////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version rootisolation.lib Dec_2017 "; // $Id$ info=" LIBRARY: rootisolation.lib implements an algorithm for real root isolation using interval arithmetic AUTHORS: Dominik Bendle (bendle@rhrk.uni-kl.de) Janko Boehm (boehm@mathematik.uni-lk.de), supervisor Fachpraktikum @* Clara Petroll (petroll@rhrk.uni-kl.de) OVERVIEW: In this library the interval arithmetic from @code{interval.so} is used. The new type @code{ivmat}, a matrix consisting of intervals, is implemented as @code{newstruct}. There are various functions for computations with interval matrices implemented, such as Gaussian elimination for interval matrices. @* Interval arithmetic, the interval Newton Step and exclusion methods are used to implement the procedure @code{rootIsolation}, an algorithm which finds boxes containing elements of the vanishing locus of an ideal. This algorithm is specialised for zero-dimensional radical ideals. The theory about the interval Newton Step is detailed in [2]. @* Note that interval arithmetic and the aforementioned procedures are intended for rational or real polynomial rings. REFERENCES: [1] Cloud, Kearfott, Moore: Introduction to Interval Analysis, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009 @* [2] Eisenbud, Grayson, Herzog, Stillman, Vasconcelos: Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 3. edition 2004 @* [3] Andrew J. Sommese and Charles W. Wampler: The Numerical Solution of Systems of Polynomials - Arising in Engineering and Science, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2005 OVERLOADS: [ ivmatGet indexing print ivmatPrint printing nrows ivmatNrows number of rows ncols ivmatNcols number of columns@* * ivmatMultiplyGeneral matrix multiplication PROCEDURES: bounds(a,#); creates a new interval with given bounds length(I); returns Euclidean length of interval boxSet(B,i,I); returns box B with B[i]==I ivmatInit(m, n); returns m x n [0,0]-matrix ivmatSet(A,i,j,I); returns matrix A where A[i][j]=I unitMatrix(m); returns m x m unit matrix where 1 = [1,1] ivmatGaussian(M); computes M^(-1) using Gaussian elimination for intervals evalPolyAtBox(f,B); returns evaluation of polynomial at a box evalJacobianAtBox(A,B); jacobian matrix of A where polynomials are evaluated at B rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(I,L,e); computes boxes containing unique roots of I lying in L rootIsolation(I,B,e); slims down input box B and calls rootIsolationNoPreprocessing rootIsolationPrimdec(I,B,e); runs a primary decomposition primdecGTZ before root isoation KEYWORDS: real root isolation; interval arithmetic; Newton step "; LIB "presolve.lib"; LIB "rootsur.lib"; LIB "primdec.lib"; LIB "solve.lib"; LIB "atkins.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc mod_init() { intvec opt = option(get); option(noredefine); LIB "interval.so"; option(set,opt); if (!reservedName("ivmat")) { newstruct("ivmat", "list rows"); system("install", "ivmat", "print", ivmatPrint, 1); system("install", "ivmat", "[", ivmatGet, 2); system("install", "ivmat", "nrows", ivmatNrows, 1); system("install", "ivmat", "ncols", ivmatNcols, 1); system("install", "ivmat", "*", ivmatMultiplyGeneral, 2); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HELPER FUNCTIONS static proc floor(number a) { // a = m/n bigint m, n = bigint(numerator(a)), bigint(denominator(a)); // div for bigint seemingly works like floor return(number(m div n)); } static proc ceil(number a) { return(-floor(-a)); } // INTERVAL FUNCTIONS // helper function for assignment proc bounds(number a, list #) "USAGE: @code{bounds(a)}; @code{a number}; @* @code{bounds(a, b)}; @code{a, b number}; RETURN: interval: if @code{size(#)==0} it returns the interval @code{[a, a]}, else the interval @code{[a,#[1]]} EXAMPLE: example bounds; create two intervals" { interval I; if (size(#) == 0) { I = a; return(I); } if (size(#) == 1 && (typeof(#[1]) == "number" || typeof(#[1]) == "int")) { I = a, #[1]; return(I); } ERROR("syntax: bounds() or bounds(, )"); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x,dp; interval I = bounds(1); I; interval J = bounds(2/3,3); J; } // function defined in interval.so proc length() "USAGE: @code{length(I)}; @code{I interval} RETURN: number, the Euclidean length of the interval EXAMPLE: example length; shows an example" { } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x,dp; interval I = -1,3; length(I); I = 1/5,1/3; length(I); } // BOX FUNCTIONS proc boxSet() "USAGE: @code{boxSet(B, i, I)}; @code{B box, i int, I interval} RETURN: new box @code{C} where @code{C[i]==I} PURPOSE: modifies a single entry of a box EXAMPLE: example boxSet; shows an example" { } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y,z),dp; box B; B; B = boxSet(B, 2, bounds(-1,1)); B; B = boxSet(B, 1, B[2]); B; } static proc boxLength(box B) "USAGE: boxLength(B), B box RETURN: length/size in measure sense" { number maxLength, l = 0, 0; int n = nvars(basering); for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) { l = length(B[i]); if (maxLength < l) { maxLength = l; } } return(maxLength); } static proc boxEmptyIntervals(box B) { int N = nvars(basering); intvec z; for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { z[i] = length(B[i]) == 0; } return(z); } static proc boxCenter(box B) "USAGE: boxCenter(B); B box RETURN: box containing center elements of B" { int n = nvars(basering); list C; int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { C[i] = interval((B[i][1] + B[i][2])/2); } return(box(C)); } static proc splitBox(box B, ideal I) "USAGE: splitBox(box, I); box list of intervals, I ideal RETURN: new list of smaller boxes, such that intersection of borders does not contain zeros of I NOTE: this uses exclusion tests and Groebner bases to determine whether the intersection plane contains a root of I" { // at first split only at largest interval int imax = 1; int N = nvars(basering); for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) { if (length(B[i]) > length(B[imax])) { imax = i; } } number ratio = 1/2; number mean; box intersection; ideal Inew; while(1) { mean = ratio * B[imax][1] + (1 - ratio) * B[imax][2]; // note this works only for ideals with N generators or less intersection = evalIdealAtBox(I, boxSet(B, imax, interval(mean))); for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // check if any interval does not contain zero if (intersection[i][1]*intersection[i][2] > 0) { break; } } Inew = I + (var(imax) - mean); // check if groebner basis is trivial if (std(Inew) == 1) { break; } // else there must?/might be a zero on the intersection, so decrease ratio // slightly ratio = ratio * 15/16; } // now split boxes box boxLeft = boxSet(B, imax, bounds(B[imax][1], mean)); box boxRight = boxSet(B, imax, bounds(mean, B[imax][2])); return(boxLeft, boxRight); } static proc boxIsInterior(box A, box B) "USAGE: boxIsInterior(A, B); A, B box RETURN: 1 if A contained in int(B), else 0 EXAMPLE: example boxIsInterior; check whether A is contained in int(B)" { int N = nvars(basering); for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { if (A[i][1] <= B[i][1] || A[i][2] >= B[i][2]) { return(0); } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring R = 0,(x,y,z), lp; box A = list(bounds(1,2), bounds(2,3), bounds(1/2,7/2)); A; box B1 = list(bounds(0,5/2), bounds(1,4), bounds(0,9)); B1; boxIsInterior(A,B1); box B2 = list(bounds(2,4), bounds(1,4), bounds(0,9)); B2; boxIsInterior(A,B2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MATRIX FUNCTIONS proc ivmatInit(int numrows, int numcols) "USAGE: @code{ivmatInit(m, n)}; @code{m, n int} RETURN: @code{m}x@code{n} matrix of [0,0]-intervals PURPOSE: initialises an interval matrix with [0,0] intervals to ensure the proper structure of the @code{ivmat} type EXAMPLE: example ivmatInit; initialises an interval matrix" { ivmat A; A.rows = list(); int i, j; interval z = 0; for (i = 1; i <= numrows; i++) { A.rows[i] = list(); for (j=1; j <= numcols; j++) { A.rows[i][j] = z; } } return(A); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x(1..5),dp; ivmat A = ivmatInit(4, 5); A; } static proc ivmatNrows(ivmat M) "USAGE: nrows(M), M ivmat RETURN: number of rows of M EXAMPLE: example ivmatNrows; return number of rows" { return(size(M.rows)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x,dp; ivmat A = ivmatInit(2,3); nrows(A); } static proc ivmatNcols(ivmat M) { return(size(M.rows[1])); } static proc ivmatPrint(ivmat A) { int m = nrows(A); for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { string(A.rows[i]); } } static proc ivmatGet(ivmat A, int i) "USAGE: A[i], A ivmat, i int RETURN: list A[i] of i-th row of A" { return(A.rows[i]); } proc ivmatSet(ivmat A, int i, int j, interval I) "USAGE: @code{ivmatSet(A, i, j, I)}; @code{A ivmat, i, j, int, I interval} RETURN: interval matrix @code{A} where @code{A[i][j] == I} PURPOSE: modify a single entry of an @code{ivmat} EXAMPLE: example ivmatSet; assign values to A" { A.rows[i][j] = I; return(A); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x,dp; ivmat A = ivmatInit(2,2); A; A = ivmatSet(A, 1, 2, bounds(1, 2)); A; } static proc diagMatrix(int n, interval I) "USAGE: diagMatrix(n, I), n int, I interval RETURN: diagonal nxn-matrix E where E[i][i] == I for all 1 <= i <= n EXAMPLE: example diagMatrix; create diagonal matrix" { ivmat E = ivmatInit(n, n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { E.rows[i][i] = I; } return(E); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,x,dp; ivmat A = diagMatrix(2, bounds(1, 2)); A; } proc unitMatrix(int n) "USAGE: @code{unitMatrix(n)}; @code{n int} RETURN: @code{n}x@code{n} unit interval matrix EXAMPLE: example unitMatrix; generate a unit matrix" { return(diagMatrix(n, 1)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; unitMatrix(2); unitMatrix(3); } static proc ivmatMultiply(ivmat A, ivmat B) { int m = nrows(A); int n = ncols(B); int p = ncols(A); if (p <> nrows(B)) { ERROR("Matrices have wrong dimensions!"); } ivmat C = ivmatInit(m, n); int i, j, k; interval I; for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { I = 0; for (k = 1; k <= p; k++) { I = I + A[i][k] * B[k][j]; } C.rows[i][j] = I; } } return(C); } proc ivmatGaussian(ivmat A) "USAGE: @code{ivmatGaussian(A)}; @code{A ivmat} RETURN: 0, if @code{A} not invertible, @code{(1, Ainv)} if @code{A} invertible where @code{Ainv} is the inverse matrix PURPOSE: Inverts an interval matrix using Gaussian elimination in the setting of interval arithmetic. Pivoting is handled as a special case as @code{I/I != [1,1]} and @code{I-I != [0,0]} in general. EXAMPLE: example ivmatGaussian; inverts a matrix" { int n = nrows(A); if (n <> ncols(A)) { ERROR("Matrix non-square"); } ivmat Ainv = unitMatrix(n); list tmp; interval TMP; int i, j, pos; for (pos = 1; pos <= n; pos++) { i = pos; // get non-zero interval on diagonal while(A[i][pos][1] * A[i][pos][2] <= 0) { i++; // if no non-zero intervals exist, then matrix must be singular if (i > n) { return(0); } } if (i <> pos) { tmp = A.rows[i]; A.rows[i] = A.rows[pos]; A.rows[pos] = tmp; tmp = Ainv.rows[i]; Ainv.rows[i] = Ainv.rows[pos]; Ainv.rows[pos] = tmp; } // pivot (pos,pos) TMP = A[pos][pos]; A.rows[pos][pos] = interval(1); for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (pos <> j) { A.rows[pos][j] = A[pos][j]/TMP; } Ainv.rows[pos][j] = Ainv[pos][j]/TMP; } // clear entries above and below for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (i <> pos) { TMP = A[i][pos]; A.rows[i][pos] = interval(0); for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (j <> pos) { A.rows[i][j] = A[i][j] - A[pos][j]*TMP; } Ainv.rows[i][j] = Ainv[i][j] - Ainv[pos][j]*TMP; } } } } return(1, Ainv); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2,2x2-3xy+3y2-2; box B = list(bounds(7/8, 9/8), bounds(-1/10, 1/20)); ivmat J = evalJacobianAtBox (I, B); J; list result = ivmatGaussian(J); ivmat Jinv = result[2]; Jinv; Jinv * J; } static proc applyMatrix(ivmat A, box b) { int n = nvars(basering); if (ncols(A) <> n || nrows(A) <> n) { ERROR("Matrix has wrong dimensions"); } int i, j; list result; interval tmp; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { tmp = 0; for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { tmp = tmp + A[i][j] * b[j]; } result[i] = tmp; } return(box(result)); } static proc ivmatMultiplyGeneral(ivmat A, B) { if (typeof(B) == "ivmat") { return(ivmatMultiply(A, B)); } if (typeof(B) == "box") { return(applyMatrix(A, B)); } ERROR("Type not supported."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // POLYNOMIAL APPLICATIONS proc evalPolyAtBox() "USAGE: @code{evalPolyAtBox(f, B)}; @code{f poly, B box} RETURN: interval, evalutaion of @code{f} at @code{B} using interval arithmetic PURPOSE: computes an interval extension of the polynomial EXAMPLE: example evalPolyAtBox; shows an example" { } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; poly f = x2+y-1; box B = list(bounds(-1,1), bounds(1,3)/2); interval I = evalPolyAtBox(f, B); I; } proc evalJacobianAtBox(ideal I, box B) "USAGE: @code{evalJacobianAtBox(I, B)}; @code{I ideal, B box} RETURN: Jacobian matrix of @code{I} where polynomials are evaluated at @code{B} PURPOSE: evaluates each polynomial of the Jacobian matrix of @code{I} using interval arithmetic EXAMPLE: example evalJacobianAtBox; evaluate Jacobian at box" { matrix J = jacob(I); int m = nrows(J); int n = ncols(J); ivmat M = ivmatInit(m, n); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) { for (j = 1; j <=n ; j++) { M.rows[i][j] = evalPolyAtBox(J[i,j], B); } } return(M); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2, 2x2-3xy+3y2-2; interval J = bounds(-1,1); evalJacobianAtBox(I, list(J,J)); } static proc testPolyBox(ideal I, box B) "USAGE: testPolyBox(I, B); I ideal, B box RETURN: list(int, box): -1, if ideal has no zeros in given box, 1, if unique zero in given box, 0, if test is inconclusive; box is intersection of Newton step and supplied box if applicable NOTE: rounding is performed on fractions obtained by matrix inversion to prevent the size of denominators and numerators from increasing dramatically EXAMPLE: example testPolyBox; tests the above for intersection of ellipses." { int N = nvars(basering); int isreal = find(charstr(basering), "Float("); int i; interval tmp; number lo, up, m, n; for (i = 1; i <= ncols(I); i++) { tmp = evalPolyAtBox(I[i], B); // check if 0 contained in every interval // return -1 if not if (tmp[1]*tmp[2] > 0) { return(-1, B); } } // this is always the case in our applications if (ncols(I) == N) { // calculate center as box of intervals instead of numbers so we may reuse // other procedures box Bcenter = boxCenter(B); ivmat J = evalJacobianAtBox(I, B); list inverse = ivmatGaussian(J); // only continue if J is invertible, i.e. J contains no singular matrix if (!inverse[1]) { return(0, B); } ivmat Jinverse = inverse[2]; // calculate Bcenter - f(B)^(-1)f(Bcenter) box fB = evalIdealAtBox(I, Bcenter); fB = Bcenter - (Jinverse * fB); // algorithm will not process box further, so do not modify int laststep = boxIsInterior(fB, B); // else intersection is empty or non-trivial def bInt = intersect(B, fB); // if intersection is empty bInt == -1 if (typeof(bInt) == "int") { return(-1, B); } // if Newton step is a single point it is a root if (boxLength(fB) == 0) { return(1,fB); } if (isreal) { // fraction simplification over real basering is pointless B = bInt; } else { // attempt simplification of fractions list bb; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { lo = B[i][1]; up = B[i][2]; // modify numerators of B to tighten box if (lo < bInt[i][1]) { n = denominator(lo); lo = floor(bInt[i][1]*n)/n; } if (up > bInt[i][2]) { n = denominator(up); up = ceil(bInt[i][2]*n)/n; } // make sure box does not grow if (lo >= B[i][1] && up <= B[i][2]) { bb[i] = bounds(lo, up); } else { bb[i] = bInt[i]; } } B = bb; } if (laststep) { return(1, B); } } // no condition could be verified return(0, B); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2, 2x2-3xy+3y2-2; interval unit = bounds(0, 1); // there may be common zeros in [0,1]x[0,1] testPolyBox(I, list(unit, unit)); // there are no common zeros in [0,0.5]x[0,0.5] testPolyBox(I, list(unit/2, unit/2)); } static proc evalIdealAtBox(ideal I, box B) "USAGE: evalIdealAtBox(I, B); I ideal, B box; ASSUME: ncols(I) <= nvars(basering), as boxes have exactly nvars(basering) entries RETURN: box which results from evaluating each polynomial in I at B EXAMPLE: example evalIdealAtBox; evaluates an ideal at a box" { list resu; for (int j = 1; j <= size(I); j++) { resu[j] = evalPolyAtBox(I[j], B); } return(box(resu)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; interval I1 = bounds(0, 1); I1; interval I2 = bounds(0, 1); I2; poly f = xy2 + 2x2 + (3/2)*y3x + 1; poly g = 3x2 + 2y; ideal I = f,g; list intervals = I1,I2; evalIdealAtBox(I, intervals); } // construct box in subring that contains var(i) iff u[i]==0 static proc boxProjection(box B, intvec v) { box new; int i, j = 1, 1; for (i = 1; i <= size(v); i++) { if (v[i] == 0) { new = boxSet(new, j, B[i]); j++; } } return(new); } // construct box from box in subring, replacing entries corresponding to // variables that also exist in subring static proc boxEmbedding(box B, box Bproj, intvec v) { int N = nvars(basering); int i, j = 1, 1; for (i = 1; i<= N; i++) { if (v[i] == 0) { B = boxSet(B, i, Bproj[j]); j++; } } return(B); } // use laguerre solver for univariate case static proc solveunivar(poly f) { def R1 = basering; ring R = (real,30,i),x,dp; poly f = fetch(R1,f); int i,j,k; int epsilon=12; int tst; while (tst==0) { if (epsilon>29){ERROR("Precision not sufficient");} setring R; list r = laguerre_solve(f,epsilon); list r1; for(j = 1;j<=size(r);j++) { if(impart(r[j])==0) { number rj =r[j]; if (rj<>0){rj=round(rj*number(10)^epsilon);} r1 = insert(r1,string(imap(R,rj))); kill rj; } } kill r; k = size(r1); setring R1; list r2; for(i=1; i<=k;i++) { execute("number m ="+r1[i]); m=m/(number(10)^epsilon); r2 = insert(r2,m); kill m; } number t = (number(10)^epsilon)^(-1); tst=1; for (j=1;j<=k;j++) { if (sturm(f,r2[j]-t,r2[j]+t)>1){tst=0;break;}; } epsilon++; } list iv; for (i=1; i<=size(r2);i++) { number lo = r2[i]-t; number hi = r2[i]+t; iv[i]=bounds(lo,hi); kill lo,hi; } return(iv); } proc rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(ideal I, list start, number eps) "USAGE: @code{rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(I, B, eps)}; @code{I ideal, B list of boxes, eps number}; ASSUME: @code{I} is a zero-dimensional radical ideal RETURN: @code{(L1, L2)}, where @code{L1} contains boxes smaller than eps which may contain an element of V(@code{I}), i.e. a root and @code{L2} contains boxes which contain exactly one element of V(@code{I}) PURPOSE: Given input box(es) @code{start} we try to find all roots of @code{I} lying in @code{start} by computing boxes that contain exactly one root. If @code{eps} > 0 then boxes that become smaller than @code{eps} will be returned. THEORY: We first check for every box if it contains no roots by interval arithmetic. If this is inconclusive we apply the Newton step which, as outlined in [2] and [3], converges to a root lying in the starting box. If the result of the Newton step is already contained in the interior of the starting box, it contains a unique root. NOTE: While @code{rootIsolation} does, @code{rootIsolationNoPreprocessing} does not check input ideal for necessary conditions. EXAMPLE: example rootIsolationNoPreprocessing; exclusion test for intersection of two ellipses" { int i; if (nvars(basering)==1) { list iv = solveunivar(I[1]); list bo; for (i=1; i<=size(iv);i++) { bo[i] = box(list(iv[i])); } return(list(),bo); } // set of boxes smaller than eps list lBoxesSize; // set of boxes which exactly contain one solution list lBoxesUnique; // set of boxes initialised to input list lBoxes = start; //help set of boxes list lBoxesHelp; int j, s, cnt; int zeroTest; int N = nvars(basering); intvec empty; def rSource = basering; list lSubstBoxesSize, lSubstBoxesUnique; ideal Isubst; string rSubstString; while (size(lBoxes) <> 0) { // lBoxesHelp is empty set lBoxesHelp = list(); s = 0; for (i=1; i<=size(lBoxes); i++) { //case that maybe there is a root in the box zeroTest, lBoxes[i] = testPolyBox(I,lBoxes[i]); if (zeroTest == 1) { lBoxesUnique[size(lBoxesUnique)+1] = lBoxes[i]; } if (zeroTest == 0) { // check for empty interior empty = boxEmptyIntervals(lBoxes[i]); // check if at least one interval is single number if (max(empty[1..N])) { // If the box lBoxes[i] contains singleton intervals, i.e. single // numbers, we substitute the corresponding ring variables with these // numbers and pass to the subring where these variables have been // removed. // As rootIsolation now accpets ideals with arbitrary generators we // compute the zeros of the substituion ideal and reassemble the // boxes afterwards. // // This is probably overkill. Isubst = I; // name ring rSubst(voice) to avoid name conflicts if // we (unlikely) enter another level of recursion rSubstString = "ring rSubst(" + string(voice) + ") = 0,("; for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { if (empty[j]) { Isubst = subst(Isubst, var(j), lBoxes[i][j][1]); } else { rSubstString = rSubstString + varstr(j) + ","; } } rSubstString = string(rSubstString[1..(size(rSubstString)-1)]) + "),dp;"; dbprint("passing to subring"); execute(rSubstString); ideal Isubst = imap(rSource, Isubst); number eps = imap(rSource, eps); lSubstBoxesSize, lSubstBoxesUnique = rootIsolation(Isubst, boxProjection(lBoxes[i], empty), eps); setring rSource; for (j = 1; j <= size(lSubstBoxesSize); j++) { lSubstBoxesSize[j] = boxEmbedding(lBoxes[i], lSubstBoxesSize[j], empty); } lBoxesSize = lBoxesSize + lSubstBoxesSize; for (j = 1; j <= size(lSubstBoxesUnique); j++) { lSubstBoxesUnique[j] = boxEmbedding(lBoxes[i], lSubstBoxesUnique[j], empty); } lBoxesUnique = lBoxesUnique + lSubstBoxesUnique; kill rSubst(voice); } else { // remove boxes smaller than limit eps if (boxLength(lBoxes[i]) < eps) { lBoxesSize[size(lBoxesSize)+1] = lBoxes[i]; } else { // else split the box and put the smaller boxes to lBoxesHelp lBoxesHelp[s+1..s+2] = splitBox(lBoxes[i], I); s = s+2; } } } } cnt++; dbprint(string("[", cnt, "] ", s, " boxes")); lBoxes = lBoxesHelp; } return(lBoxesSize, lBoxesUnique); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2,2x2-3xy+3y2-2; // V(I) has four elements interval i = bounds(-3/2,3/2); box B = list(i, i); list result = rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(I, list(B), 1/512); size(result[1]); size(result[2]); result; } // this takes a triangular decomposition of an ideal and applies rootIsolation // to all the ideals in the list and checks afterwards if the found boxes // intersect. static proc rootIsolationTriangL(list T, #) { int n = size(T); int i; list lBoxesUnique, lBoxesSize, lRoots; def bInt; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { lRoots = rootIsolation(T[i], #); // since we don't know anything about boxes in the first list just put them // together lBoxesSize = lBoxesSize + lRoots[1]; lBoxesUnique = lBoxesUnique + lRoots[2]; } return(lBoxesSize, lBoxesUnique); } proc rootIsolationPrimdec(ideal I) "USAGE: @code{rootIsolationPrimdec(I)}; @code{I ideal} ASSUME: @code{I} is a zero-dimensional radical ideal RETURN: @code{L}, where @code{L} contains boxes which contain exactly one element of V(@code{I}) PURPOSE: same as @code{rootIsolation}, but speeds up computation and improves output by doing a primary decomposition before doing the root isolation THEORY: For the primary decomposition we use the algorithm of Gianni-Traeger-Zarcharias. NOTE: This algorithm and some procedures used therein perform Groebner basis computations in @code{basering}. It is thus advised to define @code{I} w.r.t. a fast monomial ordering. @* EXAMPLE: example rootIsolationPrimdec; for intersection of two ellipses" { def R = basering; int n = nvars(R); I=radical(I); list dc = primdecGTZ(I); list sols,va,dci,ri,RL,RLi; int i,j,l; ideal idi; interval ii; RL = ringlist(R); for (i = 1; i<=size(dc);i++) { dci = elimpart(dc[i][1]); idi = dci[1]; list keepvar,delvar; for (j=1; j<=n;j++) { if ((dci[4][j]!=0) or (deg(dci[5][j])>0)) { keepvar[size(keepvar)+1] = j; } else { delvar[size(delvar)+1] = j; } if ((dci[4][j]==0) and (deg(dci[5][j])>0)) { idi = idi + ideal(var(j)-dci[5][j]); } } RLi = RL; if (size(delvar)>0) { RLi[2]=deleteSublist(intvec(delvar[1..size(delvar)]),RLi[2]); RLi[3]=list(list("dp",intvec(1:size(keepvar))),list("C",0)); } if (size(keepvar)>0) { def Ri = ring(RLi); setring Ri; ideal idi=imap(R,idi); ri = rootIsolation(idi); setring R; kill Ri; list ivlist; for (l=1;l<=size(ri[2]);l++) { for (j=1; j<=size(keepvar); j++) { ivlist[keepvar[j]]=ri[2][l][j]; } for (j=1; j<=size(delvar); j++) { ii = bounds(number(dci[5][delvar[j]])); ivlist[delvar[j]]=ii; } sols[size(sols)+1]=box(ivlist); } } else { list ivlist; for (j=1; j<=size(delvar); j++) { ii = bounds(number(dci[5][delvar[j]])); ivlist[delvar[j]]=ii; } sols[size(sols)+1]=box(ivlist); } kill keepvar,delvar,ivlist; } return(sols); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2,2x2-3xy+3y2-2; // V(I) has four elements list result = rootIsolationPrimdec(I); result; } proc rootIsolation(ideal I, list #) "USAGE: @code{rootIsolation(I, [start, eps])}; @code{I ideal, start box, eps number} ASSUME: @code{I} is a zero-dimensional radical ideal RETURN: @code{(L1, L2)}, where @code{L1} contains boxes smaller than eps which may contain an element of V(@code{I}), i.e. a root and @code{L2} contains boxes which contain exactly one element of V(@code{I}) PURPOSE: same as @code{rootIsolationNoPreprocessing}, but speeds up computation by preprocessing starting box THEORY: As every root of @code{I} is a root of the polynomials @code{I[i]}, we use Groebner elimination to find univariate polynomials for every variable which have these roots as well. Using that @code{I} is zero-dimensional these Groebner bases may be quickly computed using FGLM. Applying root isolation to these univariate polynomials then provides smaller starting boxes which speed up computations in the multivariate case. NOTE: This algorithm and some procedures used therein perform Groebner basis computations in @code{basering}. It is thus advised to define @code{I} w.r.t. a fast monomial ordering. @* The algorithm performs checks on @code{I} to prevent errors. If @code{I} does not have the right number of generators, we first try to find a suitable Groebner basis. If this fails we apply the algorithm to the triangular decomposition of @code{I}. EXAMPLE: example rootIsolation; for intersection of two ellipses" { dbprint("Start rootisolation"); int N = nvars(basering); int i, j, k, l; int genNumIndex = 0; // input parameter check int determinebox; if (size(#)==0) { determinebox = 1; number eps = 0; } if (size(#)==1) { if (typeof(#[1])=="box") { box start = #[1]; number eps = 0; } if (typeof(#[1])=="number") { number eps = #[1]; determinebox = 1; } if ((typeof(#[1])!="box") and (typeof(#[1])!="number")) { ERROR("second argument should be a box or a number"); } } if (size(#)==2) { if (typeof(#[1])!="box") { ERROR("second argument should be a box"); } if (typeof(#[2])!="number") { ERROR("third argument should be a number"); } box start = #[1]; number eps = #[2]; } if (size(#)>2) { ERROR("too many arguments"); } // compute reduced GB in (hopefully) fast ordering option(redSB); ideal fastGB = groebner(I); if (dim(fastGB) > 0) { ERROR("rootIsolation: ideal not zero-dimensional"); } ideal rad = radical(fastGB); // since fastGB is contained in rad we only need to test one inclusion size // counts only non-zero entries if (size(reduce(rad, fastGB)) > 0) { "Warning: ideal not radical, passing to radical."; I = rad; fastGB = groebner(I); } // create lp-rings ring rSource = basering; list rList = ringlist(rSource); // set ordering to lp rList[3] = list( list( "lp", 1:N ), list( "C", 0 ) ); // save variable order for later list varstrs = rList[2]; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // permute variables in ringlist, create and switch to ring with // elimination ordering rList[2][i] = varstrs[N]; rList[2][N] = varstrs[i]; def rElimOrd(i) = ring(rList); setring rElimOrd(i); // get GB in elimination ordering, note that GB[1] only depends on var(i) // of rSource, which is var(N) in rElimOrd(i) ideal GB = fglm(rSource, fastGB); if (size(GB) == N) { genNumIndex = i; } setring rSource; rList[2] = varstrs; } if (N <> ncols(I)) { if (genNumIndex > 0) { // If elements of V(I) have pairwise distinct xj coordinates for some // variable xj, then the reduced Groebner basis w.r.t. the monomial // ordering where xj is smaller than all other variables has exactly // nvars(basering) generators, see [2]. // As we compute all these Groebner bases anyway we can replace the input // ideal with a proper generator set if necessary. I = imap(rElimOrd(genNumIndex), GB); dbprint("Replaced ideal with suitable reduced Groebner basis."); } else { // the ideals in a triangular decomposition always satisfy the conditions // on I, so we apply rootIsolation to them as a last resort // note that zero-dimensional ideals can always be generated by // nvars(basering) polynomials, however the way of computing these // generators is currently not known to the authors setring rElimOrd(N); list T = triangL(GB); setring rSource; list T = imap(rElimOrd(N), T); // kill elimination rings to avoid name conflicts in rootIsolation called // later for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { kill rElimOrd(i); } dbprint("Applying rootIsolation to triangular decomposition."); return(rootIsolationTriangL(T, #)); } } // need at least two variables if (N < 2) { if (determinebox) { number mx = maxabs(fastGB[1]); box start = list(bounds(-mx, mx)); } return(rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(I, list(start), eps)); } // need nvars(basering) generators from here on rList = ringlist(rSource); // first construct univariate ring int numords = size(rList[3]); // remove all but first variables rList[2] = list(rList[2][1]); // change ordering accordingly (keep last block) rList[3] = list( list(rList[3][1][1], intvec(1)), rList[3][numords] ); // construct and switch to univariate ring def rUnivar = ring(rList); setring rUnivar; // some necessary variables ideal gbUnivar; // maps var(N) in rElimOrd(i) to var(1) in rUnivar intvec varmap = (0:(N-1)),1; number eps = fetch(rSource, eps); list univarResult, startBoxesPerDim; intvec sizes, repCount = 0:N, 1:N; int numBoxes = 1; number lo, up; number mx; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { dbprint("variable ",i); setring rElimOrd(i); // throw out non-univariate polys GB = GB[1]; setring rUnivar; gbUnivar = fetch(rElimOrd(i), GB, varmap); // clean up ring and its elements kill rElimOrd(i); // check if there are roots on the bounds of start[i] // (very easy in univariate case) if (determinebox) { dbprint("univariate GB", gbUnivar,laguerre_solve(gbUnivar[1],5)); mx = maxabs(std(gbUnivar)[1]); dbprint("maxabs ",mx); lo, up = -mx, mx; } else { lo, up = start[i][1], start[i][2]; } // move bounds if they are a root of the polynomial while(subst(gbUnivar[1], var(1), lo) == 0) { lo = lo - 1; } while(subst(gbUnivar[1], var(1), up) == 0) { up = up + 1; } // get boxes containing roots of univariate polynomial univarResult = rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(gbUnivar, list(box(list(bounds(lo, up)))), eps); // maybe result[1] is not empty, so take both startBoxesPerDim[i] = univarResult[1] + univarResult[2]; // debug: dbprint(string("Sieved variable ", varstrs[i], " to ", size(startBoxesPerDim[i]), " intervals.")); sizes[i] = size(startBoxesPerDim[i]); numBoxes = numBoxes * sizes[i]; // stop early if one variable already has no roots if (numBoxes == 0) { dbprint("No roots exist for input. Stopping."); return(list(), list()); } } setring rSource; for (i = N-1; i >= 1; i--) { repCount[i] = repCount[i+1] * sizes[i+1]; } list startBoxes, sbTemp; // prepare a list of lists for (i = 1; i <= numBoxes; i++) { sbTemp[i] = list(); } // computes "cartesian product" of found boxes to lift to N variables for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // full loop of elements for (j = 0; j < numBoxes; j = j + sizes[i]*repCount[i]) { // boxes for (k = 0; k < sizes[i]; k++) { // repetions for (l = 1; l <= repCount[i]; l++) { // last index since we need interval in one-dimensional box sbTemp[j+k*repCount[i]+l][i] = startBoxesPerDim[i][k+1][1]; } } } } // since we're back in rSource box(...) will return box of proper size for (i = 1; i <= size(sbTemp); i++) { startBoxes[i] = box(sbTemp[i]); } // can be optimized return(rootIsolationNoPreprocessing(I, startBoxes, eps)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; ideal I = 2x2-xy+2y2-2,2x2-3xy+3y2-2; // V(I) has four elements interval i = bounds(-3/2,3/2); box B = list(i, i); list result = rootIsolation(I, B); result; } // vim: ft=singular