# Singular help browser file # each line which start with an # is a comment # each other line defines a (possible) help browser # the format of the entries is: !! #---------------------------------------------------- # known requirements: # x- requires singular.idx # i- requires singular.hlp # h- requires html dir # D- requires the enviroment variable DISPLAY # C- requires Windows-help: Manual.chm # E:executable:- requires the named exectable # O:singuname:- requires the named uname # (ubuntu has an open completely different from open on OsX) #---------------------------------------------------- # shell commands substitute the following: # %h: the local html file (in the form file://localhost/some/dir/sing_123.htm) # %f: the local html file (in the form /some/dir/sing_123.htm) # %H: the www html file # (in the form http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/some/dir/sing_123.htm) # %i: the complete path of singular.hlp # %n: the info node # %v: Singular version (in the form 4-0-0) #---------------------------------------------------- # the default help browsers builtin, dummy and emacs are always # available and should NOT be mentioned here # ix86_Win: has additional default browsers: htmlhelp, html and winhlp # also not mentioned here #---------------------------------------------------- htmlview!xDhE:htmlview:!htmlview %h & mac!xhE:open:O:ix86Mac-darwin:!open %f & mac!xhE:open:O:ppcMac-darwin:!open %f & mac-net!xE:open:O:ix86Mac-darwin:!open %H & mac-net!xE:open:O:ppcMac-darwin:!open %H & mozilla!xDhE:mozilla:!(mozilla -remote "openURL(%h)")||(mozilla %h) & firefox!xDhE:firefox:!firefox %h & konqueror!xDhE:konqueror:!konqueror %h & galeon!xDhE:galeon:!galeon -n %h & netscape!xDhE:netscape:!(netscape -remote "openURL(%h)")||(netscape %h) & safari!xhE:/Applications/Safari.app:!open /Applications/Safari.app %h tkinfo!xDiE:tkinfo:!tkinfo '(%i)%n' & xinfo!xDiE:xterm:E:info:!xterm -e info -f %i --node='%n' & info!xiE:info:!info -f %i --node='%n' lynx!xhE:lynx:!lynx %h #---------------------------------------------------------------- # dummy versions for pure online help mac-www!E:open:O:ix86Mac-darwin:!open http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ & mac-www!E:open:O:ppcMac-darwin:!open http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ & mozilla-www!DE:mozilla:!(mozilla -remote "openURL(http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/)")||(mozilla http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/) & firefox-www!DE:firefox:!firefox http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ & konqueror-www!DE:konqueror:!konqueror http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ & galeon-www!DE:galeon:!galeon -n http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ & netscape-www!DE:netscape:!(netscape -remote "openURL(http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/)")||(netscape http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/) & safari-www!E:/Applications/Safari.app:!open /Applications/Safari.app http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/ lynx-www!E:lynx:!lynx http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/%v/