x3)*a2x6*(x+1)^2; f; texfactorize("",f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texmap(string fname, def m, def @r1, def @r2, list #) USAGE: texmap(fname,f); fname = string; m = string/map, @r1,@r2 = ring RETURN: string, the map m from @r1 to @r2 preeceded by its name if m = string in TeX-typesetting if fname == empty string; otherwise append this to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname EXAMPLE: example texmap; shows an example { int saveDollars= defined(NoDollars); int TX = defined(TeXwidth); int Tw; int i,n; string r1str,r2str, varr1str, varr2str; string mapname,t,s; string D,DD,vrg = "$","$$",","; def @r = basering; def themap; list l1,l2; string rr1,rr2 = "@r1","@r2"; proc rp(string s) { int i; for(i=1;i<=size(TeXreplace);i++) { if (TeXreplace[i][1]==s) {s= TeXreplace[i][2]; break;}} return(s); } // --- store all actual informations if(TX) { Tw = TeXwidth; TeXwidth = -1;} else { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} if (!(saveDollars)) { int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} if (defined(TeXproj)) {vrg = ":";} if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="list") { l1 = #[1]; if(size(#)==2) { l2 = #[2];} } else {l1=#; l2 =#;} } // --- tex the information in preimring r1 setring(@r1); r1str = texring("",@r1,l1); // --- avoid an execute; hence construct an ideal n = nvars(@r1); if (n>1) { t = "\\left(";} ideal @I = var(1); t = t + texpoly("",var(1)); for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { @I = @I + var(i); t = t + vrg + texpoly("",var(i)); } if (n>1) { t = t + "\\right)";} varr1str = t; // --- now the things in ring ring r2 setring(@r2); // listvar(); if (typeof(m)=="string") { themap = `m`; mapname = m; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { mapname = rp(mapname); // rp ausschreiben ! } mapname = mapname + ":"; } if (typeof(m)=="map") { themap = m;} r2str = texring("",@r2,l2); ideal @J = themap(@I); n = size(matrix(@J)); if (n>1) { t = " \\left(";} if (!(defined(TeXaligned)) and (n>1)) { t = t + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline;} t = t + texpoly("",@J[1]); for (i=2;i<=n; i++) {if(defined(TeXaligned)) { t = t + vrg + texpoly("",@J[i]); } else { t = t + "\\\\" + newline + texpoly("",@J[i]);} } if (!(defined(TeXaligned)) and (n>1)) { t = t + newline + "\\end{array}" + newline;} if (n>1) {t = t + "\\right)";} varr2str = t; // --- go back to ring r1 to kill @I setring(@r1); kill @I; // --- now reset the old settings and stick all the information together setring(@r); if (!(saveDollars)) { kill NoDollars;} if (TX) {TeXwidth = Tw;} else { kill TeXwidth;} if (defined(NoDollars)) { D,DD = "",""; } if (defined(TeXaligned)) { s = D + mapname; s = s + r1str + "\\longrightarrow" + r2str + ", \\ " + varr1str + "\\longmapsto" + varr2str + D; } else { s = DD; s = s + newline + "\\begin{array}{rcc}" + newline; s = s + mapname + r1str + " & \\longrightarrow & " + r2str + "\\\\[2mm]" + newline; s = s + varr1str + " & \\longmapsto & " + newline + varr2str + newline; s = s + "\\end{array}" + newline; s = s + DD; } if (size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else {return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; string fname = "tldemo"; ring r1=0,(x,y,z),dp; export r1; ring r2=0,(u,v),dp; map phi =(r1,u2,uv -v,v2); export phi; list TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("phi","\\phi"); export TeXreplace; texmap("","phi",r1,r2); int TeXaligned; export TeXaligned; texmap("",phi,r1,r2,"\\C"); kill r1,r2,TeXreplace,TeXaligned; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texname(string fname, string s) USAGE: texname(fname,s); fname,s = string RETURN: the string s if fname == the empty string "" ; otherwise append s to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname; EXAMPLE: example texname; shows an example { string st, extr; int i,anf,end,op,bigch; int n; if (s[1]=="{") { return(s[2,size(s)-2]);} if (s=="") { return(s);} s = s + newline; // add a terminating sign anf=1; while(s[i]!=newline) { i =anf; while(s[i]<"0" or s[i]>"9" and s[i]!="'" and s[i]!= "_" and s[i]!="~" and s[i]!="(" and s[i]!=")" and s[i]!= "[" and s[i]!=newline) {i++;} if (s[i]==newline){st = st + s[anf,i-anf]; n = n +10*(i-anf); return(st);} st = st + s[anf,i-anf]; // the starting letters if (s[anf]>="A" and s[anf]<="Z") {bigch=1;} if (s[i]=="'") { st = st + "'";i++;} if (s[i]=="~") { st = "\\tilde{" + st + "}"; i++;} if (s[i]=="_") { i++;} if (s[i]=="(") { op =1;i++;} if (s[i]=="[") { anf = i+1; while(s[i]!="]"){i++;} // matrices and vectors st = st + "_{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; n = n+ 5*(i-anf); i++; // besser: while s[i]<> nwline : scan forward: end, return } if (s[i]==newline) {return(st);} anf =i; while (s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} // parse the number after the letters if (bigch and not(op)) { st = st + "^{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; bigch =0;} else { st = st + "_{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}";} n = n+5*(i-anf); anf =i; // the next text in ( , ) as exponent if (op) { if (s[i]== ","){anf = anf+1;} while(s[i] !=")"){ i++;} if (i<>anf){st = st + "^{" + s[anf,i-anf] + "}"; n = n +5*(i-anf);} i++; } anf =i; } if (size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,st); } else {return(st);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; poly f = 3xy4 + 2xy2 + x5y3 + x + y6; texname("","{f(10)}"); texname("","f(10) ="); texname("","n1"); texname("","T1_12"); texname("","g'_11"); texname("","f23"); texname("","M[2,3]"); texname("","A(0,3);"); texname("","E~(3)"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texobj(string fname, list #) USAGE: texobj(fname,l); fname = string,l = list of Singular dataypes RETURN: string, the objects in TeX-typesetting if fname == empty string; otherwise append this to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname; EXAMPLE: example texobj; shows an example { int i,j,k,nr,nc,linear,Tw,Dollars; int ND = defined(NoDollars); int TW = defined(TeXwidth); if(defined(basering)){ poly g,h; matrix M;} string s,t,l,ineq,sg,Iname; string sep= ","; string D,DA,DE = "$","\\begin{equation*}","\\end{equation*}"+ newline; string OB,CB = "(",")"; if (defined(TeXbrack)) {// if (TeXbrack=="(") {OB = "("; CB = ")";} if (TeXbrack=="<") {OB = "<"; CB = ">";} if (TeXbrack=="{") {OB = "{"; CB = "}";} if (TeXbrack=="|") {OB = "|"; CB = "|";} if (TeXbrack=="" ) {OB = ""; CB = "";} } if (!(TW)) { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth; } Tw = TeXwidth; if (defined(TeXproj)){ sep = ":";} if(ND) { D,DA,DE="","","";} else {int NoDollars; export NoDollars;} proc absterm(poly f) { int k; for (k=1; k<=nvars(basering); k++) { f = subst(f,var(k),0); } return(f); } if (size(#)==1) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int" or typeof(#[1])=="intvec" or typeof(#[1])=="vector" or typeof(#[1])=="number" or defined(TeXaligned)) { DA = D; DE = D; } } s = DA + newline; for (k=1; k<=size(#); k++) { def obj = #[k]; if (typeof(obj) == "string") { if (defined(`obj`)) { if (typeof(`obj`)=="ideal") { Iname = obj; def e = `obj`; kill obj; def obj = e; kill e;} else {s = s + obj + newline;} } else { s = s + obj + newline;} } if (typeof(obj) == "int") { s = s + " " + string(obj) + " ";} if (typeof(obj) == "intvec") { s = s + " ("; for(j=1; j1){linear =0; break;} } if (!(linear)) { s = s + "\\begin{array}{rcl}" + newline; for(j=1;j<=size(obj);j++) { h = absterm(obj[j]); ineq = attrib(I[j],"ineq"); if(!(size(ineq))) { ineq = "=" ; } l = texpoly("",obj[j]-h) + " & " + ineq + " & " + texpoly("",-h); if(j1) { if (t[1]!="-" and t[1]!= " " and nc ){sg = "+";} if (t[1]=="-") { sg = "-"; nc =1; t=t[2,size(t)-1];} if (t==" ") {sg ="";} l = l + " & " + sg + " & " + t; } else { l = t;} if (g!=0) {nc = 1;} } l = l + " & " + ineq + " & " + texpoly("",-h); if (j < size(obj)) { l = l + " \\\\";} s = s + l + newline; } // end for (j) s = s + "\\end{array}"; } // end else linear } // end TeXwidth == 0 else // TeXwidth <> 0 { s = s + "\\left"+ OB; if (defined(TeXaligned)) { s = s + texpoly("",obj,","); } else { s = s + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline + texpoly("",obj,", \\\\" + newline) + newline + "\\end{array}" + newline; } s = s + "\\right" + CB; } // end TeXwidth <> 0 } // not Iname // s; } if (typeof(obj) == "module") { M = matrix(obj); if (Tw ==0 or Tw > 9) { TeXwidth = -1;} s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline; if (!(defined(TeXaligned))) { // Naechste Zeile nicht notwendig ! // s = s + "\\begin{array}{*{"+ string(ncols(M)) + "}{c}}" + newline; for(j=1;j<=ncols(M);j++) { l = "\\left" + OB + newline + "\\begin{array}{c}" + newline; l = l + texpoly("",ideal(M[j]), " \\\\" + newline) + newline + "\\end{array}" +newline + "\\right" + CB + newline; if (j< ncols(M)) { l = l + " , " + newline;} s = s + l ; } } else // TeXaligned { for(j=1;j<=ncols(M);j++) { s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline + texpoly("",ideal(M[j]),",") + newline + "\\right" + CB; if (j 9) {TeXwidth = -1;} M = transpose(obj); s = s + "\\left" + OB + newline + "\\begin{array}{*{"+ string(ncols(obj)) + "}{c}" + "}"+ newline; for(i=1;i<=ncols(M);i++) { l = l + texpoly("",ideal(M[i])," & "); if (i"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else {return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; poly f = 3xy4 + 2xy2 + x5y3 + x + y6; ideal G = jacob(f); texobj("",G); matrix J = jacob(G); texobj("",J); intmat m[3,4] = 9,2,4,5,2,5,-2,4,-6,10,-1,2,7; texobj("",m); ring r0 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I = 2x2-4yz3+2-4,zy2+2x,y5z-6x2+7y4z2 +5; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texproc(string fname,string pname) USAGE: opentex(fname,pname); fname,pname = string RETURN: string, the proc in a verbatim environment in TeX-typesetting if fname == empty string; otherwise append this to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname; CAUTION: texproc cannot applied on itself correctly EXAMPLE: example texproc; shows an example { int i,j=1,1; string p,s,t; if (defined(pname)) { if (typeof(`pname`)=="proc") { p = string(`pname`); s = "\\begin{verbatim}" + newline; s = s + "proc " + pname + "("; i = find(p,"parameter"); // collecting the parameters while(i) { j=find(p,";",i); t = p[i+10,j-i-10]; if(i>1){s = s + ",";}; s = s + t; i = find(p,"parameter",j); } s = s + ")" + newline; j++; // skip one for the newline i = find(p,";RETURN();",j); // j kann hier weg s = s + "{" + p[j,i-j-1] + "}" + newline; s = s + "\\end{verbatim}" + newline; } } else { print("--Error: No such proc defined"); return(); } if(size(fname)) { i=1; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; proc exp(int i,int j,list #) { string s; if (size(#)) { for(i;i<=j;i++) { s = s + string(j) + string(#); } } return(s); } export exp; texproc("","exp"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texring(string fname, def r, list #) USAGE: texring(fname, r[,l]); fname = string; r = ring; l=list of strings : controls the symbol for coefficint field etc. see example texdemo(); RETURN: string, the ring in TeX-typesetting if fname == empty string; otherwise append this to file fname.tex; return nothing NOTE: preceeding ">>" end ending ".tex" may miss in fname; EXAMPLE: example texring; shows an example { int i,galT,flag,mipo,nopar,Dollars,TB,TA; string ob,cb,cf,en,s,t,savebrack; //opening bracket, closing br, coef.field intvec v; proc tvar(intvec v) { int i,j,ldots; string s; j = 1; s = texpoly("",var(1)); if (nvars(basering)==1) { return(s);} if (nvars(basering)==2) { return(s + "," + texpoly("",var(2)));} if (size(v)==1 and v[1] == 1) {return(s + ",\\ldots,"+ texpoly("",var(nvars(basering))));} if (v[1]==1 and size(v) >1) {j++;} for(i=2;i0) { i = find(charstr(r),","); if(i) { t= charstr(r)[1,i-1]; galT = (t <> string(char(r))); if (galT) { cf = "\\F_{"+ t + "}";} } } // all other cases are cover already by char(r)=? prime(char) if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="list") { # = #[1];} } for (i=1;i<=size(#);i++) { flag =0; if(typeof(#[i])=="string") { if(#[i][1]=="^" or #[i][1]=="_"){en=en+#[i];flag = 1;} if(#[i]=="mipo"){mipo=1; flag = 1;} if(#[i]=="{"){ob,cb="\\{","\\}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="{{"){ob,cb="\\{\\{","\\}\\}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="["){ob,cb="[","]";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="[["){ob,cb="[[","]]";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="<"){ob,cb="<",">";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="<<"){ob,cb="{\\ll}","{\\gg}";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="C"){cf="\\C";flag=1;} if(#[i]=="Q"){cf="\\Q";flag=1;} if((#[i]=="k" or #[i]=="K" or #[i]=="R") and !(galT)) {cf=#[i]; flag=1; nopar=1;} if (flag!=1) {cf = #[i];} // for all the cases not covered here e.g Z_(p) } // or Q[i] if ((typeof(#[i])=="intvec") or (typeof(#[i])=="int")){v=#[i];} } s = cf; if (!(galT) and mipo and minpoly!=0) { s = s + "/" + texpoly("",minpoly);} // now the parameters // t; if(npars(r) and ((t==string(char(r))) or char(r)==0) and !(nopar)) { s = s + "("; // !! mit ideal !! for(i=1;i3) { s = s + tvar(v);} else { for(i=1;i"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,s); } else{return(s);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r0 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; // short varnames polynomial ordering texring("",r0); ring r7 =0,(x(0..2)),ds; // char =7, long varnames texring("",r7); ring r1 = 0,(x1,x2,y1,y2),wp(1,2,3,4); texring("",r1); ring r2= 0,(x_10,x_11),M(1,2,3,4); texring("",r2); ring rr = real,(x),dp; // real numbers texring("",rr); ring r; texring("",r); ring rabc =(0,t1,t2,t3),(x,y),dp; // parameters texring("",rabc); ring ralg = (7,a),(x1,x2),(ds,dp); // algebraic extension minpoly = a2-a+3; texring("",ralg); // texring("",ralg,"mipo"); ring r49=(49,a),x,dp; // Galoisfield texring("",r49); setring r0; ideal i = x2-z,xy2+1; qring q = std(i); q; texring("",q); // -------- additional features ------------- ring r10 =0,(x(0..10)),dp; texring("",r10,1); ring rxy = 0,(x(1..5),y(1..6)),ds; intvec v = 5,6; texring("",rxy,v); texring("",r0,"C","{"); texring("",ralg,"k"); texring("",r7,"^G"); list TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("x","\\xi"); TeXreplace[2] = list ("t","\\lambda"); export TeXreplace; texring("",rabc); texring("",r7); kill TeXreplace; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc rmx(string fname) USAGE: rmx(fname); fname = string RETURN: nothing; removes .log and .aux files associated to file removes tex and xdvi file too, if suffix ".tex" or ".dvi" is given NOTE: if fname ends by .dvi or .tex fname.dvi or fname.dvi and fname.tex will be deleted, too EXAMPLE: example rmx; shows an example { int i,suffix= 1,0; while (fname[i]==">"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (!(size(fname))) { return();} if (size(fname)>4)) { if (fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".tex") { suffix = 2;} if (fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".dvi") { suffix = 1; } fname = fname[1,size(fname)-4]; } system("sh","rm " + fname + ".aux"); system("sh","rm " + fname + ".log"); if (suffix==2) {system("sh","\bin\rm -i " + ".tex");} if (suffix>=1) {system("sh","\bin\rm -i " + ".dvi");} return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r; poly f = maxideal(7); opentex("exp001"); // defaulted latex2e document texobj("exp001","A polynom",f); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); rmx("exp001"); // removes aux and log file of exp001 opentex("exp002","tex"); // create a texdocument texobj("exp002","A polynom",f); closetex("exp002"); tex("exp002","tex"); rmx("exp002.tex"); // removes aux, log, dvi and tex file of exp002 echo = 0; print("remaining files will be deleted after pressing "); pause; echo = 2; system("sh","rm -i exp00?.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc xdvi(string fname, list #) USAGE: xdvi(fname[,style]); fname,style = string RETURN: nothing; displays dvi-file fname.dvi with previewer xdvi NOTE: ending .dvi may miss in fname style overwrites the default setting xdvi EXAMPLE: example xdvi ; shows an example { int i=1; string default = "xdvi"; // may be changed appropriatly (C.G.) while (fname[i]==">") {i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]==".tex") {fname = fname[1,size(fname)-4];}} if (size(#)) {default = #[1];} "calling ",default, " for :",fname,newline; system("sh",default + " " + fname + " &"); return(); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r; ideal i = maxideal(7); opentex("exp001"); // defaulted latex2e document texobj("exp001","A ideal",i); closetex("exp001"); tex("exp001"); xdvi("exp001"); echo = 0; print("the created files will be deleted after pressing "); pause; echo = 2; system("sh","rm -i exp00?.*"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc texpoly(string fname,def p,list #) { def @r = basering; poly f,monom; ideal I; number cfm; string sign,cfmt,pt,s,bg,t,monomt; string sep = newline; int i,b,b2,n, msz,linesz, count,k; int realT, parT, galT; int C = 2 + defined(TeXdisplay); proc parsr(string s) // parse real { string t; if (s==" Inf") { return("\\infty",3);} if (s==" -Inf") { return("\\-infty",6);} if (s[7]=="-"){t ="-";} if (s[8]<>"0"){t = t + s[8];} if (s[9]<>"0" or s[8]<>"0"){t = t + s[9];} if (size(t)) { if (t=="1") {return(s[1,5]+"*10",21);} if (size(t)>1) {return(s[1,5]+"*10^{"+t+"}",21+2*size(t));} else {return(s[1,5]+"*10^"+t,23);} } else {return(s[1,5],12);} } proc parsg(string s) // parse Galoisfield { int i,j = 1,1; string t; if (short) { t =s[1]; if(size(s)>1) {return(t+"^{" + s[2,size(s)-1] + "}",3+2*(size(s)-1));} else{return(t,5);} } else { return(parselong(s+"!"));} } if (defined(TeXdisplay)) { bg = "& ";} if (!(defined(TeXwidth))) { int TeXwidth = -1; export TeXwidth;} if (typeof(p)=="poly" or typeof(p)=="number") {I = p;} if (typeof(p)=="ideal") { I = p; if(size(#)){ sep = #[1];} } if (I==0) { if (!(defined(NoDollars))){return("$0$");} else {return("0");} } //--------------------- //------- set flags: -------------------------------------------------------- if (size(#)) { if (typeof(#[1])=="int") { linesz = #[1];} // if (typeof(#[1])=="string") { linesz = #[1];} } parT = npars(@r); realT = (charstr(@r)=="real"); i = find(charstr(@r),","); if (i) { t = charstr(@r)[1,i-1]; galT = (t <> string(char(@r))); // the char is not the same as the ... } i = 0; //------- parse the polynom pt = bg; for(k=1;k<=size(matrix(I));k++) { i = 0; linesz = 0; count =0; sign =""; f = I[k]; if (f==0) { pt = pt + "0";} while(f<>0) { count++; msz = 0; // ------ tex the coefficient monom = lead(f); f = f - monom; cfm = leadcoef(monom); monom = monom/cfm; // the normalized monom s = string(monom) + "!"; // add an terminating sign cfmt = ""; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { short =0;} // this is essential cfmt = string(cfm); if (size(cfmt)>1) // check if sign is < 0 { if (cfmt[2]=="-") { cfm = (-1) *cfm; sign = "-";}} if (cfmt[1] == "-") { cfm = (-1) * cfm; sign = "-";} if (cfm!=1 or monom==1) {cfmt = string(cfm);} else {cfmt="";} if (defined(TeXwidth) and TeXwidth > 0 and TeXwidth <9 and count> TeXwidth) { pt = pt + sign + "\\dotsb"; break;} // ---------------------------------------- linesz ?? if (size(cfmt)) // parse the coefficient { monomt = cfmt; // (already a good choice for integers) msz = size(cfmt); if(realT) { monomt,msz = parsr(cfmt);} if (galT) { monomt,msz = parsg(cfmt);} b = find(cfmt,")/("); // look if fraction b2 = find(cfmt,"/"); if (b) {b++;} n = size(cfmt); if (!(parT) and !(realT) and !(galT)) { if( !(b2) or defined(TeXnofrac)) {monomt = cfmt; msz = size(monomt);} else { monomt = "\\frac{" + cfmt[1,b2-1] + "}{" + cfmt[b2+1,n-b2] + "}"; if (n-2*b2>0) {msz = C*(n-b2);} else {msz = C*b2;} } } if (parT and !(galT)) { monomt,msz = parsp(cfmt,b);} } // -- now parse the monom if (monom <> 1) { i = 1; if(short) { while(s[i]<>"!") { monomt = monomt + s[i]; i++; b = i; msz = msz + 3; //the was the single lettered var while(s[i]!="!" and s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){i++;} if (i-b) { monomt = monomt + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}"; msz = msz + 2*(i-b); } } } else // not short { t,i = parselong(s); monomt = monomt + t; msz = msz + i; } } if (TeXwidth > 10 and (linesz + msz > 2*TeXwidth) and linesz) { pt = pt + "\\\\" + newline +bg; linesz = 0; } else { linesz = linesz + msz; } pt = pt + sign + monomt; sign = "+"; monomt = ""; } if (k"){i++;} fname = fname[i,size(fname)-i+1]; if (size(fname)>=4) // check if filename is ending with ".tex" { if(fname[size(fname)-3,4]!=".tex") {fname = fname +".tex"; } } else {fname = fname + ".tex";} write(fname,pt); } else {return(pt);} } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r0=0,(x,y,z),dp; poly f = -1x^2 + 2; texpoly("",f); texpoly("",2x2y23z); ring rr= real,(x,y),dp; ring r7= 7,(x,y,z),dp; poly f = 2x2y23z; texpoly("",f); ring rab =(0,a,b),(x,y,z),dp; poly f = (-2a2 +b3 -2)/a * x2y4z5 + (a2+1)*x + a+1; f; texpoly("",f); } proc parsp(string cfmt, int b) { string mt, nom,denom; int fl1,fl2,sz1,sz2,msz; if (!(b)) { mt,fl1 = parst(cfmt,0); msz = size(cfmt)-2; if (fl1) { mt = "(" + mt + ")"; msz = msz +1; } } else { nom,fl1 = parst(cfmt[1,b-1],1); denom,fl2 = parst(cfmt[b+1,size(cfmt)-b],1); if (defined(TeXnofrac)) { if(fl1) { nom = "(" + nom + ")"; sz1++;} if(fl2) {denom = "(" + denom + ")"; sz2++;} mt = nom+ "/"+ denom; msz = sz1+sz2 +1; } else { mt = "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}"; if (sz1-sz2) { msz = 5*sz1;} else {msz = 5*sz2;} } } return(mt,msz); } example {"EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r=(0,a,b),x,dp; int i; poly f = (a2b12 + 23a2 -b13-1)/(a2+2b -1); f; string s; s= string(f); i = find(s,")/("); parsp(s,i); } proc parst(string s,int sec) // parse parameter // sec parameter to see if in parsp a fraction follows { int i,j =1,-1; int b,k,jj,mz; // begin and end int saveshort=short; string t,c,vn,nom,denom,sg; s = s[2,size(s)-2]; s = s + "!"; if(defined(TeXreplace)){ short =0;} // only then replacing works correctly if (short) { while(s[i]<>"!") { b=i; j++; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9" or (s[i]=="+" or s[i]=="-") and s[i]!="!") {i++;} // scan the number t =s[b,i-b]; // if (t=="-1" and s[i]!="!" and s[i]!="-" and s[i]!="+"){t = "-";} if (t=="-1" and (s[i]<="0" or s[i]>="9") and s[i]!= "/" and s[i]!="!") { t = "-";} if (s[i]=="/") { i++; sg = ""; if (t[1]=="+" or t[1]=="-") { nom = t[2,size(t)-1]; sg = t[1]; } else { nom = t;} b =i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} denom = s[b,i-b]; if (!(sec) and (!(defined(TeXaligned)))) { t = sg + "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}";} else { t = sg + "(" + nom + "/" + denom + ")"; } } c = c + t; if(s[i]!="!"){c = c + s[i]; i++;} // the parameter b=i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} //the exponent if(i-b){ c = c + "^{" + s[b,i-b]+"}";} } } else // if not short .... { while (s[i] <> "!") { b=i; j++; while(s[i]=="-" or s[i]=="+" or (s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9")){i++;} t = s[b,i-b]; if (t=="-1" and s[i]=="*" ) {t="-";} if (s[i]=="/") { i++; sg = ""; if (t[1]=="+" or t[1]=="-") { nom = t[2,size(t)-1]; sg = t[1]; } else { nom = t;} b =i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9") {i++;} denom = s[b,i-b]; if (!(sec) and (!(defined(TeXaligned)))) { t = sg + "\\frac{" + nom + "}{" + denom + "}";} else { t = sg + "(" + nom + "/" + denom + ")"; } } c = c+t; t=""; if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} b=i; while(s[i]!="+" and s[i]!="-" and s[i]!="!") //pass a monom { // start with letters // alternativ: while((s[i]>="a" and s[i]<="z") or (s[i]>="A" and s[i]<="Z")){i++;} k = i-b; vn = s[b,k]; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { for (jj=1; jj<= size(TeXreplace);jj++) { if (vn == TeXreplace[jj][1]) {vn = TeXreplace[jj][2]; k=1; if (s[i]=="*") {vn = vn + " ";} break;} //suppose replacing by a single sign } } t = t + vn; mz = mz + 10*k; if (s[i]=="_" or s[i]=="(") { i++;} // the index is coming b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} k = i-b; if (k){ t = t + "_{" +s[b,k] + "}";} if(s[i]==")") {i++;} if (s[i]=="^") { i++; b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} // for neg. expon. if (b-i) { t = t + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}";} } if (i-b > k) { mz = mz + 5*(i-b);} else {mz = mz + 5*k;} if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} b=i; } c =c+t; } } short = saveshort; return(c,j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r=(0,a,b),x,dp; poly f = (a2b12 + 23a2 -b13-1); f; parst(string(f)); f =(-a +4b2 -2); f; parst(string(f)); f = a23; f; parst(string(f)); f = 2a12b3 -4ab15 +2a4b12 -2; short =0; f; parst(string(f)); ring r2=(0,a1,b1),x,dp; poly f = 2*a1^12*b1^3 -4*a1*b1^15 +2*a1^4*b1^12 -2; f; parst(string(f)); } proc parselong(string s) { int i,j,k,b,mz; string t,vn; // varname // "s=" + s; i = 1; while (s[i] <> "!") { b=i; // -- scan now the letter ... // while(s[i]!="!" and ) // alternativ: while((s[i]>="a" and s[i]<="z") or (s[i]>="A" and s[i]<="Z")) { i++;} // s[i]; i; k = i-b; vn = s[b,k]; if (defined(TeXreplace)) { for (j=1; j<= size(TeXreplace);j++) { if (vn == TeXreplace[j][1]) {vn = TeXreplace[j][2]; k=1; if (s[i]=="*") {vn = vn + " ";} break;} //suppose replacing by a single sign } } t = t + vn; mz = mz + 10*k; if (s[i]=="_" or s[i]=="(") { i++;} // the index is coming b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9"){ i++;} j = i-b; if (j){ t = t + "_{" +s[b,j] + "}";} if(s[i]==")") {i++;} if (s[i]=="^") { i++; b = i; while(s[i]>="0" and s[i]<="9" or s[i]=="-") { i++;} // for neg. expon. if (b-i) { t = t + "^{" + s[b,i-b] + "}";} } if (i-b > j) { mz = mz + 5*(i-b);} else {mz = mz + 5*j;} if (s[i]=="*"){i++;} } return(t,mz); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; ring r =(49,a),x,dp; number f = a13; parsg(string(f)); list TeXreplace; export TeXreplace; TeXreplace[1] = list("b","\\beta"); TeXreplace[2] = list("a","\\alpha"); TeXreplace[3] = list("c","\\gamma"); parselong(string(f)+"!"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////